RTX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 2.1, 1916. Sport News Bishop's All Wool Suits Selected special for service and quality at $15.00; never go out of style. There is no heavy weight or light weight season. Its 12 solid months of suit wear for $15 the Suit Mobilization Began This Do Not Want To Be Blamed Watching the Scoreboard Morning When Second In fantry Arrived for Sending Troops, to Mexico 5c tC c )(! f )f! fc C )C tf jjc Sa )( Sjc !jC Pacific Ooast League Standings w. I.. Cay Crowds Watch Big Races ' -Big Race at 5:45 This Afternoon New f.omlon. Conn, .Tunc 2.1. liar varil won both the morning rare in the uniiunl regatta from Yale on the Thames river today, increasing confi dence of the crimson crowd in the schedule of the Cambridge boys in the eiljlit oare.l four mile race scheduled for 5:45 o'clock this Afternoon. In the freshmen two mile oljjTit oared event, which opened the regatta, the crimson shell shot across the line n full length ahead of the blue. In the junior var sity two mile eight oared race, the second event, Harvard won by a length and ft half. The day was perfect. Clay crowds packed observation trains and the course from tho railroad bridge north ward displayed tho finest colection of pleasure craft ever gathered here. As the crews neared tho fPnish in the morning races, steam yachts blew their whistles and the smaller craft tooted their horns as the crowds screamed and cheered while the alternate barkiiif of the short " rah-rah-rah " of Har vard and tho Ion? drawn yell of ".v a le" sounded above the din. At dales Kerry the Vale crowd was calm aad quiet. The (;innt Vale varsi ty crew was in fine trim. After the junior varsity race, the crowd rushed to the hotels and benches for luncheon pnrties. Many gay gatherings took place on the vachts during the nftcrnoon wait tor the big event. Bo.u ttaceg for Harvard Harvard won the t'res'unan two mile nice, the opening event of the annual Yale-Harvard regatta on the Thame today tinder ideal weather and water conditions. The crimson freshmen were a full length ahead of tho Klis as they cross ed the line. Two eights were off at 9:44. Yale got away to a strong start, nosing out into the' lead. At the half mile Yale was still slightly ahead pulling away. Harvard however soon settled dowu and the race from this time on was a tulip anil tuck linttlo. Ayproadrin the finish Harvard spurted and took Hie lead. Harvard's time for the two miles was M:RU Vale lOilin. The race was Btarted at the navy yard two miles tip the river from the milroad bridge. The course was lined with inusnificent pleasure craft prac tically nil the way. The race was down stream. The freshman eight oared race was Met for 1(1:30 a. m. and the varsity at fl: 13 a. m. Harvard won Ihe junior varsity eight oared two mile race, the second event of tho day. The race started at 10:5s. Yale got away in tho lead but. nt. the quarter mile Harvard had overtaken the blue crew. At the mile point they were n Ixiut even. Prom then however, Har vard pulled stendiiy ahead, crossing the finish line n length and a half ahead of the inle eight. Say Sherman is Right Seattle, Wash., .lime 211. (lilmore IMiie, football coach at the University of Washington is agreed today with Sherman on what war is, I'ive football warriors who formerly lield sway with the moleskins at the university, nre members of Ihe vari ous militia companies that will soon be kicking their heels nlong the Met ican border. "Sherman was right," said Dohle today when informed that Cy Noble, who played end last year and Hunk Uoriimn, a bail; two years ago, were the latest to offer their services to their eoiintry, I hive lrfgg. center; Krnie Murphy, end, and Uoger Unruly, who has prom ised to turn out this year, have been in the militia for some time. lortntin was not at school last year but had intended returning tiiis fall. Pinbham to Meet Anderson Seattle, Wash., June 2:t. KiTdie" I'iukliam, recently returned from l.os Angeles hore he lost to Willie Hoppe by a close margin, will meet Hairy An derson here tonight in a four round bent. The match is causing more com ment tlinii mi.v staged here for some time. Anderson hails from Vancouver, It. ('., and is accorded an even