Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 23, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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Cet the Round Package
Used for Vi Century.
L .. W,Wll,W...
"11 I Mil"1
Z Cautioi
jvold Subitltt
Mrs, R. K. I'age entertained yester- triotie League will vend ice cream at
day with a charming informal bridge. the band concert, for the purpose of
The matrons of the Hridgo club were raising funds with which to buy ma
gnesia and the card honors fell to Mrs. terials and articles tor the completion
Edgar Hartley. Gupsts circled three of comfort bags and other necessities
tables of bridge, and the rooms were for Company 5l.
fragrant with garden flowors. ' Salem is never weary of well doing,
' land will no doubt respond readily to
Close to 00 members of tho Woinnn 's aid the League in their zealous efforts
Uelief Corps gathered nt the home of; to increase the comforts of our sol
Mrs. I. L. McAiliuns, yesterday toilers,
make comfort bags for tho soldiers. "
During the afternoon about 4li old Governor Withycombe has accepted
fashioned " housewives " were com-: the invitation of Colonei McUugiilin
l.lotn.l unit .ill-,,. W, tli 3nlnm Pdf.lnt 'lit Visit cnilll) MitllllllV. Htt W'ill IIICSS
ie League, who will send them with
other necessities to Company M. An
n.iovablo programme was given nnd
included recitations by Mrs. Ronald
C. fllover and whistling solos by Mrs. j
La Moinn Clark.
irfrg. McAdnins wiib assisted in the ,
perving bv Mrs. Henry Schott, Mrs.
Florence Spencer, Jlrs. Keho Stanton !
ud Mjs. J. Hunt. I
. uss Kdith Itvnon, daughter of Mr. pointed dinner, Garden flowers dech-; uereu m w ji u. rt.ci wcry i.ms
nd Mrs. Fred S. Bvnon, has Bono tojed the table aroun.l which were covers leading, if not absolutely untrue The
l'ortlnnd. whom sh in nttendinir sum-i for eighteen. I situation regarding tho National Guard
mer school at Lincoln high school,
' ... n
Tonight the women of the Sulem Pa-
Mrs. Brown Finally Restored to
Health by Lydia E Pinkham't
Vegetable Compound.
Cleveland, Ohio. "For years I suf
fered so sometimes it seemed aa though
1 1 could not stand
it any longer. It Btreet site is better than that at Cen
was oil in my lower j ter street which is the site chosen by
organs. At times I Min ion county. Nothing will be done
could hirtlly walk, jdmio in tiie construction line this year
for if I stepped on a
little stone I would
almost faint One
day I did faint and
my husband was
sent for and the doc
tor came. I was ta
ken to the hospital
nd staved four weeks but when I came
hnmn 1 uintiltl faint insfc tlm Mmn nn,l 1
tiad the same pains.
A friend who is a nurse said for me to
try Lydia E.rinkliam's Vegetable Com- Tms Btat convention ol post office j feeling that is having a bad effect upon
pound. I began taking it that very day I,. I,,,!,, un,i carriers which convenes nt;ordinnry business and routine and in
for I was suffering a great deal. It ! Oregon Citv tomorrow will lie attended creasing the strain upon those whose re-
has already done me more good
than tho hospital. To anyone who is
suffering as 1 was my advice is to stop
in the first drug-store and get a bottle
of Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Com
pound before you go home." Mrs. W.
C Drown, 1100 Auburn Avenuo.Cleve
Jand, Ohio.
Why not take Mrs. Brown's advice T
Writ for free ami helpful
advice to Lydia K Plnkliani
. ."
. . " .f
.." ..f
:: ::l
't''ipv''i'i If Zfi , ir""Xm
Ask For and GET
Made from clean, rich milk with the ex
tract of select malted grain, malted in our
own Malt Houses under sanitary conditions.
Infants and children thrive on if. Agrees with
the weak ft etomach of the intalid or the) aged.
Need, no cooking nor addition of milk.
Nourishes and sustain more than tea, coffee,' etc.
Should be kept at home or when traveling. A nu
tritious food-drink may be prepared in a moment.
A glassful hot before retiring induces refreshing
leer Also in lunch tablet form for business men
Substitutes Cost YOU Sam Price
Take a Package Home
with the enlisted men of Company 51
at ilinner.
