"HEEZA YCEB. I NEARLY. J ovf. l&fcTTE Mi id V ANN Plr4 V ThEr JOii f Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page 4 RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per word for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion" CHIROPRACTIC-SPINOLOGIST DR. 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain ire id, Davenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything and got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments nnd pet well. Office 400-7-8 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main 828-Tt. CHINESE DOCTORS J. C.YT'EX Well known Chinese doe tor has successfully treated all dis eases in the past voir. See testimon ials on file sit the Oriental Herb Co., C40 State St., Salem. Out of town patients treated by Symptomatic Di agnosis. Send for diagnosis blanks. julvl CLEANERS AND DYERS APPAREL SERVICE COMPANY 138 South High street. We clean press, . repair, remodel and re-line clothing and furs. Careful attention eiven jll work. We call and deliver. Phone 72S. DENTISTS. DR. 0. A. OLS0X, Dentist Adminis ters nitrous ozid and oxygen gas. Room 214. Masonic Temple. Phone 1 440. Sateni, Oregon, TOR RENT J'OlIt Rf'.XT Furnitdied housekeeping rooms, 0!U X... Com "1. rhone 24."i4 -V. - - .. ium FOR RENT Kicely furnished house keeping rooms reasonable. Sjo North Commercial street. tf FOR RENT By month or week, strict ly modem 5 room bouse furnished or unf urijislied. l'iioue 1737 -W. tf FOR SALE FOR SALE French kale plants from imported seed, 2 per 1000 f. o. b. Sa lem. Special rate on large quantity-. . Albert ljuarticr, independence. Or. junefi FOR SALE 2 cash registers, 1 siugio and 1 double drawers, 1 set of bil liard balls; 2 sets of pool balls; 1 six . foot cigar case; one roll top desk; ' one fire proof safe; one n to..m bun galow, fill or write 13.15 Ferry St. tf FOUR VALLEY FARMS For salo by owner on county road and railroad. BO to 200 acres each, good buildings, goon roil, ;11 under cultivation, close to scrool, pn.-rs reasonable, half eash, balance time at 0 per cent or modern income bearing city property. .P. O. Box 24 li. Salem. tf MISCELLANEOUS REDUCED FREIGHT RATES To nnd from all points east, on all household goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car load service. Capital City Transfer jOompatiy, agents for Pacific Const Forwarding company, llll South Com mercial street. Phoiie Main 933. WK ir.WK-d'anns for sale, very reas onable ill price, (leoil buildings, well "- located, equipped with teams, cows. . hogs, bouts, poultry, farm implements and now in crops. Will accept house in Salem ns part payment. Square Deal liealtv Co., 202 I'. S. Jiank bKlg. NOTICE To the people of Salem, that I have installed a complete oxy netyleue welding and cutting appar atus in my shop. For welding Steele, east iron, aluminum, brass and bronze. We make a specialty of nutoumbile frame welding, scored cylinders blocks, broken crank casos. farm and harvesting machinery. Wo are also equipped for extra heavy weld ing and and can go to your job. I have employed an expert welder to es pecially look after your wants. Your patronage is respectfully -solicited. All work fully guaranteed from de fects. C. It. (Irigg. general black smith nnd wood working shop, li'5 Stnte street. July o OSTEOPATH URS. B. II. WHITE and K. W. WAL TON' Osteopathic phvsiciaos .ind nerve spc inlist.-. Graduate of Amer ican school of I istenptithy. Kirks, il'e Mo. Post graduate nn.t spr';alied ir nerve divt.ses .it I.os .Vegclc.; cill'Ve. Treat acute and chronic dise.i-.es. Consultation free. Lady attend. int. Office on." oOO l X. Notional Bunk Building. Phone S,9. KoMdonco 310 orth I a. dial "treet. Phone !'