NEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Rate per word New ToJsy: Knch insertiou, per word .'. li (Joe week (6 insertions1!, per wor.J....fn One month (2G insertions) per word 17c The Capital Journal will not tie re BporrsiMe for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertisements. Head your advertisement the first day it appears and notify ui immediately if it. contains an error. Minimum charge, 13c. PHONE 637 For wood saw. tf UARRV Windoweloaner. Thoue 7'K j'Hyl ItUBBER Stamps made 10" S. Com 'I. tf GOOD I'ASTnu; For rent, Phone 7C Fl I. juiH'-'i ROENTGEN' U:iv examination. Dr. May. j'ine-1 YOt'XO Chicken for sa'o. Phone I 2S7-W. jum-23, WAITED Je, ondliund wood raid;.: J'itont' 14C24. jo ni'- I - I KENTISH CUEKKICS For sal I'lioue M7F11. jii'ie24 FRONT APARTMENTS Ground floor 491 N. Cottage. tf PITT Adjustments ?3.00. Dr. May, Hubbard bljg. june24 FOR RENT SIGN! For sale at Cap ital Journal office. tf FOR SAf.E Or trade for wood, gaso line engine. Phone 451. U FOR RENT House keeping rooms, close in. Phone 4 or 47 tf FOR SALE A number of large cows, some fresh. Phone 5;!l'.". jmieS: FOR REXT Large farm, cash rent Address Salem, box 24. jime2" WANTED Partner in sheep business, C. Schufetdt. ;121 4 St. Portland, ji'27 PURE Whale oil soap for hop spray for Kile at the Capital Soap Works WANTED 20 Inganberrv pickers. C. it. Pence'. Phone SSl'il, Salem, Or. june2C LOGANT.ERRY And cherry pickers. Alfred Ackley, 1, 4. Phone :'.7F5. june2.", FOR GOOD MEALS And comfort able rooms at reasonable rates. Phone 101u. tf FOR SALE Pain horse power hay bailer at H. Edwards, ii. 3. Phone 79F2, Salem. - ,, june23 FURNISHED-fooms and- housekeeping appartments, rates reasonable, close in, ISO Court, tf WANTED Caseara bark, highest cash price. Call or write Frys Drug store, fctalem, Oregon. , july3 TWO NICE Cottages for rent by the month or season at .Newport. G. W. Johnson &Co. tf 200 LOGANBERRY Tickers wanted good camp grounds and water. Phone 41P24, L. It. Roberts. tf GIRIi 10 wishes to go to coast with good family, will care for children, or do light house work. Phone TN2 l. ,juno2l FOR SALE BlacX Tartarian cherries oc; Royal Anns are scarce and high Phone Walter G. Pearmine, itsF2. junei" I'KEN'CII KALE Plants (Morrow cabbage) -2 per thousand f. o. b. Sa lem. Albert luurrier. ' Independence. Or. junoJti VOU SALE Oak dressers, library to !ble. oak dining table and c'.iVirs. sewing machine, good as new. Phone Mn. junc24 WANTED AT ( . E Loganberry pickers, good picking, nice location for camp grounds, August Olson. Phone 21' F2. jtiuc2,i FOR SALE 34 hlf truck Studebaket wagon. Will trade for heaver wagon, eordwood or itumpage. 27S6 Lee Phone I322-J. tf MAID WANTED For general lions,., work, two in fatnilv. good wages: call evening-, except Saturday. .",75 N. Vnpitol St. tf FOR RENT Business block room, sizt 18x80 feet. 407 State street. In quire at 463 State. Phone, 1009 Manrice Klinger. tf WANTED Ten li.ganberry pickers. Cood cam) grounds; we pay cent per' box. Lewi- Dickman. h't. box J 11, Ph.oie MI'L junc2:! WANTED To trade " 12 wide tread Milburn wagon in good shape for narrow tread ." 12 Must he good. 0:cJ. tf FOR SALE Or trade. acres well im prove. I. close in. t'.ir de-irab!e city residence. Phone liiu.",-W. evenings, or address S l;t. .". b 4. june27 FOR SALE Seme good furniture and household goo 's. a!-o large office desk, chair a -id seetbin bo,.k,-a-es. l!ev. I,'. F. Tis. her. l.'e'.o --tate street. FOR SALE At bargain prices, on Troy laundry mangle Pi inches, stort helvine, two teams and Shetland ponv, S double hnggVs. one singh binfg''. H. Steinboek, 3J2 N. Comr: hcif 8r.S. tf 1.0fiANl:El;KV I'D K EKS T'iree to four families wanted for lugaulier- y j!-'--.""