Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal I'Ktl'AY i. V KM NO. .tunc I''.. I'.M'j. CHAKLES H FISIIEB, Editor Bud Manager. PUBLISH Kl KVKKY KVKX I Ml KXt KIT Sl'NDAV", SAI.KNf. OlilttON". liV Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. la. a BAKXKs. ell A. It. riSlll'K. l'UKA V. AIUIF.V. Provident Vico-l'icsidcnt Sec. aii I Tteas. srnsciMiTiuV hate Daily by carrier, per year " IVr month Ijc Daily by mail, per year .v Smi Per mouth ''. Fl lL EEASKD AVIKK TFXEG KAl'il liKPOliT EAST K i; X l; KIMi I's KXTATIV PS New York, Ward -Eewis-Williunis S.i-i-i:il Agency, Tribune Huildinr Chicago. W. II. Stuckwel I. People 's Oa Huihling. Tlie Capital Journal carrier buys are instructed to put the papers on the porch, if the carrier din's Iii't do this, misses yon, or neglects gottitng the paper to you on time, kindly phono the circulation manager, as this is the only way we can determine whether or not the curriers are following instructions, l'hom .Main M before ":'W o'clock and a paper wilt be scut you by special messenger it' the carrier has missed you. Stanton Warburton, a Tacoma attorney and former congressman, is facing a charge of illegally transporting liquor into Washington. He was a delegate to the recent progressive convention and had just arrived home when arrested. It seems he had a fifteen gallon tank of whiskey and 16 quart bottles of bonded liquor in his trunk, and the careless baggage smasher broke one of the bottles. This led to his arrest, and the discovery of the perambulating saloon in his trunk. He is out on $500 bonds pending trial. A lenient, kind-hearted and sympa thetic judge would take into consideration, what Colonel Roosevelt did to him, and how he was driven to seeking surcease ot sorrow in the llowing bowl, so to speak, when passing sentence. SOMETHING DUE IX MEXICO The reports from Mexico indicate that Carranza is1 losing his grip on the Mexican leaders, and that before long some other patriot will either be in his shoes or try-J ing to get in them. Whether this will be through a revo-; iution, which of late years has taken the place of the1 ballot in getting office, or through some Mexican really j big enough to handle the situation being found who can find some way of getting the Mexican people together, remains to be seen. The latter seems a remote possi bility, or rather a remote improbability, and it will be j either revolution, or intervention by the United States, that will finally bring peace to that hotbed of anarchy. .Carranza is demanding the American troops be with drawn, vet he knows he cannot cope with the situation and that conditions would be infinitely worse should this be done. If he submits to the Americans remaining he will have his countrymen against him inside of two weeks, and if he insists on the withdrawal of our troops anarchy will prevail again. It is becoming more and more evident daily that Car ranza cannot bring peace to his country, and that while nominally at the head of the de facto government, he is practically powerless. His generals obey his orders or not as they please, and he cannot use the forces of his so-called government to quell the bandits, or enforce the laws. He is president of Mexico in name, but in fact is nothing. He is recognized as the head of the government be cause there is no one else to look to. Felix Diaz is some where in Mexico, but he like all the others that have tried for the leadership is an adventurer, and has no follow ing, and no force. It would seem that the only thing that cari'save the country from intervention is the coming to the front of such a person as Porfirio Diaz. He was a tyrant, a merciless ruler whose word was law and whose enmity was death, but he was the man i'Ar the place, the only kind of a man capable of ruling the Mexic.n people. Byron could not have more correctly described Diaz had he lived in Mexico, than when he wrote: "The tyrant of the Chersonese. Was Freedom's best and bravest friend. That tyrant was Miltiades, Oh! that the present hour would lend. Another tyrant of the kind, Such chains as his were sure to bind." Ollie M. James, the big Kentuckian, made a most elo quent speech at the democratic convention yesterday, and there was no more forceful thing said by him