The governor has ninny invitations
to dine, at the officers' mess but he
preferred to have dinner with the men
of Coiupuuy M, and with those who are
employes of the state house in private
Mr. and Mrs. James McGilchnst ell-
tannin,,,! rucontlv Will II Ort'ttilv mi-
I The guests inclutleil tne memiiers di
'the family and Mr. ami Mrs. Merlin
.. " 1 P
Harding, Misses Gertrude and Kdith
llluell and Mr. Huell of Kugone who are :
the guests of Mr. ami Mrs. William
McGilcluist, Jr.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Reinlinrt, Mrs.
Fred Krixon ami Miss llnzid Krixon i
motored to Corvallis Wednesduy. They
returned Thursday.
Judge Lawrence T. Harris will go
to Kugeno tomorrow to attend tiie
Ijine County bar association banquet
at the Osborii Hotel. Judge Harris
will be a special guest nt the banquet.
otliing new has come to light in the
j mutter oi constructing a bridge over
I the Willamette. Polli county has tak
en action favorable to n concrete
I structure but feels that the Court
as rum county nns no minis lor un
worn. o
Mrs. Blanche Liston Neimeyer will
leave tomorrow to meet her husband
in Portland, whore they will visit a
few tlavs before coming to Salem. Scr
gcant Nietncycr, w ho has been in the j
recruiting service in Knghind nnd Tor-,
onto since ne was wountieii, uns incline nn-i mar nicy seiuoin read it in
honor of having enlisted more men in
r.iigianii until any outer ni t lining ui-
i'icer. '
n -
by Postmaster August iiiicitesieiu nuii,iutnes ami tncmls lire directly con
I assistant postmaster John II. Knrrar. j corned in the movements of til sol
iThev will leave in the morning ami tliel's.
I visit Camp Withycombe Suinluy, alter
I the convention ends.
Aeting mayor J. A. Mills has writ -
ten Captain Gehlhar for permission to
use the armory. The Salem Hit'le club
has decided to increase its membehship
innd to begin drilling nt once and or-
KII"IZ, themselves, or nss-rst in organiz-
m.' u home guard. It is lor this clun
the armory Is wanted.
Deer skin Moccasins, with the
present nianut'actiirers' piiccs!
itlenl vacation footwear! Soft,
noiseless, they are good around
camp sterling foot rests.
Child's, sizes 6 to 10
Youths', sizes 11 to i
Misses', sires 11 to '2
Boys', sizes 3 to 6 ....
Mou's $1.40, $1.90
Khaki Play Suits Reduced
nd Girls' $1.00 Hoys' a" and $l.l." Indian Suits, choice 75c
Boys' Indian, Military, Cowboy and Scout Suits priced at
$1.4.), $1.00 an, I l. 7."), choice $1.00
Meeting Called for Tomorrow
-Workers Sympathize
with Longshoremen
San Francisco, June 2:i. That a gen
eral strike of nil waterfront workers
niav be called in connection with the
longshoremen's walkout w as evident to -
day. The Waterfront redcratiou ot Un
ions called a meeting for tomorrow, nt
which this move in to be discussed.
Some teamsters, have at the request of
.....LI..,-., nlp.m. r ,afiiun.l t, lliinHIP
nil.- ntiirv.ii-, .iikuwj w ...........
sugar unloading from the merchantman
ilhclmiiia. .
Non-union men worked on several
vessels today but no work was done onl
a number ot others. The Toyo Risen
L..:.l.n ,i.nra nil. lilthftlltrlt T n A
Japanese company agreed to the long
i,tiiui uumn ........
shoremen s demands.
Strikers gathered at the wharves
w here non-union laborers were employ
ed, but no violence was reported. Henry
51. White, federal mediator, who suc
ceeded in having tho stevedores declare
a truce recently, is expected here short
ly to try once more to arbitrate the
difficulty. Tho new strike was called
after the killing of Thomas Olsen, a
picket, alleged to have been done by
strikebreakers. Longshoremen refused
to continue work unless the strikebreak
ers who were assembled on barges in the
bay were dispersed.
A near riot occurred this morning
when the river steamers "Pride of Riv
er," from Courliuid and ".Modoc,"
from Sacramento, arrived. Strikers be
gun a demonstration when union tenm
sters begun handling freight carried
from the vessels by non-union men.
Five men were arrested for disturbing
'the peace,
A crowd of .'100 strikers
was attracted, but most of them took
no pul't in the outbreak.
Company M Has Not
Been Ordered to Border
Tho headlines in the morning paper
stating that Company M. had been or-.
m" iniriiunK. mo umi-i iu B"
j front may come any time, or may not
: U., I Tkn ... ....
come lit all. w nen tne orticr noes come
it will appear iu the Capital Journal,
ami not uetore.
