Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 15, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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New White Boots for Women
Just in
A splendid new number in white Reignskin eight inch boot,
lace style, plain toe, white covered heel, an excellent value,
Priced at J4.00
A splendid assortment of new Colored Kid Boots in various com
binations. The very newest in Footwear Fashions Come and
view them.
Summer Clearance Prices on
All Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Women's and Misses' Bathing Suits and Caps
Its a Cool Head That Weares a Straw
You'll enjoy real head comfort under one of these Straw Hats all the new shapes
to suit all tastes from straws to panamas. Priced at
$2.00 to $5.00
All Around Town
June 115. Klks' annual home
coming; celebration at arm
ory. :s
June 10. Sacred Henrt Acad
emy commencement exercises.
June 17. Waldo Hills pioneer
picnic, homo Of Mrs. John R.
June 17. I). A. H. and S. A. R.
unserve Bunker Hill day pub
he library, H p. in. Public, in.
June 19. School board election.
Juno 24. Moose day in Salem.
Juno 25. German Lutheran
church picnic at Slate Fair
Juno 2S Close of voting con
test for Queen of Cherry Fuir,
9 p. m.
July 3 All Oregoa Gtango ful
ly, Halem.
July 3. Annual Cherry fair.
duly 4. Fourth of July cele
bration, Stale Fair grounds.
July 4. Indiana society annual
picnic, at State Fair grounds.
July 12-1S. Sulem Chautauqua.
July 20 Wisconsin society re
union lit State fair, grounds.
.Tidy 20. Southern Pacific rail
way men's pichic, State Fair
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glasee
ri correctly. U. 8. Bank. Bld0'.
Mrs. K A. llriggs of the local W.
1.'. C. is in Kugene attending the nil
xiual encampment and visiting her
daughter, Mrs. K. T. Albert.
W can lava you money on garden
hose, Nelsot Bros. & Patton, plumbers,
S65 Ctomoketa St. Thoue 1900. tf
Th.6 Salvation army hold its annual
yie.nic yesterday at the fainr grounds.
Too children were taken to the
Crouod.s in automobiles by Messrs.
Atiston, O Johnson, A. B. Iliidelston
and 1). Mistier,
V. W. StMwer has tnirehafed the
Wsple Drove dairy also the Kaiser
View diiry and will run both under the
riMne of Maple Grore dairy with their
office at 1213 S. Com 'I. tf
Harry Chase and family and Joel
Hewitt will leae tomorrow for the
Val.imii (ountiy where they will visit
relatives. Mr. Chase and Mr. Hewitt
lull spend part of the stimnicr near
SenttU- where they are interested in a
in i ne.
The Woman' Auxiliary of St. Pauls
Kpiscopal church will meet on Fridav
afternoon June 1H at 2:.'t0 p. in. with
Mra. Oeorge Bingham, V:t)i and Mis
ion Sli. juuel.1
Club wheat was qtiotea at from 84 to
S3 ceuU in Portland yesterday and the
market was not especially stronk. On
the basia of from 8 to 10 cents iliffcr
ence betwen Salem and Portland on
amount of sack and freight charges.
the mule today are paying so cents,
Anyone desiring their name to p-
pear oa tie ballot for scnool dii
at the election to be held June 1J, wiil
nloai-e present their petitions to W
B, lurgtardt, Jr, clerk of school dm
trirl .No. 1M, at 3S5 State street on,,,Md the. Mnrshrield celebration to be
r before noon, Saturday, Juue 17.
"Salem's Big Department
Nothing Like a Good Swim for That Tired Feeling
When you buy your Bathing Suit, buy here from the
best collection in town an excellent assortment of
the season's newest styles and colors. Banning Suits
of real class at little prices.
