THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 16. 1916. SEVEN tiiins of th worM in any feasible as sociation that will effectively serve tliuse principle to maintain inviolate the complete security of the 'highway (Outinued from Fage One.) of the seas for the" common an, I uii- hindered use of all nations. The pres- ttinff. commission to ,unke impartial ent a.lniinistratioii has consistently nnd thorough study in every economic I sought to act upon and realize in its jio i irai. ai. uitinv ugnt euucr upon ; conduct of the foreign affairs of th enterutises. Guides and standards neces sary to the intelligent and successful co.uluct of the business of agriculture have also been established or are in the course of being established by law. The long needed cotton futures act, passed by the (Sixty-third congress, has now been in successful operation for nearly two veins. A grain grades bill, long needed and a wnrchouse bill, intended to provide neier storage facilities and to (liable ti;e tanner to obtain certifi cates upon '1ih1i he . may secure ad va.iecs of money, have been passed by the hi. use of upresentatives, have been favt.rnMv reported to the senate and will probably become law during the present session ot the congress. Hutu our past or ..upon our future fiscal ! nation the nriucinle that should be the policy with regard to the imposition of; object of anv association and the un taxes on imports or with nyard to the, Hons formed to secure the peace of changed and changing conditions under the world and the maintenance of na wtnch our trade is earried on. We cor-Hniml and inilividual rights. It lias fol dially endorse this timely proposal and j lowed the highest American traditions, declare ourselves in sympathy with the It hns preferred respect for the funda prineiple and purpose of shaping legis-1 mental rights of smaller states even to turn within that field, in accordance ' property interests null hns seemed the un iniirn esinimsiKM no'is miner i friendship of the people o'r these states houses have passed a good roads meas than in accordance with the demands for the 'nited States by refusing to lire which will be of far reaching bene of selfish interests or Upon information 'make a more material interest an ex- fit to all agricultural communities, providedjnrgely. if not exclusively, by ollsl. for tlt, assertion of our superior I Above nil. the most extraordinary and them. '"-' power against the dignity of their sov- significant progress has been made, un- Americarlnj. ereign independence. It has regarded tier the direction of the department of The part that the 1'nited States w ill the lives of its citizens and the claims ! igricultore, in extending and perfecting piny in the new day of international re-1 of humanity as of greater moment than practical In rm demonstration work lntiouship which is now upon us, will ! material rights, and peace as the best '.which is rapidly substituted scientific depend upon onr preparation ami our basis for the just settlement of com-j for empirical farming. But it is also: character. The democratic, party, there- mercial claims. It has made the honor; necessary that rural activities should be fore, recognizes the assertion and tri- and ideals of the I'uited States its j better directed through co-operation i nmplinnt demonstration of the invisibil-- standard alike in negotiation and ac- and organization that unfair methods of i competition should be eliminated and the ,'rndition requisite for the iust, or-1 itv and coherent strength of the na- tion. tion as the suiifeme issue of this dav, Pan-American Concord in which the whole world faces the I We recognize now, as we have alwavs derlv and economical marketing of farm crisis of manifold change. It summons recognized, a definite and common in-i products should be created. We approve nil men. of .whatever origin or creed, terest between the T'nited States nmlltlie democratic administration for hnv who would count themselves Americans , the other peoples and republics of the!"g ir.phntic,ii!y directed attention for to join in making clear to nil the world i western hemisphere in all matters of the unity anil consequent power of, national independence and free politi Amerii'a. 