.:. WANTED aNTKD To trade citv property for! BOOB," as a Paperhanger - fvA t4 . ' & f WW- UNDERTAKERS WEBB & CI.OLT.II CO C. B. Webb, A. M., dough morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods! known to the profession employed 499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9883. " " " RIGDOX-RICIIARDSOX CO.-unernl directors and undertakers, 2;2 Iwth nign street, uay ana n.gni pnone 183. BCAV ANGER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Offico phone Main 2247. Residence M.tin 2272. THERAPEUTICS WELTMER SYSTEM Of suggestive Iherapeutics iracticed by Dr. W. T. TompKins, S. T, Most powerful, nat ur.il and successful treatment known to science for the relief nnd cure, of headache, stomach, liver and kidney trouble; rheumatism, consti))ation, infantile paralysis and all female complaints, heart, lung and throat troubles; all diseases of the eye; can cer, goitre, epilepsia, asthma, nerv ousness or any chronic disease. Sug gestive therapeutics properly applied to o diseased bodv is positive, sure and permanent in its results.- Hours 9 to 12 u.. in, 1 to 5 p. in., phone 991. Office rooms 1, 2 and 3 Hivno lildg. 341 State St., Sal.tin, Oregon, INSURANCE For all kinds of Insurance in Stand ard Companies, call on P. J. Kuntz Room 309, Bank of Commerce. LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. U. W. Protection I.odKe, No. 2, Meets every Monday evening nt 8 In the McCurnaok hull, corner Court and Liberty streets. It. u. Uouuliison. ' M. W. ; S. A, Mi l'nddeu, recorder ; A. L. Brown, llnnncler. BAT.EM I.ODfin No. 4. A. F. & A. M. Hlirtvd eommiuiiciitions flrst I'riday in eiu-li viontli nt 7 :.to p. in. in the Masonic Temple. (!hns. Mcl'iirler, W. M. ; S. Z, Culver, secretary, 9AI.KM HUMANE SOCIKTY D. D. Keeler. president ; Mrs. I.u'i TUlson, secretary. All cases of cruelly or neglect of duinl aul mnls should lie reported to the secretary for Investigation. CENTRAL I.ODHE. No. IS. K. of P. Mc Cornuck buiidln?. Tuesilay evening of each week at 7 :;!0. J. i. Hellzel, C. C. ; V. 11. Uilsun. K. of It. nnd S. It. N. OK A. "Oregon Grape Camp." No. 1300, meets every Thursday evening In McCornack building. Court and Liberty streeis: elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Schaupp. j liOl 31UT KPI, Oracle ; .,irs. .iieiiKu I ei sons, recorder, Uittf North Commercial. Phone 14311-M. MODEItN WOODMEN OP AMEltICA Ore gon Cedar .Cttnip, No. rJ40, meets every Thursdiiy evening at 8 u'dock In Mr Coruack linll, corner Court and I.IOerty streets. Elev-itor service. Ceo. Ueinohl, V. C. ; J. A. Wright, clerk. CHADWICK CII.U'TEH. No. .17, O. E. 8. Ilegulnr meeting every first nnd third Tuesdav at H p. m. In the M:isonle-1'enr-pie. Minnie Mueller, W. M. ; Id M. I'.iilH'.k'k. secretary. WOODMEN Of THE WOULD Meet every I'riday night at S o'clock In McCoruac k block, ft. W. Mncey. C. C; ,. fi. lieer, clerk, 507 Court street. I'houe B9.1. DU MOT. AY COMMANDEItY. No. o. K. T. Kegular conclnve fonrt U 1'rlday In each niomli at N o'clock, p ni.. In Masonic Tem ple. Sojourning Sir KulghU are conrte ouslv Invited lo meet with us l.oc L. l'earce, E. C, Frank Turner, recorder. UNITED AUTISANS Capital Asiemlily. No. f4. me'ts everv Veiiueda.T at 8 p. m. In M,we hall. C. O. Mullock. M. A.; C. .. Itandall, secretary, Salem Bank of Commerce. HUDSON COUNCIL, No. 1, I!. & S. Jf. Stated nsHpfiilily tlrst Monday In each moiilh. Masimlr TeuiUle. N. I'. Ilasiuiw sen. Tliri.e Illustrious Master; Ciena C. Nlles. recorder. HAI.PM CnCNCIt. NO. 202'.' Knltflits and l.aOliK of Security Meet etery Jud anil 4tli Wednenday each niomli ut Hurst Hall. VMiine tut-minTs arc luvlled to iitlemt, K. I'. Walton, financier, 4SO S. 14tU St. PACIFIC I.OIMJK No. r.o. A. F. & A. M. SiafU loiiiinuulciitlou third l'riilsy In escb ncmili nr 7 :3i p. in. In tlic MaKuiilc Temple. Kill V. HuUai, V. M. ; l"rnit H. 