Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 08, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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;5 r
In - W S Mr
1 o the Ladies or halem
Have You Noticed
That Mrs. Kate B.Vaughn, the lecturer in the Capital Jour
nal's Free School of Home Economics, uses
Royal B
airing Powder
Teachers of cookery, and baking experts generally, use
Royal Baking Powder because they know it can always be
relied upon to make the finest and most wholesome food.
Experience has taught them that it is not economy to
risk the loss of flour, shortening and eggs by the failure like
ly to result from the use of an inferior Baking Powder.
Royal Baking Powder Contains No Alum
Perfectly leavens and makes the food more delicious and wholesome
SocaHed Accident Insurance
Is Being Written by Un
licensed Companies
Insurance Commissioner Hurvpy
Wells has issued a warning advising
the citizens of this state to beware of
the so-called accident and health asso
ciations operating under the name of
Business Men or Traveling Men's asso
ciation, lie has received many com
plaints against such accident and health
associations and stated that he has no
authority over these unauthorized con
cerns who operate through the mail or
through solicitors who are not licensed
to transact business in this state.
He stated that the only Traveling
Men's associations legally authorized to
transact this class of business are the
Travelers' Protective association of St.
Louis, Missouri, United Commercial
Travelers of Columbus, Ohio, and the
railroad employes have an association
known ns the "Order of Railway Em
ployes." "Citizens who take out policies in
any other business men's or traveling
men's accident associations," said Mr.
Wells, "must not look to this depart
ment for assistance for, in event of fail
ure to pay a claim, it would be neces
sary for the members to take action in
the state in which the association is or
ganized and, further, many of them are
on the assessment plan nnd the member
havo a contingent liability of which
they are not usually aware."
"If any citizen is in doubt as fo his
policy, he should conimmiieate with the
office and we will advise him its to the
reliability of the association, or com
pany he is insured in."
On account of the many inquiries regarding the
recipes used by Mrs. Vaughn nt the Capital Journal Homo
Economics School this week, arrangements have been
made to supply without charge to out-of-town subscribers and
others who havo been unable to attend, the recipe leaflet
distributed. Simply send request with your name and ad
dress to the Capital Journal is all that is necessary.
rrigrnm, Friday Sth, 1910, in now
Victor Victrulu, sold by (.leo. C. Will.
Bohome, quartet, Act 111 No. 90002
Hearts and Flowers, intermezzo
! No. :)5:s42
Venitian Song, John McCormaek....
Xo. (ilHin
Millicent, YValt.,-Hesitat1on....No. 353!)ii
Cohen nt the Telephone Xo. 18029
From the Land of the Sky Blue
Water, Evan Williams ....Xo. 043I0
(Continued from rage Six.)
eggs, 1 1-2 cupfuls sugar, 1 1-2 lemons,
1 1-2 cupfuls milk, (i tablespoonfuls i
flour, 1 tcaspoonful suit.
Cream crisco, beat egg yolk, add 34 I
cupful sugar to each mixture, then beat I
1 .i. . l t . A i.l i 10.
Even woman who keep house on the the I " '" ;'''""" '
.oll, w.u hn interested 111 , '" ..M,"""'J
knowing how to make
fancy dishes
One girl in a thousand at Ore
gon of interest to Vaughn attendance.
some of these Krat('d riml iltir m'lk flour ' Tomorrow and tomorrow night the
Better Foods Better Homes
Efficient Kitchen, Ueorgic B. Child,
Whitcomb nnd Barrows
l'lanning and Furnishing the House,
Mary J. (juiun, Whitcomb & Barrows.
Furnishing the Homo of Good Taste,
Lucy H. Throop, Whitcomb & Bar
rows. Table Service, Lucy G. Allen, Whit
comb & Barrows.
Bread and Bread Making, U. S. Bul
letin 38SI, Atwater.
Technology of Bread, Wm. .Togo.
The Spirit of Cookery, Tliudicuin.
The Bakers' Book, Emil Bia.im.
Lecture Subject:
"Establishing Health; Diet for Dis
ease" Menu:
Flaked Fish on Half Shell
Choti 1'aste
Cream Puffs Chocolate Eclair
Delmonico Pudding
Oregon Cake Icing
Grapefruit salad
Boston Brown Bread.
1 1-2 cupfuls cream cornmeal, 1 1-2
smooth, add salt. Add this to first ; Oregon theatre will show a pretty lit-
mixtnre. When thoroughly blended tie domestic drama entitled "One
fold in whites of .'I eggs beaten dry. j Girl in a Thousand'1 with Beverly
Lino 1 dozen individual tins with (Payne and lirvnnl Washourne iii the
fluke pastry. Pour in lemon filling, leading parts. The Indies who are at
place in hot oven. Reduce heat when tending Mrs. Vaughn's lectures at the
crust begins to brown and before the : armory this week, especially the young
filling boils. Bake until firm in thejer ones, should see this picture for it
center. tells in a very graphic way how a
young girl through a knowledge of
Chocolate Fie. cookery was able in time of adversity
.1-4 cupful flour, 2 cupfuls milk, 4 1 to support an invalid father and in
tablespoonfuls grated rind, 3-4 cupful Icidentully win a husband for herself,
sugar, 3 egg yolks. 1-2 teuspoonf nl salt, I This film will be a special added at
.1 tcaspoonful vanilla, speck cinnamon, traction to the regular urcgon program
Mix flour with 1 cupful cold milk, and will be shown only tonight ami
scald remainder of milk, add to 'flour Friday night.
mixture nnd cook 20 minutes in double
boiler. Melt the chocolate, add hull'
the sugar and add to flour nnd milk.
