Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 15, 1916, Image 1

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m if ii r:
Evidence Accumulates That
De Facto Government Is
Going to Pieces
Three American Soldiers and
Bandits Killed In Clash
This Morning
Washington, June 15. Evidence in
it in' l.iii ds of administration officials
tendii.g to show gradual disintegration
of tli 3 do facto government iu Mexico
continued to pile up today.
I'Iih evidence w;s contained in eon-
Hular reports to the state department
H'lil private advice to members of the
army general xbiff from officers and
civilians in Mexico
All these messages currying reports of
ii'mky economic eruditions, ied oficials
4 believe th it the next few weeks may
ce doreloupmeut'4 which shall compel
cither a crumbling of the Carramristn
government or a derided change for
tli? better.
Officials today believed the first
chief's government is passing through
J!io most difficult period.
Coincident with reports on economic
conditions are other reports which are
full of optimism. .
Tin; officials declare that while spor
adic attack on the' punitive expedition
still it-main a potdbility, they have no
l M'Jiiety over tiaioty of any troops
below the border. The troops, it is
confidently believed, can tako care of
Clash With Bandits.
Washington, June 15. Official re
ports on the figut between Mexican
Imulita and trooi'P I and H, United
fctal.es troops, lie:ir Sail Ignacio, where
two American soldiers and six bandits
were hilled and S'ven Americans wound
ed, tvaj received ut the war department
this afftrnoon from General Funston.
Th fight Insted .10 minutes, Major
way, cOminaudiii;, reported.
Tho report from Funston, dated to
day, read:
"From General Mann, Laredo, troops
I and M Fourteenth cavalrv, at San
Ignncio were attacked nt 2 o'clock this
am-ning by a partv of about 100 Mex
icans. After a fight of one half hour
"ttii 'kiiig party whs driven off.
"'iV.-i soldiers were killed and seven
v.ouj'aed, will s-i.d names as soon as
reveiv-cu. Bodies of six Mexicans and
k d-;nd horses v.-ero found iu brush.
-ltl.iiif of dead men was wet, show
Jut; they crossed liver.
"Maw Gray, in command, telephon
ed rnrt.v scattered and he thinks went
flown river. His scouts trying to find
trad i,r,d will follow it with his whole
f'lrc.s when found
(.Sign(d) "F'VSTOX, 11:10 A. M."
Bandit Raider Captured
Washington, June 1.". General Funs
Ion's report of the capture of Pedro
Titian, one of the leaders of the Colum
M', N. M., raid, said this afternoon:
Captain Turner's troops, Thirteenth
cavalry, Lieutenant Patton, attacked,
pioioeueu to Tephniiues Hacienda 2.1 1
unlet south of Santa Clara, arriving
:'.0 a. m., twelfth instant. Captured
IVdio Jujnn. Lu.ian principal member
Cervantes' bandits, Lu.inn was nt Col
u nbus as one 0f Cervantes lenders in
the attack. Capture of Lujan consid-
't-(i iiiiinuill.
lot..! for thought is th ' only cheap
riling n th' market. Pinkey Kerr is
xriti'i' some calliope music an' th
uot-M ei' os bi n. croquet balls.
The Kentucky Giant, OIKe M;
James, Was Given Gen
uine Ovation
James ThrV ast Audience
With Glovvmg Tribute to
President Wilson
B7 Perry Arnold.
(U.iiied Pre.t.i staff correspondent.)
Col'scum, St. Louis, Mo.; .Tune 15.
Democracy's nominee for the preidoucy
and rue-pres.ide.pcy will be named to
night. The national convention this
after.'K.ou agreed to this plan, and may
smash precedents by nominating before
adopting tho rialtorm. Senator James
declared this pbiii had not been defin
itely !itermin?d upon, a great deal de
pending on whether tho resolutions
committee is ready to report. If the
committee is ready, the platform prob
ably will be quickly adopted ahead of
Th.l l'euOllllliali.,ll of Prosiitent Wil.
son will be begun at 9 o'clock with the
apeecu uy Juuge vcscott of flew Jer
sey. Seconding speeches will be lim
ited t-:- five nin.iitos,
Fi.'lr.wing Wilson's nomination, John
nr ir - n . . '
tv. jern win pieaent to tho convention
the r.Jime of Themas K. Marshall for
Today's sessioi was a pictureque one.