than these brief sentences: "Four years ago they sneeringly called Woodrow Wilson the school-teacher. Today he is the world teacher. His subject js the protection of Amer ican life and American rights under international law. And without orphaning a single American child, with out widowing a single American mother, without firing a single gun, he wrung from the most militant spirit that ever brooded above a battlefield an acknowledgment of American rights and. an agreement to American demands." Director Ralph of the government bureau of printing and engraving, before the parade in Washington, Wednesday, issued an order to the employes in the of fice, among whom are about a thousand women and girls, concerning their appearance in the parade. It read: "The only uniform allowed in the parade will be an American flag and parasol." It is perhaps unnecessary to add the order was not strictly complied with, and that ,ome hustling was done to gather up several hundred orders of this kind that had been issued. The word "extras" was substituted for "uniforms." The wreck of the coast liner Bear oil' Cape Mendocino Wednesday night while bad enough is so much less 'destructive of human life than was at first supposed. that the public looks at with a rather thanklul ieehng! that it was no worse. It was indeed fortunate that soj many escaped, under the circumstances, the passengers being called from their berths in the middle ot the night. The officers state that there was no panic and no trouble in getting the passengers into the boats. With the ex ception of the two boats that capsized there were no ac cidents. The Bear was a comparatively new vessel, hav ing been built at Newport" News six years ago. Only a day or so ago everybody was wishing for warm weather, and now that he have a small sample of it every body is complaining of the heat. It is always that way with white folks, of whom an old negro remarked: "Dey is sure queer folks dem white menfolks: when dey ain't wishin for rain dey am prayin' fur hit to clar up." As a matter of fact it is exactly the weather needed to ripen the fruit, make the corn grow, and put sweetness in the berries. Then too remember the iceman has to pay his bills just as the balance of us have to pay ours, and he can't save a cent with the weather clerk sending 40 degree weather. A dispatch Wednesday that Mrs. Thomas J. Preston had been operated on at Roosevelt hospital, recalls an other White House romance. Mrs. Treston was Mrs. Grover C. Cleveland, and before that Frances Folsom, one of the most beautiful women in the United States. President Wilson and Secretary Lansing have gone over the final draft of the answer to Carranza's demand for the withdrawal of American troops. It will point out the activity of bandits, and the apparent inability of Carranza to control the situation, and refuse to with draw the troops until conditions are made better. This may compel Carranza to make some kind of initial move m order to hold his job and keep his own people from jumping on him. It looks very much as though there would be. a clash with the de facto government before many days. It is a record to be proud of, that of Bryan's. For twenty years in the limelight, making the race three limes unsuccessfully for the presidency, yet back at his old reporting job, the party that thrice selected him as its standard bearer, through its delegates applauds his appearance on the convention floor and demands that he again address them. There must be something in a man who can thus retain his hold on the people, some inherent quality of greatness that cannot be put down or for gotten. An X-ray examination of Colonel Roosevelt's throat was made yesterday. It showed a torn ligament, which will very conveniently retire the colonel from public speaking for some time. Czernowitz seems to be about to again fall into the hands of the Russians. This will be the third time it has changed hands since the war began. It will probably be the last. Close to Portland Situation Is Similar While what is reproduced below was written for application to the city of San Pedro. I 'al., by the l'ilot. it is applicable here as well: "The problem of keeping: trade at home is one that every merchant has to face ami no matter how