1 THE DAILY CAPITAL JOT I RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1916. TTTT7F.F El SI El n 11 M u 11 ii ti 11 n n II ii n H 11 11 n ti ii in n n n ii u u ii n it a ri n 81 II El El 11 II II 11 It 11 M n n ii ii ii ii n ti 11 11 u tJ u n 13 11 ti ii ti ii ii mfTT Going 0 Jl JJ 11 Going BUT still at the same location and sell ing Better Furniture at Lower Prices than any other store in town i i !. iiwjB 1 iiawi n Mum pniimaqK iiiiniii iiaamu n imq qaii pa m i m n in ) nwia rair lil i dm ifimrmi iil urn uim hMm mHhI i in j il j i ma rl nil ml i ! fci Jill n ii ii uto usmess n to M ove Look in Our Windows BUT better still come in and look over our immense stock of furniture parison will convince you that this is the store for Real Furniture Bargains. A Few Samples of the Money Saving Reductions ti ti ii ti ti H ii ii 11 11 11 II II II II II n ii M 14 II El II ri i COURT HOUSE NEWS County assessor Hen F. West t'.iis mnrnin;; began tlie writing of the tax toll which will be completed in about three months. Mr. West esti mates that the 1016 tax roll will show a slight, increase in property valuation over the 1913 tax roll, depending to some extent upon the valuation of the corporations which is fixed by the state tax commission. The valuation of property in Salem mid Marion county is about the same as last year. There will be two cooks in one home in this city which was established by a marriage license which was issued by the county clerk today. This seems hardly fair when it is cunsidered that some homes are devoid of even 'one cook. Marshall W. Hammer, of Nnlem and Hosa .lane llaverson, of Salem, both jjave their occupations as cooks to the marriage license clerk. A suit to establish the owner of a note, a mortgage, a fruit tract and a family bank account was filed in the circuit court today by "Benjamin JSow den against. Sarah K. liowdon and M others. The notes are for if-l.s.jO, if IDS i jianil if, (.)() respectively. I he mortgage !j is on lots ami 7t) of Capital Hu ll i fruit farms. The plaintiff states that 4 I he has an account at the I. add & Hush jjjibauk for ifilTl deposited jointly to the j , account ot himself and his wife, Stir- and notice tne tremendous reductions on ever article in the house. A com- "HHT HHi 13 that she cannot be found and he asks IJ the court to give him the sole owner J ship of the bank nccouat. E3 U II ii I ii II 11 II 11 II II u M II ri ii ii ii ii ti S3 school at St. Helens, lie will assume his duties September 1. l 11 Miss Lillian V. Skolton and Chester $16.50 large, heavily padded easy Rocker, 10.65 $12 solid oak ladies' golden dull finish, :olonial style Desk, $7.85 $36.50 Duofold Bed Davenport, solid oak C97 OC fran yLl.QO -J. '. '. $7.50 Electric Reading Lamp $4.65 $7.50 Gents' Smeking Cabinet $4.50 $15 golden dull finish, colonial pattern Buffet ; $9.15 Regular $2.35 solid, oak golden dull finish, Dining Chairs ..$1.90 $16.50 solid oak Library Table, golden dull finish $10.50 Bcgular $12.50 6-foot Dining Table, solid oak, golden dull finish $9.35 m 371 COURT STREET V -...WkmVbUfaMfcC $18.50 Cliina Closet, golden dull finish .: I,.'. solid oak, $12.90 A marriage license was issued at the county cleni's office today to Chester II. Miller, u farmer of Jefferson, and Milium V. Skelton also of Jefferson. Kmdou Fritz Blade, of 1-1,12 State street, an assistant bank examiner, to day made application for his final pa pers making him a citizen of the 1'nited States. Mr. Slade was bom in Oxford Nova Scotia and came to the l.'nited States from Canada. A secretary of the boys' department of the V. M. C. A. was elected at the monthly meeting of the board of .di rectors today noon. After considering several who were especially tpialifieil to take up the new work, the board decided on Clinton K. Ostrandor. He was a student ot! the Salem high school and later graduated from Pacific I ni I versify at Forest, Crove. For the past year he has been priucipnl of the high v acaaon Time Buy Your Wearing Necessities....: Clothing, Sport Shirts, Sport Ties, Tennis Shoes, Summer. Caps, Men's White Shoes, Suit Cases, etc., at fa iff i uttl rfr'l Brick B ros. The House that guarantees every purchase Business Is Satisfactory According to Expert Clews New York, June d. Business condi-0(MI on L' S. Sleel, tioiis are exceptionally satisfactory inf tiiitny respects, and much more so tlluM coiihl Inn- year ago. Xot 371 COURT STREET See the articles in our west windows. They are only a few of the hundreds of attractive bargains in our store. Come in and see the wonderful values. fWl wii P 1 1 hi m ii W ni " uimttindHdtoklili II H Miller, both of Jefferson, were mnr- Mjried tiiis afternoon at the parsonage of ..