EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOT RNAL. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1916. tttttTtt-M Mtf MM t tt t t i s- SPECIAL DELINEATOR OFFER Old subscribers as well as those who do not take the Delineator will be interested in this announce ment. Mrs. Prentiss of the Butterick Publishing Company has arrived and will be at our Pattern Counter daily for the next ten days commencing tomorrow. She will be glad to explain this very unusual sub scription offer to you. 'No home should be without this splendid home and fashion magazine. See the window display and the special announcement cards. A Real Delineator Bargain Offer Clearance Prices on Women's and Misses' Ready - to - Wear Summer Clearance Prices on All Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists, Skirts Warm Weather Togs for Men, Women an Children are here in excellent assortment, tie cool and r i i n i i . , iM'ia comronaoie az imie expense, rurcnase your neeas ai Meyers and save. i Special Prices on all Bathing Suits and Caps many Special Bargains in Muslin Wear Garments THIRTY-SIX YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL STORE KEEPING IN SALEM AND STILL AT IT ! An evidence that Salem and its people have con fidence in our ability to give them "Good Goods" at the right price. This store is supported by the peo ple of Salem and is for their benefit. Constant at tention to our customers' needs; lowest possible prices consistent with "Good Goods," courteous treatment and efficient service always. QUALITY AND SERVICE TTS Gives Pressing Invitation to Colby and Others to Join Democrats ft Town mtmttmttniiuHimmimiiiiiiiniiuutitMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiimnp COMEYENTS TONIGHT Jufce 13. First band coucert WilUon pnrK, weather permit ting, 8 p. in. ' Jans 14. Flag dtiy. June 14. Llks' Plug iay serv ice at lodge, 8 p. m. June 15. Lilts' annual home coming; celebration lit arm- June 10. Suered Heart Acad emy commencement exercises. Juie 17. Waldo Hills pioneer piniie, homo of Mrs. John H. Hunt. June 1!. School board election. June 20. Nebraska society ro union at Statu fair grounds. Juife 24. Moose day in Salom. J una -B Close o( voting eon tost for Queen of Cherry Fuir, 8 p. m. July B All-Oregoi Grange ral ly, Hnieui. July 3 4.Annunl Cherry Fnir. July 4. Fourth of July colo brntion, State Fair grounds. Joly 4. Indiana society annual picnic at State Fair grounds. July "0. Wisconsin society re uniou at State fair grounds. Get our prices on awnings before you buy, K. L. Stiff Ron. We can save yon money on garden hone, Kelson Bros. & Patton, plumbers, 355 Chemokcta St. I'houo 1006. tf Tno Rev. Robert S. Gill, George O. L. Snydo: and Tom Clark left this morning for u threo days' fishing trip. They went by rail to Black Iiock and from that point will walk over the ridge to Riokrcull aud fish down to Dallas. Build that summer porch now and live in comfort. Fulls City-Siilcm Lumber Co., !M! S. 1'Jth. Phono'ttlJ. lie came back. If you haye carpets you wish woven notify S. A. Pobnor, j phono u'OcM. junel l Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Mtllt I accom j pained by Mr. ami .Mrs. Charles Wilson j Mill irotor tomorrow to lmgeue to nt j tend tin) annual department encamp I menu of tho (1. A. K. and Spanish war I voten.ns to be held in Liigene. June H 15 nud 10. I You are invited to attend the coun try fair held bv 1'nited Artisans Wed- preaching at 11 a. in. by the Rev. John Ovall. The afternoon program will be gin at - o'clock, refreshments will b served. Free admission. All are most cordially invited to attend. Commit tee. If you are not able to attend the band concert get the records anil have tho program on tho Sonora Talking Machine. Mvrtle Knowlund, 421 Court St. Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Steeves returned home yesterday after an extended visit in the east since March 11, and travel ing mere than 10,000 miles. Dr. Steeves spoil", part of the time studying under specialists at Philadelphia and New York City and attending during the monta of May as delegates tho Metho' (list i;enernl conference at Saratoga. The return trip was mnde with a few days' stop ut the Ornnd Canyon. o J. R. Pennington who lives on Sa lem route 4, brought a box of the Oregon strawberries to the Journal of fice this morning which are certainly the finest seen this season. Mr. Pen nington says that lie will only have about two thirds of a crop and that the season will be very short, but the ipinlity is unusually good. Tor those who are interested in flow ers besides good music, it may be of in