Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 13, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Tr.ru v j
luini dim i
Tomorrow !&
A A k h
HI I Oil
You've seen "Geraldiae Farrar" and "Tlieda Bara '
sH Charlie Chaplin
In his famous 4-reels on
A Full Show will bo run after the Hand Concert.
"The Girl and the Game" and "The Iron Claw"
Trillion, June 13. The late
Karl Kitchener, ti rout lirit
ian's premier soldier lost when
' the cruiser Hampshire was
mined near tiie Orkney is'an Is
was today paid a tribute as
great as Kngland has ever giv
en to her departed heroes.
The services were held in St.
Paul's oathedral. The King
anil kueen, persons attai'hod to
the royal house, may peers, sol
diers and statesmen attended,
jamming the mighty cathedral
to the doors while thousands
stood outside in the rain with
heads bared. Many were in
deep mourning, expressing t'.ie
loss as personal.
Takes Finn Stand for Peace,
and for Still Stricter Pro
hibition Laws
The Photo Spectacle, "THE BATTLE CRY OF
PEACE," advertised to show at The GRAND for
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, will only be shown
for two days THURSDAY and SATURDAY TWO
rniiDT unircc news
Xewberg June 13 The twentj-
fourth annual session of Oregon year
ly meeting of the Friends church,
which will close today at noon, ac
cording to present . indications, has
been marked by tow actions that were
very emphatic. One was the unani
mous and hearty endorsement of the
movement to initiate an addition to
the prohibitory amendment to the con-1
ijtihiiion. yof Oregon, forbidding the i
i importation as well as the manufacture
4.1.... i : i i
i- uiiii :iuo ui niioAii i i uijr in' vf rages,
The other was the eniiihatic rxisitinn
I taken on the peace question, in which
it was evident that the traditional po-
Judge Galloway has granted a decree sitio,, 0f the church on this question
of divorce to the plaintiff in the casejjs no loss a position that is omphatic
of Oeorgo W. Herschback against Helen ally held by Friends of today. Strong
Tlerschback in department number 2 j resolutions were adopted against all
oE the circuit court. The couple were I war and war preparation, the time
married in Salem Juno ."10, 1911 and-', honored stand of Friends on the'ques
have two children aged three years and. Hon and the recent action of I'hiladel
one year respectively. By the decree j phia yearly meeting on the subject be
the defendant is awarded the care and i ing emphatically reiterated; a protest
custody of the children.
Kmzio Floyd lluunicutt, a laborer of
Independence, has secured a license to
wed Rosaline Hogan, of Aumsvillc.
An Inspiring Appeal to
The Mighty Photo
Two Days Only
mMttm k tniifd-wwl
Today, Tomorrow
and Thursday
'ihe New Home Treatment
for Ugly, Hairy Growtls
(Boudoir Secrets)
Here is a simple, yet very effective
method foi removing hair and fuzz
from the face, neck and arms: (over
the objectionable hairs with a paste
mailo by mixing some water with a
little powdered dclatone. Leave this
on for 2 or : minutes, then rub oft',
winsh the sjiin and the hairs have
vanished. No pain or inconvenience
attends this treatment, but results will
bo certain if you are sure to get real
Ttt Capital Journal Want Ads.
Supreme Court Holds
Short Session Today
Only four opinions were rendered by
the supreme court this morning in cases
which were devoid of particular inter
est. Ihe following were tho opinions
handed down:
Lulu R. White, administratrix of the
estate of James R. White, deceased, vs.
East Side Mill & Lumber company, ap
pellant, nction for damages for person
al in juries, opinion by Justice McBride,
Circuit Judge McGinn's judgment for
plaintiff reversed.
George W. Spores, et al, appellants,
vs. klustace Maude, et al, appealed from
Lane county, suit to reform a deed,
opinion by Chief Justitce Moore, Cir
cuit Judge Skipworth 's judgment for
the defendant affirmed.
W. M. Robinson, appellant, H. W.
Scott, et al, apepaled from Multnomah
count involving title to property,
rtpin :. 'i by Justice Harris, Circuit Judge
Gantenbein's judgment for defendant
0. Lverett Baker vs. Jennie II. Stncy,
appelli nt, action to recover rent, no
tice to dismiss appeal allowed, opinion
by Justice McBride.