- 'ca. work: long sea on. See Tom I., .ilar-ha!! at yard oo n'le ?onti, r( l.ihe-ry store on , Martin place. . jone;i TODAY RK1) White and b'.ack currants, ( all j i : ! i o L' WANTED Second hand hinder. 1!. 1 bo.v 4 1 1, Turner. Mr. june-4 .JEliM'Y COWs Fur sale. Ward K. Kii hai l-on. -J:!H". X. Front. tf I'd I! KENT Modern three or four roinu apartment, furnished, ii2" So. 14th iune24 : 1 WANTED i loganberry pickers, good j eamp ground. H. .1. Boock. K. 4.1 hox 20. juue20 FOR SALE Team gray biddings weight 2sU'i, also work harness and wagon, i hone 4;I4. ,juue24 ir'dl; KENT Modern 5 room furnished bungalow I'uirmouc.t IK II. Address i E. M. rare Journal. june24 'Fol'ND 1 brown marked fox terrier female pup. Call roio X. Water, pay I .for ad and receive dog. iune2." Foli SALE New large size Columbia phonograph for cash, time or trade, ( heap. Call at 10"U ,"lli St. north ,io2o FOR SALE Cheap if taken at once, fine driving mare just the thing for rural route, Salem Laundry Co. je2d RED CURRANTS For sale, fine for making jelly. Phone 34 F 1 5. Mrs. A. L. Campbell, Salem Heights. je24 EXPERIENCED WOMAN Will do! washing, ironing, house cleaning, cooking or sen ing. Phone 2504-.T-2. ju ne24 WANTED S loganberry pickers, use of cabin with stove free, wood fur nished. Route 4. box 2.", tel. !'E4. ,T. E. Crothors. june2( l-'OR SALE (i acre ioultry and fruit ranch, ' room house, barn, poultry house, good water, main road, tele phone and mall, will take 5 passen ger car as first payment, balance terms. Frank Lnthrop, Aumsville. in ncgri Bryan and Others Asked to Arbitrate New Voik. .Tune 2". Telegrams to William .p. Bryan, chancellor David Starr Jordan of California and Frank P. Walsh of Kansas City, urging them to meet with prominent Mexicans at El Paso and seek to arbitrate this country's differences with Mexico were dispatched today by the Ameri can Union Against Militarism. The three Mexicans to whom telegrams urging.; an unofficial conference- were dispatched, were Dr. All, editor, of Mexico City: l.tiis Manuel Rojns, di rector of the . Hiblioteea Naeionnl, Mexico l ity, and Modesto C. Holland, a Mexican engineer located in New Vork. , The union ulso discussed messages to the South and Central. American dip lomatic representatives in Washington urging the endeavor to mediate the Mexican-American situation. Mexicans Accept i.,v;,.,, liu- tin,.. iir newspaper editor; Senor Louis M. b'o- ,tns, director of tne i.mioieea .aciou al. and Modesto Holland, engineer who have been invieted to meet W. J. liry- .... ,.( ..( Vmnco.oiw III 1-' I 1'iWo ill a peace conference have accepted thu invitation. iney win icac ai once. e The invitation to attend an unoffi cial peace conference at El Paso was telegraphed by the executive commite tee of the American Union Against Militnrisiu arlv today. The commit tee at the same time asked Itryan. Chancellor David Starr Jordan and Franke P. Walsh to represent the Unit ed States at the conference. Walsh declared this afternoon thnte he would accept. PIONEERS' OFFICERS NAMED IN PORTLAND YESTERDAY Portland. Ore., June 2:!. The annual meeting and election of officers of the Sons and Daughters of Oregon Pion eers was held Wednesday night at Cen tral Library, with several hundred mem bers present. Measures were taken to provide a fund for the Vista House. A large number of applicants for mem bership we're accepted and addresses made, The following officers were elected: President. Milton A. Miller: vice-president, Mrs. D. T. Thompson: secretary, and treasure, Miss Lillian M. llackle nian; directors. M. C. George and W. H. Crane. Mr. George was re elected and Mr. Crane will till the place made va cant by the registration of Miss Hen rietta Ending. The directors' term