THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 15. 1910. FIVE Perfect Health l5 EveryVYoman'sBrrthright A Prescription Tiul from Girlhood to Old Age Has Been a Blessing to Womanhood. When a yirl becomes a woman, when a woman becomes a mother, when a woman passes through the changes of middle life, are the three periods of life when health and strength are most needed to withstand the pain and distress often caused by severe organic disturbances. t At these critical times women are est fortified by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, an old remedy of proved worth that keeps the entire female system perfectly regulated and in excellent condition. Hfntliprfl if mir A nin'it.. lack ambition; are troubled with S aches, lassitude and are pale and sick ly, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is just what they need to surely bring the bloom of health to their cheeks and make them strong and healthy. For all diseases peculiar to woman, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a powerful restorative. During the last 50 years it hra banished from the lives of tens of thousands of women the pain, worry, misery aud distress caused by irregularities and diseases of a lenunine cnaracter. If you are a sufferer, it vour Aaxmh. ter, mother, sister need help get Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription in liquid or tablet form from any medicine ffRier to-day. Then address Doctor Vierce, Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y itlft rrdt vtt,,1....t:..l , - - - K tonnueniiai medical auvice entirely free. You can also obtain a book on woman's diseases, sent. free. Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate and in. Wgorate stomach, liver and bowels. Keep the body clean inside as well as outside. Fruitland News (Capital Journal Special Service.') frail 'land, Ore., June I I. Mrs. John V. Smith and sun. Henry, went to Ma - lion hut week to stay with Mr. Smith, who was taken to his daughter, Mrs. Miller. .Miss Wilcla Sieinnund. from Salem, is spending a few davs with her friend, ' Slate 's Attorney Kalph J. Dadv, prose- We're not here long, so let's make M.iss Grace Bakers. " I eutor of Will Orpet, will tiike the stand ",ir s,a' agreeable. Let us live well, HaiTV l.undeen and wife n re here for in Oi pet's trial to refute the testi- eat well, digest well, work well, sleep a few 'days visit with the Staudifer ! mon c of Josephine Davis, whom Dadv well, and look well. Wnnt a glorious family. " , j ?oiisidcrcd tl-c state's principal wit- condition to attain, and yet, how very Mr." I'lanignn and wife, from Salem, npsa but whose story of Marion Lam- easy it is if one will only adopt the were Sunday visitors at the Hammer j bort 's suicide threat proved a boom- morning inside bath, home. ' ernng to the prosecution. I r'olka who are accustomed to feel A large crowd attended the dance j Dadv said today he would be sworu 'I"1' and Heavy when they arise, split last Saturday evening at the cheese as a witness before the end of the ting headncne, stuffy from n cold, foul 'factory. - trial and repeat to the jury the storv tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach, Ojiite a number of Auburn people at-1 Josephine told him after Marion's '', instead, feel as fresh as a daisy traded the Sunday school last Sunday 'body was found under the Three Oaks, 1,v -opening the sluices of the system ulUth's nlnce. " !in Helms woods. In that storv. Dadv each morning and flushing out the -U. and Airs. I oison are staying with their son here for a short time. Mrs. Anna Girod attended the fu neral of her father-in-law at Quinaby last week. FOREST SERVICE NOTES. Portland, Or., June 14. t is esti mated that, there is enough waste from the sawmills of the South alone to pro "" duce twenty thousand tons of paper a day. Oiled paper has been found to bo an excellent material or packing tree seedlings, when shipped in ' crates. When crates are not used, paper-lined burlap makes a particularly satis factory wrapper. The value of livestock dying from disease on the National Forest ranges 0'n 1915 was less than $200,000. A ma jority of the cattlemen are now vac cinating their stock for blackleg, one of the chief loss-causing cattle diseases of the West, and thus preventing the serious Josses of the past. Because of the heavy snowfall last winter, Forest rangers found it neces sary this spring to remove two feet of enow from the Beaver Creek Nursery in Utah, so that the young trees might be uncovered by the tinio they were needed for spring planting on the Na tional Forests of that region. Part of the snow was taken off by uso of shovel and pick. By spreading a thin layer of fine soil over another part, the natural melting of t"h(j'now was hastened sufficiently to muke shovel ing unnecessary. ACCOUNTS TOR SALE "- The Snlem Business Men's League, ns - assignu', offers for salo to the highest bidder the following accounts. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids: Own. d by. Address. For. Amount. Many. Ed., Salem R. 9, drugs . .rl.I.o'5 iMnun-n .T v.. l.'