Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 14, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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491 N. Cottage. tt
& ii r Vrj tJTi "V
urn v&;
lllchMF TnR&rrfl for cig--
li'ncTTr Akin CM DP CMnVFD
fit 1 1 L rUlUf r ir uuitiv'u-.iw'
ii , I: :,.r!iiii! mi m!l:j"m
1 JULY 30 Tr 1907
.. 'I, . ! , I i ' i : ; I I I! I
Rsntrst lid of tidy rod tin
Your supply of Princo Albert
awaiti your eh fry nod at tho
nearest store that welts to
bacco. Toppy rod bagi, 5c l
tidy rod tin; 10c; pound and
half-pound tin humidors and
that fino crystal-glass pound
humidor with spongo-moist'
oner top that hoops tho to
bacco in such excellent con'
You pay for
quality when
you buy P. A.
real value that pre
miums or coupons can't
produce quality! Pre
miums or coupons have
never been offered with
Prince Albert because we
know smokers prefer qual
ity! Neither national nor
state restrictions on the use
of premiums or coupons can in any way affect the sale of
Prince Albert! Men get what they pay for when they buy
the national joy smoke quality !
P. A. comes to you with a real reason for all the goodness
and satisfaction it offers ! It is made by a patented process
that cuts out bite and parch! You smoke your fill with
out a comeback.
Flash-it-hot-off-the-reel, Prince Albert will let you cut
loose on that old jimmy pipe or a makin's cigarette like a
hungry fox after a chicken ! And you can beat it up and
down the path-of-smoke-pleasure so hard, so often, with
so much enjoyment you'll feel sorry for pipesters and rollers
who haven't yet nailed a pew on the P. A. bandwagon !
Quick action introduction to Prince Albert isn't any harder
than just to walk into the nearest place that sells tobacco
and ask for "a supply of P. A." You part company with
a little change, to be sure, but it's the cheerfullest
investment you ever made! For dividends -of-delight,
Prince Albert backs clipping coupons square off the map!
i l v i l lk ft
All 15)
R. J. Reynold! Tobacco Co., Winton Sl.m, N. C.
Copyright 1916 by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.
Will Trace Malicious Rumors
Most Business Places to
Close On Fourth
A suggest iou was uinde at the mer
cantile department of the Commercial
club at their meeting last evening that
may be of interest to those who are
prone to gossip ami spread news in
jurious to Salem business houses. A
resolution was passed and means" will
be tiiken to run down those who are
circulating malicious rumors as to t"ie
financial standing of any business
firm in the city. Every rumor is to
be traced to the narty circulating it.
It is the intention of the department'
to prosecute and if possible find out
who the knockers are in Suleni, as
the stand was taken tUnt anv one cir
culating a minor was either doing so
muliciously and laying himself open
for slander, or just belong to that class
who prefer to gossip rather than at
tend to their own business.
Accounts that are considered past
due for too long a time and those
that have leen unpaid after every
other pieans has been fiken to collect.
will be advertised next. week. In
about two weeks another list that
comes i-mler the same Vnd will also
be ndvei-t;.i?d.
With the exception of the grocers
and butchers, who wi,'l remain open
until 10 o'clock on the Fourth, nil
stores will be closed on Independence
in order that all employes may do
Sport News
iC iCranihill of the Oaks burned one too
' ihot to handle at Kntli while hinch hit-
Watching the Scoreboard
W nf .blurt" tliA VnlvnlinAvil
! ! j:
Parti ic Coast League Standings
1 .os A ngeles .
Sun Francisco
Salt, Lake
On kla ml
IV t.
.4 Si!
Ycstorday'i Results
At I'ortland 0, Vernon fi (10 inn
ings.) At Oaklund C, Salt Lake 2.
At l.os Augeles 3, San Fiaiicisco 2.
Koerner broke up n tie in the eighth
at los Angeles with a sweet swat that
gnie Frank Chance's scruplis the day.
Uube HI is, W(i had previously
drawn a preaiubulutiou, trotted home
on the wallop and San Tram-isey. bit
tin) dimt.
ting, ticing the count, Salt bake wa
s'eadily beaten by Onklnnd.
The finals found Oakland ahead, six
to two, honest, they were, and Suit
Lake is getting the damp, dank iniisly
odor from the cellar.
Crnndnll, a new Oak from the large
leagues, earned ids daily bread yester
day and Kowdr Kllintt expects inm to
keep on earning it.
