Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 16, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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ri a Ml II. TlM .
SUCCESS comes in "cans" and
failure in "can'ts". There's
success in every
City Market Ice &
Coal Company
Salem's New Ice Company We are here to stay.
Originators of Immediate Delivery and Courteous
141 N. High Street
Solver liiike Leader; With nil thoi
heavy snows 0' Inst .winter, Silver Lake
begins to look like it will not fill up.
At this time the water edge is about
where it was one year ago, with most
of the watershed which supplies the
water dry and dusty. The riparian
owners along the border have this
spring seeded about (100 acres to grain.
Former years have proven that the
receded lands of Silver Luke are very
productive For instance: Last year
one farmer had IS nores of beach land
weeded to oats The oats grew so rank
that they could not bo bound with a
Helf-binder, and so the idea was con
ceived to cut high enough with the
Viiider to catch tho hay and mow the
Mhible for hay Tho oats threshed out
57 bushels per acre, besides producing
seven tous of ont straw heads and 18
tons of hnv from the second cutting.
Lake County Examiner: F. L. Young,
of the American Soda Deposits com
pany, has been spending several days in
L-nkeview from Alkali lako in the inter
est of his firm Mr. Young Htates that
lit the present time they aro putting in
1 '... '.- bti.ia.ui
JJ .11
Stir hill Ri
I ul hmng In
euro rma hum
n m mind nm Im fy
tkmt ctfWitfa prrftctfy.
Tho Mirlir-lin Un;..r. Tread combinm all lh mdtmaUf
ofnon-skidt of bath th rail-trd and uction-tmd type.
Michrlin Rod Tub retain thair voUaty aoflneti indef inilaly.
Uad io combiiutian, Michclin catinyl and tube maka th
moat aatUfactory lira equipmarlt.
312 Center Street Salem, Oregon
1 I !
Phone 474
I the floor of tliet glass house which will
be used for the drying of the soda
after it has been taken from the pot
holes. The building will be .50x100
when completed, but it will be no
trouble to enlarge when the company'
deems it necessary, 1110 nuto truck
is making regular trips at the present1
timo with lumber and other nceessarvi
supplies. It will probably W only n
short timo until the product is being
shipped to the San Francisco market.
Lake County Examiner- "The work
of constructing a permanent plant at
Alkali Lake for the purpose of secur
ing the soda deposits from that place
will bo started immediately," was the
statement. made by F, L. Young, man
ager of the company, while in Lake
view on business the first of the week.
J. 1). Spreckles, sugar manufacturer
of San Francisco and wlu is interested
in the project, accompanied by W. J.
Dinsmore, chemist, arrived in Lake
view a few days ago and immediately
left for Alkali Lake to look over the
situation and further plnns for the con
struction of the permanent plant. They
returned to I.akeview Sunday night
and left for Han Francisco the follow
ing morning.
Pendleton Tribune: With an area
of ,1173 square miles, nearly as large
ns the island of Porto R;so, twice the
area, of tho kingdom of Brunswick,
Umatilla county, is tho banner wheat
county of Oregon and tho richest in
the world. It is first in acreage, yield
per Bcre and total production; first in
barley, third in hay and alfalfa, first
iu value of farm property ami second
in railroad mileage, and last,- but not
least, almost at the very bottom of the
list in rural population, rural school
1 a a ill lilt)
re not high-priced! Jut tompre these
Price wilb thou you have been paying.
' I fi- 2r.Fo- d.- I .
lit.M li.ss
3! I 4 ' 14 T $24M 4 IS"
Mt MH" "Sl.ti tSl"
M lilt IS. It IN
JT MM 111
JStt S" 4S t SS
1 4I.M 4I.N 111
AU mJ ia ft Ua4 ckacUf
tig II 4. rira IS.
ONLY THg B6SrikSii
Assembled At Fair Ground
and Talked Oyer Old Times
"In Nelrasky"
Former residents of the Windy State
of Nebraska, the state from which Wil
liam J. Bryan cometh, assembled to the
number of 150 yesterday at the state
fair grounds to celebrate and tell stor
ies about Cherry county where the
wind blows most of the time and about
the eastern part of the state where the
farmers all travel by automobile.
All officers of the past year were
re-elected, plucing the interests of the
Nebraska society for the coming year
with the following persons: R. R. Ryau,'
president; Renn Schott, secretary; .Mrs.
