Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 06, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Cruiser South Dakota and
Torpedo Boat Fox, to Get
"A Portland Rose"
Portland, June G. The battleship
Orei'on steamed ui the Columbia river!
for Portland today, und will remain
here during the three day lioo carni
val beginning tomorrow.
Tise cruiser South Dakota arrived
yesterday from the liremerton navy
yard. The torpedo boat Fox, carrying
the (rrav
Harbor division of the Wash-!
iigton naval militia will arrive this
iit'tern.mii. lies den the .ie wars h ns. the
cruisers MnrbMieud and liostou are in
Portland harbor for the carnival.
The carnival will actually begin this
ai'tcrnoon with the opening of the fes
tival center, packed with roses. May
or Albee tlien will present the keys
of the citv to n i Muriel (Miss
Muriel Saling oi Pendleton) and tlm
formal coronation of the cpn'cu will
ti.he place nt h:'.U) p. in.
. feature of tomorrow night's fes
tivities will be a fireworks display rep
resenting the sinking of a gunboat, by
a submarine.
Sunday, June 4, lit I o'clock at the
McCormnck building a goodly proces
sion all currying large bouquets or bas
kets of flowers, led by the Cherry Hud
band, the M. W. of A.'drill team in uni
form, followed by members, mid li. N.
of A.'s carrying their banners, march
e l on Court street to Liberty on State
to Commercial where a special itir was
waiting to take them 'to City View
cemetery where the beuuti'l'ul solemn,
repressive ceremonies of these orders
were held.
It is the annual custom to lee ptlie
first Sunday in June ns Royal Neigh
bors and Modern Woodmnn of America
Memorial day.
Not forgetting the heroes who gave
their lives that we ns a nation miht
live, we ns iuSiviiliiuls participtle in
the cdobrntin of the national Memor
ial day. No loss great though unno
ticed Mild unsung. No less wnrthv of
our remembrance, tire tho many deeds
or loving kindness and the many H.'ts
of the broadest fraternity of our de
ceased members. Thousauds of grent
f ul children revev the memory of a de
ceased mother or father, who through
ii.embership in these societies, was en
abled to leave to their loved ones the
m vins of completing nu education and
givini! a fair start in the buttle of life.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
ylthLOCAt, APPLICATION'S, as they
-annoi ledvh the eut of the disease. Ca
Mrrh li a blood or constitutional disease,
mid In order to cure it you must take In
t 'rnal remedies. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is
taken Internally, and acts directly upon
the blood and mucous surfuce. Hull's
I'atarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It
was prescribed by one of the best pliy
aieinns in this country for years and Is
n rcKUlar prescription. It Is composed of
Hie. best tonics known, combined with the
boHt blood purlrters. actliiK directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combina
tion of the two Ingredients is whut pro
duces such wonderful results In curing
catarrh. V fiend for testimonials, free.
C J. CHKNUV & CO., l'rops., Toledo, O.
Hold by li-UKKlsts. 'price 75c.
Tslte Hall s Family rills tor conitlpatloa.
10th Annual
Rose Festival, Portland
Hedii.ed Hound Trip Fares Daily
June 4 to !' from All Points on
Oregon Electric Railway
Three Days of PnKoontry and
Festival Fun.
Tuesday Evening, June 0 Crown
ing of (Jueen; Willie liitchie
Ralph Crninnn ItoNing Match.
Wednesday School children. Pag
.. emit;.. Dedication of Highway.
Thursday Floral Pageant; Stale
Friday Military -Civ ic. Pageant;
Marine Parade, Speed Hunt
Races; I'nltee Masquerade.
$2.00. Final Return Limit on
Tickets Juue li
J. W. Ritchie, As.., Salem, Ore,
. ...... .. rr(i nrt m 1t m nMimM iin
fciTiiriiuwi cl aRt IS hhiluhj
and Thursday same prices
New Principal for
! Monmouth 1M School
' (Capital Journal Special Service.)
Monmouth, Ore., June ti. Professor
Koy Olass, of Jef ferson, was recently
elected as principal of -Monmouth hilth
school for the next school year in the
place soon to he vacated by 1'rof. F.. I.