I'oitlund won over Vernon in the
tenth when Hilly Nixson's punch scor
ed Vaughn.
Vesterilay 's hero in the big league
was If ii t li of the lied Sox, whose hit
ting the Itrowns. lie lauinied the bull
over the fence with two on and scored
another Inter with a single.
I'ating from the time old I'oe Otis
I'I'cl'I'er's twirling was a puz.le to
the Cardinals. Two blows was Modest
tliev could get oft' the lodger slali artist.
As Madders, the (iraves and Red
Latest Estimates !
Place Dead at Ten
Iialliiuore, Md., .Inno 14. Revised
estiumtes of the dead in the fire that
wrecked the Pennsylvania Railroad
company's grain elevator at Lower Can
ton yesterday place ho number at
ten. Several are still missing or unac
counted for.
Although the condition of manv of
those in local hospitals is serious, it is
not believed there will be further
deaths among the injured
The latest estimate places the loss
at 'J,ouo,ooo,
If the present plans of the Salem
Motorcycle club mature Salem may be; ''""ns. Or., dune H.Tue proposed
the s'ene of some regular speed events ! j recall of County Commissioner lleck
in the i ear future The club proposes let! will be agitated at a joint meeting
to b.iild n real Saucer track with high.f the I 'oik Count v Taxpayers' league
banks that will permit a continuous1,,, .l . ., , , .. . . ,,
,.,.,,, . , . . . , , and the runners linou in Da as
hurst ol speed from start to Yiuish and
if the track is constructed motorcycle i Thursday, according to reports eifcil
races will be pulled off regularly tin--luted today, (leorgo A. Wells, another
der tl" auspices of the Federation of j commissioner was opposed bv the 1'ar-
.iineiican .xintorcycnsis ot which the im.ls' r,iion and defeated in the re-
t heir share in making the all-Oregon
celebration at t.ie state fair grounds
n success.
The industrial, civic and military
parade has been abandoned. This pa
rade was intended for the morning
of duly 4 aud was to have been held
down town. Since all of the Fourth
activities are to be tit the fair
grounds, this parade was called off.
With an attendance of about f0,
the first meeting of the Mercantile
department of tlhe Commercial club
was of more than average interest and
it is the intention of the new director,
Fred W. Steusloff and his directing
committee to make these meetings of
sitl'l'icienf interest to bii.ig out eacii
month a full representation of this de
part me ut.
FOE BENT SIGNS For sale at Cap
ital Journal office. tf
Bate per word New Today:
Each insertion, per- word .lc
One week (6 insertions), per word....5c
One month (20 insertions) per word 17c
The Capital 'Journal will not be re- HORSE For sale, very cheap. Rome
iponsible for more than one. insertion 3)ybox U7, Salum. rune. 14
tor errors in Classified Advertisements. "
Read your advertisement the first dayjoR SALE Good young eovtr Knquirs
ii uppeara anii nouiy ua uuuieuiuicij 2u7o Highland Ave. juueM
I ii commus no error.
Minimum chargo, 15c.
PHONE 037 For wood saw.
-Wlndowcleaner. I'hone 76S.
FOIf SALK Fresh Jersev cow. I'hone
2f)02-W-4. " tf
FOR SALE Or trade for wood, gaso
line engine. Phone 451. it
TWO COWS For sale. Ward K. Rich
ardson, uit.) N. Front. tf
CHOICE Fresh cow for sale. J. W.
Ilcllamy, Frnitland, Or. juuelJO
GOOD Furnished house to rent, clos
in. Phone Main 4 or 47. tf
30 IMtANBERRY IMckers wanted,
campers preferred. Phon 92F3. jcl-i
PURE Vhale oil soap for hop spray
for sale at the Capital Soap Works.
FOR SALE Pigs, three pionths old.
I'hone 3(iFl.'!, T. W. Moore, junelli
FOR SALE Gold Coin seed potatoes,
price 40c per bushel, i'hone !7Fll.
FOB SALH: Mowing machine $22.50.
K. C. Pearcy, Rt. 3. Phono UO'l-'ll.
HARRY Real window cleaner, floor pUR SALE Ono Sandwich hay press;
WANTED Middle aged woman
general nouse work. I'hoae GF3.
waxer, chimney sweei
I'hone 1041.
