Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 13, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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portin News From All Quar
ters and of Each and
Every Variety
'"iau Kr:tiifisro, .iiuii' 1:1. Cuncclliiigj
liU reservations tit i it last minute, ;
Jioti McAllister, middleweight, nil-1
noiinced today he would not sail on
the slt-amer Siena for Australia to-j
day. Instead, li declares lu ill re-1
main liere until ho has an opportunity!
ot chastising Mr. Willinni Median.
When McAllister was a ileluitaute in
the professional arena the erities pre-j
d'eted In rjjt tilings for him, but uheti,
he .suddenly eaneelled his scheduled
fijht wftli Median recently, fur the!
Australian trip, they snared on him
and npiaed that lie was afraid.
Arranging to Hoist Pennant. j
sun Francisco, June I.'t, The well i
known Hen llerry, funious Simon Le
(ioo of the Sttn I-'raneiseo Setils, is
waking artaneemeats today to hoist!
the lit I ."J raeific Coast league pennant I
with touching ceremonies lit Recreation
park June L'S. Hen has wearied of the
time hallowed methods of raising the
rat;, and has invited the fa us to orii(-
inate some new stunts. Todav he in-
Refrigerator Time
Hot weather is now up-
II t 1 '''ryrii!
if' 1 ' Wi i
Why pay double price for some of the new fangled
fancy kind that do not give you a bit better service
for your money.
Call and look over our line, we can surely save you
Prices $8.50 to $27.50, All Sizes and Kinds
F Thin in
In order to start oiT with a rush we are offering
as a special inducement, FREE ICE to cash refriger
ator customers. We will give you ice as follows :
1 1 10
ice delivered
ice delivered
ice delivered
iee deliveied
ice delivered
iee delivered
ice delivered
ice delivered
iee delivered
with every
with every
with every
with every
with every
with every
with every
with every
with everv
A I'ine Line of Csed Refrigerators,
Used Furniture
Do not forget to examine our stock of used goods
which is the most complete on the Coast. You can
outfit for One-Half price. We list a few items Mow:
One reular $1." II inch Range in fine condition, used p'ice $10.00
One regular ,ii5 IS-ineli Monarch Malleable Range in fine condition,
1'r'K'P : $36.00
(iood :fS to 112 No. 7 Cook Stoves, in fi loiiditiou, used price
$t and $5.00
One regular irl2.5u 0 ft. sipiare pcdeslnl extension Table, used
Vi''" $0.00
One icgiilai 1 7.50 tl ft. round golden oak extension Table, used
I'1'''' $0.50
One regular 22.511 'lift, solid unit Table (black), used price $9.00
One regular J25.00 solid oak ltuflet to match nbove, used price $12.00
One $.1.5(1 durp lenf Table, used price $1.50
Several regular $2 Kitchen Tables, used price 75c to $1.00
Several regular 5.uo Kitchen Treasurers, used price ...$1.50 to $:1.00
Iron lleds, nil kinds and sizes, used price $1.00 up
Springs, all kinds and sizes, used price ooc up
It is next to impossible to enumerate all the bar
gains we have in the store but if you will investigate
you will be greatly and agreeably surprised.
Our new stock of house furnishings is unexcelled
for price and quality and we will take in your old
furniture as part payment.
E. L. Stiff & Son
We'ed like to figure your hill wc usually get the
v'ttt'il t'very Si'al rooter to st'iul in his
iilt'iis foj- appropriate fining, mxl lli'ii
will pick out tlic ln'st prnrani.
Bunis-Hoppe Bout.
San T'taiicisi-ii, June KI. New in
terest was attracted today to flic
Frank ie liurns-Willie llnppe I'iglit at
Only City next I'liny niiiht when it
becomes known that Willie Ritchie
uiiht meet tlie winner, llnppe tuuk
the liurns match to keep busy after
the eaiM-i-llatiun of his affair with Joe
Rivers in Los Angeles last week. Hup
pe says he is in d'acking good condi
tion. Chicago, June I.'t. Ed Walsh, White
Sox veteran pit. -her, was slated for
a "come back" tryotit toilay nuaiust
Hie Senators, lie will have for his op
ponent Walter Johnson, the Senators'
star twirler.