J-.ec us nang your awiung now. E.jwitii or. William ( aldwell Posey,
I.. Stiff i, Son. i with whom lie studied in Vienna eight
F. B. Southwlck, recently elected di
rector of the Civic department of the
Commercial club has appointed ou 1
committee to act with him for the com
ing year, Fred K. Mnngis, II. B. Thiol
sea, O. if. Llliott and II. W. Hat. h.
A meeting will be held next week to
take up the various activities of the
Dance Woodburn armory hall, Sat
urday June 17th.
wiui the close of today, the month
of June has half passed awav and
tne weather man lias sent fourteen
clear days, with the wind in the north
excepting one. The onlv rainfall so
far recorded by the government's offi-:
eial gunge at the (. C. T. dock fell on 1
the second, but was onlv .0(1 of an itirh.
- 0
Make a saving on your refrigerator
and get free ice at K. U Stiff & Son.
At s meeting of the Cherrians this
evening, the invitation from McMinu-
vine to attend in a body the home
coming to be held in thnt'eitv Fridav,
June 2:1, will be presented. White il
is I n-bnblc that iln. Cherrians may not
be able to accept, it ' probable that
iiiurgeniei ts will be made whereby
the orgaiiixition will be well
scnte.l at .'i hoinecoinliij:.
Ask us about free ice with refriger
ators. K L. Stiff & Son.
II. O. Clancy, former physical in
structor at the Sulem high school has
accepted a position as traveling agent
for the .Northwest Fruit. Products com
pany. He has just returned from a
business trip to Seattle and will leave
in a few days for Los Angeles where
he will introduce " Loju ' and " Apl-
.in and other products ot the com
You will always be able to enter
tain with a Sonora Talking Machine.
Myrtle Knowlan.1, 421 Court- St.
The many friends of Charles L.
Koelsche, Sr., will be pleased to kuow
he is convalescing, after being dan
gerously ill with pneumonia, at his
home near McCoy. Mr. Koelsche is
well and favorably known here, being
a former resident, of Salem, and' a
prominent, lumberman of Washington
au.l British Columbia,
Wedding gifts, Mrs. Junk cliina will
be on sale at the studio, until further'
1 notice, 079 X. Cottage street.
State insurance commissioner Har
vey Wells and industrial accident com
missioner Carlo Abrnms left Salem to
day for Kugene where they will at
tend the annual encampment of the
Spanisii War Veterans. Both Mr.
Wells and Mr. Abratlis tasted the gay
life and the gory beef in the Philip
pines during the Spanish American
Special meeting of Salem
lodge No. 4, A. F. i A. M.
this evening. Work in the E.
A. degree. Visiting brethren
A letter recently received by the
secretary of the Cherrians from the
Southern Pacific officials states that
"ft'tc - across the I .npqua river will
hardly be finished before August 1
However, the Cherrians have alreadv
lined up quite a number who will at-
h'd the last week in July or early in
Our pricea are right, no reduction
I necessary. Gardner & Keene, jewelers
land opticians. "
i Dr. M. C. Findlcy will leave this
evening; lor an extended trii
. Xf e iM 'ire 'to WhIT '" "ncrete,, angel V ohris, im'the battlefield,
' r K. to lele , at the eele "P -ft- T" "l'iniate- K,Uh dead, and dying all about hi...
b Uion of h "t l er'V V Wrth hv T it k " those used on .,,e alh witu the roar of cannon, the
million or nis t.itlie.s S4 birthday Multnomah county piiving work o'f 1915 U,.,,.m f sbiin.nel the wail of the
at r:ij:uT z&sji tj 4s i, y-r and hlr !;is,lu.,.:d"
iiahe u i clinic wor e in rhi, m e nln.-i
years ago. Dr. findley expects to re
turn by the middle of August.
While others are reducing we are
increasing our stock. There's a Ja..
sob? ask us. Garrficr & Keene, jewel
ers and epticiane.
1 n
New crop of first plcWng teas Just
arrived. 1'lione in your order. The
tender leaves make u delicious ice tea.