clia'nce with riukhani, who is tinown in Cali lii' ilia as Kddie Itiewster. They are lightweights. Semi Finals Today Hoi Monte, Cal., .dino 2.1. Semi finals in toe men's singles were sched uled today in the pacific const tenuis championships with William Johnston und Carl liardner clashing. Clarence initio qualified lor the finals yester dm' by beating Itoland Koberls, the Hidden' (Inle Park comet, ti lt, li t!, . Considerable interest in shown in the wo. nens and mixed doubles, which lime piogressed to Ihe final round, "CHUCK" LOW OUT 'luiiles tlmel,i Low, first sinker nt lae l.ojus in the Montavilla gniuo, lias made his last 'appearance this sea so'i. He is now on the way to Arizo na to work in the mines. I.ow is a student of milling in O. A. i'. and tin athlete of note holding down the fust, bug on the Aggie fresh man leain. In this rtty he made n name fur himself while in the high school, as a baseball and football man. Hav tloebol, regular fust baeniaii 1'ur toe (. A. C. varsity team, will ap pear in a Salem unil'tirm in Low's place Sunday. Low is II son of Walter I.ow. city dtreel commissioner. Pet. .r95 .373 .5 U .SO' .44S ..107 Vernon 41 I. os Anyeles 411 San Francisco .tit Portland X! Suit Lake .'!() Oakland ..' 29 UK 50 Yesterday's Results At Portland .'I, Salt Lake 4. At Oakland 5, i.os Angeles 4 (II in nings) At I-os Angeles, Vernon 4, San Fran cisco -. Prepare to swoon. The Oaks won a game! Hobby Davis did it with his little cudt'cl in the eleventh when he whang ed one over second with the bases con gested. Kivo to four. San Francisco played in listless fash ion at Lob Angeles and Vernon tight ened it grip on first position withnu other victory. The Seals contributed largely to their own demise with errors by Downs Junes and ISrooks. Prank Arellanos, the bengal pitcher, struck out six San Pianeisco batsmen including Ping1 lliodie. Suit Lake slummed out three runs in the first at Portland, establishing a lead the Heavers failed to overcome. .lolinnv Kvors of the Itraves stole home on n triple stent in the eleventh at New York. liussell of the White Rox let the Drowns down with two hits, winning 2 to U. llinchmnn of tiie Pirates batted I. OHO with four blows out id' four trips to the plate. Speaker led his teaniiuntes to vie lurv nvei- the Timers ncttiui three swats. The Indians are now undisput ed holders of first plait. The Athletics broke back into the win column, aplitting a double header with the Scnntors. The V links were unable to solve the leliverv of Hutu, of the lied Sot, three iiits being the best they could do. Champion Golf Player Coming Holder of Fifteen Prize Cups Wo have hail from time to time var ious celebrities sojourning among us famous ball players, poloists, gridiron veterans, but it is our pleasure to wel come a distinguished iuovation to the list Mr. Hurt P. MeKiuuey en a long; series of battles on the links, in com petition with the best golf players in which ho was n participant, he has played all over the country winning fifteen cups. His prowess effected a dcVnleil indention in several National tournaments. Additional to the fifteen eups captured in tho game, Mr. Mc Kin ney won and maintained inviolate for two years the gold championship of St. Louis, Missouri. Mr. McKinney is manager of the International Operatic Company, a musical program feature of the chait taiiqua. He was fornicrh leading bnri tono with Savage's Kuglish Opera company, and sings that part with bis company. Not the least delightful of his ninny qualifications as nn operatic star of international prominence is the unconscious out-of-doors freedom, con trol mil zest of the links signally ap parent in his work in opera. This opera company will be one of the Salem eliautauqiia attractions next mouth. (Continued from Tago 1.) tionnlist officers in Mexico City and en route. Twelve carloads of Americuu refugees under care of Special Agent Redgers, were expected from the capital some time today. The hotels, portals and Onfes of Vera Cruz were alive with Americans tod.,y. For the most part they were in go.'d spirits and hopeful of an mineable set tlenient of the difficulties between the two governments. Ex-Congressman To Test Prohibition Laws Tnconin, Wash., June 