Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 24, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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ALL affairs of a frivolous nature
were held in abeyance this week
and the social calendar has been
practically a blunt. The mobilization
of Company M, O. N. G., cant a decided
gloom over Salem and the soldier boy
was the all absorbing topic.
JSalem nan been bubbling over with
patriotism, and matrons and maids
deserted most of the week's gayeties
to sew or raise funds for the soldiers.
The toning up of public spirit to n
. higher degree of patriotism was effect
ively accomplished by tho members of
the newly organized Halem Patriotic
-league, who have worked zealously all
I Society is now preparing for the an
nual Cherry Fair, which promises to be
one of the biggest pageants that Ra
Ie.m has ever known. This year every
one is manifesting a marked enthusi
asm in the festival and many promi
nent men and women will enter their
cars in the floral pnradc. A number
ut society matrons and maids who are
always willing to 1- of assistance
wherever necessary, are taking an ac
tive interest in tho baby show and
cores of responses are pouring into
the headquarters of the committee
from parents of little tots, who will
vie with each other for honors. In
fact the enthusiasm has been such that
directors of the association are confi
dent that this year's parades will
eclipse in point of size and artistry
ny previous festival.
Ms. William Iancy has proven her
self a most efficient chairman, and to
lier efforts and those of tho commit
tee, is due the credit of the pageant.
Another feature and a fitting close
to the gayeties of the festival will be
the ball, which will be given at the
. armory Monday night, under the aus
tricea of tho Chcrriann.
, 1. '
A. charming and exceptionally pretty
affair of tho mid-week was the lunch
eon and bridge tor which Mrs. John
1L .Scott was hostess Wednesday. The
rooms were fragrant with Caroline
Testout roses effectively arranged in
hanging baskets and vases, a huge art
basket of the same blossoms and lacey
ferns centered the luncheon table, cov
ers being placed for Hi.
Mrs. Susie Jones presided over the
. otiffee urn, and Mrs. John Albert ai
islcd. At bridge tlie card favors were won
1y Mrs. C. H. Robertson ami Mrs.
Charles K. 8pnulding. The matrons
of the Happy Hour Bridgo club were
guests and included :
Mrs. Thomas B. Kay, Mrs. John D.
Sutherland, Mrs. John H. Albert, Mrs.
I C H. Robertson, Mrs. David Kyre,
..Mrs. Lenta Westaeott Mrs. Charles K.
' Hpaulding, Mrs. Asa Koff, Mrs. Robert
' "Downing, Mrs. Prank Brown, Mrs.
Iouis Lachmund, Mrs. Joseph Albert,
Mrs? H. J. Bean, Mrs. John Griffit,
Mrs. K. H. Tillinghnst and Mrs. Husie
Jones, who was an additional guest.
Mrs. Joseph Rothchild (Margaret
Kgnn) and small son Fritz, who have
lieon the guests nt the country place
of tho former's father, W. H. Kgnn,
reurned to Portland Friday.
Mrs. Rothchild frequently comes to
Balem to Bee her family and her visits
re always made delightful by many
little attentions from her host of
Mr. and Mrs. "Jack" Currie en
tertained recently with a pretty bridge
party at their residence on the Hilvor
ton road. The guests motored out for
the affair, and included the members
of tho "Oaks Bridgo Club."
Five tables were arranged for
bridge, card honors fulling to Mirs.
Homer Smith and John Cnughill. The
rooms were attractive with sweet peas
anil greens, artistically arranged in
jars and vases.
Mrs. Curri was assisted by Mrs. O.
K. Hall of Porlund.
Those pluving werp: Mr. and Mrs.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Onepackne
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Strength, Purity, Fragrance
Our prescription clerks have had years of experience.
Every known brand of good Toilet Soaps-we have
(hem. ;
Oar prescriptions are checked and re-checkedevery
prescription to avoid mistakes.
Central Pharmacy
410 State SL
A. B. Pcole
Homer Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William
! McGilchrist, Jr., Mr. and -Mrs.. F. O.
