Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 22, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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For That Vacation Trip
Select Your Trunk, Suit Case
Traveling Bag from the Largest
and most varied assortment in
Steamer Trunks, Regular Trunks, Wardrobe Trunks, Matting, Rattan, Fiber and
Leather Suit Cases. No matter what you need in this line we can supply that need to
your entire satisfaction in both quality and price. Visit this, big department on the
second floor. We are glad to show you whether you purchase or not.
Salem9 s Big
All Around Town
June 24. Moose day in Sulem.
Juiin 20. Gorman Lutheran
church picnic, lit State Fair
Juno 2i Close of voting con
test for Queen of Cherry Fuir,
'.) a. in.
Juno 2S. Meeting of Salem
I'litriutic League, 2 p. in.
July 8 All-Oregon Grunge ral
ly, Salem.
July 3. Annual Cherry fair.
July 4. Fourth of July cele
bration, State Fair grounds.
July 4. Indiana society annual
picnic at State Fair grounds.
July 12-18. Salem Chautauqua.
July 1!. Monthly meeting of
Commercial club,
July 20 Wisconsin society re
union at Statu fair grounds.
July 20, Southern Pacific mil
nay men's picnic, Slato Fair
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits gl asse
ts correctly. U. N. Hank. Uld0'.
Tie Orpheus Male Chorus will givo
n concert at Silverton on the evening
of Wednesday, June 2S, at the linn
theatre. K. Cooke I'alton will be car
ried along as a side line.
Our prices are right, no reduction
necessary. Gardner & Keene, jewelers
and opUciaim.
George Pritchard, Oiegonian corres -
liondent, left lodav for I'lirtland where
he has been called on account of press
of business in
room. He will
two week.
Oiegoninn news
gone ten days or
While ethers ar reducing we are
Imrreaidnjr our stock. Thero's a rou
(onf ask on. Gardner & Keene, jewel
era and opticians.
Company L, O. N. G., of Dallas,
pas'ied through the city last evening
anil transferred at the Southern IV
eil'ic. depot. At Wi milium, Company j
1 joined them on the way to the con -i
entiHtioii CHiup nt Clackamas,
Ford Owners, Save $ on Your Fuel
Equip your machine with Via's Distil
late Burner. Get twenty-five miles to the
gallon of distillate. Cut your operating
expenses in half.
Installed by VICK BROS.
Salem, Oregon
Patent Applied for Benjs. S. Via.
Summer Clearance
Prices on Women's and
Misses9 Ready to Wear
Entire Stock of Silk Suits 1 prce
and Wool Suits at ... . 2
V if! iftWts
Salem chimney sweep, Estb. 1909.
I'lioue 19.
The Royal Cafeteria Is not exactly
recruiting headquarters but it holds
the Salem record for military men.
Vesterday four of the men had left for
Cluckainas and today the fifth felt the
call, Wayne Jackson having enlisted.
The Ladies Aid society of the First
Presbyterian church will meet in oho
church parlors Friday at 2:110 p. m.
In line with, the Southern Pacific's
safety first policy, it has been suggest
ed that the Salem street railway ser
vice adopt the near .side stops to re
duce the general hazard of accident.
In the near side slop, cars take on
passengers before crossing intersecting
See our line of tents, awnings, wag-
covers and canvas goods licloro vim
K. L. Stiff A; Son
The funeral of James L. Foster who
lied June 19, nt Twenty Second and
llvdc streets, will be held Friday at-
o'clock from the First
i. Services will be con
Rev. George Holt and
in the Citv View cenie-
Kaptist ehiire
ducted by the
burial will be
Make our store headquarters for
ouling supplies, full line of camp
stoxos, tents, wagon covers, chairs, etc.
-I'., L. Stiff & Son.
The Salem Riflo club will have to
1 ""it a little while longer for its Kings,
"a account of the great demand for
nuns by the Rifle clubs lately organ-
jized, the government 's supply at Ve
1 aecia, Calif, was exhausted, and the
shipment to Salem will have to be
! niinle from Springfield, Mass.
We can furnish all builders supplies
lumber, lath, shingles,, paints, hard
ware, piaster, etc. raits ' it v Salem
Lumber Co., II19 S. 12th. Phono Nl.'l.