'h. .ate. s"cr.MHrv. MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security. THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem. Oregon MONEY TO LOAN 7 ON GOOD REAL ESTATE SECURITY HOMER H. SMITH McOORNACS BUILDING THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, " Looks 5M- CRIME f n. 40th Birthday of University Is Fete University of Orogou, Eugene, Pr., luneii. The beginning of the tinivcr- sitv in 1S70, the struggle for existence, , SJ, (-rl t it.PS lln,eroue bv the found! tile scope of the university's out- mp. ... rfllilll,te!,. recollections of the earb- davs when Eugene was a mere village, and the needs of the institu tion! .were told yesterday bv Judge .!. W. Hamilton of Roseliurg; Judge L. T. Harris of Salem; Governor Withy conibe and President -. L. Campbell at the commemoration of the 40th anni versary. "We look back over a span of 40 years. The time itself has been snort, but in history it has been long," said Judge Hamilton, early regent ot the university, in the opening address. Then he paid high tribute to the early founders, whom he chararteil7.es as men bent on the advancement of high er education, regardless of personal sacrifice. "The people of Eugene went through extraordinary difficulties, but the results are here already," he said, "and they have been worth the effort. Early Workers Lauded High tribute was paid to T. G. Hen dricks, J. II. Thompson, li. F. Dorris, J. J. Walton, J. W. Scott, and W. H. Abrams, the directors, for making per sonal contributions in completing the agreement. The first days of the Institution were pictured by Judge Harris. Only 130 students were enrolled. .The., annual in come of the school was ssooo. Today the enrollment is 900 and the yearly income $300,000. The plant has in creased from a valuation of $.",000 to $ I. "00,000. The total number of grad uates is 2."IMi. Thoughts were turned from the past to the present bv Governor Withv- coiuiie, who said: "The institutions of learning are Oregon 's ' greatest asset. The university has passed through trials and tribulations. Toe people of the slate then did not know the uni versity; but sentiment is strong today, and Oregon stands back of the univer sity." President Campbell explained how donations could be used y the univer sity in establishing loan funds to aid worthy students. At the close of the commemoration the entire delegation viewed the laying of the cornerstone of the new .fi0,0t(l educational building on the southwest corner of the campus. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Wm. .7. Waignier, Sr.. to Frank Bus kay, lots 5 and li, blk. 2, Ben Hall's add Woodburn. Jno. L. Jones to Robert nnd Irene Taiinzen, lot 2, blk. 3, Broadway add Salem. W. II. Venrrier et. ux to Wm. Wein rick, pt. Aug Buder el, 20-7-1 E. P. L. Brown et ux to J. .l. Brown, Coon el.. 03-0-1W. J. M. Brown et ux to P. L. nnd Ethel P. Brow n, Coon el., 03 0-1W. CATARRH of the BLADDER ri'lievml in 24 HOURS Evil Can sale hcure the (MIDY Jianiu O ir -i General Feed n Small Livery Stable C.W. TRAIN 854 Terry. Phone S8r li WATER COMPANY 3ALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets. For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly in advance. L M. HUM Care of . YICKSOTONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 133 South Hijjh Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283 L. C. Peters et ux to J. D. Bohunnon, lot 2, blk. 3, Walnut Grove add, Salem. J. D. Btdiannon