Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 08, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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Meyers' Annual White Sale
Closes Saturday, June 10 th
Prepare for your future needs before this event comes
money on your purchases 11
White Sale Prices on all White Hosiery and White Shoes
White Sale Prices on Men's and Boys' White Wearables'
White Sale Prices on all White China, Dishes, etc.
White Sale Prices on all Muslin Wear and Corsets
White Sale Prices on all Table Linens, Domestics, Etc.
White Sale Prices on all Laces and Embroideries
Special Sale of Children's
New Wash Dresses at 95c each
Here's a very special dress bargain new, well made
Wash Dresses of desirable, durable Ginghams, Cham
brays, etc., in plain colors, stripes, checks and plaid ef
fects; many different styles; sizes to 14 years. Worth
up to $1.75
Extra Value Price, Only 95c Each
(See them in the window.)
White House Cook Books at 45c
Until Saturday Night
ton; );, .. . .
jl 3fC lC j( jfc SC jc jC fc if( )C )(C j)(
June 0. Graduation exercises
Hinto School for the Deaf.
June 1L'. Monthly nieetng l'lor
1 society.
Juno 11. King day.
June IS. KIks' minimi home
coming; celebration at mm
ory. June 15 Nebraska Society re
union at State fair grounds.
Juno W. Sacred Heart Acad
emy commencement exercises.
June 17. AVuldo Hills pioneer
picnic, home of Mrs. John R.
June School board election.
June ill Wisconsin society re
union nt State fair grounds.
Juno "I. Moose day in Salem.
June ili ( lose of voting con
test for (jueeu of Cherry Fair,
H p. ni.
July 3 All Orego (image tal
ly, Saleui.
July 3-4. Annual Cherry Fair.
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, flu glasse
ea correctly. U. 8. Hank. Bld0'.
The Women of Woodcraft will en
tertain members of the lodge and
friends at their hall. A piiiitoiiiine and
cantata, will be given by about 30
young people.
W can avo you money on garden
hose, Nelson Hros. & 1'utton, plumber,
355 Chcuieketa St. I'bono 1900. U
Dr. M. C. rindley0 will leave the mid
die of next week to spend two month
tnkig a ost graduate course at lioston
and Philadelphia. Dr. B. I.. Steeves
in now in southern ('itlil'ori)ia anil is
eipectcd home next Sunday,
W. W. Stelwer hs purchased tho
Maple (jrovo dairy also the Kaiser
View d iiry and will run both under the
name of; Maple OroTe dairy with their
uttice at 11M3 S. f'om'l. tf
. That conunenceinent exercise of the
Sublimity schools will be given at the
('. K. Hall in Sublimity Sunday after
noon nt 2 o'clock. A good program
hit boon Hrepnred by the pupils which
will be rendered lit this time.
While others tut reducing- we are
increasing our stock. There's a rea
nonf Ask u. Ourdnvr & Keene, jewel
era and optician.
Tou won't have to do til tho talking
)f you have a Sonora in your home.
.Myrtle Kuowlnnd, 4il Court SI. . J
j All Around Town
you buy here.
Co-operating with the Cooking School being held at
the Armory this week, we have decided to continue
our great sale of White House Cook Books until
Saturday night. A tried and tested cook book. Sold
regularly at $1.00, for 45c
Better get yours before the supply is. exhausted.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trussoa.
The Juvenile United Artisans will
enter the contest in Portland for tin"
if 1(1(1 prize ottered for the best lij.ll1 1
and equipped juvenile organization tak
ing I hi rt in the parade. Tomorrow af
ternoon they will put on a minuet at
the Hose festival center. Quite a num
ber of the children will leave on the
1:15 Oregon Klectric, while others will
wait for the 7:l." morning tram.
Do You Irrigate Your Lawn? If
ylni do, take advantage of the 10 per
cent discount bv paving vour bill on
before the 10th of June
The niembors of the Chorrian band,
numbering id, and Tom Ordcmaun will
accompany the Olion-inns to I'ortlnnd
tomorrow' morning. The band boy are
requested to meet at firnber Jtros.
promptly at 7:30 o'clock. The Cher
linn special leaves Trade and Com
mercial street at 7 : ."-" and Superin
tendent Hillingsley states that it
pull out promptly on the minute.
will !
-o -
Dr. Stone makes no charge for con
sultation, examination or prescription.
