Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 07, 1916, Page NINE, Image 9

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The Capital Journal will not be re-
nnntaihlA for jnnra than nnn inan.tin.
for errors in Classified Advertisements. I
Read your advertisement the first day I
it appears and notifv ua immeo'intAlr '
if it contains an error.
Minimum charge, 15e.
PHONE 937 for wood aw.
IIARRV Window-cleaner. Phone 70S.
NEW HAY For sale. Phone 7!1U.
GOOD Milk cow for s.ile. Phone 41
F-j. junelO
491 N. Cottage. tf
FOR RENT SIGNS For gale at Cap
ital Journal office. tf
FOR .SALE Or trade for wood, gaso-
line ongine. Phone 4"1. - tfj
GOOD Furnished house to rent, close
in. Phone Main 4 or 47. tf
YOUNG COW Fresh, for sale, cheap
lnc(uire l;02 Madison St. junei
FOR SALE Cold woin seed pot.itotes.
Call 97F11 at meal times juneS
WANTED Girl to do general house
work. Inquire 274 N, Summer. t
Phone 47 or 4. G. W. Johnsou. tt
WANTED Girl for light housework.
Address "Girl," care Journal. tf
TWO oETS Of furnished housekeep
ing rooms for rent. 730 N, Front. ,jit$
FOR SALE Iver joinson bicycle nl
' most new, half price. Phone 1224..jS
PURE Whale oil soap for hop spray
for sale nt the Cnpital Soap Works.
. tf
FOR RENT House partly furnished,
close in. inquire 490 South Cottage
St. ,iu?7
STENOGRAPHER Wishes position.
' Address S. W. care journal. jnefc)
ual. Junei'
FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping
appartmonts, rates reasonable, close
in, 100 Court. tf
WANTED Caseara bark, highest cash
price. Call or write Frys Drug store.
Salem, Oregon. julyo
FOR SALE Little Chester White pigs
seven weeks old. Plioue 11FXI, even
ings after 7. june"
u WANTEI-E.TpeTienced -giri for gen
eral house work. Call at 70 N. 13th
Mrs. Harry Cloy. tf
.NICELY FFRNTSHED large rooms,
- modern. Use of kitchen, low rent.
180 L'niou street. Junet)
WANTED TO KENT 5 room fully
modern bungalow or cottage with
garage. Phone 511. tf
FOR SALE 200 acres at Lyle, Wash.,
will consider some trade on cleat
property. August Rauch, Salem, Or.
june 17
FOR SALE IS acres, good terms, 16
in crops and fruit, air buildings,
best eoil. W. W. Lander, Salem R.
6. junel3
WILL SELL Or trade tor car, team,
top buggy, hack, single harness and
two icyeles. Box oil it. .'I, Turner,
. Ore. junei
TOB SALE 3 b.ilf trnck Studebakei
wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon,
cordwood or ttumpage. 2788 Lee.
' Phone 1322-J. tf
FOR RENT Business block room, size
18x80 feet. 407 State street. I
quire at 463 State. Phone, lOOH.
Maurice Elinger. tf
With bench and 40 records. Used
three months, taken on. debt. Best
bargain I have ever offered. George
C. Will Music Store. june8
I AM Taking orders for summer and
fall delivery of wood. I will give a
lower price now than I will late in
the season. John II. Scott, phone 1!5!2
After office hours, 022. jnne20
FOR SALE At bargain prices, one
Troy laundry mangle 90 inches, store
shelving, two teams and ahetland
ponv, 2 double buggies, one sinele
' buggy. H. Bteinbock, 302 N. Com'l
rhii( 80S. tf
RANCH FOR SALE Or trade, y) A
near Philomath, Oregon, near school
and church, about '' in crop, good
l.ncse and barn and other building.
Write or inquire of M. A. Hurler,
Marion, Oregon. junelO
FOR SALE Or trade by owner, for
improved farm, factory including
business and fine residence; business
yielding better than 1.,"00 yearly;
good locution, valuation $10,000; i'f
you are interested in a good income
propcrtv see me. W. W. Heardsley,
Falem, Ore., 13C0 North Front street.
Call For Improvement Bonds of the
City of Salem, Oregon.
Notice is lierebv given that on July
1, l!Hii, there will be money on hand
and applicable to the payment of the
following numbered improvement bonds
of issue ''F" dated January 1, 1012,
numbers 01 to P2, bulk inclusive.
didders of these bund will present
Ihem for payment at the office of the
i-itv treasurer as interest will cease on
Jniv 1, 191'!.
ritv Treasurer,
lotted Juno 7th, 19lt'.