21 Attorneys representing former Congressman Stnn ton Warbuiton announced today an np peal will be taken from the judgment imposed by Justice Graham late yes terday when ho fined Wnrbiirton $250 for importing a trunk filled with in toxicating liquors, in violation of the prohibition law. The rase will be cur ried to the supreme court, Wnrbiir ton ' attorneys any, where the ques tion involving tho constitutional right of a citizen to bring into the stnte do toxicants desired for his own personal use will be decided. Wnrbut'lon purchased the liquor in Chicago where he had been attending the progressive convention as a dele gate from this stute. Try Capital Journal Want Adc. "THE OLD RCLIASLE" HEME DY for MEN AT DHU;0IKTH.OH THIAL BOX BY MAIL 60. FROM m 93 MFNRVST HdOOKlVN NY. - O EWAHC Or IMITATIONS .Sacramento, Cal., June 23. Actual mobilization of the state militia is on today at the state fair grounds. The first outside soldiers arrived nt 10:30 this morning. This was company 1", Woodland, with two officers and 03 men. An hour later a special arrived from Chico with 1.15 officers aad men. The trains went direct to the fair grounds. The C'hieo contingent con sisted of Colonel Bond, crief of the Second infantry, the regiment head quarters baud and scouts and company A. Adjutant General Thomas orders for all companies of the Second infantry to movo to the fair grounds came late i.. . :.,-.. i i 1 1-,-,, -inn ;i scheduled 'to arrive "this afternoon : eompauy 11, lied ISluff is to arrive at 4 , m. The Oroville troops number two officers aud 7.1 men and the Ited liluff company two officers and 71 men. The other companies of the Second infantry 1 of Visnlin; if, Haaford; C aud K. Kresuo, an. I L Wntsonville nre to arrive tonight between K and 9 clock.' The present strength of these 0' companies is .IS7 ollicers and men. The ambulance company or iiapa and the San Francisco signal corps company are to arrive at the camp to night. The latest figures compiled by the adjutant, general snow the total, streuiith 01 the militia to be IW ol- 1 icers and 3.2S2 men. the number or enlistments vesterday rieing 410" The Fifth regiment of infantry, headquarters nt Oakland, is weaker than the others, but the officers have been verv active as shown by (he re port of 14S enlistments in that regi ment during yesterday. "THE INNOCENT LIE," PHOTO PLAY OF REAL THRILLS! "The Innocent Lie," the latest Fa mous I'lavers-Paramount production ap pearing at Ye Liberty today and tomor row, was staged in Hermudu, under the personal direction of Sidney Olcott with Miss Valentine Grant iu tho stel lar role of Nora O'Brien, a poor Irish emigrant. The story is as follows: v.. n'Ti,-;.,, la intrusted with a mes s.me from a Nora Owen to a cortain Mrs Winters, a sister of the late Mrs. 1 Oweu Nora has Mrs. Winters' address ft., n i.ir.l mill mnf eeds to find the resi- donee upon her arrival in .New lorK from Ireland. She becomes the victim of foul plav and is identified as Mrs. Winters' niece by the card in her pocket. Relieving N'ora to be her niece. Mrs. Winters takes tne uijureu gin iiome. Upon recovering Noia nsesitslent, requiring the use of the military her mistaken identity but is discredited by the Winters family, who nre con vinced that she is the genuine Nora. Later she is happy to think that her story was not believed, for she becomes a beloved member of the family. Her dariug rescue of Teddy, the youngest of the two sous 'from asphyxiation, wins l J 1 their hearts. Time pusses and her love for L'gnn, one of the sons, grows as his docs for her. Hut Nora's brother, Pat, 'Vn' a disreputable chauffeur, worms hisjn)(,n compnuy which operates a lodging way into the Winters' household, p ond upsets the lovers' plans. Recognizing his sister, he tries to persuade her to . i ! .i.i i... i Tk;. assist him in robbing the house. This discussion takes pla. e iu Nora's room aud before Put's departure he relieves ber of valuable gifts Ironi the VI inters, ! dropping, however, Mrs. Winters' mesh-i I bag in his haste, and thus throwing suspicion on Norn. Norn dons her old clothes uud leaves the house, she is I observed by hgun. who follows her toi Put's headquarters iu the slums. Dis gusted nt Ihe turn of