Wahih to Meet Wolgast,
Chicago, ." !.'!. i-'reddie Walsh,
lightweight champion, has agreed to
meet Ad Wolgast in a 15 round bout
at Denver, July I, according to in
fiirmntioii received here today. Welsh
will receive iS,tlOO, win or lose, for
his end, while Wulgast will gamble on
tin' percentage.
Wolgast gets into action tonight at
St. Louis, where lie meet Fratilic lias
sell in a 12 round bout.
.Speed Kings to Race.
Chicago, June 1:1. Dario fiesta and
Ralph De I'lilani, world's fastest tuito
mobile) drivers today planned a
matched raee of three heats next Sun
day to determine, which is the speed
king. The race will be held at the
Maywood speedway.
on us and you will be
considering a new Re
frigerator. We handle the famous
Garland line, a line that
cannot be beat for serv
ice, quality and appear
ance, and can sell them
to you at a reasonable
price within the reach
or all.
routing .
costing ..
costing ,
costing ..
costing ,
And Up.
... .$ 5.00
.. $ 7.50
.. $ 8.50
.. $10.00
.. $12.50
.. $14.00
. $18.50
.. $21.50
.. $27-50
Leonard Outfought Dundee.
ew York, June (,'oolly and
skilfully evading the bull like ru-dies
:l ml aeio)laite attack of his opponent,
rthiih iu the earlier rounds threatened
to overcome him, I'.enny Leonard out
t might and outgeneraled Johnny Dun
dee at the Madison Square (larden
i.ist niylit. Leonard weighed l.'lti;
I Watching the Scoreboard
Pacific Coast League Standings
W. L. IVt.
Vernon -ill 21 X2
I. os Anodes :! L'U .551
-vm r'runcisco i!7 'iiO .552
I'ortla-id 20 2l .17:'.
-uit Lake 25 IS:! .VM
(tikland 25 -H ,:il!2
Yesterday's Remits
No panics played; traveling day.
Today's Games
Vernon at Portland.
Salt Lake at Oakland.
San Francisco at Los Anjif'
National League
V. I,. Pet.
Ittiioklvii 25 Hi .010
Philadelphia 2 lit .554
New York 23 l .MX
Chicajro 21! 25 .47i
liostoti 20 22 .476
Cincinnati 22 25 .411
Pittsbury; 20 24 .-155
St. Louis 21 2 .121)
unerican League
Cleveland 31
New York 2'
Wasiiinutoii 25
Detroit 25
llustou 21
St. Louis 20
Philadelphia '"
Yesterday's hero in the Hi if IcajjuM
was C'oviileski, of the Indians. He re
lieved Klept'er in the ninth, with two
on and none down and fanned Uld
riiiK, Sehalk and Stcllbauer in suc
cession. The Cub's win over the (iinnt: was
tt slaughter. They mauled two of Me
Ctmw's flinders for IS well bun. lied
Mnnn.oer Rowland threw In tlin lii(JJ
speed and told the White Sox to K
to it. White Sox li, Washington 0.
A bouPr bv Uescher of the Cardinals
. . i- '.....I 4i., 1...11 ,..;ti i.;
wnen no raspeu no- oj '.m n
finder tips which would have none foul
gnw t.'.e. dodi'i'-s a. rim in Urn sixtii.
It took the heart out of the bunch
from the Mound City nn'l P.rooklyn
had it soft thereafter.
Cobb started a little canipiiifin to
crowd Tris Speak or for battinn hon
ors. The Tiger star cut loose witJi a
double and a homer against the Yanks
and on top of that scored three runs.
(Crutlnued from rage One.)
lor the duty to which they were un
signed. "lint iu your ease, there arc many
estinoidinary possibilities, because
gentlemen, no man can certainly tell
you what the Immediate future is go
ing to bo either in the history of this
country or in the history of tie world.