et ux to Roy Bohan nou, lot 2, blk. 3, Walnut Grove add Sa lem. Hartley and Vraig to Earl E. nnd Lulu G. Rowland, lot 23, Hollywood. Alonzo L. Senmster to Ludnick and Grace Mickelson, pt. of lots 7 and 8, blk. 11, Myers add, Salem. Jeli Philips et ux to Anton and Mary Goldade, undivided interest in pt. Hy Reed cl., 29-5-1W. P. H. Klicwer et- ux to H. and Mar garet Goldsworthv, pt. Shaw's cl., 25-5-1 W. ('has. .T. Spitzbart et ux to Alonzo L. Scamster, lot i, blk. 9.T. Myers udd, Sa lem. Leonard Flischman et ux to Wm. C. nnd Annn M. Miller, lot 3, blk. 2, Set tilenieir's add, Woodburn. Hartley and Crnig to John and Eliz abeth Stamen, lots 8 and 9. blk. 13, En glewood add, Salem. Hartley and Craig to John nnd Eliz abeth Stamen, lot 8, blk. 7, Yew Park add, Salem. Hartley nnd Crnig1 to John and Eliz abeth Stamen, lots 0, 7, 8, 11, 12, 17, 3d, 37 and 38, Englewood. L. n. Roberts et ux to C. P. Walker, Simon Swarts' cl. 70-7-2W; Thos. Eyre cl. 73-7-2W. , John McCrnw 'to Christina Fisher, lot 1, blk. 53, Salem. Roily Brothers et ux to G. W. T.aflar, lot 1, blk. 2, Burlington add, Salem. Alice E. ewby to Allen E. Evans, pt. D b C of Samuel Pinter, 52-7-3W. Mary M. Aplin to J'. B. Kennedy, lots 4 nnd 5 in Wilquits htld to St. Louis. - Hog Market Dull Portland, Or., June 5. Late this af ternoon tops mere advanced on two drafts of choice porkers to $S.."0. The morning count-out of bogs show ed 4o00 and a little better. I his is the heaviest receipts for hogs for a considerable time. Reports of last month's receipts nt practically all niAorican markets show a decided in crease in the marketing; or swine as was tiic ease at North Portland for the month of May. It is to be in ferred from these heavy receipts that all the markets have a pretty fair supply in sight and there is no indi cation at present that there will be any shortage in the marketing of hogs. Receipts today were a little too heavy lor a good market and together with n dull feeling that was in evidence at the end of Inst week. Buyers, shippers und speculators lield'hark during the morning ami bought only a few loads early at 10c to l.'c lower price. Packers started out hiTldimr considerably lower, but were unable to buy hogs until later and some trading was done at mostly lfic lower price. On the close the market was dull without any regain in price. Best hogs of all kinds were the best sellers. I'igs were slack. The bulk of hogs sold yesterday at S.."), a week ago at S.!l.-,(?.9.10. a month ago at $9.00, a year ago at 7.")0((J 8.00, two years ago nt $7.1 ."rti 7.90, three years ago at S. i(n S.oo, four years ago at $7.11007.7."). Cattle Supply Light Trade in the cattle division had rather a slow wind-up for the end of the week. Saturday trade was ralher disappointinc. A shipment of Commercial Printing mm at thel Capital-Journal Office 8ldl82 iZ TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1916. t i-rn ii ii ' " ' rtL ten cais of Californias arrived too late for the Saturday market and were held over for today's. Today's receipts wero fairly large and were mad up vny largly of Californias.; There were ten cars of Mexicans nnd 21 natives in the bunch. Only one straight car of Oregon, stuff was in j the yards. A few scattering heads! were among the arrivals of mixed loads. t THE MARKETS V The following prices for fruits and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the Tetailer, and not what is paid to the producer. All other pricos'are those paid the producer. Corrections are made daily. Tho only changes today are in the vegetable and fruit line. New pota toes are now quoted at 4 cents, green peas at 9 and 10 cents nnd Bermuda onions tit $2.80. Navel oranges are out of the market and Valencies are ad vanced 25 cents a box. Crrains. Wheat 85c Oats Rolled barley Corn Cracked corn ... . Bran Shorts, per ton Alfalfa, California, ton 40c $35.00 $35.50 $37.00 $27.00 $29.50 .