events, Lgan re turns home. Love si ill burns iu his heart and returns to find Nora in group of insulting drunkards. Without delay he plunges into the crowd and a fight ensues. With the aid of a re volver, snatched from the saloon keeper, Kgan escapes with Nora. A letter from Nora Owen Stewart grouts their arrival and the misunderstanding is all stiaighteneit out. There is much scenic beiiuiy in this unusual Famous Players Paramount picture, and innuy episodes of great dramatic and emotional strength. At Ye l.ibeifT today and toaorrow. Try Capital Journal Want Ad. Washington, June 2:!. With republi cans, led by Representative Mann, de manding explicit expression from the president as to his reasons 'for sending the militia to the border with power to order them into Mexico, Chairman Hay of the house military affairs commit tee, this afternoon begun his fight to make the national guard actually a fed eral force. Opposition to the resolution, because Presideut Wilson has not appeared be fore congress in person to explain the Mexican situation, seemed to grow rap idly. Representative Gardner of Massachus etts, asked that the whole mutter be 1 Postponed for consideration until tomor- row. Hay pressed tor immediate con sideration. Declaring the action would not con stitute a declaration of war uor ad mission that a state of war exists, Hay brought the matter up immediately up on the convening of the house. He ask ed the house to consent to changes in the resolution, in effect placing on con- '.'; the responsibility for drafting the .-" IT"; ' to draft militia be made to read " "7""" " '" : "That in the opinion of the congress of the l.'nited States, whereas an emerg ency now exists which demands tho use or troops 111 iiuuiuou iy i"- cKi... army me presiueiit uei.-uj. ...mo.. to draft into the United States army any or all tho members of the national guard." Leader Mann Objects. Republican Leader Mann objected to having placed on cougress the respon sibility of declaring that nil emergency exists unless President Wilson should directly or indirectly assure the house that such is the case. "I am authorized," replied Chair man Hay, "to say that the president believes an emergency is present and it is absolutely necessary to comma ud the services of the militia." Continuing Mnnn said: " I do not know whether the troops should be kept in Mexico or not. It is evident that the troops cannot remain in the heart of the country without there being a certain amount of fric tion with Mexicans. I cannot sec why they are being kept in Mexico, when they have not accomplished what they set out to do.' An amendment by Walsh shifting the responsibility to President Wilson for calling the militia was defeated by a vote of 122 to 24. Tho Hay nmeudment declarinj; that congress considers an emergency pies- was carried An amendment, was carried limiting the service of the militiamen to "the period of tho emergency, not to exceed three years." Blames the President. "The troops are not on Mexican soil today ut our command," said Repre sentative Walsh, republican of Massa chusetts. "The responsibility for send ing more troops into Mexico ought not be shitted now to us. We ought to have a message iu writing from tho presi dent." He was loudly applauded in the re publican side of the chamber. The house after much wrangling de cided to limit the debate on the resolu tion to two hmirs. There was n great demand for time by republicans, indi cating ttint the resolutiou will bo streu uously fought. Representative Walsh proposed nn amendment to the Hay resolution, plac ing upon President Wilson instead of congress the responsibility for calling the militia. "Uncle Joe" Cannon launched into a general attack of the ndiuiuistration'3 pobcy in jolicy. "If we are to defeud against Mex iciin anarchy we must so act that either they or we will establish a responsible government in Mexico." .County May Open Road by Repairing Bridge If Douglas county will provide funds lor repairing a bridge over the South l.'nipqua river nt Myrtle Creek, the county will be allowed to open n cross ing over the trucks of the Oregon & California railroad, according to an or der issued by the slate public service coin mission. The opening of this road will allow turners iu a valuable agricultural sec tion to get into the city with more con venience than is now afforded. Permission to install three grade crossings in Columbia county has also been granted to the Nenalem invest r.,jiroad. The Valley & Siletbz railroad ,,(!) iHV1 permitted" to establish cross- l)V(,r various t'oinls iu Polk coun- rt Authority to raise freight rates on short hauls has been asked of the com ,:,,:.. i,v the Southern Pacific com- pnv. hnU from Portland to points ! 