Win. Gahlsdorf.
A country fair will be in full swav
",IM uvenmg in the Moose hall and
'bera will be no admission charue.
lair is ii.der tl.e manaaement of
ll i'nitdl .tisann ami the event has
I., en sciid.lii'id 1 rin-ipally for the
1 identall;
0 have :i good tin." and in
111 0 h 'mall t'tieo. While
'itc final disposition of the fund is
state secret, it iias beou whispered
1 ll"lt wil1 '' 'fed to advance the
i interest of a certain member of the
1 society in the contest for queen of the
M'hcrry fair. Tho young ladies of the
I-11 Area club will have chargo of the
booths, wherein unsuspecting citizens
may have the privilege of hearing
their fortune told nnd indulging in
home, made cake and the best of ice
Let us offer you suggestions on your
next improvement, we may be able to
save you money on building materials.
Falls City Salem Lumber Co., 1140 S. 12
Phone Sid.
The contract price for prunes this
week is li 1-2 cents. The market open
ed with a i! cent price, advanced hajf
a ceut a few days and now seems to
be holding at the li 1-2 cents, await
ing ileveloinnenls in the war tone.
Among buyers and packers, the opin
ion is expressed that the price uow
will depend on the prospects for peace.
If peace is declared by next fall, the
price will advance on account of the
opportunities ti ship to Kurope. With
a continuance of the war, the price
may fttll. One year ago the contract
market, price opened at ." cents and ad
vanced to i 1-2. More than an aver
age crop will be harvested this fall, ac
cording to the opinion of one buyer
who has returned from a week's travel
in the valley.
The Frame Shop and Oiftery an
nounces the arrival of a new and com
plete line of Fulper ware, the pottery
which received the highest award at
the P. I'. I. exposition. In the future
wo will be the only direct representa
tive of the factory in Salem and wijl
always offer an immense selection of
the most desirable pieces. Call at
41.1 Court street, the now- Moore bldg.
If the plans of the Commercial clubs;
of Pttllns ami Mc.Minin ille material-1
ie, an automobile loop wiU he sitg-
gesfed for one day auto tourists that
will include Portland, Kex-Tigardville
road to McMinnville, thence to Pal
las by way of Perrydale and from Dal
las to Salem and the Pacific. Highway
back to Portland. The total distance
01 the proposed loop is lis miles. The
Commercial club of Salem is usked to
do its one third in the expense which
will be nominal. Practically all of the
road 011
tho proposed loop has hern,
oiled and nil effort will be made
through Judge Bushey to have the Pa
cific Highway treated as far as the
county line. This will no tai.cn up at
the next meeting of the directors of
the Commercial club. The route as
now planned will take the uutomobil
i.sts in the Willamette valley on the
west side and a return to IVrtlunJ
will be made tluoujjh Jsaleui oa the
Experimental Road To Be
Built From Independence
Toward Salem
Til i rdcr ' to experiment with flip
cheapest nnc best pavement for Ore
yon, Slate Kngincer Lewis proposes to
construct one and one-half miles of
paveiA.nt on the Independence road
from Independence toward Salem tins
summer. The pnviiig dant is already in ,ln, jt evoked a trenien.liis demonstra-
position and v.'Jl lie rented at the rate .,; for the demorratie standard -:ir-.
of It cents per yard. Charles K. Spnuld- er (t ,v;ls n Hlml nt to "swap I
ing provided p. site for the plant f ree i .lors(,s w(,ile crossing a l.b.o.l.v I
of chtuge and V.) tons of asphalt have stream.'- mid a plea for recognition of!
