Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 15, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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491 N, Cottage.
Rate per word New Toifay:
Each insertion, per word lc
One week (6 insertiens), per word....5c
One month (20 insertions) per word 17c
The Capital Oeurnni will not be re-
FOR RENX SIGNS For tale, it
ital Journal office.
tf TWO COWS For sale. Ward K.
unison. 2303 N. Front.
tf qiousiblo fof more than one insertion J
Prominent State Officials Also
i Plan Trip On Business
and Pleasure
for errors in Classified Advertisements, j
Read your advertisement tha first day
it appears and notify ua immediately I
tOR SALE Or trade for wood, gaso
line engine. Phone 451. tf
f it contains an error.
Minimum charge, 15c.
GOOD Furnished house to rent
in. Phone Main 4 or 47.
PnONE 937 Vor wood saw.
i: "
it. ... .... j ' 1 ' . .... ' ; -. ' .;. . ,r-"i"' u w ij us uv u -j j l,i ja lii .u. -r . j ,' i i
2 Distinctive Packages
O in the convenient OPS
Din the flexible 1 C3
Vest Pocket Package I J
Manufactured by RUTI.F.R BUTI.ER BRANCH
Makers ofhigli-grade Turkish cigarettes only
Watching the Scoreboard
Pacific Coast League Standings
W. L. JVt.
Vernon 41 . .li'Jl
i.s Angeles :i7 :io .ri.")'.'
H:iu Francisco .'IS ;il .5.11
Portland 27 30 .471
Salt Lake 2l 34 .433
Oiiijnml 20 4.1 ,3li(i
Yesterday's Results
At Portland 5, Vernon 7.
At Oakland 1, Suit Lake .1.1.
At 1. 08 Angeles I, Sail Francisco -.
Willi the olil banner " Isli kubib
nt the masthead, tin frequently
irtr M'iliii',l Oaks were again destroyed
vesterdav l' the euouiv battle Suit
J, ii lie.
As till1 Oaklanilish vessel imotir
ed hcucuth the wnves under the weight
of n 111 tn 2 more, the crew sang the
touching ballad. "Oh, we tire netting
used to it now," according to reports
ioiu Recreation park.
live Higgiiibothiiin made his first
liow to Sun Francisco faus iu Oakland
216 N. Commercial St.
Nothing. Tlu M;i i ill gathered -I hits
off him. lie in very popular with the
l.'tnli Iniyn.
Spider llatim liurled linns n round
'he Ael butlers in I.o.i Aiifjelet a ad
took a i! to 1 anie for the honor of
San l'laneiHio.
A single by 1'ete Daley niul a louj;
fly by loane in the lust, eanto at
roe' land gave Vernon two runs and
let the li'.'teis boat Portland seven to
It wan see saw all the way, but
Vernon luckily ehanced to be ahead
wheu the ninth round wns l'inisued.
Yesterday 'h hero iu the liig leasues
was N'eiholf, of the I'liillies, wkose
hi n. i r imled n 12 inuiiij; piti liiug duel
between Kixep' ami .lai'tibs.
Lavender of the Cubs, was rijjlit. on
the job as n (limit killer, lie blanked
tJie Metirawites four to 0, allowing
only one kit, one by llenny Kauff. Du
the otiier hand Christy Mathewson waj
touehod up for nine blows.
Seven errors by the Cardinals ex
plains their defeat by the Dodgers. I
M;M'e staved off defeat for the
llraiM when ho cut off a triple iu
the twelth by grubbing Mollwit. liner
with his bare hand. And then he won
the game from the Reds with a doVble
scoring Suoilginss in Host oil's half.
The Oiants lone hit may prove n
costlv one. Iu beating the throw
which spoiled Jimmy Lavender's
chances for no hit honors, Iteiiuy
Kauff sprung n ohnrloy horse and hud
o fcne way to liousch.
Helps you up
"On High"
ilte Gasoline of Quality
pun the "hop" into your car, gives you th
quick "gft-away", and the "pick-up" on tht
hill.. It's became Red Crown is the unmixed,
refinery pis, with extra power in every drop.