Senator James, Kentucky's huge sena
tor, spoke another democratic kevnote,
and it. .was, Keynote of defiance; of
boast of President Wilson's successful
maintenance of peace and a profession
of entire optimism , that the people
would . l erpetuatfl the. Wilsonian . poli
cies. James got almost as enthusiastic re
ceptiou as did the main keynoter of
the convention-"x-Governnr AfnrHn u
Glynn in yesterday 'r session.
ine convention yelled repentedly for
a speech from William Jennings Bry
an but at the first indication, that he
was being demanded the former secre
tary o state 'ie.it a hurried exit from
his seal in the press stand. Later JScb
ator James, as permanent, chairman,
ailllOVnced ' thnr the ennvnntin.
have n plenty time in which to hear the
Kirm coilimonirr JT It WISUCa, Put that
Brye.n had to leave to make a talk else
whero. By Pe'rry Arnold.
(t'nited Tress staff correspondent.)
Coliseum, St. Louis, Mo., June 15. If
Preaidcrt Wilson in Washington, pulled
the filing which actuated the proceed
ings of the democratic national conven
tion today he didn't yank them very
hard. The convention met, got itself
worked up into an. enthusiastic, state of
mind Ivy some g(od flag waving "old
glory-' song singing and spread eagle
oratory without getting very much
ahead on the loi.p planned and per
fectly perfunctory program of renomi
nating President Wilson and Vice-President
Miirshnll and. fixing up a platform
for thm
Th? c.uly real work done by the demo
crats was in th resolutions commit
tee, where the p'atform builders strove
ta put Ihe finishing planks on the skele
ton structure forwarded from Washing
ton b the president.
Tin platform's strongest plea for
votes will be Americanism with a sub
section denouncing certain hyphenated
organizations, for their efforts to in
flueneo this government in its foreign
policy. It is understood most of the
progressive "soci.il justice" plank may
be iucluded but there will be no set at
tempt to kidnap" the remnant of the
progressive party.
Bryan Is Cheeerd.
As vestcrday, ihe crowd' was late iu
asjHvnlling. At 11 o'clock, the time set
for meeting there were hardly 1,000
people iu the hall and only a handful
of dekgates.
Bryan's enlrnrce into the press
stands evoked a real demonstration
which cheers and applause for more
than a minute.
Temporary t'luiirmnu Glynn's gavel
convening the lo:ig delayed sesjion fell
at 11-49. Bv this time the hauV was
fairly well filled.
Prayer was ol'ered by Archbishop
John J. Glennon of r?t. Louis. He be
sought divine aid in the deliberations
of the day.
"IlrAe from . .u r hearts the blood
lust -f the jungle," he asked. "Pre
serve us iu peace.
"0:rp us strength to do bravely;
sanity to a-t wisely and do justice to
all. Give us lenders iu whom passion
and M-rvire shall supplant lust of of
fice; strong men v hose sympathies shall
be ai broad ss hemajiity."
Jo'ep'i K. Bell of Indiana, was recog
nized to make fi.rraal report for the
committee on credentials. The crowd
fanno.l and perspired with Bell in the
reodijig of tho long routine document.
Tt - 7
St. Louis, June 15. Before the re
publican and progressiva convention,
in Chicago had decided on their 'sepa
rate and collective courses of action
the democrats began the final arrango-
monts for tiioir lip meeting in St.
I.oui8 to renominato President Wilson.
.National democratic eoncnitteemflji
Kdward V. Goltra of Ht. Louis return
ed to St. liouis from Chicago and Baid
that a comparison of arrangements at
B. If. K.
New Turk 2 10 1
Clerelnnd 3 8 1
Caldwell an.l Nunamnker; Covaleski
and O'Neill, fl.iwkey replaced Cald
well. 10 innirgs.
p . R- n. e.
Boston .j 2 11 ;i
Chicago i 5
Leonard ami- Cady; Russell and
PhiPio1ihia 1 ' 5 s
Detroit 5 7 J
Biuh and Meycs; Dauss and Stanngo.
New York 3 9 0
Williims and Snyder; Perritt and
R. n. k.
"n'tajfn 1 g g
Broo'dyn 2 C 3
McCounell an I Archer; Del and Mey
ers. Pittsburg Rg F(i
Boston 7 q
Mammaux an-1 Gibson ;' Roulbnch and
Oincimati j g 3
Philadelphia g 4 q
Scnneider and Wiugo; AJexonder
and Lillifer. Kuntzer replaced Schneid
er. ,
Portland, Or., June IS.
