THE DAILY CAPITAL JOT'RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1916. :i:ree Onyx''0 You Ct GOOD Vilue at ANY Prlcf - Emery 'Beers WHOLESALE 113. Iff EAST A Skin Like Velvet &Mi55 Use the exquisitely fragrant cream of " T) 'ft It T T? the beauty flower of India and be ji i. -Li 1 -l-Ej complimented on your complexion, tit n tt Your dealer lias Elcaya or will get it. Vi I it W f Trust Prices Bigger Office, Bigger Business, Better Methods, Better System, More Patients, More Hygienic THAN ANY TRUST DENTIST IN OREGON We examine your teeth (not your pocketbook) free of charge. Tart of every dollar you give a Trust Dentist goes to help keep up the Trust in Oregon. Can you afford to pay $2 for $1 worth of old style dentistry just to help the dental combine crush competition? Painless Parker Dentist N. E. CORNER STATE AND COMMERCIAL, SALEM 326i2 Washington St., Portland I-os Angeles, Sau Diego, San Francisco, Oakland, Bakers'field, Fresno, Sao Jose, Brooklyn, Jf. Y. M ; npcnnKrQ mn qiimmcd i TENT CITY, NEWPORT, OREGON Fifty clean, airy, furnished tents and cottages at reasonable rates. Located in grove, in view of ocean, sidewalks, electric lights and city water. Three blocks from beach. For reservations address A. J. VAN WASSENHOVE, Box 5, Newport, Ore. t-4- SEA CREST Right at the beach Completely furnished 2, :J and 4 room cottages overlooking the ocean, unex celled view, well lighted grounds, sidewalks, close to stores, natatorium and bathing beach. Light and water in every cottage. Write for rates or further information. CHRIS ARMS, Newport, Ore. New Modern Cottages Unexcelled View Sight On The Beach -3. W. LARSEN, Box 125, Newport, Oregon 2, 3 and 4 Room Cottages if it !! FURNISHED COTTAGE 6 rooms midway between New port and Xye lieacii. Also fur nihejf housekeeping rooms near to bench. Inquire of Mrs. II. I.. Russell at lieach St., 5 and 10 cent store. NEWPORT-NYE BEACH Automobile Passenger and Bag gage Transfer Furni-lied Tents and Cottages,.. Correspondence Promptly Answered L. D. PICKENS, Box 274 Read Capital Journal Want Ads. Hosiery Sitt i Uik or Cones JSc to $S.M m pilr Company, inc. 24th ST. HEW YORK Cut in Half Painless Parker Dentistry 50 Less THAN TRUST DENTISTS CHARGE Hours 8:30 to 6:30; closed Sundays. M COTTAGES ' ,. 'CI FOR RENT I CHERRY CITY COTTAGES; Nye Beach, Newport, Oregon, ! Two Rooms Furnished ! Fine View, Near the Beach, Near file stores, j GEORGE O. SAVAGE, I Box 423, Newport, Ore. ; Liver Sluggish? You are warned by a sallow ikin, dull eyes, biliousnena, and that grouchy feeling. Act promptly. Stimulate your liver remove the clogging wastes make sure your digestive organs are working right and when needed-take BEECHAM'S PILLS LetffMt Sal el Anf Mtdkiaa in iIm W oriel, SU OTrrr. la btiM, 10c, 26. EUROPEAN WAR HAS PROVIDED PLANTS Can Supply All Munitions Wanted American Sol diers Are Well Fed Washington, June 21. The Kuropenn war has prepared the Tinted Mates to equip and munition its army. I his was the statement or war de partment officials today. The only ad verse circumstances resulting from the great war abroad, officials said, is a possibility of a horse shortage. These facts have been learned after two or three days and nights of almost continuous work in the quartermaster 's department. .Many plant that sprang into existence to supply the allies nitlii explosives, cartridges, guns and all war I munitions, recently have slackenini; of their exports. reported a I Officers said today sufficient am munition, guns, 'food and other muni tions will be delivered within the next few days to supply the regular and mili tia forces for some time. Only a rough