much bet ter bargains he mnv offer than those of the city stores the problem is often a discouraging "ue. Hut how many i cities ami towns tiiat have been sue-I cessful in keeping trade at home arej those where the circulation of city pa-1 pers is relatively small? I "Wherever you find the city papers with the largest circulation there yon will find the smallest proportion ot j home trading for tiie up-to-date ad-j vertising prepared by experts is bound j to pull business out of town, "And in these towns you will al ways find the home merchants are not j heavy advertisers, i'cw people under stand the relation between city circa-' lation and homo ad ertisiug. Yet it ! is simple enough if you look into the I problem. "In I. on;,' liench, I'assailena .and other towns close to ,os A nicies j where the advertising of the homo; merchants enables the publishers to, yet out eight to Id page papers every day filled with a large volume id' ttve-! graph matter the people do not find1 the I.os Angeles papers filled with de-1 partment store advertising a net-ess'- ty. "The merchants of tiiese towns therefore hill two birds with one stone' Thev not onlv yet the direct results nf their advertising but by their pat rounge they' enable the publishers to print papers that fill the field so com- lileteli tluie i-i li-o- need for mitnitlc! papers. "If the Daily l'ilot were a Ifi page paper it probably would have but very little larger circulation but tho Los Angeles papers would have less in San l'eilro. In proportion to population it already has as large, if not larger, cir culation than the larger papers in sur rounding towns. People will take their home paper for the home news, no matter how maiiv other papers they take. ' "Hut if the merchants of San I'cdro were advertising as heavily as the merchants of surrounding towns it would enable the Daily Pilot to print a volume of telegraphic and miscella neous matter that would make the Los Angeles papers unnecessary in the majority ot homes. The average citi zen who now takes at least one T.os Angeles paper besides his home paper would find tlie home paper alone suffi cient. "Solving the trade-at-home prob lem is a ipie.-tion that Is entirely up to the merchants. The publisher is al ways ready to do his part. The aver age local paper prints just as good a paper and just as large a paper as the patronage of the merchants will per mit If a town has small papers it is because the merchants are making but a feeble effort to keep trade at home. "If a town has strong papers well filled with general" matter the citizens of that town find the outside papers unnecessary. Most of the towns of n V, r i l y.l,. ft Hrlli t i 1 '&MOBPOUSHL2 t 11 jTv- SHINE; NYP. WW: : . : V til lOc A combination of boA liquid and oas't. tutiira halt im ttlorl asr tor cmWrn to oat-, GiviiaqiJicKijsungsniiio, Contain rio acd. Willutcrackt)tlaallr. Prtierra tit toaihtr and Inc-iasa Itiii lilt ot icor ihoss, IHEF.F.0llErCO..ltl IUFML0. . L ! JS'J 1 V-'--Wti'-Lh-': Does Your Stomach Trouble You? Wonderful StomachReiedy win cnange that. onj A dm k I - -. AA I And long Face! One Dose Has Often Dispelled Years of Suffering, llavr's Wonderful Remedv can real ly be termed WOXDKK I'll.. No matter where you live you will find people who have suffered with (Stom ach, I-iver and Intestinal Ailments, etc., and have been restored to health and are loud iu their praise of this remedy. It acts on the source and foundation of these ailments, remov ing the poisonous catarrh and bin' accretions, taking out the inflamma tion from the intestinal tract and assists in rendering the same anti septic. Sufferers are urged to try one dose which alone should relieve your sufforinsr and convince you that Mnyr's Wonderful Remedy should restore you to good health. Put it to a test today. Send for booklet on Stomach Ailments to Geo. H. Jlnyr, Mfg. Chemist, L'li Whiting St., Chicago, or better still, obtain a bottle from your druggist. J. C. Perry, 11.) South Commercial street. f tEtTPK I MIIWJY f $42.30 from Salem TO Los Angeles and Return. Tickets Good for Two Monttts. See the Pageants of the Grand Conclave of the Knights Templar Ticket Sale June 12 to .19th Conclave from June 17 to 23rd. This is one of the most delight ful trips, on the West Coast, via Oregon Electric, North Bank Road and S. S. Great Northern, Northern Pacific Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Low Rates for Summer Tours East by Direct Lines or via California. J. W. EITCHIE, Agent, Salem, Oregon southern California as large as San Pedro have daily papers of from eight to Id paues iu size and the merchants are spending" from four to eight times as much for advertising as are the merchants of San Pedro." Preparedness Parades Confuse the People We all along had a kind of a sneaking idea they might nominate Wilson and Marshall at St. Louis. WAi If sending their sous to .