WANTED Housekeeper. ( all II. I'. 1).
.No. 8, box 42. . jiineS
I'l KXISfinn HOl'SE For rent. Ad
dress George H. Graves, Salem, Or.
LOST Indian lap robe, reward for re
turn to lr. Miles, room Ai Busli
bank. jime7
FOR SALIv Carpenter's chest with
tools, impure iX' North Winter
street. juneS
MAN' AND WIFE Wish management
of apartment or rooming house; ex
I perierteed an. I reliable; first class
j references. Address M. W. 20 care
Journal. juncT
WANTED 'About HO .more loganber
ry piikers to register. Fine camp
grounds. 1-2 mile from street ear at
Salem Ileigiits. li. Cunningham.
Phone 21F2. ' tf
WANTED Twenty-five loganberry
pfvkers; cool camping ground, good
water, free wood. Sunny Acres ranch
2d house east Kaiser school house.
Frank Flint. R. F. D. S, phone 59F5.
PLEASE Don't miss this if you want
a big farm, bargain, !H acres, 3 1-2
miles from town on good road, good
buildings, orchard, running wnter
crop, machinery, cattle, etc., goes
with place. Will take city property
or small acreage as part payment,
some cash, bal. time. Don't call un
less you mean business, sold by owu
er. Address B. 33 care Journal. jS
A. O. TJ. W. Protection Lodge, No. 2,
Meets every Monday evening at 8 In the
McCornack hall, corner Court and Liberty
streets, K. O. IJonaldson, M. W. ; 8. A,
McKadden, recorder; A. L. Brown,
SALEM LODGE No. .4. A. F. & A. M
Stated communications first Frlilay In
each month nt 7 :: p. m. in the Masonic
Temple. (.'has. McCarter, W. M, j S. Z,
Culver, secretary,
president; Mrs. Lou Tlllson. secretary. All
cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb ani
mals should be reported to the secretury
for Investigation.
CENTRAL LOWE, No. 18, K. of I Mc
Cornack building. Tuesday evening of
each week nt 7 :llrt. J. U. Heltzel, C. C. ;
W. It. Uilson, K. of It. and S.
R. N. OF A. "Oregon Grape Camp." No.
lliliO, meets every Thursday evening in
McCornack building, Court and Liberty
streets : elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Scbaiipp,
17111 Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa 1'er
sons, recorder, 12!0 North Commercial,
l'tioue 14KU-M.
gon Cedar Camp, No. 7i:.'43. meets every
Thursday evening nt 8 o'clock in Mc
Cornack hall, coiner Court and Liberty
streets. Elevator service. Geo. Reioohl,
V. C. ; J. A. Wright, clerk.
Regular meeting every first and tblrd
Tuesday nt 8 p. m. in the Masou'lc Tem
ple. Minnie Moeller, -,W. M. ; Ida M.
frBnbeofk. secretary. - -
Krldav night at 8 o'clock tn McCornack
block, B. W. Macey, C. C; L. 8. (feer,
clerk, 507 Court street. Phone 593.
Regular conclave fourth Friday In each
moulli at 8 o'clock, p m., In Masonic Tem
ple. Sojourniug Sir Knights are courte
ously Invited to meet with us Lot L.
l'earce, II. C, Frank Turner, recorder.
UNITED ARTISANS Capital ' Assembly,
No. 84. meets every Wednesday at 8 p. lu.
In Moose ball. C. O. Mullock, M. A.;
C. '.. Kiindall, secretary, Salem Bank of
1IODSON COUNCIL, No. 1, It. & S. M.
Stated assembly llrst Monday In each
mouth, Masonic Temple. N. P. lUaiuus
sen. Thrice illustrious Master; Ciena C.
Nlles, recorder.
SALEM COUNCIL NO. 2022. Knights and
Ladies uf Security .Meets every ind and
4tli Wednesday each mouth at Hurst J In 11.
Visiting meuiiiers are Invited to attend.
K. F. Walton, flmiucler, 480 S. 141h St.
PACIFIC 1.0DIJE No. ,r,rt. A. V. & A. M.
Slated communications third Friday
tn each month at 7 :;I0 p. ni. In the
Masouic Temple. Hal V. Holiim. W. M. J
Ernwtt H Ornate, secretary.