LOST Small black Jersey cow, north
Salem. Notify F. A Meade, phone
:,7K. ' juneH
FOR SALE Six Barred Rock hens
and rooster, also six weeks old chix
Phone 2oii4.Il. juuel-i
FOR SALE 11)12 Iluick roadster in
good mechanical condition, a snap,
llalvorseu k Burns. jiino-2
FOR SALE Wild Mallard ducks for
decoys. I'hone 1201.1. or call 310
Leslie St., Salem, Or. jtincKi
l-'OR SALE Jersey, ." years old, gives
3 gallons of rich milk, fresh in win
ter, At 11")") Broadway. junelf
WANTED 4 loganberry pickers 1-8
mile west of Salem Heights hall.
I'hone G2F12. .1. A. McClnin. junelo
FOR SALE Or trade for fat cows, 2
good fresh Jersey and Durham
cows. 71") South 12 St. over garage.
$ 4 $ $ ': :'f
Local Speed Merchants Cast
About for Suitable Location
for Speedway
Snleri club is a member.
'publican primaries this year for iioni-
The club is nt present undecided as ;.,;.,
to the location of their track. One locn- j Tnk"f recalling Judge John B. Teal
lion has been ottered but they desire u nsll heard in some quarters.
"" ""' I"'ie location lor Tm, ,u.,iou , t,0 ,,uuntv court in
The Marion county court which, has
begun its regular monthly meeting has
apportioned the 101:1 Four Mill road
tax to the various cities and towns of
this county whose charters give these
cities exclusjve jurisdiction over the
roads and streets within their corporate
limits. The cities are given, nt this
time, one-half of the full four mill tax
less three per cent for taxes that are
uncollectible. The totnl valuation of
the property in theso towns in H1."
was 3,511,(i."(j.00 and the total of the
four, mill tax' was $14,040,113. The 3
per cent deducted amounted to $-121.40
and the total amount due is $13,f2f.2.'!,
the total amount of the warrants sent
out by the county clerk today is $0,812,
til. The amounts received by the sev
eral cities follows:
Amount Due and Amount of Warrant
AumsviUe $ 1110.13 $ 2"8.02
Aurora 732.74 300.37
Hutteville "2.43 20.20
liervnis C39.80 319.90
Hubbard S83.G1 4-U.S0
Jefferson 912.36 4.10.18
Mt. Angel 1,333.73 076.88
Silvcrton 4,140.60 2,073.33
Turner 008.20 3.14.10
Woodburn 3,71i).."j 1,S"9.77
Total 13.621.23 0,812.61
legs are great. They went through j the qi nrter mile track and will niake're
The bonds given by officials of a
state, county or township for the faith
ful performance of theic.duties nre free
from federal taxation according to an
opinion which was received from Mil
ton A. Miller, Internal revenue col
lector, by District Attorney Ringo to
day. Mr. Ringo sent in the inquiry
about the bonds of the county officials
when the question arose as to whether
or not n :10 cent revenue stamp would
sixteen innings on a wet diamond titj
the Hub withoi either scoring.
IIiius Wagner hnd a good day at
the lint, lie got three singles, lie
spoiled a perfect however, with a muff.
tnv'i,iir n dl.,.il Ikri.t.vn I I n . Ii.ttmt 1 1 . t . . . . v . t. . . 1 :..
i'nl,.,r .:i .i h . '. 1 bo rcouuecl. Mr. .Miner oases uis opm-
. ...... ...,..(,,,.,,,., ,,, ,,,.,, ropiacing it with a coacrete. . ; (i. i,rin.i 0neiil erounds that
have looked over all of the ava b e Ktn.ctiir,. nn.l sti-iiohteninir out the! " 011 )n ur"!1" Mou,",s.
locutions for the siieedwnv .stru tur. , iin.l stiaigUteiin g out thi ., vor(l! s,.ltrH nlld subdivisions
A) n't 50 meinbers of the club went raJ ,' "' "'"f '''''."' thereof Sre constitutionally free from
toS lvcrto, " mhv ona n ii? e TV V " 8" ' .W:,,V' V taxation bv the federal government.
LV. V v. i li ' but a tew years 0:40, is the cause ot
uusrunii icmii won irom rue ,, noitiition. The steel bridge was;
ciuo in ine imernoou s game hy a score j,,,!!, but tVn- years ago, nud
With the Ford
It reduces tlie
cost of delivering
goods to a
ridiculously low figure
The load Is
on the truck
not in It.
Look It
hjfore buylns
; . X -
l,i(tlit weight Strong construction
Titnketi bearings Steel casting.!