It is not by accident that the present
great war came to Knrope.
' Kvery element was tliMe and Un
contest iiad to come ss.ioner or lator.
Ami it is not going to bo by accident
that the result are worked out, but
by purpose; by the purpose of the men
who are strong enough to linvo guid
i.nr minds .ind i ndoiu i table wills when
the lime for decision and settlement
comes. Aiid the part that the I'nited
States is to play has this distinction
in it, that it is to be, in any event, a
.liointiMiwte.l narlv.
"There is nothing that the Pnited
siintej w-ints 1 1 1 : 1 1 it has to get by
war, but there are a great many things
that the United States has to do. It
has to see that its life is not in ter
lerred with by anybody else who wants
Would Prepare for Peace
' The-e are days when we tire niali;
ing preparations.' The thing most com:
monlv discussed over every sort of
table, ill eveiy sort of circle, in the
shops and iu the streets is prepared
ness, and undoubtedly gentlemen, it is
the present imperative duty of Amer
ica to be prepared. P.ut we want to
know what we are preparing for. I re
member hearing a wise man siry once
that thtf old maxim that everything
conies to the man who waits is all very
well, provided he knows what he is
waiting for and preparedness might
be a verv hazardous thing if we did
not Know' what we wanted to do with
the force that wo mean to accumulate
and to. get into fighting shape.
" Aiiu'rica, fort una te'jy, docs know
what she wants to do witli her force,
i America came into existence for a
particular reason. When you look
about upon these beautiful hills and
up this stately stream, and then let
vour imagination run over the whole
'body of this great country from which
you' voungsteis are drawn far and
wide' vou remember that while it had
aboriginal inhabitants, while there
were people living here there was no
ivij'i.'ation which lie dis'i'laced. It
was as if in the providence of tiod,
a continent had been kept waiting for
a peaceful people who loved liberty
an, I the rights of men more than the)
'd anything else, to come an.t sei
an unselfish coininoinvealtli.
it ; n verv exlraordiiiarv thing.
You mo so familiar with American
historv at any rate iu its general
character, I don't accuse vou of know
ing the details of it. for I never found
the vouugsters who did but you are so
tamiliar with the general character of
American history that it docs not
seem strange to yen, but it is a ei)
Mraniie history.
li'o iiislory Li're Ours
'There is none other like it in the
whole annals of mankind, ot men gath
ering out of every civili'.ed nation of
the world on an unused continent an. I
building a policy exactly to suit theiu-st-Kes,
not under the domination ef
any ruling dynasty or the ambitious
of any royal family, doing what they
pb'iiscd with their own lire on a free
space of land which tiod had
with even- resource which was
accessary for the civilization that
meant ti build up. There is notliinirl
like it.
"Now, what we are preparing to do!
is to see that nobodv mats that ami
:hat, being safe, itself against inter-1
lerence fioui the outside, all of its !
force is ifoing to be behind its moral
lea ; t: 1 1 mankind is ciiiiiir to know
thai, wiieu America speaks, she means
wtiat she savs. I henrd a nifin mo- to!
.lliotiier 'it' vou wish' me to consider '
you witty, I must really trouble you
to n-.ake a joke." Wo have a ritrht to
ay to the' rest of mankind 'if von;1
ton t want to interfere with us, it vou
are disinterested, wo must really trou
ble you to give evidence of that fact.'
"We are not seeking a.iy selfish end
and we want the whole mighty power
J.-t Ajnerica thrown, ,fnto that scale
and not into any other. You know
that the chief thing that is holding
many people back from enthusiasm for
want is called preparedness is the fear
of militarism. I want to say a word
to you voting gentlemen about mili
tari:!nr. You are not a militarist be
cause you are niilitaiy. Militarism
does not consist iu the existence of
an army, not even in the existence of
a very great army. Militarism is a
spirit. It is a. point of view. It is
a system. It is u purpose,
"The purpose of militarism is to
use armies for aggression. The spirit
of militarism is the opposite of the
civilian spirit the citizen spirit. In
ft country where, militarism prevails,
the military man looks down upon the
civilian, regards him us inferior,
thinks of him as intended for his, the
military man's support and use, and
,ju.-:t so long its America is America,
that spirit and point of view are im
possible with us. There is as yet iu
this country, so tar as I can discover,
no taint of militarism.