!74 North Camtal. "f Salem, drugs Trester, Dave, 1W8 Norway, Sa lem, drugs Montgomery, C. H., Salem, R. rt, drugs "Whinncre, Sain, Independence, Ore , grocerios Frohnuuler, Chester, Salem, R. 8, groceries Horsey W. E., Amity, Ore., R..1, groceries Terry, Jos. A., Stayton, Ore., groceries Hess. John, alius John Romane, C'hemawa, Ore., groceries Hess, Luther, alias Luther, Ro mane, Salem, groceries Shaviluud, Henry, North Liberty street, Salem, merchandise . . . Tucker. Alvan, Aumsville, Ore., groceries Forrest J. M., Salem, Ore., i groceries 7.60 .1.33 4.05 50.20 3.43! 10.15 3S.73 2.90 1.75 1.75 7.05 I Taris, Mrs. J., R. 5, Salem, gYoctrics 0.O4 j Mason. Clarence, 3, Salem, groceries Miller J. Fay, 10.10 Junction City, Ore., groceries Monroe K., North Fourth, Stalcm, groceries I.umWn, Elmer, North High, Sa lem, clothing Abbott, W. 11., and Gust. Peter son, clothing 18.83 I I 3.0S I 2.00 3.G3j Houa'cy, J. B., Turner, Ore., twine -io Ward, M. M., Turner, Ore., twine 11.00 ' Keports from Europe tell of disturbances in llerlin and other Herman The-se accounts will be advertised un- cities around the newly instituted kitchens. According to the accounts til sold, at some price. Bids will be from the allied countries there were serious riots, (iermsn stories, how considered for any account or for all of ever, assert that the street kit' hens were merely exieriinentiil; that the peo them. Parties oving the accounts ad- pi wr not accustomed to them and naturally thronged about them in wmie vertised may settle the same by 'pay- contusion. Illustration shows crowd 'around street kitchen in (lennaii city, ing th amount owed to the secretary. I The siirn reads: "Municipal Kitchen Wagon. Warm iJimier, 3."i Pfennings SALEM BL'SLNKsfS MEN'S LEAGUE, a Portion.' L Will Testify As To Statements Made by Josephine Davis to Him Courtroom, Waukegan, 111., June 14. The contention of Will Orpet's defense that poison was found benoatb the fin ger I'Siils of Marion Lambert, indicat ing i.ho bad taken cyanide herself, was refused on the witness stand in Orpet's trial for Marion's murder today. Coroner J. L. Taylor, who conducted I the inquest over Marion's body, Josti- fied that there was a flakey white powder iiiMarion's hair, that every lit tue cevice of her right palm was 'filled with it, but that there was none beneath the finger nails. "Tlis powder, ".he said, "was ap parently irom the evaporation of linuuJ form of cyanide. The stains were such that indicated they might have been received by Marion brushing her hnnd across her mouth when in agony of death." Tayi'r declared his autonsv showed I Marion, at the time of her death was I Ilot 111 the-condition she was said to nuw: "There were no signs'of it," he tea- titled. laylor also revealed the fact ' that the glovo from Marion's right hand ' ...l 1...- 1 i .... j: 1 l i i when her body was found had been found and was in the state's posses sion. Counsel for the defense today asked Taylor if he had examined the gloves for traces of this white powder and re plied no. Th;ni Orpet 's father was called to the stand for a minute to identify an "ali!ii letter" written by Will. James rung, loreninn ot the coroner's jury that conducted the inquest, and William ; Marshall, who was with Frank Lambert, ! Marion 's father, when her body was found, were other witnesses today. I Courtroom. Waukcirnn. 111.. June li. declared today, Josephine said nothing of ceide threats but tried to fasten billing for Marion's death on Ornet. Raii.h Webster. Chieau-o chemist, whs to bo the principal witness torny. Lewis was to lay before the jury the tango of persons that figured in Ma- rion'u death and was said to be ready to testify that the cyanide of potas- sium found in her stomach could have been taken only in a liquid form. Sev- cral University of Wisconsin authori ties mc said to be ready to give the same testimony. It was learned today that the prosecu tion had suffered another blow imme diate;;.' following Josephine Davis' bomb shell testimony. A number of Madison witnesses counted on by the stnti to show that Orpet arranged a your breakfast the -water and phos cnroul alibi the day of Marion's death, prate is quietly extracting a large vol will not come to Waukegan to testify, it "me of water from the blood and get was stated. ting ready for a thorough flushing of 1 all the inside organs. A noted agriculturist was traveling The millions of people who nre through one of the southern states on a bothered with constipation, bilious lecture tour. One evening, after deliv- spells, stomach trouble; others who ering his lecture, he approached a griz- have sallow skins, blood disorders and zlcd farmer with the intention of start- sickly complexions are urged to get a ing a conversation on the betterment of quarter pound of .limestone phosphate crop conditions. from the -drug store. This will cost "Good evening, sir," said the agri- very little, but is sufficient to make culturist. anyone a pronounced crank on the Tho farmer regarded him doubtfully subject of inside-bathing before break for a mosicnt and then said abruptly, fast, "Tin can't learn me nothin.' I've done ' m 'wore out' two farms already." Ex. Bea4 Capital Journal Want Ads. BERLIN DENIES STREET KITCHEN RIOTS HAD SERIOUS MEANING '8 '1 i it "L I .''