Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 24, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Agents for Butterick Pattern's, Onyx Hosiery, W. B. Corsets, Munsing Underwear
Summer Clearance Prices on
Women's and Misses
Ready-to -Wear
Women's Wool Suits I Entire V D.,."
Women's Silk Suits Stock lTlCe
Attractive Prices on Sport Togs, Middie Blouses, Skirts, Waists, etc.
All Around Town
"T. Stone's Dnig Store for trusses.
Daily Between
Salem, Stayton, Mill City and all wy
Points. Leaves Will City 6:15 a. n.;
Stayton 7:45, Salem, 9:15.
Return, leaves Salem 4:30 p. m
dtayton 5:45; Mill City 7:20.
Phone 13
New Showing
Boy's Wash
The boys' section has received
a new shipment of splendid
Wash Suits for the little fellows
a variety of neat styles and
serviceable colors in percales and
galatea cloth. Bring the boy to
us and we will "suit" him to the
entire satisfaction of all con
cern. Sizes 2 to 8 years, price
?U8 to $1.89
Our No. 801 str
Wednesday Surprise
A Sale of "Lynaf Hat Linings Ouly 10c Each
A new creation a lining ready made to place in
your hats with adjustable head size so that it makes
the hat fit correctly. Reline your hat with these for
almost nothing; may be had in black or white; extra
special for next Wednesday QC acJj
See the window display. Sale starts at 8::0.
1 V
June 24. Moose day in Salem.
On account of the repairs now being
made on the Central Congregation
church, Nineteenth and Ferry streets,
there will be no Sunday sehuul tomor
row and probably no services July 2.
Jtinn 23. (brmnn Lutheran
church picnic at State Fair
June 2b' Close of voting con
test for (Jueen of Cherry Fair,
9 a. m.
June 2S. Meeting of Salem
Patriotic League, 2 p. m.
July 3 All-Oregon Grange ral
ly, Salem.
July 3. Annual Cherry fair.
July 4. Fourth of July cele
bration. State Fair grounds.
July 4. Indiana society annual
picnic at Mate Fair grounds.
July 12-18. Salem Chautauqua.
July 1!). Monthly meeting of
Commercial club.
July 20. Wisconsin society re
union at State fair grounds.
July 20. Southern Pacific rail
way men's picnic, (state Fair
A new 7
; parlies at
passenger car for pleasure i
anv time. Salem Taxi Co. i 'f
: Phone 7w,
se .
i ed loose in the way of buying ice e renin
July 1. Notice to tliis effect has been
: sent out by Corporation Commissioner
Schuhleriunn in order that firms may
escape the penalty for laxity in remit-
' o
1 I will ship hogs again Tuesday night
7.."(l or better per hundred. . W.
'Kyre, phone 220ii-M.
Ralph W. Coffin, formerly night
operator at the Western Union office,
$ but now a I. S. soldier, today infonn-
l ed Snlein friends that he has been trans-
ferred to the signal corps at Clackamas.
In his capacity he will be exempt from
drill 'and guard duty.
5jC !jc ?J( C
The Korean Restaurant
is now opened in our new loca
tion at 110 1-2 Com'l street.
Everything new and clean. All
kinds of Chinese and Spanish
dishes. Tav us a visit."
Cars of any kind for any pkee
at any time.
Office, Bligh Hotel
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, flu glasse
.js correctly. U. S. Bank. Bid,;.
Join the crowd to Clackamas, leave
tomorrow at 7:00 n. in. Kappha.iu
Transfer Co. I'hone C tor reservations,
Special Sale of Women's Summer Vests 3 for 50c
Here are light, cool, ribbed Vests especially
fashioned for stout people a new, attractive
style that will appeal to all women. Extra special
value 3 Vests for 50c
A Special Sale of Pictures (Second Floor)
Reproductions of famous oil paintings many
subjects reproduced in natural colors, rich gilt
frames all ready to hang on the wall. Lovers of
art will be interested in these special offerings.
One Lot at 69c each. Another Lot at 98c Each
(See the window display.)