Officers But Citizens First
"Vou young gentlemen are not pre
ferred in promotion because of the
families you belong to. You are not.
drawn into the academy because you
belong to certain influential families
Vou don't come here with a long tra
dition of military pride any of you.
Vou are picked out from the citizens
of the United States to be that part
of the force of the United States
which ruaJioH its policy safe ngainst
interference. Vou are the part of
American citizens who say to those
who would interfere, 'you must not
and vou shall not'. Hut you are Amer
ican citizens and tae idea 1 want to
leave with you boys todJV is this:
"Xo matter what comes, always re
member this, f.rst of all, you are cit
izens of the United States, before you
are officers and that you are officers
because you represent iu your particu
lar profession what the citizenship of
the I'nited States stuiuls for.
"There is no danger of militarism
if you are genuine and 1 for one do
not doubt that you are. When you be
gin to have the militaristic spirit, not
the military spirit tlmT is all right,
then I begin to doubt whether yon
are Americans or not.
" Vou' know that one thing iu which
our forefathers took pride was this,
that the civil power is superior to the
military' power iu tlie United States.
Once and again the people ot the Unit
ed States have so admired some great
military man as to make him presi
dent of; the I'nited States, to be com
mander 'in chief of all the forces of
the United States; but iie was com
mander in chief because be was presi
dent, not because lie had been trained
to arms, and his authority was civil,
not military.
To 'Enlighten the World
"1 can teach you nothing of military
power, but I am instructed by the con
stitution to use you for constitutional
and patriotic purposes. And that, is
the only uso you care to be put to.
That is the only use you ought to care
to be put to, because, after all, what
is the use in being an American if
you don t know what it is.
"Vou have read n great ileal in
the books a botti the pride of the old
fiomnu citi'.en who tilways felt like
drawing himself to his full height
when he said '1 am a Roman', but as
compared with the pride that must
hae risen to his heart, our pride has
a new distinction, not the distinction
of the mere .imperial power of a great
empire, 'not the distinction of being
masters !of the world, but. the distinc
tion of carrying ceitaiu lights for the
world that the world has never so dis
tinctly seen before, certain guiding
lights of liberty and principle and jus
tice. "We have drawn our people, as you
know, from all parts of the world and
we have been somewhat disturbed re
conk!)', gentlemen, because some ot
those. Ihotic-h I believe a very small
number, whom we hide drawn into our;
citizenship, have not taken into their)
hearts the spirit of America and have)
not loved other countries more thaiij
they have loved tlie country of theii'j
adoption and we have talked a great i
ileal about Americanism. It ougnt to
be a matter of pride with us to know
want Americanism really consists of.
Aniericauisia consists in utterly be
lieiing ;iu the principles of America
and putting them fust as above any
other that might by chance come into
competition with it.
1 Americanism the Test
" And; I for my part bel'cve that the
Ameriinn test is a spiritual test. If
a man has to make cxcitycs for what
he has done as an Anierica-i, 1 doubt
his Americanism, lb- ought to know
at every step of hi action that the
motive that lies bc.iind what he does
is a motive which im American need
be ashamed of for a moment. Now
we ought to put this test to every man
we know. We ought to let it be known
that nobody who docs not put Amer
ica first Can consort with us. Put we
onclit to set iheni an example. We
ought to set them the example by
thinking' American thoughts, by enter
taining American pmposes and those
thought and purposes will stand the
test of . example anywhere iu the
world, for they are intended for the
betterment of mankind,
"So I have come to say these few
worJs to you today, gentlemen, for A
Forty New Dentists
May Now Practice
Profession In State
Out of the 50 young dentists who
took lhe recent examination conduct
ed by the state dental board 10 will re
ceive permission to practice their art in
Oreg.in. l'rominent among those who
w,'re niceessttil is Dr. L.-H. I'nrker. oi
l'uii:l-s.s V:irkti- iih lu is ktunvu throu'li
out the northwest.