(the First Methodist church by Hov. JjK. X. Avison, Mjs. X. II. Atchison of U Portland, a guest at the Avisou home land iHrs. avisou witnessing tne cete- moiiy. Mr. and Mrs. Miller will make their home at Jefferson. cream LAST TIMES TODAY Charles Chaplin In hi3 first new comedy un der his new $100,000 contract THE Floorwalker Helen Holmes In sixth Chapters of The Girl and the Game Sixth Chapters of THE IRON CLAW 2 THEATRE ? SE lC 3C (C 3fG JC 3(t 3(C (C 4c 4t Ton get a paper fall of read- tag, no contest dopo. - Western Vaudeville Ass 'a Vaudevilli Two Big Acts . FRIDAY and SATURDAY J TODAY-TOMORROW Mary Pickford In The ETERNAL GRIND Paramount Pictograph Orchestra Music X2 n 11 El M EJ 11 U II n w H El ii El E1 11 El M n El 11 ti E1 El El El I! El 11 E1 El El El E3 S1 n M IZ fff wwwi niii i md ttni mti mm il OREGON TODAY -TOMORROW "Triangle Pictures" " :J - MAE MARSH la "H00D0 ANr ii 'Showing the Beautiful Little Screen Star at Her Best. By Stork Delivery Special Two-reel Keyston. Coming Friday and Saturday H. B. Warner THE RAIDERS Story of New York and Wall Street (Continued from Page One.) A few minutes after Governor Hiram Johnson of California, leader of the radical bull moose, declared that ''he believed whatever Colonel Roosevelt de sired would lie done." "There is a spirit among the progres sives of personal love for the colonel," said Johnson. "I cannot speak for the entiro party but I believe that if Col onel Boosevelt were to endorse a candi date, the progressives would accept him." l'erkins declined to say what, he had discussed with Colonel Roosevelt. Western state progressives headed by. the Colorado delegation have filed with (ieorgo W. Perkins a bill of specifica tions which they declare is the acid test to which any caudidato that they will agree to support must respond to. A few hours before the convention was cheduled to open, Perkins declared he was still hopeful of effecting an ad justment with the republicans. Henator Borah, who will probably have much to say in drafting the repub lican platform, talked with Colonel Roosevelt at Oyster Bay by telephone early today. It was rumored Borah made a flat proposition to the eoloncl, offering him the privilege of dictating the republican platform if he would step inside and throw his support to Hughes. Steps toward harmony were planned by Perkins and William H. Childn, to follow immediately Raymond Robins, temporary chairman of the convention concluded his keynote speech. The plan called for resolution nam ing a ommitteo to confer officially with a similar committee from the re publican convention to decide on a plat form and a .candidate mutually agree ablo and to effect a reunion of the pro gressives and republicans if possible. White's clan of radical westerners, determined to preserve the progressive party's individuality was prepared to oppose this resolution and if the step became necessary to the preservation of the separate entity of the progressive party, to rush throngh a nomination of Roosevelt, and then put it up to the re publicans to accept him or a third ticket. The conservative bull mooseers t all lines to avoid nomination until Friday or Saturday. Robins' keynote speech, perfection of j temporary organization and assign I ment of committees were the onlv set events on the progressive program to- pscial Vaudeville MEET AT THE OREGON' wy pwnw ifi iip ww dyt mi km m aMl Am tuft Um mtk mtm m II El ri ii El n ii El E1 El El El E! 1 El El El El II Ii El El El El El E1 EJ ii El ,ln?' M 1 El U El II EJ 13 U 11 1UM0R0US LECTURER - VERY POPULAR sfc sc sj( js sc jc sc ijc J( c Beauchamp Has Traveled Thirty-three Years Delivering Lectures. Low J. Beauchnni) Is the humorist who makes you think, the thinker win? makes you limgli. He is the sunshine mun of the Chautauqua. Like n rate vintage, his weitllli of w holesume good V Crowds began trooping toward tha auilitoritim early. Among the delegates and alternates were half a hundred wo men. They were expecting to piny an important role in the convention. The balconies of the auditorit.m were packed. Boxes in the front row were occupied by women nationally known. One box was reserved for Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.. Mrs. Alive Hoosevelt l.ongworth and other rela tives of the colonel. i her grows richer Tvith the passing of the yean). This veteran humorist has traveled over a million miles lu Ku rope und America, preaching the gos pel of sunshine. Itight now he is In the lenlth of this popularity. Tills Is hta thirty-third year on the American platform, and It bids fair to prove the record year of his career. Wedding Announcements, In vitations, and Calling Cards printed to your order at the Capital Journal job office. Phone 81. Notice of Improvement of South Church Street Notice is hereby given that the com mon council deem it expedient so to do, and hereliy declare Its purpose and intention to improye South Church street from the south line of State street to the north line of Mission street, except that oition there occu pied by what is commonly known as the Bush or Church street bridge ex tending from the north line of Oak street to the