-Join it and by I senators and naval ami army officers ! sending Mieir sous. Whv do not von open down here at -the peace monument a recruiting station, and as this great parade for preparedness marches down the street let them enlist their sons and flic members of their families' Tell them that the president wanted -U.tKiil men liu days ago aud that no body will join. "1 do say that this nation is making itself ridiculous by these parades when nobody will join the army. The gen- iA'inait from .Massacliusetts (.Mr. (lard-1 American people in-i j u?- uimiiibi iiuoui pi cpai cmiess and saying that no appropriation was big" enough for him, and one man en listed in .10 days in Ttostnn. New York had a parade of l.'ii.uiiii for pre paredness when in April of this year there were inn less enlisted iu ' the stan. ling army in New York than in April of last year. Expired enlist ments have kept the number down un til only about l.tion a.Mitioual have gotten into the army, and we have to day as I understand it, about ltt.'i'in vacancies iu the standing army of the I'aited States. And what I sav is this Mass.. York. N. Y and Fort Worth, Texas., instead of riding their Cadillacs and their Chalmers high-power cars up and down the streets, and tooting their iioriu for preparedness, had told their boy to put on a uniform ami take a gun o their slioiiblers they would be doin; something effective. War means hell and fighting and guns with powder i them: and all this tommyrot of pa rades amounts to nothing except t further gum-fuzz and confuse th That is what I want LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 18G3 CAPITAL $300,000.00 Transact a General Banking Busincsi Safety Deptsit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT IDBlinKlttUiniQS' v -Walt Mason IMPROVIDENCE The country's being painted red by cheerful, careless! lads, who never look a day ahead, but blow in all their! scads. Today they have abounding health, and sickness! seems afar; today they're earning goodly j wealth, so why not buy a car? The sage, rebukes them with a sigh, and says, "Bel safe and sane, and while the weather's! fair and dry, prepare, my sons, for rain."! In vain his noble words are said, they list j with scornful look, and beg that he will j soak his head, in some convenient brook. And then thev make the village hum with; 0:y'(.J their resounding mirth ; but sickness comes, (x. ,XJ reverses come, to every man on earth. And when the luck is breaking rank, how bit-j terly they say, "We have no kopecks in the bank, and! here's the rainy day!" If you've a package in the bank' you do not fear the worst, when Fortune gives your nose a yank, and sets you back a verst. t ft-""yw i f V I " ' 1 .... I 1 On June , l!)lt, Hon. Martin Dies, representative from Texas, said in the house of representatives: "1 do say and repeat, that the peo ple who ride up ami down the avenue in automobiles with streamers do not send their sons to join the army. They ride around with poodle dogs and with streamers i-alling for preparedness. ' Preparedness means a gun upon the shoulders of the young men of this country, a gun with powder and lead iu it; and I do say before this con gress that it is idiotic to parade a- rouiul over me couniry laiMuir aooiu ,hat if the people of Boston, preparedness and putting your ham up j nml ,.,,,,, X(,v., alll, Xew on your sou s heads, not telling theuij to join the standing army. More than j till days ago we authorized -U.wno addi tional soldiers that the president said we needed. We have not got them. We have not been aide to get a thous and more into the army than we had lid days ago. And