Those who passed are: E. li. Abbetts,
Toscp'i L. Harbcr, O. A. Hurch, K. 1
B"'l''n, K. P. Christie, C. F. Cliapin, 1L
lr- Ifcwitt, li. K. Hall, ('. R. Ifellier, F.
llenshaw. Jr., S. H. Zinsser, F. I!. Mih-
nos. lf V. Osteruinn, J. II. l'owell. fi,
L. 1 eterson, Jlamel I'eisonet, K. J
Parker, K. Ti. Parker. A. R. Roberts,
W. C
iSchnefer. W. .1. Shelton, W. F.
Sclieuiuntin, C. K. Templetou, (i. B. Tav
lor, R. W. Van Valine, all of Portland
- Hnmck and S. A. Bowman, of
Niiem: William tiuclianan, Ashland;
A. I). Cage, San Diego; F. W. Chand
ler, I. os Angeles, Cak; O. F. Croup,
Wall-i Walla; S. B. Hoskins, Forest
Grove; R. F. Murphy, La Grande; II. E.
Morgan, Fstacada; X. M. .Monro. Ku
gene; R. W. Quesinlicrry, Giesham; X.
Sykf!', Waterville, Wash.; F. Sasman,
Reed 'j Point; B. G. Vinson. Roseburg;
A. K Veatch, llontesano, Wash.
How Cherry Queen
Contestants Stand
A little life has been injected into
the voting contest for queen the Cherry
fair and from now on the chances are
the public will become really interested,
besides the lodges and stores who have
endorsed candidates. As the contest
closes June lili. only IU days remain for
double purpose, first of all, to express
my personal good wishes to you in
your graduation and my personal in
terest in you, and second of all to
remind you how we must all stand to
gether iu one spirit ns lovers and serv
ants of America. And that means
something more than lovers and serv
ants merely of the United Suites.
"Vou have heard of the Monroe
doctrine, gentlemen. You know that
we are already spiritual partners with
both continents of tiiis hemisphere
aind that America means something
which is bigger than the United States
and that we stand here with the glori
ous power of this country, ready to
swing it out into the field of action
whenever liberty and independence
nud political integrity lire threatened
anywhere in the western hemisphere.
And we are ready. .Nobody authorized
me to say this, but 1 nm sure of it.
We are ready to join with the other
nations of the world in seeing- that the
kind of justice prevails everywhere
that we believe iu, so that you are
graduating today, gentlemen into a
new distincftrm.
"No Danger In Noisy Man"
"Glory attaches to all those men
whose names we love to recount who
have made the annals of the American
army distinguished. They played the
part they were called upon to play
with honor and with extraordinary
success. I congtatulate you not be
cause you will be better than they,
but because you will have a wider
world of thought and conception to
play your part in.
"1 am an American but I don't be
lieve that any of us love a blustering
nationality, a nationality with a chip
on its shoulder, a nation with its el
liows out and its swagger on. We love
'hat quiet, self respecting unconquer
able spirit which does not strike until
it is neecssarv to strike and then
strikes to conquer. Nev,r, since I was
a youngster have 1 been afraid of the
noisy man. I have always been afraid
of the still man. I have always been
afraid of the quiet man.
"I had a classmate at college, who
was most dangeious when he was most
aifable. When he was maddest, he
seemed to have the sweetest temper
iu the world. He would approach you
with a most ingratiating smile and
then you knew tout every red cor
pusle iu his blood was up and shouting.
If vou work things otf iu you elliows
you do not work them off in your
minds, you do not work them oil' in
your purposes.