of ot rice is five years. The Oregon- Pioneer association yes terday elected the following officers: President. -Cyrus H. Walker; vice president. W. If. IL Diifur: secretary. George II. Dimes i for Hist terui'i; treas urer,1, William M. Lad, I; directors. E. H. MeEariand. Nathan if. Hird and eCorge A. Harding: '.Mother Queen of Ore gon," Mrs. William P. liul'us, aged t'2 POMONA ORANGE MEETS Yesterday was :t uala day for the I'onotna rani;,' in Stayton. It i c-ti-niaii-'t that nearlv Let 'Ciple uathcrcd hi the I. li. (I. F. lia'l t!1 listen to the lectures Ly I'leminent speakers, includ iiri l'i"t'. McI'Iicimoi ot ii. A. ('.. on "liural ( 're-tits and .luhn L'ulierKon and I has. M.-Nniy ot' Sulem on other Silhiects. Mrs. L. S. ' I.ninlxTt. fflfii the assist ance of other niend'crs id' the local L'raus;,1 hod .re'.'iM'd an interesting I'riiaui ot" music, re.-i tuti, s, etc.. and a Kmiiitooiis dinner that the ladies nf the u'ranje hin.iv so el! hnw to l.le i.ariv iMirinn the closed sesi,,u. tour- teen new ineinLers were initiated into tl. Vn"ii:i de-r, There were del- i::;ti,,ns friMii Srilem. Turner, Aunts-iU-. N'urth ll.iwel!. .Uadeav and An- FOR SALE Cheap work horse, weight about lino, age about 15. true and gentle, will sacrifice. 11 In N. Capi tal. june2;i rutr r4TTV PAPTTAT. .TOTTffMAT, CAT I? onprnv TeDirtAV TTIVIT ! Oo, 101R " - SEVEN iWAlllll IkllllAk.O lllllll Unn J I U WUIIW lldA I IIIVKA it'll I ITTTAAAA...AA... 1 I HI I! II I II IU 1.1 iiiiii - w . . - . I 1 E Eagle Pass Alarmed at News , Part of Fourteenth Sent to Nogales Douglas. Ariz.. June 22. Responding to appeal:, of residents at Xognles, Ariz., a battalion of the Fourteenth infantry and a similar mini her of Ari zona national guardsmen were en route to that city today. Military command ers cre convinced of the truth of the reports that a large force of Mexicans was concentrating a few miles belmv Xognles, and feared another raid on the border. The Santa Cruz valley will be strongly- patrolled and guarded.' Refugees arriving here say there is a general movement now on id' Curranza trocips northward to the border. Thou sands of American refugees are reach ing American border towns todav. Big Force Near Eagle Pass. Eagle Puss, Texas. June 22. .News of the buttle at Cufrizal created tense ex citement here today, owing to tin' fact that between four and five thousand Mexican troops, including a large force of Yaipii Indians are encamped at Al lende. uhout CO miles from the border. To cope with this force, General Greene has the Third and Thirtieth iufantry regiuieuts. a squadron of the Four teenth, a battery of the Third field ar tillery, anil four companies of coast artillery. These total 2,oU(t men. (Continued From Paga One.) t:ng rather than Germany." -Minister Sazonoff was asked about commercial relations between Russia and the United States. Pleased With Outlook. "I see no real obsU.cle in the way of the closest commercial relations be tween Russia and America," lie relied. "The idea has my hearty support. I quite share your able Hinbnsadoi-'s ex ptessed views on the subject. To like each other better we need only to get I otter acquainted. ' . Discussing the Polish situation, the foreign, minister said that he greatly appreciated America s generous steps to feed the unfortunate people of Poland. "The population there is badly treat ed by the enemy," he added. "They continue to remove all provisions, in creasing the hunger and suffering. Rus sii, already has shown her appreciation of endeavors to relieve Poland by per mitting food to enter the country, de spite the fact that Germany might take advantage of the situation to divert part of the supplio-s to her own use. I regret deeply that Germany has re fused to agree not to remove foodstuffs already in Poland. This renders it dif ficult . to. admit new American, sup plies." 