north line of the westerly extention of Jlcllevtte street, at tiie ex pense of the abutting ami adjacent property by bringing suid portion of South Church street to the official grad, Constructing cement concrete curbs and paving said portion of said street with a srx-tucti, two-eoursr Bituminous Concrete consisting of a one which paid nothing' a few industrial) stock market movements indicate.Tlicie ;' ,m4C ' 1 'livulends, l,t is some disposition to hesitate, owing j prinienco dictated a conservation of I'i- to high prices, war anil political un certainties, also to a closer scrutiny of credit, but this tendency has not thus far become sufficiently pronounced to induce more than a partial slowing naticuil resources, such ns reduction of debt, improvement of plant and build ing up of reserves. During the pist year L'lll coinimnies renorted io..f;w r down of activity, which, taking all ',oou,uuu, or if.iiiu.uoo.tMiii more than things into consideration, was somewhat ja y(,"r "gi the steel companies showing desirable. The war created abnormal i u" '"'Tease of $7,0II0,IH0, the nimuiini eottditious in certain, directions, and;1""1 'onipnuies $'iii,(l(l(l,liUil, the copcr there was serious danger of reckless ! cnu'enis .H'!,(liil),0iM) and petroleum expansion and speculation unless some i '""'panics if-'ifOOiltdO. year ago form of restraint was imposed. This!""'1' companies earned about 7 per developed a more cautionary spirit ''J-11' on '!'' r capitalization, while in among those who assume the initiative; 1 1"0 )'''"r just ended they earned over bankers have become more discriniinat-; '' I"'1' cent. Building operations would ing and merchants are careful not to ; 1'i'oliably he upon a larger scale were it, overstock, w hile manufacturers are pro-1 ""t f"r 'I"1 high cost uf bnterials ami tecting themselves against coiitingcn-! which delayed many ncw-eatet-cies with more than ordinary conservu-' l'fiw's. The! railroads are also deferring tion In consequence there is a wide-1 ,'"''1' purchases for improvements and spread optimism throughout the country ; ''J'l'i'ig stock ns much as possible for mixed with a strong vein of caution, j similar reasons. The steel industry enn This healthy balance between these two, ' satisfactory condition and will forces is one of the best assurances of!'"' f' eiaployeil for months to conic continued activity. The prosperity of t profitable prices. The one important, the United States' has undoubtedly been i factor that is not encournginj; , tl,,, greatly stimulated by the war, especial-1 ('r"P outlook, the season being hack ly in the east; but this is only a trans-1 '"''t and without tiny bumper crops yet itory stimulus which will eventually i sight. On the other hand juices in" bring its own reaction; while far relatively high and with the surplus ahvail of it in permanent importance is'''" vl''' J"rm lust year, moderate crops the better sort of prosperity based 1-1 wr'J '"'"" g'H'd prices for the farniei. on several years of big crop's, especially 'J'1"-' stock market is laboring under the harvest of W15. The A ineiican i several adverse conditions, an, unable farmer was never so well-to-do as to- therefore to reflect the favorable hu-i-dny, and west of the Alleghanies this I 'u8 conditions referred to nhnve. Chief or tnese oiistacles tiro the presidential campaign, the war, our relations wiih Mexico, the influx of securities from abroad and a somewhat closer money market. The political cumii.wn is real- is still the vital factor in business, not withstanding the rapid development of industry and trade in Keeping with growth of population. Proof of these statements is found in ! current, trnde statistics Hunk elem-iiiim ! W 'CSS PXCltlllir than usual anil hccms pa v e m e n t, last week lit leading cities were fit! peri';1 '"' of men rather than of issue-, and one-half! cent ahead of Inst year: a very large l''1" lter promises to be mainly putiiot- inc.h Bituminous Concrete wearing sur- e-ain, even nllowiug for the effect of'""1' ""'I preparwlness, with prospect of face la4d on a tour and one-halt men high values. Hailroad eurmngH tor Ap-,"" lanit coming into proaiinence Inter liituminus t ouct-ete tins' in accordance with the (ilans, specif ii-ations and esti mates for the improvement of suid por tion of South Church street, adopted by the common council on the !ith day of June, l'jlti, now on file in the of fice of the city recorder which for a more detailed description thereof are hereby referred to ami made a part of this notice; being thilt character or kind of improvement known anil desig nated in s'lid plans, specifications and estimates as " liituniiiious Concrete Pavement No. 5." Tho common council hereby declares its purpose and intention to male said above described improvement by' and through the Street. Improvement !'' parttnent of the city. Ilv order ot the common council. ( has. V. Hlgin, City Keconb r. Dated