Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 24, 1916, Magazine Section, Image 11

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aily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page
RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per word for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion
J. O.YUEN Well known Chinese doc
tor has successfully treated all dis
eases iu the past yeir. See testimon
ials on file at the Oriental Herb Co.,
640 State St., Salem. Out of town
patients treated by Symptomatic Di
agnosis. Send for diagnosis blanks.
DB. 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro
practic's Fountain Hold, Davenport,
Iowa. If you have tried everything
and got no relief, ty Chiroprac
tic spinal adjustments and get well.
Office 406-7-8 U. S. National Bank
Building. Phone Main 87. Residence
Main 828-B.
DR. O. A. OLSON, Dentist Adminis
ters nitrous ozid and oxygen gas.
Boom 214. Masonic Temple. Phone
440. Salem, Oregon.
For all kinds of Insurance in Stand
ard Companies, call on
P. J. K u n t z
Boom 309, Bank of Commerce.
FOB RENT Nicely furnished house
keeping rooms reasonable. 85S North
Commercial strept. tf
A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge, No. 2,
Meets every Monday evening nt 8 In the
McCornack bull, corner Court and Liberty
rreets. K. O. Donaldson, M. W. ; S. A,
McFadden, recorder; A. L. Brown,
8ALBM LODGE No. 4, A. F. & A. M.
Stated communications first Friday In
each month at 7 :.'IO p. m. In the Masonic
Temple, (.'has. McCarter, W. M. ; S. Z,
Culver, secretary,
president ; Mrs. Lou Tillnon. secretary- All
cum of cruelly or neglect ot dumb ani
mals should he reported to the secretary
for investigation.
CENTRAL LODGE, No. 18, K. of P. Mc
- Cornuck building. Tuesday evening of
ech week nt 7 :30. J. O. Heltzel, C. C. ;
W. B. Gllson, K. ot II. and 8.
B. N. OF A. "Sregoiv Ornpe Camp," No.
1360, meets every Thursday evening In
McCornack building. Court and Liberty
streets ; elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Schaupp,
171 Market, oracle ; Mrs. Melissa l'er
oaa, recorder, 1200 North Commercial.
Phone 1430-M.
gon Cedar Camp, No. 52411, meets every
Thursday evening nt 8 o'clock In Mc
Cornack ball, corner Court and Liberty
streets. Elevator service. Geo. lleinonl,
V. C. ; J. A. Wright, clerk.
CHADWICK CnAlTF.R, No. 87, O. B. 8.
Kegulur meeting every first, and third
Tuesday at 8 p. m. In the Masonic Tem
ple. Minnie Moeller, W. M. ; Ida M.
bibcock, secretary.
Friday night at 8 o'clock In Mcl'ornack
block, G. W. Hirous, C. C; L. 8. (Jeer
clerk, 607 Court street. Phone B03.
Regular conclave fourth Friday In each
mouth at 8 o'clock, p m.. In Masonic Tem
ple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courte
ously Invited to meet with us Lot L.
Pearce, E. C, Frank Turner, recorder.
UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly,
No. 84. meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m.
In Moose hall. C. O. Matlock, M. A.;
C. 55. Randall, secretary, Salem Bank of
Stated assembly first Monday In each
month. Masonic Temple. N. 1'. Kamnus
rn. Thrice Illustrious Master; Gleno C.
Nlln, recorder.
BAI.KM COUNCIL NO. 2022 Knights and
Ladie of Security Meets every 2nd and
4th Wednesday each month at Hurst Hall.
Visiting members are Invited to attend.
B. F. Walton, financier, 480 S. 14th tic
PACIFIC LODGE No. 50, A. F. & A. M.
Svated communications third Friday
in each month at 7 :30 p. m. In the
Masonic Temple. Hal V. BoUm, W. M. ;
Brneat II. Choate. secretary.
WEBB & CLUL'Uti UU J. tJ. vveDO.