Company M, of this city, will entrain
en masse lit the Southern Pacific depot
at 7:i0 tomorrow morning for the Kose
festival where they will be the guests
of the Hose festival association, which
organization pays the transportation
expenses and meals of the company for
the trip. The members of the company
will wear their service uniforms nnd
will meet at the armory fit (i: 15 to
morrow morning to inarch to the depot.
Irrigation Bills Now Due. A dis
count of 10 per cent will be allowed
on nil irrigation bills paid on or be
fore June 10, 10 hi. juueil
The grocery stock of the L, M Boggs
i Co. on Smith Commercial street,
which went into the hands of a receiv
er some time ago was bought today
by (I. A. Wood and 11. F Hower. The
stock invoiced over .'.'300, nnd will be
closed out nt retail, beginning tomor
row. Mr. Wood stales Hint the busi
ness will not be continued and that
everything, including fixtures will be
sold at retail at the sale beginning to
Our prices re right, no reduction
necessary, (larduer & Keene, jowelcrs
and optieiaus.
Book Stoi-es will close Owing to
the fact that all employes and propri
etors of both book stores are members
of the various orgniiietions that take
part in the Hose Festival tomorrow,
it was decided to close for the day.
Ciiniiiier'ial Hunk Stoic,
I'uttou Hook Store.
to an end. You can save
We pay
f unlit lire.
the highest prices for used
K. L. Stilf & Son.
The Commercial book store and the
I'attou book store will be closed tomor
row in order that everyone connected
with the stores may attend the Port
land show.
Notice I will not be responsible for
nny debts that A. Taylor or any of
his In in i 1 v mil v contract, no matter
what the same mav be for. ('has.
Schmid. juneli
AM thoughts are now on the Rose
festival, oven tor those who find it in
convenient to go, and for this reason,
the vote for Cherry ipu'cn lias not
changed. However, us the contest does
not close until J o'clock of the evening
of Juno ili, and as the Klks have a
home coming and the Moose a big cele
bration before that time, the opinion
lias been expressed that the contest lias
barely begun. One of the candidates is
being pushed by her friends as the
ideal queen, with her picture on a card,
with the wording, "your support will
be appreciated."
Jance at Brooks Saturday night June
10, Music Salem orchestra. juneit
I Company M, O. N. G., will leave for
I Portland tomorrow morning at 7:-5
0 elock troin the Southern I'acitic ilepot
Helurning. the special will leave the
union depot at Portland at 11 o'clock
in the evening.
Trade in your old stove as part pay
ment on a new Orbon De l.uxe range.
K. I.. Si iff .. Sou.
There was a general feeling among
the members of the Commercial club
at the meeting last evening that the
state fair board should be given en
couragement from the city of Snleni
and especially the Commercial club in
celebrating the Fourth and making it
an nnniial event, lor this reason, j mission ot Washington against the
many were in fnvor of not having any abaina & Vieksbtirg railway and nearly
parades or special entertainment down I II of the other railroads in the 1'nited
town on the Fourth, but of giving thelstntes. The case will be heard by the
support of nil the citizens to the fair I interstate commerce commission and it
board. I he opinion was expressed that j is hoped that a satisfactory np.iustmeiit
if this ranting event was u success atiof the rates will follow. At present a
c..:H I., ... :..!, ...,u;k. l,..,i,.,.i - ..:.. .:...... r-i. :...... ... '
itiu ittu i ii mkoi ,..-.i,.
a regular state colouration. .Mr. Komi
stated that word had been received !
from several of the nearby towns that
no local celebrations would be held and
that even body was coming to the fair
grounds to assist in observing n holi
day. Wo pack and repair furniture, retire
gocaits, hang awnings and nil kinds of
repair work. li. I,. Stiff Son.
The Salem Floral society will meet
next Monday evening nt the Commer
cial i bib to take up its regular monthly
business ami to ariaiige plans for the
Clieiry fair. It is uioloistood that the
Floial society will be culled on to dec
orate the iiiinorv for the cherry show
and the dance on the evening of Mon
day, June .'i.
Don't miss Wood & Bower's sale of
groceries and fixluies, formerly I,. M.
I'ojigs 4. Co. Sale stints tomorrow.
Democratic Committee Is
Unhappy Because Wilson
Appointed Its Officers
By Lcrwell Meliett.