.. . . ' N t " GFR.MRN STREET KITCHEN Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. NEWPORT-NYE BEACH Automobile Passenger and Bag gage Transfer Furnished Tents and Cottages.... Correspondence Promptly Answered L. D. PICKENS, Box 274 DENVEK AND PBOHIBITION (Christian Science Monitor) Before Denver entered upon prohi bition, on Jan. 1, 191(i,. many of the most important "interests" of the city were duwucast. The gas and elec tric light company had predicted a drop of at least $13,0110 a month in re ceipts; instead, it showed a gain ot $10,000 in the very first month of dry- nesst The banks hud feared the change, but the first month of prnhi- bition saw '2000 names added to their list, of depositors and a eain of denos- its niroreirntine 7"0.000. So on through a long list. It is true that cerium lines or unaim-M wcit 11111 The pawnshops, for instance, never knew the times to be so dull. Start Tomorrow and Keep It Up Every Morning Get In the habit of drinking glass of hot water before breakfast wnoie oi me internal poisonous stag uant ma. ter. Everyone, whether ailing, sick . or well, should, each morning, before breakfast, drink a glass of real hot "iter wi, a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stomach, liver and bowels the previous 'lay's indigestible waste, sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleansing sweet- ening and purifying the entire aiimen tary canal before putting more food into the stonuvh. The action of hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach is wonderfully invigor ating. It cleans out all the sour fer mentations, gases, waste and acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast. While you lire enjoying fmf pan. iwwwwwmhii 3 a s 1 1- 4 K '1 J -ffi V 5 Situation In Mexico Is Such That Militia May Be Called at Any Time Washington, June 14. A call for state militia will "be the government's :nst steD should there be need for more troops on the border. This was the statement made at the war de partment today by a member of the army general staff. Outside of 10,000 men of the coast artillery corps not now on the border, there are on,ly 1,500 available regu lars in continental United States and 500 stationed in Alaska. The remain der of the United States regular army, about 40,000 men, is scattered at posts in Hawaii, the Philippines and the canal zone. While officials insisted today no special instructions have been sent head of the national guard to be in readiness for a call, it was admitted that officers in the division of militia affairs at the war department have for some days been working overtime iu an cttort to get. supplies and equip ment up to schedule allotment. Defy the Americans Columbus, N. M., June 14. Anti- American agitators have defied the ex peditionary forces, bv appearing in the repair camps south of Las I'nlomas nnd threatening the Mexican- laborers witnl death when the "gringoes" are driv en out. One agitator who worked i the ranks of the Mexicans has been ar rested, according to information here today. The rainv season has opened at Mamiquipa but shipments of supplies to the punitive expedition has not been j delayed Hurley New Head of Trade Commission EDWARD H.hHJRL.EY The federal trade commission hav ing decided to adopt tho practice of the interstate commerce commission with regard to tho chairman of the commission and obsctve annual rota tion in the election of its ciiairmnn, Edward N. Hurley was selected by vote as chairman to succeed Joseph E. Davies. The commission did not for- majly announce its new procedure, but the fact became known after a confer ence at tho white house between ox chairman Davies and President Wil son, idward N. Hurley has been a member of the federal trade commis sion, whose function Is the prevention of unfair methods of competition in commerce, since its organization. Very Lffective Method for Banishing Hairs (Modes of Toilay) At a very little cost any woman can rid her face of hairy growth if she will use the delatone treatment. This is made by mixing some water with a little powdered delatone. This paste is spread upon the hairy surface for 2 or 3 minutes, then rubbed off and the skin washed, when every trae of hair will have vanished. No harm results from tins treatment, but carj should be used to bnv real dclutone. If yon enjoy reading the Journal oc casionally you will be pleased to get it regularly only 45 cents per month at your door. STATE NEWS l Oregon City: Turning out between I three and five tons ot retined silica a day, Oregon's newest industry has started in business just beyond the I city limits, and is furnishing n large V.t, yf 1 'XLi .