No one in Salem who suffer back
ache,, linadaclu's, , or distressing urinary
ills can afford to ignore this Saleni
man's twice-told story. It is confirmed
testimony that no Salem resident cnu
W. C. Johnston, 1021 Mill St.. Saleni,
says: " I hnd pain in my buck, ncvoss
my kidneys. My back ached at night
and 1 was lame in the 'morning. 1
tired easily and was languid and nerv
ous. I also hail heniluclies nnd dizzy
spells and my night burred. The kid
ney secretions contained sediment and
didn't pass often enough, 1 used
Dona's Kidney Pills and they soon re
lieved me. I nm going to continue
taking them expecting tu be cured."
A Later Statement.
On April II, liilli, Mr. Johnston
said: ' It has been ne-irlv two years
since I have had (iccasi.iti to take n
kidney inollciiie. I coildn't recom
mend anything cipml to Doan's Kid
ney Pills for lame buck and kidney
disorders.-' '
Price "iOc, nt nil - dealers. Don't
simply ask for n kidnev remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills th. same that
Mr. Johnston has twice publicly reenm
mendt'd, Eoster-Milbtirn Co., Props..
Uufi'alo, N. V.
(Continued From Page One.)
iciiit Federation of Labor and from
lames A. Emory, counsel for the 3ii-
tionul Association of Manufacturers.
An anti-injunction plank will be de- j
manded by labor.
Senator Fall, of New Mexico, is to
demand intervention in Mexico, but
i.ouge aim jtsoraii, although favoring a j
plank for radical action to protect
American lives and property, doubt the
nisdom of this declaration. They do
plan to make the Mexican policy of
President Wilson the butt of their main
assault on his handling of foreign af
' Plans All in Talk Stage.
By Perry Arnold.
(United Press stuff correspondent )
Chicago, June T-The hosts of re
publicans met in qiiadrieniial session to-
Inv with about as much knowledge oi
who they would choose Borne time this j
week as a presidential nominee as Noah
hnd about the probable duration of the I
deluge. The smile ia imminently fit-j
ting for outside the great Coliseum t
full drab skies spat a ceaseless down- j
pour of cold rain, just as they had been
giving vent to feelings since yesterday
Today's session was to be meitfy as a
transfer of talk from the hotel lob
bies to the convention hall. The pro- j
gram was meet, listen to a kenotc !
speech by Temporary Chairman War-'a
ren G. Harding, receive and accept the
temporary roll of delegates, announce
the convention committees and au
journ for more talk in hotel lobbies and i
The talk part of this convention i3
getting on the nerves of the delegates.
.May be two days of depressing Chicago
rain, fog, and wind aided. But the fact
remained today that o' the millions of
words of conversation, conference nnd
conflict not a syllabic has yet been
transferred to concrete action. Murray
Crane still pussyfooted today, which is
another name for whispering; George
W. Perkins conferred; fuvjritc son
taiks; Frank Hitchcock moved about
with mysterious words trailing along in
his wake; Boise Penrose listened to
talk; Barnes emitted a few well chosen
words aueut T. E., and then became a
receptive well of conversation; the lob
by crowds talked.
Things Generally Conceded.
Out of the waste of words it was
possible to develop any hypothesis and
arrive nt any decision, according to the
wish of the listener. A modern Diogenes,
however, would probably have sifted
out the following facts from the talk
of the convention leaders:
The old guard still hus the situation
well in hand.
It is playing a chord of harmony;
being real pleasant and nice with its
Hughes will have a good lead on tho
first bnllot.
The allies have figures to support
their claim that combined against
Hughes they have more than three
times the number of delegates credited
to tho justice.
Senator; Borah, of Idaho, eliminiated
himself as a presidential possibility.
Get together plans between progres
sive and republican lenders are proceed
ingbut tho headway on candidates
has not yet reached much further than
the eternal talk stage.
How Candidates Stand.
Of the above, the allies' claim of
enough votes to kill off Hughes seemed
most vital today. Midnight conferences
resulted in the following tnbiilaion set
of claims of votes on the first ballot:
Fairbanks. 100.
Burton, 10.
Weeks, 175.
Sherman, 70.
Root, 85.
DuPont, fi.
Bornh. 15.
Cummins, 110.
I.aFollette, "0. "
Koosevelt, 70,
Total, 781.
On the first bnllot Hughes will not
have more than 210 votes. Frank
Hitchcock's answer was to point to his
only claim since he started the talk for
Hughes here more than 310 votes for
the justice.