all those people in New York that are parading in loil. iinti bunches up and down the streets could sidve the question of prepared ness and give dignity and integrity to their declarations if they would stay at home and toll their boys to join the regular army. That is what 11 said was idiotic, and I say it to tiiis: good dav, that it rings with iusincer-1 past middle age. This uric it v. You know when men want a reg-1 blood ular army in this country in time of peace they can get it by congressmen Co. M join the day. wants lifteen more men to National Guard. Enlist to- AUTO TUKNS TUETLE Silverton. Or.. .Kine lii. An aut. driven by Adolph Windeshar of M"fc Annel. coming to this plue oil Tues day, was wrecked when it turned tur tle on the road just south nf town. The driver was badly bruised, but two other occupants of the car. Haufmana and I'.ronkey, escaped unhurt.. The car running fast ami in turning up ilown it turned eomptetelv around as to head the other wav," ; was side Backache ? Run Down ? Tired ? Clean the Kidneys With Hot Water and "Anuric" When run-down after when life indoors has a stagnant condition in the circulation; most evervone is filled with TWICE PROVEN backach days and dr POMB TOR GOVERNOR Unite, Mont., .'one 15. A bomb in a sa.-:; of mail consigned to (inventor Spry, oi I tah, at Salt Lake City, ex ploded here today when the bag'was tosse: from n Northern l'ticific to an Oregon Short Line train. The interior of thu car was completely wrecked. A p'lo of mnil bags behind which Messenger Koss Wjitorond was standing' probaloy saved his life. He was badly' cut hv flying srbnters. IVt.vtivos eeilnred the bomb un-j doubt -l'v was intended for (lovernorj Spry himself, fcr the mail bag confined nothing but otfic'al mail for the gov-1 eruor. ' If you suffer nights, tired, dull urinary disorders. t Head this twice-told Salem evidence doublv .1. II. IVnton, UiU 1 savs; " Ou seieral occasions settled in my back, across my kidneys, causing pain that extended into my loins. I knew from other disorders that my kidneys were to blame anil started using Dunn's Kidney I'ills. 1 found them just the thing to rid me of the pain and disorders." (State ment given December 11, 1912.) On April 12. ISMii, Mr. Denton said: ''I have never found a more reliable medicine for backache and kidney dis orders than Dean's Kidney I'ills. Whoueer my kidneys get out of fix. thev soon put them rig.it." Price ,'Ui' at nil dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Dona's Kidney I'ills the same that Mr. IVnton has twice publicly recom mended, t osrer-.hIburu t o., 1'rops.. Ulitfalo, X. Y. a hard winter i tressini? conditions n ,,.,f:.i... . brought about, this uric acid no'ison' is to r,.l. ht I w ater before meals and "Anurii-.'' Uric ; Ask VOUr ftrnirawf t-',.r Ti,...f.H l: icid especially is this so of peonle i Annric , .r.i' tw. n: -- 111"' ""v mu uiic ui-iu lit lueilias- Hotel nni Sura ) Tn.S..t. vmn i.u.-rs i uiimai 'sun, uimoii-I Ciurr 1 11 x i o .1.1..- 1.111 nu. swe.uns or n.iiuis ana ieer, or a treatment, or tea bag-like condition under the eyes. 1 package. BncKaciie. trequent urination or the "Anuric' pains and stiffness of the joints areVovery bv also often noticed. Dr. I'ierce says that ; drives the slee,dess!cV:rV j-'101'1'1 W Pnty of pure that it eliminates these os on" clean, trf. iiL'!m...h .m.cihi Tii! j u.u.. ' .u " v, v m our over-wonted .1... , lApriimim.iouT me poisonous uric acia thru theitions, and proven. ! Per;os as are past middle age it siea , e it fa in'Ve'li' ?'U I -e St., Salem.'oftea impossible to do tais ami lin, , , f,, .."," T.'." If1? .,0. V0Uf ol.l,H .re Jiut i ..,;. '.'..' .""V" " "'auc joints n . . -r ".". """ mure oacKactie or it i7tv nuyi .lining, i,ilisiii Ull JvinilS Ot 111 in for a full ceuts for a trial is a recent scientific dis Dr. Pierce. "Anuric" uric acid out of vour bodv. resume their normal func- .liist a few dnV treatment now and be convinced! spells. Try .it Always Watch This Ad Changes Often Strictlj correct weight, tquw. 11 aad liigBMt price, for HI kind, of juu., -...yuuwr, omee ana rurs. I py 2c p eId wcona atna laccbators. All kindj i uououigj). aoofing paper t2l linoleum. H. Steinback Junk Co. The Hona of Half Million Bargain eorrn;ate4 teconj hand m :