1 "Your excellency has just returned from the front; what is 'your impres sion?" he was asked. "The spirit of the armv is excel lent," he replied. "Officers nnj ,,, ar thoroughly confident of their suc cess. I return immensely pleased." KANSAS MOOSE DEAD. Tepeku, Kan., June 22. The pro gressive party , is no more in Kansas. Following a conference between Wil liam Allen White, national committee man, and U. S., state chairman, the presidential electors were with drawn from t:.e nomination records in the secretary of state's office. White and Sartiii indicated tiny would sup port Hughes. keny besides those from the locnf grange. The day, the attendance, and the 1 program was ideal, nod all went home feelinc that they had spent a day well rewarded. Stavtrm Mail. BAD STOMACH ONE DOSE OF MAYR'S Wonderful Remedy Should Convince You That Your Suf fering Is Unnecessary. , A million ieoile, man.v riyht in your I own locality, have taken .Mayr s Won-: .deit'ul Keinedy for Stomach, Li v cr ami. M uttt ; ii;, Ailments, I lysjiepsia. I'ress lure of (las Around the Heart, Sour Stomach, distress Alter Lcatin, Ncrv-' ' ousness, tli..iness, Fililltilig Spells, Sick I t lli-adaches, ('onsti, ition. Toriid Liver,! 'etc., and are praising it highly to oth-i 'er sutlers. Ce a Lottie of your drug-; gist today. This highly successful Item ed' has I, ecu taken ly people in all walks of life, among them Memliers of 'Congress, .lustice or the Supreme Court,' jhMucntors, Lawyers, .Merchants, Hank ,ers. Doctors, druggists, .'urscst M;imi f.icturers. Priests, Ministers, Karmers,, with lasting henefit and it should he :e,pially successfully in your case. Send for free valnaldc l.ook'lot on Stomach, ' Ailments to Ceo. II. Mayr. Mfg. ('hem-' ist. l.'t-I.VI Whiting Street. Chicago, III. I.e. I'errv. 115 south Commercial. i ! A Journal New Today will convert waste Into wealth. ' Has "lliree Wives and Plenty of Trouble San Francisco, June 2:!. While Sherman O. Crawford was in jail today awaiting preliminary trial June 2'.l on a bigamy charge, the wife who he de clared to be dead was giving out state ments at Seaside, Or. Crawford in Ids ceil was informed that Margaret Aber crombie. the society- girl with whom he eloped, hail filed suit for annulment of marriage on the plea that lie had a wife when he married her. Neverthe less, Crawford asserted positively that his Oregon wife was dead and that he would prove it at the hearing. He is also planning to fight tne annulment suit. in .-casoie .Mrs. i erna lielle 1 rice Crawford declared she wanted nothing more to do with her husband. She as serted he filed a divorce suit alleging iufidclitv on flimsy grounds. A decree was granted, according to court rec ords, but will not be effective until next September. Jt is alleged that Crawford has had another wife also, Fiances M. Gum ming of Portland, Or. Court record? indicate she divorced him May 0. 1!U4, 'regon City, Or., June 23. Shcrntan .0. Crawford, charged with bigamy in San Francisco, married Frances M. dimming of Park Place, Or., on April 27, J!I13. A month later they separat ed. Jn May, li)14, Mrs. Crawford w.ts granted a divorce in default, Crawford failinc to appear. She alleged deser tion, and said Crawford falsely ac cused her of associating with other men. THE MARKETS The following prices for fruits and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, and not what is paid to the producer. All other prices 'are those paid the producer. Corrections are made daily. Kverythijig i,s ,uiet along market street todav. Prices raid for cherries and strawberries seems to be governed by local conditions, the quality of the rruii anil the needs of the . buyer. Hence, there is no authorized market quotation. Cantaloupes are coming in large sup ply and the price todav is $1 and $1.25 Crrams. Wheat Oats Rolled barley Corn .... 