I Dcckebai h, Mr. and Mrs. William
Thielsen, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Siceke,
Mr. and Mrs. John Caughill, Mr. ad
Mrs. Merlin Hurling, -Mrs. Lovelace.
'Mrs. Fred S. Stewart and Mr. and
Mrs Ci. K. Hall of Portland.
I Mrs. Kollin K. Page entertained
i Thursday at one of the smart bridge
rtics of the week. The rooms where
the caul tables were arranged were
clmrniinff with an airy array of Thous
and Beauty roses.
The matrons of the Bridge club and
several aditional guests were asked to
make up three tables of the game.
Mrs. Edgar Hartley wus awarded the
high score honor.
Those playing were: Mrs, Henry W.
Meyers, Mrs. Freil S. Stewart, Mrs.
Wiilinm '. Knighton, Mrs. Georgo E.
Waters, Mrs. K. Cooke Pattun, Mrs.
Tliomas B. Kay, MrR. Willjnm H. Boot,
Mrs. Henrv .1. Schuldormun, Mrs. K.
K. Waters, Mrs. Charles L. Dick Mrs.
Kdgar Hartley and Mrs. Fred Waters.
A group of the married pet motored
to Albany Friday to participate in the
gayeties of an informal dinner and
dance for which Mr. and Mrs. Hockey
Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Vouun
were uosts last night at the residence
of the latter.
Those going up for the festivities
were: Mr. and Mrs. Thoraat A. Lives
ley, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roberts,
Mr. and Mrs. Asuliel Bush, Mr. and
Mrs. William Burghardt, Jr., Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Plimpton and their house
guest Mrs. Harry Terry ot Portland.
Hevcrnl matrons of the smnrt set al
so received invitations to attend the
attractive musicnle given by Mrs.
Young and Miss Isobcl Young Friday
Miss Yonng, who has just returned
from Miss Barker's school in Talo Alto
charmed the -nests with her singing.
She was assisted at the piano by Mrs.
William Burghardt, Jr., whose accom
paniments completed the artistry of
tho charming programme.
One of the prettiest of the week's
luncheons was that given Thursday
by Mrs. Carlton Smith in honor of
Mrs. 0. W. Jones of Tulare, Califor
nia.. It was an informal affair, but
very delightful, the gi'osts being old
friends of Mrs. Jones' who formerly
lived in Salem.
The luncheon table was most artis
tic with a huge basket of varigated
sweet peas and dainty, ferns.
Covers wero placed for the honor
guest, Mrs. George U. Bingham and
her guest Miss Margaret Hamasey of
Lafayette, Miss Cornelia Marvin, Mrs.
E. M. La Fore, Miss Mary Chudwick,
Mrs. Arthur Benson, Mrs. George Bur
nett and her guet Mrs. W. Morris of
Berkeley, Cal., and the hostess.
Mrs. Henry W. Meyers has as "nor
guesl Miss Helen Kdcs Jordan of Se
attle, the charming young daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Jordan.
Miss Jordan will visit in Salem until
after the Cherry Fuir.
' .
Mr. and Mrs. George Hodgers and a
party of friends motored to Clacka
mas and Portland Thursday. Tiicy re
turned thnt evening and were accom
panied home by their daughter, Miss
Margaret Hodgers, who has just gradu
ated from Miss (Mlin's school in Port
land. Next year Miss Hodgers will nttend
the I'nivorsity of Oregon, anil tho fol
lowing year she will enter Vnssar Col
lege. Mrs. J. H. Ackerinnu nud daughter,
Mrs. F.Jinund F. Carlcton, are expect
ed home Wednesday from a delightful
two months sojourn iu the east.
While east they visited Mrs. A. J.
Luun (Bcllu Ackorninn) in Ainhiiist,
Mass. Mrs. Carlcton also visited in
New York, where she was a delegate
to the National Federation of Wom
an 's clubs.