estimate ean be made of the cost of keeping 100.000 national guardsmen along the border. It has cost about $10,000,000 to keep forces varying from "."i.OOO to -10,000 regulars for three months. This is at t lie rule of a little over $100,000 a day. Propor tionntely, the militia would cost .250, 000 a day and the necessary expense of bringing their equipment up to reg; ular army standards. The American soldier will continue, the best fed in the world at a cost of more than .'JO cents a day per man. tus rock hottom ration per dav is: a pound of canned meat or 12 ounces of bacon, n pound of hard bread, over an ounce of coffee, sufrar and salt. To thK I even when camping, the commanding officer is supposed to add whatever sup-, plies money can buy. QUIET CITY ELECTION HELD IN THE DALLES The Dalles, Ore., June 21. The quietest city election in the history of The Dalles terminated yesterday in the election of the following Newport the Most Beautiful of Oregon's Resorts Gets Many Visitors By Lamar Tooze. Newport, Ore., dune 21 (Special to the Cupital Jouiiian---Another year hai rolled around, .Summer is here, and .Newport in again preparing to receive it.' host of guests who ::re. annually drawn to the beach in search of relief from the hot weather of the interior. And it, now appears that Newport ' hospitality will be extended to a larger number of guests than during any prev ious year. Old-timers, speaking from the experience of long residence, arc of the. opinion that this year will see al most twice as many people at this resort tliau lust yer.r. This will be due, they say, to the absence of a counter attraction in the form of the Sau Francisco fair which attracted many people v,ho would have o'jerwise conic to this beach. rrobably the. best promise for a good season is the number of people who have already arrived. New-porters ,do not consider the season open until after the Fourth of duly. As a matter of fact, however, with scores of summer people already established in cottages, it can be said that the season was begun here. The unusually' warm weuther experienced in the Valley dur ing, the last v.-ok .has resulted in a eoiisidci able exodus to the beaches. Naturally, the past year has wit nessed a great change in .Newport. Numerous new cottages have been erected and many needed civic iin provemeiits h e been made. While the growth is nut so apparent as it wus two vcars ai.', it i a, substantial war- 1 1 ! I nrnnnr in nnnirn KtoUKi 15 uratu, ranleil, growth. Kadi year adds more to the permanency of this resort. Where six years nyo there were shacks and tent-hou:es. there are now well kept' cottages, bnasting inetropoliteii enn vvuieiiceN. Tbi has rliangcd the character nf the population. Where be fore, families came to the beach fur a week nr so. stavin;; in hn i'l or camp ing ill tent hulles. thev. now cuine over at the beuiiinin of Slimmer. lie in a rntt;!"e, and remcin until the se;ii,n p; u er. Iiiimiil: tht p:i-t year new streets have been opened ami nther- impiosed. The . s (1f luiliilllnliilili h:ie been correHpeiidnily i in-leaded. The weuther neer nieer ut New pnrt than ilniini,' tIi(. week jusl i-ln-i-d. I'.eautlfiil. yiiiinv d.-s and the absem-e of e..-e-ive heat ll!le been the iillt- tandiii4 t'eiitiircs. MRS. MAY'S LETTER to WOMEN E! i More Proof that Lydia Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound RelievesSuf f ering. ' Chicago. 