80c ... 40c $35.00 $35.50 $37.00 $27.00 $ .$20.00 Cracked corn .... Bran Shorts, per ton ............. Alfalfa, California, ton Butter. Buttorfat ..., 27o Creamery butter, per pound ....29c Country butter ........:...i 20c22e Eggs and Poultry. , Eggs, case count, cash 2007 20 l-2c Eggs, trade ; 21c Hens, pound '. 12c Roosters, old, per pound '., 8c Broilers, under 2 pounds 15c Pork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, dressed . ... 8(59c 10c ir 7 3-4c 7(a 7 l-2c '.. 01 -2c 4(fr5 l-2c 3fo..'j l-2c 4(0,4 l-2c Pork, dressed Pork, on foot Spring lambs, 1!H0 ... steers Cows Pulls Ewes Wethers Vegetables. Tomatoes. California Cabbage .". Cucumber j.- String garlic Potatoes, cwt Potatoes, new Beets Asparagus Radishes , Green onions Green peppers Green peas Carrots, sack, new Carrots, dozen Onions, California Fruits. Watermelons Peaches Oranges, Valencies I'mons, per box Cantaloupes BannnaB, pound Apples California grape fruit .. Florida grape fruit Pineapples - Honey Strawberries Cnernca, I.-v $1.2.- $:i.o0 TjOc 15c ...$1.25f(1.50 3c $1.00 , 40c 40 i 40e 25c t(a tic $1.75 40c $3.30 1 : .tl.OUYo 1.2-j "i .".ort, i; no 5e W.oo $5.00(5 $6.00 - 7 l-2c . $L(lOfTi 1.25 $1.50 Retail Irices. Flggs, per dozen, fresh ranch 2nc I Sugar, cane $S.75 Sugar, beet $8,551 Creamery butter 35c ! riour, hard wheat $l.10' 1 .."0 i Flour, valley 1.13(5.125 I PORTLAND MARKET Portland. .Line 2.'!, Wheat (lid, "iir lllueslein Idle I'ortvfnld MfoHJc Keel Hussian Oc Outs No. I whit llarlev. fe d V'7 fee, Ik1.1.',..-,! iff;; Hogs, I, est live -s-s lllo s.1.1 I'riine steers A7.."iHC,i 7.7" Fancy cows (i..Vl Cahes s Spring lamle Cutter city Country hull Kegs select reaniery 2!(c r 2 7e local ex. 210 : Hens II I 2c I'.roilers IdOi ISe (iee-e lOfollc TONG WAR AGAIN San Francis, i. .(imc 2:;. One ( hi ncsc was dead todav and two wounded as a result of tong shooting in China town. Police say Suev Sing gunmen I amleished a paitv of Itiug Kongs eom-l ing fnon a 1'iiiopiet. ee l-'uo was kill-j el. while Leoog liioog and Lee King were shot in the les. Classified Advertising Page FAMILY CARES This Information May Be of Value to I Many Mothers in Salem I When -there is added to the many I cares inseparable from tiie rearing ot j children affliction of weakness ' of .the kidneys and auxiliary organs, I the-' mother's lot is far from' a happy one; This condition has often In-en : corrected by the use of Doan's Kidney1 Pills. When relief comes the mother 's burden will be lighter and her home happier. Mrs. S. v.. Lewis, 1137 Commercial St., SUem, says: "I couldn't recom mend anything eoual to Doan's Kidnev i'ills for children w ho are subject to I kidney trouble. Since giving them to I my little girl, her kidneys act more jregulurly and the trouble' is graduallvl being overcome each day. I feel con- fident that before long , they will makei a permanent cure." Price nfie, at all dealers. Don't ! simply ak for a kidney remedy get j Doan's Kidney Pills the same that; 'Mrs. Lewis recommends.! burn Co.. Props., Huffalo, X. Y. ; CHINESE DOCTORS J. C.YUEX Well known Chineso doe tor has successfully treated all dis eases in tho past ycir. See testimon ials on file at tho Oriental Herb Co., 640 Stato St., Salem. Out of town patients treated by Symptomatic Di agnosis. Send for diagnosis blanks. julyl DENTISTS. DR. O. A. OLSON, Dentist Adminis ters nitrous ozid and oxygen gas. Boom 214, Masonic Temple. Phone 440. Saieni, Oregoe. INSURANCE For all kinds of Insurance in Stand ard Companies, call on P. J. K u n t z Room 309, Bank of Commerce. LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. U. W. Protection Lodgo, No. 2, Meets every Monday evening at 8 In the McCornack hall, corner Court and Liberty streets, K. O. Donaldson, M. W. i S. A, McKadden, recorder; . A. L. Brown, financier. SALEM LODfiK No. 4, A. F. k A. M. Stated communications first Friday In each month at 7 :'!