En route home, Mrs. Ackermun and
Mrs. Carletou will slop in Washington,
D. t, where they will be the guests
of Congressman and Mrs. Willis C.
Purity is our hobby and
always has been.
Perfumes all kinds in
bulk or bottles.
All rpw anrt atind
ftftll IIV 11 IUIU gvvu
Medicines are to be
A. Tyner Wcolpert
SOCIETY has waxed so enthusiastic
over engagement announcements
this season that few maids escape
"Dame Rumor. Hardly a week
passes by that some Salem girl does
not announce the name of tile man of
her choice, and it is whispered that
there are one or two more surprises in
store for Salem society.
The latest girl to be added to the
list of brides-elect is Miss Isobel Mc
Gilchrist, whose engagement to "fT'il
liam Douglas of San Francisco, Cal.,
was made known Thursday at a charm
ing luncheon presided over by Mrs.
William McGilchrist, Jr. The affair
was attended only by a few of the
closest friends of Misa McGilchrist.
The McGilchrist residence was aglow
wit a garden flowers effectively ar
ranged in tiasketa. Yellow marigolds,
nasturtiums and greens were used, in
the living roem and pink roses, sweet
peus and maiden hair ferns in the din
ing room.
Cotots were 4ori for sixteen of
the yugvr gi'ls, around small lualh
eon tables udor(4 with blossoms and
Pretty corsage bojuets of sweet peas
ami lacey ferns centered with a car
nation, bore the hnppy news and mark
ed the places.
Mrs. McGilchrist was assisted by the
Misses Ethel and Hazel McGilchrist,
sisters of the honor guest.
Miss McGilchrist is a daughter of
-Mr. and Mrs. William McGilchrist, Sr.
Sue is an accomplished girl, and has an
umisuallv sweet voice. She is a stu
dent of the Willamette University, col
lege of music, and a graduate of the
Salem high school.- -
She is one of the coterie that includ
es Miss Caroline Dick, Miss Marjorie
Kay, Miss Bernice Craig, Miss Ger
trude East, Miss Vivian Hargrove and
several other of the younger maids.
Mr. Douplas is from Scotland and
has been in this country but nine
years. He is connected with the firm
of Kelly Clarke company in San
Francisco. He is also a devotee of
music and is a member of one of the
most nroniiuent musical clubs in Sun
Francisco and also of the Amphion
club in Seattle.
The wedding will be an event of
the early fall.
Klixnhoth Lord will entertain
on Tucsdov with an informal tea, in
honor or her charming nousc guesi
Miss Elsa Deimel of San Francisco.
About -0 matrons and maids of the
smart set have been asked for the af
Mr. and Mrs. II. 8. Page and chil
dren Urlin and Kimball, Mrs. Corde
lia Hai'cr and Mrs. L. K. Page, mo
tored out to the Pago ranch during the
.., it tn hiivn dinner with Miss Ma-
belle Page and Addison Pugc, who nre
etijoyinii the lntorniatiues oi country
On nf the most delightful events
( !, wnuli wns thn stUllio rCcittll liv-
en Wednesday evening by Mrs. Julia
Bross Piuiiell in the parlors ot xne
First Congregational church. .
Too affair wus attended only by the
pupils of Mrs. Pinnell und tho pro
gramme included a group of charming
songs by five of her students who
wero Miss Priscilla Fleming, Miss Lu
cille Emmons, Miss Isobel McGilchrist,
Miss tlussie Nib's and Everett Craven.
Garden flowers in artistic profus
ion adorned the rooms, and the even
ing was closed with duinty refresh
ments. ft
Miss Margery Marvin will leave
Monday for Suit Lake City, where she
will be the guest of her uncle, Coin.
Mcintosh for a couple of weeks.
m;.. i;,iil, ICrcss eiitcrtnined with
an informal evening Wednesday ut her
home on t hemekcta street.
A group of girls who tiro members
of the Quinze Jour clul wore iiskcu
.... 1 t K.i ii vu'll i it it U'll H
voted to sewing and cards. The rooms
were gaily adorned with garden flow
ers. In 1ii' dining room, red roses
centered the refreshment table, and a
lovely red bud marked the places.