been purchased at H.l'3 per ton. The ,he president "as a master diplomat "j
pavement will be Hi feet wide and will j alll . . iln,.oiiipii-ralile leader." worthy:
be laid upon the crushed rock bnseor- .iiant t ,rd in the book oi l
now in place. In order that no legal ; ,jslnrv for bis ii.diievements for pein e j
compl cations may arise from die work "-phe democratic partv is proud ot
Mr. Lewis has npked for an opinion K, a,.,ieveiiieiits of Woodrow WiJ
from Attorney General Brown relative )son -. he i.if,, ,.ls brought-pros-
to infringements on patented pave-1 .,.jty and plenty to imi.niili.iKni Amei
ments. licans. lie nas given work to everv
" Comparison of paving costs by.enn- Lining hand in the re.hihlic Kver'v
tract, in Oregnr with the cost of pav-1 tuiK-r has the full dinner ..ailfull to
ing it. other slates, particularly Call -
loin. u and W in-hington. and even with I .e Heviites himself." the Keii
isolalrj cost re(orcr from this state, in-! t,..i.m ,-0ii t i nutl, "to that lot'tv but
dieate that the present prices demanded i11(.v eniin -e occupied bv George I
by most of the paving firms are exorbi- WaAi ington, Abraliain Lincoln, iui.l 1
ant, .iiriicuinri" in tne caso or mill-;
nniii.i.s pavements. Before the state ,
enters into an extensive paving oam-.
pnign, 1 believe that a radical redue-j
tion in the cosl of paving should be,
ma. to, said Mr. I ewis in his report to
.... i,,t,....ii, i.
m, 2yZttrvV'l '!'?"' -
matiim about thi'. cost of laying bitu -
ininoiin (.avemeni:, and also to secure a
comiM-.son of the wearing finalities of
such l.avenients, I l.ronose to construct
this summer, under the direction of the'ime 'the court of God the nations ol
I state highway tomniissiun, about 1 l-2i,hjs ra,th shall march in the judgment!
line, in iiiuiJiiuni.s pavement near in-
depej.lence. This pavement will be
ln.l i.i-.i.ll.r tx.x .....-ln.l 1
, . , , . " r e""" '"""""yj'cainage, tins heartless orpiianing oi
', ..u.o (iTOii u.. ui luuuiiu-
turn, ami will be divided into three halt -
.....e vTiiLiiis. v f.n eacn ot wnic n l
propose to lay u different type of sur -
tare, "s follows;
1. 1 pon the first half mile, n two
rn.s consists of a 1-inch binder and
a 1 1-2-inch wcarir.g surface.
"2. t pon th-; second half-mile, a 2
in.'h bituminous eoncote too under
.pcii icaiioas ;.p rox.matcly identical i,i(m1 bespattered inonarchs of the old
with those used on the Multnomah conn- .,.,,,. j M,0 lm witll ,l,c white light
ty pivmg work of 1015 under the title (streaming upon his head and hear the
of nsp.-altic concrete Xo 1. ! Nr.,sl01. ! . ,,,css,.(, Bre ,he 'peace-'
J. ,1 I'"" tloMlnrd haU-nnlc,secli,,,i 1 f . slian ,,e ,-:llloa the
u - ne ii uniniiHoiis concrete nnteinent
winch i'. a composite of the two above
name I types, fhi.s will consist of
1 J -l-liieli e
oari mixed binder or cusli -
ion coat of aspballV composite Xo. 1, as i
iaia i.iuier trw Multnomah county .speci-ficntii-us,
and a l-J-inch wenring'suH'nce
approximately identical with the wear
ing smfnee of nspl.altic concrete Xo. 2,
as laid under the Multnomah county
specific ations.