And now conies Miss Mae Hopkins
who is sponsor to some extent for the
Snikpoli dramatic society of the high
school and savs that she has not re
signed, does not intend to and that
she will continue the good work in the
school next winter. It was Mis'
It. I'avis who resigned and not
1 Miss Hopkins.
While Dr. Mendelsohn is taking a
much needed rest of u Tr.onth or more,
the practice of his office will be taken
care of by Hr. Herbert W. Copelaad
of Lexington, Oregon, tie is an eve-
igiit specialist and a graduate doctor
ot optics and master of ophtalmologv.
The undersigned will receive sealed
proposals up to 5 o'clock P. M. July
li, 1910, for the purchase of one wagon
running gears, size J 14 and 3 .1-2. Tho
itv reserves the right to reject any
rail proposals. CI1 AS. F. F. LCI IN,
City Recorder. Juno 2J
Word was received this morning
from A. L. Wallace that the good ship
Great Northern sailed safely into the
port at San Francisco Monday after
noon with a large Mitem coniingent,
after a pleasant voyage. W. H. Slater,
Milo Kasinussen and Mr. Wallace all
topped off a few days in Sail Fran
cisco nelore coniinuing ineir journey
to Los Angeles.
Salem and Albany are invited to at
tend the great cowboy carnival at Plu-
loiuuth Saturday, .1 n no 21. lne invi
tation has been sent to both 'commer
cial clubs and Albany accepted last
night. Philomath, with a population
of 0011 is said to have spent $10,000 for
its annual cowboy caiaival and as
pecial prizes, has offered silver 1 rim
med saddles worth $200 ami $.100.
The contract for the 12 room addl-i
tiou to the Marion hotel will be let j
Saturday or Mondav b the architect, ,
George M. I'ost. One ot the require- j
meiits is that the work be completed
by September 1."), as it is the intention
ut tne hotel to lie ready tor the state
lair business. As the specifications
call for materials that may be obtain-;
the city, the work will begin
early next week.
Miss Abna Asliby, who has been as
sociated with the library work of the
Washington junior high school, has
been appointed second assistant of the.
Salem public library, succeeding Miss
Laura Cuiuinings who will have charge!
of tiie children's work of the public j
liluary at Kverett, Wash. Miss Cum-1
mings will leave here July LI and as-
sumo her new duties at Kverett July
Lieutenant L. II. Compton of this
city, attached to the Third Battalion,
has been in communication with
friends in this city. In Portland lust
ni'jht he declared that the horses need
ed for the mounted men of the Third
Infantry which unit he has been or-
gani'iug, nave practically occu sciin
ed. Three hundred tnouuts are now
ready for the men and the additional
need will be siipplicd at once.
The decorating committee for the
Cherry fair was out yesterday iuter-
iewing the merchants regarding the
proper display of bunting and flags
for the annual event, and the Fourth
of Julv. Tne committee, composed of
Hev. i T. Porter, Sidney II. KHiott
and L. S. Goer will attend to the street
decorations but are a-Kiug merchants
to also show a patriotic spirit.
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn, the well
known eye specialist being obliged to
take a vacation on account of poor
health has made arrangements to have
Herbert W. Copclnnd of Lexington,
Oregon, take his place during his ab
sence. I'r. Copohiud comes highly rec
ommended, lie is known in Morrow
and I'matilla counties ns a first class
optometrist. Ir. Mendelsohn takes
pleasure in recommending Mr. Cope
ht 11 it u ti.l assuring his patients and the
gcueial public that the high standard
of work and courteous treatment will
be maintained under the supervision
of this thoroughly competent eastern
Oregon eyesight specialist.
Making Comfortsw and-Little!
"Idas" That Will Come
Handy In Camp
Tin' boys at the front may fi
ed their welfare is being look
I assur
I after.!
Yesterday itt'tot'iiocm, the Sal1
tie League, in session at til
m Patrin- j
home of
Mrs. V. (. Asseln, decided to provide
loO "comforts'1
for Company M. Im-1
mediately after deciding,
15(1 was cut out and distributed among
tho ladies of the (1. A. H., Women's lie
lief Corps and the Ladies' Auxiliary of
the I'hited Spanish War Veterans. To
day busy fingers are working for tho
boys and by Saturday, the "comforts"
will be forwarded to Clackamas.