'This is an issue of patriot-! cal development. We favor -the estab ism. To tnint it with partizansliip would , lishment and maintenance of the closest to be defile it, Irelntious of -amity and mutual helpful- In this day of test, America must ' ness between the Cnited States and the show itself, not u nation of partisans, other republics of the American conti titit a nation of patriots. There is herCiients for the support of peace and the in America the liest of the blood, the : promotion of a common prosperity. To industry and the genius of the world; j Hint end we favor nil measures which the elements of a great race and n inng-jmuy be necessary to facilitate intimate nificent' society to be melted into n j intercourse and promote commerce be mighty and splendid nation. Whoever, 1 1 ween the United States and her ueigh nctuated bv the purpose to promote theibors to the south of us, and such inter iiiterest of n foreign power, in disre- national understandings as may be prac gn.rd of our own country's welfare orjticable and suitable to accomplish those to induce this government in its tor-j ends. We commend Hie action of the ign relations, or cripple or destroy its democratic administration in holding industries at home, and whoever liVjthe Pan-American financial conference arousing prejudices of u racial, religious! at Washington in May, 1S115. and in or; or other nature, creates discord mid ! gnnizing the international high coni- strite among- our people- so as to ob struct the wholesome process of unifica tions, is faithless to the trust which the Uentntives of the Latin-American repuh- privileges of citizenship repose in him lies at Buenos Ayres in April, Will, iind disloyal to his country. We, there- which have so greatly promoted the fore, condemn as subversive of this nu-jfriendy relations, between the people of tion's unity and integrity, and as tie-! the western hemisphere, structive of its welfare, the activities Mexico. and designs of every group or organiza- The Monroe doctrine is reasserted as tion. political or otherwise, that lias for jo principle of democratic faith. ' That its object the advancement of the in- doctrine guarantees independent, re- terests of a foreign power whether such j publics of the two Americas against object is prompted by intimidating the i aggression from another continent. It government, a political party, or repre-j implies, as well, tlie most scrupulous (tentative. -of the. people, or which is ; regard upon our part for the sovereign calculated and tends to divide our peo- ty for each of them. We court their pie-into antagonistic groups ami thus good will. We seek not to despoil them. ! un',i the establishment of thoroughly i uosiroi tiiui.coHipiere agreement nnii ine want ot a stable, responsible gov-: s.,nitarv conditions of labor solidarity of the people and that unity , eminent in Mexico, capable of repress- i' 4 Adequate compensation 'for Indus '.ot sentiment nud national purpose so es-j mg and punishing maurauders and tho tiinl accidents, nential to the perpetuity of the- nation bandit bands who have not only taken! 5 l'lie standards of the "uniform and its free citizens. We condemn nil (the lives and seized and destroyed the j child labor law" wherever" minors arc immures ami commnnrions ot miltvnl- property ot American citizens in that unlit -in this country of whatever na-j country, but have insolently ivaded our tlouality or descent, who agree and con-; soil, made war upon and murdered our ppire together foT the purpose of 'em- people thereon, has rendered it neces harrassiiig or weakening our govern-jsnry temporarily to occupy, bv our inent or of improperly influeni'Uig ori, armed forces, a portion of tlie territory criorciivs? ''bur "pffBlft1 'repftvseVifu'fiVis Injicf that friendly state. , ('util,- by- the dealing or negotiating with any' foreign j restoration of liiw and order therein, a powers. We charge Hint such" couspV repetition of such incursions is. jinprnb ncies aniong n limited number, exist and . able, the necessity for their remaining have been instigated for the purpose of j will continue, they must remain. In ndvancing the interests of foreign conn-., tervention, implying as it does, mili tries to the prejudice and detriment, of 1 tary subjugation, is revolting to Hie onr ; country; We condemn any politi- people of the Tailed States. - Notwith cal party which; in view of the activity j sfanding the-provocation to that course, ot such' conspirators surrenders its hi- has been great it should he resorted to tegrrtyor modifies its policy, if at nil, only- as a last resort. The rrepareoiiess. stubborn . resistance of the president the first time to the essential interests of agricultural involved in farm mar keting and finance, 'for creating the of fice of markets and rural organization in connection with the development of agriculture and for extending the co operative machinery for conveying in formation to farmers by means of dem onstration. We favor continued liberal provision, not only for the beuefit of production but also for the study and solution of problems of farm market ing and finance and for the extension of existing agencies for improving coun try life. Good Roads. The huppiiiess, comfort and prosper ity of rural life, and the development of the city, are alike conserved by the construction of public highways. We, therefore, 'favor national aid in the mission which represented the Cnited construction of post rontlu-nnd roads for States in the recent meeting of repre- j military purposes. Government . Employment. " tt'e hold that the life, health and strength of the men, women and chil dren of the nation are its greatest as sets, and that, in the conservation of these, the federal government, whenever j it acts as the. empiover of labor, shouut both (in its own account and as an ex ample, pul into effect the following principles of just employment. 