SIX THF, DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE 24. 1916. - I lurnDISTILLATE Save Money TEN GALLONS OF GASOLINE at 20 cents amounts to $2.00. Figuring twenty miles to the gal lon, you get 200 miles at a cost of one cent per mile. TEN GALLONS OF DISTILLATE at 10 cents amounts to $1.00. Figuring thirty miles t the gal lon (which is conservative), you get ."500 miles at a cost of one-third of one cent per mile. The motorist can divide his fuel cost into three parts and pocket two of them, .this claim being borne out by actual comparisons. The Leist Distillate Gasifier PRICE FOR FORD CARS. . . . $5.00 OTHER MAKES $7.50 Installed. Great Western Garage 141 North High St. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE AUTO LAMPS STORAGE BATTEBY CHARGING See L0CKW00D 216 N. Commercial St. ( DEATH OF PETES LAUER " Last Thursday evening, June lf, at 8:1."), 1'eter Latier, for many years a resident of this community, died at his home on Fifth street. Deceased had been under the physician's care for ome time, but his condition was not The Nobby Little CLEAVELAND Lightweight Has proved to be a WinnerAlways Ready to go anywhere, any time. Up-keep almost nothing. Yoit can learn to ride it in ten minutes. Come in and give it a try. Price Only SCOTT 252 STATE STREET 13 el917 IS HERE- Some New Features Not Embodied In Former Models. 25 per cent greater power motor; oversize valves, entirely enclosed. Foot operated starter with auto matic compression control. Motor drive chain and clutch mechanism entirely enclosed. Many other improvements not found on any other make of Motorcycle. Electric Lighting Equipment and Electric Hrn. Call for Demonstration. MORSE & RAMSDEN 211 SOUTH HIGH ST. When a Better Motorcycle is Ruilt It Will be an EXCELSIOR considered dangerous, having convers ed with neighbors about everyday af fairs n short time before. Heart trou ble is giveu ns the cause of death. Peter liuer was born in Luzum.berg Germany, October 2, IS IS. He came to this country when a boy anil worked in many mining sections of the United States before coining to llubbnrd to live. Besides the widow he is surviv ed by five children, Mrs. L, M. Simon of St. Paul; Mrs. 1!. II. Crissel of Wil sonville; ( elin, John and. Katie. The funeral wns held at the Con gregational church and sermon by Rev. r. 0. Butler, interment in Hubbard cemetery last Saturday afternoon Hubbard Enterprise. $150 & PIPER SALEM, OREGON X" ! I Automobile News ! Maxwells Go Farthest South In Mexico Maxwell motor cars have achieved the signal distinct ion of attaining the most southerly point in Mexico of any automobiles engaged in the punitive expedition in that country. Letters from United States army officers have been received by the Biiquor Motor company, Maxwell distributors in El Paso, Texas, testifying to the fact that the sturdy Maxwells have pushed farther south over the tortuous Mexi can traits than any other makes of cur. These letters contain words of praise for the splendid service given by the Maxwells undermost discouraging con ditions. One of the American officers, who drove u .Maxwell car in the nrmy s movement to the -south, writes ns fol lows from San Antonio, Chihuahua: "The car is standing up wen. t has been given tests to which no other car with the expedition has been subjected. We have used the car on patrol duty and the roads save the wold are un worthy of the name. Kvery member of the staff who has used this car is n .Maxwell booster, for the car has done everything we have called fat." Non-Stop Hero on Job. In addition to the service performed bv cars actually in the fighting zone, the famous non-stop Maxwell, the car, that ran 22,000 miles without a single stop of the motor, has proven an effi- cient auxiliary to I'nele Sam's fighting toree. me ear was used recently by I luted States officers at .Douglas, ftri -i zona, which is the western center of military activities along the interna tional boundary. The efofrt of the non-stop Maxell have been auple men ted by a fleet of Max wells, none of which have seen less than 10,000 miles