Miss Kress was assisted by her
mother, M.rs. T. K. Kress.
The guest were: Mr. Blanche Liston
Niomever, Mi Joy Turner, Miss Ma
rie lWnuctt, Miss Hazel Clnrk, Miss
Knthcrine McClelland and Miss Mar
garet Hodge.
Airs David W. Evre and children,
Kovenu and David, Jr., will leave Tues
day ior a several weeks so.iuuni m
Newport. The Eyres will occupy the
Wallers cottage at Nye. beach.
Mrs. Lawrence T. Harris will havei
as her house guest next week Mrs.
Madison Curtis Harris of Eugene.
Charming vet simple was the wed-j
ding of Miss Miuueii .nam- "".
and .lay Clark Leedy, which took place
on Thursday at high noon at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W E Wilson, ll" Court street.
itev. James ll in of the First Con
gregational church oficiated and the
couple were unattended. Only the
relatives o" the bride anil bridegroom
were asked for the ceremony.
Several unusual features character
ized the wedding, the bride wore her
sisters weding gown, which was
made of crepe meteor and lace, sue
.k. Immmet of rosea and
sweet pens. It also marked the twenty
ninth wedding aniversary or - i-
The house was itecoraieu
.pinntities of blossoms, sweet peas,
riw,.i.,,i,M,,lr,Mi and svriiiL'iv carried out
an attractive pink anil white color
Thrt ttri.Ut'ft tviltm" rn fttlit WSS of
.... - r
sjiiiil colnrcd irurberdinc. with lint.
shoes and gloves to niatcu. After a
wedding trip Mr. and Mis. Leedy will
mako their home on a ranch near
Bcavcrton, Oregon.
The bride was a teactier In the Bums
and Pendleton high schools for two
years and is a graduate of the Salem
high school and also of O. A. C".
Mr. Leedy - taught school in the
Burns high school for three years and
is a graduate of the '12 class of the
Oregon Agricultural College. He is a
member of the Kappa Sigma fraterni
ty. A party of Salem folk including Mr.
and Mrs. Asahel Bush, Asahel Bush,
Jr., Mrs. William Boot, Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Plimpton and their guest Mrs.
Harry Terry of Portland left this
afternoon in the former's car for a
week-end sojourn at lihododendron
Inn. They were joined in Portland
by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cronon and
Harry Terry, who also motored up for
over Kunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Glover left
this morning for Albany and Lebanon
wiiere thev will be the week end guests
of friends and relatives.
A number of the members of the
Three Link Needle club gathered iu
th r o O P hnll on Thursday to
uhnrA in thA crnveties of the afternoon.
The afair was planned as a farewell
attention to several oi uie iiiriuwu
a-tin were Mrs Blanche Liston ?iemey-
u-tin wilt neenmonnv her husband.
Lieutenant Niemcyer to Toronto, MrB.
Rachael Woodard wno is leaving soon
for Baker City and Mrs. La Moine
rio.kn Mi Anna Rndeliff. Miss
Edith Benedict, Miss Elva Estes and
Miss E la Stone who are going away
for the summer.
Tl.n afternoon was devoted to sew
ing for tho soldiers. In the banquet
hall the refreshment tables were a
dornod with rosea and sweet peas.
The members of the club present
were Mesdames Elsie B. fiimeral, L. S.
Geer, Anna Miller, Mae Radeliff, Bcr-
raa Radcliif, Jennie .uartin, ray
ffnnU TClinthnth Waters. Constance
May, Alma Henderson, Pearl Nkhels,
Ida Traglio, Gertrude Cummings, Lu
ella Engstrom, Mna Ohmnrt, Moljie
Dcnison. Ruth Anderson, name vnm
eron, Gertrude Cumings, Hattie Pat
terson. Linf(io Simeral, Miss Marie
iin.,oit on.l Mrs Mnrvin Moore and
Miss Hazel Fleetwood guests of the
Mrs. A. N. Bush and Mrs. Harry
Clay went to Portland this morning
for the day. , .