Every one of the passengers
and crew of the steamer Boar
have been accounted for, tho
steamship line offices nnuounc-
ed here this afternoon. None
were lost beside the fiv whose
botiif were washed luthcre.
aear Cape Mendocino, officials
Miss Luicllt! Braikett of
Portland, who was on the pas-
seuger list given out here this
morning, cancelled her ticket
and did not sail on the Ih-ar, it
was stated.
. - S P0R WILSON!"
Jf W JSTrTf -
ST l nine
the coliseum here with the arrange
ments in Chicago onviuces him that.
St. Louis is much better prepared to
take charge of. delegates and visitors.
The. matter of the presidential nomi
nation being settled, and Marshall vir
tually sure of renomination, the ques
tion of the campaign manager becomes
important. Prod B. Lynch of Minne
sota is mentioned prominently to suc
ceed, McCouibai Norman E. Mack of
Will Not Try to Kidnap
Orphaned Moose But Will
Offer Place at Fireside
By Lowell Mellett
St Louis, Mo., June 15. The demo
cratic platform builders are working
today to make the democratic party
a very attractive organization for mem
iers of the progressive party but
there'll be no kidnapping of that four
year old child.
The idea of Secretary Baker brought
from Washington, that the. platform
should of iUelf constitute an . invita
tion to all progressive is prevailing.
I Indication arf the sutn'onuuittee of
ithe resolutions committee gathered to-
.day were the.t the platform would not
contain even Senator Kern 'a suggested j The first thuught of eoinc. members
j specific invitation directed to tbossof the Bub-comuiittee in this cornice
jof the progrsive party who endorse'(ion is the suffrage plank. Tin- asso
tho progressive achievements andlciation of the progressives with women
promises of the present administration j suffrage is evident in many of their
nui we hijnapmg plan Has ralleiil
tnrough. Tom Taggan was rijrht. lie
told other members of the nation.-il
committee who favored the plan earli
er in the week that the.-e was "noth
ing in it" and went ahead gathering
tickets for his hoosier friends. The
necessity to look after tnelr own eon -
slituents as fast as they arrived li-
verted the attention also of other ua
tnniul committer members.
in any event tho nroiect to send fori
several progressive leadeis wtiica had!
got to tho stage where telegraphic in
vitutions was being drafted, has been
William J Bryan, "the only big man
in the convention." aceordini to Hen
ry J, Allen, progressive leader from!"' not the strike, will follow depends
Kansas, who is here has found tiinrr upon tho verdict of the trainmen,
to give the progressives a mention, but t a conference between the corn
he hits neither vote nor voice in tlie! . ...... .1 . t. . 1
re. 11. ., , ;niittes representing the trainmen and
convention. Informally the Common- 1 "
er has been urging that all possiWe be t,l railroads this afternoon, Chairman
done to win over the bull moose men Elis'na Lee of the railroad managers
wi.o sj'ein Ukely 1o go Iciderlerts made report declining all demands
through the campaign. of the men. He made a counter pro-
The platform committee Iwlieves it posal to arbitrate differences. The ar
Ims abundaiit' progressive ointiriul. liitration proposal will b refus'd by
Senator Ponierene, one of the nine j President Garrelson of the Brother-
members. toiay exTessed the belief
that planks on workmen compensa Jon
old B;fe pensions for (roverniaent em
iiloyeH, the American federation of
Labor's plank particularly the rcc -
New York, who managed the Bryan
campaign in 1908, will not, it is
tiiouglit, be chosen, but he will be con
spicuous at the convention. Senator
William 11. Thompson, democrat of
Kansas" represents a neighboring state
and feels quite lit home here. Norman
Hapgood, editor ttj;d head of the Wil
son nonpartisan league, is among the
busiest bees of the democratic party
just now.
ognitiou that labor is not a "commod
ity" to be dealt in like property n
child labor plunk and others would go
a long way toward convincing pro
gressives that their hope lies in tie
democratic party.
Senator Walsh, another member, was
of toe same opinion.