1 While the league was in session yes-
1 tel'day afternoon, word was received
from' Captain (iehlhar that 75 blankets
were needed. Within less than half an
hour, half a dozen uulnmoblles were
,0111 collecting blankets that were glad
ly given ami the full number needed
i was sent to Company M today. The
general opinion was expressed that it j
mere is unyrniug- rue nuys neeti tor
their comfort, all thnt is necessary will
be to make it known here in Salem.
! The ladies of the West Circle of the
j First Methodist church were represent
ed at the league meeting by Mrs. l.a
j.loiue Clark. The Circle gave 2 to
'start, a fund for the buying of testa
ments and any one desiring to con
tribute towards this testament fund,
i may eominunieato w ith Mrs. W. O. As
'seln. I The Salem Patriotic League is com
posed of members from the 0. A. R.,
Ladies of the G. A. H., Women's Re-
jliet Corps, t m toil Spanish War Voter-1
tins, Ladies' Auxiliary of the S
War Veterans and the Republican club. ti
The membership ,s not confined to these lays the blame for any misunderstand
organizations as all who are interested ;g on the Salem manager,
in the work arc invited to attend the The truth of the matter is this: Some
...eci.Mg lu e (cki jioxr x eunes.iny
icrnoon at the home of Mrs. (i.
jwilligor, 770 Chemeketa street.
L. ler-
The ladies of the Yew Park circle of
the Ladie- Aid society of tho First
Methodist church entertained their
families with a picnic at the First
Methodist church last night. The
picnic was arranged lor an out door
attair but the threatening
caused a change in plans.
Dan Howard, a Salem street car coiir
diictor, has received word from Gov
ernor Itilbn of .Mississippi that lie need
not report for duty at this time with'
the National Guard of that state. If!
a second call is sent out, however,!
Howard will instructed to entrain, i
i.e holds a second lieutenant's com-1
mission In the guard.'
Permission to sell ice cream and con
fectious at the band concert tomor
row evening at Willson Park was giv
en today by acting mayor .1. A. Mills
to the Salem Patriotic League. All
good citizens are expected to show
toeir patriotism in purchasing ice
cream and cake whether they want it
or not. as the League really needs ad
ditional funds.
Election officials have been an
nounced for a special election to be
hold at Scoits .Mills on July 21. At
that time the town will vote on the
question of incorporation as it has nev
er been a corporate municipality. The
following persons will have charge of
the election: Judges S. I). Adkins and
.1. M. Shilts; clerks Ami It. White,
l.ydia llroughcr and Kiuina Kellis.
More money, more comforts and
more donations are asked for by Mrs.
W. O. Asseln, president of the Salem
I .. , , , 1 1 .. 1 vi,;i., t;.,. i, ,
onerous response yesterday afternoon
lv, ,u. ,eetiuL' of !lie Leaiiiie. vet there
js n1,, m.lnv t(,ms f(11. ,1(VS ll(
i ;i K si m n A and Mrs. Asseln suggests
th.lt ,.,.lills f ., kill,is . mi0
sl,n, hn N(11.,h ltUt.tlY
i street.
Lvnn E. Mathenv and Miss Winona1
i..,.t:,, imti. of n.,11.,. ,,,..., nla, , icir
Ihis morning bv h'ev. F. T. I'oite
the parsonage of the First Christian
church. Witnessing th.' ceremony were
Mrs. K. W. Matheny, Mrs. Kay Pin-1
scth, Miss Ola Martin and nthorj
friends nnd relatives. Alter a short
trip to Portland. Mr. ami Mrs. Mathe
ny will return to IhiKas. The groom is
associated with his father in the mer
cantile business.
To more recruits will leave tonight
to join the colors, having passed their 1
medical inspection in this city after
the office at the armory was closed.'
They are Victor Hoi. I and llilberti
Tasto. F.ach is twenty one years old
and was employed at the cannery.
Company M"s total strength with these
additions will be I II. Others will go
direct to Clackamas to enlist, taking
the examination there so that it is
probable 1"0 men are already enrolled, j
.Vhen it conies to patriotic organiza
tions, Salem cannot be bent. Active
in all patriotic events nnd especially
interested in the welfare of the boys
lit the front are the following: Grand
Army of the Hepuhlic, Ladies of the
;G. A. K., Woman's lielief Corps. I'nit
led Spanish War Veterans, Ladies Aux
;iliary of the Spanish war veterans,
; I'uughters of the American Kcxolution,
Sons of the American Revolution, Sa
lient Patriotic League. And now conies
!a movement to organize the Children
1 of the American Ucrotunoii.