Rain Soaks Delegates,
Seldom have 15,00(1 dampened per
sons met in the fashion they did to-
day. The rain-washed beiran nrrivinir
nt the Coliseum early. A band, whose The others can nominate Roosevelt to
drums sagged from the cloggy, muggy i day if they like." -atmosphere
thumped nnd tooted vnliaut-l - Convention is opened,
ly 'from somewhere 'way up in the nirl It was H:2H when Chairman Hides'
buck of the hall. In the uir was the gavel fell. Contrary to the usual situa
smoll of rmdier overcoats, nnd of wnter-1 tion. he hud little trouble in obtaining
soaked umbrellas, with a suggestion of j quiet, the delegates appearing eager to
niolh balls where some disciple of pre- assist in getting the show under wav.
pnredncss had been able to dig down in "This is a year," he said, "what
his trunk nnd get out a winler suit in-'ever may have been true of past years,
sieuii ot hiiivenng arouna in summer when politics is patriotism ami pa
t weeds. triotism is politics. Therefore, the au-
The gorgeous yellow and white bunt-dienco will please arise nnd sing 'Ann-ring
decorations filtered the drabuess of jiea.' "
the outside in a little more mellow j Prnver was then offered bv Itev.
glow inside the grent hull and helped ' John 'Timothy Stone, of Chicago. It
the dampened nnd chilled spirit to thaw j was then ll:.;l."i.
nut and dry out a trifle. Gundy rib-1 The divine prnver for pence, asking
lions that had once been badges and , blessings for the deliberation of the
had curled up on the water-soaked i meeting and pleading for " no hasty or
couts of the spectators and delegates, ! ill spoken words."
began to uukink and perk up a little. I "May the men of our choice be those
So did the wearers of these badges. !f your choice," he suid.
Then began the ever lasting talk, talk,! Everybody sat quiet while the photo
the buzz, buz, of conversation that ; grapher did his worst. .
welled in a continuous rour of noise, i Secretary Itevnolds next rend the of -Tue
roar shuttered now and then bvjfieiul call' for' the convention, being
the crack of yells for some 'favorite greeted with good nntiired applause,
son or greeting for some delegate The reading was not audible to more
All Roosevelt and Hughes. than CO people. "Jimmio" Itevnolds,
Here in the convention hull as in the .being plainly a little weak of voice
hotel lobbies, the principal topic of the j through stng'e fright. The convention
conversation was Koosevelt ami j buzzed "away at conversation.
Hughes. The O. O. V.-ites were very The inattention paid to Hevnobls was
much interested in what was about to ' so flngrniit that Murrnv Crane finally
happen a mile or so north in the audi-1 rnme to the front of the stand, caught
torium, where the hull moose cohorts : Hilles attention and motioned 'for hi in
were presumably singing "Onward to pound for order. Hilles obeyed and
Christian Soldiers" and doing other got a modicum of order. Hcvn'oMs got
nioosish things. The consensus of op-In, good nntiired hand us he finished,
iniou was that Koosevelt was done with , Chairman Hilles next presented Sen
the republican convention but then'ator Warren C Harding us the nominee
you never can tell, especially when for temporary chairmnn, taking u single
there nus so much talk and George sentence for this function. Harding's
Perkins was supposed to be equalling name got a goodly burst of applause
llic pussyfuotillg performances of Mur- 'nn. l,n. Li.lncr nV, r.tln.r iiorninntinus
lav Crane.
G"ing back to schedule again, the
convention met to talk and expected to
talk for perhaps three hours. Then
there uus to be a two hour stoppage of
the organized talk, so to speak that is,
the convention was to adjourn until to-1
morrow after which the verbal volleys
were to be fnrmnlly resumed lit an open
session of the resolutions committee.
Most of the platform is already draft
ed, but the free and uutrammelcd right
to talk as sacred at conventions and
there were, plenty of individuals with
cough-dropped throats, ready to exer
cise it the rizht and thpn the
throats. Probably. this session of for-
ensic fervor .will last until lute tonight,
The resolution committee will appoint a
sub committee - which will do the real
heavy work of building the platform
and do it through an ull-night vigil,
Tomorrow will have it ready to sub
mit to the convention.
Hall Was Gloomy
Doors to the Coliseum were opened at
9 o'clock and at that early hour there
were several hundred bravely waiting
in the rain, who thankfully slid into
their places. Three hundred uniformed
men under Chief Heuly 's personal di
rection were on duty with several score
additional plain clothes men. As a mat
ter of fact for the next hour the con
vention hall looked like an assemblage
of blucconts.