111. "I suffered from a bad case Of femalo ills." LydiaE.Pinkham' I V e ge t a b 1 e Com-! pound was reeom-1 mended and I took about six bottles. It fixed me up all right The common ! ! fe '' 1 I A." t . . symptomsof suchaing, followed by representatives of I kittiy- action bv means of "Anuric." condition pain granges in the county. The nutoinobile j T,is preparation has been thoroughly when walking, irri-: pa-'iKlf of more than 20(1 cars will tnkej(1.i(,j 0Ht ut his sanitarium, in the same tation bearingdown tl"'ir l,llu'e ,he rnnil,c llll0,lf 2 wav as his " Favorite Prescription " for nninnndbncltnche. r , uti .uuoiitaiiaiiuuid- ordered digestion ! Boon passed oway. I look much better ', now than I did before, and 1 recommend , the Compound every time for female troubles, as ltdid forme all it is claimed todo. You have mv permission to pub-1 i:,i, .1.;. t,..i. .. T Uiv fifjii s nail villa iwwi. mio. w. ini.t wltbu j, Lincoln St., Chicago, 111. If you have any of thegymptoms men-; tioned in Mrs. May s letter, remember; what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for her, and try it your- j self. It is a good old-fashioned medi- ! cine, made from roots and herbs, and it ; has helped countless numbers of women. ! lt you need special auvice.wmo to Lydia K. Pinkhaitl MediClUO Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a Woman, and held in Strict Confidence. . Mayor, J. K. Anderson, re-elected with- out opposition; treasurer, Mrs. Mabel Kllis. re-elected without onnosition : eouncilnian-nt-lnrge, T. A. Hudson, no opposition: water commissioner-nt-lnrge, F. C. Sexton, no opposition: councilmen, T. 0. I.owry, A. Manchester, R. H. Darniello, J. R. Rees; water conimis- sioners, ChVis McOny, J. T. Rorick, J. E. Burnett, W. l'hetteplacc. A bond: issue for the purchase of an nutoniobile fire truck was adopted by a three to! ono vote. Mr, mid JTrs. Asaliel Hush. Master Asahel lfusli, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. F. 1). Thielsnn, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. I'liinpton and Mrs W. II. Hoot formed a party of Salem people who motored to Newport the past week. While here, they were guests of the Abbey. The mails be tneen Corvallis and Newport, were re ported to be in good condition for niitoniohiliiig. Miss Vesta Jlollini'sHoith, of Corval lis, was among the arrivals of the week end. Miss llollingMuinli stopped at the Abbey. Robertson trunks, son of Mrs. Mil dred Itrooks, county recorder of .Marion county, enjoyed an outing at this re sort tho past, week, returning to his home in Salem Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. K. Nelson of Portland, have arrived at Nye Iteacli and will pass a two weeks' vacation there. They are rncottaged at Sea Crest. Mrs. I,. I.. Starr and Mrs. S. II. Stair of Portlund, are established in one of thn tent-houses at Tent City. They plan to remain here all summer. y. M. Ilamniel, of Kdinore, Michigan, is an out-ot the-state arrival at the Abbey. The .Misses l'rancc, and Minnie Me Court, 0f Albany, were, among the Sat urday arrivals. The Misses Mi-Court are registered at tho'Abbey. Mr. and Mrs. M, Jensen and family, of (iobli-iiilale, Washington, arrived in Newport Thursday in their Dodge automobile for a, ten days outing at the W'hitten (amp C rounds. Nye Iteacli. Mr. Jensen confirms the- statement of other motorists arriving recently that the roads into Newport are in good condition fur machine. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Woodwind, of Portland, arrived Thursday evening for a short sojourn at this beach. I.ainar and Leslie Tooze and Miss Kthel Tooze, of Salem, are established at the "llarkleroad " fur the season. 1!. II. Thompson, Jr., of Portland, was a mid week arrival at this bench. 