Beat egg yolks and add remaining su
gar and salt. Pour cooked mixture
over eggs, return to double boiler and
cook few minutes. Pour into bnk.l
pic crust, cover with maringue, brown
iu oven. Serve cold.
Sauce for Melba Tarts.
To the juice foom one can of fruit,
add 1 cupful sugar anil slice of lemon,
boil until a thick syrup. To be used
as a, snuce on fruit tarts.
Boiled Salad Dressing.
1 cupful sugar, 1 tablespoonful salt.
.. , ', ... , . A , ,. i I euprui sugar, i laoiespoouiui sim.
upfuls graham t our, 1 teaspoonful salt f j mi,star(, r' trntvoonfn
1 1-2 teaspoonfuls soda, 3-4 cupful sor
ghum molasses, 1 1-2 cupfuls butter
milk, 1 tablespoouful melted crisco.
Hift together dry ingredients, add mo
lasses, buttermilk and crisco. Put in
ono pound molds, well criscoed and
steam in firclcss cooker for three hours.
Remove from can while hot and place
on wire trivet to cool.
Individual Lemon Pies.
Filling: 3 tablespoonfuls crisco,
pepper, 1-4 teaspoonful mpriKn, n egg
yolks, 1 cupful cream, .'i cupfuls vine
gar, 3-4 cupful crisco
Place' in double boiler the dry ingred
ients, '.stirring well together. Beat in
egg yolks until mixture is smooth. Stir
in cream, mix well and let conic to a
boil. In another pan boil the vinegar
and crisco. When boiling, pour over
the egg mixture, stir well nnd boil un
til well mixed. Place in jnis to keep
Better Nut
at All Grocery Stores
sorn 2
Koscburg, Or., June S. T. F. Mice,
Koseburg's oldest real estate man,
father of the present may or of the
city, a pioneer of IS.") 7 in Oregon,
ami a California 'IHer, was buried
here Monday. He was SI years of
age when he died. He is survived by
ono daughter, Mrs. 11. IX Graves, of
this city; Xapoleon Mice, present may
or, and Dexter Rice a local lawyer.
James Moore, a pioneer of 1H3-I,
and a veteran of the Indian wars in
IN.Vi-l) was buried Monday nt the Ore
gon Soldiers' Home. Previous to his
admittance to the home, tvo weeks
ago, he lived nt Cauyouville. He was
n2 years obi. He is survived by three
sons: William M. .Moore, Camas al
ley, "Bud' Moore, Glcndnle; and
Washington Moore, C.invonville.
i. .1. Mulky, Monmouth high
school's wonderful athlete who took
first olace in the running brond jump
and in the javelin throw at the state
meet at Eugene, has received nil in
vitation to compete in the fifteenth
annual national inters holastic field
meet held under the auspices of the
I'niversity of Chiciiio on Staeif field.
June 10. Coach A. A. stngg of the
I'niversity of Chicago will be in
I charge of the meet, which is advertis
ed as tho biggest nnd best of its kind
.in the world. Muliiey is nt present
j making plans to attend. Dalian Ob
; server.
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
Will be better rewarded if you pay
strict attention to the Stoiiiach and
keep the Liver active. Vuu will find
splendid assistance iu
I, sJ Ba-a ILU J
'Stomach Bitters
Wells Refuses License
to Pacific Automobile
Indemnity Exchange
Insurance Commisioncr Harvey
Wells refused to issue a license to the
Pacific Automobile Indemnity Ex
change o'f Los Angeles, an inter-insur
ance concent consisting of individuals
known ns " nnlievhoMura
automobiles against fire, theft and lia-
iiiiuy. mi. wens is ot tne opinion that
it is IKtt. Hfiitmi iiii,l..rnrit;n,. v..,-...:
... ......I..,, j vi i, lvJ
such concerns to assume additional obli
gations and lie would not issue a license
Unless he WAS nuimlnmnsrvl nrwl tint
court decided ho was exceeding his au-
The attumey for this indemnity ex
change requested an opinion ns to the
interpretation of the law and Commis
sioner Wells requested advice from At
torney General Brown, who rendered an
opinion today advising the commission
er that he is not authorized to issue a
license for the transaction of all kind-s
of insurance as provided in the appli
cation offered bv this cniwiirn Tli. n
plication should only cover the kind of
insurance designated in the statutes,
Which is llCaillst fire Inu nr i.tlmr ,l,.m.
age to their own property. The attor
ney general holds that this does not in
clude liability insurance for damage to
person ur property r others.