Chairman Hilles, dressed in a dark
cutaway suit, arrived at 10 o'clock and I
he nnd Sergeant at Arms Stone came
out on the front rostrum for a brief
look over the hall, then holding only
300 or 400 people. The hall was so
dark that some of the lights across the
great dome of the hall were turned on.
In tins yellow lignt and t tie faint gray
day without, tue nail looked greenish
gray. The 'first delegates to arrive
were two from Kansas. They looked
lonesome sitting in the forest of chairs
arranged in ice rows on the floor.
Over the spen Iters' rostrum was hung
gigantic sounding board of wood and
paper macho. Back of the great plat
form proper, high np over all, the like
ness of Abraham Lincoln looked bening'
ly down from a f rnme brilliantly illum
inated by electric lights. Above this
was the president's flag, blue with the
grent seal of the United States standing
out brilliantly in the light from a sky
light above.
American flags in countless numbers
were wound around the balconies, but
the whole roof was yellow and white.
At the back, high up in a balcony, the
Chicago band strove to liven things a
little the white uniformed leader look
ed as if he was exercising to keep
warm, rather than attempting to draw
music out of his conferees. At any rate
the music fell flat.
Much Like a Funeral.
At 10:30 the small crowd had about
doubled but there was hardly a noise
above a polite buzz of conversation. At
that time, not more than 25 delegates
were on the job.
AmOng the faithful, was Mrs. Corne
lius Cole, the woman representative
from Los Angeles, ,
In the front rows of the delegate
seats, were placed the "big ones" of
states New York and Ohio directly in
front of the small speakers rostrum,
and flanking tho middle aisle, Pennsyl
vania and Indiana flanking the right
side aisle and Illinois and Massachus
etts going on either side of the left
On the floor, the delegates wove
around, visiting and "buzzing." There
was no noise except a gentle murmur of
talk arising everywhere no enthus
iasm everywhere no enthusiasm, no
cheers, no bnnners. Old timers said the
disspirited air nnd depceted appear
ance of the nuditcijs and spectators, due
to the rain and cold and with complete
lack of any "pep" apparent was almost
without a parallel,- Foul' years ngo the
convention was simply jammed with a
howling mob, 20 minutes before Chair
man Kosewnter's gavel fell starting the
fight. Today there was not a bit of
fight in the air a feeling of cold and
dump, of disconsolate of discomfort,
and of frigid feet.
Bunds of enthusiasts marched up to
the entrance with banners and other
stampede creating aids and stopped.
There was littlcf ight or pep in the
rain-souked marchers, and when the
six foot guards stopped them, they
handed over their" paraphernalia and
entered the hall quietly.
The air wanned up just n wee trifle
just before the convention was ex
pected to start. There was a short
spasm of applause as the band placed
Smoot Defies Roosevelt.
As the I'tuh delegation assembled,
Senator Emoot greeted delegates with
"We are pulling for the progressives
to nominate Koosevelt. Amalgamation
is out of the question. We will be glad
to tret rid of the nrocressive ritdiculs.
i Tin. nther fm-tion will come with ns.
for the keynote job, he was unmed bv
Hilles appointed a committee to es-
i enrf Hie fll,i:m to the nl.-itfnrm. Crane-
, nrnh nnd MeKinley of Illinois. The
i latter two had been waiting patiently
in the ni-de f"r the job right beside
i Harding. Crime's name got a yowl of
opplnusc nnd Borah's almost as much,
Somebody veiled that Borah hadn't nr-
Classified Advertising Page
rived, and Crane and McKinley then
undertook the job alouc.
As Harding's well known figure ap
peared ou the platform the first real
spontaneous burst of applause came
'from the hall. He began- reading his
speech at exactly 11:17. -
Harding's pica that the split of foirr
years ago he healed that the differences
be forgotten, evoked the first round
of hand clapping and cheers. It was
but momentary, the delegates apparent
ly being anxious to hear exactly what
he had to say. His statement that he
should be prepared stirred a rattling
round of applause and the speaker took
advantage of it to absorb a pint glass
of ice wnter which Hilles proffered.
The senator spoke with but few ges
tures, hardly scanning the notes of his
speech but never faltering in his mem
ory of his text.
His slap at tho democratic foreign
policy and "note writing" struck a re
sponsive chord in the audience.