In addition to the list already pub-
jlished, of those who mill aid in the baby
parade or the Cherry lair, Miss Lliza
beth Lord has appointed Mrs. Kollin
K. Page and Hiss Margaret Co-spor.
Plans will be made whereby those en
tering in certain classes will form on
certain streets. These plans will be
published next week.
We always have a large stock of
i ' 'new and second hand furniture at plie-
f A special meeting of the city council es to fit any purse. K. L. Stiff & Son.
! will he held Monday night at which a o
'number of matters oecuying the ntteu- W. C. T. U. Bev. Florence Boyd will
;tion of the street committee will be bring the message at the 4, o'clock
submitted for consideration. meeting Kainp memorial hall Sunday.
o - An invitation is extended to all.
Sixth and Kverett streets, Port
land, Ore., 4 blocks from I'nion
Station. I'ndcr new manage
ment. All looms newly deco
Hates: ."me, 7"c. if, rS 1 .."ill per day
lVTmrnr TTnrlAV fl Whita nnrl fninllv
who have been eoniping for the past
two weeks on the ilcKenzie, are ex
pected to arrive home tomorrow after
noon. o ,
jjance at Aumsville tonight, good
floor and music. !
Salem's Big
Red, White and
Blue Bunting
Priced 5c a yard
and 6 l-4c a yd.
iJance at Broods Saturday night
June 24th. .Music Salem orchestra.
Late this afternoon it was decided to
run two trucks to Clackamas tomor
row. The first will start from the of-
Business in the baby pa cade of the j
Cherry fair is picking up. Airs. W. H.I
Daucy, chairman of the baby parade, !
announces the 'following additional en- !
tries today: Mrs. K. H. Kyley, of 187
-Miller street, eight butterfly girls. They I
will compete for the prize offered for
fiee of the Larmor Transfer company at j. Mrs. M. rv
h o'clock and thcond one hour later. , fl bny. A
.leinpruve. ot rne i iirnei- rimo n i...
Our prices are right, no reduction and girl, competing for the pony' award,
scessary. Gardner & Keene, jewelers 0
j and opticians.
i Earl Kirkpatrick, formerly principal
I of the Salem high school, but now
; connected with the University of Oro
1 gon, will deliver an address today at
i the Farmers' week celebration in Me-
.Minnville. He will speak on the social
problems of the rural community.
j When you plan that outing come to j
us for tenis, wagon covers, cauip stoves'
camp chairs, etc. K. T,. Stiff & Son. j
After getting away with the chicken i
dinner at McMinnville mid greeting
their friends in that citv. P. K. Crnber i
P. !:. Pullerton, William H. (inlilsdorf
Hay (4rant, Paul Stege an. I 'red K
r . .1 . . . . .i .
.ii.ingin urove. 10 i lacxnmnx and eniov
While others are reducing we are H1 a S0l'ial ,."n,r "IC Ik's '" '""'l'-
N'otiee is hereby given that (lie
foonty superintendent of Marion coun
ty, Oregon, will hold the regular ex
amination of applicants for stale cer
tificates ut the Salem high school( as
folhiwn: Commencing Wednesday, June
2.H, mm, nt 9 o'clock u, m., and contin
uing until Saturday, July 1, llllii, at 4
o'clock p. m.
Wednesday Forenoon
Writing (penmanship), music, J. S.
bintory, drawing.
Wednesday Afternoon
Heading, physiology, niiinual train
ing, TOniposifion, domcsit'ic science,
methods in reading, course of study
for drawing, methods in arithmetic:.
Thursday Forenoon
Arithmetic, history of oducntion,
psychology, r.ietiiods in geography,
mechanical drawing, domestic art,
course of study for domestic art.
Thursday Afternoon
C, ni in mar, geography, stenography,
American literature, physics, typewrit
ing, methods in language thesis for
primary certificate, education science
Friday Forenoon
Theory and prnctice, orthography,
physicul geography, Knglish literature
chemistry, education history of. phys
ical culture
Charles H. Glos of Corvallis, deputy
Friday Afternoon
School law, geology, algebra, civil supreme dictator of the Moose Lodge I
government, education childiiood and in Oregon, is in the' city, ready for
tiie great tcstivities at the Moose hall
Amw, .