1'r. and Mrs. (i. K. Marshall and sons, Jack and liiik, aiul Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall, all of pnrllatiil, arrived on the Thursday boat for an outing. The Miiishalls arc staying at the Abbey. Floyd Shorlridge, of Albany, is at the McAllister House for the summer. Mr. shortiidge was graduated this month from the Albany High school and expects to enter the I'liiversit y of Oregon or the Oregon Agricultural Col lege in the Full. Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. linger, of Hoseburg, a re llnoliy 1 lie f ir-t Soiltliei n to arrive in Newport. . .1. D. Ilibl.s, of Imle-clo-ottagell ill their Ki ll e. The llibbs have Oregon people Mr. :iii, Mr, pendeiice, n re tractive tieach siiouineil at thi beach for nil v cars. C. -. Ituki-r. of Salem, is lisiei the niiivals ,,f the past vveeU. registered t the Abbey. .Iidin loiigan. of Mnlalla. i a g the recent t'cgiM unions Abbey. Aithnr ,M:ivcr and si-ti-r. Mrs. li-ted at the IT1"- n (Tentative Program - i For the Cherry Fair The piouiain for I lie one day Cherry! fair. Julv ;t. according to I "no present , arrangements is as follows: ... , ... :: a . ni. Crowning of the 1 I' on I he n ' the east 10:00 viewing stand to lie creeled on , side of the court house. m. All-Oregon grunge pro- .grain ut Marion s.uaro.,with an address:,),,,,, trui,e starts. I'ric acid backs (,t' welcome by Mnpor Hurley (). White. ; up int0 tn(, svstem, causing rheuiua- ": ni.-unny pai, limning on , li:oo a. III.-liu.'.v paia.ic, ...rilling; on tourt and Mimnier streets and parading nround illsoii park. ; 12:00 in. Opening of the armory furl the floral display and cherry exhibits ; and the judging of exhibits. I l:.10 p. m. formation ot tlie parades of the afternoon, t herrian band lead- 0 l''0,'K- .... ni. Street sports including the Taimlntlnn l-oii.iln.r l.levcle foot .,,. " handicao races. Hi'ver snorts. tt;n follow street snorts. 4:110 p. m. The l.o.ius and the Bat-' tliug Bradtoids will play at the league i gtouiKts. .ll:lm P- m. Swimming contests and high diving. wi, , .1 I I :,)'! p. ill. .i i iiisiui p.iih. no hmgeant "Hiawatha," under the direr tion of the North Salem "Women's club. 0:00 p. in. tirand ball at the armory. Livesley News (Capital Journal Special Service.) i i. i...x r,,.. oi ti... -:...,i ;,,,, illK of tho Sl,ason of ,,, (i, T. ,.hll, system. . ,vas a y,T affair nml t,,0k v.,ee !lt thel Mr. and Mrs. J. Fidler, Mr. and Mis. lnmc 0f r- nn,i jra. . r. qwty. It!fl. 1). Fidler. Mr. and .Mrs. F. Kdwnrds. was a eliicken dinner to which the hus-' Mr. and Mrs. I.. .lohnston, Mr. anil bands of the members were invited. Mrs. 1). Fidler made up a party last The rooms mill the tables were taste-! week for the coast and expect to return I fully decorated with roses. I'm'tiiers ' on the 20th. for the dinner were secured by the men picking out a hat and trimming it. This : unusual task caused great merriment.' the humor being sustained throughout the dinner by the ladies wearing the lints. During the evening piano solos were given, selections by the orchestra, and the singing of old familiar songs. A I most successful function finished with singing "Anld l.ang Syne." Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. Hiernis. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Fidler, of Hoise, Idaho, are listed among the all-season residents at Nyc Iteacli. They are domiciled in a tent at Tent City. Mr. and Mrs. ,1. T. Hay, ;:!n John, ami daughter Lain, of Caldwell, Idaho, are located at the Itradshaw and will remain until September I. Ceorge II. Tram, of Portland, was in cluded among the Sunday arrivals at this watering place. Prof, and Mrs. George W. Payne nlid two children, of McMinnville, are established in a cottage at Nve P.i'ach. Professor Puync is head of the Latin department of McMinnville College. .1. W. l.undy, of Portland, arrived in Newport the middle of last week and passed a few days here as a guest of the Abbey. Calvin K. liupc, of Seattle, is among the Washintoiiiiins in Newport. 