Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 14, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Its a Cool Head
That Wears a
You'll enjoy real head
comfort under one of
these Straw Hats all
the new shapes to suit
all tastes from straws
to panamas. Priced at
$2.00 to $5.00
Big Dept.
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glasse
ei correctly. U. S. Bank. Bld0'.
We can save you money pn garden
hose, Nelson Bros. & 1'atton, plumbers,
S55 Chemeketa St. Phone 1900. tl
The Maccabees will hold a regula
tion old time social and smoker this
evening at their lodge rooms in the
Mc.Coranck hull, which will ke open
to members as well as their friends.
He came back. If you have carpets
you wish woven notify H. A. Dobner,
phono 1207 M. junoll
W. W. Stolwer has purchased the
Maple Grove dairy also tho Kaisor
View djiry and will run both under tho
name of Mnplo drove dairy with their
office t 11U5 S. Com'l. tf
The warm nights aro here at last,
as tho lowest temperature recorded by
the of I it'inl therniuineter at the O. C.
T. dock hut night was 51 degrees
h 1i f 1 rm
M Around i
An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trade
Bathing Caps
Assorted colors and styles
Bathing Slippers
In the most popular surf styles
All at Low Prices
Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention.
' We Pay Postage on Mail Ordors
An evidence that Salem and its people have con
fidence in our ability to give them "Good Goods" at
the right price. This store is supported by the peo
ple of Salem and is for their benefit. Constant at
tention to our customers' needs; lowest possible
prices consistent with "Good Goods," courteous
treatment and efficient service always.
Nothing Like a
Good Swim for
that Tired Feeling
When you buy your Bathing Suit,
buy here from the best collection in
town an excellent assortment of
the season's newest styles and colors.
Bathing Suits of real class at little
Special Prices on Bathing Suits for Women and Misses
Buy your Bathing Suit here largest assortment in the city;
New styles latest colors in combinations and plain effects. If
you want to have the classiest Bathing Suit on the beach
you'll find it here and at a special price.
Bathing and Diving Caps too at reduced prices.
iibove. The river is now 3.- feet above
luw water and falling.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses.
Get free ice with a refrigerator at
K. L. Stiff & Son.
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Candlln of
Coipiille are in the city, the guests of
K. Cooke 1'n.tlon. This is their first
visit in ninny years to the capital city
and it goes without saving they are
wonderfully impressed with tl ity
and its unsurpassed civic center.
Special meeting of Pacific
lodge, So. 50, A. F. A. M.,
this evening. Work in tho M.
M. degree. Visiting brethren
Try the band pieces you like ..tho
best on a Sonorn Talking .Machine, yon
gel the same result. Mvrtle Knowland
IL'l Court St.
ii V
luliZZZZZ, !
And swimming- requirements
for Men, 'VVomen and Children.
Women's Bathing
In Cotton and Wool Jersey
'i vi mm
II z.
i )..'
Ask us about free ice with each re
frigerator we sell. 10. 1j. Stiff & Sou.
Dr. Stone makes no charge for con
sultation, examination or prescription.
Automobile owners who will deco
rate their cars tor the Cherry fair pa
rade are requested to notify the dee
mated nolo committee at once. The
members of the committee are: Ben
l' West, chairman, John .1. Huberts,
Z, J. Kiggs, Mr. and -Mas. Donald W.
Miles, and Frank livers.
Have us put up your awnings now
and get the comforts. K L. Stiff it
Artisans open meeting at Moose hall
toiiiglit. 1! ooi L program and refresh
ments. George W. Anderson, of the Gates
hotel, and also the leading citizeu of
(late1, Ore., is in the city. Ho says
that the surveyors of the Santiam elec
tric company have already located the
road through Crates. Also that consid
erable activity has been noted in the
(told Creek mining section, of which
Gates is the shipping point.
Attention Maccabees, hardtimes so
cial tonight at llcCornack hall begin
ning at 8:30.
Country fair tonight at Artisan open
meeting in Moose hall. Come and en
iuv yourselves.
W"'J o
In observance of flag day, several
business houses are properly decorat
ed with flags floating In the breezes.