A. M., Clouzh mortid.ins and funeral
directors. Latest modern metjods
known to the profession employed
499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9S88.
directors and undertakers, 2!i2 North
High atreet. Dav and night phone
) General Teed aa
K. a 11 T : oukl.
v . OUiBll AJjvvr v-
154 Ferry. Paona gSfj
BOOB," Sees the
owner on county road and railroad.
50 to 200 acres each, good buildings,
goon mi't, oil under cultivation, close
to scrool, prices reasonable, ialf
cash, balance time at 6 per cent or
modern income bearing city property.
P. O. Box 240, Salem. tf
3 miles from good town; good build
ings; 00 acres in crop, close to R.
R. station; eight cows, team, and
farm equipment. $100 per acre.
Easy terms. ''W. ialca some trade as
part pavment. Square Deal Realty
bo., 2')Z"V. S. Bank bldg. Phone 470.
WELTMER SYSTEM Of suggestive
Therapeutics practiced by Dr. W. T.
TompKins, S.. T. Most powerful, nat
ural and successful treatment known
to science for the relief and cure of
headache, stomach, liver and kidney
trouble; rheumatism, constipation,
infantile paralysis and all female
complaints, heart, lung and throat
troubles; all diseases of the eye; can
cer, goitre, epilepsia, asthma, nerv
ousness or any chronic disease. Sug
gestive therapeutics properly applied
to a diseased bbdy is positive, mire
and permanent in its results. Hours
9 to 12 a. m, 1 to 5 p. m., phone
991. Office rooms 1, 2 and 3 Biyne
Hldp 341 Stwte St., Salem. Oregon.
DRS. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic physicians -iS'l
nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer
ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksville
Mo. Post graduate and specialized i:
nerve diseases it Los Angeles college.
Treat acute and chronic diseases.
Consultation free. Lady attendant.
Office oOd-'jOO U. S. National Bank
Building. Phone 859. Residence 340
North (iiiital street. Phone 400.
proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. Yard and cess
pools cleaned. Office rihoet Alain
2247. Kesiden8 .. 22 H.
ON Good Beal Estate Security.
Over Ladd & Bush Bank. Salem, Oregon
MONEY TO LOAX I have made ar
rangements for loaning eastern
money, will make very low rate of
interest on highly improved farm9.
Homer H. Smith, room 5 McCornack
Bldg, Salem, Ore. Phone G.
from all points east, on all household
goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car-
loid service. Capital City Transfer
Company, agents for I'aeme, uoast
Forwarding company, 101 South Com
mercial street. Phone Alain 933.
NOTICE To the people ef Salem,
that I have installed a complete oxy
actylene welding and cutting appar
atus in my shop. For welding Steele,
cast iron, aluminum, brass and bronze.
We make a specialty of automobile
frame welding, scored cylinders
blocks, broken crank cases, farm
and harvesting machinery. We are
also equipped for extra heavy weld
ing and and can go to your job. I
bave employed an expert welder to es
pecially look after your wants. Your
patronage is respectfully solicited.
All worki'fully guaranteed from de
fects. C. H. Grigg, general black
smith and wood working shop, 1895
State street. July 3
corner Commercial and Trade streets.
For water service apply at office.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Care of
Chinese Medicine and
Tea Company
Has medicine which will
cure any known disease,
153 South High Street,
Salem, Ore. Phone 283
game free with extras
Peace Will Bring New
Conditions to America
New York, June 17, 191G.
Because of numerous ana strongly
conflicting forces a very mixed situa
tion exists in the financial district.
The war is being more vigorously
pushed than ever and, aside irom a
fearful waste of life, is costing over
180,000,000 daily, a goodly portion of
which is coming this way. This lat
ter sum is not all additional loss, be
cause many millions would be spent in
any event for feeding and clothing the
millions of men if engaged in peace
ful pursuits. Armies and navies would
have to be paid for even in time of
peace, and it should be remembered
that the territory and industrial plants
of two of the most important belliger
ents have escaped thus far without
damage. The awful struggle has cost
terribly in blood and wealth, sonic
losses being entirely beyond calcula
tion; but some deductions have to be
made from current outlays, and noth
ing is gaineil by exaggeration or mis
calculation. The financial position of
some of tho belligerents will be a ser
ious matter of adjustment when peace
conies, and that period cannot be safe
ly predicted. There is a very sugges
tive growth of optimism in this direc
tion, and belief grows with strange
persistence that the war will end dur
ing the present year rather than face
another dreadful winter.
