Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 13, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Jooroa
Ti i:si).v i: km.m:
Juno 1:;. mu;.
chari.es h fisher,
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
I., s. jiAi;xi:s. en as. n. i-'isiiki;, ioi;. c. axii;f.skx.
I'li'-iili'iit Vice-President Sec. mill Titos.
Daily liv carrier, per year '.on l'cr month
Daily liy iniiil, per your
XUO J'cr niiuitli
Fl.'l.l, J.KASKU Vli;K TKI.KCUAI'll h'KI'OKT
New York, Wardl.ewis-Williaiiis Xjfi i:i I Agency, Tribune Miiihling
Tlie Capital Journal carrier boys arc instructed to put tin; papers on the
jinrch. If the carrier does nut tin this, niihscK yiui, nr in'lcr Jm j;i-t 1 1 11 the
jiapor tu yiui mi time, kindly phone the circulat imi uiii iistfr. an tliw is tin- only
way we van determine whether or nut the carriers tire following instructions,
l'liim" Main S I hoioio i:'M o'clock and a paper will be sent you liy special
messenger if llii- currier has missed you.
The democrats are gathering at St. Louis Tor their
little stunt of selecting a candidate for the presidency.
Jt will be a short job, so far as the work is concerned, al
though it will probably require several days to go through
the routine. There is but one candidate, so that; part of it
is settled. As for the vice president, that too is, so far as
is known, a one man affair, although Missouri has a can
didate, who may be given a nice complimentary vote, and
Sullivan of Illinois has aspirations.
Bryan will be there but not as a delegate. It is causing
the leaders vorry lest some zealous admirer insist on
asking that he address the convention, which, not being
a delegate, he cannot do except by invitation. . They fear
the result of any talk he might make yet they would
hesitate long before refusing to allow him to speak if the
request was made.
The platform is already completed, or so nearly so
that all it requires is indorsement, and perhaps a little
polishing. It is understood that Secretary of War Baker,
who is on his way to St. Louis as the president's personal
representative, has a draft of the platform with him or
at least the points enumerated the president would like
to have placed in it.
The new Woman's party is also there quite numerous
ly, and will endeavor to force the adoption of a plank
favoring national women's suffrage without any strings
on it, such as the republicans attached to their indorse
ment. It is highly probable they will be disappointed, for
among the male voters it is generally held that it is a mat
ter for each state to decide for itself, at least until they
have practically all adopted it.
This will make it Ilobson's choice with the new party,
for with the old parties both against it they will have to
do some guessing to find which side to favor. It is prob
able though, they will go to the republicans, but it will
have little effect on results, for outside of the leaders the
rank and file of the new party will diyide along party
lines just as the men do.
There have been numerous rumors circulated recent
ly in Salem and vicinity concerning the financial standing
of business houses here. Some of the largest concerns
in the city have been widely reported as having closed
or being on the verge of bankruptcy, much to the annoy
ance if not actual damage to these firms in some instances.
The persistency of these unfounded rumors would indi
cate that the motive is malicious and with the deliber
ate intention of inflicting financial injury upon those
against whom they are directed. There is no more con
temptible act possible than such anonymous attacks up
on the credit and standing of reputable businessmen, and
if the steps now being taken to ferrit down the source of
tlie rumors prove successful those who are responsible
for them should be severely punshed. There is a law in
Oregon, with a heavy penalty attached, covering oll'enses
of this kind, and it is a just law which should be rigidly
enforced. During the past two or three years business
men have had hard enough work to keep up their
financial credit without being attacked from ambush
like they have been in Salem during the past few weeks.
The new Woman's party, though but a week old. is
having the usual hard row wailing for infants. It began
cutting teeth early, the first eye tooth coming through
before it was a week old, when the little Bull Moose, hav
ing pledged support to tlie sull'rage movement, was stab
bed in the back by its daddy, and sent to the hospital seri
ously wounded. It will, before the campaign is over, be
like the boy who tickled the hind legs of a mule not so
good looking but knowing a blamed sight more.
Justice Brandies has been assigned by Chief Justice
White to the second judicial circuit court consisting of
Vermont, Connecticut and New York. This is the circuit
formerly held by Justice Hughes.