1'.'. I. Hyurs, of F.iigene, came over on Sunday's excursion ami while here staved at the Hotel Kelly, Nye Pencil. Mr. and Mrs. F. Peak, o( Pratt, Kan sas, arrived in Newport, Friday after an automobile trip from Portland. They are at the McDonald House, Nyc Iteai-h. Mr. Peck says that the roads are in splendid condition. 1!. N. Wariiock, of Portland, passed the week-end at the beach as .t guest of the Abbey. K. N. Kiickson, of Silvrton, is en joying the hospitality of the Itn-deu. (tcorge Sylvester, of Portland, is in Newport for a two weeks' sojourn and is staving at the ('..peland. S. 11. .Moss arrived at the Abbey Satuidav from Portland. Prof, and -Mrs. II. Crombit How e, mid familv of Kngeiie, passed through fde Anders(ons nre ersconsed in one of Newport Thursday on their way to; Hie leiit hoiiscs at Tent city. Seal Kncks where they will pass thi' Miss Mabel Savage ami fiiemls in sinner at their beach "ranch." Prof, j rived yesterday from Salem for a few' week a stav at cherry Citv. , - - j (.; j(i )(lVof, of Portland, arrived' . -l'f COCOANUT OIL FINE FOR WASHING HAIR If you want to keep rour hair in I k'"'"l eo.idilio.i, aieful what you wash it with. .... , , .Most soaps .... j 1 I ' . ' contain too mudi alkali. This dries the s.-iiln makes the hair brittle, nid .in, ,iPi,.i, , I ... I . ,i - Iin I III .IIISI tllillll II II Sll It'll coiinut oil (whi.ii is pure and entirely;.- o..v ...... . greascless,, is much belter than theiingat the Hotel Kelly, Nve Iteacli. most expensive soap or anything el-e 1 lr- Atkinson, of Portland, eanie in yon can use for shani ing, as this. Thursday for a few days sojourn ut lite I can't possibly injure the hair. seaside. Simple moisten pour hair with water! Mrs. William llcminell and Miss, mid rub it in. Out or two to. . spoon- 1 Kdith 1 1. Ad.-iiiison, who passed several fills will make an abiiinluiiee of ricli,davs at Nye lieach as gucts of the cri-amv lather, and cleanses the hnir j McAlli-ter House, left Siilunbiv for' and scalp thoroughly. The lather lins- i M.;.. homes. es out ea-ilv, :ii4 remove" every pal tide of dust, dill, dandruff and exces sive oil. The hair dries and evenly, it leaves it fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easv to manage. Vol! can get llllllsitieil encnainlt oil at most any ding store, creao. ami a few ounces is veip - ' last evervoiie in the family for month (URIC ACID GOING j "Anuric" Will Not Fail to People lire realizing more ami more every ilny that the kidneys, just as do I"" - ' Imwels. need to le flushed occa- 'sionally. The kidneys are an elinniia- live orenn nnil are constantly vvorkinir. eiiaiating the poisons from ihe blood. ! I nder this continual anil perpetual lii'timi thev nrc not to coiurost. and mninilj,j dropsy and 111.111V ,isn,v mHirulgia, dropsy ,ilor s,.,js distui bailees. Doctor, i.j,,,,.,., of Buffalo, New York, advo-' ,..,, ,n.,t ev,,lv iimil,l drink ,,,'iity of pure water between meals, iv,.rv lv should exercise in the out- 1 , (oor ,(jr sut- fit-i-n t ly to sweat profusely, L,i trom fu" time stimulate the weak women and " (loldeii .Medical Mr. and Mrs. X. Kugle, Mr. and Mis. J. Bressler, Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Car penter, Mr. and Mrs. S. Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. B. I). Fidler, Mrs. O. W. ( ooliilge, Mrs. Spurrier, Mr. and Mrs. . Tracy, Mr. and Mrs. Holley. Mr. (ierher, Mr. and Mrs. J. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. tjuery. At a meeting of the district school board on, Monday Mr. W. Tettyjohr was elected director in place of Mr. 0. j ' lleydeu, resigned and Mrs. Mabel Hig-1 gins was elected clerk to succeed Mr. I A. D. rettviohn, resigned. An S.l uillhi tax was agreed on to enable the board , to erect a woodshed and put in a water Mr. and -Mrs. C. D. Query and children motored to Salem last Thursday and took part in the Nebraska picnic, held in the state fair grounds. A dance was held in the hall of the I.ivesley ranch on Saturday evening. A good crowd turning out despite the weather. FULL QUOTA AT DALLAS ' Dallas, Ore.. June 21. Company 1., under command of Captiiin Stafrin, will Howe is head of the department of llnglisli Literature in the I'niversity of Oregon, His sou, Henry, who pre ceded liiin to Seal liocks bv a few da vs. was graduated from the university this1 mouth with highest, honors. The; younger Howe will leave the forepart of September for New York City to, lake a post graduate course in writ-, ing. Lftornrjv- i-Jtcs who have ) x aiiiined his work predicr n bright future for him. j Mr. and Mrs. II. S. It,, ml. of Riddle, arrived during the week for a. vaca tion ut the seaside. Mr. and Mis. Jay It. ( 'of fev of ! Portland motored to Newport from, Corvallis Saturday to pass the week end at, this resort as guests of the Ab-i bey. Mr. and Mrs. Charles llahlberg. of Portland, departed Saturday after pass-! iag several days at the Tent City. Mrs. Charles Gregory, of Dallas, at'-' rived on the Thursday steamer for a brief outing. I Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Morgan ami twnj sons of Hurnsbuig have returned homci after enjoying, a. short vacation at! Nyc Iteacli lis guests of the McAllister ( House. Mrs, Margaret Osbiirn and two daughters, 'tilth and Margaret, arrived this week from The Dulles and arc In-j cated at the Damon for the summer, j Miss Margaret. Osbiirn is a teacher in, the domestic science department of the' high sehoof at The Dalles, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anders f Portland, are among the Kose Citv , residents now sojourning at Nve Itench Kiidav night and is registered at the. Abbev Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Knnpp and daugh ter, of Fugenc, after passing a week at! Ren Crest, left Saturday morning fur tho Lane county capital. Miss Georgia McFiU'land, of ('aid u,.n 1.0,1,,, I i... i .,1 ii... ii,. i,. I j -ti ,.tl..r I. ' ' Mrs. Carl Shoemaker, of Imseburg, ' . i ,.,r'., llf ,he St.. I Warden, is l Nye Iteaeh for the summer. O- I niiiiv. r,.; ,.1111111, hi i.iiiii.-, inn it s i ...I m- s.-..'..l. :., ...... M. II. Diehl, nf P.olliiii.l. 1 the Kosc citv contingent the middle of the Week. Mrs. Hattie Mat of North Yaki ma, Washington, is uu out of the -state dtor at Nve Iteacli. Mrs. Mat-on n i (i) j,.,,,,,,,, nnd expects to reinaiii .il .1,.. I.etiel. fin- Itie entire sllillmer. I II. II. Itihgham, of Portland, arrived GOING GONE Stop Your Backache. Discovery," the standard herbal systr.n tonic, (both of which now eoine ,n tablet form for convenience of carrying and takiiO. "Anuric" is now being introduced here, and many local people are daily testifying to its pei fectness. When you have backache, dizzy spells or rheumatism, heed nature's warning. It means that you are a vic tim to urie acid poisoning. Then ask vour druggist lor "Anuric and yi u will very soon become one of hundred who daily give their thankful indorse ment to this powerful enemy to line acid. If vou have that tired, worn-out