The only authentic news bearing on
the subject is General Hell's statement
today that the Oregon guard seemed
nearest ready, and intimating that it
would therefore he called tirst.
The duty of a newspaper is to give
a reliable record of the day's events,
and not to anticipate news, or spring
sensation's for the purposo of selling
newspapers. This is the mission of the
press at all times, and in crisis like the
present, when the air is filled with un
founded rumors, ami tho nerves of the
public are at high tension, it is the duty
of newspapers to be more than ever
careful and conservative in the matter
of handling the news, passing up the
opportunity to glean u few additional
nickels from the sale of "war extras"
or securing of "news bents" that in the
end turn out to be untrue or misleading.
The Daily Ciipitul Journal does not
possess the least ambition to be seusa
tint,,,! l. ;t i.i .,i..-....n 1:1... i
... ..., ... , u, u.naj.., ,iid iu c
rename and tliinKs that it conies as
near that mark as it is possible to get
in the hurry and bustle consequent upon
gathering nnd printing the news iu u
daily paper. When real news breaks we
try to get it to our renders as quickly as
possible, and wo think they appreciate
any other paper first
mi- puwiicnuou or sensuiiouni rum
ors nt this time can do no good and are
CSNt'tlt ill 1 1 V hnmifnl in i.l. !,.. t .1...
Tom Ordeinann will sing at the band
concert this evening. As the niitrint-
'i, - feeling is in tne air and us songs of
the nation are preferred to all others.
he will sing the very latest. " Yonnir
America, We're Strong .For You."
GOOD Housekeeping
rooms on first
Reasonable. 1 .1 7 South Winter
T Y .
wear ill them, ut very nearly
What a itropitious time to et
light, cool, comfortable ami
the home, suitable around the
9.rc, $1.15
$1.15. $1.40
$1.15, $1.40, $1.70
$1.20, $1.40. $1.70
$1.20, $1.40, $2.00
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Onepackage
proves it 25cnt all druggists.
Judge M Dismisses
Road Injunction
Dallas, Or., June 23. Circuit Judge
IT. H. licit has dismissed the injunc
tion suit and temporary restraining or
der in the suit orought by the Tort
land Trust company to prevent this
from building a new road a-
cross its property known as the Guth
rie Acre tract. The" grounds for dis
missal" were that the road was prat-tie
' v com.llet(,(, btfore
. "- 1
the suit
I '
t.a crr,ss to Organize
i . mu.; ,i, .v. ..;,.,, nf the'nf Ohio nnd ;it'f,,r,l Pim-hm nt !....
wi;, h( M(, at (he armory in Sylvuuia, have "gone back" into the!
T hi afternoon for the purpose!. 0. I.
. . - ... . . . .. ... .....
nf organizing a Ked Cross auxiliary.
The meeting is called at the suggestion
ot .Mrs. 1. L. l'attersnn ot Kola, wno is tor us as a national party. I will not
state regent of the D. A. R. for Ore- join with the republicans if the rest
gon. I of you do; I will go back into the demo-
cratic party."
Divorce Suit Granted Sentiment at the conference of 111 i-
Judge Belt of the circuit court has noi3 bull moose seemed largely in favor
granted a divorce to 5Irs. Cora Klep-of uniting with the progressive wing of
per from W. H. Klepper on the grounds j the republicans in this state, perhaps
of desertion and non -support. Klep- with a view to electing President Kd
per was broncht back to this county j mund J. James of the I'niversity of II
from California Inst spring and wnSlinois, for governor. They planned to
tried at the last term of court on tho j get control of the republican partv, they
same "rounds but the rase was thrown
out of court. -New divorce suits tiled Some wanted to hold a state ticket in
recently are: 5Iarv A. 5Ii!terberger j reserve as a club if the reactionary re
against William Milfenberger and Ad-j publicans win in the nominations. Form'
derson HinshaV vs. Lydia Hinshaw. er Representative Zola of Chicago,
Applies for Citizenship Papers
Two applications for citizenship pa
pers have been filed with county clerk
Asa H. Robinson this week. John
Duignan, R. F. T)'. No. 2 of Dallas, a
native of Canada and Thomas Rand,
R. F. D. No. 2 of Sheridan, a native of
F.ngland desire to become citizens "of
the United States.