The Daughters of the Revolution com
memorate the occasion appropriately
at the home of Mrs. Seymour Jones
and tiie Klks by an eulogy on tho f,'a;
and ritualistic services at. the lodge.
The services this evening at the Klk
lodge is open to the public, and will
begin at S o 'cluck.
We will give -you estimates on all
kinds of lumber ami building innler
iu,'s. Falls Citv Siilem Lumber Co.,
310 S. K'th St.'
We have all kinds of fireworks,
wholesale ami retail at Kwong Yick
Lung A Co., 153 S. High St., phone .
Salem, Oregon.
Artlclm of tnrnmnrntlnn hv Vieen i
,. , -;-- r ----
tiled at the nttiee ot the corporation ,
commissioner by the Jackson County
Industrial Fair association which
capitalized at ifluoO, the Astoria ("train
Co. of Huston, at $500,000, Steiger &
Suns 1'iuno Manufacturing to., of Chi
cago, at $100,000, the American llrnsli
Manufacturing Co. of Portland, at
$10,000, and the Auto Fainting Co.
of I'ortland nt $5000.
The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Pauls
Episcopal church will meet on Friday
nfternoon June 10 nt '2:'M1 p. in. with
Mrs. tleorge Hinghaui, IL'th and Mis
si on Sts. juneb"
The Elks need not sing, "O wild
.some power the giftie to gie us, to
see oursel ns ithers see us." They
will have that pleasure tomorrow
evening nt the armory nt the big home
coming celebration, when the mnn with
the stereoptienn shows tho pictures on
tho screen. For it is a fact thnt the
features of 75 of the prominent Klks
will lie thrown on tne screen, nor prt-xiilottt ial postmasters
they think they nppenr. but as theyn,, portlnn,i last week,
look to others on the street. They will , .
see themselves exactly 'ns others see
Dr. T. H. Thompson will return -bout
July 1st from New York where
he has been attending special clinic in
eye, ear, nose and throat. The doc
tor will limit his practice to that field
of work.
June 14. Flag day.
Juno 14. Elks' Flag day serv
ice at lodge, 8 p. m.
June 15. Elks' annual home
coming; celebration at arm
ory. Juno 15. Nebraska society re
union at State fair grounds.
June 10. Sacred Heart Acad
emy commencement exorcises.
June 17. Waldo Hills pioneer
picnic, home of Mrs. John K.
June 19. School board election.
June 24. Moose day in Salem.
June 28 Close of voting con
test for Queen of Cherry Fair,
9 p. m.
July 3 A110rego C range ral
ly, Salem.
July 3. Annual Cherry fair.
July 4. Fourth of July cele
bration, State Ftiir grounds.
July 4. Indiana Society annual
picnic at State Fair grounds.
July 20 Wisconsin society re
union at State fair grounds.
ifiu i-nizeii.s nui jruiii u veiy iii'in r
and subtle minority which works under
Dr. C. Hartley, specialist, inflamed, ground, but o'-casionally throws its ugly
bleeding yums and livorrhea. HO U.S.; head into full view.
Hang bldg. Phone 180.
Several of fha rrAtitnra of t.lifl flil.
cago store filed a petition in the Uni -
ted States federal court in Portland
I some time ago to have McEvoy Bros. I , yy rst lest.