1 A living wage for employes. 2 A working day not to exceed eight hours, v ith one dav of rest in seven. -The adoption of safety appliances employed. ' ti Such provisions for lU'cency. com fort and health in thu employment of women as should be accorded the moth ers of the race. " 7 An. equitable retirement law prp vidjug tor the retirement of suncrutinu ated and disabled emplayos of the civil .service, to the end that a higher standard of efficiency may be main tained. We believe also that the adoption of similar principles should be urged and applied in the legislation of the slate and accorded to labor within their bord ers; that, through every possible agency, the life, and health of the peo ple of the nation should be conserved. i.i n a nation, must go the proof ot , suggestion to enter upon it. is creditable We declare uur faith in the . sea our power to play the' part that legita-' alike to his and to the people in whose men's act. passed bv the democratic mutely belongs to us. The people of the j name he speaks. congress, and we promise our earnest United Mates love peace. They respect I Merchant Marine. I continuance of its enforcement, tlie rights and covet the friendship of ;. .Immediate provision should be made- We favor the speedy enactment of an all other nations. They desire neither for the building up of the carrying! effective federal chiid labor law. and ..... .,.,,., ur au n.ivantage winch trade ot the I luted States. Onr for- the reiruhition of shipment of prison- made goods in interstate commerce. Along with the proof of our cliarae- and his advisers to every demand and We favor the creation of a federal cannot be peacefully trained bv i eiirn commerce hns in th.. tun I,,, j,,i. their skill, their industry or their eii- .tectcl to many unnecessary and obvious terprise; but they insist upon having obstacles in tlie way of legislation of bureau of safety in the department of atpsolute freedom ot national life m,,t : renubli.-fin inor,u r,,t;t i, i.. it ,..i...' r....... :.. fi; , ... I ---.v. -i - .-. . ,, ,m- i ; lilllOl , HI UailH'I UK l S COIU'C II 1 1 lllllllH- policy ami teel that they owe it them-leent democratic tariff legislation, it, trial hazards nud to recommend lems- was hampered by unreasonable burdens I latiou to preveut the maiming and kill- t urn me recent nniiKingimg of human begins. wives and to the role of soi riled in. .1 1 i...., . . . . I ." V ...,,,.,-, nine ir ls ineir sole nmbi-;r taxation .." 1 u. ' r"vJ snniild rentier; legislation, it has at its disposal few of We favor the extension of tlie now uiemselves secure against the hazard the necessary instrumentalities 'of in-!ers and functions of the federal bureau or interference from any quarter and ' ternntional credit and exchange. I'ntil of mines. should be able to protect their rights , the formulation of the pending act to j We favor the development, upon a upon tile seas or in liny part of the ' promote the construction of a merchant I systematic scale, of the means, already vtr'd- ninrine i 1 ' l,inl.-n,l t... r.,.r.nn ftp ! 1.' n. .. v : .n- ... . t . ..-.'. ..v.. i . m. --,.-( i'i . ui-j;iui iiimcr ine picseui. uuiiuitisirtt . ..i.i.i mC iiuitiiienance , aoeiiuaie carriage ov sea or an army fully adequate to the Hon. to assist laborers throiiuhout the We heartily endorse thf purpose nml I nation to seek and obtain employment. citizens trained to arms and to Rate"uard the people and territory of the I nited States against anv danger of hostile action which mav unexpected ly arise; and n fixed policy for the: and producers with competitors in for- v.M.nnm.o.s neveiopment -ot a liinvv : eign markets. worthy to support the great naval! Conservation. traditions of this nation and fully equiil I For the safeguarding' and quiclconin" i ur uiiernauonai tasks it ft t ,P;f,f the I f,, of onr own nenol,. fm rt : , '. 1 1 .' , . .,..-. n i ii i, 1 1 ti ii iu ai-r uiiu uoiitiit cm iiu. nit-in , quiremeiits ot order, of safety and of; policies of the pending shipping bill and the extension .bv the federalgov the protection of the nation ri,,!,,.,. ' n,,.i tt .,,,.1. .i.n.:....i ' . . i .... .... fl e if II 1 h l ......1 ui, .