THE DAILY CAPITAL JOT RNAL. SALEM. OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1916. SEVEN Z23232S2S3aTHE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY n I""- NEW TODAY T ll i IIS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES HOUSE For sale, very i-heap. Route I J El Bats per word New Today: Each insertion, per word lc Obo week (6 insertions), per word....5e One month (26 insertions) per word 17c The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertisements. Bead your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately if it contains an error. , Minimum charge, 15c. PHONE 937 For wood saw. tf 1IAKRY Windowclenner. Thono 7tiS. jtilyl FKONT APARTMENTS Ground floor 491 N. Cottage. tf SA ,K (inn, vnllmy I".. -'liTo Highland Ave. iuneU II 111 GOATS FOR SAI.E lieckner, Salem, tit head. O. i juneUl FOR SALE Slowing machine UJ.oO. K. C. l'eujvy, Rt. 3. l'houe :!Or'll. I jui.cH 1 El II FOR SALE One Sandwich hay preita; one Russel engine. E. A. Johnson, R. 0. juaelT FOB BENT SIGNS For sale at Cap ital Journal office. tf FOR SALE liaby carriage, condition. Phone 846. splendid jimel2 A (-iiEAN Sanitary room nt $2 per week. Phone 2U4-M. jnel2 YOU SALE Or trade for wood, gaso line, engino. Phone 451. tf GOOD Furnished house to rent, clost in. Phone Main 4 or 47. O X)lt SALE Hav mare, 1300 lbs. Box 230-A, Rt. !1, jlrs. O. M. Jones, jel2 LOUANRKKH Y PICKERS Wanted. Kcc Smith iMuLeau. junel2 FOR SALE 7 horse power engine, cheap. Phono 1058. gasoline juneKJ NEW HAY For sale. Phono 40F21. call morning, noon or night. jiinel2 i ' WANTED Oirl to do goneral house work. Inquiro 27-1 N. Summer. 1 PURE Whale oil soap for hop spraj for sale at the Capital Soap Works tf FOR SALE Holstcin Jersey heifer, fresh soon, good milker. 771 N. Coin'l. juiicl :$ WANTED To exchange vacant lot for good second hand liyhtNenr, no junk. J'houe 7N5-M. jimeU COMPETENT Reliable man wants work of any kind. What can yon of fer? Address Workman care Journ al. junel2 EXPERIENCED Salesman wants work; state nature of work and sal ary in answering. Address Salesman care Journal. junel2 LOGANBERRY PICKERS WANTED Apply S. Willis, Salem Rt. 9. 1 1-2 miles north or Fairground stove on Portland road. juncl.'l WANTED Position as housekeeper by reliable woman with little girl 5 years old. Can give references. Phone 20!3-M. juneM FOR KENT Business block room, sm 18x80 feet. 407 State street. In quire at 463 State. Phone, 1009 Maurice Klinger. tf SNAP Kino farm in Waldo Hills, 2r0 acres, .i'i) per acre. Phone 347. jmie 12 FOR SALE Sold Coin need potatoes, price 40c per bushel, Phono 97F11. junel5 FOR KENT House partly furnished, close in. Inquire 49U South Cottage St. ji'iei TCBNISHED Tooms and housekeeping ppartments, rates reasonable, clost in, 160 Court. tl WANTED Cascara bark, highest cash price. Call or write Frys Drug store, Salem, Oregon. july3 WANTED TO RENT 5 room fully modern bungalow or cottage with garage. Phone 511. tf TK.V.M.EN- WAJNfTEIV-iifi per day. Ivo strike, W. O. Hurlbiirt ompjoy raent agent, 703 N. nigh. juncl2 TWO NICE Cottages for rent by the -month or season at Newport. U. YV. Johnson &. tf FOR SALE A twin Harley-Davidson motorcycle fully cqnCppcd, cheap. Phone '1085 W. junel3 200 LOGANBERRY Pickers wanted good camp