A. I.. Johnson, vhairman of the commit
tee on entertainment; J. E. Pettyc.rek,
chairman on arrangements; MrB. J. J.
Newmyer, committee on refreshments.
Besides an entertainment of songs,
recitations and races, the following
poems were read: '
Clod made this earth so wondrous fair
lie made it all, both great aud small,
I With wisdom kind ami loving care,
I He called it good, just ns ile should,
j He made it nil so very grand,
I But some He blest more than the rest,
i And this He called .Nebraska land.
j Nebraska land, Nebraska laud,
As on thy fertile plains I stnnd,
j And look away across the lea.
This land is just the land for me.
Its soil is rich ns soil can be,
I love its hills, its brooks and rills,
Its valleys too are fair to see;
The crops produce for peoples use,
All kinds of grain it yields so great,
What mortal man could hope or plan,
For -jotter than Nebraska state.
The grandest men and women too,
Wo find them here, in this grand
We think noue 'fairer ever grew,
Blessings we know to us below,
We sing and shout with joy and glee.
Lived in this state, proud to relate,
None like old Nebraska you see.
When I am called from earth I know,
I cannot say you hike away,
Don't bother mo I will nt go
The home above I dearly love,
Its realms of bliss I understand,
Iu Him I trust and go I must,
But hate to leave Nebraska land.
I.. 11. Sutei'. 100!i North N...,t.,.,
street, Salem, Ori
We oft times think how hard Our lot,
Ana in our gloom wc fuil to see
In nil the earth one lone bright spot,
luougn very large it clinnce to be;
better place than all the rest,
Where there's nlen sum hv tha K,
Is way out in the north and west,
iu tue grand old state of Oregon.
Where apples large as pumpkins grow,
And cherries in the trees so high,
Potatoes in the ground below,
That often weigh five pounds or nigh,
With peaches, pears and berries too,"
"i n tuo piace oeiientn the sun,
This is tho place for me and you,
lu this great state of Oregon.
Our soil is rich as soil can be,
Let tha Canltfll .Innrnat M Tli,
Column put your dollars on tho eight
houses ami inhabitants per acre of land.
The great wealth-producing section pro
mises noiniiig uur wheat , no children,
no school houses, no churches and no
rural Itlo.
Medford Mull- Tim fW ml,, no.,-
Jacksonville, in which iu-w nincl'iiuery
has been installed, is about ready jigain
for power. W. V. Don-nip, representing
the Ilullidie eomiianv nf Koniiln al,
deals largely in the iir.inufncture of
mining ninciunery, has about completed
the installation at the mni'limnri.- f..r
the oil flotntion process. He will put
in a inilian mill, which is conceded
aui'crior to the ordhinrv utnitm mill
increasing the capacity for the same
horse-power. The Opp niine will ther
nave a capacity 01 -im tons a day.
Bend Bulletin: .lime 2;'. has been set
as the date upon which the wool sale:
will be held this year in Itend. Tin
sale will be held at the United Ware
house and all the sheep men in Central
Oregon who are making deliveries to
Itend for future shipment are expected
to be here.
Shearing and lambing are now in fuP
blast in the sheep raising section ot
Central Oregon, and reports are that
the clip is equal to that of lust year
despite the extremely ha-d winter.
Cold Bench Globe: Oame Wardei
AJiinis came in from the hills and say:
sto-'k on the back rnnt'os is lookjnv
well, but the grass on the high moun
tains is a month later tin 11 usual. Ha
usunlH drives his stock back in .Mat
but will have to wait several week:
yet. Coyotes are getting numerou.
nlong the upper river ami are killing
n good many lambs.
Buker Herald: Because of (he iinus
immhiti rtt orunilil mti I i rrt'ln thi
yeart, threatening the rich meadow
whero Dly stoc.men jaslure theii
horses and cattle, a movement wtr
launched at Dly ye'terd.iy to wage 1
systematic war UHn these animals
This promises to do much toward tin
elimination of the suninels, and latei
on eradicate coyotes an l .inckrabbits
Because of the further .11 rend of rab
bies iu Grunt coiintv, the sheriff lis;
sent notices to all parts notifying tin
owners of dogs to keep them chained
night nnd day, or keep them nnurled
The action was taken because man
dogs have been exposed to animals thai
are known to have rabbies.