Counsellor Polk of the state depart
ment, who has had much to do with the
administration policies abroad, listened
grimly as Harding launched his barb.
At the time, 12:10, there were sev
eral score of seats in tho topmost gal
leries which were unoccupied. Every
seat on the floor, the platform and the
underlgalleries was occupied. The small
number of women was noticeable prob
ably due to the inclement weather
and this same rainy weather spoiled
the custotmary display of brilliant
Don't make Junk of it, if use-
ful try a Journal New loday.
DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro
practic's Fountain Held, Davenport,
Iowa. If you have tried everything
and got no relief, try Chiroprac
tic spinal adjustments and get well.
Office 400-7-8 U. S. National Bank
Building. Phone Main 87. Residence
Main 828-R.
J. C.YFE.V Well known Chinese doc
tor has successfully treated all dis
eases in tho past yeir. See testimon
ials on file at the Oriental Herb Co.,
, 040. State St., Salem. Out of town
patients treated by Simptomatio Di
agnosis. Scud, for diagnosis blanks.
138 South High street. We clean
pres9( repair, remodel and ro-line
clothing and furs. Careful attention
given ill work. We call and deliver.
Phone 72R.
DR. O. A. OLSON, Dentist Adminis
ters nitrous ozid and oxygen gas.
Room 214. Masonic Temple. Phone
440. Saiem, Oregon.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished house
keeping rooms reasonable. 855 North
Commercial Btrect. tf
FOR RENT By month or week, strict
ly modern 5 room house furnished
or unfurnished. Phone 17II7-W. tf
FOR SALE 2 cash registers, 1 single
and 1 double drawers, 1 set of bil-
. Hard bulls; 2 sets of pool balls; 1 six
foot cigur case; one roll top dealt;
one firo -proof safe; ono 5 loom bun
aalow. Cill or write 1355 Ferry St.
owner on county road and railroad.
fiO to 200 acres each, good buildings,
gooa so!".,';!l under cultivation, close
to scroot, pnrcs reasonable, half
cash, balance time at 6 per cent or
modern income bearing city property.
P. O. Box 210. Salem. tf
TENNIS.' COVKT Two gentlemen
want use of tennis court between six
tyid seven in the evening. Address
T. C. care Journal. juneS
from all points cast, on all household
goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car-
loid service. Cnpital City Transfer
Comnanv. agents) tor radtic, toast
Forwarding company, 101 South Com
tncrcial street. Phone Main 933.
WE HAVE- I nrins for sale, very reas
onable in price. Good buildings, well
looted, equipped with teams, cows,
hogs, bouts, poultry, farm implements
and now in crops. 'Will accept house
in Saleni as part payment. Hiiiarn
Deal liealtv Co., --'02 I. S, Hank Id.lg
NOTICE To the people of Salem
that I have installed a complete oxy
actylene welding and cutting appnr
ntus in my shop. For welding Steele,
cast iron, aluminum, brass snd bronze.
We make a specialty of automobile
frame welding, scored cylinders
blocks, broken crank cases, farm
and harvesting machinery. We are
also equipped for extra heavy weld
ing and and run go to your job, I
have employed an expert welder to es
pecially locdt sfter your wants. Your
patronage is respectfully solicited.
All work fully giiuruntecd from de
fects. C. R. Grieg, general black
smith and vtood working shop, 1SH5
State street. July .1
DI!S. I!. II. WHITE and It. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic physicians jnd
nerve specialist:',, tiradoatcs of Amer
ican school of Osteopathy, Kirl.sulle
Mo. Post graduate and specialized i
nerve dis"t.s"8 it f.os Angelic college.
Treat acute ami enronn: diseases
Consultation free. Lndv attend, int.
Office ollo-.'iil! I". i. .National Lank
liuilding. Phone S5H. ijciideiuo 34'j
North ( npital street. Phone 4o'..
Classified Business
Telephone Directory
A Quick, handy reference for busy people
Salem ElettrU Co., MasonU Temple, 127 North High ICaia 1K
T. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street Uaia 191
Salem Truck & Dray Co., corner State and Front street ICaU It
Try This on Your Eczema
If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter,
dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry
Zensal. For that watery eruption, or Weeping
Skin, use Moist Zensal, 50c the jar.
CENTRAL PHARMACY, formerly Poole's Dreg Store
Id Oregon Express . . . ,
-4 Kuuene Lluilled
a Willamette -Limited.