Russia is telling some big war stories again. Captur
ing Austrians they say is too easy to be real sport.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18G8
CAPITAL $300,000.00
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
The political situation has not entirely cleared up, and
will not until Colonel Roosevelt decides finally just what
he will do. On his decision depends the course to be fol
lowed by the progressives. If he goes back to the old
party fold many of those who went out with him will re
turn, not with him, but because they have lost confidence
in him. The radical element will perhaps name another
candidate,. and maintain the party. If this is done the
new leader will do doubt be Governor Johnson of Cali
fornia. Even if this is done a goodly number will turn to
the democrats, as the only refuge. They will not go back
to the old party, and they have no hope from the new.
There is no place else for them to turn, and while they
will be perhaps less than half the party strength, they
will have considerable weight in deciding the result of
the election.
The supreme court will decide the'1 Olson case next
Tuesday. This is a suit brought to test the validity of the
law permitting candidates by paying a fee instead of cir
culating petitions, to get their names on the ballot. Should
the supreme court hold as Dr. H. M. Patton who brought
the suit asserts, that the law is invalid, it would knock
out the nominations of several candidates. About the
only question at issue is whether the legislature can
amend or repeal a law passed by the people by initiative.
Lawyers differ as to this, but the larger portion seem
to be of the opinion the legislature can do this. If it can
there would seem to be little use for the initiative, for
the legislators could set their will aside and in its place
put a law of their own, which it in fact did in the case be
fore the court. "
The date for the celebration of the completion of the
Eugene-Coos Bay railroad has not been set yet, but it will
probably be sometime toward the end of the month.
Salem has arranged to send a fine delegation to rejoice
with her neighbor on the termination of her isolated con
dition, and this will be done should the date not interfere
with our own celebration on the Fourth. . Should this
happen, of course Coos Bay will have to give away, for
we could not be away from home when our invited guests
Speaker Clark perpetrated a little joke in the house
Monday when Republican Leader Mann asked that the
acceptance letter of ex-Justice Hughes be printed in the
congressional record. Clark put the question this way:
"Is there any objection to printing the statement of Hon.
Charles Evan Hughes made when very much to his sur
prise, he was informed of his nomination 'at Chicago?"
with emphasis on the word "surprise."
Maybe Teddy wants time to do a little flirting with the
new political girl baby before he answers the call of the
Bull Moose to lead their herd. That party made national
suffrage a plank in its platform, while the republicans re
jected it, and the democrats probably will do the same.
Perhaps the colonel may find a ray of light from this
source, and bright enough to guide his wandering foot
steps. The Russians are steadily driving the Austvians back
and the French are holding the Germans at Verdun. The
Italians are again holding the Austrians and claim to be
making some gains. The British report capture of the
town of Mombo in German East Africa, and the town of
Bismarckburg'on lake Tanganyika. All the allies, it will
be seen, are doing something.
When Carranza gets a glimpse of the republican can
didates' pictures he will get suspicious of this country
ngain, thinking we are after his job of misruling Mexico.
Colonel Roosevelt discovered another "bearded bird"
at Chicago Saturday. It was also of the nut-cracker
It looked as though the horse was doomed, the way
ihe motor business boomed, and Dobbin, steed of sterling
worth, prepared to tumble off the earth. Town dwellers
tried to give away the surrey and the one-
hoss shay, and every other wheeled ma
chine that wasn't run by gasoline. And
any man who drove a hoss was looked on
as a total loss; we wouldn't bow to such a
dub, or have him at the Country Club. His
wife no longer we'd invite, when we had
tea or euchre fight. But we begin to real
ize that he who drives a horse is wise, for
dC .A no horse owner e'er is seen to fill his steed
W -li 4.UiA 1 nil yiiMjniiv. nnuiM;iiiio uaumiuuj w
cheap; one bale in luxury will keep a
charger for three days or five, no odds how hard a man
may drive. But if you fill your car with hay, and try to
run the thing that way, it will not wag its tail and ears,
or go a foot in forty years. The owner of a car, alas, must
blow his substance in for gas, and as the sparkling juice
he pours, the fierce old price still higher soars.