Representative Kuiny, Illinois mem
ber, took the view that revenue meas
ured proposed would bo even uioro at
tiactive to progressives. He placed
stress on extension of ihe income tu,
an inheritance tax and a munitions
minds. There is reason to believe trom
the tiilk of the committee members
that tho suffrage plank adopted will
be stronger tiian that adopted by the
republicans, taking the form of a flat
declaration for the principle, without
expressing the limitatioa that tsntes
1 should determine- for themselves
' 1 1
O "1 1. n . -1"
iKailrOadS UCCline
Trainmen's Proposition
New York, June L". All demands
of th? railroad trainmen upon the
railroads have been declined. Whether
nood of Railway Iraliiinen who said
that the declination of the railroads
would be reported back to the mea
and upon their verdict would rest fit-
'tuie negotiations.
President Wilson Submits
Main Points He Wants It
to Emphasize
Denounces Organizations At
tempting to Influence
Governments Policy
By Fred S. Perguson.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
St. Louis, Mo., Juno 15. Certain hy
phenates organizations in tho United
States chnrged with attempting to in
fluence the course of this government in
its foreign relations will be denounced
iu tho platform to be udopted by tho
democratic, convention.
President Wilson's ideas on interna
tional relations, Mexico, suffrage and
other issues will dominate the platform
It was learned today, however, that tho
tentative draft which was sent to St.
Loir.! by Secretary of War Baker touch
ed th' "high spots," leaving numerous
minor Issues to be worked out by tho
resolutions committee.
Denunciation of organizations en
deavoring to influence this govern
ment's policy wiii como in tho Ameri
canisn plank. Not only will tho organ
izations themselves be denounced, but
any party seeking political advantage
through such organizations, will be in
cluded in tho scoring. Strong declara
tion is inn do that all Americans should
be for America first and. that whole
hearted allegiance should be given this
government to tho' exclusion of all oth
ers. Confidence is expressed in the
great tody of citizenship rcgardles sof
race, origin or creed. They will not 1)1;
mentioned by name. Neither will direct
reference be made to the submarine
controversy or the Lusitania case. Wo
man suffrage will be endorsed. '
Iu addition to tho Americanism
plank, the United Press learned to
day that the president's suggestions are
substantially as follows:
National Preparedness.
A firm demand for a navy that will
be sufficient to protect American in
teresti whether at home or abroad and
an army sufficient to protect our
borders and at the same time from a
nucleus of an efficient fighting force
Mint cm be quickly recruited in case
of wrr.
Voluntary military trnining is urged,
hut compulsory training or scrvico is to
be uvoided.
Not mentioned by name, but the
policy of tho administration to wcuker
nations is upheld, with the declaration
that the aim of the United States
should bo not to interfere in the intern
al nfi'nirs of these weaker nations, ex
cept iu the most extreme cases. Our
policy should be to advise and assist
them, to tho end that they may be
morn prosperous and peaceful; all weak
er nstions have n right to work out
their own destiny.
Foreign Relations.
Neither tho gerernl German subma
rine nor the Lusitnniu case is directly
mentioned. But it is pointed out that
the n'1'iiinistrntion has secured for Am
ericans guarantees of freedom of tho
sens while at the same time peaco lias
mnint'iincd and American rights pre
served through negotiation. Tho Wilson
policy in dealing with belligerent na
tionc. the plank declares, is backed
up by hroccdent of many presidents
and gieat statesmen, who secured Amer
ican rights and averted war, through ne
gotiators. But rrage.
The president declares for woman's
suffrnge in even franker langungo than
the irpublicnn platform, but, like the
republicans, declares it is a state matter
and should be settled by the individual
Th 1'iiderwood tariff law is declared
to bj an act drawn in tho interest of
all th" people in distinction to former
republican tariff laws, enacted la the
interest ofindividuals and special priv
ileged clnsses. Special attention is
called to the income tax as a means of
raising revenuo f-om those best able
y piy it. Indorsement is given of a
scientif c tariff commission.
LnbOi' is reminded that, under the
Wilson administration, it has been nc-
corded its rightful place on a basis of
humanity, rather than as a commodity.
Nnmiiig legislation, a child labor law,
henlth safety and welfaro laws are
mentioned. Tho plonk urges closer co-
opernion betreen the government in in-dus'.-les
and workmen to the end that
the industrial f.ibric of the country
may bo utilized in preparedness for
national defense. It declares for an
eight hour day in public offices and
work. Old age pensions for government
employes are referred to iu a section
relatiig to civil service.
(Continued on Page Seven.)