At dralen even where and at our Sl'.RV ICH
Standard Oil Company
Today make tlic acquaintance of
these unusual Turkish Cigarettes and
discover why La Marquise is preferred
above all other brands by the most
critical smokers on the Pacific Coast.
No cigarette has ever surpassed La
Marquise in exquisite mildness. None
has ever duplicated that smooth, rich,
mellow flavor. In every point of Turk
ish Quality La Marquise is supreme.
Portland Street Car
System Operated at
Loss Says Campbell
it:... it..... i.... l i..:i. ...... t:..i.l .
it." iv,iii..ii, i.igm .
l'owei coiniany, if conditions do not I
chaii- K for the heller, will be cnin-i
polled in a short time to come to the
public utilities u ii'inission for relief."
This is the opinion of Thomas K.
Cumplt'l, member of the public util
ities commission, fccording to the Port
land Journal.
Tlu commissi 1 1 since has been
mal.iiif. an inves'igation into the val-
Il!l1iill-S Ol' flirt dti-iil viiKv.it. nmiii.iinv
end or- Snturlay next will hand dowui
its piiiiminnry i nuings ninue as a
result cf this three year investigation.
Result of Investigation.
It was during ti discussion regard
ing the promulgation of these 'findings
that .Mr. Campbell made his .statement
leni ilinj, the mnipauy.
"I am not s(iikiiig for the com
uiisi.r. " M'. Campbell said. "Hut
1 n,u telliiifj the results of the infor
mation I have gi ined from a three
year study of the situation.
"t I'm holding va brief for the Port
land Railway, Light & Power com
pany, but I niu pimply stating condi
tions as they exist. The compauy is
givil (v ns good, or better, service, than
any similar co'no.iny in the l.'nited
Jitneys Tako $1,500 a DaT.
You can ride IS miles for a nickel
and the neo-ile o ..rihiii.t I.......
getiii.g that service for the past year
or mine, forii'shed to them at a loss
by tho eoni'iaiiy. Jitney competition
is cjsting th. c.mpany 1,500 a day,
taken from the cream of the coin
puuv'K busiii-ss. Light, and power
couiuetition is takin;; the cream of
mat riassiro'iui; n o the cuiimanv
servu " our or iu.' ilowntown district. uur'-1'-- uitnoi',U there are very few
Twenty cents out of every dollar ofil"rsul18 that realize this, because, the
grosj roceipts earned by the compauy carburetors are so small and iuconspic
is iml.l to tha cil.v mid enmilv I uoin. '
nients for bridge tolls, street imnmve -
iurun ior uriue tons, street improve- '' require as careful adjustment
nient nssessraents and similar charges. ,no carburetor of a gasoline engine
Opcruto at Los. I'" outer to get the best results,
"tho city etlier ran not, or will not,' "W'J n"v a gas carburetor expert
regulate tho .iituey operation, with the for otpress purpose of adjusting
result that the tieain of the cloe.in OUT Mini outer 's artiliances ironikrK an
'rat' iv. is linud.ej by the jitney, which
f'llVS 1'U tolls fill bliili'Cd yl'r.w.r ..o.,
... .1. . "... ...
or gives no revcn.e to the city.
"Tho result of this is that the com
pany is, and linii been, operating at a
loss, even figired on the basis of val
until' ns allowed by the commission.
The outcome wii' be, in my opinion,
that the compauy will be' forced to
come lo the commission for relief."
Question Is Serious.
"Wjil that mean a readjustment of
transportation charges by the estab
lishment of one rates, or some other
plan;" Mr. Camolell was asked.
"T do not know," he answered.
"Tin! is a q icstien for the future, and
a sc. ieus one. I. would be a serious
slep t charge more than five cent
lor street car fare from the suburban
districi.i of the city. It would menu
a serious depreciation of property
vtiluis lulsido the five cent tone and
great loss to the people who have
purehtiiird property iu those districts."
Give Findings Saturday.
"I d. not want to hazard a state
ment of what tuny come in the future.
I u:n only stut;U"- what apnea rs to
me to be the f'li'ts, from knowledge
gaiui'l from the investigations that
giuucii irom me investi
'lliv Ji'st 'been coueluded."