Expectation of peace must have
some foundation; though whether it
has its origin in weariness of spirit a
mong those who suffer or recognition
of coming disaster by those who gov
ern, cannot be determined. Perhaps
war madness is giving way to peace
sanity at least let us hope so.
As peace approaches tins rfountry
will gradually adjust ctself to the new
conditions. A few departments of in
dustry may suffer, but many more
will benetit by return to the normal.
Temporary reactions tuny come with
or after peace, but it stands to reason
that in the long run the world will
benefit by the restoration of product
ive efforts anil the stoppage of de
struction. Very likely the recupera
tive powers of all the contestants will
be greater thau expected. We will
lose much of the munitions traffic, but
may look for expansion in steel and
other industries, in foreign trade, in
shipping, and in development of the
many enterprises deterred by war.
This country is wonderfully strong in
dustrially and financially, and is bet
ter prepared ia many respects costs
of production expected for trade ex
pansion than any other nation.
Another favorable factor is the po
litical outlook at home. Many busi
ness interests are gratified at the nom
ination of Mr. Hughes as the Republi
can candidate, since his leadership not
only strengthens their hope of success,
but also assures a campaign free of
unnecessary animosities ami disturb
ances. The nomination of Mr. Wilson
means a check to extreme radicalism.
As already stated in these advices, the
chief issues will be patriotism, pre
paredness and the tariff, the two for
mer including a more vigorous though
peaceful foreign policy. Since there
is no great division of opinion about
these problems, the outlook is for a
comparatively quiet, although lively
campaign. The output of new legisla
tion will be at a minimum.
Gold imports 4a.ve ibeen renewed,
over $50,0110,000 having already arriv
ed, evidently with the intention on the
pBrt of Ijomlon of keeping the ex
change situation in a favorable posi
tion and preventing the firmer rates
which looked probable a week or two
ago. Thus far the exchange situation
has been skilfully handled, in spite of
Seven Thousand Dollars
For Woman's Building
University of Oregon, Eugene, June
24. The Women's Neighborhood club
of T.a Grande by making a donation of
t75,0OO has just sent the fund which
the women of the state are raising for a
state women's building at the I.'nivei
sity of Oregon up past the $7,000 mark.
This amount, however, does not repre
sent the whole of the women's accom
plishment in their effort to build this
structure, since Mrs. George T. Oer
linger, of Dallas, was appointed the
first woman regent the university has
enormous foreign purchases of muni
tions, etc., and what with the estab
lishment of large credits, the return
of foreign investments, and gold im
ports, the situation is well under con
trol. Our home business outlook con
tinues satisfactory. Crops are rather
backward, the composite average of
condition, according to the government
report, being- 9 per cent below last
year, chiefly on account of injury to
wheat. Farmers however, are secur
ing good prices for their crops, and in
view of the surplus wheat carried ov
er no scarcity is anticipated. Fruits
and hay promise big yields. Nearly
all producers of raw materials are se
curing good prices for agricultural
and mineral products alike. Many di
visions of labor, especially those en
gaged in munitions, aTO securing ab
normally high wages, and those pro
mote trade activity. War profits have
stimulated trade in many directions,
in some cases to the point of extrava
gance. If we look at tiie reverse situation,
the unfavorable factors are fairly nu
merous, and somewhat spotty. Per
haps the most unfavorable feature Is
the Mexican situation, which is threat
ening and will probably develop with
more or less clearness during the next
tew weeks. Another element of weak
ness is the liquidation in munition
shares, which are inevitably affected
by the shrinkage of orders in that di
rection. The motor stocks have also
come somewhat into disfavor, owing to
the recent manipulation, also the fail
ure of the newly proposed combination
which should be really regarded as a
wholesome feature, inasmuch as it
proves that the best of banking opiu
ion is opposed to such wholesale and
questionable promotion schemes. Had
this flotation been successful it would
undoubtedly have excited much hos
tile criticism ami probably started an
other anti-corporation movement. One
other element of grave uncertainty
which cannot be overlooked is the la
bor situation. The recent advances in
wages in the munition industries and
i the spectacular profits which they
have enjoyed seem to have completely
upset the labor leaders, ond a return
to normal conditions after the war
will not be easy to accomplish. The
controversy between the railroads and
their employes is also of a threatening
character, and is seriously disturbing
confidence. The steady offering of
American stocks held abroad has also
tended to prevent recovery in railroad
shares and high grade Investments that
might otherwise have occurred. Rum
ors of a United States bond issue in
this direction were suggestive. Rum
ors of a British bond issue were prob
ably without foundation, and due to
the distribution of a large block of
these bonds as dividend by a promi
nent munitions concern. A Russian
loan of ."iO,(loO,000 was offered and
quickly taken. It is also reported that
a French loan is impending, and other
nations are seeking fresh credits.