Salem will soon have a municipal
bathing bench. This is assured by the
committee working for tho Civic djv
partment of the commercial club, com
posed of Dr. W. II. Byrl, chairman;
FreJ K. Mangis, Ivan O. McDanicl, L.
II. McMahon and II. O. White.
After investigating tho site of the
bathing bench of one year ago and
making soundings up and down the
river, the -committee has come to the
conclusion that two sights are avail
aide. Ono is between the wagon, and
railroad bridge, on tho Polk county
side, and; the other is on North Mill
creek, at Commercial street.
The Mill creek loca4ion could only
be used by darning the creek just
north of Commercial street and the
city engineer will investigate this
afterneon. But tha impression of the
committee is that the site just across
the river not far from the wagon
bridge is the most available. The
beach used one year ag 011 Minto
island cannot be used ns the Salem
Sand & Gravel company have been tak
ing sand from this point, resulting in
severaljdeep holes and making it dan
gerous "tor bathers.
As the river is too hign at present.
it will 'be probably two weeks before
arrangements can be made, and steps
from the bridge built leading down
to the beach.
Anyhow, a municipal bathing beach
is assured. There will be no charges
if the jpoint between tho two bridges
is selected unless the committee finds
it advisable to assess all bathers, ex
cepting! children, five cents each to
defray Ithe expenses of having a man
111 cuarpe.
The timber forests mighty great,
The fairest women too you see,
We have them ail in this great state
With plenty of Rnme, fishing fine,
The hunter he has lots of fun,
The angler too can use his line,
In this old state ot Uregon.
So portly, straight and large around,
These grand old trees tuey grow so
It takes a week to chop one down,
Aud makes J'ou sigh to see it fall,
Of waters pure and clear we boast,
In its wad rush is leaping on,
The grandest scenes along the coast.
Are in this old state ot uregou.
The mountains rise iu peaks so high,
From the erent valleys tar below,
They look like spires that reach the sky,
Whose tojs are white with trost nnd
snow :
Our lands are fine, our crops are great,
A better place we know there s none,
In this wide world like our old state,
Which we with pride call Oregon.
These fertile va ley plains and hills,
Adorned with beauty rich and rare,
The grand old babbling brooks and rills,
God made them all with wondrous
Old Hood and Jeff and Sisters Three,
rrom Maine to Cult and Washington,
No other place such sights vou see,
Like here in this old Oregon.
I,. II. Suter. 1005 North Seventeenth
street, tialem. Ore.
We sold 16 dozen
light weight un
ion suits yester
day without
writing an ad;
about 10 dozen
left. Better come
in-L$2, $2.50 and
$3.00 Union Suits
choice for
Light Coats,
Straw Hats,
Light Shoes,
Who Can Vote at
School Elections
Any citizen, male or female, over
tlie age of 21, may vote at the elec
tion for school director next Monday,
provided they have, lived in the school
district 30 days and have property in
the district as shown by the last coun
ty assessment. If any parties have
moved into the district since the last
assessment, they may vote on a prop
er showing to the election judges or
directors that they have property sub
ject to assessment.
Although a party may not have any
property appearing 011 the tas rolr.-t,
yet he is permitted to vote if he can
prove that he owns stock or shares or
has ownership in any corporation or
firm or copartnership which appears
on the tax rolls.
If the home property is in the name
of the wife, she mav vote and the
husband, unless he owns taxable prop
erty in his own name, may stay at
home next Monday.
Any vote may bo challenged at the
election next Monday and the voter
will be obliged to show ownership of
property, real or personal.
In districts of the third class, which
includes country districts, although a
man may have no property whatever,
he mav vote providing he has children
j of school age. For the city man, the
records of the tax assessor is the onlyi
Petrograd, .Tune Id. The Russians,
oil the offensive along the Austrian
trout from Kovel region fo the Pruth
have taken an additional 14,000 pris
oners, it is officially announced today.
This brings the total for the offensive
to 104,000 today.
Bead Capital Journal Want Ads.