I decided involuntary bankrupts. E. h. ' America will teach these people
j Sabin, representing the .Merchants' iLlat !"'al,' ,0 fl"fl l" tho flrst twt
i lnt.u.tiv nor...i.,t:.. .,,;.,t,i ! Thar is the lesson that I come to re-
bv tin: court as trustee for the creditors, j mlnJ ou of 11,1(1 1 wa,lt nsk ?'".. nre
Owen Crocker was appointed by Mr.-'011' yourself, going to see to it that
Sabin to represent hirn. iu taking charge 1,0 "V!'1 "tolerated who does not honor
of tin s tuck anil making an invoice. , K , . ,
This completed invoice shows a stock ll" P of the president in re
valued at 1,3U0. The indebtedness : ioA ,s reference to the disloyal
was .f. 0.000. : hyphenates was greeted with prolonged
Attention Moose, Modern Woodmen,
Woodmen of the World, yourselves and
tamilix are especially invited to at-
tend the country fair given at Moose
hall tonight by the I'nited Artisans, j The president .was introduced by See
Proceeds for tho benefit of Estella ; rotary of State Lansing who referred to
ilson our cherry fuir queen. him as " one whose every thought, word
o jand need manifests true Amerieumsm. "
An Order has been Issued by Major I J1'" president said:
Carle Abrnms for a Third battalion! ' Secretary, ladies and gentle
shoot for the O. N. G. at Finzer range m";
June 25. 1'our companies, I, K. I, and ' . 1 ,,ave nbt romo "ere this afternoon
M will participate in tho shout for the WI,n ,1)e Phpose of delivering to you
trophy. Last year tho trophy was won;1"1 ''-'korate address. It seems to me
by Company M ind according to the;""1 ,ne ''"' is sufficiently eloquent
custo-,i the shoot "is held upon the j nIl'ea0y with the meaning which it
grounds of the company holding the I.f ""1 convey to us. The spectacle
trophy. The companies will each be tllls morning has been a very moving
represented by a team of 10 enlisted spectacle indeed an almost unpre-
men who have not qualified for the na-
tional rifle competition. Lieut. W. L.
spau'ding will act as range officer.
Cumpi uy M will furnish the nit dotuil.
The management of Hotel Marion
n tin nun i1 ft ilm lnut ,i;..n,. ,1.,,, e ti,.,
season Friday June 111. Dinner served i .f ""' fla,Er (lf ,ho - 'ted Stntes. Some
at 7 p. m., music. 7:30 to 10:30 p. m.!t,n"M T'p havc heer fharged with being
$1.00 per person. Owing to numerous) a ve7 '.tim''Iltal people, fond of eS
out of town reservations we suggest I r'.'-R ' general rhetorical phrases,
making table reservations early, ('has. 1 Pr"u'M,-,s not sufficiently defined in oe
(i. Miller, Mgr. ! '!ou 1 dare say, there have been
' J o j times of happy and careless ease in this
Bathing facilities will soon be of-l' The? ,1,',t,,i't llas icces
fered to Snlem people, as a bathing pa-! " " ? ('ihe fhou"rt B
! , , I'll .i t i. in!,s to put our sentiment into noetic
vilion has been built near the boat- .,;' ,...,! ltt ., 1 "
i c .i. u i ii i ... expression tne words that for the time
house of the Salem Ciinoe club and will i,: , ...c-c: , i i i . t, . .
soon be towed to its nermnne.it location
near the point, on Minto Island. Two
house boats for dressing rooms will be j
near the pavilion,
A roller
shoot and
already been enjoying themselves for
the past few warm davs, but the grown
nps will have a chnuce as soon as the
pavilion is towed to its permanent lo
cation. Carl Moths and Jake Folks
are the enterprising owners.
ir T ie nav ion. j roi ei ,i, .. : i i n f
a tin slide is part of the n it i ? " f,mtp Tr"
The buvs uPtl e citv hnvri10"1 , .' '""d. ,f' T ,lS . ' n0t
j through was the test ot the Civil war.
Call for improvement Donds of the. You know now how deep was thnt test
City of Salem, Oregon. Notice is! And von know how that end
hereby given tout on July 1, 1010, ed. While it seemed a time of terror
there will bo money on hand and up- it has turned out a proof of the validity '
plicnMe to the payment of the follow-. 0f mlf hope did you not see the blue1
ing numbered improvement bonds oi'iaudgiev mingle this morning on the
issue "F", dated Jan. 1, l'.HL', mini- procession? Did vou not see the sous'
hers 01 to 02, Jjoth inclusive. Holders!,,. a subsequent' generation walking1
of these buods will present them for j together in happv comradeship ) !
payment at the office of the city treas- And yet again the test is applied,!
urer ns interest will cease on July .1,1 mv fellow countrymen. A new thought
l!llf., C. ). Kice, city treasurer. Dated ; of (iivisiorl of tVolint; has sprun- up I
June 7th, lUlii. JuuecU -21 j nni0,,j.st us.