The appclizinK, life-givinpr, nourishing qualities of
juur ureaa wm prove a flour's merit. It s the one
0 wav to tell. Orrifr
Saturday Forenoon
(icometry, botany, education school
Saturday Afternoon
Oeneral history, bookkeeping, edu
cation methods
.1 lino 17-21 County School Sup't.
The ladies of the Salem Patriotic
League by working hard this morning
have almost completed the comfort kits
for the boys nt Clnckainns, but they
have found themselves short on scissors.
There are plenty of scissors to be had,
; but tho kind that goes lu a comfort kit
must be with blunt points, about four
, inches long. Xow if anyone feds nt all
I patriotic, and wishes to assist the 1ml
: ies, send a pair of the blunt pointed
scissors to Mrs. W. A. Asseln, 542 North
..oe,.y smccr. i-m lid incin mis even- tax limitation amendnient is honor eir
i ... .. ... i. n :...: i, i. . i.i . , . - "
in,.- jh niu in- aoiHiuoeu ui-
increasing our stock. There s a rea
son t ask us. Gardner & Keene, jewel
ers and opticians.
The attorney general has held that
deputy fish wardens are available for
work in the game department. The
woik in this department is conducted
bv a fish and game
this evening. Mr. (ilos is thinking of
other things besides the welfare of the
Moose, as his son Carl F. (Ilos is one
of the boys at. Clackamas. There has
been five generations of fighters in the
(ilos ianiily and according to Mr. (Ilos, 1 n(Hir Hlll music
there was no other plnce tor his son o
when the call enme to arms. Within a few weeks some hundreds
o of men will ne patrolling tlietorcsts ot
major cane ADrains has tendered his
resignation as state industrial accident
hveryhody is teelinir fine ncconlim' to
their report and the boy kept prettv
busy from the 0 o'clock morning cnil
until U o'clock p. m.
Dr. F. H. Thompson will return a
bout .Inly 1st from New Vork where
he has been attending special clinic
ominission and "' lv,' "so and throat. The doc
tor will limit his practice to that field
He couldn't see a thini;
if you placed it right un
der his nose.
Familiar saying.
If YOUR sight is
THAT defective, get
glasses. Get them from
us and with them Serv
ice that makes . our
glasses the better.
Miss A. KcCuHoch,
208-9 Hubbard Bid?.,
Phone 109
oinmissioner but the resignation will
not be ncted on until it is certain that
-Major Abrains will go to the front,
according to iiiforinution received here.
Within a short time after Compnny M
had I'eceivel mobili.ation orders a man
telephoned Mr. Abrains and asked if he
could not have the major's job at the
state house while the latter was away.
The initiative petition for state-wide
Try Oardtal Journal Want Adu.
Trevino, Who Threatened Pershin?.
Is Personal Friend of Carranza
deputies are responsible to the com
mission which deals with no one phase 1 worl.
to the exclusion of the other. I o
. o I Don't forget baseball game Sunday.
Dance at Aumsville tonight, good Baseball game Sunday. League grounds
salem Motorcycle club. Liberty. Ad
mission 2oc.
The Hayesville District Sunday
the state. Most of the district fire School convention will be held at the
wardens of the state forestry depart- (Juinaby camp grounds tomorrow. As
ment are already in the field anil the part of the morning program. Burgess
employes of private corporations as- F. Ford will deliver an address on
signed to this branch of the work are "Teachers and Training," and Oscar B.
preparing to start out. Cingrich on "The Social Life and the
o Sunday School." During the afternoon
Dr. R. T. Mclntire, physician and -Miss Hoberta Morton will speak on
surgeon. 214 .Masonic lildg. Phone 4 HI. "Demonstration of Teaching Teen Age
o Classes," and Will S. Hale on "Why
The West Salem baseball players will Boys Cm Wrong."