() p. m. in the Musonic Temple. L'luis. McC'artcr, W. M. j a. Z, Culver, secretury, BALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president ; Mrs. Lou Tlllson. secretary. All coses of cruelty or neglect of dumb ani mals should ho reported to the secretary for InvcHtlgutlon. CENTHAL I.OtlflE, No, IS. K. of P. Mc Cornack building. Tuesday evening of ech week at 7:30, J. (i. llcltzel, C. C. ; W. li. UtlsoD, K. of It. and S. B. N. OP A. "Oregon Grape Camp," No. 1300, meets every Thursday evening In McCornack building. Court and Liberty streets; elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Scbnupp, 17111 Market, oracle ; Mrs. Melltsa Per ions, recorder, lljlllt North Commercial. 1'bune 1436-M. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Ore gon Cedar Camp, No. 524H, meets every Thursday evuning at 8 o'clock In Mc Cornack ball, corner Court and Liberty streets. Elevator service. Geo. Uetnohl, V. C. ; J. A. Wright; clerk. CHADWICK CIIAl'TEIt, So. S7, O. E. .8. Itcgular meeting every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m. tu the Masonic Tem ple. Minnie Mueller, W. M. ; Ida M. liahcock, secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock In McCornack block, O. W. II irons, C. C.;-I S. C.cor clerk, 607 Court street. Hine 003. - DH MOLAY COMMANDED. No. B, K. T. Ilegiilar omdiive fourth Friday In each month at 8 o'clock, p in., In Masonic Tem ple. Hojnurnlng Sir Knights are courte ously Invited to meet with us Lot L. reurce, E. C, Frank Turner, recorder. D NIT EI) AltTIHANH Capital Assembly, No. 81, meets every Wednesday at 8 p, m. In Moose hall. C. (). Matlock, M. A. : ('. 7.. Itandall, secretary, Saleui Dank of Commerce. HODSON COLNCIL, No. 1, R. ft H. M. Stated assembly tlrst Monday In each month, Muvmlc Temple. N. p. Itasmos- j sen, Thrice Illustrious Muster; (Jlenn C. Nltes, recorder. SALEM COUNCIL NO 2022 Knights and Ladles of Security Meets evTy -Jntl and 4th Wednesday eacli month at liurst Hall. Visiting metnhers are Invited to attend. E. F. Walton, financier, 4M0 S. 14lli St. PACIFIC I.OIKJH No. 50, A. F. 4 A M. Stated coinudiiilcutlonH third Friday tn each month at 7 :.'10 p. in. In the Masonic Temple, V. Ilolain, W. M. ; Erneiit II. Cluiftte. secretary. MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estat Security. - THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd k Bush Bank Salem, Oregon M0XKV TO LOAN I have made ar rangements for loaning eastern money, will make very low rati) of interest on highly improved (arms. Homer II. Smith, room 5 McCornack Iildg, Salem. Ore. Phone MISCELLANEOUS REDUCF.D FREIGHT RATES To and; from nil points east, on all household! goods, pianos, ote. Consolidated car- loid service. Capital city Transfer! C'ompanv. agents for Pacific Coast, Forwanfing company, 101 South Com-' niercial street. I'lioue -Main O.'lil. j 1 NOTICE To the people of Snlcm.j that I have installed a complete oxy-j actylene welding nnd cutting appar-i atus in my shop. For welding Steele, j cast iron, aluminum, brass and bronze. We make a specialty of automobile j frame welding, scored cylinders blocks, broken crank eases, farm! and harvesting machinery. We arci also equipped for extra heavy weld-1 ing and and can go to your job. i! have employed an expert welder to es pecially look after your wants. Your patronage is respectfully