T,,t' comniUsio:, will a
niiunitn.A !lu
findiin;s in tue valuation investiga-
nun oii.uruiav.
Gas Company Is Seeking
Co-Operation of Customers
Mr. YV. M. Huiiiiltou, manager of the
Salem Cos w..rks of the Portland Rail
way, Light & Power compauy, stated
the lollowiug in n interview with a
Capi'n! Journal reporter:
"We endeavor to give the very best
g;is si i vice possible. The quality of our
gas i' of the ery highest as shown bv
scientific tests, which shows that the
uver:'L'0 hcatin:' rilnp of nm- n.w u wwll
above i;i)0 Hnti,h Thermal "units per
cum' uot ol ;;as which is the standard
established by mi si all authorities for
coal gas such iu v.e make.
" However, i he quality of the gas is
uot the only iaitji iu gas service, aud
although the f,as may be of tho very
best, the conscru-r may not get satis
factory service out of it, for the follow
ing reasons:
"As all users n( .iiilnnii.l.il.ij br.n.
the best gasoline i.ill develop but very
'i,,'n ff'Wer in an :.utoaiobile engine un
less it is prop'ily mixed with air in the
earbjictor, ind that the carburetor
must to properly ad justed to insure
Correct mixture of nnsnllna nn.l air
' the same principal holds true iu
most (-as nppliau. cH Snch as ninges, hot
platey, hot cuter lientnis
j "Tiuit; is to say, nearly all gas ap-
......... -i. u,iib u ii.ruuretor on each
1 "TI.ese
th.l1- l,.,w ....II - . .. .. .'.
mar t'iev wi n i.ii
mak.i uo cha-ge for makiug such ad
justn cut., as v.e realize that 'A sat
istiel custom, r is the best adver
tisement.' "If the i'Linn ..r a l . .
. " ft"" aiue, mil
Phi c, uater neater, or Las ai.olinn...,
burin with n ,,,i
or yellow color., it I
ineinis that thv oa. ,') ... i...
. " ill-) U"
ing priperly ni,.',l i tu, earbiiivtor
aud that theiefo the GAS Is BEING
WASTED, and that the consumer is not
getting as mm h 1 eat out of it, as he or
she should get.
" We are always glad to 1. am of such
cases so that we mm- make the neces
sary rdjustmenls and enable the con
sumi-r to get more satisl'actoiy service.
"II mover, we HU never learn of all
such ca.-es unless the consumers tell us
nf thr. and we earnestly solicit their
co-operation in .) matter to the ex
tent of notify! IT,- us when the above
Responding to many iuvitalions from
friends in southwe-.t Oregon, and those
in ihiiisje of tint celebrations which
will mark the completion of the new
railrrad to M 'rshf eld and North Rend,
(iov.rnor Withy-combe has decided to
make a brief t ri, into Coos and Curry
couuti", probjbly about the middle of
August. It is imw planned by the
Marsl .-field and Xi'th Uend committees
to h'jld their railroad celebration
Augo; 1 7 -1 11 . There will also be an
agate carnival ct Port Orford. in Cur
ry county, just prior to those dates.
The governor nud his party, in addition
to participating' in these events, will
ma:!-'! an effort to reach the larger com-1
nullities of tin two counties.
The iish an 1 "nnie commission has
already contemplated a trip to the Coos
Hay C(."utry nuJ the meinbers will now
arrange to inak. the trip in conjimc
tion vith the governor's. A number of
mntti'.'s pertaining to the work of the
com-.v'isiou in that territory involving
the u's:ible esial.l,''hment of a hntchery
and also in connection with cuaimereial
fishin;;, have been placed before the
cnmni:;iou members recently. Local
people have b'n urging personal inves
tigation, nut this will be made in
It i- probable also that Adjutant
Ueiieiul Oeorge A White will nccom
pauy the govevui.r. The adjutant gen
eral i lookins; i:,to the possibilities of
establishing u ne-.v military unit of the
Xat'fiii.ii Guard if: Coos county.