"1 ilc not beii.n- (hat there are valid
patent claims cevcrinrr imv of tin...
three types of pnv, mcnt. I have reliable
infoni ation ,h,: any ,tf the three types
can ho laid at about half the cost de
manded by the patent pavement con
tractors for pavement of like thickness
The successful laying of these service
test pavement will do much to clarify
the atmosphere, end insure that in fu
ture paving wo.k, the state will get a
dollar's worth cf pavement for every
dollar expended. I also believe that
settling the divr-se claims regarding
patents, cost and quality by laying
these test secCons will do much to re-
rouiiuciirc or t ie till l ie nn. I
to tV.her I": cause of good roads injUllin v other citizen in a!
the st.de of Oregon." f I, ,.,lri;tiftll .,,,,,, wherev
rar.fi.' HiuLn nv u-;.i, ..:i.,.i 1.. I
the opinion was e vr,rese.l ;.; 1
of Portland's one day tourists would!
become better iic.pialnte.l with thej
Willamette allcv. ;
The Bey Harry E, Marshall is in the
city, resting a few days from his la
bors in the evangelistic field in Wash
ington. His next engagement will be
at -Newport.
Rev. F. T. Porter chairman of the
decorating committee for the one day
Cherry fair has been visiting business
men in regard to proper decorations
ot the store buildings and also appro
priate street desolations.
Miss Pearl Hendricks, who is em-1
ployed nt the Home restaurant-nnd heri
sister Miss .Marie Hendricks nt' Koiith
Salem left, for Marshfiel.l this alter-
noon on the receipt, of news of the in
cidental drowning of tiieir broth
l.cland Hendricks
The Salem Country club will send,
ix or seven golf players and three
or four tennis players to Kugene Sun
day for a visit with the Kugene Coun
try club. Several friendly match cm
will be played in both sports. The an
nouncement was received by F.'. O.
Immel in a letter from the- iip valley
organizntion, and more definite wore?
is expected later on iu the week.
Kugene Guard.
The agricultural cornmittee of Pomo
ua grange in session vesterday at the
Commercial club, decided to hold a
grange program at Marion square ou
the morning uf Monday July 3 at 10:J0
o'clock, followed by a big basket din
ner. In thu afternoon the granges
will take part in the parade, each
granite carry a banner. According to
the action recently taken bv the ( iier
rv lair committee on nannies, the
granges will be giveittlie p'ace of lion-,
or in nhe parade. lis rather in the way of a waiting stn-
o ition, nothing has been done tsr the lie
West Side Farmers' Week will be ! eommodntiou of truvufers. it'.i not
celebrated at -McM innv ille Jumc '.'l-lieven a bench as a resting place. Mr.
and a program has been prepared for-Soiithwick states in his letter that he
each dav aud eveninir. Commercial!
dubs from all the cities iu the willey'but just merely suggestive, hoping that
Address Is Classic, and Splen
did Tribute to Our Great
St. Louis, .hine 15. His voire burn-'
tnr with emotion. Senator Ollie .L!
.lames today eloquently tnl.1 the story;
of three years of democratic leadership j
ami lauded Woo.lrow Wilson as tnei
greatest American of present day his-1
tnry. j
It was the ,sepnilnry keynote speech
OI me neinoci-aiic coiiveimuii oen rien !
i... ,,f .in,.,,,.,,,,.,.', i.nze orators.
1 overflowing. I
Woodrow Wijsou, the three worst -
l , t , d but best beloved Americans the
ropnlilii- ever knew.
Has Struggled for Peace
neither bullies the weak nor
, fears the strong. Mexico. Knghind.!
iOeniianv and Austria, look alike i;n . - t t:n ri i" "4
;'". -i;,.u Ameri.a is involved. iieRussians Cut itiMod and Beautiful lacoranons an
1 nnyht l)V,.ri,l0k iiie wrong of tue weak,? I . . .
!... never the insult ot the stroii-. Hova komnuo CiVn.KrUo.M Pifvinhr fll-jfAl'V kP5ht!PC
I .oi.. .I...I for ne: Wl
Ui... i..-t u ,.n... I,... !
r,.view, the nionaivlis of the old world!
i shall have to answer for this awful.