Sidewp' "tt
The contract for building approxi-,
iiiiiieiy -iii'it lt-t-t. ul (.-inciifc o.'ii
1-1.. Di.l.,UIlllf
was awarded to J. T. Johnson of tiiis
city at a meeting of the
ltV COUllCli
,ast iomlay evening. The contract
price was 12 ) cents a square foot. , be ln Sttl,.m Pary jn tie afteru0on
Three other bids were received by the at least 250 strong. Oregon City, As
council but 5L-. Johnson's was the low- toria, Corvallis and McMinnville' will
est. be representaed by delegations of from
' 7 . , , I M to 125 ench. Dallas, Woodburn and
Circuit .Tude H. II. Belt, will make j Silverton are also expected to be here
the Fourth of July address at the big-in force.
celebration at Tillamook. j As a prelude to the meeting, the
Lynn 5fathenev and 5Iiss .Tuanita , Moose, manv hundred stronc. will nn.
5r.iller of this city were united in mar-1 rne through the streets in the after
riage Thursday at Salem. The young i noon. Following the parade the general
neoole were accompanied to the
tal cit- by 5Irs. E. W'. 51atheny and
Mrs. Roy Finse'h, niotner and sister ,
or tne groom, inty tvtn umnu men
homo iii Dallas.
George W. Knisiht of Hubbard is in
the city.
H. (). Ross of Baker City was a Sa
lem vistior yesterday.
Attorney Rolliu K. Pago is attending
to legal matters in Seattle.
(hoi-leu A. White is in the citv at-
. ,. i .... c-..-
teniting to Dusiness, irum I
Mrs. Will Copley is visiting ner
sister Mrs. John Brewer at Tillamook.
Mrs. L. Frances Lawrence of Port
land is in the city attending to bus-
mess matters.
-ttorney Glenn Tnruh is in Yam-
n.u counif looKiug mtvr , v
tract near PaUon.
Winthrop Hammond, proprietor ot
.1... T.r.wU-. is in Portland attending
. , . . ',;..
It, iiuriin r.n in mil.-.
Mr. nnd 51 rs. Keenan Wallace anil
Miss F.thvl Glazer of Oakland, tal.
are registered at tiie Bligh.
John Brewer returned to his home
nt Tillamook yeslerday, after spending
a few tlavs here with relatives.
5Ir. and Mrs. Ted Breyninn of Port
hind were in the city, returning to
their huine utter a sliort wedding trip.
judge P. II. D jrcy was in Portland
yester. lav, attending the .44th annual
reunion of the Oregon Pioneer associa
tion. Guy Stabler, of the Portland fire
department, i iu the city visiting
with friends and inspecting Salem's
fire otiuipment.
Harold linger, son ot .Mrs
linger, returned a few days ago from "' give up tne girl
Harvard I'niversi'v, ami will, spend Ui!",,,lA y ,'"lu for hor
vacation ill the citv. I
wt ,w
ing tor Walla vtuua to .H'"' nr nns-,
Itlbai.d who will be employed there dur-l
It ine the summer months.
Mrs. James Albert left yesterday fori'""' " pervious provision thnt she
a short visit with her parents at Hoop- shou "ot '"ken from Washington
er. Wash. She was accompanied by .r ""ifnomah counties wtihout permis
Mrs. Urin Wann of Portland. jM0" of the court still is ii, effect.
S. Doerfler and wi'.'e of Salem who , L
have bee,, visiting at the home of Mr. ' ,Tn attorney's office this
nuukt: .hi.
.turned home
TTuind Mrs, George Skitf,
last, night. Hoseburg:'0 ."' running at large in alleged
in their auto
Mrs C F Phillips of Stnvton, Ore-!'.""".'"?' usuni run in such cases in
gon, who had been visiting here with f"1" enmmnl action instead of
her sister, 51rs. Victor Short, left this!'1 ,u" SU1'-
morning for Tucson, Arizona, where "
she will remain for the next -few, J- Farrw will start tornor-
months.i;oselH,rg Review. v,T T, S ,ty. ,. ml U,Wn'W'
Rev Robert Booth, who has been j shl' ' '" , tup to Clackamas
very ill at the home of his daughter. '""V .,!s' , tl" w'
Mrs. K.lwsrd Siinaleton. tn North Rose- Ms,t ,J 'aeka.nas Surday.
jliiirg-, for the past two weeks, was no
better today, according to the attend
ing physician. Hosehurg Review.