this ti day of June, l'tlii. jnelT ril thus far reported show an increase I "" 'he war goes grimly ou. There i of over 22 per cent New capital iss-11 '1'iod of peace talk but no trusl ues in May in the principal states nre worthy signs of action in that direction, estimated at about if l(i2,ti(KI,0()0, which, J'"'-s I'1"'-, The desire for jie gruwa was nearly double a year ago and thel'" '"tensity, but so docs the bitteruem largest May on record except litlO. Ai"' "r struggle, which is not likely to feature worth noting is the flood n( '"') ""til defeat, actual or potential, municipal bond issues, the total for the,"''"gN submission. .Mediation just umv year U)r being about iril)0,ll)l),OllO, or'",0"1'1 useless and possibly harmful, the largest total on record. Still ano--' lle Mexican situation is iirjaiu thrcat ther feature is the numerous new pet-j ''"'"( ""'I delicate in the extreme. Tiiis roleiiai issues, tho total reported in May government is certainly pntieut and alone being $ii7,000,uo0. The record of ';nK suffering an intolerable situation, new enterprises for May shows purticu- ''j'1 pressure of foreign sale of Aui lar nctivity, the total charters of con-' Cicnn securities has certainly bcun a cerns above one million capital being j depressing factor in this market, ind 209,1)00.000 of 170 per cent above the same month last year. Dividend and interest payments in June are estimated at 1.17,000,000, or $17,000,000 more than last year. This increase was largely due to the dividend of .iiti,.300,- We can save you money en job print .uig g' t our prices. Salem Chautauqua Opens July 12 . DIED CORY In the city, June 7, 10 10, Mrs. Nora I. Cory, in her 40th year. She is survived by a husband, three sons ami one daughter living near Mncle.iv. The body is at the under taking parlors of Rig.lon and Richard son. As yet no funeral arrangements have b"'ti made. Why are we popular? E a- cause we tell yon every day, the news of the world. If You Suffer from Backache, Lumbago, Kidneys or Rheu matism Take Hot Water and "ANURIC" but for this obstacle many of our hiyt" citiss issues, especially railroad shaiey and bonds, would be selling at hiylioi figures. American investors have had exceptional opportunities of buying American investments upon favorable terms, and these seem likely to uontiu uo under the additional tax of 10 per cent upon the revenue of British hold ings of American. Heliable advice from London intimate that the British government will not force or weaken thu market for American securities; u policy that it undoubtedly follows float self-interest and quite in line with pre vious action. The consequent return or American men and women must guard ' rheumatism, gout, gravel, neuralgia constantly against kidney trouM", he-'and sciatia result. It was Dr. J'iercn cause we eat too much and all our food ; who discovered a new agent, called ' foreign securities will tend to imorov is rich. Our blood is filled with uric ; " Antiric" which will throw out and. the foreign exchange situation and acid which the kidneys strive to filter j eradicate) this uric ncid from the sys- check tho imports of gold which have. out, they weaken from overwork, bc-,tem. Ir. I'ierce believes "Anuric" to recently been resumed by arrival of come sluggish; the eliminative tissues; be 37 times more potent thun lithia.lover 2S)000,0il0 from Canada, where clog anil the result is kidney trouble, ! and consequently you need no longer ! the Hank of Knglund has a cousiilcfal'lo bladder wenknes and a general decline ' fear muscular or articular rheumatism deposit. The local money market hSs in health. ! or gout, or many other diseases which i lately been somewhat firmer, owing When your kidneys f el like lumps of are dependent on an accumulation of to the expansion of loans and a desire lead, when your back hurts or the urine ' uric ncid within the body. Send Dr. ou the part of bankers to exercise moro is cloudy, full of sediment, or you are I'ierce, Invalids' Hotel, Iluffalo, X. Y., discrimination. Hank reserves, accord obliged to seek relief two or three times : 10c for trial package or $1.00 for full , ing to the last statement, are down t luring the night, when you suffer with ' treatment ,'Auuric." Ui,'i7,0U0,U()O, a decrease of 107.00ti.000 sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, j Dr. Tierce's reputation is back of this ; since the end of January, due chiefly acid stomach, or you have iheumatisiu inediiine and yon know that his to a reduction of ii22,O0O,lOO in cnl when the weather is bad, get from your ! " Tleasant l'ellets" for the liver and j reserves and in part to an expansion druggist "Anuric." Ib-cause of uric j his "Favorite, Prescription" for the ills of 1IOUO,000 in loans in the lust four fleni in over aiiuniiance in ;ne sys-; ot women nave nan a spienuiu rcpuin- inoimis tern, backache, pains here und there, tion for the past oO years. HKNliY CI.KVt's.