go to Perrvdale tomorrow to play the o
champions of Polk and Yamhill conn-. Don't overlook us when you want').
ties. Hie 1 errydale hoys nave won L'4 ngures on lumner and liuilders sup-I
ulnted today, under the auspices of thr! out of 2.) games. The West, Salem plies, l ulls I ity-Snlem Lumber Co.,:
state taxpayers league. It is expected players hope seeral ot their tneiids .Hi' s. i.tn. riione Ml.
who arc louu rooters win accompany o-
them, just in the way of moral support. 1 The annual camp meeting of the Uui-1
0 i ted Kvnngelicnl church will be held this
Dr. Stone makes no charge for con- year at the tjuinaby camp grounds from !
sulcatum, examination or prescription, duly 23 to August ii. The Keystone I
0 League of Christian Kiulenvor will meet
Don Belding, of Eugene, will arrive at the grounds July 2) and 2t; the Wo-1
in the citv tomorrow to hold down the man's Home and Foreign Missionary so-
key of It. W. Coffin ut the Western eiety will meet July i'7, and the Bible
1'iiion telegraph office. Mr. Coffin conference is dated for July 20 and 2!l.
preferred the pomp and glory of a mill- The executive committee, ii. charge of
tnry life on the border to that o'f hold- the various meetings is composed of
ing down a key in the Western Union Kev. C. C. Poling, of Corvallis; Rev. s.
office and is now with the boys nt s. Mumey, of Salem; Key. (.;. L. T.ovetl.
Clackamas. .pastor ot the Salem Kvangelical church
boys, to be sent them within a few days.
The Kev. James Klvin of the Congrega
tional church and the Kev. F. T. Poller
of the Firsts Christian church left th;
morning with 150 testaments for Com
pany M.
W. H. Farr of Minneapolis bought
Ihe A. L. Uider farm north of the city
a few days ago, mid will take posses
sion with his fain'ly within a few
days. Mr. I'mr was here about tour
years ago and was not snivfied until
he got back.
-tlie Eye;
j lliut Marion county will contribute fully
i 2. lillO signatures.
If '
Ford Owners, Save $ on Your Fuel
Equip your machine with Via's DisHI
late Burner. Get twenty-five miles to the
gallon of distillate. Cut your operating
expenses in half.
Installed by VICK BROS.
Salem, Oregon
Patent Applied for IJenjs. S. Via.
C A ihY f'
I - T y rJ.uiiiuruA 1
: mm u
.... 1 A i"C'htr J" .V .v' 1 I
Uu- aE : I
IN MtliCC- !
Dr. L. ff. Altman, homeopathic phy
sician, 2!Hi N. Liberty. Phone 147,
'lne governor of Oregon, as commin
deidn chief of the military forces, lias
the power to appoint a temporary ad
jutant general in case Adjutant (ieuer
nl White is called out of the state with
the troops. This is the opinion of At
torney (leneral Blown in reply to n
query from Secretary of State Olcott.
Such appointment is to lie made upon
J. ti. Hums and (1. H. Stover, of S:ilcn
rural route eight.
The window of the soul-
Most precious gift to num.
As the bus'- years of life go by
Preserve it while you can.
lo no t'oigei that, during the ab
sence of Doctor .Mendelsohn. ;i well
nown ii n.l experienced doctor of unt
ies will take his place. Dr. Mende lsohn
guarantees his work for a year, wheth
er done nv himself or in his office by
Dr. Copelnnd. Len-es replaced and
frames fitted while von wait. 210-211
f. S. Nat'l Hank bldg.
The Corvallis and Oregon City hands)
were unable to till their engagement
to be present this evening for the
Moose celebration. The band ninnngcrs
were willing, but the roll call showed
I so many of their musicians in tlm
khaki uniform nt Clackamas, th.-il
, neither of the bunds could make ;
creditable show iug.