A practical demonstration of how
jallalta will grow in this country with
out any caie whatever may be seen on
'a lot on South Commercial street ad
! joining the S. P. freight depot. Al
I though the lot appears to be of pret
fy unyielding soil, made up of mostly
stones nnd gravel, yet the alfalfa has
coered the gion.er part of the lot and
jis now ready to be cut. It has been
said that aiialfa would not grow in
poor soil, but the Southern Pacific's
acant lot near the depot demonstrates
all that alfalfa needs la u chance.
Two of Team Enlist but,
May Get Leave of Absence
for Game
Although losing two men today.
Loin line-up will lie intact for
game at Wnodliuru Sunday.
Daryl Proctor. (Wilson), who lias
been eaialily holding down third for the
Senators, enlisted and departed for
Clackamas this morning. With him went
luth for thc'fra,IK ''rosvonnr- (leuon), otherwise
Known as Seymour, who lias cast glory
on himself and the team through his
operations in left field. Cyril Xadon.
utility man, is also with the colors, hav
ing previously left.
Tf Company M is still at Clackamas
Sunday and not under urgent orders,
Wilson will be jn the Salem batting
list as it is understood that he lias been
promised leave of absence for the day
provided artangements can be effected
With Wilson missing the probable
line-up of the Senators will be Keene,
p.; llauscr, e.j Gnobel, 1st; Hiiniphrevs.
2d; Miller, ss.; Adams, :td ; Michel, if.
f.; and Jones, 1st. The re
appearance erf Adams is bound to lend
strength to the offensive of the local
team and Manager Klctt feels that the
loss of Wilson will be compensated for
jus fully as can be expected.
i Reports that Miles Miller, shortstop,
had joined tho militia proved un-
' founded.
Two Wnodhurn stars. Shortstop Shfir
ey and Catcher Kreitz will be missing
Sunday as they are at camp."""
Still Arguing It.
The matter of the transfer .of the
' Wooilbiira-Saleni game Sunday is still
1 being argued by the Woodburn manage-
j Secretary Wakefield,
in a roniniunien-
mi fin tin. ttmtt.t,, 1 . . ..11 ., .. .1 -
ntt-;time ago Manager Huddlosnn of Wood
liill'll. asked Miitinrrci. Kletf it ,lirt
couldn't be staged in Salem ns it was
thought a larger crowd would be at
tracted. Klcct expressed an entire will
ingness to piny here if the consent oT
President Hay of the Inter-City league
could be obtained to the change in the
schedule. Hay was willing.
1 .1,..,. tV.w.'.ll I'l 1 ,1 .,
..,,-, iiiiiiiiui 11 necioeo mat they
wanted the game in their own city and
Salem of course was obliged to ac
quiesce 111 the arrangement. Conse-
1 qui any the two teams will clash Sun
I day at Woodburn.
j Tickets Are on Sale.
Tickets have been placed on sale at
the various cigar stores and sporting
goods stores of the citv for the big
; came Suadav at Woodburn. A round
trip rate of 70 cents has been made by
I the S. P. and it is necessary for 75
j fans to buy tickets before a special
; car can be secured. The train will leave
Trade street about 1 o'clock and return
i immediately after the game. Those go
Mug on regular trains will not be able
(to secure accommodations Sunday, as
ino regular train runs at that time.' '
When Letters to Lambert Girl
Are Read Prosecution
Will Be Through
Courtroom. aukegan. 111., June 22.
The letters that Will Mrpet intended
only tor the eyes of Marion l.ambe
tor whose murder he is on trial.
read to the jury today as the climax
of the prosecution's case against him.
The letters were sprung as the last
bit of evidence against On.et. after
States Attorney Ilady definitely an-
nounced he would not nut Ce'l..iin
' Y.iulo
I on th
the girl Orpet Imped to mat 1 v,
land. '
The letters
the youth n,
his passion
French. The
F. lloubaiu,
placed 011 the
' ' When w e
letters, we v
to Marion, showing how
her love and later how
idled, w ere mostly in
were translated by Alex
a Waukegaii attorney,
land as a w itness for the
re through with the love
II rest our case," Daily
Mrs. Harriett W'adsworth. a Madison.