Misa Philippina Schmidt of Olympia
who will be the guest of her brother
Prodnriclr Schmidt, at the Court apart
ments for the summer left today for
an over Sunday visit in X)lympia.
Miss Catherine Slade of Silverton is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. John J.
The interest of the week in music
lay chiefly in the pianoforte recital by
tho pupils of Miss Beatrice Shelton at
the First Congregational church, Mon
day evening, the event, despite the mil
itary agitation, attracting a large au
dience. The assistants for the evening were
Mrs. Hallie Parrish Hinges, soprano,
and Miss Lillian Stege, Mary Schultz,
violins, and Miss Bernice Sauter, pi
anist. The latter with Miss Shelton
ut the organ in orchestral numbers
give the greatest pleasure, the instru
ments being employed with extremely
fine skill in the display ot tneir indi
vidualities. They gave two Ftiml com
positions, "Melodic op 27" and "Rus
aian Romance," and "Possrpied"
(Delibes), and "Butterflies" (Bar-
hi the songs, "Yesterday and To
day," (Spross), and "Love Hero is
My Heart," (Sileus), Mrs. Hinges was
siveii an opportunity to display the
most sympathetic and beautiful quali
ty of her voice. The tones were pa
ticularlv lovely, and the fine shadings
and vocal control apparent at all
times. .
The second number, which was being
introduced here was featured with the
piano and two violiu accompaniment.
Miss Alice Bilker and Miss Ruth
Schultz opened the program with
Chaiiiinnde 's "Pas Pes Cymbalea."
Both played with much briliatiey, an
ticipating without effort the attitude
of the other. Later both appeared in
solos, Miss Schultz giving "Troika,"
(Tschaikowsky ) and "Romance"
(Mildcnbcrg). She was perfectly pois
ed and artistic at all times, interpret
ing her music wit'.i a fine intelligence.
Miss Baker, it would seem excclls in
the interpretation of the exacting Mac
Dowcll music, her explanation of his
" Schattciitawz eliciting the greater
surprise. Her other number "A la
Bien Ainiee, " was also remarkably
given. It is generally conceded naioug
musicians and those who understand
things musical that these two young
players have worth while places tor
them in the field of music, should they
continue their work and progress.
Miss Mildred Rei,, a conscientious
and apt pupil had a place early on
the program iu Neviu's " Butterflies "
and Godard's "Jm Mazurka in K
flat," Her work is clean cut and
quite individual.
"Mazurka Caprice" (Wollcnhaupt)
was selected by Miss Genevieve
Ynmike. She played with fine ex
prcsiosn, hej: tones ringing clear and
musical through every measure.
Another Chaiiiinade composition was
featured, the "Guitare Caprice op.
32," by Miss Ruth Bedford, the young
est musician to. appear The fantastic
Spanish rhythm of the piece was pre
dominant in her interpretation, and
tho entire work, characterized by
brightness and a delicate shading.
The Rituiirnelle," by ( hamiuade,
derived from an ancient form of Ital
ian poetry, was exceedingly interest
ing as presented by Mbs Gladys llar-
bort, who also gave "Rustle of Spring
No. X'' (Sinding.) She is a most stu
dious ami interesting pupil and works
out her music in an exact and attract
ive manner.
Miss Agnes Halsell, a very talented
player, brought out delightfully the
chariniii" theme of the "Spinnlied"
(Litolff) and was accorded a most
complimentary reception.
Numbers by (iodari and Massenet
the " Valse Chromatique," and " Ara
gonaise Ballet," which require great
briliauey on the parti of an interpret
er were given without the aid of the
score by Miss Iiura Arenz. The runs
were remarkably clear and her tech
nique quito beyond criticism.