12 Shasta Limited ....
1H -Portland Pnsscniter .
liO Portland l'aasenger.
14' Portland Kxnre . .
, 15 :00 8. m,
. .3 :02 p. m.
. 9 :22 a. n.
.11 :55 a. m.
. 1 :27 p. oi.
. S :0Op.m.
. .H:i4 p.m.
No. 222 lkirHiind lust lfrelsht 19 :3I) p. m
No. 226 Eocal wny freight. . . .10 :3D a. m,
No. 13 California lOipreeg.,
No. 17 Hoseburg Passenger
No. 2.1 Kuiiene I.lniltetl ...
No.' 10 Cottiiire drove Pass.
. 3:32 a.m.
.11:20 a, m.
. lo :ol u. m.
4 :1H p. m.
Makes connection with No. T4 Oeer
No. 11 Shasta Mmlted 6 :43 p.m.
No." 27 Willamette Mmlted... 0:111p.m.
No. 13 San Francisco Impress 10 ;30 p. m,
iso. 221 Sun irancisco rant
No. 22,"i I.oinl way Krt'lifht.
12:01 a. m.
11 :40 a. id.
S.m.km Uhhii Line.
No. 73 Arrives at Kulem !t:ina. m.
lo. 7(1 Leaven Halem 0:50 a.m.
No. 7,r Ar. Balcm (mixed) 2 :0O p. m.
No. 74 Leave Halem 4:20 p.m.
No connection south tf Oeer.
Salum, Falls City and wistbrn.
1(11 I.v. Salem, motor 7:00 a.m.
103 Lv Salem, motor 8:43 a.m.
10." l.v. Sulem tor Monmouth
nnd Alrie 11 :10 a. m.
167 Lv. Salem, motor .... 4:00p.m.
10(1 Lv. Haleni, motor 6 :15 p. ul.
23!) Way fr't lv. Holem. . . . S :0O a. in.
102 Ar. Salem E:40 a. m.
1114 Ar. Snlem II :10 a. m.
US Ar. Sttlera S:l(ip. m.
1(18 Ar. Hiilem 0:00 p.m.
170 Ar. Snlem 7:45 p.m.
240 Way Fr't ar. Salem... 1:33p.m.
Train No.
.... 2 Owl ...
. 0
..10 Mmlted .
. . . 1(1 Limited
Lt. Snlem
4 :'!.r a. tn.
7 :1I a. m.
0 :4f a. m.
11 :20 a. m.
1 :4fi p. ui.
Ar. Portland
, . 6 :05 a. m.
. . 0 :25 n. m.
, .11 :35 a. ui.
. 11:35 p.m.
. . 4 :00 p. m.
. . n :50 p. m.
. . 7 :50 p. m.
..10:00 p. m.
4 :00 p. ni.
r. :37 p.
7 :oo p.
Portland to Halku
Lv. Portland. Ar. Snlem
(1:4.-, u. m 8:r,!i (Salem only)
8:23 a. in. ... D Limited 10:11 a. m.
A. M., C'louuh morticians and funeral
directors. Latest modern mct'.iods
known to the profession employed
499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888.
directors and undertakers, 2")2 North
Hi?h Btrect. Dav and night phone
proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. Yard and ccss
pool cleaned. Offieo phone Main
2217. Hcsidcncc Miin 2272.
Therapeutics practiced by Dr. V. T.
TotnpniiiK, S. T. Most powerful, nnt
ur.il and succeHxful treatment known
to science for tho relief and cure of
hcnilaehe, stomach, liver and kidney
trouble; rheuniatiHm, constipation,
iufiiutile pnr.'ilysis anil all female
eonipluintM, heart, luii( and throat
troubles; all diseases of the eye; can
cer, goitre, epilepsia, asthma, nerv
ousness or tiny chronic discuse. Sti(r
Kcntive therapeutics properly applied
to a diseased body is positive, sure
and permanent in its results. Hours
9 to 12 a. in, 1 to fl p. in., piiouc
991. Office rooms 1, 2 and 3 ltiyne
llhl. 311 Slate St., Snlem, Oregon. I
For all kinds of Insuranco in Stand
ard Companies, cull ou
P. J. K u n t z
Room 309, Bank of Commerce.
ON Oood Real Estate Security.
Over Ladd k Busb Bank, Salem, Oregon
MONEY TO LOAN" 1 have mude ar
rangements for loaning custom
money, will muke very low rate of
interest on highly improved farms.
