THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1916. tU re W)ttttmHttltlM'HMttttttHMMtH f SIX 4MMMfMMMM IIKtHMIIIMI M MOMESJ FOODS JJ) Ladies Attention Clip the coupon below and bring it to our store and receive a regular $1.65 "Wearever" 6-qt. Pre serving Kettle for only 98c. This coupon good until June 17th. Mrs. Vaughn will recommend "Wearever" j Imperial Furniture Co. ttf(Vll ii mm Mil '" MB "WEAR-EVER" COUPON J-l Any store that sfIIs Wenr-Evwr Aluminum may accept this coupon mid ftsv In payment lor one 'Unr-I';v'rf six fiuart Aluminum Kwttlw, which sellfl regularly for $1.(15, provided you present the coupon in person at store on or hel'ore .June 17, and write on the coupon your nume, HiidreNS and date of purchase. Numu . . Addl'i'KS Date The Aluminum CookliiK rtonsll Co. -mm II Ijwua-ivihl mm 'f:S Special Attention Mrs. Housewife: Your family wash by the NEW ELECTRIC PROCESS, insuring long life to fibre and colors, beautiful clear work and thorough disinfection. We are using every effort to produce Quality work at a price every one can afford to pay. Remember we do a Special NO STARCH FAMILY WASH, all nicely washed and dried and all flat pieces ironed, 20 pounds 75c, no charge less than 75 cents, all over 20 pounds 4 cents per pound. This work is done much better and cheaper than it can be done at home and once tried you will always be a patron. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY OLDEST-LARGEST-BEST Phone 25 Buy your Table Linens here During the Great June White Sale Remember we carry the best Irish, Scotch and German Linens STOCKTON ItTiiiiiirnnnv ;;ni i riff i.'i.n . i : J. ,:.,.:. ;...!,':,! i :T :r it'll: . IIS PUKE 1: ,!:'! MUM 27 DRUGS and Useful Articles for the home. If it Is a sovero burn apply Lino nt once, "5c per box. If it is flavoring extracts we hnvo tlio bent . If it is tissue towels we have them. It it is something we havou't mentioned in household necessities, wo httveit. If you will give us a call wo will convince you. CENTRAL PHARMACY A. B. Poole, 41(1 Ntnte, Street. A. Tvner Woolpovt. Thono 27(1. ,4 f I ' 4' " - . I MRS. KATE VAUGHN, THE COOKERY EXPERT. CRIME IS DUE TO POOR ing of potatoes, , chou paste, cream putts, chocolate eclairs, Dclmonico pud ding, "Oregon" 'apple cake, icjng, (rape fruit sulfide... Adding: "God Never Made a Bad Boy"-Mroning Ses sion Saturday Program for Friday oftersoo at 2::!0 " Subject: "Establishing Health; Diet for Disease ". Alenu: Flaked fish on half shell, flut- Mrs. Vnughn suggests tna t linuse keepers think over the following pis tioiis and see if their views accord with hers as given in her lecture tomorrow: 1. What are my main problems to day regarding food 2. What kinds of food do the dif ferent members of the family ueedT 3. How can we use cheaper cuts of meat to advantage? 4 What food! combinations arc pleas ing in mealst Mrs, Kate Brew Vaughn, the wise mother wko is lecturing eTery day nt the Capital Journal Better Foods Bet ter Homes school in the Armory, holds that tiod never made a bad boy or bad girl. "He gave us perfect seed," says MRS. VAUGHN Uses Our Meats THERE IS A REASON ; ; We have the best kept shop in Salem; we use only the :: choicest stock for beef; our service is unexcelled in tt Salem. Pay us a visit and we will try to please. E. C. Cross & Son tTttttttttttttttttttttttttT MRS. VAUGHN IS USING Cherry City Patent and Economy Flour and also our Oregon Graham, in her demonstrations at the Armory this week. Make your next order in clude one of our brands at all Grocers. Cherry City Flouring Mills Bhc, "and we take from it and put it into bad soil. Or we put it in good soil and surround it with the best and most snnitary conditions. The life re sults according to our treatment of it. Give your family an abundance of good food, sunshine and air We spend about two-thirds of our time preparing food. If we give this task more intelligent thought we would spend less time and less money and there would be less need for the physicians' care in get ting rid of waste." Such heart searching thoughts as these are being presented from day to day in Mrs. Vaughn's Better Foods Better Homes lecture here, and large crowds of the best women of the city arc thoroughly enjoying, digesting and profitting oy these talks. Tomorrow Mrs. Vaughn will talk on establishing health through good food. Some in formation will be given to diet for disease, but she considers it far more important that people be kept well by good food than that special diets who are not well. This afternoon this clever cookery teacher is preparing a round steak with spaghetti and tomato sauce in the fire less cooker and calls attention to the value of cheaper cuts of meat. She is also baking a loaf of brown bread in the cooker. The lesson in mixing this bread is particularly interesting and and Mrs. Vaughn cites some particu larly good reading on the subject of homemade bread which will be found in the books listed in todny's paper. The recipe for the brown bread is pub lished in this issue of the Capital Jour nal. Mrs. Vaughn gave particular at tention to the study of pastry last sum mer at Columbia college, and the lesson she is giving this afternoon in the mak ing of fine pastry is much appreciated by the members of her class. Tomorrow, just by way of variety, and becauso it is human nature to be interested in expensive things, although one cannot afford them, Mrs. Vaughn is going to demonstrate some dishes that are not on a par with those used in her previous cookery lessotis so Tar us economy is concerned. They will nil be especially delicious and benntifu) and beautiful and for extra occasions. (Continued on Page Seven.) THE SPA Specializes on Pure Foods and Confections Watch for Thursday Menu at Mrs. Vaughn's Cooking School THE SPA Ice Cream will be used Thursday Edison New , Diamond Disc Shown and used to furnish mask daily from 2.00 to 2:30 p. m., at Mrs. Vaughn's Lecture at The Armory this week. All styles on display at Every woman knows that a large part of her time is spent in the kitchen. Then why not make it the most pleasant room in the house. It is her workshop and should be as efficiently arranged as her husband's office or factory. It is a waste of time to split and carry wood, tend the fire and empty ashes when she can get fuel through a pipe and have it ready for instant use without any effort on her part, thus giving her tiiue for other things. Ask the woman who uses a gas range or phone 85. GAS COMPANY Bp By G eo. vvu 432 State Street, Salem, Oregon Mrs. Vaughn Uses Only the best materials in her work products she can personally recommend. For that reason Fleischman's Yeast Meets her every requirement. FRESH STOCK OF Spices, Baking Powders, Colorings, Extracts, Choco lates and Cocoas. Have Coffee Roasted Daily by one who knows how. Wm. Gahlsdorf The Store of Housewares 135 N. Liberty Street Phone 67 F. W. W00LW0RTH CO. 5, 10, and 15c Store New McGilchrist Bldg., State and Liberty Streets. Hundreds of useful items for the housewife Glassware, China, Crockery, Tin and Enamelwarc. Nothing Over 15c--Why Pay More Satisfaction Guaranteed. MRS. VAUGHN USES MARION BUTTER and Products In her. Demonstrations Madebyfte Marion Creamery and Produce Co. . t H..4. M ! IIIMII'MIIIMUMI.IHHH I .. I tl HI I I H tM.I H I t.H.t I MIUIIIIIIIIIIHinilllllimMtMtll t1 I M t MIMIHM m.wti..ii iiMUMlllll.MlUMlimtMIIII T I i 5 it i