SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1916. rtttt 1 Sellers Kitcheneed n r UfOOB ca a ma TTTTTTTTtTtTTTTTTTTTTT BOTEJ Mrs. All ladieii nttAndinrr H . . Vaughn's lectures are especially requested to watch the place, the ltirrhpnnrl fill, in thp mortal kitchen. 1 : ?aef Beyond a doubt the nioHt prac tical and sanitary cabinet on the II1U1 KOI. . SPECIAL FEATURES OF SELLERS KITCHENEED Extra large china closet and cupboard compartment in upper section. Sanitary disappearing curtain which rolls up out o'f the way. .Sanitary tiling, removable flour bin. Large utensil cupboard in base. Hounded corners and dovetail construction. Equipped with 12 piece set Sellers Special (llass Jars. Furnished only with white en amel interior upper section. The Sellers Kitcheneed Mrs. Vaughn is using will be given away Sut unlay a. in. of this week. Got full particulars Tuesday. Special Attention Mrs. Housewife: Your family wash by the NEW ELECTRIC PROCESS, insuring long life to fibre and colors, beautiful clear work and thorough disinfection. We are using every effort to produce Quality work at a price every one can afford to pay. Remember we do a Special NO STARCH FAMILY WASH, all nicely washed and dried and all flat pieces ironed, 20 pounds 75c, no charge less than 75 cents, all over 20 pounds 4 cents per pound. This work is done much better and cheaper than it can be done at home and once tried you will always be a patron. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY OLDEST LARGEST BEST Phone 25 1 Buy your Table Linens here During the Great June White Sale Remember we carry the best Irish, Scotch and German Linens STOCKTON ' ' ' ! fearful gjPfittli 1 1 f ' iuil iI'li-'hrf -'iiit S' DRUGS and Uscful Articles for the home. Tt it is a severe Imrn apply Lino at once, 2!e per box, If it is flavoring oxtracts we have tho best. If it is tissue towels we have them. If it is something wo haven't mentioned iu household necessities, we haveit. Jf you will givo us a call wo will convince you. CENTRAL PHARMACY A. 13. Voolc, 4 10 Htnte Street. A. Jaynor Woolport. I'hono 27(1. if MRS. VAUGHN Uses Our Meats THERE IS A REASON I We have the best kept shop in Salem ; we use only the :; choicest stock for beef; our service is unexcelled in Salem. Pay us a visit and we will try to please. E. C. Cross & Son j-tiitttittt-t mi aaa imniittimmimi t ............... ' 1 ' ' . v . - :l - ' . - : MRS. KATE VAUGHN, THE COOKERY EXPERT. THIS COURSE SETS Mrs. Vaughn Talks Tomorrow On the Substantiate, Bread and Meat Program for Thursday afternoon at :'M). Subiieet: "Bread and Meat." Menu: Hound steak with snakhetti ami tomato sauce, (in fi teles cooker) noston orowij bread (in tireless cook- Jer), potato salad, boiled dressing, pas try: Hake, tnrt )ai(te, etc., lemon till ing, 'cream filliug, chocolate tilling, baked ice cream. The talks which are being given ev ery afternoon this week in the armory are tlionght-provokiug and contain much of real value to women in the home. It is the aim of .Mrs. Vauglin in her lecture ami cookery course to get women to put more thought into housekeeping ami homemaking and get more enjoyment always. IShe sug nests that before coining to the class tomorrow afternoon, women think over I these questions anil so be prepared for 'the talk siie wi(, give and if they eare to do so, ask any questions that are in their minds or any other subjects pertaining to homemaking and the care of the family, ospecTally along food lines: 1. yhat must I know of cooking MRS. VAUGHN IS USING Cherry City Patent and Economy Flour and also our Oregon Graham, in her demonstrations at the Armory this week. Make your next order in clude one of our brands at all Grocers. Cherry City Flouring Mills processes to be sure of uniformly sat islaetory results J, 2. how can I serve inexpensive foods so they will sharpen iipK'tite of my family 3. How iar doesl the digestive pro cesses influence the selection of foods 4. What do I really know of iiielJ 3. What do 1 know of standardized oven temperature! Exceptionally beautiful cakes are made ny Mrs. Vaughn every day and are given away to members of her class. In this as in every other line of her art, Mrs. Vauglin has improved herself since her former visit to Salem, and the cakes that she makes this year are greatly admired. ' Many helpful thoughts are contain ed in Mrs. Vaughn's heart to heart talks. She believes that matrimony is founded not alone on sentiment but on business and entiment combined. From day to day she t'lls how to serve de licious inexpensive foods and tomorrow the demonstration is particularly attrac tive along this line. There will be a round steak with spaghetti cooked in the cooker Her saiud lesson is just the every day familiar potato salmi but it will be a glorified potato salad as handled by Mrs. Vaughn No dish is commonplace when prepared by this skilled artist Kverydny women flock about her lecture platform to tell hci' how they admire the dishes she prepared and how much help they are receiving from her lectures and cookery lessons. Much helpful advice pertaining to happiness in the home is given from day to clay. Mrs. Vaughn says that any woman has intelligence enough to piny cards but that it takes a great deal more brains to care for families. Tomorrow afternoon Mrs. Vaughn will invite the ladies of Salem into the mysteries of baked ice e renin. Mrs. Vaughn states that any woman can make and serve this new helpful and delightful dessert in her own home. Come and see how it is done. Better Poods and Better Homes Bibliography. Food and Nutrition, Bevere & Usher, (Continued on Page Seven.) THE SPA Specializes on Pure Foods and Confections v Watch for Thursday Menu at Mrs. Vaughn's Cooking School THE SPA Ice Cream will be used Thursday It :jwm,i i-frniMwiw, at 1 IHI . Hi...'........ --. ti'-wndj Mrs. Vaughn Cooks With Gas. Any Gas User Can Tell You Why Ask the Woman who uses a Gas Range or Phone 85 GAS WORKS MOM Edison New Diamond Disc Shown and used to furnish music daily from 2.00 to 2:30 p. m., at Mrs. Vaughn's Lecture at The Armory this week. All styles on display at I)) Jens G r 432 State Street, Salem, Oregon Mrs. Vaughn Uses Only the best materials in her work products she can personally recommend. For that reason Fleischman9 s Yeast ' Meets her every requirement. A complete line of labor saving Kitchen Ware and Cooking Utensils tt 4t tt tt Wm. Gahlsdorf The Store of Housewares. 135 N. Liberty St. tl F. W. W00LW0RTH CO. 5, 10, and 15c Store New McGilchrist Bldg., State and Liberty Streets. Hundreds of useful items for the housewife Glassware, China, Crockery, Tin and Enamelware. Nothing Over 15c Why Pay More Satisfaction Guaranteed. MRS. VAUGHN USES MARION BUTTER and Products In her. Demonstrations &debyj&2 Marion Creamery and Produce Co. tt AAA. ........ . . A A A a