terest to know that flower tubs have been placed on tho baud stand in Will son park and that in each tub are plant ed foul- Kicknrd geraniums, throe pe tunias, one myrtle vine, two ngeianium two leliotrone. five phlox, two nbutil uesduy evening June I t, at Moose hull, lion, one cineraria, one joy geranium social at McCornnck 'nail Wednesday evening. Kitresliiiionts will lie nerv ed and a program' given. And in or der that no man may appear in his store clothes or the ladies of tho lodge in their Sunday best, a fine will be assessed on every one appear ing in clothes that suggest a bank account. By Lowell Mellett (United Press staff correspondent.) St. Louis, Mo., June 13. Democratic Nntioi-al Chairman William, F. Mb Combs wired Bainbridge Colby, of New York, an invitation to join the demo cratic party. His action was bnsed on Colby's repudiation of Roosevelt, for whom he had made the nominating speech .in the progressive convention nt Ch'cago Saturday. McCcmbs' action was the most strik-j ing development to date of the demo-crati-'. leaders' efforts to find a way to I kidmip the four million votes of the' prognssive party which they consider; orphi.ned by Roosevelt's decision net to j be their cand'ulatc ns outlined by the I'uitcd Press yesterday. I lie telegram read: " P!.inlnidge Colony, Xassati street,; Xew York: ' j "I hove read your statement. It np-j pears that Colonel Roosevelt has at-! tempted to send his former enthusiastic! follow ers stumbling along to destruc-1 t ion. The progressive democracy cor-j dially and sincerely offers thorn safety. ! (Sigrri1) William F. McCombs, chair-.! man democratic national committee." j JL'Combs' phrase, "stumbling, along," was adapted from Colby's! statement of yesterday. Colby said J among other things: "The progressives haxe sustained -a headoM collision with their lender. The 'fact is manifest. He is to look the situat;on over and decide what to do, but we. too, will look the field over and determine what we will do." M.'Combs said today he expects to see men l'ke Colby who were prominent in the progressive convention declare for Wilson soon. He hinted the democratic platfoim may contain much to appeal to progressives. He refused to com ment on reports that some of the con servative democratic lenders had at temptari to check the efforts to win over the progressives. A uitional child labor law and recog- j nitio:i of the woman suffrage movement jnny lie two ot the leading planks in the democratic platform, designed to catch progressive votes, Th? child labor plank is to be the principal feature- of the ''social wel fare" clauses. Those urging this plank desire it to show progressives that the democratic party is willing to abandon its historic states stand on this subject. A canvass or strength, progressive, demociats claim, has shown that south ern democrats here have not sufficient strength to block this plank. Opposition to the progressive-wooing progirm was voiced today by Senator Hardwick of Georgia, one of the con servative group in the senate. "I-f wo win, we'll win ns democrats on historic, democratic issues," said Hardwick. "The so-called progressives, believe, will get checked up short if they attempt to override states rights on child labor and similar measures." Nebraska Society to Have. Annual Picnic The Nebraska society will hold its annual picnic at the state fair grounds Thursday, June 13. The progTam of entertainment will he given in the af ternoon, beginning at 2 o'clock, as is as follows: Song, America, audience. Address of Welcome, Pres. R. R. Ryan. Talk on Colfax County, H. L. Briggs. Recitation, "Little Jack Hornet," Ross Rkket. RecitaTlon, "Only a Tin," Thelma Johnson. Duet, Misses Olive Sutter and Gladys Zell. Talk on Sarpy County, Kruest R. Ringo. Original Poem, by T Sutter. Recitation, selected, Marica Fucst man. Piano solo. Mis? Rena Schott. Talk on Cherry County, Kai'l Petty crew. The Storm 0t 'SS in Nebraska, Miss Vernetta Ro-ket. Solo, by Miss Guessie Niles. A Talk on Antelope Couittv, L. Sut ter. Piano Solo, by Prof. Harr. The Two Englishmen's Race. The Fat. Man's Race. The Ladies' Race. - Potato Race for children under 12. Bnvs' and Girls' Foot Race. SALEM TAXI Cars of any kind for any place at any time. Office, BHgh Hotel PHONE 700 MILL CITY AUTO STAGE Daily Between Salem, Stayton, Mill City and all'way Points. Leaves Mill City 6:15 a. m.; Stayton 7:45, Salem, 9:15. Return, leaves Salem 4:30 p. m.j dtayton 5:45; Mill City 7:20. Phone 13 The Korean Restaurant k in now ftnened in our new loca- sfc is now opened in our new loca tion at 110 1-2 Coru'l stroet. Everything new and clean. All kinds of Chinese and Spanish dishes. Tay us a visit. Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glanc es correctly. V. S. Hank. Uld. 'Your suit pressed Doc. Phone 43, Mrs, H. K. Merwin, of tills city, re ceived a message lust night of the death of her father, Peter Paul, nt Buffalo, N. Y. Refrigerators at reduced prices and t'reti ice. K. L. Stiff & Son. Too contract for the erection of new buildings for the proposed flax plant at Kugine has been awarded to the Eu geno Lumber company. Your suit pressed 50c. Phone 43. Onr prices art right) so reduction necewiAry. Gardner & Kecne, jewelers and opticians. o Mr. Zadoc J. RIggs, an alumnus ff tho Monmouth Normal school, is in Monmouth attending the graduating ex ercises. Ask B. L. Stiff & Son about free ice with each refrigerator. While others rs reflating we arc increasing our stock. There's a rua tont ask us. Gnrdaer & Keene, jewel era and opticians. O. K. Tiest, the Jeweler, will hold lowo th bench of A. L. Wallace at thfl C. T. Pomcroy jewelry store during the nbsfnee of Mr. Wallace in Los An geles, for the coming three months, Your suit pressed 60c. Phone 43. W. W. Btelwer has mirchased the Maple Orovc dairy slso the Kaiser View d.iiry and will run fcoth tinder tho name of Maple Grove dairy with their office ut 11115 8. Com'l. tf II, L Clark, of 159 South High street, has announced ns a enndidate for school director at the election to bo held next Monday. His slogan is that more at tention should be given to spelling and the t'iree R's. Mr. Clark is proprietor of a shoe repair and harness shop, and has had cards printed announcing his candidacy. A petition is being circuliit cd and signed by his friends. o Good Templars to meet The Good Templars will meet nt their hnl) UC7 S. Church street this evening nt 7:.'t0 o'clock. A spleudid program and entertain ment will be given by the I'uitcd Ar tisans Wednesday at, the regular open meeting. The public is Invited. Plar.s and specifications for the 42 room annex to the Marion hotel are about completed by Architect George M. Post and will be submitted to con tractors within a few days. As all the materials to be used in the annet are The Sons of the American Revolution closed their charter at tho meeting held nt tbo Commercial club last evening with a membership of twenty three. The papers of several who are eligible have been delayed anil.it is expected that within a few months others who have sent east for papers will have completed their records of descent from Revolutionary soldiers and that the membership will total nlmnt. 40. Th0 Salem chapter will bo represent ed bv a float in the Cherry Fuir, parade July ,1 and a commit tee consisting of R. P. Boise, James 1). Hurtwoll and Ernest Blue was appointed to arrange for a properly decorated float, sugges tive of Revolutionary times. Vice President Frank J. Miller has issued an order that all compatriots take part in tho parade. In order that the benefits of becom ing an American citizen may be dulv n,l Iwn nuli.uMi In n,i,.lt 4li nrA O't varieties. These flowers were donnt- ""Pressed on applicants fbr citizenship, ed by Pr. R. E. Lee Steiner and were " '"'""'' consisting of Rollin K. nlnccd on tho bund stand bv J. W. Mn- ' ''rgo M. I ost. mill truest llluc runey, president of the Salem Floral society. worn appointed to arrange with the naturalization court for appropriate exercises when the rights of becoming A county fair will be the attraction'8 citizen nre granted, Tho following are charter 'members of the Salem chapter of the Sons of the American Revolutions Winthrop Hammond, Ernest Blue, Jas. S. Cooper Jr., N. A. Bowman, Hub en P. ldiise, F. S. Gannett, Benjamin J. Beall, Robert K. Green, E. J.' Ray mond, Jas. I). Hartwell, William F. Foster, J. H. Lnuterman, George M. Post, Rollin K. Page, F. I. Thiolsen, Frank J. .Miller, A. Jessup Strang, Gcorg,. M. Weeks, F. P. Nutting of Albany, William Connell Over, Earl C. Bushnell, E. W. Morelnnd" and II. 1). Ord of Independence. Salem Organizations Will Be Represented Salem, throush the delegates and iwo weeus visit at weutucnoe, asn, : memtiers of the Graud Army of the They will spend the time at the home Republic Spanish War Veterans, Worn of Mr. and Mrs. George Misel on their an's Relief Corps ami the Ladies of nil, it m-iii ,-niiu-Mi-r. .nr. uie t. a. iv, win ue represeiiieii at me Briink and Mrs. Misel are sisters and annual department encaninments for Oregon and of the Graud Army of the Republic, nud affiliating organizations to be held in Euircnt threit ilnva hcu-in- The Salem Business Men's luiur -,i.,..iv .!,,., ii Scandinavian Midsummer restlvnl-4ill meet nt a dinner to bo given at A majority of the delegates will !'lu S. iii.lin,ivi,iii iitt.M,,il ,:.!....... i il .'to 1. .1.: I.... n. .1... , . - , . .. , u iiwvu iimh vtviuuK 111. niu urn-, leave nouuerma morning on tne nenii mercial club. As this is tho first I quarter's train leaving Sslem on the meeting under the new officers of the Southern Pacific at 10 o'clock tomor-dr-pnrtiiu'iit, it is understood several 'row- morning. mutters will be brought before the The G. A. Ii. will bo represented by inciting in reference to the policy of the following delegates: S. P. Hay-tin- department for the coming year, ward, T. Remington, J. J. Neuniier, J. The meeting this evening is for all U. Neer, Karl Race. The alternates members of the Mercantile department are Ben Davis, F. Kurtz, Thomas Holt, of the Commercial club. John Bnrtell and Otto Blunck. 0 The Ladies of the G. A. R. who will Tha Maccabees will hold a hard tinis attend are Mrs, Anna Fish, Mrs. Fai nt, tho regular open meeting of Vnit ed Artisnns held in their hall iu the Moh& building Wednesday evening. An interesting program has been ar ranged and there will also be a num ber of booths, prettily decorated and iu charge of members of the- La Area club. Other special features have also been arranged and a cordial invitation is extended to tho public. Offit4alsl of Pomona grange and members of the tourist and publicity iloparthiient of the Coininerciul club will meet tomorrow afternoon to ai rnngo for the part the granges are to takoi in the uurado of the Cherry fair July J. The granges of the county Willi hold their annual picnic on July 3, Mrs. Reason Bmnk and daughter Miss Ethel will leave tomorrow for a nianufiicturcd in Salem, it is expected that contractors can submit their bids have not seen each other for fourtccu and the contract awarded iu order that years. tho work may begin next week. 1 he Scandinavian national midsum mer festival which is being held the 21th of June each year, will this year be held in tills state on Sunday, June 'J.'th nt the Chautanipin park," Glad stone, Oregon. A program of high or der will be rendered, American and Scandinavian speakers will take part. There will also be American and Scan dinavian songs, mjsic and recitations aud special parts for the children. The program will begin at 10 o'clock a, m. Baltimore, Md., June 13. Sevorn men went to a horrible death, nearly 100 were severaly injured by burns and falls jrom a great height, about $4,000, 000 in property was destroyed when the No. 3 elevator of the Pennsylvania railnud, the superstructure of the vast grain driers, two giant steamships and the big ore pier at Canton were burned this ntternoon. Estimates of the loss of life very. It W!.s feared 20 men died in the grain elev.itiir itself or in leaps of from 100 to loll feet, to tho pier and water, while fully 5 men, members of crew and trimmers on the Dutch steamship Wil'iielmvan Oriel, Sr., were crushed when that vessel caught fire and the side viills of the elevator crashed up on her, mashing the ship into a shape less muss and sending her to the bot tom of the slip next to the elevator. Tlt big British steamship Welsbeck Hall r-pughf five from the blazing ele vator ai d was towed into mid stream where, despite" the efforts of tho fire bonti and ninny big tugs her super structure was wrecked by fire and she sank jn mid-stream. Whether lives were lost on this vessel is unknown ns mauy of tho crew and trimmers were force! by the flames to leap from her deck into tho strenm. Lata this afternoon the blaze was be ing centralized in tho elevator struc ture nnd pier which with the two ships nre a total wreck. The assistance of the Baltimore city fire department-prevented loss of adjacent and surrounding property, much of which belongs to, tho Pennsylvania railroad company. It. vns stated late this afternoon bodies were taken from the Dutch steamer Wilhelmsvnn Oriel Sr, which was crrshed by one of the falling walls, but it is impossible to get definite in formation, the Pennsylvania railroad company having established rigid lines throi.fjh which no newspaper men are permitted to pass. For this reason it probably will ho late tonight before the ex:,ct number of casualties will bo known (Continued From Page One.) j men for a big ruirl. Reports of De La Rosa's arrest bv Ricnult are not eon- ' ceded. Reports say Ricault. conferred ' with De La Rosa several days ago. i Three Mexicans Killed. General Field Headquarters Ameri can Expedition in Mexico, June 12. (Wireless to Columbus, N. M., June 13.) Three