-., share of the material with which thof Seattle have written to W. J. Hills Icounty is constructing a mile of hard j this citv, that they will soon be j surface road between this place and TO,dy to in'stnll it. They also ask Mr. the Clackamas river. The enterprise Mills as to the facilities here lor ob is entirely a home affair, only Oregon taining woodwork and irouwoik, such Citv men being employed at the plant I , it will be necessary to find in s and Oregon City capital being all that I pin,,;,,,; mill or foundry. They sug is invested in it. The industry is the!,,,.,) the possibility that thew may uu outgrow-.n or rue discovery last ran of a deposit of at least 400,000 cubic yards of almost pure silica on the property of Charles I". Terrill. La Pine Tnter-.Mouiitnin A ledge of olivine andecite wns discovered lant week by Engineer Hiddcll. The deposit is of considerable commercial value as a building stone, and is the only known deposit, of its kind in central Oret'on. The Chamber of Commerce building in Portland is built of the same material. iHuir mmmiii ii iiiiTi i iimmib i i ii i II iiiw II u t-mmMxmmmtaPwtmi: tm? n mm 17 Kid LiU U v3 L-iLin LI A ft '.k--i M 1 VRSGLEVS Ghovj it s- every mcstt The natural cement like qualities of tho stone classes it among the best materials for crushed rock road con struction. Oregon City I'.'nterprise: The third visit of the state fish and game com mission's car, the liainbow, to Oregon City within a week will be made today, and again 177,000 salmon fry will be planted in the Willamette below the falls. With the two shipments already received this week, and put in the riv er under the direction of Deupty l-'ish Warden Jewell, the total number of fry planted this week reaches 53 1,000 The salnimi are from an inch to an inch and' a half long. Tiiey are brought here in 10 gallon cans, packed in ice and supplied with air by a pump. Few die on the trip. Oregon iry TCnierpiise: The tenth annual Oregon City rose show, which was originally scheduled for May 27, was set for next Wednesday, June I I, at a meeting of the Hose society Thursday night. A postponement, of tho show was necessary because of the lack of roses on the date first set. The West lmn rose show, which, too, has been postponed a time or two, will bo held next week. Hnturdny June 17, has been set us the date lor the an nual display across the river. Med ford Mail: A dredge that will handle .1000 yards of dirt a day known as a dry land drcgde will soon be installed on the Applcgate be low Huch on the Hay property. It will bo the first dry land dredge to bo operateil in this region. It may be packed up and carted to any district lesired. ( harles A. Hudson and sons. Icrtake to establish an important branch' of , their business in this city to handle the dredging operations in southern Oregon and northern Califor nia. Oswego, Ore.: The first dim was built across the month of Oswego lake III 1M."0, by A. A. Dunham, who erected a sawmill near the site tho same year. Mr, I Mi n Ini m nun! quite a success in the lumber himHictH the first vcur, but later lost heavily in that business,' is a happy companion. It adds to the joy of living for millions of people the world over.) After dining or smoking it sweetens the mouth, soothes the throat removes breath odors. Stimulate the flow of saliva help appetite and digestion cleanse mouth preserve teeth: this is the constant message of the Sprightly Spearmen. Send for their free book in hand some colors good cheer for young and old. Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co.; 1609 Kesner Building, Chicago. .VRIGI.EY& flavors IIIi j : iH j ZZ? Sealed tight kept right fSg ' WRAPPED A-1 P A N'CHEWING GUM W bis dam being carried away by wafer. He rebuilt the same immediately, con tinuing in the lumber business until about 1H0.1, at which time ho sold to .7. (J. Trullingcr, who platted tre town of Osweko in 180(1. Trullingcr sold water rights to the Oregon Iron company for the purpose of ruiinin'r an iron smelter at the outlet of the lake, on tho bank of tho Willamette river. .vledl'ord Sun: Smudging was gener al anil heavy throughout the Koguc liiver valley Thursilay morning and tho sky was hazy willl snioko from thousands of .smudge pots. The early sun was red, ami the soot soon settled over the city, causing no halm to house wives ami merchants. The smudging began about 'i o'clock, and by 3 it and settled over tilio 'clv, dimming tho street lights. As far as reports show, there was little diimngo to the fruit, where crude oil was used to combat Jack frost. ' An effort is being mado by the Port land Hod and (inn club to do away with seining on the Willamette below The Nation's Favorite T3 .JJ) There Is si mmnm M ' . "' V tmi-m '-I rmmm V ' - Em? I ( owj' .5 mmmm - Sco iwrj mush bettor you . will foci- Oregon City, in order to matin rod" and line fishing worth whilo and Hi us? encourage sportsmen to conic to Onj. gon. t Today's Aid To Reaufy An especially fine shampoo for litis weather, ono that dissolves and en tirely removes all dandruff, excess oi f and dirt, cnii easily be niadii at tri fling expense by simply dissolving1 a teaspoonful of canthrox in a cup of hot water. Pour slowly on scnlp and masHiign briskly. This creates a sooth ing, cooling lather. Rinsing leave tho scnlp spotlessly clean, soft and pliant, tthilo the b Hi r takes on tho glos sy richness of natural color, also it fluffinevs which makes it. seem mucin heavier than it. is. After a cinithrn shampoo arranging tho hair is u pleasure. sot No Better Not