St Louis, Mo.. Jane 8. The demo-
crntic national committee is an unhappy
j organization, judging by the two dozen
members here preparing lor next through no matter what happens, but
week's convention. The committee isNvc think the nutuinn prospects would
distressed over the action of President be better if our sportsmanship were not
Wilson in naming ex-Governor Glynn, ! taken advantage of.
ot New York, temporary chairman, and
Senator Ollie James, of Kentucky, per
manent chairman of the convention. It
: in even more
! it fears he
distressed at the action
may take regarding the
j chairmanship ot the national committee
The committee men say they do not
object to the two men named
though the member from Kentucky,
Crey Woodson, is James' political en
emy nail some of the members siinpn-
, thi.e with Woodson. Their objection is
to the fact that the committee was not
consulted. They had to depend on the
, newspapers ror tne. news, they say, and
. they ask: "How-can tney do the iusidi
work of the democratic organization if
they aren't on the inside?"
They have some very definite views
as to the sort of man needed for the na
tional chairmanship, but nobody has
j asked for their views. They expect,
i they say, to read one day soon, under
a Washington (late line, that the presi
dent has appointed somebody that is.
that he has indicated his desire that
We will help you plan your new home
anil furnish estimates. Falls City-Sa-lem
.umber Co., 31! S. lith St. Phone
SI 3.
Tne Wisconsin picnic will be held at
the fair grounds Tuesday, June id. The
date of the annual meeting was orig
inally set for Thursday the l.'dli, but
the committee in charge changed the
date to the ioth.
Miss Tennie Bewley and George Hib
bert were married this afternoon and
left for southern Oregon where Mr.
Ilibliert is employed as surveyor. Mrs.
Ilibbert was formerly telephone opera
tor at the Hligh hotel
Walter Blumenberg, who has ibeen
with the Ked Cross pharmacy for the
past two years, left th-.' morning for
(rent Falls, Montana, where he will
enter the employ of a drug store. Louis
Goldberg, lately from Portland has ac
cepted a position with the. Ked Cross
The Cherrians will now be all white
rtince the official action was taken
placing a taboo on the cherry red neck
t. ...... i,.. u-;u
make their first official appearance
and the second time at, the Cherry fair
ilaiuo to be given at the armory the
first evening of the Cheryr fair.
The Bonnet Shop, of 316 State street
will ' retire from business, the propri
etor, Josephine- Fritz having turned
over the stock for the benefit of her
ureditors, according to a petition filed
in the United States bankruptcy court
yesterday. The assets shown tire $3."i()
stock on hand and .flMO fixtures. The
Nubilities are given at $1,117.
The Orpheus male chorus made its
first out of town appearance last even
ing in the Star theatre at Stnyton to
an audience that showed its apprecia
tion by . generous encores. After the
show, a dance was given in honor of
the visitors. The chorus will probably
appear nt other towns near Salem dur
ing the summer, as they appear to be
coining ill demand as entertainers.
According to manager John Graber,
the first band concert of the season
will be given next Tuesday evening
beginning at S o'clock, and thereafter
on Friday and Tuesday evenings of
each week at uillsou park, the weath
er permitting Tom Ordeniaiiu will
probably sing at the first concert.
The construction work began today
on the impiovenients to the Central
Congregational church. Nineteenth aiid
Terry streets. The church 1ms been
(lowing in membership so rapidly with
in the last year that it was found nec
essary to increase the seating capacity.
At a meeting held a few weeks ago
the money was subscribed, amounting
to if!Mi() for the improvement. With the
addition to the church the seating ca
pacity will be about 300. The Hev.
II. K. Stover has been pastor of the
church two years during which time the
membership has doubled.
The attorney general has filed a brief
setting forth the contentions of the
Oregon public service commission in
the matter of the round 'trip tickets
by way of Portland from eastern points
in the case of the public service com-
iiniiol ,H lit nn im'iii , nut,);,, i" i wn ,
land and rot urn
one wav tickets
costs liH while two
from ( lncago" to San
Francisco cost but ! l.'i.HO. which is
considered to be discrimination
ngaiiibt northwest points.
Pay No
the committee should name t h :i t person.
In which case they'll name him, lint
thov won't feel liood about it
"We are uooil spurts." one. member
said today. "We'll see the thing
"We'd like to have some say
who shall be our chairman. In
words, we want someone vte can
as to
If the committeemen had the say. the
chairman-elect would be Homer S. ('inn
ings, of Connei-ticiitt. present vice
chairman anil member of the committee
12 years. They would suggest his name
to President Wilson, if lie asked for
Of men outside the committee, ninnv
committee men would urefer .rohn
Davis. Tinted States solicitor I'eneml.
II n v other recently mentioned.