Confidence, artistry and a fine feel
inj distinguished Miss Sauter 's play
ing, her number occupying the place
of honor on the program. She gave
"Allegro Sciierzando, " and a brilliant
new number "Pan", by Vardayne.
tier work was freely commented upon,
Miss Sauter showing the finish of the
profesional in Both her solo and ac
companiment work.
As a setting for the event the
church had been beautifully decorited
with masses of crimson rambler roses,
under the direction of Miss Ermine
Bnshnell, Miss Oda Chapman and Miss
Alta Johnson.
The ushers were Miss Mary Pigler,
Miss Roseoraugh, M'isj Helen Hunt,
Miss Alta Johnson, Miss Gertrude
Ta-Tto and Miss Lois Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. James Chinnock have
as their guests the former's mother, I
Mts. C. E. Chinnock and Miss Emma'
Ganiade, of Portland
Mr. and Mrs. E. Kirfc accompanied
by Mrs. Armin Steiner motored to
Roseburg Friday. They will be the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Barker
and other friends, and will return
The members of the Eastern Star
will be entertained on Tuesday after
noon at the residence of Mrs. L. K.
Page, 4!I2 Cottage street.
The hostesses for the afternoon will
be Mrs. Page, Mrs. U. G. Boyer, Mrs.
M. C. Petty, Mrs. F. X. Derby and
Miss Mabelie Page.
Mrs. Lloyd Hnuser of Eugene is
here for a several weeks visit, and will
be the guest of Mrs. Paul Hauser and
Mrs. W. H. Cook.
Harold Hager who is attending Har
vard University arrived home Tuesday
to 'snend the summer with his mother
Mrs. Cordelia Hager..
Mr. Hapcr is a senior and will re
turn to Cambridge in thd, fall.
The Violin and piano pupils of Miss
Joy Turner will give a recital iu the
Willamette University chapel on
Thursday evening, June the 2!Hh at
8:15 o'clock.
A delightful feature of the. pro
gramme will be the violin ensemble
numbers, and the solos by a local ar
tist. The public is cordially 'invited to at
tend. Mrs. Blanche Liston Neimeyer who
had planned on leaving Salem this
week for Toronto, to joiu her husband
Lieutenant Niemcyer, has had wont
from him saying that he "nas been giv
en a two weeks furlough anil will ar
rive here the first of the week.
Mrs. Niemeyer has gone to Portland
ro meet Lieutenant Xiemeyer.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Skaife, Miss
Nancy Skaife and Miss Mary Ecker-
lin left today in the former's car for
The Dalles, where they will visit at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Roth, formerly of this city.
John and Allan Carson of Company
M are the guests of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Carson. The boys will
return to Clackamris tomorrow.
The Booth string orchestra went to
Monmouth today to furnish the music
for the large reception to be given to
night by the faculty of the Normal
school or the students.
Mr. and Mrs. W. McDongal have
gone to Portland for a few .lays.
Mrs, Chester C. Clnrk and Miss
Edith E. Benedict of r.:i;l N. Cottage
street, will leave Sunday morning for
a two months visit with relatives and
friends in New Y'ork.
They will return in time to take up
their respective school duties in Sep
tember. Mrs. Clnrk is principal of the
Highland school and. Miss Benedict is
registrar ut the Willamette University.
r .
About a dozen members of the west
central circle of the Methodist church
were the guests of Mrs. . . lounc
at the Leonard Hotel Thursday. A'"ita Carrie Hrehert to Mr. Roy Close
enjoyable programme and business j wns 9,,muimi yesterday afternoon nt
session was followed by refreshments. I tni,jr i1(,me! 0e mile east of Woodburn.
,.( at :i o'clock, June 21, llld.
Friends of Miss Lenore Stnley wih Th(1 ,lri,e U1)J grooin st0(K beneath a
sejoiee to know that she is rapidly re-. b,9ntiful an.h t; ,0M., while Rev. D.
covering from the recent operation she ., H f th yK. church, perfcrm-
uuderweiit at tlie nosrirai nisi wren.