0 the Willamette Valley Southern and : tu Coos Hav, Hosebuig and Kastern are involved in the matter. IDAHO RIVER IS HIGHEST EVE It KNOWN Sand Point. Idaho, June 23. Bon ner's 1'errv, Idaho, is entirely under water today. The Kootenai river is higher than ever before in history. Water covers the floors of business houses to depths of from six inches to three feet. No stores are attempting to do business. The Great Northern railroad is de touring all of its trains throug'.i Sand Point over the Northern Pacific trucks. Coniimiiiication with KalisH'll Mont, is entirely cut off, and no trains have reached there for two days. You read the aewi we get it. Copyright Dut SchaftW & Un England Will Take Charge for Uncle Sam Washington, June 2X The United .States government, is understood to have made formal request of Great Iiritain to take charge of American interests in Mexico should war occur between the two countries. State department, officials refused to confirm or deny the report today, but it was indicated that preliminary steps have been taken to safeguard thus country's interest. It. was ex plained that any such arrangement necessarily provides only for the future developments and does not, of course, apply to the present status of affairs. No formal request could be made to Great liritnin previous to the breaking off of relations between this country and Mexico. Consul Kodgers and other American representatives are still nt their posts at Mexico City and other points in the republic and so far as is known, no instructions have oeen sent to them to return to flits country. Until this is done the only step the state department would take in the course of preparing for the eventuality would be an informal discussion with British authorities here of that coun try's willingness to assume charge of American interests. Appoints Committees For Normal School Governor Withycombe today an nounced the appointment of the stand ing committees of the board of regents of the Oregon Normal school. A new committee known as the special commit tee to investigate the normal school question has been added to the list of committees acting heretofore. Tho following is the personnel o the various committees: Kxecutive Tho president. Regents Churchill and Marvin. Finance Regents Olcolt, Starr and Bragg. Teachers Regents Bryant, Star weather and Bragg. Libraries Regents Marvin, Bragg and Maier. Course of study Regents Churchill, .Starr nail Bryant. Special committee authorized by the board to investigate the normal school question Regents Marviu. Starr and Starkweather. Governor Withycf irlie was re-elected ns president of the board of directors. Quartermaster Has Big Job On His Hands St. Louis. Mo., June 23. Uncle Sam's quartermaster department at St. Louis was one of the busiest spots in the country. Practically all the supplies 'for the state guardsmen and regulars mobilized ill the southwest are being supplied from the St. Louis department supply depot. Karly today laige storage tents were put up nt the arsenal to take care of trainloads of supplies arriviug here. Lieutenant Colonel Stanley, in charge of tho depot was prepared to handle the 200,000 pairs of shoes he purchased yes terday for various state guard camps. - Following a trniuload of supplies for the Arkansas camp at Little liock, an other trainlond of provisions was rush ed to the border early today. The Arkansas train carried Sit, 000 pounds of flour; 120.000 pounds of potatoes; 50. 