Stayton News
(Capital Journal Special Service) j
Stayton. Dr., June LI. A very pleas
ant surprise (.arty was held Tuesday
of this week nt the C. K. Read home
southeast of Aumsville in honor of C
K. Rend.
It waspliiniied to have this spr
prise last Kebruary in honor of his
SO th birthday, but" due to the sickness
of friends it. was postponed. Sevenk'
were deprived of attending even this
time on account of sickness. John
Lewis, of near Aumsville, after plrn
ning and sending out the invitations
to Mr. Read's many friends and ac
quaintances, was deprived of attend
ing on account of being on the Wck
Mi- Rend hml gone to bed on ac
count of not feeling very well and
was unaware of the guests coming un
til nearly all of tiiem had arrived when
his wife informed that friends were
there to see him. lie arose and greet
ed the people and seemed to enjoy the
rest or tne day immensely.
At. the noon hour the guests were
seated about the banquet tables laden
with gtiod things. Thus seated about
the tables the guests id host enjoved
'themselves feasting and chatting,
drinking in tho fellowship and spirit
of the occasion.
Late in the afternoon all bade their
host goodbye and departed for theii
homes feeling that if tney ever met on
such an occasion again it would be be
cause of the providence of God.
1 Those present were: Mesdaraea V.
V.. Thomas, Prank Rutin, Claud Boone,
H. C. Porter, II. ('. Von rehren, M.
Chambers, Roy Porter, W. K. Winslow,
Mayro McKinney, Farlev, G. A. G.
Moore, lien Robinson, Ed McKinney,
Abnei- Lewis, Mary Howd, John Dar
by, Perry Darby, Sullie Miller, Sarah
Cromwell, Tannic Rail, Lloyd Read
Grandma McKinney, C. K. Rend, R.
U Putnam; Messrs. W. E. Thomas,
Claud llooue, li. C. Porter, 11. U. Von
llehieu, Roy Porter, W. K Winslow, G.
A. 0. Moore, lion Robinson, Kd Mc
Kinney, Abiier Ijwis, Joim Darby,
Perry Darby, C. K. Read, Geo. Read
Marry Porter, Chas. Porter, Sid Por
tor, R. L, Putnam; Misses Mamie Von
liehreu, Grneo on Hchren, Rosa. Wins
low, Anna McKinnev, Retta Rahn, Vi
obi Read, Le-nore Putua.m, Pauline Rei-
boldl; -Masters Kenneth and Harold
Porter, Jflbert Winslow, Wm. and
Crawford Darby, Herbert Read, Rex
Joe Koriuek, who recently sold his
interest in the hardware fTVm of Kur
inek & Meilke to Mr. Meilke, intends
to go to Portland to live provided he
can sell his home here. His brothers
want him to come herer and take
charge of the labeling department, of
their veterinary medical establishment
West Monday is the school election
day. There is one director to be chos
en and a clerk.' Also the patrons of
the district will Ik required to vote
an a school tax in order to raise the
money for the maiutcnaucc of the
J. R. Gardner has been tearing down
his old building next to his place of
business. It had become such an old
fire trap that insurance companies
would uot take insurance on buildings
near by only at a very hig'n premium.
Some day we hope to see a new build
ing there.
The new Young building Is rapUUy
ncaring completion. This new build
ing will add greatly to the lfloks of the
main street of Stnytoi.
(Contiuued from Taj;i Three.)
as a "poor show" by visitors. But j
under plans considered just prior to
the convention opening today, all
thought of a hoodoo in nominating ou
Friday was set aside. It. might be
added', incidentally that this was an
other instance of Wilsonian domina
tion, since the president let it be
known that Vridav had nlwav been
couditi.ins exist in their appliances.
' A phone mes-rge to 30 or 3 is all
that i ticccssurv."
HARRY Windowcleancr. Phone 708.