of Arizona stage service. When a now camp was established out of Douglas, the Maxwells transported the soldiers been noted for its ability to handle over the rough roads, nine troopers to 'low grade fuels and to convert them a car. into high mileages. In fact, it was the A Unit for Defense. success of certain constructive priiici- These military performances by pics in this car, such as the juxtaposi Maxwell cars prove what an effective; 'ion of intake and exhaust passages, unit for defense can be afforded by the and the shortening of carburetor man motor car facilities of the United 'folds, which paved the way for tho States. They prove also the claims present remnrkable showing of tke that have been made tor .Maxwell cars iu the service of private owners. The Maxwell is an ideal car for service in Mexico because of its ability to ride the treacherous mountain trails and the long stretches of desert country. HUBBARD NOTES Miss Henrietta Wolfer loft for Mon mouth last Saturday evening to at tend the summer normnl. Miss Wol fer is ntso planning to continue her studies there throughout the year. L. L. llershberger spent 'Saturday in Portland with Mrs. llershberger who is' taking treatment at a sanitarium with encouraging results. Both spent Sun day nt home, Mrs, llershberger return ing to Portland Monday. Mrs. Knragar of Roseburg speut the past week with her sister Mrs. R. By land, returning to her home Tuesday. Mrs. Bylnnd accompanied her and will also visit friends" nt Salem nnd Tur ner before returning to Hubbard. Mr. nnd Mrs. 8. Faulkner, of Pau lina, spent last Friday and Saturday visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Zeek. Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner were married May 30tU and were on their way home from spending the past two weeks ut the groom's home in Al ba uy. District No. 38, Wliite school held its annual school meeting Monday after noon. One uew director being elected and one clerk. Miss Ida SUuil't'cr was elected director and F. K. i'ergen, clerk. Miss Stnufl'er holds the honor of being the first lady school director on this board. Hen Brown and son Shirley, from .over near Scotts Mills, came to Hub bard Suuduy to consult Dr. Weaver. Shirley had blood poison in the .index finger of his left linn I, infection caus ed by a scratch from a rusty tinw blade a week before. Wheu they ar rived the boy had chills and fever. Wednesday ho was improving. The singing class eonueteil by Sa- leni K. Parker at the Methodist church Inst week closed wrtli a concert and pJ by Mary Kupps, but now own recital Thursday evening. At the clow ed by lj I. aud A. C. Snyder. There ii officers were elected to continue in- ad to bo timber enough to keep tho terest m vocal culture. I.. C. Me Shane was elected president, Clarke Will vice president, Mrs. L. M. Scholl treasurer, Miss Nora Welty secretary. Dr. A. F. del.espinasse was elected di rector. The "first meeting was held at the Methodist church Tuesday even ing. The annual school meeting for school district No. 15 was held in the assemb ly room of the school Monday after noon, June The meeting was call ed to order by chairman .1. O. Moomaw and alter a brief statement of the. purpose of the meeting, proceeded with the election of officers. Nominations for school director to serve for the three years were called for and J. U. Moouitiw was nominated. There being no other nominations u motiou prevail ed that the secretary be instructed to KEEP COOL a $4.50 Gasoline With Iron LAMPS, LANTERNS, MANTLES Call aud Sea Them C M. LOCKWOOD 213 N. Coui'l St Salem, Or. B WIMWMIinilfliMli'.W Low Grade Gasoline For Oldsmobile Lansing, Mich., June 24. The pres ent tendency or gasoline constantly to depreciate in qualitv Is looked upou with equanimity by the Olds Motor ttorKs, tot tins city, builders of the wiusuioduo. The reason lies in the fact that gas oline conditions us they now exist were foreseen1 by the engineers of the Olds company, ami special provision made to meet them. Successfully using low grade fuels is simpy a problem in sustained va porization. The