According to the re-arranged plans
for Cherry fair dav. Monday, July It,
the queen will be crowned at !) o clock
iu the niorniiig trom the reviewing ;
stand nt the court house, the tiatiy
parade around Willson park will be
gin about l.':i0, or as soon a the
crowning ceremonies are over, inime-
tliately niter the baby parotic, tne
all-Oregon grange program at Marion
atpiare will begin nn.l entertain the
people until i" o ciok, wnen me ar-;
will be opened with its onerry ,
and floral displays.
Little New Todays work
Chairman of Progressive Con
vention Says Ball Moose
Is Dead
Chicago. June 2X Raymond Robins,
chairman of the last progressive con
vention, announced today he is going
Hack into the democratic party.
Declaring the progressives dead as a
national organization, Robins told III.-
was nois bull moose, gathered here for a
"funeral conference" today, that Theo
'dore Roosevelt, Governor Hiram John
son ot California, James W. Garfield
"ltiese things are settled in my
minU," Hobins said. "There is no hope'
said, by aligning with this faction
I mount, ror continuation or the progres-
sue organization in Illinois.
Plans Complete for
Entertaining Visitors
rians are complete for the entertain
ment of visitors from all parts of the
valley at the big Moose meeting and
initiation to be hold hero tomm-mur
The sessions will occunv most of the
ui in noun iiiiti evening.
Perhaps the largest single delegation
to he in ntlgmLmi. ; .!,.
Portland lodge which has promised to
meetinrr hec-ins. Tn tlm m-nni.,,. o
ster bannuct will he sown,!
j10ose hall and a program presented
More Dreadnaughts
and Battle Cruisers
Washington, June 23. Still further
increases in the naval building program
and in the personnel of the navy wero
made this afternoon by the senate
naval sub-committee after the confer
ence with Secretary Daniels and Ad
mirals Taylor and Blue.
The new program is four super
dreadnaughts and four battle cruisers
for the first year ami nn increase nf
I iweiny inousaiui men in the enlisted
Dispute Over Child
Gets Into Court
A writ of habeas corpus has been
!'ii.i .;n, t.,,1,,,. iiii - i,.. r
.i,. v 1 - v i v
I""! "- mother of hdnn hllen ergen,
an eignt-yenr-oltl girl who, it is said,
is being illegally detained bv Mr. and
tMrs. J. G. Flake, of 1710 Bellevue
: street, this city.
The mother was 'formerly the wife of
Charles A. Yergen, who secured a di -
vorce some time ago in Washington
county. Yergen Inter enme to this city
but, without funds nnd out of work,
asked the Hakes to take care of the
child until he was able to provide for
her. For the past year and n half the
child has been one of the family at the
Fluke home.
Though the original decision of the
Washington county court gave the lit
tle girl to the father, a later decree
awarded it to the mother. Some weeki
ago Yergen appeared nt the house but
, . , ' '""''..ticn, rney nan to turnish
-'clothing for her as well as food and
, , ,
.Viushig on county contends that ths
f,,r 18 8,1,1 a the eou.ity and
, - uuf
attenlp0 ' heariug a case pertaining
l t 1(1 141 l I,
This iii'iion diftVrs
(Cortinued from Tag One.)
i.. t . Two companies
of en-
gineers are expected soon.
Their Tate Unknown
F.l Paso, Texas, June 23. The fate
of Captain 1ewis .Moiev cavalerv de-1
tachment which was in the Cnrrizali
fl-rht, and the jnissiLility that the!
squadron ot the Kleventh Cnited
states cavalry sent to their relief has
also been engaged by the Carrnnzistas
caused the gravest anxiety iu otticial
circles here today.
Nothing has been heard from 5Ior-
June Sale of White
Offers substantial savings on articles of white
Clearance Prices on Waisfs
Clearance Prices on Dresses
Clearence Prices on Undermuslins
Clearance Prices on Children's
Wea r
Clearance Prices on Suits
Clearance Prices on Coats
Women's Lingerie
Made of fine Lawns and
Batiste, neatly trimmed.
Sizes 36 to 44,
Special 98c
U. G. Shipley Co.
145 N. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon
German Babies Thrive
.on Spinach and Carrots
By William O. Shepherd.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Rotterdam, Holland," Jlay 20. (By
Mail.) Right into the baby's cradle,
at his five daily meal times, reaches
the hand of the great German govern
ment, in wartime.
It snatches his milk bottle 'from him,
empties out half his milk and fills up
the bottle with breakfast food.