$20.00 Butter. Butterfat , 27c Creamery butter, per pound 29c Country butter : 20c22c Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, case count, cash Eggs, trade .... 20e . . . . 21c na 14c 8c i Hons, pound Roosters, old, per pound ... Broilers, under 2 pounds ..19(?i 2! Fork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, dressed Pork, dressed 8(5 9c 10c 8c I Pork, on foot Spring liunlis, 1010 Steers 7(ii 7 1 -2c m-e i Cow 45 l-2c Bulla 3 l-24c Ewes 5. Wethers - 6c Vegetable. Toin.itues, California ..... Cabbage Cucumbers String garlic Potatoes, cwt Potatoes, new Beets Asparagus Radishes Green onions Orecn peppers (ireen peas Egg plant Carrots, sack, now Carrots, dozen Onions, Bermuda Onions, Oregon Rhubarb Florida Celery Fruits. Oranges, Valencies Lemons, per box $2.00 $3.25 90c 15c $1.25ro)1.50 4 c .......7. $1.00 40c 40( 40c 25c 9(o 10c 18c $1.75 40c, $2.00 $2.50 40c $4 00 $3.7.-. ... $4.00(a4.50 , 5 $2.00 $3.00 . $5.oo(s;$fl.oo 7 l-2 . $3.50 Bananas, pound Apples California grapo fruit . Florida grape fruit Pineapples ..- Honey ....... Strawberries Cherries, box . . $i.oor?.i.no $1.51 Retail Prices. Kegs, per dozen, fresh rauch 25c Sugar, cane $8.75 Sugar, beet $8.55 ( rcamerv hotter one Flour, hard wheat $1.10(7 l.lio Flour, valley $1.15f;i 125 PORTLAND MARKET I'liitlnnd. Ore., Juno 0 Wheat: Club, 83(5 90e. Bluestem, H5 -2r77 0Rc. Fortvfold, SOft 02c. Ited IiiL-siun, K5(700e. Oats: No. 1 white feed, $2j2i 20.00. Bin ley: Feed, $27.00(7, 2R.5(1. Hogs: Best live. $.35(fi S.40. Prime steers, $.35. Fancy cows, $7.35. Calves, $S.00. Spring lambs, $0.00. Hotter: City creamery, 20c. Country bntter. 27c. Kggs Selected local ex., 23(7; 23i Hens, 15c. Broilers, 2(Ti '2.V. Geese, lOfille. By Mort. Vi, V V Yoo CAnT r aaaw . x. i -rmrz THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people TelepbcM EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Electrit Co., Masoni Temple, 127 North High Uaia 1104 PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. M. Barr, 164. South Commercial street Ifsia 1S TRANSFER AND DRAY AGE Salem Truck k Df ay Co., corner State and Front streets Usla Tl Try This on Your Eczema If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry Zensal. For that watery eruption, or Weeping Skin, use Moist ZensaJ, 50c the jar. CENTRAL PHARj.TACY, formerly Poole's Drug Store TRAVELERS' GUIDE HOUTHERN rAClFIC NOIITH BOU.ND 10 Oregon Kxpress ... Ti4 Sound Social !M Willamette Limited 1 - HliftHtd Limited . . . 1M 1'ortluml 1'nHSenuer i?o Portland I'ltHsenKcr 14 Portland Kxprpss.-. 5 :00 a. m , tt.12 a. to. 0 :'S2 a. m. 11 :5r a. in. 1 :L'S p. m. B :U0 p. m. 8 :l)0 n. in. No. 'SSI PurHiiari fust Freight 10:80 p. m. no. .- t.ucui way relent. . . .10 a. in. sotirii BOUND 1 Cutlfurnia Kxpress.... .3:32a.m. 17 ItoHptntrK I'liHsenKcr , .1 1 :'2o a. m. No. No. M Kxpmitlon Special . . .10 -.'Si 0. m. No. II) CottuKe (Jrove 1'u.ns. . .4 :17 p. ai. Makes connection with No. 74 (leer urunch. No. 11 Shnsta Mmltcd B :43 p. m, No. U7 Willamette Limited... 6 Mop. d. No. 13 San Francisco Ikpress 10 :30 p. m n. 'Sl san trancisco i-ust FrelBht 15 No. Local way Freight.. 8Ti HAI.HM (JKMII 1.1 NH. No. 73 Arrives at Salem .9:ir. a. m. .0 :ftOa. m. .2 :00 p. m. .4 :-0 p. m. lo. 70 Leaves Salem No. 7". Ar. Salem (mixed) . . . , No. 74 Leave Salem No connection south of Geer, fUr.Esr, Falls Cur and WrSTRns. No. 1(11- No. 103- Ni). lnr.