or more Mexicans vre killed ! and several wounded bv Captain Otto! W. Retheret's detachment of the fight ing Thirteenth cavalry who after a forced march overtook and routed a remnnant of Villista General Vervan tes' band early yesterday. The Amer icans suffered no casualties. The Mexicans attempted to ambush tho Americans in a heavily wooded canyon twenty miles northeast of San ta Clara but the cavaliyiiun dismount ed and surprised the bandits on the flank. The Villistas kept up a heavy rifle fire for a few minutes but broke and fled when tho Americans rushed them. Tho troopers followed up their accurate' fire so rapidly the bandits were prevented from reaching their horses and supplies, escaping into the woods and rocky crevices and leaving 34 horses, some rifles aud several thous and rounds of small arms ammunition in the hands of Retheret's command. There were about 20 men on each side in the fight. RESIDENCE PARLORS Licensed Lady Assistant i Moderate Pricei Perfect Service Latest Methods Are Found Only At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone 724. Salem, Orf. Diaz at Bottom Of It. Washington, June l.'l. Additional consular reports from Mexico today of ficials admitted today gave cause for further concern. Reports from the Laredo district especially were very disquieting. It is to this section the reinforcements ordered to the bonier yesterday will be sent. Officials today were inclined to be lieve the rapid spread of feeling among the natives against, continued stay of the punitive expedition beyond the border is due to a, systematic propa ganda of enemies of the de facto gov ernment. Consuls reported mass meetings in many towns, probably under Felix Diaz' direc tion. War department officials insisted to day that, no call for additional militia will be made unless the situation de velops alarming conditions. Sons of Veterans Gave Boys Fine Flag The boys of the Oregon State Train ing school were' presented with a 1'. S. flag last, evening by the Sons of Veterans for the showing made in the memorial day parade. The S)ms of Veterans had offered three prizes for the best appearing young folks' or ganization on that day and thoawards When la SAXEM, OREGON, tc BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Free and Private Baths RATES: 75c, 11.00, .50 PE DAY the only hotel in the business district. Nearest to all Depots,, Theatres and Capitol Buildings. A Home Away From Horns. T. G. BLIGH, Prop." s Both Phones. Free Auto Bui. l f!: Auction sale Of high clas household fur niture at lliW Oak St. on Fri day June 10 at 1:30 p. in., see Thursdays Journal for full par ticulars." V. N. WOOlHiY, F. J. HKSSLKH, Auctioneer Owner. Phone 511. :): were, first, Oregon State Training school, second the Canip Fire girls, and third, the Boy Scouts. The presentation speech was mado by the Rev. F. T. Porter. Short tulhn were made by Mrs. Li.x.ie Smith uiol Mrs. Laura MeAdams members of tlo W.R. (., and Judge Diinicl Webster, representing the G. A. R. Tbo school ! responded by singing several patriot ic songs anil a lew wonts ot apprecia tion by Superintendent Hale. Among those attending tho exercise- were: Rev. V. T. Porter, Dau'l Wehster W. H. Bynrs. Dr. G. V. Kills, Join) Siegimind, David Drnger, V. G. Mover, Prank Baker, W. P. Uingle. .T. F. linn lap, R. H. Goodin, Mrs. 1. L. Mc.V.Iam-i, Mrs. llizzie Smiti. Mrs. John Sieg mund, Mrs. Clara Gribble, Mrs. A. L. Clearwater, Mrs. Kffie Wright, Afrj. Vera Wright. Sturdy Muscles need the balance of keen brains and steady nerves. All three depend largely upon selecting food that contains the certain elements that each organ requires. Grape- a delicious food ma Puller, Mrs. Einma Thompson, Mrs. Mary Martin, Mrs. Hoft'en. Mrs. Car rie White and Mrs. Beveridgo. Among the delegates and members of the Woman's Relief Corps who will attend nre, Mrs. Hattie Cameron and daughter l'iniicis, Mrs. Liz. .io Smith, Mrs. Km nm Bynrs, Mr. De'la t bar water, Mrs. Laura. MeAdams Mrs. Spencer. Mrs. Murv K. Watson, Mr-. Alice ' Idwell. Mr. Mary lloud. 'Mrs. Hen S. Via, Mrs. Ida Boss. Mrs. Sarah Drnger, Mrs. Mary Briggs. Tiie delegate are expe-ted tn re turn Priilny evening on the henhiunr tcrs' train. made of whole wheat and malted barley, is a splen didly balanced ration, and includes the vital mineral salts phosphate of potash, etc. so f requently lacking in the usual dietary. Grape-Nuts comes ready to eat with cream or good milk; has delightful flavor; is easily digested, and highly nourishing a wonderful builder of body, brain and nerve energy 0 "There's a Reason" Grocers everywhere sell Grape-Nuts. - I