-n,ii 11uu111u11.11 no .o-inrr. . erniiieiii ui ine suiiie assisiance aim en- fi 1 ' ""'li'MWent of luioderii (of-i'onstructive nml remedial legislation j conragenient, as is now given to agri nieniotls ot seacoast defense and the as may be necessary to restore our flag cultural training. maintenance ot an adequute reserve of! to the seas and to' provide further fa-1 We heartily commend our newly es- cihties for our foreign commerce, par-! tablislied department of labor for its tieularly such laws ns may be made to 1 excellent record in settling industrial remove unfair conditions of competition strikes by personal advice and through in mi' tieuiings ot American merchants conciliating agents. Public Health. We favor a thorough re-consideration of the means and methods by which the federal government handles cases of t i;.. 1 lit. .1. . 1 1 TT 1 1 ini-j". in. .11. vi inii .ii.ii i,-.iiir. r i,i,ii iitioilC Iieiljtll, IO Hit" CIHI llllll 11111111111 11 niteti Mates hones and expects to tnl-,. tl IP Ontl r V!t t i 1 It) fllwl lltll'illliltnwinf nf Kt'.i n.l' l.n !. thn i-.Kn.tnn a part in performing. The plans nud! the natural resources of tlie country by I tion of 'loathsome diseases, the improve enactments of the present congress af-;nrans of a policy which shall be posi?!ment of sanitation and the diffusion of i-orii substantial proof of our purpose : five rather than negative, a policy a knowledge of disease prevention. We in this exigent matter. which shall not withhold such resources jfavor the establishment by the federal Th Internat!onal Relations. from development, but which, while per-; government of tuberculosis sanitoriiims. I he democratic administration haslniitting nml encouraging their use, for needy tubercular patients, throughout the present war scrupulous-! shall prevent both waste mid monopoly! Senate Rules, ly and successfully held to the old paths i in their exploitation, and we earnestly ' We favor such an alteration of the of neutrality and to the peaceful p,lr.i favor' the passage of acts which -will rules of procedure of the senate of the putts of the legitimate objects nf oth-! eceompli. h these objects, and we renf-, United Mutes as w ill permit the prompt er national principles which statesmen ' firm the declaration of the platform of . transaction of the nation's legislative of all parties and creeds have prescrib- 1!'12 on this subject. The policy of re-. business. od tor themselves in America since the ! burning our arid lands should be stead-! Ec beginning of .our history. But the cir-i'ily ndhefed to. We tie eiimstance? of the last two years have Tevealeil necessities of international ac tion which 110 former generation has Economy and the Budget. e demand citretu economy in all The Administration and the Farmer, 'expenditures for the support of the gov We favor the vigorous prosecution nf ' eminent. To Hint cud favor a return by 1 I II Vest IIMt ions an, nl'IMs to rendr.r n.ri. thn I..111... ..f rii.r,w.,nliiti,'.id tr, itu f,. rm. foreseen. We hold Hint its is the duty of i culture more profitable and country lifejer practice of initiating 'and preparing The I nited States, to use its power.'not , more healthful, comfortable and n't true- nil appropriation bills thorugh a single only to make itself safe at home; bnttive and we believe that this should be committee chosen from its membership, itlso to make secure its just interests ' a dominant aim of the nation as well in order that responsibility mav be cen throughout the world, and. both fortius1!'? the states. With all its recent im-ltered. expenditures standardized and end and 111 the interest of hemnnity. to pr.ivemont. farming still lags behind made uniform, and waste und dupliru nssisf the world in securing settled ' tdher occupations in development as a ; tion iu the public service us much as peace and justice. We believe that ev-; business and the ndvantages of an ad-1 possible avoided. We favor this as a rry people has the right to choose Hie ' valu ing civilization have not accrued to , practicable first step toward a budget tinner twin-n tiiey ;,ha bvc:, rural coinuiuiitie, m a tuir proportion, i svstein. ..1.1 1 - M.w.l. 1 , l:..l. .1 :.. .1.:. Dn l- II. 1. I- ; j ."iin 11 ii...