- No. 107 No. Lv. Sujem, motor -Lv Salem, motor . Lv. Salem, motr.r Lv. Salem, motor , , .7 :00 a. m. . . t -4.', a. m. , . 1 :40 p. m. , . 4 MX) p. m. . . 0 .15 p. m. . . B :Oo a. m. . . H :40 a. m. ..11 :'M a. m. . . 3 .15 p. in. . . (I : 11. m. . 7 :45 p. m. . . 1 :.'I5 p. m. .v. SaO'in. motor No. 2:1(1 Way Fr't lv. Salem., No. 102 Ar. Salom No. 101 Ac. Snlcra No. UIO Ar. Salem No. HIM Ar. Sali No. 170 Ar. Salem No. 240 Way Fr't bi Hiilcm. OIIKfJON KliECTRIO RAILWAY CO. KOIITH BOUND Train No. ...2 Owl .. .... 0 , . 10 Limited . .... 12 11 ..... . . 10 Limited Lv. Salem Ar. Portland . . . 0 55 a. in. . . . 0 :2ft a. ni. . . .11 :35 a. m. . . 11 ::i5 p. m. , , . 4 :oo p. m. . . . r. :50 p. m. . . . 7 :50 p. m. . . . 10 :00 p. m. 4 :.')"' a. in. 7:15 a. m. 0 15 a. m. 11 ;20 a. m. 1 : 45 p. ui. 4 :oo p. m. 5 :M7 p. m. 7 :D5 p. to. 20 22 SOI T1I noUND Portland to Hallm Lv. Portland. Ar. Salem tt 45 a. m s:uj tsaicra oniy. 8:25 a. to. ... 0 Limited ....10:11 a. in. Regiment of Marines p 1 1 t II San Diego, 'nl., .lune .".The Fourth regiment of marines, Colonel J. II. I'endleton is entraining here today iro to New Orleans, wnciice it will oil tho transport Hancock for llayti, to reiniorce Admiral Capertnn s forces opposing the revolutionists there. I'll expected orders were received last night runl were rood in theaters and other places where the men had congre gnted. The regiment roniprNes 71 nfticcrs and men ami all will go except the sich and those whose enlistments! rx , II II I as this is tii permanent base of Fourth. We can save you money tu job printing-get our prices. NINE M. Burger. 10:40 a. m. . 2 :U5 p. m. . 4 :4o p. ai. . 0 :Oj p. m. . 0 :-'() p. ni. .. 11 :4j p. m. . Lv. Corvullls 4 :10 p. m. . , iiV. FOKene. 7 :.':.") a. m. . . 1 :5i) p. m. . 5 :5 p. m. . , lg :Uo p. ui. . Lv. Snlcra '. :isi n. m. . . 7:10 a. in. . 10 :15 a. m. . Lv. Salem I'm :5o p. m, . 7 .... 0 . ..12 :t5 p. m. . . . 4 :25 p. m. . . . a :40 p. m. .... 8:t0p. ai, ...11:25 p.m. . . . 1 :5o p. m. Ar. Salem . . . . 6 :37 p m. Ar. Hal em . 13 Limited . .... 17 Local . 1!) !M Owl ... NOBTU BOUND 20 .. 10 Limited . ...10 Limited . '."2 7w'l HOUTU BOUND , . 9 :4j a. m. . 8 :53 p. m. . 7 :BJ p. n. . 8:10 a.m. Ar. Rugena , . :.r,0 . m. 31 Owl . . . , .. 85 .... 0 Limited . 9 :.') a. m. . .12:2Bp. m. Ar. Albiaf ... 7 ,.. 1:00 p. m. Stooa at CorvalOa Lv. Salom. Ar. Albany 4 :2o p. m 0 6 :20 p. m. Ar. Albany 6:40 p. m. Lv. SalcTj Ar. Buxena 8 :4 p. m 1.1 6 :50 p. m. Woi.Diii'iiN Lor.ti, Daily Excir Bundah Nth 84 Lcuv.! Salem 8 :40 p. du No. IIS Arrives In tin'.m 8 :23 p. m. in. C'OIIVAIJ.IH CO.VNBCTION NOIITU BOUND Lv. f'orvallls Ar. Paleoi 8 :25 a. ru 1) 8 ;45 a. m. 12:12 p. tu 14 1:45 p.m. 2 :.I2 p. 111 10 4 :00 p. m. 4 : in p. in 2o B :37 p. m. 0:18 p. m 22 7 :63 p. m. HOCTIl BOUND Lv. S.dem Ar. Corvallla 10 :15 a. m B H :3-1 a. m. 4 (25 p. m O fi :1 p. ai. 12:55 p. m 7 2:20 p.m. 8 :10 p. ni 13 8 :00 p. m. WILLAMETTE ltlVER RODTB Oreirnn City Transportation Company Leave l'orlliind for Orexon .'ity, llotte.vllle, Ncwtwrit, Mlsal'nn (St. P1111I), WltiMitland, Siilem (Onily except Sunday) ..8:40 a. m. Leave Portland for Independence Albany I'orvnllls, (Tues., Thura., Sat ) :45 a. m. Iteturulng Leave CormllFs . . . . All.sny Inilcpendenco. Salem Salem ..8a. m Mon., Wed., Frl, ...7 a. ui. Mon., Wed, Frt . . 0 a.. m-Mon., Wd., FrL 10 a. m Mon., Wd., FrU 0 a. m. Tues., Thors., Sac HE WILL RECOVER Sacramento, I til., June S. A patient Napa statu hospital who swallowed a tctixponn and some wire from a mat trcHs und who was operated on last wi'cU will recov.-.?. accordinir to woril to! r,.,.eived today bv Dr. F. W. Hatch, su sail perintendent of state htrtpitals. ARulpourWAntAdS the try one o-rnorrawandsce MOM