Commissioner Wells stated today that
this inter-insuruncc exchange would re
ceive a license to conduct a fire busi
ness nnd 'heft and liability to its mem
bers only, and the attorney for the in
demnity exchange will appeal to the su
preme court for a decision as to wheth
er the luw grnnts authority to the com
mission to refuse this exchange the
privilege of writing liability insurance.
Advertised June (I, PI10.
Albeit, Emma.
Baxter, Mr. John R.
Booth, Rev. Hobt.
Bowling, Mr. Clarence.
Boswnrd, ilr. E. A. (2)
Clark, Mr. Elias Treat.
Cox, M iss Helena I).
Dotson, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Doughter, Mrs. Jessie.
Dwnn, Mr. J. M.
Forsyth, Mr. Tom.
Hawkins, Air. Harry.
Jiams, Mrs. Mimlm.
Knaup, Mrs. Rosa.
Kotsovos, George H.
Lake, Mr. Leslie (2).
McMillan, J.
Muthiew, Mrs. Besio.
Miniature I or. Co.
Moor. Mill & Lbr. Co.
Necdiiam, Enrl.
fit bom, Mr. and Mrs. L. L.
Folson, Mr. Lisk.
Reed, Miss Grace.
Ii'eisback, Mr. M.
Shril.er, Mrs. Blnnch.
Sptidcl, Robt. and Sons.
Stowe, Miss Stella M.
Vinynrd, Cleo.
Walker, Mr. Arlie.
Young, Mr. Maiio:.
Zlome, Mrs. Joseph.
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
lis, .lone 7. Frank J. Miller, grand
master of the grand lodge A. F. nnd
A. M. of Oregon, who Is attending the
'Kith annual communication of the Ma
sonic grand lodge at Albany was a
Corvnllis visitor yesterday. Mr. Mil
ler came with a iarge number of Ma
sonic delegates from various parts of
the state. They attended commence
ment exer. if.es in the morning and wit
nessed the graduation of more tout 300
"Indents. Later they inspected the va
rious departments of the Agricultural
college. The delegate expressed them
selves as highly pleased with the re
sults of tbir visit. I
Thore is a rather firm tone in the
prune market, and while most of the
buyers are unwilling to quote new
crop contracts above 5 1-2 and 6c a
Ten Victor Records which
should be in everjr home
Brighten the Corner Where You Are
(Gabriel) Homer Rodeaeaver
I Walk With the King
(Ko-we-Ackley) Homer Kodehcaver
Wedding of the Winds Waltz (Hall) Retro
Estudiantina Waltz (Waldteufel) Pietro
My Laddie (Scotch Love Song)
(Thayer) Alma GSuck
Somewhere a Voice ia Calling
(Newton-Tate) John. McCormack
Poet and Peasant Overture Part I
(von Suppe) Con, cert Orchestra
Poet and Peasant Overture Part II
(von Suppe) Victor Concert Orchestra
Cavatina (Raff) (Violin) Mischa El man
Carmen Air de la fleur (Flower Kong
(Bizet) In French Giovanni Martinelli
Dream Faces (Sweet Dreamland Faces)
(W. M. Hutchinson) Clarence WhitehUl
Rlgoletto ( nro nonio (Dearest. Name)
(Verdi) In Italian Lulsa Tetrazzinl
Dreams of Long Ago (Carroll-Caruso)
In English Eurico Caruso
N'umber Size
17763 10 0.73
17865 10
61183 10 1.00
61105 10 1.00
35509 12 1.23
71336 12 1.50
71301 12 1.30
71151 12 1.30
Vou have only to hear these selections to appreciate how greatly they
will add to your record collection.
Come In and let us play them for you today.
You got better results on Victrola Machines. Sold
on easy terms.
Wiley B. Allen Co.
R. F. PETERS, Mgr.
621 Com'l St. Salem, Oregon
poung for the three sizes, it is re
ported that as high ns 0 I 2c has been
offered by one buyer. Growers are
showing no disposition to accept the
prices offered at this ..nie, ami little
contracting is therefore reported.
For old crop prunes a number of
small sales have been mane recently
around 7c a pound for most, .avorable
sizes, but this better prico was due
to the fact that local growers needen
the stock, and therefore were willing
to pay the extreme li nit.
Prune crop conditions in the Pa
cific northwest continue badly mixed.
Reports from Idaho ure- very co ii
Hiding, lilt it is not believed that th
earlier reports of a total loss of tho
Gem state crop were rather preinaturx
anil misleading. In nie Willametto
valley indications point, to un aveingo
production, and a similar condition
is reported in Clarke county, Wash
ington. Dallas Observer.
fv disk of"
iJc i TPIlTlTTTi nW'f?
w- f JV j j j I j J I I j it': J-ssJ V
wMkv good irallk
or cream sfe
in if Be
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