Kce.el, who has been principal of
Monmouth hit;li school for the past
three, years anil who resigned the posi
tion for the next year with the iutcn
tions of returning to the university for
post graduate work. Prof. Glass was
I nriucinal of Jefferson hiirh school dur-
;,, the past year and bears the honor
of beinir a university graduate. The
'oilier teachers for .Monmouth high
school will remain the sams for the
past school year: Miss Arniildn Dough
ty, history and economics; Miss Yida
!Fiitlnml, llnglish; Miss Mary Ilnwlcy,
I commercial department.
I The baccalaureate services for the
seventh annual commencement of Mon-
month high scliool tooK place Miiiu.a
nJ"K .mum- t, ... ... ,...,,......
church tit II o'clock. The program for
the services was as follows:
(lloria Congregation.
Scripture M inister.
Ilvinii, "Holy Bible. Pook Divine."
Prayer Rev. Fisher.
Hymn, ."Coronation." Congrega
tion. Anthem. "Make a Joyful Noise."
T.issiug High School Chorus.
Solo, "Oh! Thou Sublime, Sweet
Kvening Star." Wagner Miss Hcssie
Sermon, "The Influence of the Pubic
in the Formation of Character." liev.
F. M. Fishelr.
11 vmn Congregation.
Ilcucdictiou Rev. W. A. Wood.
The regular nnnual commencement
exercises of Monmouth high school will
be held on Friday, June !, in the high
school auditorium iit S o'clock. The
class address will be given by V., D.
Itessler, professor (if industrial peda
gogy of the Oregon Agricultural col
li ge. The graduating class of lMKi is
follows: Alton A. McClellnn, Ray
mond If. Steiuback, F.dnn Marion
I'arkes, Robert 1.. Hcn.lien, W. J. Mill
key, Jr., Mary Belle McAllister. Laurel
M. Canning, Harold A. Haley, Daphne
P. Ostrom, Ornee Parker, Charles W.
Strong, Douglas B. Parker. Ruth K.
Wilson, Jny il. Knapp, Ted B. Mclseu
zio, M. Barbara Steinberge, Irene Ha
eubueh, F.rica Ivtiin Moore, Marian B.
Thursday, June 8, is senior class day
for M. H. S., also the day for the an
nual high school picnic.
The commencement exercises for the
Oregon Normal school ivill take place
this week. President Ackerman regrets
very much to announce that the exer
cises will not be open to the public, due
to Ihe 'fact that the Normal chapel is
not largo enough for ninny visitors to
attend ns the students themselves fill
the chapel However, preparations have
been made for inviting nnd seats have
been reserved for the alumni of the
school. Honre few special invitations
for the exercises will be given out by
the Normal faculty nnd seniors. Owing
to the immense growth of the school
this situation of lack for cliapcl space
lias come about, but it is hoped that
new provisions for enlarging the room
w ill be made before the beginning of
the next school term, beginning in the
A farewell reception was given to
Rev. Ritchey und family of the Chris
tian rhiirch last Saturday evening in
the rhiirch basement. Theie was a large
attendance who expressed their regards
to the minister nnd enjoyed the follow
ing program:
Piano Solo Mabel Johnson.
Rending Miss Van Meter.
Vo.'iil Solo Bessie F.nrsley.
Address to Mr. Kitchey M r. Mack,
Violin Solo I .aura Daniel.
Piano Solo Fiunciene Miller.
After the program refreshments were
;'crve.l and everyone had an enjoyable
Rev, Klkins. the newly elected minis
ter for the Christian church, preached
hi" first sermon to the Monmouth peo
ple Sunday, June 4.
Wary Pickford Stars In Famous Flayers
Great Drama, "The Eternal
If you are a beautiful young girl
c. hose sister had fallen the victim of II
wealthy young chap wid that same fel
low were to make love to you and if
Ike sisler followed him to your home
villi the intuntion of shooting him.
would you scream nnd run nwiiy or
would you take command of the sihin
iionv Mary Pickford took the revolver
out of Die girl's hand, held the man lit
bnv with it and sent for a minister.