"So niv conception of America is
n conception of infinite dignity, along
with guiet, unquestionable power. 1
ask vou voung gentlemen to join With
mo in that conception and let us all
jilt our own spheres be soldiers together
Hint realize it. '
The Fallacy of Paraf fine
Base:oEastern oil manufac
turers have long extolled
the superior virtues of paraffine
base motor oils. But Pacific Coast
motorists have proved that Zero
lene, made from selected Califor
nia crude, asphalt-base, gave best
results. Their experience is now
supported by the testimony of in
ternational experts. Lieut. Bryan
stated before the Am. Soc. of Naval
Engineers: "Oils made from the
asphalt-base crudes have shown themselves better
adapted to motor cylinders, as far as their carbon
forming proclivities are concerned, than are paraf-fine-base
Pennsylvania oils." Zerolene received
highest competitive awards, San Francisco and San
Diego Expositions. Dealers everywhere and at service
stations and agencies of the Standard Oil Company.
1k? Standard OUforNotor Cars
Rate per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word lc
One week (6 insertions), per word. ...5c
One month (20 insertions) per word ITc
Tho Capital Journal will not be re-
iponsible for more than one insertion j
for errors in Classified Advertisements.
Read your advertisement the fust day
it appears and notify us immediately
f it contains an error. .
Minimum charge, 13c.
PHONE 937 For wood saw.
(I AUK V Windowcleaner. Phone
M IMiANHEKKV Pickers wanted,
campers preferred. Phone H-Fii. jel'i
FOR RENT Reasonable, 0 room mod
ern bungalow 'J-jt.'i J.ee street, jeli!
FOR SALE Poney for sale or wil
trade for buggy. .1. H. Arnold, R. 7
from P. O.,
l'hone I'll!).
." room house, 1-2 block
20S North Cottage..
ju ne 15
WAITED Competent woman for
housework in country. I!. Cunning
hum. Phone 21 F2. juneL")
A EADV Wishes to sell her solitare
diamond ring at a sacrifice. Address
K. J. care Journal. junel"
paying 'btisinesis. Jiew, in good
condition. J. A. Houston, Beuna Vis
ta. Polk county, Oregon, junelO
SEE1V POTATOES I have for sale
sonio fancy Burbank medium size
potatoes to close out at 50c, large
assorted 73c. C. C. Russell. Phone
3!tFI. juneM
The undersigned, G. W. Eyre, here
by informs the public that the busi
uesk relations heriytofore; existing
between Mr. h. C. Cavannugh and
himself have been dissolved and set
tled and henceforth he will continue
in business on his own account and
pay the highest market, price tor all
livestock offered to him. G. W.
Address 107:! Mill street, phone 2200
M. - t'
friends of the several candidates to
get busy and pile up the necessary votes
to win.
Th vote todnv stands:
Vernu Cooder 31,500
Estelle Wilson
Gertrude Corey
Inez Stege
Minnie Harr . .
You read the news wo get it.
With, a $1.50 Gasoline
Call and See Them
C. M. L0CKW00D
216 N, Com'l St. Salem, Ore.
216 N. Commercial St.
491 N. Cottage. tf
FOR RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap
ital Journal office. tf
I10RSK For sale, very cheap, onto
I!, box !7, Salem, jnneH
FOK KALK- flood young cow. Enquirer
"07.) Highland Ave. jtmeU
GOATS FOR SALE 12 head. O. G.
Iteckner, Salem, lit., 8. jiiuelJ
BDR SALE Or trade for wood, gaso
line engine. Phono 451. tf
GOOD Furnished house to rent, close
in. Phone iluin 4 or 47. ti
FOR SALK 7 horse power gasoline
engine, cheap, l'hone 1038. juuelS
PUKE Whale oil soap for bop spray
for sale at the Capital Soap Works.
FOR SALE Gold Coin seed potatoes,
price 40c per bushel, l'hone 97FU.
' junel5
FOR 8 ALU Mowing machine $22.."0.