fuel must first be burned into gas, and then kept in that condition until it reaches the cylinders n the Oldsmobile, a unique arrange meit of gas passages Is emidoved to I tins enc), an especially noteworthy n- plicution ot tins principle being lotind in the Oldsmobile eight-cylinder. In the first place, the carburetor on this car is situated between the cyl inder blocks, where it is bathed iu a constant stream of warm air from the radiator and from the motor. .Next ,tbe. carburetor manifolds which lead to: the intake manifolds proper, are exceptionally short and surround ed by large water .jackets, which pre vent any condensation of gas at t.iese points. ' Finally, the intake manifolds of the motor aire cast integrally with the ex haust, sD that the exhaust heat is util jized to keep the gas in suspension and unsure its delivery tq t lie cylinders m proper condition. The result is not onlv to insure the ready consumption ot low grade gas oline but also a fuel economy that is notowoithy. The gasoline average of tiie Oldsmobile eight is thus from 12 to 14 miles a gullon, which, is excep tional for multi-cylinder motors. The Oldsmobile four has always eight Gasoline standard may come and go, with little sign- of protest from the Olds Motor Works. This particu lar concern feels itself prepared to take care of p.nv eventualities. cast the! vote of the meeting for J. O. Moomay for school director to serve three years. The secretary of the board to serve one year, E. S. Miller and A.' I). Wolfer .were nominated. Clarke Will aud It, C. Painter acted as tellers of the vote which resulted ill Miller 'receiving a majority of the votes c'nst. 'Enterprise. AURORA NOTES Mr. and Mrs. F, D. Braly nnd son were in' the city from Needy Friday. Mr. Braly has been re-elected to teach the ncejy school again next year at a salary of $90 per month. Mr. find Mrs. Henry L. Bents and family motored to Mt. Angel Thurs day to attend the commencement exer cises at -the academy. Miss Velma Bents, who has been attending school there, is home jf or the summer vacation. At a school board meeting Saturday evening; Prof. Carl F. Anderson and Mrs. Mona Miller were elected teachers of the 'upper grades for the coming year.' These, with the teachers re-elected, Misjt Elizabeth Canning and Miss Grace liick, constitute the corps of teachers for 1910-17. Miss Mabel O. Doty, principal of the Donald school, and Miss Estella Urettie .left Douald Saturday for a two weeks' visit with Miss Grettic's people in Salem, after which ' they will "hike"' across the Cascades to spend (lie remainder of the summer with Miss Doty 'a parents at Redmond. The ijlarvoy Lutnbor company have shipped six cars of lumber the last two weeks, the cars going to three dif ferent states. Their mill is now in od- etation ton tho property formerly own mill busS- till January 1. The mill ac hvities feive work to 16 men. At toe annual school meeting on Monday, H. 1,. Bents was elected director, and T. M. Snyder, clerk. The outgoiug. director was I.. L. Cfrib ble, and (-the clerk. L. Webert, who has 14 successive years in that posi tion. The finnncial repoit showed out standing' 'warrants to tho amount of $1,000, unpaid for want of funds. No action was taken upou a levy for the coming .year, ns the school board has not yet prepared their, budget, which will be takiiu up lter by the board, and voted upon by ike qualified electors nt a special election. Observer. UNION HILL NOTES. E. W. Geer went to Eugene .Wednes day to attend the old soldiers reunion. Mrs. Klviu Carter speut Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Burnett. Mr. aiid Mrs. Floyd Crabtree and lit tle son Dale of Stayton, were visiting at the 1L A. Thomas home several days Inst wee.k. Mrs. t'ieorge Thomas returned hoaie Wednesday after a week's visit with home fqlks in Stayton. Hazeli and Ruby (Jeer of Silverton, are visaing relatives iu this neighbor hood. Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Humphreys spent Sunday jut tho G. I). Scott home. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gilmore aud family were visiting relatives at Victor Sun da v. Charles Heater wife and daughter Vivian. were at the Portorff home Sun day, i Wm. Jfollett wife and daughter Ethel ; spent Sunday at the H. A. Thomas! home, i This neighborhood was well repre sented at the Pioneer picnic at Victor Point Saturday, and all agree it was tho best ever. stavtou Maii. Willamette Valley News North Howell Notes (Capital Journal Special Service.) North Howell, Ore., June 21. Rev. Jasper assisted by a lady from Port land, is holding a series of meetings at the church. School meeting last Monday evening resulted iu Will Oddie being selected for a director for three years and W. H. Bauglimau clerk. W. H. Stevens, member of last year's board, retiring; also the special tax of one mill car ried. Mis9 Higgins and Miss Rosebraugh, of Salem, have been elected to have charge of the school for the coming year. .Mrs. Alattie Kauill and Sarah MeCub- bins, of Dayton, Wash., are visiting mous both morning and evening at the their brother, Isaac Stevens. I Menouite church Sunday. I. Stevens, W. II. Stevens and "family I The annual school meeting was held were attending the Pomona grange at ' last Monday afternoon. The director is Stayton Wednesday. P. A. i'rnzier and the new clerk is Mr. Mr. Lewis Sawyer and wife, of Wood-1 Paul Silke. bum, nre visiting at the home of Mrs. ( Messrs. Joe Fred and Valentine Ger Sawyer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Beer. ! ig are hauling lumber from Fischer's M his week. Orange will meet Saturday evening! and determine what part the local will take in the coming rally in connection with the Cherry fair on the third of July. Miss Edna Stevens and John Warner have successfully passed tho eighth grade examination and received their diplomas this week. A gentleman was in our locality from. Portland this week looking for dairy cattle. I. Stevens nnd his sister, from Day ton, Wash., attended the pioneer picnic iu the Waldo Hills last week. Stayton News Items ' Times in Stayton are becoming more prosperous. With the Brown-Petzol saw mill running extra over time on orders, and labor of all kinds in demand, a bountiful harvest predicted and busi ness men not complaining, why ought we worry. Hon. J. L. Hawley of McCoy visited several days last week at the home of his sister Mrs. Dr. Bvnuchamp. Sunday Mrs. Hawley and children arrived. They returned home that evening accompani ed by Mr. Hawley 's mother. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Ruettgers and two children visited Sunday at the home of O. R. Emmons at Waterloo, attend ing church at Lebanon on the way. They were taken over by M. Gassner, and had a good visit and a pleasant trip. The Emmons' lived for a short time in Stayton. "Paul V. Marvis, state county agent leader has been scheduled by the O. A. C. extension service for a 4th of July address before the farmers and other citizens of Stayton. Mr. Marvis was in vited to discuss the subject of coopera tion and the Farmers' Union and will consider these questions in the way of general .interest, showing how the co operation of farmers can be made a more important and helpful factor in the development of progressive and suc cessful agriculture in the Willamette valley. Stayton Sentinel. MT. PLEASANT ITEMS. Miss Frances Lambert of Portland visited at the P. H. Lambert homo. Frank Libbr of Jefferson was in this vicinity Monday looking after business matters. Miss Mamie, George and Arnie Zim merman of Sublimity spent tho week end at the H. Senz hotne. Miss June Kerns spent the week end at tho Mrs. H. Shank home. Miss Anna Miles of Salem came up Monday to be at : the school meeting aud sign a contract for the coming school year. G. H. Ray and wife visited relatives at Laconib, Thursday. Thoir daughter, Miss Ella, accompanied them. W. R. Ray started for Wiulock, Wash. Ijst Monday. Miss Selina Sehuff spent the week end at the Ryan home. Ed Smith and wife and narry Shank and wife were Sunday visitors at the Mrs. H. Shank home. " Linn Lambert and wife nnd V. Fiedler were visitors at 0. II. Ray 's home Sun day. Maude Smith and Roxnna Shank call ed on Angelino Ryan Sunday. Mrs. Ed Smith called at the Twin Walnut farm Sunday. Mrs. D. Townes accompanied by hef grandson Theodore, returned Wednes day from Portland,.' F. Habberman and wife, If, F. Rvan, wife and: daughters, motored to Mar ion Sunday. ' Misses Downiug. nnd Melifl , Townes called ouMrs. Peter Juugworth last Friday. " ... , '. -.'