If you enjoy rending the Journal oc
casionally you will be pleased to get
l it regularly only 45 cents per month
at your door.
A suit was filed in the circuit court
today by Charles Schmid against A.
Taylor in which the plaintiff alleges
that ho is the owner of 210 acres of
land in this county known as the "Old
Ball Place" and that the defendant is
trespassing upon the property and re
fuses to vacate the premises. The
plaintiff Reeks an injunction restrain
ing tho defendant from entering upon
tho promises and damages of $2.50.
Judge Bushey today appointed W.
O. Van Schuvver as administrator of
the estate of W. L. l'aterson, who died
intestate May 20 in this county. The
petition states that the estate of the
deceased consists of a life insurance
policy for $1000 and household goods
valued at about $500. The only heirs
are Helen J. l'aterson, mother of the
deceased, and three brothers, John, Guy
and Ray l'aterson, all residing in Mult
nomah county. The petition states that
tho life insurance policy was made pay
able to tho wife of the deceased but
since tho wife and only child of the
deceased died before Mr. Patterson, his
mother is the sole heir to tho estate.
W. L. Pntcrson shot and killed his wife
am child early in the morning of May
2ti and then shot himself and died in
tho hospital.
John W. L. Smith, of Salem, and J.
V. Fikc, of Hubbard were elected coun
tv school supervisors at a meeting of
the county board of education which
met at tho court house yesterday aftre
noon. J. 0. Drilette, the present super
visor, may enter government education
al work. The salary for tho super
visors was fixed at $1000 per year with
$L'0O annually for travelling expenses.
Their new terms begin September I.
Tho members of the county board of
education are Superintendent W. M.
Smith, George W. Hubbs, of Silverton;
was made against the introduction of
military drill lit the public, schools,
whether voluntary or compulsory; the
requirement of military drill on the
part of all male students of some of
tho state educational institution!) ot
the northwest was denounced us ty
rannical, since it demands that tax
payers violate their conscience in this
matter if they hold to Friends views
of war and war preparation; and the
authorities of the nation were urged
to seek ior the peace of the world and
of tho United States, not by armed
force but by the power of truth and
love and justice. The following reso
lution was made a part of the records
of the yearly meeting:
Resolved, That we pledge our love
and loyalty to our country, and de
she always to be willing to make any
rightful sacrifice iii the interests of
genuine patriotism; hut that we can
not permit a false idea of patriotism
to blind us to the fact that wo owe
our love to all mankind, and must not
permit i o be circumscribed by geo
graphical boundaries; and hat we must
place our loyaltp to Jesus Christ above
our loyalty to any man or set or men,
being true to our couscientius convic
tions at whatever cost.
Yesterday was full of devotional ser
vices on the part of the great gather
ing that filled the yearly meeting
house. Services were held at 8 o'clock
11 o'clock, 3 o'clock and 7 o'clock,
with the Bible school and the Chris
tian" Kndeavor meetings also largely
attended by visiting delegate.
Today has been occupied with con-
snferiuuon of tn,e Jsiblo vhool and
missionary interests, under the lead
ership ot Dr. Nelson Morrison of
Portland and O. J. Sherman of Port
land. The work in both of theso do
pnrtments has flourished during the
Voluntary gifts have been made
from time to time to the Christian Kn
deavor work. Pacific College for the
installation of the equipment of the
commercial department for next, year,
to the help of the meetings at Turner
and Stienviioil and to the general work
J. D. Alexander, of Sunnvside; J. W. of evangelization and church exten-k-,.11;
( s..i,it Mills, ami Mrs. Mamie'sion, nmounting to orer $1,000. The
Fulkerson, of Salem Heights.
How many men, think you, have
any idea of the pain and misery en
dured by women of their own house
holds, who suffer from ills peculiar
to their sex? Tiiey often see thein
smiling and trying to be cheerful,
even while racked with pain. If every
such woman would only be guided by
the experience of thousands of others
who have been restored to health by
that grand old remedy, Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, much suf
fering might be avoided.
"Reality is only skin deep," rpioted
the Wise Guy. "Ay! there's the rub!"
quoted the Simple Mug.
iLd jFk IN
Made Sold Delivered
utter Nut
The Best
Suffered From Backache and
Kickey Trouble for Years.