Wis., court stenographer who took down
Orpet's statement after his arrest and
Minnie M. Uumsey. Marion's Sunday
school teacher, were cross-examined
bnetly today before the letters weer
read. They were made public thro
weeks ago.
Girl Will Not Testify.
Court room. Waukegaii. III., June 22.
The state was expected to close its
case against Will Orpet. on trial for
Marion Lambert's murder, before ad
journment. It was rumored States t
toruey Dady had changed his ,ind 10
gai. hug the importance of evidence to
be gneu by Ccl.Mia Youker, the girl
Oipei hoped to inarrv, and would clove
his case without calling her to the
Orpet s letters to Marion.
ley the court to eliminate
ni:ittrs trud- I
ing to influence the
because of his betrayal of Marion, veer
to be read to the jurv.
At the close of the state's ease the
defense planned to ask Judge Prmuel.
ly to take the ,av from the jurv and
dismiss Orpet. 1 event ke refuses Or-
per win go on the stand in his
ou n
- , , ' Atlanta, i.a.
I Hr. nnd Mrs. O. I Sett and son Rus-1 Ociict.iiss,,o,
sell, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. R ' ''aul' Mum.
Minier, recently motored to Oregon Citv Grand captain
and later took a trip over the Coluni- New by, Knights!
bia highway. ' i;,.nu.l senior
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Cooper went to'Xorri. Mam host
j Philomath this morning to attend the, Grand junior
cowboy round up and visit relative.
Russians Capture Railroad
Town 25 Miles South of
Petrograd, .lime
ward ten miles in
Hussian forces whii
Serelh have captup
22. Pressing; for
twenty four hours,
h crossed the Kiver
'd the railroad tow it
of Kadnutz in liukowina. tventy-fi o
miles south Ozernnw it., the war office
announced tonight. The Hussians took
1,022 prisoners and :t machine guns.
Austrian troops have completely
evacuate.! southeastern liukowina and
are falling back upon the Carpathian
In the region of Snkul, General
Blusiloii's northern wing repulsed a
Gorman offensive, taking -is hundred
Germans prisoner. Tin1 Geiniuns con
tinue to attack violently at Stockod.
Xear Guvinrionka Russian troops
captured enemy trenches.
Gentians Repulse Attacks.
TteiUin. June 22. Continuing their
successful counter offensive against
the Russians. Herman troops have cap
tured positions between Sokul and
lliulewha, repulsing enemy counter at
tacks, the war office announced this
afternoon. On both sides of tho Kiver
Turija, the Russians have been driven
Hussian attacks southwest of Rogis
' chin and Kolki failed. Other enemy
attacks' near llajworonka and l'.iiluil
ineo were repulsed, the Slavs suffering
heavy losses.
Greece Yields to Allies.
Paris, June 22. Greece has ace
ed all the conditions imposed in the
lies ultimatum.
The chief demand maife by the allies
was for the immediate demobilization
of the Creek arm v. the allies fearing
that the Greek forces might be used
against them. A number of other de
mands, the nature of which, was not
made nublic. were made upon C recce.
resulting in the ov
crthrow of the Creek
To Evacuate Lenibcrg.
Rome, June 22. A Bucharest dis
patch today reported that preparations
for the military evacuation of Leni
bcrg were made at a s ial Austro-
German war council.
! Claim Slight Gains,
i l'.crliu. June 22. Get- n
j have made further progress 111 tight ing
;west of Fort Vaux northeast f Ver
iiluu, the war office announced this af
trrnoon. Infantry fighting is develop
ing on the front east of the Mense.
See-Saw At Verdun.
Paris. June. 22. German troops
unshed forward in furious fighting
early today near Fort Vans, on
northeastern front of Verdun, the
office announced.
The Germans launched a powerful
..!. ,.,l,t in Pniiiin wood. Thcv gained
a small thicket but was quickly
out by a French counter
V. II.
11 :'.
K. II.
New York
Fisher and Nnnntnaker;
First Game
...4 7 1
Mevers and
Hiee, t
ullin and
, Schaag.
Second game
T!. It. V..
0 7 1
1 '! -
Nabois. Hush
1 Duiuont and William
and S.diang.
i ( leve'iind
i !' -2
H l II
O'N'eil: Dubiic and
mil llagby replaced
j I 'et roi't
Cmaleski and
Stanagc. 1
1 'ox aleski.