- in .11 in 1 mil MllMlt'i 111 tins lIVtl 01 vac reiterate our endorsement of the pur pose of ultimate independence for the Philippine island's, fVipiessed in the- pre amble of that measure. , Woman .Suffrage We favor the extension of the fran chise to the women of the country by the states upon Hie same terms as to men. , -,. f- . Protection of Citizens. We again declare the policy that the sacred rights of American citizenship must be preserved at home and abroad, and that no treaty with any other gov-j eminent shall receive the sanction of our government which does not special ly recognize the absolute equality of all our citizens irrespective ' of race,! creed or previous nationality and which does not recognize the right of ex patriation. The American government i should protect American citizens in their rights not- only at home, but abroad and any country having a gov ernment should be held to strict ac countability for any wrongs done them, either to preson or property. At the earliest pructicul opportunity our coun try should strive earnestly for peace among the warring nations of Europe ami seek to bring about the adoption of the fundamental principle of justice and Immunity, that all men shall enjoy equality of right and freedom from dis crimination of the lands wherein they dwell. Prison Refoim. We demand that the modem princi ples of prison reform be applied iu our federal penal system. We favor such work for prisoners as shall give them training in remunerative occupations so that they may make an honest living When released from prison; the setting apart of the net wages of the prisoner to be paid to his dependent family, or to be reserved for his own use upon his release; the liberal extension of the federal parole - law, with due regard both to the welfare of the prisoner and the interests of society; the adop tion of the probation, system, espe cially in the case of first offenders convicted of serious crimes. Pensions. We renew the declarations of recent democratic platforms relating to gener ous pensions for soldiers and thoir widows and call attention to our record of performance in this particular. - Waterways and flood Control. We renew the declaration ia our last two platforms relating to the develop ment of our waterways. The recent devastation of the lower Mississippi ihiIW nnd several other sections by floods accentuates the movement for. the regulation of . river flow by addi tional bank and levee protection below and diversion, storage, aud control of the flood waters above anil their utili zation for beneficial purposes in the re clamation of arid and swamp lands and development of water power, instead of permitting the floods to continue as heretofore agents 01 tiesum-uun. c hold that the control of the Mississippi river is a national problem. The preser vation of the depth .of its waters for purposes of navigation, the building of levees and works of bank protection to maintain the integrity of its channel and to prevent the overflow of its val-, ley resulting in tho interruption of the interstate commerce aud the enormous loss of life and property, 'impose and ohlitfatinn which alone can . be dis charged by the national government, ment. We favor the adoption of a. liberal; and comprehensive plan for the develop ment and improvement- of our harbors and inland waterways with economy: and efficiency so as to permit their navigation bv' vessels of standard draft, Alaska. It has been and will be the policy of the democratic party to enact all laws, necessary for the speedy development of Alnska and its great nntiiral re; sources. Territories. : . We favor grunting. to the people of Alnska, Hawaii and 1'orto Kico the trat' ditionnl territorial government accord ed to all territories, of the I'uited States since the -licginhing of our gov ernment, and we believe the officials appointed- to administer the government of these several territories should be qualified' by previous bonafidc resi dence. Candidates. We unreservedly endorse our presi dential candidate. Woodrow Wilson and 1 Thomas Riley Marshall, vice-presiden-Itiul candidate, who have performed the functions of their grout offices fully nnd impartially, ai'id with distinguished ability. In particular we .commend to. the American people Hit4 ' splendid diplo- ! mafic victories of our great president. I who has preserved tlie vital interests of our government and its citizens, and ki pt us out of wnr. Woodrow Wilson stands today the greatest American of his generation. Conclusion. This is n critical hour fu the history nf America, a critical hour ill HieVis- tory of the world. I'pon the record 'above set forth, which shows great constructive achievement iu following 'out a consistent policy fur our domes itic and internal development; upon the ! record of the democratic administra tion, which inuintaiiied the honor, the ; dignity, and the interests of the I'uited States and at the same time retained Ithe respect and friendship of nil the nations of the world; and 'upon the I great policies for the future strengthen iing of the life of our country, the en largement of our national vision nnd Ithe ennobling of our international re lations us set forth above, we apcpnl with confidence to the voters of the country. Classified Advertising Page CLEANERS AND DYERS APPAREL SERVICE COMPANY ; 138 !