EIGHT THE DATLY CAPITAL JQT'RNAL. SALEM. OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 2.1, 1916. "Salem's Big Department Store Your Vacation Trip Will require a Trunk, Suit Case and Hand Bag. If you purchase any of these you will want a good looking durable set of car riers for your clothing. You will find just what you want in our big Trunk section on the second floor; the largest assortment in this vicinity. Steamer Trunks, Regular Trunks, Ward robe Trunks, Matting, Rattan, Fiber and Leather Suit Cases. No matter what you need in this line we can supply that need to your entire satisfaction in both quality and price. We are glad to show you whether you purchase or not. QUALITY AND SERVICE Through Ui eorts of the Salem Patriotic League of which the Hex, damns Klvin is secretary, lot) testa ments will lie sent to the boy at Clackamas anil will lie included as part if Uie comfort outfits to lie sent with in a. few days, in each testament will be placed the mime of the soldier and sumo special word of comfort. Lester Davis, former Salem newspa per man .anil now special investigator for rJovernor WitiiyeLimbe, may have to go. before the Multnomah county aniitd jury. Davis has been trying to unravel the mystery connected with the minder of .Mrs. Helen Jennings and fred Ristmnn near Portland, re- Order Your Groceries Today at Damon's 4 Cans of Milk 30c Flour, Special Today . ... $1.10 50c Jap Ten, Special Today, pound 20c 15c Can Oystci's, now 10c Our Be,st 35c Steel Cut Cof ft, Special Today 30c 10c pkg. Soda, now 4C 3 1-2 lbs. small white Beans t0r 25c 10c Can pepper, etc, now.. 6c Pay Cash and put the dif ference In the bank. Call wid leave your order or Plune 08. Damon & Son Groceries 855 N. Com'l. Phone 68 21 1 1 TllLlJlj " j Read Capital Journal Want Ads. j Ford Owners, Save $ on Your Fuel Equip your machine with Via's Distil late Burner. Get twenty-five miles to the gallon of distillate. Cut your operating expenses in half. Installed by VICK BROS. Salem, Oregon Talent Applied for Renjs. S. Via. y : ,"tiv'iiiM" ' ecntly. convict, horn Iml cording ever, In criminal. Hennett Thompson, a former is liebl for the crime at Hills he is not the murderer, ac to Davis, who refuses, how divulge the name of the rent Railway postal employes who were members of military companies may tight with the consolation that their jobs will be restored to them upon their return from the front. This or der was recently issued by the postal authorities at Washington and it is probable that the same will apply to all departments of th; postal service. The Rev. O. Schunke, pastor of the German Baptist church, Cottage and I) streets, who presented his resigna tion some time ago, will preach his farewell sermon next Sunday morning. A farewell reception will be given at the church next Tifesdny evening. Mr. Nchunke has been pastor of the Gor man Hnptist church in Salem for the past ') 1-2 years and will leave nexl week for his new labors at l.odi, Cat. Dr. W. B. Hinson, former pastor of the White Temple of Portland will be gin a series of evangelistic meeting at the First Haptist church next Wednes day evening, extending over Sunday, July 2. lie is now superintendent of evangelism of the Coast district, which includes all the districts west of the Wockv Mountains and ins work is un der the auspices of the American Bap tist Home .Missionary society. oalem was well represented at the llth annual reunion of the Oregon Pi oueers' association yesterday. Among those present at the afternoon exercis es and the camp fire, were .lodge 1'. II. D'Aivy of 77. .Inoge Galloway of '.2 and Knoch Churchill of '17. -Mrs. William It. Galloway and Miss Teresa K'Arcy also attended. The reunion this year was one of the largest in the history of the association, the camp fire talks proving especially in teresting. Judge Galloway and Judge lCArcv were among the speakers lit the camp fire. The Rev. Robert M. HopV.ins of Cin cinnati, Ohio, national secretary of the Bible school work of the Christian church, was in the city this morning, accompanied by If. K. Monroe, who is on his way to Alaska. They were en tertained by the members of the ciiiir. h with a luncheon and an automo bile ride about the city. Mr. Monroe is on his way to Alaska, to engage in missionary work, haling been sent there through the generosity of K. A. Long of Kansas City. Mr. Hopkins, the national secretary, will acconipa uv hiin as far as Seattle. HMMMMWMMWIMMMWMM MMMMMHMMWMMIMt All Around Town . i ! ! t ii I ; : i , i COMING EVENTS TONIGHT I t:i ti ) Concert, Willson park. 8 p. in. June 24. Moose day in Salem. June 25. German Lutheran (.Lurch picnic at State Fair grounds. June 2li (.'lose of voting con- test for Queen of Cherry Fair, il a. in. Jump 2s. Meeting nf Siilem Patriotic League, 2 