..'. Mrs'. H. Shank, Mis'. M. F. Hvaii and daughter, Mrs. H. R... shank aid. Mrs. F. Habberman visited at John Hubers Inst week. Mr. and Mis. Pete Juugn oith.aud.son Henry, Ramie Jungworth and Herman Folz made a pleasant call nt the G.. H. Rsy home Thursday evening. Stayton Standard. DONALD NEWS The first appearance of the Dunald baud upou the streets was met by a l:uje, good humored crowd last Thurs day evenjug and for more thsn an hour the boys discoursed good music, to the delight of their very enthusiastic, audi- euce. The crowd was indeed larger than was anticipated, owing to the lack ,ula .McDowell. Ethel Kummer, Norman ot imhilicity the matter had received. Krnst; Elmer Faber. Emma Opitz. .las. Residents of Butteville and vicinity Running and Alfred Turner. Wood knve beeu circulating a petition during, lMn Independent.' the ast ws?ek asking the county court -- .-. for the establishment of a free county ) meeting. H. E. Marty was then named ferry across the Willamette river atias clerk, also to succeed himself, and that place, which would relieve those ' the choice was made uuauinious. who wish to cross the river, from the! That there is an .excellent " opening burden of paying toll. An appropria-1 at Donald for n good physician is a fact tion of $100 per year for the mainteu-1 apparent that it seems strange that ance of the ferry is asked for. The annual meeting of school district No. 1, of Donald, was held at the school house Monday afternoon nnd everything passed off nicely. A full attendance of the bourd was present and the mcet-iieul ing wns called to order by Chairman J. 'ing more or less inconvenience. As the H. Miller at the stated time. For direr- town continues to grow and it is grow tor J. H. Miller wns nominated to sue- ing steadily the need becomes more ac cecd himself. I'pon motion Mr. Miller ute. Here's a real chauce for some doe was made the unanimous choico of the tor who can make good. Record. Pratum News Notes (Capital Journal Special Service.) Prntum, Oregon, June 24. Miss Ly dia Powell a dressmaker or Portland visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs A. W. Powell the first of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. August Krehbiel of Iowa, are visiting relatives in this vi cinity. Miss May Bentler of Salem spent the week with her. parents. Rev. Krehbiel of Kedlauds, C'al., de livered several addresses at the Meu onite church last week. Miss Ida Mawier was home for the week end. Rev. Hess of Kansas delivered ser- j mill. The children's day exercises of the 1 Ulard Sunday school will be held next Sunday. An all day service will be held with a picnic dinner iu the grove near rue cnurcn. Miss Eleanor Schaap is attending Monmouth normal Miss Lena Rnmseyer is spending a faiy days at home. Miss Blanche C'ornu visited with rela tives iu Salem Wednesday and Thurs day. GERVAI3 NEWS Miss Margaret Gansuider and Francis Coolidge, of, Portland, visited -nt the home of their grandfather, FranE Nib ler, Sunday. Joseph tv'nrgnier has so much im proved from his recent operation that Dr. Hickman brought him home from the Willamette Sanitarium last week. Leo Choquette returned-from the Sal mon fisheries Tuesday and expects- to leave soon for Bisbee, Ariz., where he will work in the copper mines. At the annual school meeting Mon day night Albert Letigren was elected director to serve for three years and F. A. Mangold was elected clerk for ene year. jqufpii Vanderbeck, who was the owner of a fine stepper, has sold the same to J.' E. Cutsforth. and will now drive a five passenger Chevrolet. Mr. John Mills, Jr., and Donald Cauthorn have accepted positions with the S. P. R. R. company iu the signal service work. Their headquarters are now at Oregon City. Mrs. Eugene Manning went Wednes day to-visit her daughter, Mis. Woods, in Silverton. Mrs. Edward Maul aud Miss Nell Smith, of Portland, are visiting their mother, Mrs. J. D. Smith. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. I K. Siegmund lef t 1 last Saturday via Portland by boat to! Los Angeles to attend the Knights' lemplar conclave, lney expect to visit some of the points of interest in that state before returning. Mrs. John Schoen, of near Turner, wns taken down' with measles while visiting at the home of . her father, Joseph Becker, in this city. She is get ting along nicely and will be able to return to her home in a few days. The Gervais ball team met their first defeat last Sunday in the game against Kenton, of Portland, the score being 4 to 0 iu favor of the visitors. ' All things considered Gervais did well to hold them down as they did. Star. SILVERTON SCHOOL ELECTION The annual school meeting for dis trict No. 4, Silverton, wns held at the high school building, Monday after noon, June 19, at 2 o'clock. The meet iag was called to order by Chairman Digerness. Notice calling for the meeting' and the minutes of the last anuual meeting were read by the clerk and approved. The 1910 budget was read. Wm. Hubbs placed F. E. C'allistcr in nomination for director and W. Bowser nominated L. J. Adams for the same place. The chair appointed W, Bowser and Carl Loe as tellers. A vote by ballot being taken, Mr. Callister re ceived 34 votes and Mr. Adams 80, and Mr. Adams was declared duly elected. For school clerk, Geo. Cnsiter nomi nated J. W. Hyett and Julius Aim nominated the present clerk, S. E. Richardson. The vote Was Hyett 92 and Richardson 25, and Mr. tlyett was declared duly eleeted.j-Appeal. ST. PAUL SCHOOL DRAMA." "A Grain of Salt," a comedy in two scenes, 'aud " "What Dora . iircainhj' were presented by the pupils of the St. Paul public 'school on the night of June 14 before a large aud appreciative nudieuce, which demonstrated its de light at the able presentation of the characters. The. plays were very inter esting and well acted. School. Super visor .1. E. lrillette and Couuty Super intendent W. M. Smith were present. Superintendent Smith presented the state standard school certificates to the following pupils: Elmer Hughes, George Buuning, Rovella Uornbeck, Herbert Hughes, Mary Kloft, Viola Connor. Arthur Connor, Clement Van de Wiele, Peter K&k, Frances Vnu de Wiele, Mar garet McDowell. Ralph Welch, Louise Kerr, Alphouse Brentano, Clyde Wood- rntf, lucent tlarno, Harry Faber. rrancis Brentano, Josephine Ojutz, l'r such a condition has continued for so long. Residents of Donald and vicinity are compelled o call a physician' from some other town when such a need comes, thus making the expense of med- services quite high, as well as caus North Santiam Notes , (Capital Journal Special Service.) North Santiam, Oregon, Juno 24. The county surveyors are surveying tho road and bridge site for the ferry across the river near the 8. P. railroad bridge. The annual school election was held Monday for the purpose of electing one director aud clerk. Mr. C. F. JSuofieM was elected for clerk, nnd Rnher How ard for director. ', A large crowd at tended. . . Mr. H. Idverlv 'nnd arm Kfiun Lan quite ill this week with what is thought to be pleurisy. Mrs. H. II. Clinni-e: tinrl n nnn.l n.IIL- COW die this u.-m1r & Quite a number from here that belong; to the Farmer's union and others are going to help with the celebration the 4th of July to be held at West Stay-ton.- -' Air. A. B. Banta of Salem who repre sents the Capital Journal was in the vi cinity this week. The crop of peppermint belonging to the North Santiam Peppermint associa tion is looking fine and is several fee high at present. The proprietor W. J Tumigo of Crabtree will erect a dis tillery for distilling the oil in tho vi cinity soon. Mr. Neuman was an Albany visitor thai week. Mrs. Walter Cassidy of near Tilla mook is visiting her parents Mr. aud ills. John Mack. - Dallas Local News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Dallas, Or.