' .... .. i
niillioiis of ctiil.lren; tins cruel wmow-i
1 : f .Millions of mothers, tins brutal
' .,.: ., h. ...I i..t,i i
j ,,lu.e ",f nioiirning, and' on that Inst
T ,.a SC(, UIM. president hoi, ling in
i.i' 1......1 .1,., ,.....,,ui ,,;,.t.i,-.. i.v n..,,.'.
these words. "And he said unto them
love one another,' When that .lay
shall come, who is it that would have
our president exchange places with the
hildreu of God.'
' ' With critics i
11 about, hjm, with
i.uf.i.M.'o .not streiu.tn a iK Ireal, tore-
L;i,f h.. h l.eot n nation at pence
with honor, lie has driven from the
control of the finances of the people
or this nation an oligarchy of wealth
and substituted in its stead a just gov
ernment, interested only in supplying
the legitimate business needs of the
country with sufficient currency to
meet its demands and requirements.
Eyes of the World On Him
11 It 1, "'.,..' t 1, mieoii rv In
L.iinHte him in a partisan .-onveution
I'litriotisin in this world crisis snoubl
rise above politics and all parties
should rejoice at an opportunity to
proclaim him the whoie hearted and
happy choice of a republic of peaceful
free men. And as we cannot afford
to swap horses while crossing 11 stream,
who would say that we ran afford to
swap horses while crossing a bloody
stream J So America cannot afford to
change 'leadership .luring this great
cataclysm that shakes the nations of
or Wooilrow vnson, more
all the world
er the rain
look anxiously, hopefully and I
'Prayerfully that he will t.ring pen e
to the struggling armies ot r.u.ope.
Want party is it now that would dare
to undertake to discredit tins master
diplomat, this lincoiiiiuernhle leader,
this great American, for by that you
may "palsy the hand that may write
the peace treaty of the world.''
James reviewed the record ot dc
niocra.v in glowing eloquence.
held more had been done for the navy
than in the eleven years of Roosevelt
and Taft. He matched Wilson as
worthv of the praise accorded Lincoln
and bitterly assailed the republican
tactics in the ship bill and other is
sues. hav e been inv ited 11 w everything has
already been arranged whereby the
visitors will be properly entertained.
Frank Iuvcy will represent the Salem
Commercial club and will deliver ani
address June 211. While the Cherrians!
will not attend in a body, it is prob-i
able t .nit several auto loads will be
driven over ou the -M,
The Elks will meet this evening at
S o clock at tne lo.lge room mm
marrh in a body to the auditorium tor
the gran.l Homecoming oauipiei
enterninment to foJlow. K. Cooke Pat-
ton and his committee have been com
pleting final arrangetr.riiis. A dinner
that really is a banquet will be served
as soon ns the brothers are seated and
during the responses to toasts. The
real eiitiTtainiiie.it of the evening will
begin with the vaudeville artists, im
ported especially by Mr. Bligh for ths
A letter was aaaressto wuj w
Superintendent Billingsley If- Frank j
It. Soiithwick, director of the Civic de-1
purtment of the Commercial club, call
in ir attention to the fact that many
people board the lhillas carat Twelttlu
and Marion streets, and that while it
Is not writinif ill a spirit of criticism
FRIDAY, JUNE 16, AT 1:30 P. M. Take Oak Street tar.
I solid otiarter
cut Oak Library
1 solid ipiarter rut Mission
Hound Kxteiision Tal.le
li solid quarter rut Mission
1 solid quarter rut Serving
1 solid (iiarter eut Mission
Buffet, all to match
1 solid quarter rut dak Princes
I solid (punter rut. Oak
t hit fonier
1 solid quarter rut Oak Hock
ing ( hair
1 Pren.-h I'late Glass Minor,
lsx-lli iti.h oak frame
1 rVeneh Mission Oak Uphol
stered Ko.ker
1 Upholstered Library Rocker
1 sewing Uorker
Oak I a ne Bottom Kitrhen
I hairs
Hoil.-rs. Tubs. Kitehen Utensils,
Hueking Horse, and other things too
Note- All the ubc.ve furniture is
ity. Anyone wishing good furniture should attend this sale, as every
thing will be sold absolutely without reserve to the highest bidder.