p. in. July 3 All-Oregon Grange ral- ly, Salem. July 3. Annual Cherry fair. July 4. Fourth of July ecle- bration, State Fair grounds. July 4. Indiana society annual picnic at State Fair grounds. July J 2-18. Salem Chautauqua. July 19. Monthly meeting of Commercial club. sje July 20 Wisconsin society re- union at State fair grounds. July 20. Southern Pacific rail- way men's picnic, State Fair grounds. ' L ! I ' I Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glasse j as correctly. U. S. Bank. Bldj. j The Ladies Aid society of the First I Presbyterian church met this afternoon j with .vi rs. John A. ('arson as hostess. I Let us replace your awning. E. L. ! St iff & Son. j W. W. Powell, agent for the Pruden tial at Albany, arrived this afternoon to a nipany the local agents to Ore gon City for their annual picnic. jJance at Broo'.w Saturday night 'June 21th. Music Salem orchestra. ! junc24 ! It is reported from Stayton that E. II. Alexander, publisher of the Stand ard, has been appointed postmaster lit that place, lie was endorsed by the democratic organization for the place. Get your tents, awnings, wagon cov ers, camp stoves, chairs, etc., at K. L. Stiff & Son. Roy L. MuUins, paroled from the pen itentiary some time ago, has been re stored to citizenship by Governor Withycouiho. MuUins will go to the frftnt with Company K of Corvallis. Money can't buy better coffee than lire turning out at 35c. Ask tor the package. Until Grocery Co. Tonight is the third band concert of the Cherriaii b I and if the boys who have become noisy and interferred witn the pleasure of the crowds nt the other two concerts become too loud in their rowdyism, an effort will be made to havo the police tnKe them in charge. Mission Bell cantaloupes, big ship ment ilue for Saturday, .'t for 2," and -1 for 2."e at lioth Grocery Co. An auto party consisting of Mrs. cJ A. I'arks, It. S. Wallace, Mrs. L. IL Coinptou and Mrs. .1. W. Harbison will leave tomorrow morning for Camp Witiiycombe to spend the day. All the ladies have relatives among members of Company M. Taney tomatoes 10c and 2 lbs. for 2.1e; Oregon green beans 2 lbs. for 2.V; extra telephone peas II lbs, for 2jc. lioth Grocery Co. Governor Witiiycombe has accepted an invitation of Company M, of Sa lem, to hums with them next Monday night, when he will visit the concen tration camp at Clackamas. He will be the guest of Col. Clenard McLaugh lin, of I'ortland, at his headquarters, that night. i,ct us figure on your next bill of lumber, lath, shingles, builders hnrd waie, paints, oils, etc-Falls (,'ity Sa lent Lumber Co., 111!" S. 12. I'hone 813. Mrs. S. F. Anderson of 488 South Seventeenth street was well repaid for coming down town this morning and getting in with the crowd at. the I'rice shoe company special sale. She is now wearing a pair of $."i shoes that did not cost a cent, as her ticket num ber happened to be the lucky one. PROPOSALS INVITED The undersigned will receive sealed proposals up to 5 o'clock P. M. July li, llHii, for the purchase of one wagon running gears, size :l 14 and .'1 1-2. The citv reserves the right to reject nny or all proposals. CHAS. V. KLGIN', City Keconlcr. Juno 2'i Manager Arthur Wilson, of the Pos tal Telegraph company, arrived in San Francisco today with a young man who calls himself Wake and is said to be the son of the 'Frisco manager of the Pos tal. Blake appeared in Jefferson a few days ago and his queer actions decided the city mnishal of that place to tula him oier to the county court. nut Attention Members of Salem lodge, No. :t;iii, It. P. O. F., aie request ed to assemble at Willson park this, Friday evening, at the band concert, where the Indies of the Salem Patriotic league will serve ice cream for the purpose of raising funds for furnish ing til members of Company M, O. X. ;(., with suitable comf irt bags and con tents. A large attendance is desired. -Louis l.achmuud, Kxalted, ltuler. Howdy ipap. The ladies of the Patriotic league will sell ice cream at the band eon cert this, Friday, evening. The pro ceeds will be expended for the com fort of Company M tit ( amp Withy- c.itnlm Tlie Moose me nil nr.roil In attend the concert and patronize our iiiootn. tumult! i . .vines, sec. ;lKIIIllllllllllllllm Reserve your seats now for auto 'trip to Clackamas Surulay morning re jturn Sunday evening. See Kdwaidson & Burns, corner Kerry and High, or 'phone IKAK Emamial Meyer died at his home j yesterday in i'ortland. He was bom ;iu Salem Jusc It, I S.:, and for many ! years was in the mercantile business in I'ortland. A lodge of the United Artisans will be organized at Silvertoir next Tues day evening. Members of the Salem I lodge and officials will attend to as sist in the initiatory work, ! Card of Thanks ; We wish to thank our neighbors and j friends for their acts of kindness and i sympathy during our recent bereave ' incut. i K. S. lbower. j Mrs. Julia Jtrower. The Columbia highway and various scenic points in eastern Oregon and the Crater Lake park will be visited by Judge Charles F. Klgin daring a long vacation he is planning. He will leave Salem in about two weeks. The judge is putting his car in first class shape and testing it out for the trip. I o I The annual picnic of the Prudential Insurance company will be held at Ore Igoii Citv tomorrow. Among the local 'representatives who wfll attend are Supt. A. II. (iage and his staff com posed of .1. 