-, Jnne 24. Dr. H. M. Hell wcrth nnd F. K. Hubbard of Falls City were Dallas visitors Thursday. Mrs. D. B. Jnrman nnd children left the first of the week for Newport where thoy will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hamilton of Salem were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Shri ver on Mill street this week.' Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Tetherow of Falls City accompanied county treasurer and Mrs. F. J. Holman to Portland Thurs day to attend the Oregon Pioneers as sociation reuuion. ' Floyd Sears and J. R. Sibley went to Clackamas Thursday evening to visit with tho boys of company L. Miss Ella Carpenter a Portland school teacher is spending the Bumnier vacation at the home of her parents on Clay street. A. D. Brun returned the first of the week from a business trip to points in California. M. G. Ellis of this city and Miss Laura Breck of Portland were united in marriago in the .latter city Tuesday. Mr. Ellis is in the-law aud abstract business in this city. Fred Boydston'an employee of tho Southern Pacific railway company iu Portland has been visiting at. the borne of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Boydston in this city. this week. Claud L. Shaw sou of Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw of this city aud Miss Beat rice Blnkosloy of Payette, Idaho, were united in marriage at the homa, of the bride's parents Wednesday,' June Vlth. Mr. Shaw is secretary of the Y. M. C. A. at Baker, Oregon. D. L. Keyt of Perrydaln was a Dallas visitor on business- Friday morning. Miss Emma Skelton visited with friends in Salem the. first of the week. U. S. Grant was in. Monmouth Thurs day -afternoon in: the interest of the Dallas Chautauqua,;, WALDO HILLS REUNION. Fully 2000" people! attended the an nual picnic of the Waldo Hills Pioneer association held last Saturday at the home of Mrs. John-' A. Hunt, this beins; tho tenth annual meeting of the asso ciation. George S,. Downing president of the association presided, assisted) by Jeptha J. Hunt. Many Salem people were present, including such stand-by pioneer's as Judge P. H. D'Arcy, Judge J. C. Moreland, J.udge William Gallo way aud Mrs. Edith-Toz-le.r Wetherred. The program was as follows: Forenoon Music; Hebol 's Cherry bud band. Remarks, George S. Down ing, president of, association. . Song-, "America," by Claude Slade and chor us. Recitation by ' Freddie Barrows. Vocal solo, Miss Alice Judd. Selection Silverton quartet. Address, Judgo J. C. Moreland. Vocal, solo by Claude Slade. .,.. Afternoon Music, by Rebel's C'ber rybud band. Vocal solo, Edna Savage Harding. Address, Judge P. H. D' Arcy. Address, MrsJudge John Wal do. Recitation, Miss ' Louise Noies, Address. Mrs. Edith Tozier Wetherred. Selection, Silverton quartet. , Addres-. ses by Judgo William Galloway, former Governor T. T. Geer, iE. A. Downing and W. H. Downing. Declaration, Lloyd. Haberly. Stayton Mail. . ... KINGSTON, NOTES. Titus Archer and Mike Gassuer- went , to Silver Creek Falls ou a fishing trip. Friday. G. F. Harold took Mrs; Byron Bates, Dudley Bates and children over to Al bany in his Ford Friday. Henry Croisant of Lyons was visit ing at 0. M. Baker's last week.- Miss Bertha Schaefer returned from Salem Friday where she had ueen visit ing for a few days. Ed Chrisman was doing business in Stayton Saturday. .: Chas. Dart was' picking strawberries! at the George Snndner home last Fri day, r Mrs. Curti Cole and little son and Alta Harold spent' Friday nt the John Sandner home. Joe Gassner is pulling the road grader with his engine this year. Mrs. Carl Titus was a guest at the John Henkle home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Harold visited at the John Sander home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Harold,' Lloyd and Alta Harold, were ween end vis itors at Quinaby. Roy Follis is stnying in town, receiv ing treatment for. an abcess. Preaching nt the Kingston church Sunday, June 23. . Mr. and Mrs. 0.. M. Baker visiteil nt the L. A. Thomas home Sunday. Stavton Mail.