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Monmouth News
( 1. 1 ital ,1'iumal Spivial Service.)
Jloiiiunuih, On'., June 1:1. The scv
nth annual commencement exercises of
Monmouth high school took place Fri
day, ,'une i, at S o'clock, in the high
school iiii'litiriiiin. Tin1 program 'for
tlie evening was as follows:
Jl iroh, "Tin' Victor," MaLiv Hvyvr,
Orei.n Niinnal srlionl ori'livstia.
(K iTtuiv. " l.a Burli'sipif. " Von
Siippe, O. X. S. oii'lii'stra.
(Mia;;, "AIisimiI," .Mftvalt'-I.ynv.s.
(iiils Olvo flub.
Vo.-al solo. Oi " SummiT liain,"
WilUliy; (l) "Fair Lotus Fluiwr. "
l.yni, Anna -Marshall I'oivi'll, i-on-tralt
Coainii'iH i'mriit . aiMivss, K. D. livss-
lrr, professor of industrial pvdaoy.
Orvou Arii'iiltuial vollop.
:S:iunaU "I'ii-rrot," Jiui. O. N. S.
5in:ji, '' Bonnie I'.loise," Thomas,
Boys' Olce Hub.
I'lvst'iitntioii of rlass of I'.Mli, K. I..
Ki'i'.vl. priai'ipal of the Inch svhool.
l'resi'iitation of diplomas, Hon. Ira ('.
I'oweil eliti i rum u board of education.
Vo.-al solo, "(looiLBve." Tosli. Anna
Marshall I'owell.
-.Valse. " Serenade, " T-i-ha i Ui n ski , (I.
X. I-v on-hestra.
Be ueilivliou.
Monmouth "lis very well represented
at the Ilii-kreall p'n-nii- Saturday, .lime
111, by the 2ii eiuhtb rade ynuliiati'.n
nh i.i rei-eived their diplomas. Along
with the training school orchestra, Ihe
Oregon Xornial girls' ipiartette had a
part on the iprogi'aiii. The list of Mon
mouth eighth grade graduates is as fol
lows: Hugh Bell. I.ucy Bowman, Dor
othy Brewster, Frances Breusler. Karl
Coukoy, Hessie Clarke. Wilino Dobell,
F.ileea Hewitt, Veva Heninan, Julia
Hinkip, liohert Hiukle, James dig
ginbottoin, Elmer Hudson, liohert Uall
Iowmv, Cay Moreland, Beth Ostrom.
Bru.-e lingers, Alice Scott. Elizabeth
Scotr, Fannie Sleinbevger. Kuth Mone.
Bessie Sullivan, Wendell Van Loan,
Jessie Webber, Karl Williams and
Clni".? Winegar.
The postoffice in Monmouth lias very
recently been raised to the .station of
third class which was announced in a
letter received by Mr. A. I'arker from
the department. The salary of Mr.
I'arlier lias incidentally been raised to
$1,70'!. This is the second raise since
he too'; the position two years ago.
Oa Monday inoriiing, June 10, the
suminer course begins at. the Oregon
Xoru a' school. Tresideut Ackermaa ex
pects more students this suminer tlian
ever before during the summer course.
Students desiring to attend should regis-ter-this
in f yy fd Oiu! ?-' t ivi'ii t y-l-itui taoiii
'i'h 1 Boy Scouts of Monmouth have
been making plans and have been look
ing tVirwnrd to two hikes into the coun
try with great eagerness. On June !2fl
aiid 21 they will take an over night hike
into the country and during tlie first
two v eeks of August they fill make an
excursion over to the Siletz country.
The Monmouth Boy Scouts consist of
t'o patrols of which one lias eight and
the other nine 'members. Of the
1 1 l-'.i(fii. " llii senior linll'ot lender is I
Ellis Fisher; patrol leader, Willie Har
vey. 1'. I.. Denzel is senior patrol lead
er of the "Wolves," and Clay Morc
land, patrol leader. Raymond Corn
well, tlie scout master, is verv able and
efficient to be tlie boys' leader and does
a great deal to encourage the Boy Scout
The annual Children's day exercises
of the Christian church were recog
nized last Sunday evening by a large at
tendance. The whole service was a very
prettv one. the children having charge
of the program, ushering, passing the
collection baskets, etc. The exercises
were as follows:
Song. "God of Our Fathers."