Mrs. R. B. Houston and Mrs. L. A-1
iirwro-. hnve nil rneir uucsis .ns. '
,ggs have an their guests .Mrs.
Mintnn of Albany and Mrs. Stalcy of j
La Urande.
" A nleusiug and very successful recit
al was given by the younger pupns or
Mis Lena Dotson at her nome, no;i
Union St.. on Friday evening, June
The parents and friends of the chil
dren were present.
Tho program tollows:
Rustic Dance S.hneeker
Viola Hoover
The t.itile Patriot Krogmann
Louise Nuun
Primrose Lance Krogmaunl
Blanche Humphreys
June White Sale
Is Drawing to a Close
June 30th ends the general reductions on White
Goods and White Wear. Unusual Values are
Offered on Summer Merchandise
Exceptional Low Prices on:
Women's Silk and Lingerie Waists,
Women's and Misses Lingerie Dresses,
Women's, Misses' and Children's Undermuslins
Infants' Wear, Children's Coats, Children's Dresses,
"Richardson's Snow White Linens,"
"White Wash Dress Goods."
Warner and Modart Corsets
The Pictorial Review Patterns
U. G. Shipley Co.
145 N. Liberty Street
Hand in Hand Ducclle' graduato of the Thomns Normal Train
Max Hartley ing school of Detroit, Michigan, and be-
March Englemann : f ore coming to Oregon taught manual
Georgina Featham i training in Missouri and at the Inter
Fairy Queen Krozmann i Mountain Institute at Weiser, Idaho.
Lucille Anderson
Maurice Brown
Graziella Mennet Krogmann: after August 1st. Woodburn and vi-
Marian Roberts j cinity extend a eordial welcome to thin
Cabaletta .'- - Lack 'most estimable couple.
Mable Dotson .
Spinning Wheel Hermann i
.Loyal urny
Waltz - Spiudler
Robert Littler j ents, Mr. nud Mrs. Murk, one of the
Valse Eutrainante Wachs1 prettiest weddiugs of the season way
Mable Brown j solemnized when Mr. George t. Parrott
Love's Serenade Schulz-Weida . of Hood River was united in the bonds
Erma Bougney j of matrimuny to Miss Lcota Murk of
this place. The bride looked beautiful
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell are 'is. a gown of white .embroidered orgaml
being congratulated upon the advent ' ie and curried a shower bouquet of
of a "ir . born on Tuesday June the;"1"-' onuc s roses. ne was attended
i. lift v. n, uuibu $
4c .-.-
The Young Woman's Christian asso
ciation feel highly indebted and grate
ful for the recognition shown them by
Mrs. Eugene Breyman. The generosi
ty oi the people of Salem in dealing
with pholanthropie and social organi
zations has again been exemplified is
Mrs. Breyman 's furnishing the suite
of rooms" occupied by -Miss Florence
Cleveland the new Y. W. C. A. secre
tary. Miss Veda Cross announces she will
be pleased to deliver membership
cards when notified your membership
dollar is due. Thone 65.
The subscriptions pledged during
the recent campaign for the budget of
liUrt and 1SH7 respectively are being
colected as they fall due. Payments
will be accepted at the association
rooms, and greatly appreciated by the
finance committee.
Mrs. Alice II. Dod.l "nas been elected
a member of the Y. W. C. A. board, to
fill the vacancy made by the resigna
tion of Mrs. John II. Lewis. Mrs.
Dqdd is widely known for her vast ex
perience and intellectual ability. .She
will act as chairman of the education
al committee. Mrs. W. E. Kirk was
elected recording secretary and Miss
Veda Cross chairman, of the publicity
The house guests of the Y. W. C. A.
eujoved a picnic on the banks of the
Willamette Wednesday evening. Sup
per was served at seven o'clock, after
which a tramp througii the woods was
taken. The young ladies are planning
several outings during the summer
tl , beautiful wedding of Miss Juan
, ,.;,,,,
creinony. iter mot nor
Mrs. Uarrie Borcherdt, was tho uinb I of
hi.nor. Only relatives and a few fiicnds
wort, present.