: Here is a good luck and a hard luri
.story combined. T. M. Scott of llOo
j I'airiiioiint street held the lucky ticket. '
; that entitled him to n .." pair of oc
Hut he is not wearing the shoes, as his
jwife happened along abo.it that tinio
, and there wn- a. family conference.
Mr. S.-ott is a generous and gallant
i mini and naturally his wife got tho
ticket and the shoes, too.
the recommendation ot the
stntf, according to the law.
general ,nnf 24,
Sealed bids will be received by the
iiiiiler-igned until Friday, July 7. at
2:iK n clock, p. in., lor the delivery of
one hundred twenty-five (12o) cords
ot' large second eTow;th fir wood to ne
delivered- before October 1. I SI Hi. The
court reserves Ihe right to reject any: o
or all bids. MAX fTKH 1.11 AK. ' : The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Spanifh
ouniy i lerk. War Veterans have designated Friday,
r V
I - ri, .! tit- V &il
1 i.lone :iil lis the dav to ruisc t'mol foi
0 1 patriotic purposes. On this dav a nuni-
The largest crowd that ever assenih-: i ier of stoi.is in S-ili.m Lni-.i ,iti-.....I f.i
Trade in that old stove as part pay- led in Willson park attended the band I give a certain j'r cent of their sab s
ment on one of our new Orbon He concert last night, not only to enjoy ' to this organization. Among those who
Luxe the best guaranteed range on tho the music but to aid th use who are have made this generous offer are the
market. E. L. Stiff & Son. j raising funds for the boys. The Salem ; following: Barnes Cash store, W. W.
o I Patriotic League, assisted by all the i Moore furniture store. J. C. perry drn"
The committee having In charge the lodges ot- the city sold ice cream and 1st,, re. the Price shoe store, Hrii-k' Bros
automobile parade for the Cherry fair confections, netting the sum of 3. In and BiiMck'a grocery.
is working right along, adding to its fact, there was so much put riotism turn-j ,
list every day. In order to make this ed loose in the way of huvinfg ice cieani MifS Estella Wilson, the candidate
coming parade by far the largest ever cones that within' a short time the eu ! for queen, of the Cherry fair of the
held in the city, the committee ask that tire supply was exhausted. It is esti-! Moose and other l,lo,.s' ,. t.,,n in
vitcd to sing this evening at the big
Moose celebration and it goes without
I saying that the hat will be passed
j Cieneial Jacinto Trevino, the Mexiea n conimnnder who warned Pershing that
an advance by Ameiican troops would mean war, is an intimate personal friend
of Veuustiano Carriiua, do facto presi dent of Mexico. He roininnnds about
.'tll.llllil troops, which have been inanuev ered recently to be in position to attack
Pershing's column. The map shows th e line held by the American soldiers nil-
jder Pershing from Colunibns, N. M. to Naniiqiiipia. Mexico. j
every car owner in the city not only mated that a crowd mimberipg between
take part, bat to also appropriately dec- o.iiihi and li.onu attended the concert. In-,
orate their ears. The prizes are, first, stejid of meeting this afternoon as first'
1 iM 1 .II-. I ilO Tk .1 1 . I.. ! ..I . . .. ... .
T..i, sen. .,. .71.1. nun in,,.,, ,. ,.m -u, uie nones w no are preparing j around ami there Willie a generous re-
panule w ill be held at 1 :.'!o o'clock. Men- the comfort kits for the boys met this j spon.e, especially us the Klks are re
day afternoon, July 3. morning at the homes of Sirs. W. O.J ported to have done the right thing nt
o Asselu aud Mrs. Fred s. Hvnon. While their honie-eomirg on the loth. Vote
Don t forjjet baseoall game Sunday, it is probable that the company w ill not niuy be east Monday morning at tho
istseoau game un.ia.v. i.fngup urounos ne or.iereii to trie iront until sometime .Commercial club as late as U o'clock
iNiirm .Motorcycle cnio. i. merry, .-vi- next ween tne mines lost no time in get- , the rooming. At that time tl:
mission 2.V. ting the home eipiipment ready for the in" will begin. '