PARTXL'lt WANTKI Salem Garage.l
june21 1
WIIKKL CHAIR For sal,.. Call 21111 j
M. junel7i
FOR SALE Fresh Jersev cow. Phone
2:102-W-4. tf
WAXTKD Second hand check protec
tor. J-27li. , junclti
Trading Was Light
Prices Shading Off
New York, June 1.1. The New York
Evening Sun's financial review today
Pronounced heaviness in Anglo
French bonds was an interesting if not
the most important feature in the slot'k
market today. There was nothing in
the overnight news or in the known
developments during the session to ac
count for the action selling which car
ried the securities dowu half a point
from 95 3-4 to 9.1 1-4 with only n mod
erate recovery, but financial interests
found a fairly satisfying explanation
in the widespread rumors regarding the
possibility of another largo English
loan, coupled with the impending nego
tiations for a French credit of $100,
000,000. First prices were but slightly changed
in either direction and while the un
dertone was strong speculative im
pulse was lacking. In the abseuce of
any fresh public buying dealing con
tinued largely professional.
United States Steel ruled strong at
n fraction improvement, but the same
issue displayed no grct vitality and
there was a pronounced decrease in ac
tivity as the session progressed.
Trading in Wall Street was limited
to narrow movements in special issues
iu the late afternoon. Steel common
was strong while railways were heavy,
though extremely dull.
The warm dry weather now prevail
ing is making hops grow rapidly and
is tending to keep down lice and other
vermin. Growers in the vicinity of
Eugene are giving their hop fields
thorough cultivation, and in soipo cases
are going over the yeards to train up
stray vines which had not taken hold
of the wires. The vines have nil reach
ed the cross wires and arc spreading
out nicely. Eugene Guard.
his "lucky dav."
The only thing which President Wil
son left t the convention on its own
hook was to write the minor planks of
the platform. The "draft" which
Secretary of War linker carried, it be
came known today, carried merely thej
president s wishes in the matter ot
the wording of the principal planks
those on Americanism, national de
fense, foreign relations and the other
really big issues. It is up to the reso
lutions committee to work out the
minor platform declarations. A ut
cominittee set to work early today to
draft those plunks. They will report
to the full committee this afternoon.
A Rare Political Event
Old timers in democratic ranks re
called today that if Marshall is re
nominated and there was a generally
conceded bn'.ief he would be it will
be an act almost unique lu conventions,
fn onlv one or two instances hereto
fore, have vice presidents been re
named. Political expediency hereto
fore has directed that the running
mate job be switched. Hut political
expediency this vear dictates that et
fort be made to offset the republican
bid for Indiana's electoral vote made
iu the naming of Fairbanks for vice
president, by renominating .Marshall
another lndiunan.
From indications today, Mars'.iall's
name will be the only one submitted
to the convention ns a vice presiden
tial candidate. Illinois boosters for
Roger Sullivan practically decided not
to suggest their "favorite son" as a
nominee and the Missouri delegation
is expected to follow suit in deciding
not to present Governor Major's name.
This would leave, as Marshall s oniv
opponent, John H. Morehead of Ne
braska, who has all along been consid
ered out oi the running.
The retiring national chairman, Wil
liam F. McCombs. today asked J resi
dent Wilson to indicate his choice of
a campaign manager by Friday." All
the discussion among democrats today
was that Homer S. Cummings of (on
ueetkut, president vice chairman,
would lie elevated to the chairmansini
Will Name Gerard.
St. Louis, Mo., June 13. The New
I York delegation this afternoon decided
j to cast its ninety votes for .fames E.
'.Gerard, American ambassador to Ber
lin for vice president when the ballot
is taken. The vote will lie purely as a
compliment to the ambassador.
Carter Glass for Secretary. .
St. Louis. Mo.. June 1.1. Representa
tive Carter Glass, of Virginia, accord
ing to reliable information here this
afternoon, is to be secretary of the
democratic national committee. His
selection, it was said, would closely
follow formal announcement of the
choice of Vance McCormick as chair
man of the committee.
Wedding Announcements, In-
Titations, and Calling Cards
printed to your order at the
Capital Journal job office.
Phone 81.
CHOICE Fresh cow for sale. J. W.
Bellamy, Fruitliind, Or. june20
FOR RENT Reasonable, ti room mod
ern oungaiow, 2:4o Lee street, jelj
30 LOGANBERRY Pickers wanted,
campers preferred. Phono,)2P3. jelo
WANTED Middle aged woman foe
general house work. Phone 0F3. jolU
FOR, SALF. Underwood typewriter.