Tie- Prologue.
Song, "Children's Dav."
Reading. "She Died for China."
A play. "A Visit From Miss KolU."
Song, "Over the Sea."
1'lav, "Women of China."
Song, "Will You Clive to Jesus!"
Statement, Frank Earl Meigs.
Emblem of all tuitions. Drill.
Reading, "What Has It Meant to
Tableau, "Opening the Gates."
Tlk' offering received during the ser
vice was (leveled to Chinese missions.
The (seniors) graduates of Monmouth
high school and a few friends were
among the many people at the Rickreall
picni' Saturday. They went over to
liicktvall in a truck. After the picnic
was oer the merry crowd boarded the
truck again for a trip to Salem. Every
one nlui went reports n very fine time.
The senior class of the Oregon Xorm
al S'hool will present the play "The
Queen 's Masque," on Tuesday, June 1,1,
on tlie normal campus at .'I o'clock. Th
(Wbwi".wi Jim
1 I of W Vi IV'
i i mm 1 1
uvrinhuxi 11)16 by lilt l'miuie Ac
f ? GE0 c' WILL
' 1 Xew Edison Disk
1 1 ! Vietrolas.
gij ' Grafanolas
v. U t Q Each in every
H hUr I U st-vle and a11
H II Q records for each.
3 -:ii! State Street
H n
Picture Tells
The Story
f A
o - -.
and Driving
li loves
170 S. Commercial
Phone 111
Phone 529
The quality of our
work is as high
as the price is low
Ye Boot Shop
3.5 Slate St.
Opp. I. add & Bush
Glasses our
Lenses duplicated
on short notice.'
Dr. Herman Barr,
Ilartman Bros Co
Larmer Transfer
rhoue. Office, P.'IO
or Residence .18(18.
Storage, Packing,
Shipping. Moving,
Coal and 'Wood.
Quick. Reliable
The Knipnrimam
Pool and Billiard
Weinhard 'sN'ector
on draught,
cigars, and soft
E. JI. Klinger,
Ivsrtisers. Box 17, Orceon City, Ore.
I'iniios I sell, the
Best and Cheapest
Pianos rented.
432 State Street
Thone loll
Capital Drug Store
Z. J. Riggs, l'a. G.
New location
State and Liberty
upon completion
of the JIcGilchrist
Auto and Car
riage' Painting
Tops and Cush
ions repaired and
3(U S. Com'l.
Wo mako your
linen near longer
and look better
by our auto-dry
room and press
niacin no work.
Salem Laundry Co.
l-'lli S. Liberty St.
Jewelers and
Hartman Bros Co
State and Liberty
The Handy Man
Around the House
Pure Jlilk
and Cream
Oak Park Dairy
Auto Delivery,
W, F. Loonev
. 7" 1
class have been and are working very'
hard for the success of this nine ' i ;'t
;prom.ses to be one of the best events
ot tin- school year. The proceeds are to
pay the expenses of ihe production
which will be at leiist tl, 1,,l,...,l
A white frost was seen la thv vicinity
of Monmouth Saturday morning, hut
wry little damage was' ilone. "
Salem Employes Will
. Benefit by Pension Plan
The five employes of Ihe Wcljo-Knrgo
company in Salem will benefit and
conn- in under tlie new provisions of
the company fo extend its benefits and
pen-ion plan. The new system went in
to effect June 1. The company has
been letiring its older men on pensions
! for twenty-five years but the new plan
is much broader and of benefit to a
greater number of employes. One of
the new features is the disability clause
which applies to all who have been in
the employ of the company six months.
In case of injury while on duty, the
employe is gianied full pav for six
moiiths and half pnv another six
in.tlltlu It' I... I..,. I !....' .1.. . ...