Tliev sav thev could "work with"
Davis. Open hostility is shown toward
several who have been suggested. This
applies to Secretary McAdoo, Director
of the Mint Woolcy and Trade Commis
sioner Davies.
The committee hopes to hold its rati
fication as they call it on the presi
dent 's choice immediately after the con
vention not wishing to be called togeth
er again a short time later for the sin
gle purpose of electing a chairman, as
has happened sometimes in the past.
presidents in accordance with republi
can traditions is the best as it is the
only true way to preserve our peace
ami restore lis to our rightful place
among the nations.
"We deeply sympathize with the
fifteen million people of Mexico, who,
for three years have seen their cnnii
1 1 1.- ' devastated, their fellow citizens
murdered and their women ravished by
armed bands of desperadoes led by self
seeking conscienceless agitators, who,
when temporarily successful in any
locality, have neither sought nor have
been able-to restore orikr or establish
and maintain peace. We express, our
horror and indignation at the outrages
which have been and nre being per
petrated by these bandits upon Amer
ican men and women who were or are
in Mexico by invitation of the laws
and of the government of the country
and whose rights to security of per
son and property are guaranteed by
solemn treaty obligations. Wo de
nounce the indefensible and indifferent
attitude of this administration in the
internal affairs of Mexico, and refer
with shame to its failure to discharge
the duty of this country to our cousins
in Mexico, in permitting the continu
ance of such conditions, first by fail
ure to act. promptly and firmly and
second, by lending its influence to the
continuation of such conditions
through recognition of one of the fac
tors responsible for these outrages.
"We pledge our aid in restoring or
der and maintaining peace in Mexico.
We promise our citizens on and near
our border and to those in Mexico,
wherever they may be found, adeipiate
and absolute protection in their lives,
liberty and property.
Monroe Doctrine.
"We re-affirm our approval of the
Monroe Doctrine and declare it's
maintenance to be a. policy of this
country essential to its present and
future' peace and safety and to the
achievement of its nianifect destiny..
Latin America.
"We firvor the continuance of re
publican policies which will result, in
drawing more and more closely togeth
er the commercial, financial and so-
Icial relations between his country and
the. countries of Latin-America.
I Protection of the Country
"In order to maintain our peace nnd
make certain the security of our peo
ple within our own borders the coun
try must, have not only adequate but
thorough and complete national de
fense ready for any emergency We
must have' a sufficient and efficient
regular army and u provision for nni-
' pie reserves already drilled and disci
plined, who can be call
'd at once to
the colors when the
hour of danger
1 conies.
'We must have a navy so. strong
and well proportioned and equipped so
thoroughly ready and prepared that no
enemv can gain command of the sen
and effect a landing in force on either
western or eastern coast. To secure
these results, we must have a coherent
nnd continuous policy of national de
fense which even in these perilous days
the democratic party has utterly failed
to develop, but which we promise to
give the coir'try.'
Coliseuni. Chicago, .Tune S. The pro
gressive olive branch resolution asking
co-operation with the republicans was
delivered to the (!. O. P. meeting nt
o'clock this afternoon At that
time Senator Lodge was reading the
:l:l Senator Smoot moved appoint-
(Continued from Page 1.)
w'and'Get Your Disconn
Democratic Ticket
For Marion County
by Official Returns
The official count of the ballots cast
by the deniO'-rnt'J at the recent
primaries has been completed and the
following are the names of the nomi
nees with the exception of the pre
cinct committeemen:
County clerk A. M. Dalyrmyjile;
sheriff, W. II. Downing; assessor, L.
C Ca.venaugh: superintendent of
I schools, W. M. Smith; recorder, Mil
dred R. Iirooks; treasurer. 1). G. Drag
'er; surveyor, 11. B. Herrick, Jr.;
I county commisisoner, A. C. .Miller;
coroner, A. M. (.'lough.
I Justice of the peace, Aumsville dis
itrict, O. A. Pound, D. F. tustbul'n and
. K. Darby tied at one each. Con
stable same district, E. -Merri field, O.
A. Pound, John Lewis and B. Linville
I tied with one each. Aurora, justice
j of the peace, C. M. Crittenden; con
1 stable, Charles Kinzer. Chaiupoeg,
I justice of the peace, John F. Theo, H.
! Ib-entniu); constable, Walter Clyde, K.
: F. Osborne tied with two each.
iCerviiis, justice of the peace, L. P.
constable, William Rowley.
lloreb, justice df the pence, George A.