1). Ilartwell. V. J. Itnrrargy and H. A. Lucas. Dr. B. O. Miles, the Company's physician, is also an invited guest. It's going to be hot for the boys across the Kio Grande that is, the weather is going to be hot. Cognizant of this 'fact, a number of patriotic lad I ies of this city who have visited the 'southland aro planning to send the Co. M boys a beverage with medicinal i properties. So the blackberry cordial market will receive a stimulus in the near future. Our Business has in creased 30 per cent in the last month which same goes to show that the people of Salem are staying with the Midget, These are regular prices. Bring, your bas ket and pick out your favorite cut for Sunday and note what you save. Juicy tender Steak, any cut you prefer t2hc Per Pound Prime Roasts of Beef 10c Per Pound Choice Beef to Boil 8c Per Pound Sausage and Hamberger 10c Per Pound FREE To the first 50 purchas ers of 25c or more after 10 a.m., we will give free one ring of Bologna (10c size) MIDGET MARKET t 371 State St. Originator of Low Prices FASI AS EQUIPPED first Will Probably Be New York, None To Go Before Monday Washington, June 2-1. Secretary of War Baker this nfUrnoon issued or ders to every department commander to send his militiu forces to the burder as rapidly as he can eipiip them. Th first state troops to move uadir these orders probably will be from New York. Other state militia likely to fol low closely from Indiana, llli.iois and Wisconsin. A high official said this afternoon he did not believe any of the foices could start before Monday. Washington Militia Gets Rush Orders Seattle. Wash., June 2:1. Major Gen eral J. i'raakliii Bell, commander of the western department of the 1'nited States army conferred with Adjutant General Maurice Thompson and Gover nor Lister here today, and told them to prepare to rush orders to the Mex ican border. He said all state militia would be sent south as soon as equip ment could be issuel at AmeuYyin Lake. Xo state troops will be ready to move for the border before Tuesday. The orders to the department com manders, now already iu the hands of the state militia heads, direct them not to delay departure because of the shortage of field transportation which includes horses, mules, wagons and auto trucks. At the war department no informa tion can be had as lo the exact readi ness of the militia organization of any state and for this reason it cannot be told hoiv soon the first of the guards men will be on their way to the border. It is probable that in many stales it will be a matter of sev eral days before the officers in charge consider their forces "reasonably ready," since this order is interpreted as meaning the men should be somewhat seasoned in camp before being sent south. Oregon May Go First. General Bell declined to sav which of the Pacific coast state troops woud move first, but indicated that the Ore gon contingent is the nearest ready. All western guardsmen will Vie urged to rush preparations. General Be' said. 0,000 Ready at Chicago. Chicago, .Tune 211. Major General Rarry today awaited word from General Fiinstnn at the border before ordering 15.0(10 militiamen in the central depart ment states to entrain for immediate service. As soon as Punston designates where he desires the militiamen sent, 5,000 of the troops who already have reported to Rarry "that they are reasonably well prepared for field service," will be se lected and ordered to entrain. "Xo troops have been ordered to the border yet, excepting those of three states designated by the war depart ment, yesterday," it was stated at General Barry's office today. "The orders from the war depart ment to this office make it possible to send nt once any regiment or even a battalion that considers itself ready,' it was stated. Work of mustering in the Kansas and Missouri troops was under. way today. Illinois troops will be mustered in to morrow. .Many regiments, eager 'for service, have reported themselves "reasonably well prepared." No News to Be Given Out. San Antonio, Texas, June 2.'t. Orders for the distribution of the state militia along the border will probably not be made public until the various units have arrived at their stations, General