$puth High street. We clean press, repair, remodel and re-line clotiiing and furs. Careful attention given ill work. We call and deliver. ; Phone 72S. DENTISTS. DR. 0. A. OLSOX, Dentist Adminis-. . ters nitrous ozid and oxygen gas. Room 214. Masonic Temple. Phone ' 440. Satem, deon . THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people INSURANCE For all kinds of Insurance in Stand ard Companies, call on P. J. Kuntz . Room 309, Bank of Commerce. MISCELLANEOUS lESllfetiiiafvlfc: TalejkoM EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Electric Co., MasonU Temple, 127 North High Main 1MX PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street Malt IBS TRANSFER AND DRAYAGE Salem Truck ft Dray Co., corner State and Front street! Ksla 74 IXlR All kinds of awnings for house or store, see Conrad lMUruan fori prices. 2011 Maple Ave. juncl7 f REDUCED FREIGHT RATES To and from all points east, on all household goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car load service. Capital City Transfer Company, agents for Paeific Coast Forwarding company, 161 South Com mercial street. Phone Main 933. NOTICE To the people "of Salem, that I have installed a complete oxy actyleno welding and cutting appar atus in my shop. For welding Steele, cast iron, aluminum, brass and bronze. We make a specialty of automobile frame welding, scored cylinder? blocks, broken crank cases, farm and harvesting machinery. We are also equipped for extra heavy woldj ing and and can go to your job. I have employed an expert welder to es pecially look after your wants. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. All work fully guaranteed from de fects. C. R. Grigg, general black smith and wood working shop, 1845 State street. July 3 Try This on Your Eczema If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry Zensal. For that watery eruption, or Weeping Skin, use Moist Zensal, 50c the jar. CENTRAL PHARMACY, formerly Poole's Drug Store MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security. THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank. Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN I have made ar rangements for loaning eastern money, will make very low rate of interest on highly improved farms. Homer H. Smith, room 5 HcCornack Hbls. Salem, Ore. Phone 9(i. OSTEOPATH DRS. B. II. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians -ittd nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer ican srliool of Osteopathy, Kirksville Mo. Post graduato nnd specialized i: nerve disuses it I.os AneJes college. ' Treat acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. , Lady attendant. Office oOo-iiOu' U.. !. National Bank Building. Phone S.r9. Residence 310 North I iii'iitnl street. Phone 4'iD. SC AV ANGER- 3ALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main 2247. Residence M iin 2272. THERAPEUTICS WELTA1ER SYSTEM Of suggUvc Therapeutics practiced by Dr. W. 1. Tompuins, S. T. Most powerful, nat ural and successful treatment known to science for the relief and cure of 'headache, stomach, liver and kidney trouble; rheumatism,' constipation, infantile paralysis and all female complaints, heart, lung and throat troubles; all diseases of the eye; can cer, goitre, epilepsia, asthma, nerv ousness or any chronic disease. Sug gestive therapeutics properly applied to a diseased body is positive, sure and permanent iu its results. Hours 9 to 12 a. in, 1' to 5 p. m., phone 991. Office rooms 1, 2 and 3 Biyne Illdg 341 Stitte St., Salem, Onyjon. 44tM Mttt-HMH TRAVELERS' GUIDE ! SOUl'UERN IUC1FIC. NORTH BOUND lfl Oregon KxprcBs .... "J4 I.'tlRt-un Limited '-'8 Wlllumette Limited.. Vi Shasta Limited H Portland I'HssenKPr . 20 E'ortluud rasneoger. . ' A rortiitnn Kxprtms 5 :00 a. m . 3 :i'J p. iu. 0 a. m. 1 1 :5. a. tn. 1 :-7 p. m. d m p. a. . .8 :C4 p. m. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 2:".' P.orMnnd fast Freight 10 :30 n. m. No. li'M Local way Freight. . . .10 ;83 a. m. SOUTH BOUND No. IS California Kiprms.... 3:82a.m. No. 17 Kosetmrg Passenger . .11 :20 a. m. No. 2.'! Kui;ine I.luiltHl , . . . .10 :01 a. m. No. II) t.'oltiiKe lirove Pass. . .4 :10 p. m. Makes connection with No. 74 Geer branch. No. 11 Shasta Limited B :4,1 p. m. No. 27 Willamette Limited. . . 6:111 p.m. No. IS Han Francisco HKprcss 10 :30 p. m. No. zzi Sun r runcisco vast Freight No. 2-u Local way Freight. SALBM-CKStt l.INB. No. 73 Arrlyes at Salem I. 7H Leaves Salem , No. 7.i Ar. Salem (mixed)..., No. 74 Leave Salem No connection aoutb t Geer. 12:01 a. m. .11 :4U a. ui. .,0:15 a. m. . .0 :50 a. m. ..2:00 p.m. A ;-. p. m. fl.ti.EM, Falls Citt and Westbuin. No. nil Lv. Salem, motor 7:00 a.m. No. 10.1 Ly Salem, motor 9:45a.m. No. 1DD Lv. Salem for Monmouth and Airlie No. 1B7 Lv. Salem, motor .. No. lull Lv. Salem, motor ... No. 2:i Way Fr't lv. Saleui.. No. 102 Ar. Salem No.. H14 Ar. Snli'iu No. MIS Ar. Sulera . , No. 1IW Ar. ShIimu No. 170 Ar. Safem No. 24u Way Fr't ar. Sulera. 