'.' f ou know that we are derived in
Thi; land concert last night at Will- our citizenship from every nation iu
sun purk attracted a crowd estimated , the woild. It is not singular that sen
at 2,5l'0, which rather indicated that ! tiuient should be disturbed bv what is '
good music and fine weather is just ; goin. on on the other side of "the water
whar the good citizens have been wait- but while sentiment mnv be disturbed
ing fn. Tom Ordenmn received his ' local1 ought not to be. ' I believe that
usual encores, and responded by sing-1 the v'nst majority of these men whose
ing. "America, I Love You." The cor-1 lineage is largely derived from the na-S
net M'lo by Harry li. Keil, recently here tions at wnr are iust as lovnl to the
IV,., "I.: 1.,., ...'.tl, ........nl Tin il. .1 . T .
mi.li.M e in general was fairly gener-;
mis with its encores, the selection from, are some men of that extraction who
Hobin Hood receiving its snecinl nn-!nr. m.i .1,,. ..... n..i.- ;
i Tl... ..... i.. . .'. I
.n..;ii. in,- u.-.m ii.iuerr win ue gi veil i
nt S o'clock Friday evenine: of this '
, , 0
President Wilson is fortunate in one
expense in tho way of postage. AnoUHcs
envelope was received today by Post-.
muster Iliickestein with the ligation
in tne upper lolVliand corner, "The I
White House. Ott'ieinl business. Fenab
iv lor private use. s.hhi." inside tne:
envelope was the following letter, nd
dresNrd to Mr. lluikcstein: "The
president, asks ine to make cordial ac
knowledgement of the telegram which
you and your committee addressed toWl ni.;i in thl? intl,rest of freign senti
him ill the name of the Presidential
Postmasters of Oregon, and to assure
you and every one concerned that your
generous approbation and sympathetic
interests are appreciated. With nn
expression of the president 's hearty
thanks, 1 am, sincerely yours, II. Tu
multy, secretary to tho president."
The telegram to President Wilson was
sent by a committee of which Mr.
Iliickestein was chaiiman, during the
Csrs of nn
iny kind for any place
nt stiiy time.
Office, Bligh Hotel
Says: Small But Active Dis
loyal Minority Must Be
Crushed Out
Washington, June 14. President Wil
son this afternoon issued a practical
challenge to the hyphenates of this
country to defeat him in the forthcom
ing election.
Standing in the shadow of this great"
monument to the first president and
5)5 ! addressing one of the largest crowds
5)5 1 ever assembled at Flag day exercises
55 ' here, the president declared thnt a small
. but very active body of foreign burn
jj. " disloyalists " were attempting n
I specie of black mail in connection
J with the coming election.
I "There is," he declaredl" "disloy-
n it v errive in rne I nireii m troq. ir
jj, musi ue crusneii out. it proceeds nut
! "nl" a sinnii minority ot foreign
"These people are now trying to
levy a species of political black mail.
declaring 'do what wo want you to do
! 1,1 ,llP interest of one side in the war or
I ,ve ?m'11 Jvr,"'k von Ht ,he l'olls-'
"If you could have eune with me
tnrouph the few years just passed,"
said the president, "you would have
reali.-.ed with me the subtle intrigue aud
: sedition that hnv lu...n rr,,;,
j '"e'lits.ted outpouring of thousands of
souer citizens to manifest their ntr.r.
est in the safety of the country and the
1 J!'"'"oliiesM of the flag which is its em
blem. I
"J remind you how much I
! sentiment has been poured out ia honor
? ;?. - ."L." f?"'"- c.S lT
is not a day of sentiment.
rV III 1 Mil1 11 T
r " ,. V '7 IS , . ' , ' "
Ii,.,' . ... :V i -" '
lvc:,t!n- f :.. .i "...
, -y o.'j ui pur-
pose $
The Nation Tested.
Apparently this nation is acnin. nnrl i
again and again to be tested and alwnvs i
I teste ! in the same way. The last su
preme test thnt this nation went
citizi n of this beloved hind, hut there :
.. '. . "vl . .' " I""'
moot i.s tint at the present time are lo-
im tlwir 1ip t,. ...l,.,.niu .i, ;,,vi '
jence of the government of the I'nited!