Funstoa indicated today. Their exact locations will nut be divulged even then, as Vuuston does not wish the Mexican military officials to know just what his arrangements will be. I'll list on said he will send Ceneral Pershing's official account of the Car ri.al fight, expected some time today, direct to the war department, anil will await the administration 's orders as to what steps lo take regarding the affair. Assembling In Washington. Cosgrove, Wash., June 211. Camp )'.. M. Urown is receiving the finishing touches today in preparation for th"? re ception of the main body of Washington national guardsmen, who are expected to arrive at the concent ration camp Sunday. Troop H of Taeoma, recruited to full war strength, and Company A. field signal corps of Seattle, slept un der canvas last night nt the American Lake rendezvous and today are energet ically going through drill evolutions. The troopeis were scheduled to spend five hours in this hard work. Heavily laden wagons and auto trucks were bringing an endless stream of equipment, lumber, forage and commis sary supplies to Camp Brown today anil the 1,500 infantrymen will find noth ing has been overlooked when they reach their temporary home Sunday ev ening. Entrain Tonight. X'evada, Mo.. June 2.1. Missouri militiamen will start entraining tonight for the border. John T. He-ssler ami family left this morning for Fugene. Oregon, where they will make their home. For the past two years Mr. Messier has been associated with the Prudential Insur ance company. He recently resinned to accept a position as district mana ger of the Oregon Life and his head quarters will be in Fugene. Mr. Mess ier is prominent in insurance circles and is a leading member of the Salem Life Vnderwriters association. We wish Ii i in equal success in his new to-catiou. I Orders to Department Com mander Are to "Start Them Soon As Ready" Xot a man of Company M will be turned down by the I'liited States army medical officers. This information was received at the Journal office this aft ernoon from reliable sources at Clack amas. The physical examination began nt half past one today and is now in progress. Ry nightfall the entire com pany, it. is believed, will have received attention. Ill case of slight deviations from the standard iu the matter of eyesight or teeth, u demerit will be marked against the man so lacking. Xo one. however, will be kept away from the front and active service for a slight disability that will not interfere with the per formance of his duties as a soldier. Reports circulating in Salem that two prominent men of the company had been refused are erroneous. The only damage thus far inflicted on any Snlein guards man comes through the wounding of one who was too eager to wield a nick. He sk n ii his knuckles. Vrom the same source it is renorted that the Third infantry will not go to i ne nor.ier lor tit least a week or 10 days. This, however, depends on the do- partment commander as his orders from Washington are to forward the men as soon as they are ready. rhus far Compnnv M has been oe- copied in camp work, drilling, diliirin" trenches and target practice. The men ire gradually Toiiudinp into slon.e n,l work that would put kinks into their backs a week ago causes no discomfort whatever. $ :!c LATE BULLETINS :!:;!: :; ,; ,.c Mexico City, .!,, o:! . y )as not the least, responsibility in the ( ar ri.al incident as we are entirely on the defensive," Secretary of Fore inn Re lations Aguilar said to the Fnited Press today. "We have declared, and our declara hons have been confirmed, that, the integrity and dignity of the nation will be defended and upheld at anv cdst," continued the foreign secretary. ' Aguilar would make no comment on the American situation or Ceneral I'm- ranza s possible reply. The city is absolutely quiet today. Columbus, X. M., June 2.1. Mexican I bandits are today reported to have in-! vaded the 1'nited Stales fiftv miles west of here. The reports stated they were running off horses on Parkers' i ranch in 1'layas valley southwest of Ilachitn, X. M. T.oss of life and fight-1 ing weve not mentioned. j Shamokin, pa., June 2:i. sixteen i carloads of ammunition consigned toi the Xew York port for the allies werel requisitioned in the Xorthuinherlnud I yards today by army officers of the! 1'nited States. The cars were immedi ately re-routed to Buffalo where thevj will be sent to the arsenal lit Fort I Worth, Texas. 