The i,rjje 'Wore a jrP,s 0f wnito net
trimmed with sntin folds, and enrried a
bouquet of bride's roses. Her father,
Julius C. Borcherdt, was prominently
identified with the affairs of the conn-
i try. being captain of th 4!Hli New
York volunteers iu the civil war. Mrs.
Close is a graduate of the Chicago uii
versity and also of the Chicago musi
cal! college, being a soloist in different
churches in that citv, also a member of
the Apollo club. She suucivised nm.-iclln the evening all gathered at the C.
in the Mendota high school and the
Inter-Mouiituin Institute of Yveiser,
Mr. Close is the sou of-Mr. and Mr.
Chas. Close ot New York, lie is a
Salem, Oregon
After an elegant dinner, Mr. anil
Mrs. Close took the train for Portland.
iThey will be at home to their friends
Parrott-Murk. -
On Sunday evening, June 18, at 8
o'clock, at the home of the bride's par-
by her two Bisters, Misses Frances and
Ida Murk, who were dressed in white,
and earned bouquets of pink brides-
....... tri..
ducted by Rev. L. C. Poor of the M. 'II,
church. Tho house decorations wer
pink and white roses and sweet peas.
Immediate relatives and friends wero
in attendauce. After the wedding nil
f riendsintiuintewhere et et et$ etaoaoin
were ushered into the dining roow
where they partook of a sumptous din
ner. Many costly and beautiful prefi
ents were showered upon the happy
couple. They left amid a shower ,of
rice and roses for Seaside to spend
their honeymoon, after which they will
make their home in Hood River, whero
the groom holds a responsible position.
Woodburn Independent.
Cupid was stirring things up general
ly at Scotts Mills Wednesday after
noon. Rev. Frederick Kludas,, of Cali
fornia, formerly pastor of the Friendu
church in Hcotts MiUs, and Miss Evan
geline B. Frazier, of Scotts Mills, wero
united in nmrringe at the home of Rev.
Jesse Coulson; and at the same time and
place Miss Mamie A. Coulson, daughter
of the officiating pastor, became tho
bride of Enrl Dean. The ceremony wna
performed in the presence of a few in
timate friends. ' "
IV v. Kiudas and bride will leave shoo
for Kansas to tako up evangelistic,
work, and Mr. and Mrs. Dean will go to
Michigan to reside. -Mrs. Dean is a niece
of Mr. and Mrs. Coulson, of SeotH
Mills. The contracting parties arc ftell
known in the vicinity of Scotts Mill i
and have many friends there who wish
them a prosperous and happy life.
Miss Olive Moe, daughter of M.
and Mrs. O. J. Moe, was married Wed
nesday at the Lutheran Synod church
in this city to Martin liatteberg. Rev.
White officiating. A reception wa
given at the home of tho bride's pa
rents in tlie afternoon. They go to Ta
coma and Seattle for a short honey
moon, after which they will be nt home
on Mr. liatteberg 's furm near this fit;-.
Sih ertun Tribune.
A very pretty wedding was solemn
ized nt the Catholic church in Sublim
ity Tuesday, June 20, at 0 a. in. by Rev.
The cluirniinir bride was Miss Fanlino
Heuberger and the groom was Peter
Barkmeyer, both of near Sublimity.
The bride wus attired in a whito
satin messaline, with chiffon over ilresi
and carried g lovely bmifpict of whit-i
flowers. She was attended by tho
groom's siter, Ida Barkmeyer, of Port
land, who was dressed in Copenhagen
blue silk. The groom was dressed in
conventional blue setge and was at
tended by Jehu Huebcrgcr, brother of
the bride. Little Miss Cacilin Spaniol,
niece, of the groom acted as flower girl.
There were many beautiful wedding
presents, including much silverware.
O. F hall where they enjoyed a wed
ding dance. The Muil. together with
the many friends of these young pec
ple i-h them many years of happiness
and prosperity. Stayton Mail.