11 :l"a. m. , . 4 :00p. m. . . 6 :1I p. 01. . . B ;00 a. m. . . 8 :40 a. m. .11 :UU. pi . . 3 :15 p. m. . . 6 :00 p. m. . 7 :4I p. m. . . 1 :35 p. m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. UNDERTAKERS the smaller Mati'i nf the ivi rm our tlt-i'la rations fur the inent of the ciwl service Ti2lit tc enifiv from rh,.r thefi,'i. and the present administration We affirm same respect for their st.vereiirutv and I far inure than other any other adminis-' rigid eufnic. for their territorial intcirritv. tliat're:it tiiilion. The' federal reserve net t,i' the ' but . nnd pottertul nations exieet nud imwtll.isr fi illness and the iiiral credits act' Philippines. t'on: ami that the -n ir1 1 l,:i a rieht to; of tin present cong'es. the machinery! We heartily endurse the provisions 1H. fr,.r ft-m oy,.rv ,!vtr- Lance of its 'has beet erenled vthich n ill make credit' iif the bill, recently pns-.d l.f the house peace thi hi! its trV'n in i- . - ' avn.i:ib!f to the farmer constantly and of repre-ental ives. further' promotine; or disregard of the ri'lus of peoples j rt adi'v aril he lias at last been put n on , self novcrnmeiit in the Philippine is ami nations; and tve believe that the in f.n.ti"i; of cpu.litv iit!i the mcr-i lands as beinc; in fulfillment of the time Ins come when it is the diirv of the i hant the manufacturer in secur-1 policy declared by the democratic partv United States to join with the other na-' in,' the jnpitai necessa-y tu carry on his in it's last national platform and we 'Art SimtVs Le? Broken When Aeroplane Fell Sapporo, Japan. June 10. Art Smith I the American aviator, was seriously ! injured in the ri(jht leg today w hen 'his aeroplane fell while he was milk ing a lliiilit. Smith was making an exhibition t'liyht when his cnyme stopped while ."iiio feet iilnfl. The machine fell and was smashed to bits. .Smith's rinht leg was broken. WEBB & CLOUGII CO C. B. Webb. A. M., (.'lough morticians aud funeral directors. Latest modern motiiods known to the profession employed 499 Court St. Main 120, Main 1W88. RTGDOX -RICHARDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North High street. Dav and night phone 183. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets. For water service apply at office. Bills pnvable ninthly in advance. WANTED WA.iTEl) --Competent housework in country, hani. Thone 21F2. woman for I), 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1; - junel5 WAN'TKK At l'.'T (hinueketa St. Iderlv In lv ti) do liiilit house- Lv. Snlem 4 : a. m. , 7:15a.m. . ft :4, a. in. . 1 1 :'JO a. m. . 1 :4!5 p. m. 4 :iiO p. ni. fi :H7 p. m. 7 :0j p. to. Nonrn bound 'i'raln No. 2 Owl ... 6 . .10 Limited . . 12 14 . . ill Limited 29 Ar. Portland . . 6 :.V a. m. . . ft :2n a. tn. . .11 :.' a. oj. . 11 :35 p. ui. . . 4 :00 p. m. . . ft :50 p. m. . . 7 :0O p. m. . . 10 :0U p. m. 10 :40 a. m. 2 :05 p. m. , 4 :4 p. m. , 8 :05 p. m. . 0 :2D p. m. . 11:43 p. m. Lv. Corvallls 4 :10 p. m. . Lt. Kugcn, 7 :.'t5 a. m. . 1 :B0 p. m. . 5 :23 p. m. . 12 :0j p. m. T . 0 . . 13 Limited . .... 17 Local . 1ft ....21 Owl ... NORTH BOOSB ..... 20 . . 10 Limited . . .IS Limited . ,.12:S5p. m, . 4:25 p. m. , . 6 :40 p. m. ,. 8:100,0,' ,.11:25 p. hl, . 1 :65 p. a Ar. Balea . . 6 :31 p. m. ,. Ar. Bttlr . , :4r, in m. . . 8 :55 D. au 7:60 J.' a. .. 8:101m. ...2 Owl ... aoura bou.hd Ar. Ehini . 6:60 a: aa. . 1:91111, , 12: 26 p. m. At. AICnf l :oo p. m. Stops at CorTaiiia Ar. Aitsinj 0 :20 p. tn. Ar. Albaoj 8 :45 p- BV Ar. Eugene 13 8:60 p.m. WooDBims Local Dailt Eicipt 8tTNDn No. 114 Leaves Salem 8:40 p. m No. oa Arrives in Sa!; 1:25 p. as. Lr. Salem 2 :00 a. m. 7 :10 a. m. 10:15 a. m. Lt. Salem 12 :5j p. m. Lt. Salem. 4 :2i p, m. Lt. Snltua 0 :40 p. m. 21 Owl ... 05 6 Limited 9 CORVALLIS CONtTECTION KOBTIt BOV.STJ HOUTH BOUND Portland to Salem Lt. Portland. Ar. Salem It 4.-, a. m 8:53 (Salem only) 8:23 a. m. ... 0 Limited 10:11 a. m. Lt. Corrallls 8 :'-'.- a. ni. , , 12 :1'J p. m. . . 2 :82 p. m. 4 :10 p. m. . 6:18 p. ill. . Lt. Salem 10:15 a. in. . 4 :25 p. m. 12 :Ti5 p. m. . , U :-10 p. m. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE Oreijon City Transportation Company Leave Portland for Oregon City, BnWeyllla, Nt)tvbrg. Mission (St. 1'uul), Wh,atUod, Salem lUally except Sunday) . ,6 :43 a. n. Leave Portland for Independent Albany L'orvallls, (Tues., Thurs., Bat.) ., 8:43 a. ov Retornlng io ..... 14 .... 18 .... 20 .... 22 south bound 5 ..... 0 7 ..... 18 Ar. B&lua ... 8 :43 a. m. . . . 1 :45 p. m, . . . 4 :00 p. m. . . , 6 ::7 p. oa. . . . 7 :55 p. m. Ar. Corrallls ...ll::t.t.m. ... 