Notice of Improvement of South
Church Street
Notice is hereby given that the com
mon council deem it expedient so to
do, and hereby declare its purpose and
intention to improve South Church
street from the south line of State
street to the north line of Mission
street, except that portion there occu
pied by what is commonly known at
the Bush or Church street bridge ex
tending from the north lino of Oak
street to the north line of the westerly
extention of Bellevue street, at the ex
pense of the abuttiug and adjacent
property by bringing said portion of
South Church street to the official
grad, constructing eement concrete
curbs and paving said portion of said
streot with a six-inch, two-course
Bitumineus Concrete pavement,
consisting of a one and one-hali
inch Bituminous Concrete wearing sur
face laid on a four and one-half inch
Bituminus Concrete base in accordance
with the plans, specifications and esti
mates fpr the improvement of said por
tion of South Church street, adopted
by the common council on the Sth day
of June, 191C now on file in the of
fice of the, city recorder which fer a
more detailed description thereof are
hereby referred to and made a part of
this notice; being that character or
kind of improvement known and desig
nated in said plans, specifications and
estimates as l" Bituminous Concrete
Pavement No. 5."
The common council hereby declares
its purpose and intention to make said
above described improvement by and
through the Street Improvement De
partment of tho city.
Bv order of the eommpn council.
Chas. F. Elgin, City Recorder.
Dated this 0 day of Juni, 1910. jneU
We can be of great assistance to you during the hot weather
if you will take the time to give your dress the proper atten
tion. . -
Light Suits, Hats, Shoes, and the many small articles of
wearing apparel like collars, wash ties, hosiery, will add greatly
to your comfort.
We have made great preparation in all these lines this year
and will ask you to stop in and we'll show you how to keep cool.
Woolen Mills
Bate per word New Today:
EacJi insertion, per word lc
One week (6 insertiens), per word..5e
One month (28 Insertions) per word 17c
The Capital Journal will not be re
tponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertisements.
Bead your advertisement the first day
it appears and notify us immediately
if ift contains an error.
Minimum charge, 10c.
PHONE 037 For wood saw.
HARRY WindowOleaner. Phone 76S.
WHEEL CHAIR For sale. Call 2404 i
M. juneli
FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. Phone
2502-W-4. tf
WANTED Second hand check protec
tor. J-27G. junelti
WANTED Cherrv pickers, campers.
Phone GF3. " juuelT
WANTED A one or two horse elec
tric motor. Phone 2!9. tf
P.BIXG In your hogs Monday, 7 1-2
cents lor tops. G. vV. Eyre, junelfl
FOR SALE Horse and berry wagon.
Very cheap, ifoute .1, dox v,. juhch
FOR SALE Mowing machine $22.50.
K. C. Pearcy, Rt. 3. Phone 30FU.
FOR RENT 600 acre farm near Har
risburg. S. G. Hogue, 1045 Court St.,
Salem. - junelT
WANTED To contract for drying lo
ganberries. Walter G. Penniiine, R.
8. Phone 98 F2. . tf
WANTED Mechanic with motorcycle
nnd bicvele experience. Scott & Pi
per, 252 State St. junel7
FOR SALE Newtown wagon, nearly
new, also heavy farm harness. In
quire 640 S. Summer St. junel 7
FOR SALE "White Leghorn baby
chix, 250 nt $7.50 a hundred. Call
W. It. Baker, phone G8F2. junel7
FLUFF Rt'CS Rugs made (all sizes)
from old carpets. Phone 030, leave
address. Northwest Rug Co. julylG
LOST Lightweight wool robe, black
and white check on one side and
black on other. Finder phone 14F3,
WANTED By experienced soda dis
penser position in city, 5 years ex
perience. Address S-27 care Journal.
WOL'LD LIKE Home : in well-to-do
familv who have no children for girl
of 15. Address 15-0. care Journal.
FOR SALE Team of horses, weight
1050, six years old, 'good drivers,
gentle, one" or both. Phone 35F31.
John R..Macv, Brooks, Or. juue!9
YOUNG TEOPLE Don 't wafe ?ihe
summer months; enroll at. the Capi
tal Business college next Monday for
the new class in shorthand; school
in session all summer; special studies
also. junel 7
Bathing '
Wash Ties,
Soft Shirks,
Light Underwear
491 N. Cottage. tf
FOB BENT SIGNS For tale at Cap
ital Journal office. tf
ROOM Board and washiug $.100 per
week. Phone 1181-J. junel!)
TWO COWS For sale. Ward K. Rich
ardson. 2395 N. Front. tf
FOB SALE Or trade for wood, gaso
line engine. Phone 451. tf
GOOD Furnished house to rest, cloiu
in. Phone Main 4 or 47. tf
CHOICE Fresh cow for sale. J. W.