Dtar Rtadcrs l wish to tell yon
that I suffered from backacke and
kidney trouble for years. I heard of
Doctor Pierce's Anuric Tablets and 1
tried them. They cured my backache.
I hope people that are troubled with
backache will give them a good trial.
I am sure they will not fail ki beuelit.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Geo. Deminq.
Note: Folks in town and adjoining
ptaces are aengmea with the results
j thtyhEve obtained by using'MJVfyiC',"
; the newest discovery of Dr. Pierce, who
I is head ol the Invalids' Hotel and
j Suroical Institite, in Buffalo, N. Y.
j Those who started the day with a back
I ache, stiff legs, arms and muscles, and
an aching head ( worn out before the
day began because they were in and out
ol bed half a dozen times at night ) are
appreciating the perfect rest, comfort
and new strength they obtained from
Dr. Pierce's Anurio Tablets. To p'ove
that this is a certain uric acid solvent
and conquers headache, kidney and
bladder dipeasce and rheumatism, if
you've never used the "Anoric," cut
this out and send ten cents to Doctor
Pierce for a large Eample package. This
will prove to you that "Anurio" is
thirty -seven times more active than
lithia ill eliminating uric acid and the
most perfect kidney and bladder cor
rector. If yon are a sufferer, go to your
beetdrT.ggist and aek for a 50-ccrt box
of "Anuric." You run no risk for Dr.
Pierce's good name stands behind this
regular yearly meeting appropriations
will be made today.
That Charlie Chaplan's ability is not
confined to slap-stick comedy is dem
onstrated in his burlesque on Carmen.
In this four act Essanay-Cliaplin fea
ture film he combines real dramatic
situations with his most comic efforts,
and from the contrast comes tue hu
mor of the piece. Seriously duplicat
ing a scene from the opera o iii mo
ment and the next plunging into a
screamingly funny burlesque on the
point immediately fol'owing. Mix bur
lesque wilt lie appreciated liy all ic
wonderful new discovery as it tins for ture patrons, whether or not they have
ine past nalt century fur his "Golden seen the opera. Kdnu Piirviam e, his
flieaical UiECOverv" which makes the ; leading lady, makes a delightful ar
blood pure, his "Favorite Prcreription'men. The ret of the nut, larger than
for weak women and his "Pleasant! usual, is up to the usual standard of
Pellets " for liver ills. All Dr. Pierce'a exn.cn'e in Eyann v -' lun-lui come
medicines can be had In Tablet form ,,i,,s t the IJIigh Todnv and tomor
by uiuil orjt.drug storey ryw.
Hot W eatlier Special
At the Toggery Going Out of Business
50c Keiser
Wash Ties
Large variety of colors to
choose from
$3.00 and ?1.00
Silk and silk striped
shirts with soft collars
attached, others with
detached collars to
match. Ideal for warm
$1.50 Quaker City
With soft cuffs, novelty
patterns, all sizes.
Hammond-Bishop Company
"The Toggery" 167 Commercial St.
IT"-- "" I II I 1 '"ll il iiiii mi " -l11! i iiir-r-riiiTrnHMi wm; iiihiih. m .m nm, mn.,. . :,'
L.MII-.U,. ii ,n,r, n. .-.l-- rffMi1.1y.:,....Mrr..... , T.r . - , Ma. . , - , , MJ
(Continued from Pago 1.)
The Clans Gathering
By Perry (Arnold,
(I'nited Preaa Stuff Correspondent.)
St. Louis, June .13. William .len
nings Bryan arrived today and found
the democratic national committee
ready to tell him, "good bye und (iod
bless you."
Nothing could be more indicative of
how democracy's times have changed
than the fact that the great commoner,
four times a dominant figure in nation
al conventions and three times democ
racy's candidate for presidential hon
ors, now figures in the councils of
that party as a mere alternate from
Nebraska and a reporter.
In all the platform talk hea"r,l today,
there was no indication that tho form
er secretary of stato would havo a
hand in the hewing of the planks. He
pledged himself not to inject the prohi
bition issue into the convention and
having done so, the democrats were
willing to let ISrvan alone, with hopes
that Pryaa would also let democracy
alone and raiso no discordant note in
the harmony program.