grounds and water Phone 41F24. L. H. Roberts. tf FOB SALE 200 acres at Lyle, Wash.. will consider some trade on clear property. August Rauch, Salem, Or, june 17 FOB SALE 18 acres, good terms, 16 in crops and fruit, fair buildings best soiL W, W. Lander. Salem R 9. junelS WANTED acres more or less for cash near Salem. Quote lowest price. Address E. A. Jenson, Lebanon, Or. junel3 3 WAITRESSES At Amercinn res taurant at Independence to work Wed, Thins. Fri. and Sat. June 14, 15, Hi, 17. Either call or write. jul2 13 Here It Is We Mmst: Reduce tack Before Movi skeMcsl ec IllS Stop! Look! Profit i I Make Buying at hi i""w i&coinioinrw WANTED Experienced woman to care for two small children and do light housework (forenoons only) Address C6-C care Journal. junel3 WANTED To rent, strictly modern, furnisiiail five room house near State street. No children. Price must be reasonable. M care Journal. jel4 FOR SALE A half horse power elec tric, motor and jacn suitable tor pumping or other kinds of work.. See A J. liasey, 091 S. Capital St., Salem. junel2 FOR RENT Modern 7 room house, Chemeketa St. between 13th and 14th, garage if wanted. Call after 10 a. m. .1209 Chemeketa St. or Phone lltiii, juiioH WANTED About 30 more loganber ry pickers to register. Fine camp grounds, 1-2 mile from street car at Salem Heights. B. Cunningham. Phone 21F2. tf n w WANTED Two or three good young cows. Grade Durham and llolstein or Durham and Guernseys preferred. Write giving description, box 57, Sa lem, Or. or phone 127. tf WANTED Competent person wants invalids or convalescents to "care for in her own home, pleasant location with lots of shade, rates reasonable. Address I) Care journal. jmiel.'! FOR SALE Nine acres 4 miles from Eugene, in crop, good buildings, tele phone, near school, a bargain, terms. Particulars, address owner fl. I Heath, K, 1, Eugene, Ore. junelli LOST From auto fur collarette Jap anese mink, cither In east Salem or Yew Park Sunday afternoon. Finder return to Ivan G. Martin, Masonic Temple and receive reward. junclil M1DDLEAGED LADY Wants down atairs front room, for light house keeping, reasonable. M. L. 29 Journ al. junelO FOB SALE 314 half truck Stndebakei wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon cordwood or gtumpage. 2786 Lee Phone 1322-J. tf I AM Taking orders for summer and fall delivery of wood. I will give a lower price now than I will later in the season. John H. Scott, phono 254 After office hours, 622. june20 FOR SALE At bargain prices, ont Troy laundry mangle 90 inches, store helving, two teams and Shetland pony, 2 double buggies, one singl buggy. H. Stoinbock, 302 N. Com! j!itw 8PS, tf FOR SALE 40 acres, good land well improved, 8 room house, large bam; good road, 3-4 mile to good town; will accept ifloOO income property; give time on $1500, if desired. Square Kealtv Co., 202 U. S. Hank bUg. FARM BARGAIN Choice 158-acie farm, SO acres under high state of cultivation, in crop, good building: 11 fine milch cows, 1 Jersey bull, 3 horses, hogs, chickens, turkeys, all farm implements, crop, part of fur niture, in fact give possession of place. Prioi only $95 per acre, would be a bar gain at $100 per acre. It's without a doubt the best buy ill the valley. See or write L. Bechtel, 347 State street. Mon., Tues., Wed. Let the Capital Journal New Today Column put your dollars on tha lght track. 