Sale by
101 South Mommeretul Street
Pilous H33
The Indians made a clean sweep ot'lof to li. Some iininne hill , ' "" . , " ' " . . . '". Int the office of the county clerk to:
the series with the Athletics, winuiug 0nte its were stared in the .if tern, on 1 Z .... -. . , J Williani Francis Levin, a Vancouver
II to 2 Terry Tuner s triple with theibv the motorclch. men l,;tt !-""""" ..."'" '". . '.V-. 1 cariuan. and Eulalie Helm H.iutU, a
.i .-. " Miinri t1 i' ni :iri uii'iiM'PSHiirv u. u . ' . w - . .. -
oo per cenr gvniie. I,mrtienb.r time. ..nd fat. the lnonev "' AnSe' ,,M i
r.ugcne inciciuun
bases lull was the feature of tho game.
Joe Jackson of the White Sox miss
ed making a hit for the first time since
May s. 1M Walsh's come back was
a rout.
WANTED From 14 to :100 cords of
white Fir. must be close to S. P,
track or liranch track. I'hone 70F5i
M. Heniiingsen, Rt. 3, box 252. jel."
firenlnce. dutch kitchen, ce
nient basement, laundry tubs, gas,
electricitv. If interested, phone 584
R. Owners. june20
the wagon,
ages of $47;
The plaintiff seeks dam-
Th; case of W. E. Ross against
Charles Liudley was culled in Judge
(inllov.av's deimi'tmeut of the circuit
court today. The case involves a sale
of the Cherrv C'itv Cafe at 168 South
High street which the defendant sold to
Mr" Poss for $750 and $25 for a stock
of con I which was on hand. The plain
tiff u'.Uged that the income of the res
taurant v.-os misrepresented to him and
he asks for a decree allowing him to
sell it bnck to its former owner for
the nricc he paid for it. The defendant
claims that Mr. Ross worked about the
restiuiiant and knew the earning pow
er o( the place and that the falling
off mi custom has been due to the lack
of. sc-Viec of the new owners. Carson
& B onn are attorneys for the plain
tiff aud O. Condit is appearing for
the defendant. ".
A petition for . letters of administra
tion was filed in probate court today
in th" estate ot Henry Hobnrt, de
ceased. The estate consists of real
propc.ty to the value of $3,500 and
personal property valued at $1,200. The
heirs are Rachel S. Hobart, the widow,
and Harry Eugene Hobart, a five-year-
old son, both ot whom reside near Sil
verton. The petitioner, Rachel S. Ho
bart, was appointed administratrix.
The Mistake Is Made by Many Salem
(Cout i nued From Page One.)
Italian Fleet Takes Part
Rome, June 14. The Italian fleet is
now engaged in a violent bombard
ment of the Austrian xisitious on the
Non-Coms of Company M
Ordered Into Trenches
l.o;k for the cause of headache.
To be cured you must know the
If it's weak kidneys j-ou must se?
th? kidneys working right.
"A S&lem resident tells vou how.
M.-i. M. B. Churchill, 705 Belmcnt
stre', Salem, says: "Three years ago
I wis down in bed for n week with my
back. 1 couldn't get up or down w:ih
on r ass stance and my back felt weak
and bane. I was sick all over. Hen ring
so many recommend Dean's Kidney
Fills, ' pent for a box and had taken
and Mildred Edith: only a few doses when I felt better.
one Russel engine. E. A. Johnson, It.
9. jnnel7
FOR SALE Poney for sale nr will
trade for buggy. J. H. Arnold, H. 7.
FOB RENT House partly furnished,
close in. inquire 4U0 south Cottage
St. june7
FUBNISHED rooms and housekeeping
appanments, rates reasonable, cloa
in, 1(50 Court. tl
FURNISHED 5 room house, 1-3 block
from P. O., 28 North Cottage..
Phone 1,191. junelG
WANTED Cascara bark, highest cash
price. Call or write Frys Lrng store,
Salem, Oregon. july3
TWO NICE Cottages for rent by the
month or season at iiewport. O. W.
Johnson &Co. tf
A LADY Wishes to sell her solitare
diamond ring at a sacrifice. Address
R. J. caro Journal. juneM
WANTEJ To exchange vacant lot
for good second hand light car,
no junk. Phono 785-M. juneli
200 LOGANBERRY Pickers wanted
good camp grounds and water.