Bellamy, Fruitland, Or. junei!0
WANTED Middle aged woman . for
general iiouso work. Phone BK). jeltf
PURE Whale oil soap for hop spray
for sale at tho Capital Soap Works.
1 tf
FOR SALE One Sandwich hay press;
one Russcl engine. E. A. Johnson, R.
9. junel7
KEITH HOTEL Will discontinue
meals until .jrfter the, warm weath
er. juneU
FURNISHED, rooms and housekeeping
appartmonts, rates reasonable, clos
in, 180 Court.- tf
FURNISHED 5 room house, 1-2 block
from P. O., 2G8 . North) Cottage
Phone 1591. junelli
WANTED Cascara bark, highest cash
price. Call or write Frys Drug store,
Salem, Oregon. julyJ
TWO NICE Cottages for rent by the
month or season at Newpott. O. W.
Johnson &Co. tf
FOR SALE 1912 Buick roadster in.
good mechanical condition, a snap.
HnWorsen & Burns. june22i
FOR SALE Wild Mallard .hicks for
decoys. Phono 1261-J, or call 311)
Leslie St., Salem, Or. junelS
PASTURE Will take in stock by the
month. Inquire at the Salem Fuel
yards.- Herman Fresia. junel!
200 LOGANBERRY Pickers wanted
good camp grounds ami water.
Phone 41F24, L. II. Roberts. tf
15 LOGANBERRY Pickers wanted.
z miles east of Brooks. W. W. and
Archie Lander, Salem R. 9. june21
FOB SALE 200 acres at Lyle, Wash,
will consider some trade on clear
property. August Bauch, Salem, Or.
june 17
COB SALE 34 lulf truck Stodebakee
wsguu. hiu usae ior neavier wagon,
cordwood or itumpage, 2786 Lea.
Phone 1322-J. tf
FOB BENT Business block room, sir
joxsu ieeu so state street. In
quire at 463 State. Phone, 1009.
Maurice Elinger. tf
paying busincsp, hew, in good
condition. J. A. Houston, Beuna Vis-1
. ta, Pplli county, Oregon,. ,: junelO)
galow, nrepiace, ttutcn kitchen, ce
ment basement,, laundry tubs, gns,
electricity. Phone owner, 581-R, if
interested. june2I
AM Taking orders for snmmet and
fall delivery of wood. I will give ft
lower price now than I will later in
the season. John II. Scott, phone 234
After office hours, 022. june20
FOR SALE Nine acres 4 miles from
Eugene, in crop; good buildings, tele
phone, near school, a barjaaii., terms.
Particulars, address owner B. U.
Heath, R. 1, Eugene, Ore. junelS
FOR SALE A bargain prices, one
Troy laundry mangle 90 inches, store
"""shelving, two' teams and Shetland
Pony, 2 double buggies, on single
bnggy. H. Steinbock, 302 N. Com!
Phu t- P08. X tf
acres on rock road south, will sell
cheap; easy tcrnis or exchange for
city house or good lots in Salem.
Square Deal Realty Co., 202 U. S.
N. Bunk bldg. Fhone 470. funelT
WANTED To lease with option t
purchase, improved farm, 15 acres
or more within 10 miles of SaJein, 011
good road Give full particulars, in
first letter stating location, price,
terms, ilass of soil, buildings, water,
distance from school L. A. Grote.
Sa'em- juneU
40ACRES $1000 in cash, a house
and lot in Salem value $1000 and
awnme a mortgage of $1000, will
pay for a 40 acre tract of good roll
ing laud in Douglas Co. Half in cul
tivation with new (i room house, fair
parn, team, cows, hogs, poultry, farm
implements, crop and. household
goods. Square Deal Realty Co., 202
V. S. Bank hide;. Phone 470. . ;
1.200 will buy'' a beautiful lot on
State street. t
$i5."i per acr? including crop, stock and
implements, good buildings; 158
$S0l a choice five-acres close in;
$100 per acre, fine' farm of G3 acres on
the famous Howell Prairie.
$750 for a cozy home that is welt
worth $1500. . .
$200 choice lot.
We write Fire Insurance.
HoHses for Bent In all parts of City.
Money to Loan.
All kinds of property to Exchange.
If you want to buy. sell, rent or ex
change your property see
The Bealty Man 347 State Street