Between these two sets of conditions
the balance appears to favor moderate
ly hopeful views. Certain specific
nearby prospects are jtood, while the
more distant outlook is uncertain.
From cither standpoint, careful dis
crimination is necessary. Many of
I the speculative issues have had n. big
irise and further liquidation is in pros
Ipect. On the other haod, the better
class of investments, particularly the
railroads, have been somewhat neglect
ed. There is an abundance zf money
seeking emplowment, and well chosen
I investment can be made with eonfi
'denee. HENRY CLEWS.
lever had, and immediately took hob) of
I the campaign to raise $-100,000 by priv
ate subscription. I here are numerous
pledges that have been received to the
effect that subscriptions will be forth
coming in amounts not staled, or a little
later in tho campaign or in conjunction
with other subscriptions. The total
j financial effect of the first year of ef
fort on the part of the women is esti
i mated as the equivalent of rni"ing
j $.20,000 towards the women's building.
An interesting feuture of the wo-
men's campaign is the large amount
raised by the undergraduate girls now
in tho university. This has already
reached $1,500, most of it acquired by
the giving of concerts and other enter
tainments. In the whole list of donors appears
the namo of only one person of the
masculine persuasion, Walter Winslow,
a Salem attorney who is president of
tho University Alumni association, put
his name down for $25. Tho following
is the list of contributors to date in so
far as promises have been reduced to
definite amounts and legal obliga
gntions: University women's April frolic,
$178.20; Gamma Phi Beta Sorority,
$100; Mrs. Abagail Scott Duniway,
$100; Kwama society of sophomore
girls, $.15; Miss Ruth Catlin, $,S; uni
versity women's "progressive dinner,"
$.114.55; university women take over
day at Rex theatre, $145.45; interest
on deposits, $44.79; girls' glee club con
cert at Independence under the auspires
of the Independence Women's club,
$20; at Monmouth under tho auspices
of the Monmouth Women's club, $S0;
at Albany under the auspices of the
Albany Oregon Alumnae, $5; at Mc
Minnville under auspices of high school,
$1H; at Newburg under management of
high school, $14; nt Dallas unler man
agement of Campfirc girls, $7.50; under
auspices Dallas Women's club, $15.50;
Dallas Women's club (in addition)
$.'14.50; Portland Association of Col
legiate Alumnae, $500; Portland Ore
gon Alumnae, $1,000; Purlland Fan
Hellenic, association, $500; Mrs. P, L,
C'amfpbcll and family, $500; Eugene
Fortnightly club, $500; Eugene Associa
tion of Colloginto Alumnae, $500;
Hood River Oregon Alumnae, $53.82;
Eugene Book club, $.12; Mrs. R. W. Wil
bur, $50; Creswell Women's club, $5;
Walter Winslow, $25; unclaimed uni
versity funds, $991.80; this year's
graduating class from the university a
minimum of $700 with a chance that
collections will bring total up to $1,000;
t.a Grnndo Neighborhood club, $75.