.Statis in the interest of matters which '
nr.. f..r.,:.,.. ... .... . i
piiere is disiovtiltv active in the:
lnite 1 States and it must be absolutely:
(.rusr,ed. It proceeds from a minority, I
i,t ,.rr ..,:.. nli i,ti -,;,:.;.; 1
It works under ground, but it nlso
show.- its ugly head where we can seel
it and there are those tit this moment
who are trying to levy a species of
political black mail, saving 'do what
ment or we will wreak our vengeance
at tin polls.' That i.s the sort of thing
against which the American nation will
turn with n miuht and triumph of senti- j
ment which will teach those gentlemen I
once for all that loyalty to this flag
is the f irst test of tolerance in the
United States.
"That is the lesson that T have come!
to remind vou of on this day no mere j
A great saving in the wny of licking
stumps and placing them on third mid
fourth class matter is now offered the
! merchants of Salem besides other goo I
H'opte in the country. Heretofore ad
vertising circulars and pamphlets cum
ing under the head of third and fourth
class matter had to be separately
stamped, iiulevs 2.000 or more were
mailed, iu which case the total amount
efrigerator Time
Hot weather is now up
I i. .1 I. '. :
i 'i&SMmm if
Why pay double price for some of the new fangled
fancy kind that do not give you a bit better service
for your money.
Call and look over our line, we can surely save you
Prices $8.50 to $27.50, All Sizes and Kinds
In order to start off with a rush we are offering
as a special inducement, FREE ICE to cash refriger
ator customers. We will give you ice as follows :
."() lbs. ice delivered free with every box costing S 5.00
7.1 lbs. ice delivered free with every box costing $ 7.50
100 lbs. ice delivered free with every box costing $ 8.50
125 lbs. ice delivered free with every box cosjting $10.00
150 lbs. iip delivered free with every bog costiub S12.50
175 lbs. ice delivered free with every box costing SH.OO
"00 lbs. ice delivered flee with every box costing S1850
250 lbs. ice delivered free with every box costing $2.4. 50
300 lbs. ice delivered free with every box costing . $27.50
A I'ine Line of 1'sed Refrigerators, $3.00 and TJp.
Our new stock of house furnishings is unexcelled
for price and quality and we will take in your old
furniture as part payment.
E. L. Stiff & Son
We'ed like to figure your bill we usually get the
of postage could be paid and the circu-1
lars mailed in' bulk. According to a
recent ruling, this number has been re-'
duced to 300 by the post office depart-J
iuent in Washington. This menus that;
the merchant with 300 or more circu-1
litis or sample pieces of merchandise
may mail them and the postage paid 1
to the postmaster, thus being saved the
labor of affixing a stamp to each cir
cular or package. I
Twelve Hundred Veterans
Assembled at Eugene
1,'igene, Ore., June .11. Twelve liun -
dred veterans were iu Kugene today to
begin tho annual state encampment ui
four veterans' organizations. The
tirand Army of the Hepublic, the Span-
ish-Amencnn wnr vnternns, Ladies ot
the ti A. K and the Women's Relief
corp.?. are participating. The encamp
ment will open with a parade at noon.
The first .session will be held at 2:110
p. m. Flag day ceremonies are part of
tud:i 's program.
City Market Ice &
Coal Company
Salem's New Ice Company We are here to stay.
Prompt delivery
141 N. High Street
See Things From the Proper Angle
These strenuous times.
Our Work is fully guaranteed as to fit and finish.
You Look Well and See Well when we fit your eyes
MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist,
208-9 Hubbard Bldg., Phone 109.
on us and you will be
considering a new Re
frigerator. We handle the famous
Garland line, a line that
cannot be beat for serv
ice, quality and appear
ance, and can sell them
to you at a reasonable
price within the reach
or all.
: : !
The Korean Restaurant
is now opened in our new loca
tion at 110 1-2 Com'l ttreet.
Everything new and clean. All
kinds of Chinese and Spanish
dishes. I'ay us a visit.
:je sje jc sji t! sj $ r 'fi
Of high class household fur
niture ut Nl IdS Oak St. on. Fri
day June 10 at 1:110 p. in., see
Thursdnvs Journal for full par
ticulars.' F. N. WOOHRV,
1 $
1 -i-
F. J. 11 KSSLER, Auctioneer
Owner. l'hone 511.
s!c .
rhone 81 for lack of service.
to any -part of City .
Phone 474