6 :47 p. m. ... 2 :20 p. ol ... 8 :00 p. ow Leave t'orvatld .... Allinny linli'lii'Uik'Ute. Salem Sulem . . a.' m. Mon., Wed., FrL ...7 a. m. Mon., Wed.. Vri. .. 0 a., ai Mon., Wad., VrU 10 a. m Mon.. Wed., FrL 0 a. m. Tumi., Thurs., Sab Try Capital Journal Want A4i. CHTEOPEACTIC-BPINOLOGIST st.t-eo.ts. R. o. Donaldson, M. W. ; R. A. Mcludilon, recorder ; A. L. Urowa, llllUIK'liT. - . - DR. 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro Dractic's Fountain He id, Davenport,; Iowa. If you have tried everything 8AI.pi 1.0 DOE No. 4, A. F. & A. M Stated communications first Friday la each month ut 7 :10 p. m. In the Masonic Temple. 1 lias McL'urter, W. M. ; S. 'U, Culver, secretary, n n .1 nni nn rniiuf trV ( 'li i ni n m I'. ?. i L.i :u.t. ,.f ..ll ! SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler. IIU B'llint nujiliiiciiia ft. Office 406-7-8 U. S. National Bank! Building. I'hone Main 87. Kcaideucei Main 82S-R. ! FOB SALE KO It SALi; Iii4, three months old, I'hone Hlif'iy, T, V. Moore, jiiuelt prealdent : Mrs. Lou Tlllsnn, secretary. All ciiften of cruelty or nt'Klect of dumb sul muls Hhniilil lie reported to tlie secretary for Investigation. CENTRAL I.OIlflE, No. 18, K. of P. Mc cormick l,ii U J 1 1 . Tuesday evening of eiich week nt 7 :,'1D. J. i. Heltzel, C. C. i W. U. tlllsnn, K. of R. and. S. It. N. OF A. "Oregon firupe Camp." No. i;!00, meeis every Thursday evening its McCnrnHck hulldlng. Court and Liberty streets ; elevnior. Mrs. Sylvia Scbaiipn, 17111 Marker, ornele ; Mrs. Melinsa l'er sons, reconler, luiid North Commercial. Plume. 14,'itl-M. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Ore gon Cellar Cnoip, No. fiJttl, meets every ThtirNiltiy evi-uliig nt 8 o'cl-h In Me-Cni-Qiick hull, corner Court and Liberty streets. Elenitor service, lieo. UeiuoUl, V. C. ; J. A. Wright, clerk. ' 1 CIIADWICK CHAl'TER. No. 37, O. E. 8 I'OK SAI.K 10 acres, (jootl land well Regular meeting every first anil third imnrmcil. H riioiii larL'e barn:' Tuesday at H p. m. Iu the Masonic Tem- I'OK SALIC I'liderwiiod typewriter. Cull 210 N. t om'l St. or phone IlliS. junel7 FOR SALIC 2 cash leRlsters, 1 single anil 1 double drawers, 1 set of bil liard balls; 2 sets of pool bulls; 1 six foot cigar case; one roll top desk; one fire proof safe; one !5 room bun galow. C'-ill or writo 1305 Ferry St. I He. Minnie Mueller, tabeoek, secretni-y. W. M. ; Ida M. an el work for two per-tins. i.7 General Feed an 4 jytL Smsu uvery buw l jl C. W. TRAIN , : iU Ferry. Phon B8 Hood road. 'M mile tu Kood town; tirice ."ill00, will accept $1,100 in- come property; (jive time oil $1.00! WtOIiMEN OF THE WORLD Meet every if desired. 202 V. S. Siiiinre Deal Bank I. hi; Realty Co., Friday night nt 8 o'clock In McCnrnack block, li. W. Ilirous, C. C; L. S. lieer clerk, 007 Court street. I'hone 09.1. FOUR VALLEY FARMS For sale by owner on county road and railroad. BO to 200 acres each, good buildings, gooa sol',, all under cultivation, close j to scrool, piifcs reasonible, naif I cash, balance time at 0 per cent or modern income bearing city property. P. O. Box 240, Salem. tf FOR RENT IFOR RENT Nicely furnished house I keeping rooms reasonable. b03 North Commercial stieet. tf FOR RKNT By month or week, strict-: ly ijiodcrn o room house furnished, or unfurnished, I'hone lioT-W. tf L M. HUM Care of YICKSOTONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283 CHINESE DOCTORS J. C.Yt'lCX Well known Chinese doc tor has successfully treated all dis eases in the past ycir. See testimon ials on file nt the Oriental Herb Co., 610 State St., Sulem. Out of town patients treated by Symptomatic Di agnosis. Send fur diagnosis blanks. inly 1 LODGE DIRECTORY A. 0. C. W Protection I.otlije. No. 2, Mei-n every Monday evening ut H to the McCuiuiK'k bull, coiner Court aud Liberty DE MOI.AY COMMAMiEUK, No. 5, K. T. (tegular ciiachiye fuiit-th Friday la eaca month at H o'clock, p in.. Id Masonic Tem ple. Solniirnlng Sir Kulglits are courte ously invited In meet with us Lot L. l'earce. E. C, Fruuk Turner, recorder. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly, No, Hi, meets every Wednesday at p. m. In Moose hull. C. O. Matlotk, M. A. ; C. '.. lluiiihili, secretary, Salem Baak oC Commerce. - HUDSON COUNCIL, No. 1, It k S. M Stated assembly Hist Monday In eacU month, Masonic Teuiiiir- N. 1". Rasmus sen. Tlirlce lllustrloiij Master; Ulena C. Nihs, recorder. SALEM COCNCIL NO '-(TJ2 Knights and Liulles uf Sei-iirlty Meets every lind ant 4lli Wednesday each unintti ut Hurst Hall. VUltliuj meniiiers are luvlteti to attend. E. F. Walton, flnuncler, -ISO S. 14th St. PACIFIC I.ODOE No. (SO, A. V. k A. M. Slated coniiiniulcations third Friday In each ui mull at 7:30 p. in In tli Masonic Temple. Ilnl V. HoUm, W. M. J Lruest 11. cliuate, secreuci.