Phone 41F24, L. H. Roberts. tf
FOB SALE 200 acres at Lyle, Wash,
will consider some trade on clear
property. August Rauch, Salem, Or.
june 17
FOB SALE 18 acres, good terms, 18
in crops and fruit, fair buildings,
best soil. W. W. Lander, Salem B.
9. junelS
FOB SALE 34 hilf truck Studebaker
wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon,
cordwood or stumpage. 2788 L.
Phone 1322-J. tf
FOB BENT BnsineBs block room, size
18x80 feet. 467 State street. In
quire at 463 State. Phone, 1009.
Maurice Klinger. ti
paying businesls. Jiew, in good
condition. J. A. Houston, Eeuna, Vis
ta, Polk county, Oregon, juiielO
WANTED To rent, strictly modern,
furnished five room house near
State street. No children. 1'ric.c must
be reasonable. M care Journal. jeH
SEED POTATOES I have for sale
some fancy Burbank medium size
potatoes to close, out at- 50c, large
assorted 75e. C. C. Russell. I'.ioue
3H F4. juneH
FOR RENT Modern 7 room house.
T Cheineketa St. between l:ith ami
14th, garage if wanted. 'n)l after
10 a. m. 1209 Chemeketa St. or
Phone lliiti, juneH
WANTED Two or three good young
cows. Grade Durham and llolstein
or Durham and Guernseys preferred.
Write giving description, box 57,' Sa
lem, Or. or phone 127. tf
t AM Taking orders for isummar and
fall delivery of wood. I will give
lower price now than I wilt later in
the Beason. John H. Scott, phono 254
After office hours, 622. june2
particular timr
t . . ... i bufeiiA more nam. uu .iuuiru iu ,
inns osponuen siumu oe uscu .,. in:,-, -? - S. Paul Jones. Two boxes stonned the trnnhle ami in
..llw.f 1,;.,1u-.ivm Al f he .ii:v, n .-...w.. --- . , , i .". ' -
ing passible
way 1 feel like a different pcr-
county, the farmers are in arms n-a " ' .
.. t'vns nf (Icrvms. "on.
gainst tne court. J I Price 50c, nt all , dealers. Don't
Ihe iinproveiuen at ludependenee, fcanjod down 'simply ask for a kidney remedy-get
.., 0 ? .. !r,,h !W tttI . ,wV.l. Vn his deiwrtmeiit of the cir- Don,,', Kidney . Pills-th'e same that
m tin iii!uw. ' .. .. r- i ,i.:ii i..i f:u...
ii : ..i..,. ...... ,...1 Ki.n.i
urcJin to ne ontereu into the trenches ' :i.w i,.,r.i ,.,... ..nvement ironiiter
Tin non-commissioned officers of!
Compiiny M are the first militiamen in1
by Captain fJehlhar. The trenches.
I,,..v. ..n i. .1.... i:.. I'"11
... u,- ,.uB ,.,. u.si.im-e A iuj1M1,l,0, ltf
...... . ,.- .H.nier mil i; mv,,,,, worl. ,.
in .rin iici liijtriiciion eniv. About ,
; Independence north on the Salem road. t Headrick
three' cuit court granting a divorce to L'hes- Mrs. Churchill had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Tvler lleauriL-u iroin iiorem-r ..-(..-,
The couple were married in .
, stop pavment for ali; Salem, March 12, 1912. and have i one
.ecu denied by Judge : child, Ruth, a daughter aged 2 l-
Don t let old hard luck make vou
20 -.loiiconimissioned officers nnd three
company otticers wil
Istrinn coast in the vicinity of l'aren!Slll"1:'.v morning nt
I .
I i11" l'vi'iitut
I not have 'he effect ol stopping
this ver.
iiniiouiicemeut todav.
I st l ill is nil Austrian ciowu laud lit
the northwestern tip of the Adriatic
sea. T'lren.o is its capital and Trieste
one of the laigest cities. Fifty miles
north of Trieste and almost us ninny
miles inland is the fortified city of
Gorit., the unnttnincj, goal of the ltal
inns in their lzonso front offensive.
i, i. :.. ,11 ,l.vur The Dlninmi IS Uiveil me uir
i nni iii i it. i mi-ihi i .niii. i i...... --- r -- i ... i ;,. prnv
auv of eree on tne grounus oi crun uuu ... " w .
!h .man treatment and the fact that the! Keep moving, and don't tP
Iwit'. oi.ei.lv consorted with one J. E.jThe 'vorld turns ver once a day,
DEMOCRATS ORGANIZE MdWls, according to the decree.; "'".r . tP.
lie worked out before the nniiiittl en- V,;..,,,.,,, , , i.;...,i ... rv. ! ,....l,,.tlier i.illie Si.rgeant. each of
.iiimniciit '. ' ' , . i ..I.. nM. .