( 1 '""i i llll 1 110 COIII-
; puny 15 years and is still unable to
i work, he is retired on a pension,
j Full pay fur a month is also allowed
I the widow in case of death and half
i pay an additional number of mouths,
depending on the length of service.
! The minimum pension for super-annii-a
ted employes is now fixed at No. 4
$W a month.
The new system is not only a recog
I ii it ion of the loyalty of the employes
but is intended as an em nurageiueut
to continue wilh the innipniiy.
ies and friends, nil
outside ot Oregon excepting eight.
Forty-seven prisoners' families were
Eight husbands and wives were re
united. Two thousand letters were written to
prisoners and families.
Tw J hundred and niuetv-six visit to
prisoners in jail were made liv the su
perintendent and assistants.
Fifty-six prisoners received legal ad
vie. Sixtv discharged prisoners were pro
vided with work and li were "ivpn
odd jobs. B
Toe Jr.uf.ts tof Portland fijrnislieil
clothing and supplies to prisoners dur
ing the winter of 1015.
Tin reports of the society's work
sets forth the belief that feeble-mi nded
ness in persons -ho are above the grade
of the actual imbecile is found to be the
greatest cause of the various kinds of
stealing and other law breaking.
The society hopes to secure legisla
tion to detain premanentlv all mental
ly detective persons who show bv num
erous conviction., for crime that ther
are incurable. The society believes that
.-'en permanent detention will stop th
......-,.., icpiodurtion ot criminal
, ' v 1 1 , r..
I !p !
French Remedy Aids
Stomach Sufferers
France has been railed the nation
without stomach troubles. The FiencU
have for generations used a simple mix
ture of vegetable oils that relieve stom
ach and intestinal ailments and keep the
bowels free from foul, poisonous mat
ter. The stomach is left to perform its
functions normally. Indigestion and
gastritis vanish.
Jlr. Geo. 11. Jlayr, a leading druggist
of Chicago, cured himself with this
remedy in a short time. Tlie demand
is o preat that lie imports these oils
from France and compounds them under
the name of Mayr's Wonderful Rem
edy. People everywhere write and tes
tify to the marvelous relief they have
received using this remedy one dose
will rid the body of poisonous accretions
that have accumulated for years and
convince the most chronic sufferer fro:n
itonuich, liver or intestinal troubles.
Jlayr 's Wonderful Remedy is sold by
leading druggists everywhere with tlve
positive understanding that your money
will be refunded without question or
cjuibhle if OXE bottle fails to give you
ansoiute satisfaction.
For sale by J. C. Perry, druE;g;st
! Oregon Prisoners' Aid
Society Files Report
l The Oregon l'risoners' Aid society of
I Portiand, of w hich Hen Selling is presi
dent, and Governor WitliTcomhe. hou
jornry president, has issued n -report of
its activities for the year 1915.
The benefits to prisoners for the vear
j are as follow s.-
Eighty-three state prisoners cared
I One hundred and fifty-niue eitr and
jenuu'y prisoners supplied with tempo-
rary homes.
' Twentv-seven returned to their fa mil-
If you are too fat and want to
reduce your weight 15 or 20
pounds, don't starve and weak
en your system, or think von
must always be laughed at" on
account of your fat. but to
Central Pharmacy or anv
good druggist, and get a
box of Oil, of Korein capsules,
take one after each meal and
one before retiring at night.
Weigh yourself once a week
and note what a pleasant and
reliable method this is for re
moving superfluous fat from
any part of the bodv.
It costs little, is absolutely
harmless and a week's trial
should convince nnvone that it
is unnecessary to be burdoned
with even a single pound of un
sightly fat.
Always Watch This Ad Changes Often
Strictly correct weight, qur deal .nd highest price, for ill kind, ol
Jimk met.l rubber, hide, .nd fur.. I p.y 2Hs p poun(, f
Bin itock Of . 1 Sizel inennfl iA ,.. ...... 9
iron for hnrn rnnri mA Vh.i.. t
, , - -..uuga. noonng paper and wond 1
'4 A -3
hand i
H. Steinback Junk Co.
The Hon of Half a klllion B.rfilat. t
SOS North CommerclAl t I