Chica"" ...
replaced Stauagi
St. Louis
Hid Sihalk; Sisler nnd Scv-
K. 11
ll I
1 New York ....
I Nehf and t
wdv; SViuiiicr and
I idea. (11 innin
i Philadelphia
; Mcquillan. Ohnlmer
' Ffeffer and Meyer.
I First game
i Philadelphia
i 10
Kill if.'
K. II. K.
o s 2
1! .Mv 14 II
Bender und Burns; Smith and M'c
Cart v. Maver replaced Bonder, l'ell
and Mnr.piurd repla
ed Smith,
St. Lotus t
Willia mi
and Suvder; Jacob.
Cincinnati ! Iih ago postponed.
Angeles, ( al
of Pittsburg
master of tli
dune 22. Lie S.
w as today elected
Knight. Templar
eetitlg of the iell'd
of Amet
ri. a at the mc
ilt'i.cls elc't
.1 :
g:a'i.i ma-t
r. K
ei t K. 1 It r.
I. W. ( lunik
gene i
al l.e
'Wit. lie
'r la.
wa i'l'
An Interesting Place
To Buy Your Groceries
Fruit Jars
Pint Masons, dozen 37c
Quart Masons, dozen 67c
1-2 Gallon Masons, dozen 85c
Heavy Trait Jar Rubbers,
regular 3 lor 25c, our price
i for 25c
Best Valley Flour, sack $1.10
Strawberries, i for
Per Crate 81.50
Buy now before they are gone
1-2 lb. can Coco, special 20e
50c special for uncolored
Japan Tea, pound 26c
5 lbs. Best Jap Rice for 25c
6 large si.-.e Toilet Paper 25c
Walnuts, the pound 15c
We undersell all Salem
Stores and deliver the goods
any place in Salem.
Damon & Son
855 N. Com'l.
Phone 68
Daily Between
I Salem, Stayton, Mill City and all ws j
: Points. Leaves Mill City 6:15 a. m.;
; Stayton 7:45, Salem, 9:15.
i Return, leaves Salem 4:30 p. it ;
1 Stayton 5:45; Mill City 7:20.
Phone 13
The Korean Restaurant
is now opened in our now loca
tion at 110 1-2 Com'l street.
F. cry thing new and clean. All
kinds of Chinese and Spanish
dishes. Pay us a visit.
jnngrTnnffl TMiwinfiiMriMiwiiiiri f 'imumif!T7CTH-
Licensed Lady
Moderate Pricei
Perfect Service
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore.
Cars of any kind for any
at any time.
Office, Bligh Hotel
PHONE 700v
!; H $ 'f H
Mr. and Mrs.
."iiil South Sevi
dune Hi. l'.Hi'i.
1 has. c',.
at 11I1 Si.,
Kvro. a
to lie named 1 harlot te Klaiue.
Miss Elizabeth Lord, who will have
harge of the parade when the privo
'Minos of Salem are shown to admir
, ing thousan
j it, announce
Mis, W. 11.
i Smith. Mis.
ib'iggs, Mrs,
' l hosier Cox
Is Monday mm iiing. Juiy
the following assistants:
llurgiiar.lt, Jr., M rs. T. C.
Guy Sargent. Mis. Zadoc
Charles McXary. Mrs.
Mrs. Civ,!,. Giahain. Mrs.
1 Will
am Lytic. Mi-s Hazel Bownin,,
Cora Talkingtou. Miss b'ita Stoin-
it. .Miss 1 nt hemic
Thieleu and Miv
1 Wi-h these aide a
hopes to so arrau
not onlv the babie
nrnn. Miss F.lleo
Mabel Koliertsiir,.
stunts. Mi-s Lord
the parade that
mi. I the d rated
carts may be properly shown to the:
admiring multitude, but also that tho
motheis or tiii.se in charge uf tho in
fants mnv coine in for their share of
the glory.
Dr. W. Carlton Smith was on duty as
a patriotic eiti.en in a rather nnex
peccc.l way. lie (.vertical. I tui young
men discussing the tinny and also' their
lesire to join. 1 nev Uot Know ex-i.-tly
how to go about it as tiny u-,-leistood
the ic ruitinc office wa clov
That x 11
daily aft
found a
al ,1.
-a rv
for the doctor
tinned thern
sue to join. Hn
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I Grand record.'
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Wales Line,
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