Eleven of
the F ourteen Life
Boats Are Safe Oas
Known to be Lost
159 OF 182 ONBOARD
One Boat Supposed to Contain
23 Capsized Five Bodies
Wash Ashore
Euiika, Cnl., June lo. A lifeboat
containing 23 people, it is estimated,
capsized in tha surf nenr Capo Mendo
cino niter leaving the wreck of tho
coast liner Bo.iv early this morning, no
cording to repi'tts of survivors brought
hero today. Tha fate of those thrown
into the surf is unknown. Most of
them aro said to have been women and
childun Pivo bodies hnvo already
washed ashore r.c.ir Cape Mendocino.
Twenty-nino survivors, supposedly
from tho boats which were benched at
the river mouth, havo reached Capetown
where they aix being cared for by citi
zens. It wub stated that thoro wero 182 pas
sengers nnd crew on the Bear. One hun
dred and thirty survivors are cither at
Kurolta or en route here, and 29 have
arrived at Cn. otown, a total of 159
saved. If the ntntemcnt of 1S2 passen
gers nnd crew h correct, this leaves 23
unaccounted toi.
Fi:st Assistant Engineer Hansen is
reported niicsing As far as can Too
gathi red from, tho nysterical stories
told by the saved Hansen was in the
j boat that cupsii'cd
i .i; 'am i.o.ua tsopnmier and tare
sailois uro still aboard the wreok, which
is bejng heavily founded by tha great
seas crashing over tho reef. 'When the
passn.g.rs and crew were taking to
the lonts at nifibight, Captain Nopan
der refused to leave his bridge. Three
men decided to remain with hint- Plans
for their rescue a'O being made,
has not yet manifested any signs of
has rot yet manifested anq signs of
breaking up, but reamon do not believe
it can withstand tho hammering of the
breakers for mnny more hours. If lift
ed from the reef by the waves the
steamer will probibly sink in deep wa
ter, iv it has several ragged holes in
the hull near ti e bow.
Foir eon life boats left the Bear
when it crash jd upon Blunt 'a reef last
night. Nine reached the lightship at
Blunt ;s Heef, landing 60 persons whrj
were Inter transferred to the tug Relief
and the steamer Oiaco Dollar. The Re
lief had Kurolri! with its survivors at
noon. Tho Grueo Dollnr is expeeted in
port this afternoon. '
Two life boats were picked op by the
Relief as it coined 'the Grace Dollar
and the old bnttlephip Oregon. Two oth
er life boBts peFed safely through the
surf and made a ,'nnding near the mouth
of cBar river.
List of the Saved.
Following is a complete list of the ISO
savod who wei brought to Kureba.
aboard the tug Pelief and the steamer
Grace Dollnr. These were the occu
pants of 11 lifo bei.ts which were picked
John Olsen, scinuon; Willinm Robert,
A. Uc.hunarf. watchman; 8. Pigartb,
earpe-'ter; A. Brown, seaman; George
Neville, oiler; Martin Stephens, oiler;
B. F. Knox, win-less operator; I). C.
Christian, quartcimnster; C. Drmtcher,.
seamni.. Ottj Werthers, fireman;
Frnnk McKo'vin, Willinm Schiilr.. H.
McDowell, cook; ,T. V. McKay, fireman;
Oluf Olsen, senn an; H. Johnson, sea
man; i. Barbrick, waiter; R. Herbert,
waiter; F. Ward F. Kcsson, T. Carroll,
A. (:. Kitstui. waiter; K. Andijrson,
fireman; F, K. IJietz, waiter; B. V.
Snydir, Z. Zussi'r. steward; H. Carroll,
L Tl onpson, W. B. Wnlkup and wife,
Louis llolstnd, Klla Brirkett, Verna
Valentine, Mrs. Kato Alsing, Krma.
Broehis. W. Haines and wife, R O
Spear O. Wntoihouso, W. H. Kennedy,
J. I.. WestcnVvitr, Sarah Westen
heiser, M inert k Wcstflnheiser, C. Jf.
Aiisli.i, ,T. W. Mi'roon. Ottn Wir;,,
M. W Shnnor. H. G. M
jO. M-rsegee, Airs. C. A. Durrell inj
( Continued on Paiie Hvn.
Mil !ILAU1L1
Oregon: Fair
tonight a4 Fri
dny, foatinusd
warm; northerly
(Csatinued Pags TarM.)