I'. X. WOODIiY. Auctioneer, .1. F. HEssLKR, -
Bhoiie oil Owner.
1 I tUIiuUc UuUlliliWm
at Their Mercy
retrogrnd, June 15. TV Rus-ian of-
i ,.
oncentrating just, north of
Czrri.ocit. in an effort to push tin- h
and cut off the ,l..feM.l..ru t .1...
owina. capital from Leu ber.' on tin
north, has succeeded, nccnrdinir to 11.1
official, though reliable reports re
ceived here.
The czar's soldiers have advanced
along the Pruth practically to the
gates of Ozernow itz and immediately
to the north of ir have taken several
points along the direct line of railroad
running toward Leinberg. the (nili.-inn
capital. Kolomen is the objective of
the north of O.ernowitz murk.
Should this town fall, Czernowitz
would be without direct rail .-:iininuni-cution
with Le.uberg, though it could
be munitioned and supplied with men
mini mere i.y sending incm on a wine.
ur,o, ,u ,e wes, .-v s-ircfSMU. orie
on ( zernowitz, with persistence 1,1 the
ottensne ininiedintely to the north
would for.-e the Austnans to the bitter
expedient of retreating through - the
Carpathians. Continuation of the at-
tacks in the region of Kovel nnd Leni-
berg arc reported to be without, how -
ever, the enormous gains of the first
several days of. he drive. Still other
aggressives are reported against the
German portion of the line north of
Pinsk. Hero the Russians have not
been so successful as in the south.
Germans Check Russians.
Berlt, by wireless, via Sayville, L.
I., June l.V Russian infantry attacks,
rolling forward in tni. K waves on me
Germans at Prziydoka and to the north!
have J.een repulsed witn heavy loss to
the Russians, according to the official
hend.piarters ' report of today.
In the Balkans the situation is un
changed, (n the west, front only a few
artillery and patrol engage incuts were
Tn..:c T.,,,. 1.". Tbe.-e were no in-
, ...''' , '. rn., e ,1,.,
Hllll.v HtliO rss .01 in... 1 ... ....
Inst night, said the official
I statcmcut of the French war office to
I day.
jn the Vosges a German detachment
(which atttempted to reach the French
I lines was repulsed.
HKTHKL In the city. June IX HMO,
George H. Bethel, in his dOth year.
The body was forwarded today by
Webb and I'louglito relatives at Han
dou. '
ULIXGKR At her home
street. Thursday. June 1-
l!Hd, Mrs.
Mary Banks Uliugcr,
in her 7Hlh
Besides her husband, Albert 'ding
er, she is survived by five sons and
one daughter: .1. H. Oliuger, I'r. It.
il. Oliuger and J. B. (Mii.ger of Sulem:
Anton (linger of Kverett. Wash.: lr.
B. C. Olinger of The Unlles. and Mrs.
Liln Ring of Portland.
Two sisters also survive, Mrs. Isate
iiln,. .,,,,1 Irs. u- t .les of I hi-
I ft hrllthor A w, n.,is ut'
The funeral s-ervi.-es will be held to-1
morrow afternoon from the home HOI ,
Mill street, at -i:'M o'eilock. The ser-,
vices will be conducted by the Kev.
Carl H. KUiott and burial w ill be in j
the Odd Fellows cemetery. J
Mis. (.linger was Ixr.i in Pittsburgh
Pa., un.l came to Snleru in ls7.".
I something mav be done for those who
j do their waiting at the Twelfth and!