solicited.! All work fully guaranteed from do-1 feets. C. R. Grigg, general black-' smith and wood working shop, 1 -1'5 State street. July 3 I THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people TatspkOM EVEEVTU.INO ELECTRICAL Salem EleetrU Co., Masoni Temple, 127 North High Mala 1KX -r- r t, PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING i. it. Barr, 164 South Commercial street Mala 191 , t TRANSFER AND DEAYAGE balem Truck k Dray Co., corner State ana front itreets KaU T4 Try This on Your Eczema If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry Zensal. For that watery eruption, or Weeping Skin, use Moist Zensal, 50c the jar. CENTRAL PHARMACY, formerly Poole's Dreg Store H MM H Ml MMMM ' TRAVELERS' GUIDE MMIMMMMMHHHHMMMHIHHMMHMMMMM SOUTHEItN PACIFIC. NOKTlt BOUND 1ft Oregon Express .... 24 Kugen Limited 28 Willamette Limited.. 12 Shasta Limited 18 Portland Passenger . , JO Portland PasHenuer. . 5:00 s. nv .3 :02 p. m. u :22 s. m, 11 :5S a. m. 1 :-7 p. ai. B :00 p. m. . IU n m H Portland Express ... 222 Portland fast Freight 10:30 p. m. t) Local way Freight. .. .10 :33 a. m. SOUTH BOUND No. 15 California Express. . No. 17 Itoseburg Passenger No. J.", Euifcne Limited . . , No. 1U Cottaire drove Pass. 3i32s. m. 11 :20 s. m. 10:01 a. m. 4 :l(i p. ui. Makes connection with No. 74 Ueer nraacn. No. 11 Shasta Limited 5:43 p. m, No. 27 Williunelte Limited. .. 6:llip. lu No. IS San Francisco Express 10 :3U p. m, No. 221 San Francisco Fast Freight No. 25 Local way Freight.. Link. No. 73 Arrives at Sulem lo. 7'1 Leaves Salem' No. 7,-Ar. Salem (mixed) ... . No. 74 Iave Salem , "No connection south f Goer, 12:01 a. m. 11 :40 a. in. .9:15 s. m. .!) :5I) a. m. .2 :O0p.m. .4:20 p. m., Falls Citt and WssTsnN'. No. Kit I.t. Salem, motor 7:00, m. No. lit.'i 1. Salem, motor 0:13s. m. No. llio Lv. Sulem (or Monmouth and All-lie II :10 a. m. No. 1(!7 Ly. Salem, motor .. No. Kit' Lv. Salem, motor ... No. B.W Way Fr't It. Salem.. No. 1(12 Ar. Salem No. Kit Ar. Salem No. Ul'J Ar. Salem No. KiS Ar. Salem No. 17't Ar. Saiem No. 240 Way Fr't ar. Salem. . 4 :O0 p. m. . 8 :15 p. m. , 6 :()(( a. m. . 8 .40 a. m. 11 :10 a. m. . 3 :15 p. m. . 8 :00 p. m. 7 :4."t p. m. . 1 :'Jo p. in. OUE'iON ELECTRIC RAILWAY. CO. NORTH BOUND Train No. ...11 Owl .. 0 , .10 Limited , .... lg 14 Lt. Salem 4 ::i5 a. a 7:13 a. n 0 : t." a. n Ar. Portland . . . 6 :33 a. m. . . . 0 :'-T a. m. ,,.11 :33 a. m. . . 11 :')." p. m. ... 4:00 p.m. , . . 5 :50 p. m. , . . 7 :.0 p. ui. ...10:00 p. m. 11 :20 a. 1 :4G p. 4:0U p. 5 :.'17 p. 1 :53 p, in. 10" Limited 211 22 SOUTH BOUND Portland to Lt. Portland. Ar. Salem 0:15 a. m 8 :.rri (Salem only) 8:23 a, m. ... 5 Limited ,,..10:11 s. ui. FOR SALE FOUR VALI.KY FARMS For Bale by owner on county roud and railroad. 50 to 200 acres each, good buildings, gooa Kt'n, all under cultivation, close to scrool, pners Tcasonjole, naif cash, balance time at G per cent or modern income bearing city property. P. O. Box 246, Salem. . tf FOR SALi: OK KXCIIANCK SO acres It miles from good town; good build ings; 00 acres in crop, close to l(. R. station; eight cows, team, and farm equipment. IU0 per acre. Kasy term-. Vi','. Like some trade as part pavment. Square Deal Kcally ho.. 202'n. M. Hank Iddg. Phone 47D. THi.RAPj-.UTICS WELTMER SYSTEM Of suggestive. Therapeutics practiced by Dr. W. T. Tompiuns, S. T. Most powerful, nut uril and successful treatment known to science for the relief and cure of. headache, stomach, liver and kidueyj trouble; rheumittism, constipation, infantilo paralysis and all female, complaints, heart, lung nnd throat. troubles; nil diseases of the eye; can cer, goitre, epilepsia, asthma, nerv- ousness or any eiirouie disease. Sag-. Restive therapeutics properly applied; to a diseased body is positive, sure1 and permanent in its results. Hours I) to 12 ii, ui, 1 to 5 p. m., phone! Ml. Office rooms I, 2 and '6 Kiyne. Illdg 311 State St., Salem, Oregon.! OSTEOPATH DHS. B. IE WHITE and Ii. W. WAL-j TOX Osteopathic physicians Jiel nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer-1 ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksville Mo. Post graduate nnd .sptcialifd i; nerve it Los Angidcj college. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Oft ice ,i05-."0'l L". f. National Hank Building. Phone S-"'.'. I'esiilence 3I0 North upilal street. Phone 400. BC AVANOEB 3ALEM SCAVEXGER Charlos Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all , kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phoct .Main 2217. liesidoncc M. 22i2. k f 10:40 a. m. . i! :05 p. m. . 4 :40 p. m. , 8 :05 p. m. . 9 :20 p. m. , 11 :43 p. ok , Lt. Csrvallls 4:10 p. m. ., Lt. Eugene, 7 :35 a. m. 1 :30 p. m. . 5 :2B p. m. . . 12 :U3 p. 01. . Lt. Salem 2 :oo a. ra. 7 :10 a. m. . 10 :13 a. m. , Lv. Salem 12 :55 p. in. . Lt. Salem. 4 :23 p. m. . 7 0 , . 13 Limited . .... 17 Local . 10 ..... ....21 Owl ... NOSTH BOUND 20 .. 10 Limited . ..18 Limited . 22 2 Owl ... SOUTH BOUND .12:65 p. m. . 4 :25 p. m. . 6 :40 p. m. . 8:10 p. ou .11:25 p.. m, i 1 :63 p. . Ar. Balem . 6 :37 p. m. Ar. S&lejs . 85 a. m. , B :55 f. m. . 7 :55 p. . ' . 1:10 a.m. Ar. Biujen . 8:50 s. ns. . 9:30 s. ok .12:25 p. m. Ar. Afbsnj 21 Owl . . ... 85 ... 5 Limited l :oo p. m. Stops St Corrsllls Ar. Albany 6 :20 p. m. Ar. Albany 8 :45 p. m. Ar. Eugent Lt. Salem 8 :40 p. m. IS B :ov p. m. Wooiibubn Local DAiLt Except Bundais No. 84 Leaves Salem S :40 p. nv No. 83 Arrives In Balm ...... 1 :23 p. nu CORVALLIS CO-VrTBCTION NOBTH BOUND Lt. Corvallls 8 :23 s. m. . . 12:12 p. ni. , 2 :.12 l. in. . . 4 :U) p. m. . 8 :18 p. tu. . Lt. Salem 10 :15 a. m. . 4 3 p. m. 12 :53 p. m. . , 0 :40 p. m. . . Ar. Salea 10 14 .... 18 20 ..... SOUTH BOUND 5 0 7 13 ... 9 :45 a. n. . . . 1 :45 p. m. ... 4 :0O p. m. ... 5 :.17 p. ov . . . 7 :58 p m. Ar. Corrsllli . ..ll:H;is. m. ... 8:47 p. u. ... 2:20 p. n. ... 8 :00 p. dl, WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE Orejon City Trsnapsrtatlon Company Leave Portland for Oregon City, Buttwvllls, Newberg, Mission (St. Paul), WheHtland, Salem (dally except Sunday) . .8 :43 s. Ok Leave Portland for Independence. Albany Corvallls, (Tues., 'lliurs., Bat.) 8 :43 S. IB. Iteturnliig Leave Corvallls Albany Independeuce. . Salem ........ Salem , . 6 a. m. Mon., Wed, Frt, ...7 s. m Mon., Wed., Frl. i . 9 s.. m Moo., Wed., Frl. 10 a. m, Mon., Wed., Frl. 8 a. m. Tues., Thurs., 8t FOR REKT FOR RENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms reasonable. 855 North Commercial street. tf CHTROPRACTIC-SPINOLOOIST DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro- fractic's Fountain Head, Davenport, owa. If you have tried everything and got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and got well. Office 400 7-8 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence. Main 82H-IL UNDERTAKERS WEBB 4 CLOUGII CO C. B. Webb. A. M., ('lough mortict.ins and funeral directors. Latest modern metaods known to the profession employed 409 Court St. Main 120, Main 9383. RIODOX RIC'HARDSOX CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 Xorttt High street. Dav and night phons 183. General Feed an4 SVT. " 11 T ' Ul-kt. yo - -..m. : - . ' . . miiau ijiverr obuia. C. W. TRAIN 854 Ferry. Pkon US WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPAXY Offics corner Commercial and Trade streets. For water service apply at office. Bills payable morthly in aVvanco. I LM. HUM Care of YICKSOTONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283