I u,.v.. n ..me uiiitA coinniiltee-. i mnntlis terunifi. i ne u,.,." . , ,. ,-- ,
T'i men will leave the nrmorv in " " "" "VJ :. " " ;,...,i i ,v.v to the defend-' ?on.'..wl" nign si'noow
in. .--I . . i on i to n i. in s.nni iiiiri.-r. Mommv
and Triestte, nccordiug to tut ulfieiull country where practical problems in
tent pitciiing, camp making, ticld forti
fications, intrenchjng, cnmi) cooking,'
.,,..1 ...1 ..r . I;... . -i, l
.,, ..,,1,-t n uimi-hik in niiuy uie win i
Annual school meeting of School
I District No. 24. Marion countv, Ore
Aeroplanes Kill One.
Ruiiie, June It. Ten Austrian livdro-
neropliiies bombarded Venice jester-'
iliiv. kiltillir one woiiinii nint iveiiiwliiuT
.' , H ' -
four others, nccordiug to tin official
announcement by the Italian wnr office
today. Ptimngii to property ivns slight.
nutos with their full equipment iind will
remain in the field during the greater
part of tho day.
San Francisco, June It. Arnold Me
l.ny, a farm hand, was arrested by
deputy sherii'fs of Alaineda county to
day nt Altaniont. His arrest followed
the issuance of a warrant on a felony
char';! at Coquille, Ore., and the offer
ing of a reward for his apprehension.
tiff is required to pay to the defend
The republicans elected J. -. I ulbott i ailt $,-,o for suit money.
hairinan, J. C llaytcr treasurer, C.
I., llratcher, C. A. I'ark, O. K. Hetcher,
1). M. Hampton and .1. .1. Tuurston ex-
A suit was filed in the circuit court I
n.hir bv Planch Morgan, as noniiins-
ecutive committee, Walter I.. 1 ouze ( trutrix 0f the estate ot tl. . .Morgnii,
state committeeman, nn.l E. K. Fad-Licensed, against the Southern Pacific
dock congressional conunitteemnn. company. It is alleged that Mr. lor-
ing to n lack of concord between the.,n w(l'9 driving along the Pncitic
il ehwnv April n, is "r "V
"citv i hides ami "country piug
the selection of a secretary was left
lo the chairman and executive com
mittee. Independence Monitor.
tempted to cross the S. P. trucks and
was struck bv the trniil which killed
the diiver, nud team "Uid demolished
evening, June lth. J!Hti, at 7:30
o'clock p. m.. for the purpose.of hear
ing the reports of the board of direct
ors nnd of the district clerk of snid
district nnd for such other business as
mav lawfully come before the meeting.
Dated this 0th dnv of June. UHli.
li. J. Miles,
Chairman of Hoard of Directors.
Attest: W. H. Iturghardt, Jr,
District Clerk
Tunc 7 nud 14
FOR SALE Nine acres 4 miles from
Eugene, in crop, good buildings, tele
phone, near school, a bargain, terms.
Particulars, address owner P.. L.
Heath, Ik 1, Eugene, Ore. junelS
FOR SALE At bargain prices, one
Troy laundry mangle 90 inches, store
shelving, two teams and Shetland
pony, 2 double buggies, one single
buggy. H. Steinbock, 302 N. Com'l
Phi i i- ?C8. tt
Choice 158-ncre farm, SO acres under
high stnte of cultivation, in crop, good
building; 11 fine milch cows, 1 Jersey
bull, 3 horses, hoga,' chickens, turkeys,
all farm implements, crop, port of fur
nitur.i, in fact give possession of place.
Pru- only $95 per acre, would be a bar
gain at itlOO per acre. It's without
a doubt the best buy in the valley. See
or wite L. Bechtcl, 347 State street.
Mon., Tues., Werl.
Call For Improvement Bonds of the
City of Salem, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that on JuIt
1, Ifllfi, there will be nionev on hand
and applicable to the payment, of the
following numbered improvement, bonds
of issue "F", dated January 1. 1912,
numbers CI to 92, both inclusive.
Holders of these bonds will present
them for payment at the office of thw
city treasurer as interest will cense on
July I, 10U!.
City Trea-uirer.'
Tinted June 7th, 1910.