Spencer; constable, Kuhv Homer. II.
llollingsworth and Frank Gill tied at
one each. Jefferson district, justice
of the peine, K. K. Howell; constable,
Lloyd Mason. Mehnma district, jus
tice of the peace, William P. .Mulkey;
coiutah(e, Orin Morris. Mt. Angel,
justice of thei peace, (feorge -May, Sr.;
constable, Charles Gooryeh. Salem,
justice of the peace, Uobert. ('. Wy
gant; constable, W. D. Miles. Scotts
Mills, justice of the pcac, Enurfott ('.
llickox; constable. Charles Phillips.
Silverton, justice of the peace, Matt
ftrown; constable, A. F. Sinieral. Slav
ton. jusii.ee of file" peace, Frank Hell;
constable, Henry Smith. Turner, jus
tice of the. peace, G. A. G. 'Moore and
If. L. Karl tied with three each; con
stable, John Cannon. Woodbuni, jus
tice of the peace, T. F. Hayes; con
stable, (hover Todd.
The results of the progressive coun
ty ticket were exactly the same as the
republicans with the exception of for
coroner where boss T. Mclntir. A. M.
( lough and Mildred B. Brooks each
rec eived one vote. For const able
i'ercv M. Varney, S. W. Kobertson, J.
W. ifoberts and c. II. Pratt tied with
one vote each.
meat of committee of five to confer
with progressive peace committee.
5:34 p. m. Smoot 's motion adopted.
Auditorium, 5:-tl p. ni. Funk of Il
linois, moves appointment of committee
conference by the chair.
Auditorium, 5:43 p. m. Funk's mo
tion to appoint committee equal size to
republicans adopted.
Ve can save you money u job print
;:it get, our "irices.
Of Household Furniture at 1418 Court Street, on Friday, June 9, 1016,
commencing at 1:30 p. m., as follows:
1 Onk chiffonier
1 dak Lounge in brown velor
1 On It Sewing- Rocker
ti IKners in mission
I Oak Center Table
1 levelled French Plate Cilnss..
Mirror, 18x4i, extra good
'2 High Hack Rockers
.') I 'line Hottoni Chairs.
2 Fir Dressers and Commodes .
.1 White Enamel Bedsteads
;! Springs and II Miittgeses in
silk floss and felt.
1 Hood Heater
Mrs. M. E. Stiffler,
'. '1
..iin..'-1J '
Licensed Lady
Moderate Pricei
Perfect Service
Latest Methods Are
Found Only.At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore.
Cars of any .kind for any place
at sfciiy time.
Office, BUgh Hotel
Daily Between
Salem, Stayfon, Mill City and all wsy
Points. Leaves Mill City 0:15 a. m.;
Stnyton 7:45, Salem, 9:15.
Return, leaves Salem 4:30 p. m..;
atayton 5:45; Mill City 7:20.
Phone 13
The Korean Restaurant
is now opened in our new loca
tion at 11(1 1-a Coui'l street.
Fverytliing new and clean. All
kinds of Chinese and Spanish
dishes. I'av us a visit.
: sic $
Carranza Troops
Defend Americans
EI Paso, Texas, June 8. "ai'raii:L
troops in defense of .Americans in Chi
huahua City killed three Mexicans din ing
auti-Ainericaii noting Tuesday and.
Wednesday nights according to reports
received this afternoon. The Ameri
can consulate was nearly wiccked. Th:
American residents wired here for s
special train tu take t'lem to tho.
.1 State lianner, (i-hole Steel
liange, vith water front and
""polished top, extra good.
5 Kitchen Chairs
1 Kitchen Table
1 Siiiare Kxtention Table
1 Stand table
A number of lings nnd Carpels,
Kitchen Utensils. Pishes, Copper
Hoiler, Wash Tubs, Wiin
or. Fruit .lars. Two Screen
Doors, One Shovel, Ironing
Hoard, Lace Curtains and
other things too numerous
to mention.
Auctioneer Flione 511
To still increase efficiency and to
make my service still more availab'e to
all classes, I have decided to reduce
my fe to meet all cases. Beginning
June 1 Cards for 6 adjustments will be
soli) for $5.00. Ordinary cases can be
correctly diagnosed by modern ap
proved methods; more difficult cases
can obtain a X-Ray examination and
spinograpli for a nominal fee. Every
ease will receive my personal attention.
Such ixamiuation made by an expert
Specimens of our high class Flouoro
scopsic work opeu for inspection.
P. S. C. Chiropractor,
Hubbard Bldg., Phone 572