1100 pounds beans; 12,500 pounds corn meal and a carload of bacon. In addition to handling 22 states in which militia is mobilising supplies are beinj foiwsr.ted from St. Louis to the United States forces in Texas and Mex ico. MOTHER MURDER MYSTERY Walla Walln. Wash., June 23 A coioner's investigation today failed to hrow nuv light on the murder of Charles Nam, "!' years' old. who was shot to death daily yesterday while he slept. ' . Mrs. Sams, sleeping beside her hus band, was awakened by two shots. She heard somebody moving in the room. Before siie could light a lamp, the door slummed nnd the murderer fled. Sam died nn hour Inter without regaining consciousness. No motive for the mur der is Known. Not withstanding the increase cost of materials. J You'll agree with us, we are showing the strongest line of $15.00 Suits we have ever had. Many of our Fall Suits are here already. We con tracted for them early in order to secure the proper values. Robert's Salem Just Wright Hats Woolen Mills Shoes $3.00 Store $5.00 Grangers Had Great Time at Stayton A jolly lot of grangers motored from Salem to Stayton Wednesday, June 21, to nttend Pomona grange. There was a large attendance of n bout 50 or 7o. The meeting was call ed to order by W. H. Stevens, W. M. of South Howeii. In the forenoon the usual, routine, business was trnjisneted, including the reports from different granges. A recess was taken and the granges were invited to the banquet hall and when some of the new members of the grange saw- what a bountiful dinner was spread, forgot that granges al- I ways return thanks for their blessings ana were almost inrougn ueiore tnanus were returned. Of course this made it necessary for them to eat. two din ners, but as tins was their first ap pearance at Pomona grange they were excused, they then said when they saw all the chicken, salad, pies, cuke and most everything else you might men tion they could not wait, ns n city dinner was generally composed of a small bowl of soup, or maybe just pet the dog and imagine you had eaten. Some of our new members are prom inent business men of Salem and ive were indeed glad to have them with us and they will get used to all the good things grangers cook. After the dinner hour the meeting was called to order and the worthy lec turer took charge of tho meeting. Bro. McPherson of O. A. C. was pres ent and spoke on the rural credit bill. John P. Robertson one of the oldest grangers in the tate spoke and the question is debatable whether it is a benefit or not a benefit to the farmer. A delightful program was given by Stayton grange atter which the fifth degree was conferred 'on a class of fourteen. Tiie grange then closed in due form to meet with Maclen.y grange the third Wednesday in October. SOME QUIET SUNDAYS Portland, Ore., June 23. The pro prietor of a bakery, pleaded with the municipal judgo that two of his wagon drivers had gone with the militia, and if the third was sent to jail for drunk enness he would lose business. The obliging judge sentenced the driver to serve five successive Sundays iu jail. MICHELIN-FOUNDED-1832 MICHELIN- 12 to 15 Extra Weight HOMUl TREAD JT':- V. MiaMia Hit. . 1M-1JMHHTI..J ' When you buy your next tire make thi simple test. Let us weigh a Michelin Universal lire in comparison with any other non-skid of the same size. You will find iht Michtlin 12 to 5(,t) heavier than Mf aiteiage the exact percentage itptndmt on the lire of the lira utek in the tat This extra weight represents extra rubber and fabric, which means extra service. JOHN MAUER 342 Center St. Salem, Oregon ; 1 .. ONE QUALITY Commercial Printsn at the', Capital-Journal Office 81 3? 02 c 3 Another Battalion of Coast Artillery Portland, Or., June 23. Recruiting offices for a new battalion of coast ar tillery will be opened Immediately. Ad jutant General White announced to day. Soon after the militiamen were or dered mobilized, the adjutant general j asked the military affairs department ,iu Washington for authority to organ line four new companies of coast artil lery- in addition to the eiyit already in this state. Permission was granted. Coast artillery companies now are stationed at Portland, Eugene, Cottaga Grove, Albany, Roseburg, Medforil and Ashland. Another will be organ ized at Marshfield. When a man is at the end of his argument he cusses. When a woman is at the end of her arguments she cries. 2 llrtaW Strift Hart MICHELIN UNIVERSAL TREAD ill Hi !! ! ONLY-THE BEST 1