(Medfurd Mail-Tribune.)
A feature of the European war that
sets at naught Napoleonic theories is
the ago of the commanding officers.
Most of those who have won the laurels
of success are nearer 70 than 00, and
the leaders of the German host are
nearly all over 05 and some 75.
Here is a list of the commanders ns
compiled by the English National Re
view; BRITISH (ion. Sir D. Hnig, 55; Oen.
Sir H. Plumor, 59; (ien. Sir U. Raw
jlinson, 52; (ien. Sir C. Monro, 511; (ien.
' Allenby, 55; Oen. Pulteiiey, 55; (Ien. Sir
('. Ferguson, 51; Oen. Hvong, 51; Clcn.
Alderson, 57; Oen. Sir II. Wilson, 52;
(Ien. Hnkinir, 51; (Ien. (lough, 40; (Ien.
Birdwood. 51; Oen. Hiinter lleston, 52;
Oen. Lord Vtivan, 51; Oen, Keir, (10;
Oen. Eanshawe, 50; Oen. Morelnud, 51;
Oen. Snow, 58; Oen. Congreve, 54.
FRENCH Oen. .Toff re, (it; Oen. do
Castelnau, 05; Oen. Foch, 05; Oen.
( angle de Carey, (17; Oen. Potnin, 59;
Oen. Dubnil, 05; Oen. Villaret, (it; Oen.
Uoques. 00; Oen. Humbert, 55; Oen.
Oourand, 47; Oen. Frances d'Erperv,
till; Oen. d'Urhal, 58; Oen. Hely rt 'Mis
sel, 55; Oen, Dubois, 04; Oen. do Maud
huy. 00.
HERMAN Ven. von Seholtz, 05;
Oen. von Fabeck, 02; (Ion. von Kick
born, (18; Prince Leopold of Ituvnria,
70; Oen. von Woyrseh, 00; Oen. T.in
singen, (ill; Oen. von linthincr, (11; Field
Marshal von llindenburg, 09; Field
Marshal von Mackenscn, 71; Duke Al
brecbt of Wurtenberg, 51; Ciohii
Prince of Bavaria, 47; Oen. von Hoeri
gen, (iti; (Ien, von Eimcii, (i.'t; Crown
Prince of Germany, 34; (Ien. von Fnl
kenhnusen, 72; Oen. von Kluck, 70; Oen.
von HeHcler, (ili; Oen. von Bulow, 70;
Oen. von Below, 03.
The figures prove that a man not
only should be, but actually is, lit his
best mentally at the uge of three-score
and ten.
Matilda and Jno. V. Spry to V. A.
Carlson, lot 7, Valley Fruit Farm, No. 2.
A. (larield Newsom to John II.
Payne, pt. Wesley SShannon el., 52-7-1 W.
Nieholus Schmaltz et ux to Adelia
Zimmerman, all of lit 2 and W. 1-2 of
lot 0, blk. 1, May's add to Mt. Angel.
('has. A. Murphy et ux to John F.
White, lot tl, blk. J, Vnnduyn's add Sa
lem. W. W. Craig et ux to fl. Vf. Jenkins,
lot 17, blk. 2, Burlington add, Sa
lem. Wm. flatita and Mrs. Edna Itantu Ol
son et al to J. W. and M. M. Cave, lot
l.'l, blk. 3, Cook 'a add to Marion; also
lols 12, 3, 0, 7, and 8, and a strip of 32
foot wide off east nide of lots .'1 and 4,
blk. 2, Piel-nrd's add to Marion; also
part of O. ricknrd claim, SH-H-2W.
H. It. Ttiudy et ux to Kfl'io K. Jones,
By Mort.