Homer II. Smith, room Ti Mci.'orunck
liblg. .Snlem, die. 1'hone 911.
10:40 a. tn. .
2:00 p. m. .
4 :40 p. m. .
0 :(5 p. oi. .
0 :20 p. m. ...
1 1 :43 p. ni. .
Lv. Corral lis
4:10 p. m- .,
Lv. Kttgen -7
:3:1 a. ro. . .
1 :."0 p. tn. .
5 :23 p. m.
12 :03 p. m. ,
Lv. Snlem
2 :00 a.m. .
7 :10 ii. ru. .
10:13 a. in. .
Lv. Salem
12 :33 p. m. .
Lt. Snlem.
4 :23 p. in. .
, 9
. . 13 Limited .
, . .'. 17 Local .
21 Owl . . .
20 .....
.. 10 Limited .
,..16 Limited .
2 Owl . . .
..12:58 p. m.
. 4 :2o p. n.
.. 8:40 p.m.
.. 8:10p.m.
. 1:00 p.
Ar. Salea
. . 6 :37 o. .
Ar. Halm
. . 0:45 a. m.
. . S .55 p. taw
. . T :55 p. bl
. . 3 :19 a. a.
Ar. BngeM
. S :(SO a. a,
. 9 :30 a. bj
,12:25 (LOj
21 Owl . .
... 03 ...
5 Limited
At. A (Way
....... 1 :B0 p. a.
Stops at Corvnllu
Ar. Albuir
5 :20 p. a.
Ar. Albany
8:43 p. a.
Ar. KlweM
Lt. S;ilej
tt :40 p. m.
8 :0O p. n.
Woodkurn Local Dailt Excipt1 Honhatb
No. 04 Leaves Snlem 8 :40 p. a
No. (13 Arrives In 8a!?i 8 :25 p. au
Ij0 .....
14 ....
Lt. Corvallls
H . m. . .
12:12 p. m. .
2 :.'1'J p. m.
4 :10 p. m. .
0:18 p. m. .
Lt. Sttlem
10:15 a. m. .
4 :23 p. m.
12 :5 p. tn.
8 :40 p. m. . .
Ar. RsJcflt
... 9:45 a. m.
... 1:45 p. ob
. . . 4 :00 p. mu
. . . 6 :37 p. m.
... 7:55 p.n.
Ar. Corvallla
...11 :33 a. a.
. . . 6 '.47 p. m.
... 2 -.20 p. n.
. . . 8 :00 p. a.
Oregon City Transportation Company
Lenve Portland for Oregon City, HuttjpvlHt,
Nowherg, Mission (Ht. Paul), Wiiiiiiard,
HitlclB (daily except Sunday) . .6:43 . a.
Leave Portland for Independencel
Albany-Corvallls, (Tues., Thurs., Bat.)
6:45 a. a.
. 6 a. m. Hon., Wed., FrL
i.,7 a. m Mon., Wed., Frt.
. . 9 a.. ni Hon., Wadi, m.
10 a. m. Mon., Wed., Frt.
6 a. m. Tucs., Thurs., Sac
I'orvnllKi . , . .
The Oregon State Board of Control
will receive scaled bids on June 15,
191(1, at 2 p. m., for furnishing supplis
to the various Stalo institutions; coa
sisting of dry goods, clothing, furnish
ings, groceries, shoes, hardware
brooms, drugs, puints, oils, stationery
crockery, plumbing, etc., for the acini
annual period ending December 3tj
1910. Specifications and schedules wit
bo furnished uon application tu th
secretary, at Salem, Oregon, also front
the Industries and Manufacture
liureuu, Chamber of Commerce, Port
land, Oregon. Kadi bid to be nccom
pnnied by a certified check in the sum
of 10 per rout of the whole amount of
bid, payable to tho Oregon State Boar.l
of Control, to be held as a guaranty
of the faithful performance of the con4
tract. Tho Board reserves the right to
reject. any or all bids or to accept any
part of a bid.
R. B. CIOODTN, Secretary,
Oregon State Board of Control
i Uonerai feed ana
Small Livery Btabla,
7; 'A
IM Ferry. Fhoat ESI
Care of
Chinese Medicine and
Tea Company
Has medicine which will
cure any known disease.
153 South High Street,
Salem, Ore. Phone 283
corner Commercial and Trade, streets.
For water service apply at office.
Bills payable monthly in advuuee.