Twenty years ago the silver tongued
orator came to the J SIX! democratic
convention as a reporter, thrilled
democracy with eloquence and departed
as its presidential candidate. Pour
years later he was again nominated.
In l!M)t his leadership was rejected and
another candidate chosen, but four
years after that, it was William ,1.
Bryan who made the race as demo
cratic, standard bearer. In 11112 it. was
Bryan who forced the nomination of
Woodrow Wilson; Bryan who headed
off Champ Clark and llryan who
dictated the platform.
Bryan Only a Roporter.
In the convention of litlii William
J. Bryan will be a reported again
just as he was L'll years ago. lie is
officially accredited also as an alter
nate. Alternates cannot address the
chair from the floor except by unan
imous consent. .Newspaper reporters,
of course, cannot participate in the
proceedings. Therefore, according- to
all indications today, William ,1. Bry
an will be out of tho show. Ho may
bo invited to make a speech when the
business of the convention has pro
ceeded to the point where oratory is
needed to fill in but no aid nor ad
vice will be sought of him; no part in
tho drama of democratic politics will
bo cast for him.
The platform building in which
work Bryan four years ago was the
master carpenter is already done. To
night Secretary of War linker arrives
with tho draft approved by President
Wilson himself.
The chief executive is credited per
sonally with writing a number of
planks, lie has talked th whole docu
ment over with Senator Stone of .Mis
souri. The latter will have the princi
pal direi-t'uiii of the putting together
of thi( words anil pledges on which
democracy will make the race this year.
Whiskers Threaten Democracy.
Tho great bulk of the delegates were
expected to arrive today. Lobbies of
the Jefferson and Planters hotels are
showing more of the convention spirit
bub so far exactly one band has
blared its way about downtown, ami
there hasn't been a sign of a cheer.
The delegates are alternately dodging
and talking to woman suffrage work
ers, several score of moving picturo
operators are on the job from dawn to
dark, and seeml hundred newspaper
reporters hunt for choice bits of news.
St. Louis has done herself proud on
convent inn weather. The days have
been ju-t warm enough to make sum
mer clothes comfortable, but imt sticky
enough to be enervating.
It as said while the renomination
of Marshall for vice-president appeared
likely today, it might not be unan
imous. Roger Sullivan of Illinois and (lov
emor Major, of Minsouri, both have
shoutors boosiint; them for the second
place berth and probably will draw Ihe
complimentary votes from -their state
delegations. There vtas practical cer
tainty, however, that not morn tliau
this number of votes would he regis
tered against Marshall's renoiuinatioii.
Priciids of Senator James Hamilton
Lewis of Illinois indignantly declared
today that if Roger Sullivan's name
was preente, as a candidate for Hie
vice-presidential nomination that of the
man who made the whisker famous in
politicL1 would als go before) the dele
gates. It was asserted that Lewis
could command a big bunch of Illinois
delegates even bigger than those who
might vote for Sullivan.
Read Capital Journal Want Ads.
House Cleaning in
As our basement in our new building will not per
mit us bringing our stock from our old store we will
sell every Woman's and Child's Hat at greatly re
duced prices. Every Woman's Hat in our old store,
including those new striped Sport Hats, go at,
each $1.00
All Children's Hats in our old store must be sold and
the price is only, each 50 Cents
When you come to town go to 270 North Com
mercial and make a large saving in Ladies' and
Children's Millinery.
7 Reels of Laughter 7
today rmrnnKi today
m tomorrow wniuun
Comedy in 5 Acts
A Keystone You Want to See.
A full show after the band concert tonight.
and Spanish War Veterans
June 11, 15, 16, 1916
Big parade 4::i0 p. m., Wednesday, June 14, com
posed of Civil and Spanish War Veterans, Wo
man's Relief Corps, Ladies of the G. A. R.
Presentation of flag to public school.
Military Order of Serpent will give their unique
Snake Pairade, 7:1)0 p. m., Thursday, June 15.
Battle of San Juan Hill, represented by Oregon
National Guard and Spanish War Veterans repre
senting the Spaniards.
Are on sale from all Southern Pacific stations. Ash
land and north, June 12, 13 and 11. Return limit
June 19th. Ask local agent for further information.
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent.
Southern Pacific Lines