K. C. I'cnrey, lit. il. l'hone 3GT11.
FOR SALE One Sandwich hay press;
one liussel engine. E. A. Johnson, K.
9. juue!7
FOR RENT House partly furnished,
eloso in. Inquiro 4!lti South Cottage
St. ' jnne7
FOR SALE Hoist ei n Jersey heifer,
fresh soon, good milker. 771 X.
Com'l. juneto
FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping
appartmenta, rates reasonable, close
,ln, 160 Court. tf
WANTED Cascara barli, hifhiesl cash,
price. Call or write Frys Drug store,
SaJem, Oregon. jutyS
WANTED TO RENT 5 room fully
modern bungalow or .cottage witU
garage. Fhoue 511, ' tf
TWO MCE--C'ottages for rent by the
month or season at Newport, tf. W.
Johnson &C'o. tf
FOR SA.LK A twin Harlcy-Davidson
motorcycle fully cqufipped, cheap.
Phone 1083-W. jnneKi
WANTED To exchange vacant lot
for good second hand light car,
no junk. Phone 783-11. jiineU
200 LOGANBERRY Pickers wanted
good camp grounds and water.
Phone 41F24, L. It. Roberts. tf
FOR SALE 200 acres at Lyle, Wash.,
will consider some trade oa clear
property. August Raueh, Salem, Or.
FOB SALE 18 acres, good term, 18
in crops and fruit, fair Ijtritdihgs.
best MiL W. W. Lander, SaJem R.
9. jilnelS
WANTED 5 acres more or Ijess for
cash near Salem. Quote lowest price.
Address E. A. Jensou, Lebanon, Or.
stairs front room, for light house
keeping, reasonable. M. L. 29 Journ
al. junelO
Apply S. Willis, Salem Itt. 9. 1 l-'J
miles north of Fairground store on
Portland road. junei:;
COn SALE 3 & half trnek Studebakar
wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon,
eordwood or stumpage, 2786 Lee.
Phone 1322-J. tf
FOR RENT Business block room, size
1880 feet. 4G7 State street. In
quire at 463 State. Phone, 1009.
Maurice Elingor. tf
WANTED Experienced woman .to
rare for two small ehlldr.cn and do
lilit housework (forenoons only)
Address tit! C care Journal. junet:i
WANTED To rent, strictly modern,
f'urnisiieil five room house near
State street. No children. Price must
be reasonable. M care Journal. je!4
FOR RENT Modern 7 room house,
Chemeketa St. between l.'lth and
14th, garage if wanted. Call after
10 a. in. 120i Chemeketa St. or
l'hone lllili, junel4
WANTED Two or three good young
cows. Grade Durham and llolstein
or I'm ham and Guernseys preferred.
Write giving description, box 37, Sa
lem, Or. or phone 127. tf
t AM Taking orders for summer and
fall delivery of wood. I will give a
lower price now than I will later in
the season. John II. Scott, phone 234
After office hours, 022. june20
WANTED Competent person wants
invalids or convalescents to care for
in her own home, pleasant location
with Kits of shade, rates reasonable.
Address D Care journal, junet.l
FOR SALE Nine acres 4 miles from
Eugene, in crop, good buildiiiiis, tele
phone, near sehool, a bargain, terms.
Particulars, address owner I!. 1.
Heath, R. 1, Eugene, Ore. jnnelti
FOR SALE At bargain prices, one
Troy laundry mangle 90 inches, store
shelving, two teams nnd Shetland
pony, 2 double bujgies, one single
buggy. H. Steinbock, 302 N. Com!
rnri- m. tf
Choice 158 acre farm, SO acres under
high state of cultivation, in crop, good
building; 11 fine milch cows, 1 Jersey
bull, 3 horses, hogs, chickens, turkeys,
all farm implements, crop, part of fur
niture, in fact give possession of place.
I'riw only '.i;5 per acre, would be a bar
Kain at 100 per acre. It's without
a doubt the best buy in the valley. See
or write L. Ilechtel,' ;',I7 State tfeet.
Men., Ti:es Wed.