Classified Business
Telephone Directory
A Quick, handy reference for busy people
i TelepkoM
Salem Eleetrit Co., Masonis Temple, 127 North High lisin 1K
1. J. BaTr, 164 South Commercial street if aim 1DI
fealem Truck & DrBjr Co., corner State tua front itroets Vln Ji
Try This on Your Eczema
If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter,
dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry
ZensaJ. For that watery eruption, or Weeping
Skin, use Moist Zensal, 50c the jar.
CENTRAL PHARMCY, formerly Poole's Dreg Store
No. 10--Oregon Express 5:00 a. m.
No. 114 Eocene Limited 3 :2 p. m.
No. -H Willamette Limited... 9:22a.m.
No. 1J Shosla Limited 11:55 a.m.
No. JM I '"i -t I a tut i'n.wngi'r ... 1:27 p.m.
No. !!0 I'ortlHnil ranHeiiger. . . 0:00 p.m.
No. 14 I'nitland ExrroiH 8 :04 p. ni.
No. 2L'l! I'ortlnml fast Freight 10:30 p. m.
No. 22ti Local wny Freight. .. .10 :30 a. m.
sol ni noiiNu
No. 13 California Express. . . . 3:.12a. m.
"o. 17 HoKeburg l'nxHUigcr ..11:20a. ni.
No. L'.'l KuKcne Limited 10 :0 1 a. in.
No. Ill ( oltnue Drove Tush. ..4:111p.m.
Mnke connection with No. 74 (Jeer
No. 11 Simula Limited 5:43 p.m.
No. 27 Willamette Limited. . , tl: III p.m.
No. 13 San Francisco Expi-eim 10 :30 p. n.
No. 221 Kuu Francisco Fast
Freight 12:01 a.m.
No. 225 Leal way Frelitlit. . .11 :4U a. m.
Km.km Ckeii Link.
No. 73 Arrives at Salem 0:15 a.m.
lo. 70 Leaven Sulem 0 :A0 n, in.
No. 7."i Ar. Salem I mixed) 2:00 p.m.
No. 74 Leave Saleui 4 :2U p. in.
No connection south of (leer.
11 Lv. Snlem, motor 7:00a.m.
ion Lv Halem, motor 0:40a.m.
I No.
Itio Lv. Salem for Mouuiouth
anil ALille
. 11 :10a. m.
, . 4 :00 p. m.
. . 6 : 1 "i p. in.
. . 0 :00 a. m.
. . 8 :40 a. in.
.11 :10 a. m.
. . 3 :l "i p m.
. . 6 :00 p. m.
. 7 :4H p. ni.
. . 1 :.')o p. m.
107 Lv. Snlem, motor ,.
litu Lv. S'Hlem, motor ...
2.I0 Way Fr t lv. Suleni..
1U2 A r. Salcra
1H4 Ar. Salem
HID Ar. Snlem
HW Ar. Snlem
17o Ar. Snlem
24J Way Fr't ar. Snlem.
south in vno
Train No.
I. v. Salem
4 :.'!." a. m.
7:10 a. m.
0 :40 a. m.
11 :20 a. m.
1 :4. p. in.
4 :iio p. m.
0 :;i7 p. m.
7 :00 p. iu.
Ar. rnrtlnnd
. . 8 a. m.
. . 0 :2!i n. m.
..II :.')5 a. m.
. 1 1 :35 p. m.
. . 4 :00 p. m.
. . 0 :50 p. ni.
. . 7 :50 p. m.
...2 Owl
,.10 Limited ....
. 12
, . 10 Limited . .
21) ,
22 ,
10 :00 p. m.
sot tu hound
Portland to Haiku
Lv. Portland. Ar. Snlem
;45 a. m S :0.' (Sulem only)
8:23 ft. m. ... 0 Limited ....10:11 a. m.
H. W. 14 of tract I, Jefferson Insti
tute 10-aerc truets, Jefferson.
II. W. Waters lo H. (.'. Dtl.ong, lot li,
Hanshaw's Fruit Farms.
Kllen T. McLean to Arthur B. and
I.aura SriUman, lot blk. 12, Capital
I'nrk add, Salem,
Frank Meeker to James Vlunt, lot 4,
blk. 1, Meeker's add, Salem.