Twice a day, when bottle time conies,
this great hand keeps his bottle away
trom lnm and, with a spoon teeds him
with apple sauce, crushed carrots and
seived -spinach. ,
You can't get the babies to talk
I about it, though their mothers have a
great deal to say on the subject. But!
the fact remains that the bnbies thrive :
on their new menus and that perhaps
th- 1,..K ! I.....
found a new and better way to fill
baby stomnchs.
"," Here's my little muehaeho," said a
Spanish lady from Germnny who had,
as she said, "brought him out to get
hijii some milk. ' ' She displayed a little
fellow of eight months. j
"In our town in Germany, if the doc-:
tor gives you a certificate, you may
have a pint of milk a day for your
naoy. "I don t like to see him have to do-
"The doctor works with the govern-1 it. I feel sorry when I must feed him'
nient, yon understand, and he makes spinach. Think of it! Ami so here I ,
evcy effort to persuade mothers to am in Holland to give him all the milk
nurse their children at the breast. ! he wants for a time. He laughs and'
"If he considers that a mother isjeoos every time he sees the milk bottbV
able to do this, he will not issue a milk j coming. He knows the 'difference be-t
certificate nud the mother' will not be It ween milk and carrots. " ... :
able to-purchase milk. "Doesn't he?" she said, turning t:
"Nurses also are under government the baby. He said something which;',
control and when they discover that a 'was taken for "yes."
mother is able to nurse her baby it is ! Getting a beefsteak for your home i.-i
her duty to notify the doctor to that Germany will be the theme of the next
effe.'t and it then becomes his duty to . Shepherd German food story. It's rv
cancel the milk ticket. " 1 task worth reading about.
lis' men since they were lured into mantled at the Columbus base, uuder
ambush Wednesday and cut- up by ma- going repairs.
i chine gun tire. General Pershing has:
1 arrniitp.i to reinforce the relief column'
I if' it is attacked by tho vastly superior
I number of Cnrrauzistas in the Cai rizal
i district.
The nbseuce of any nen rnnlnnes with
the American expedition in 5Iexico
was the basis of considerable criticism
here today. Aviators iu swift flying
machines could have learned the truth
abouf Ihe Carrial situation almost
immediately. All aeroplanes intended
for scouting with Pershing are (lis -
; ;
Our. Shoes Contain Individuality That Please
the Most Exacting
Queen Quality Shoes are made for
women of taste and refinement. If you
have foot trouble in warm weather come in
and we will tell you why.
A perfect fitted shoe will give more com
fort, wear and style.
See those new white washable Kid Spats
all sizes.
New McGiJchrist Building
415 State
Children's Tub Dresses
Ginghams, Percales and
Chambrays sizes from
8 to 14 years,
Special 79c
"The milk that is issued is not.'
enough for a baby, of course, but tho
scientists have worked out a way of
mixing it with an oatmeal or wheat .
broth. This is fed from the bottle three
times a day. But ho must have fowl
two otner tunes every tiny anu tne sci entists
arc busily instructing physi
cians and nurses, who in. turn instruct
mothers how to cook apples, carrots ami
.... i. i,., v.,v.;.,a
"We cook the apples or earrots un
til soft as porridge nnd serve it to tl o
babv with a spoon, fie hasn t a tooth
in his head, ypt, .but h has learned to
eat from a spooii. Wo put the boiled'
spinach through a seive. '
"What does he like best of men
three?" J
"Apples, because we always put n
'.. I...- .1.- 1.. .
! rots he likes also, but spinach! llov
makes 'faces at it,; but wboit bc erics toiii
food, he can't always be silenced event!
with "spinach, ' j-
"He grows fat on his war food, tooj
5Iy other children always had milk fivi,
times a day, and as much as they want-,
od. They liked milk, as all babies dr,
t,.., 'i.i... i....-..:.. ...
i But this bahy is learning to eat thing'.,
I that he doesn't like.
Juarez todnv was practically desert-
ed, the 4.7 inch guns on the American
' side still menacing the little Mexicuri
' city.
I General Gonzales and n comparative
hantlrul ot men are still tielieve t to DO
in Juarez. General Bell at Fort lllisf;
is saitl to have been informed that a
consiileritble Carraiizi'.ta force is hid
den in the hills around Juarez. Thff
troops t ui) t evacuated the city aue re-
I ported to have been concentrated
i-twentr miles south of Juarez with oth
ier l arranista forces. '
114 Liberty