Marion street corner. 1
Salem will be right on another auto
mobile loop, providing ujlans mature!
fs.r a irrand cirrutt' bee in-'
hlUi; lllu eiug .,t t.enver. a.-corduig
to a letter received today at the l om-
mercial club. A convention will be
culled in Yellowstone Park July Ct
a. el to discuss a national highway;
that, will leave Denver, taking n north!
westerly direction to ami through the-
1 etiow'sinne l arK, an. I thence to spo-
ktiue snd Scuttle. From this point tticl
1 Kitchen Cabinet
1 Axininister Rug, M2, green
and red pattern, as good as
1 Axininister Ru;.', S 1-2x10 1-2.
mottle pattern, as good as new
1 Axininister Rug 9x12
I Tapestry Kufr I'sl-
1 Axininister Mat
1 Propheu.l Sewing Machine
I 4-llole Stove
1 Good Heater, with extra large
feed base
1 Vermis Martin Bedstead
1 White Knaniel Bedstead '
2 Coil Springs
1 Uloss Mattress, extra good .
1 Wool-faced Mattress:
1 High Grade Folding Baby Car
riage, as good as new
1 Rubber Tired Velocipede, cow
1 Bieycle
Axe, Hake. Hoe, Wheelbarrow, Baby's
numerous to i
as good as new
and of high liuil-
; I cimuuv viuiutj 'vb.-v.
of Occasion
F"'- day w observed lit th.- Llk
lodge lust ev n- ni the regular ntunl-
' ,s'"' t"rm l'r,'l""' 1,ir 1111 AK orSun
i wit inn. The alti.r was banked with
. rose; and lilies, crowned with a cluster
! of vi dots and over till a bar studded
.' w ith 'I! stars. Louis I.achinund, exalted
: rule" j resided.
I The impresiiv.? exercises of the cv
, ening opened wi:)i a. self. -tion by tho
! orchestra, followed by the invocation
I by tli- rhnphii), August Hurkrstci.l.
Sr. A history of the flag was reed
j by t R. Ringo and a. tribute to the
I 'i lag spoken by Robin Day.
i Frail; Uavey. tl.e orator of the even
' ing. told of what the flag represent';,
iralli..g to the oppressed of all wiliorvt
I to co .ie to this lund of liberty. Al
though born 0:1 foreign soil, ilc
il thet he would not take a
back seat for si r v one when it comes
t() ,(1Villn. u, .,, is li(,e t0
,.llk iv,v , ,.,at.f, , r rnl
, ,T.,ltv ,,, ,..,11,.,! , fntl(,
I a '. ,.,;,- y . -).IVev 'We are at
j sll,.h - ,,,.isis h, tU i,.;trv t0.
(1)V ,),,., Wl. ml,s, ytl,n(1 )lv lui defend
uvs,,iv, s. if the time comes when tl.e
LfK nas jn ri:.,,ger. 1 prnv that v,o
j nun. (t fM f0 ,spoi,d."
jrs. W. f 'arhort Smith sung n
I lmtri ti . song and grneioiisly responded
to sevcal encores
highway will be to the south through
Portland and on the Pacific Highway
through Salem to Sun Francisco and
Us AnpeUw. iivu, ,iie proposed high-
WMV win hit t)ie jj., lta rV fr.ti, (1U o
j,lt011i thence 011 the Creat Mesa lligh-
way to Denver. The i-o.iimnniciitio.i
asks that a delegate be scut to attcid
the conference.
Cars of any kind for any place
at ajiy time.
Office, Bligh Hotel
Daily Between
Salem, Stayton, Mill City and all way
Points. Leaves Mill City 6:15 a. m
Stayton 7:45, Salem, 9:15.
Return, leaves Salem 4:30 D. n .
. Stayton 5:45; Mill City 7:20,
Phone 13
I j!:
-; :-. f : )(
The Korean Restaurant
is now opened in our new loca
tion at 110 1-2 Com'l street.
Everything new and clean. All
kinds of rhinese and Spanish
dishes. Fnv- us a visit.
Licensed Lady
Moderate Pricei
Perfect Service
Latest Method Art
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Or