Fred and. Kdna KuUonburg to W. I.,
and Jessie M. Hutcliins, pt. Silas CI.
I'ugh el. .'lil-rt-.'IW.
Florence II. and T.. M. DoggM to It. I..
Sabin, trustee, pt. lot 5, blk. 7, south
west add, Snlem.
Longshoremen Will
Coal Uncle Sam's Ships
San Diego, fill., June 2:1. Striking
longshoremen continued to work eoul nt
the I.. A. I'luya Fuel depot, that I'ncle
Mum's big fighting machines might not
M. Burger.
1J:4 7 12:55 p.m.
- "5 P- m 0 :25 p. m,
4:40 p. m. ... 13 Llmltd .... :40 p. m.
o'J P- m 17 Ical .... 8:10p.m.
:20 p. m 10 11 :25 p.m.
11 :45 p. m. 21 Owl 1:65 p. M
C.rTallH a,. snWm
P- m 20 6:37p.m.
Lv. Eugene. Ar. Salem
a m 10 Limited .... 9 :45 a. m,
1 n 18 Limited .... 11:05 p. to,
5:25 p. m 22 7:05 p.m.
12 . 00 p. m 2 owl :10 a. to,
Lv. Pnlem it. Eugem
2 :oo a. m 21 Owl t :50 . m,
7:10 m 05 9 :30 a. m.
10:10 a. m 0 I.liaiu '....12:25p.m.
Lv. uicm it. Albany
12 :0i p. m 7 1 :60 p. m,
titer at Corvalllit
Lv. Khiem. Mr. Albany
-'! m 0 s :20 p. m.
Ar. Albany
:40 p. i.
I. V. fu.tm At. EllfffDB
O :40 p. m 13 8 :00 p. m,
Wmmus Local Daily Excirr 8uNnAi
No. t;4 Leaves Snlem 1 :40 p. m.
No. U,l Arrives In Malsa 1:25 p. n
Lv. Coi-vaills Ar. Halem
X 20 a. in 10 0 :45 a. m.
12 12 p. m 14 1 :40 p. n
2 . m 10 4 :00 p. m.
4 in p. m 20 B ..17 p. nt,
0 .1k p. in 22 7 .65 p. m.
Lv. Kniem Ar. Corvall!
lo ;10 n. id H 11 :XI a. m.
4 p. n. 0 S :47 p. m.
12 r1 p. ni 7 2. 20 p.m.
d .40 p. in 13 6 ;O0 p. m.
Oregon City Transportation Company
Leave I'ortlHiid for OrcRon Cty, nuttevlOe
N"wi,.ri. Mission (St. Haul), Wheatland,
!-a em i dally except Sunday) . .8 43 a. uv.
I. rave Portland for Indfpi ndenoe.
All-auy-t-orvul!ls, (Tuei., TniiV., Sat.)
8 :40 a. m.
i orvsi;:is
, . . 8 a. m. Mob., Wed., Frt.
Allmn? 7 a. m. Mi d., Wed., Frt.
Inilep, ndeuce. . . . 0 a., in Moo., Wed., FrU
Snlem 10 i. m. Mod., Wed., Frt.
Salem 0 a. m. Tutu., Thura., Situ
be deii.ycd.
But that was the ooly dtcveiloriii)'
wok done toduy by union men in Saw
! Diepo.
j "We will play fair with the govern
ment," said ono of the efficers' toduy.
"The government has been fair with us,
and no matter what may bo the develop
ments, we will see that there is no de
lay in coaling tho nhips of the navy."
To discharge the steumer Harvard)
last night tho entire office foreo, )ef
by ( iiptaiu H. A. tloorlull, president t,t
the Pacific Navigation company, strip-
jped off coat, rolled up sleeves an
ipiihhed trucks, and otherwise perfornie-l
Imnnuil labor that cunucd ecmc few blin
i lers.
ijt ijt st sjc )(t sjc )c ))t rc 5)t iJc sfc (c it ((
A Journal New Today will
cixvert wa.'ite into