1 Malo SnW Dplivpratl ll H ggS fcBISiwil fc3fflBB3 Lul iSi j Butter Not B rn Jl II in 3 Here are a few of the the Bargains that are making eager buyers flock to this store. You cannot affort to miss this Money Saving Opportunity. COME IN TOMORROW AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. u 11 tl M n ia 3 U El 11 13 (1 U U El II tl ll n ri ri ti ii ti n M U M 11 II M n tl n u it 1 a ri ri n u a ii u II tl tl n n ii n ti ii ii n It Cases $1.24 Suit Cases now. . . 95c $1.50 Suit Cases now., $1.10 $2.25 Suit Cases now. . $1.50 $8.00 Suit Cases now. . $6.00 $9.25 Suit Cases now. . $7.25 BAGS - $5.00 Bags now $3.75 $6.00 Bags now $4.00 $6.25 Bags now $4.50 HAMMOCKS Swell Hammocks, values to $7.50. SPECIAL NOW $1.15 to $4.30 Baby uggies $ 7.85 Special now $5.25 $ 9.00 Special now $6.00 $ 9.75 Special now $6.50 $10.20 Special now $6.80 $12.75 Special now $8.90 $16.75 Special now 11.25 Dining Tables $10.50 Royal Oak, 42-in., now $6.75 $2.50 Solid Oak, 42-in., now $7.75 $13.50 Table, 45-in., 6-f t. extcn-. sion $9.75 '$16.75 Table, 45-in., 8-ft. exten sion $12.50 This is Re frigerator time and we're ready for it. with especially low prices. Reg. Now $12.50 $8.75 $15.00 $11.20 $22.00 $15.0 $24.00 $16.75 $28.75 $19.75 $30.00 $20.00 Summer Time Needs All Stand Tables Here is your chance to pick up any Stand Table in our stock at a big bar gain. Big variety to choose from. ONE-HALF PRICE DRESSERS and CHI FFONIERS High Quality Pieces of Furniture at Prices You Cannot Resist Read these prices, but better still, come in and see the good s. $12.75 Chiffonier, Special Sale Price . . $18.75 Chiffonier, Special Sale Price $10.50 Golden Oak Dresser, Special Price $11.00 Golden Oak Dresser, Special Price $11.75 Golden Oak Dresser, Special Price $19.75 Golden Oak Dresser, Special Price $11.30 $6.50 $6.75 $7.50 $12.50 rfrfa Big Bargains All Over the Store. See Them DON'T DELAY ACT NOW! Geer-Kraeger Furniture Court and High Street mt mi mm M a m SUCCESSORS TO CALEF BROS.C Ahl aim&dmikuBMi IfcMt MM AmM m trf tmmlMMmt MiMnh amX Mrs. Roosevelt Delighted Over It Oyster I!ay, N. Y, Thcoilorn Kiinsu'vrU is V -p-p clinli('i! Siie lidpi's it in trup tlmt hi-r Iim 1 nl ih "unt of (jolitii's. " lo'iU'il likt- tin' hiiriiiii'st womnn in tlm woilil, n ulie rinlo y tln ml June J2. iln. joutl'a ilu as tiny sturtnl for a Inrc- bur-h riile n" rt ifs the country from Nun amort' Hill to'luv. Mio nan vmiliii mnl luuliin :inl riattriii(r lilio a wliniil irl. It is mi opi'ii wcri't nmonif her fiivli'li) tlmt itlic liai never reveled in the linin'ilit, nor inin sin! nlwiiw lieen siilo 1 v rwdmilcl to .livide the i-olnnel mi lil) erally with the lniMii.' as oliti's le 11 in ti '1 . I'eeenlly the I'olonrt ha riil'len n lieii'l mnl fhe LehiuJ. Toilay they unlui i.le. The i otonel ilul not imv (ear very tulh:itie. lie ilt'eliiiel to see ri'i'orter. Try Capitol ianrnal Wnt AAb. Try Capital Journal Wast Ada. M u u ti ii i 1.1 n li 11 li li u ll li I I t I 11 M ll II n E U ii u u tl li u u m p ti 13 U li li. K r; it r? f. r. r. I! li K 13 II L. w- til E:l r:i ii u til i I i t i 151 r i i t I I 1.1 I'l 1.4 r: ti i i i i i i i t t; E I f I I r i t i ii til i i k I I t