1 T-:i Paso, Texas. June 23. Five car-1 loads of lumber destined for the Anier-j ican troops at rolonin lbiblau were; destroyed by fire iu the .luaie. rail road yards today. It is now believed the fire was started to handicap Hon eral Pershing's forces. Washington, June 2:1. An executive order restoring their original positions Mo all government employes who go to the border with the national guard was drafted today by the eomtroller of the treasury, and is awaiting the presi dent's signature, ft is understood the order will be signed at once by J'resi dent Wilson, Washington. June 2X If Carrauwi troops were responsible for the Car rizal battle, Cnrianza can settle tin' af fair by denouncing their action, the state department officially indicated this afternoon. Calveston, Texas. June 2:1." All safe on gunboat Wheeling, awaiting transportation to Calveston," was the text of a cablegram received this afternoon by T. J. Anderson. Lloyd's surveyor here, who had a gang nf 12 men making repairs on the steamer San Cristobal at Puerto, Mexico. Xo details of the inferred trouble were gen. The entries for the baby parade of I herrian day are coming in almost sis fast as votes for. the Cherry queen. While the contest for the queen closes next -Monday morning at !' o'clock, the ontiies for the baby parade may be made as late as !i o'clock of July l.lid. although Mis. W. II. Pnncv re ' quests that all those w ho can. regis jter at the Commercial dub Saturday lat'tenioon of July 1. The entries for I the baby parade tins morning were: Mr. and' Mrs. William Walck, North Seventeenth street, a g'll: Mr. and i Mis. Arthur Smith of West Salem, twin boys: Mr. and Mrs. .1, H. Peter son of West Salem, a girl and boy: ! Mr. and Mis. C. A. potter of I ;';." Ilickorv street, n girl; Mr. and Mrs. l. Putnam, liM." North Cottage, a Kirl. Forrest Walker, nijietceu years old, iutd lit) defense when In- w:is arraigned befoie Judge Kluin this morning on n i-hnrge of breaking and eutciing the Willamette Inixersity gymnasium with intent to sti al. lie was bound over to the grand jury which meets in two weeks. I'dame for the actual hit'iiking iu of the building was plac ed on Orley Lefingwell by Walker who abo declared that most of the prop erty found in his possession liad been given him by Trtixton ltvk. win) was sent to the refoiin sclnnd c-td -day. Join Our Aluminum Club With our Aluminum Club draw ing to a close we find that there are only a few -Piece Sets of DIAMOND BRAND ALUMINUM left. This is because house wives have been quick to take ad vantage ot the manufacturer's lib eral offer permitting us to distri bute a limited number of these 7-Piece Sets on the Easy Club Terms As stated in our former an nouncement, $1.00 cash and 50 cts. a week for a "-Piece Set of High Grade Aluminum will hold good until the few remaining sets have been taken, then our Club will be closed and you will certainly re gret it if you pas up this offer. This space is too small to pic ture the complete set, therefore it will pay you to call early and inspect the utensils that we are offering on our Diamond Brand Aluminum Club. -. Guaranteed 20 years See our big WINDOW DISPLAY. GEER - KRTJEGER Furniture. MILL CITY AUTO STAGE Daily Between ! Salem, Stayton, Mill City and all wtj ! Points. Leaves Mill City 6:15 &. m'; ; Stayton 7:45, Salem, 9:15. ! Return, leaves Salem 4:30 p. ni ; jdtayton 5:45; Mill City 7:20. Phone 13 se $ - The Korean Restaurant is now opened in our new loca- tion at 110 1-2 Com'l street. Everything new and clean. All , kinds of Chinese and Spanish dishes. Pav us a visit. ' :K Mi RESIDENCE PARLORS Licensed Lady Assistant Moderate Pricea Perfect Service Latest Methods Are Found Only At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone 724. Salem, Ort. SALEM TAXI Cars of any hind for any plsce at any time. Office, Bligb. Hotel PHONE 700 Wlen In SALEM, OREGON, ito it BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Free and Private Batlu I BATES: 75c, $1.00, $1.50 PE DAT The only hotel in the business diitrict. j Nearest to all Iepots. Theatres r d I Capitol Buildings. J A Home Away From Hone, T. O. BLIGH, Prop. Both Phones, Free Auto Bui. AUCTION SALE At the Ouick Exchange Auction Market on Saturday. June 21, at 1 :'!') p. m., consisting of one Complete llou-ehidd Furniture Wagon, Harness, Horses, etc. TEEMS CASH. F.N. WOODRY. Auctioneer Phone 511 Posters are now out announcing lo the world that a Cherry fair will be held in Salem Monday July :t. and that an all ihegoii Fourth of J.ily c, lebra. lion will be oliM-ried at the s'ate fa.r ground-. Th rather -tnrtling CJor rv fair po-ter- an from drawings of Murray Wade and will doubtless at tract attention. The Fourth of .lu'y posters are of the regulation red, white i ud blue with the American eagle as a centerpiece. Announcement is made that the lion. cha. W. Kill ton will be the orator id' the -lav and that Mis llallie I'a'ri-h Hingis will -ing "The star spangled Fanner. " The day will be officially announced, by tin' firing nf 21 guns and the i -ciilar t'lirteer nmiounci-H that l.e-id'-s the races, there will be the customary fi-e W'irM! at nigJit.