Call 2lti N. Coin'l St. or phono illiS.
junc 17
PURE Whale oil soap for hop spray
for sale at the Cupital Soap Works.
FOR SALE Gold tfoin eeed potatoes,
price 40c per bushel, Phone 97F11.
FOR SALE Ono Sandwich hay prsss;
ono Russcl engine. E. A. Johnson, K".
9- jnncl7
FOR SALE Poney for sale or will
trade for buggy. J. II, Arnold, K. 7.
HARRY Real window cleaner, floor
waxcr, chimney sweep. Phone 1041.
KEITH HOTEIv Will discontinue
meals until after thev warm wcath-
FURNISHED rooms and .housekeeping
appartments, rates reasonable, cloeei
la, 10 Court tl
FURNISHED 5 room house, 1-2 block
"iim. sr. v., oa iortn Cottage..
Phone 1391. junelG
FOR SALE Six Barred Rock hens
and rooster, also six weeks old chix
Phone 2304-J-4. junelo
WANTED Cascara bark, highest cash
price. Call or write Frjs Drug store,
Salem, Oregon. - july3
TWO NICE Cottages for lent liy the
montn or season at -Newport. G. W.
Johnson iCo. tf
FOR SALE 1912 Buick roadster in
. good mechanical condition, a snap.
Hulvorsen & Burns. juno22
A LADY Wishes to sell her solitare
diamond ring at a sacrifice. Address)
R. J. care Journal. junetS
FOR SALE Wild Mallard ducks for
decoys. Phone 120 1-J, or call 319
Leslie St., Salem, Or. junclti
WANTED At 1737 Chetmckcta St.
an elderly lady to Co light house
work for two persons. junel7
TOR All kinds of awnirigs for house
or store, see Conrad Dillman for
prices. 2011 Maple -Ave. juncl7
200 LOGANBERRY Pickers wanted
good camp grounds nnd water.
Phone 41F24, L. II. Roberts. tf
WANTED 4 loganberry pickers 1-8
milu west of Salem Heights hall.
Phone 02F12. J. A. McClain. junc 15
15 LOGANBERRY Pickers wanted.
2 miles east of Brooks. W. W. ami
Archie Lander, Salem R. 9. june2l
FOR SALE 200 acres at Lyle, Wash,
will consider some trade on clear
property. August Rauch, Salem, Or.
june 17
FOB SALE 18 acres, good terms, 1
in crops and fruit, fair buildings,
best soil. W. W. Lander, Salem R.
9. junelS
TOE SALE 3V4 hilf truck Studebaker
wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon,
cordwood or stompage. 2788 Leo.
Phone J323-J. tf
FOB RENT Business block room, size
18x80 feet 467 State street. In
quire at 463 State. Those, 1009.
Maurice Klinger. - tf
paying business, hew, in good
condition. J. A. Houston, Beuna Vis'
ta, Polk county, Oregon, junel9
WANTED From 14 to 300 cords of
white Fir, must be clcse to S. P.
track or branch track. Phone 7'iPll
X. Henningsen, Rt. 3, box 2.12. jeL
WAITED Two or , three good young;
cows. Grado Durham and Holstein
or Durham and Guernseys preferred.
Write giving description', box 37, Sa
lem, Or. or phone 127. , tf
AM Taking orders for summer and
fall delivery of wood. I will give
lower price now than I will later ia
the season. John II. Scott, phono 234
After office hours, 622. june20
FOR SALE-Nine acres 4 miles from.
Eugeue, in crop, good buildings, tele
phone, near school, a bargain, term.
Particulars, address owner B. Lb
Henti, R. 1, Eugene, Ore. junelS
FOR SALE At bargain prices, on
iiuj lauuurj mangie uu incnes, siora
shelving, two teams and Shetland
pony, 2 double buggies, one sing
buggy. H. Steinboek, 302 N. Coml
Phtv 808. tf
WANTED To lease with option to
purchase, improved farm. 13 acre
or more wit'nin 10 mites of Salem, on
good road Give full particulars in
first letter stating location, price,
terms, class of soil, building", water,
distance from school L. A. Grote,
Salem. juneU