fool- ing, backache, rheumatism, neuralgia, or if vour sloen is disturbed bv too fic- queut urination, get Dr. Tierce 's Amine Tablets at drug store, full treatment $1.1.10, or send 10c for trial package to . Dr. l'ierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, ,.V 1 . leave Dallas early Wednesday morning for Clackniuus. Recruiting of new mem bers to fill vacancies caused by tl;e failure of 10 "hi members to pass the physical examination has been prompt today, and by tonight the company will again have its full tpiotu. liecruitiig sipuiils today visited Indepcndeni'i!, Monmouth, Falls City and other towns in the coiintv. WILLIAM MOODY DROWNS I'ortVunl, Or., June in the rive 21 When steamer Lur- steam pipe liurst today, Wiliam Moody, fire man, jumlped overboard to escape tho scalding steam, and was drowned. .V deckhand was slightly scalded by tho steam. 3C 3C 3t JC 3C C 3ft 3fl 1 STENOGRAPHERS Why Not TJto Columbia QUALITY CuboniT Hada la Oregon 100 Copieg fju&ranteed from Each Sheet. OoltmbU Ctthon Pa?er Mfg. Co. 13rd k Brotdway, Portland, Ot. Ihe latter part of the stav at the Abbey. Mrs. Fred Dawson Anna and .land, of and dniightc! Albiinv, are e pectc.l to arrive shortly for an iill-so e iner sojourn at the Dawson Nyc llcin-h cittagc. Miss Anna Dawson is u pop ular sonuitv girl at the I'niversity of Oregon, where she is a member of I'"1 Sophomore class. P. A. Gilnioro, of Portland, arrived at the beach Saturday for- u short, v neat ion. William II., an instructor in the McMinnville High school, arrived a, few days ago mid will pass the sum mer here. Mr. Burton leaves during Ihe forepart, of September for New York to lake a post-graduate course in the Department Psychology of, I'niversity. Mr. Hurtou was graduated from the State I'niversity a year ago with the distinction of having the high est scholastic stun. ling of any stu.b ut in the institution. C. L. Towers, of Albany, rendu d Newport the middle of the link fur an outing. Miss Itertha Sterling, of Corvallis.' is nt the Damon for tho summer. Miss Sterling during the past year has been in charge' of the commerce department, of tho Corvallis High school, and upon leaving Newport, about September I, she expects to leave for Honolulu I" follow the same line of work. Mr. and Mrs. 11. G. Terry, of Port laud, were included among the Satur day arrivals. They are staying at tho Abbey. Walter II. Porcp, of Seattle, was an incoming passenger on the Friday bout. Mrs. James I,'. Linn and daughter, Paula, of Salem, arrived in Newfiort Wednesday and are d oiled in the Maurice Winters cottage, locale. I just, buck of the Nicolai Hotel, for the sea son. T. It. Hawkins, of Oregon City, is in cluded an g the arrivals of the we, I.. T!. W. I'epia. of Head, is jine of the first arrivals from Kasteiu Oregon. S. C. Van Arinitagc, of PrtiHaiiil, ar rived at the. beach last Thursday to; a few days recreation at t'no seusido. In the Treatment ol Tuberculosis rmmbr that first aid fo rtlitf s found in abundance of fresh ulr-duy and tiiKht freedom from ovei-xn-tlon, and pure food. Attention to these mutters should do much to arrest the process of U' malady, but In many casts there . need for extra help. Where Natu has to work with a wcukcntd boey her power Is limited. fuller such circumstances, try Eck man's Alterative, which hus been usul with laine benefit by many sutterers. In numerous cases It lias helped to Print: about recovery. Also, It hus been successful In treating asthm uiul bronchial troubles. And since lt contains no tplules, narcotics or hnblt-forminir drutts, its use Is not attended with danger. At .vour UruKnlsl's. Uckiimu l.altorstur-, l'htl Jelphl".