YI:en the reverend geutleinan arrived,
she concealed herself behind a curtain
and held the gun to the man's buck
while he went through the wedding
It nil happened in "The Ftcrual
Orind," Mary 1'ickford'n latest Dig
feature in which she is being starred
by the Famous Player Film company
on hc Paramount program. It is the
stellar attraction at the Ye Liberty 'for
todav, tomorrow and Thursday. In this
poweiful story, Mary Pickford plays
the ride of n fnctorv girl who battles
against frightful odds in her struggle
lo preserve intact the little home of
vhi h the death of her parents has
made her the head. She has two sisteis,
Aniv, a girl of shallow moral character,
ami .lane, n confirmed invalid. It is
in the effort to save these girls from
disgrace land death that the power of
Mnrv's character is developed to its ut
most. mm ma . iiiMia
Q- lae Marsh in SfOOO
Resolutions Passed by
Salem Ministerial Union
The following resolutions were passed
by the Salem Ministerial Union at ft
recent meeting and ordered published:
Your committee appointeJ to formu
late resolutions relative to the world's
peace respectfully submit the follow-
j Whereas, The world Is passing
through an awful crisis and men every-
where are sorely confused in their no
tions and bewildered in their judgment;
And Whereas, It is the duty of God
fearing men to increase in the world
the stock of goodwill, and to devise
means by which tho recurrence of the
present world tragedy niny be rendered
And Whereas, The United States, be
cause of its position and power and
traditions, is under bond, to do what it
can toward the reshaping of the opinion
of nations; and the moulding of a new
a ud nobler world policy; therefore be it
Resolved. That we ask nil the pas- i
tors and teachers and other religious
leaders to bend their minds to the great
task of creating nnd 'fostering n deeper
spirit of racial sympathy nnd interna
tional goodwill, and of existing in men's
hearts the divine ideals of huini.n
brotherhood. Upon the hearts of the
American people we would enroll the
duty of national preparedness in mind
and spirit, that we may worthily meet
tin crucial situation by which we are
now confronted. We recognize tho lea
gue to enforce peace and we therefore
believe it to be desirable for the United
States to join n league of nations bind
ing the signatories to the following:
All justiciable (iiieslions urisi:i be
tween the signatory powers, not settled
by negotiations, shall, subject to the
limitations of treaties, be submitted to
a judicial tribunal for hearing mid
judgment, both upon the merits and
unon any issue ns to its jurisdiction of
the queslition.
All other questions arising between
the signatories and not settled bv noo-o-
tiation shall be submitted to a 'council
of conciliation for hearing, considera-
Hon and recommendation.
The signatory powers shall jointly use
forthwith both their economic and mili -
tary 'forces against any one of their
number that goes to war, or commits
nets of hostility against another of the
signatories before any question arising
shall be submitted as provided in the
Conferenccs between the signatory
powers shall bo held from time to time
to tormulnte and codil v rules of inter
national law, which, unless some signa
tory shall signify its dissent within a
stated period, shall thereafter govern
tin decision of the judicial tribunal
mentioned in article one.
And we most heartily noiirove the
plan for permanent organization iu ev-
erv state, county and city for the crea
(inn nf uo.ilini.iiil :.. -.,. ...... 1.
... .. .,i,t 111 in , lull uj Mll-,1
league to enforce peace.
nesoiveu. mat while we recognize i
the need of a reasonable national armed I
preparedness, we insist that it be made'
clear to Ihe American people and to the j
nations or tne world, that our prepared-: llu,p pontage, of bulls eves Smidav
ticss be for defensive purposes alone or(t the Finzer range nnd most of the
tor the relief of helpless nnd innocent footers qualified for record marksmen.
-,v - ii k ." Ill ' 1 1 . it i JMIl.
fie It Further Resolved, That we ilis
approve of military training in our pub
lie schools.
S. S. Spencer,
Albany, Ore., Juno (!.
of F.tigcne, was elected
grand high
priest of the great chnpte
Masons of Oregon, at tin
convention of the grund
."". i Area;
5iith annual
chapter here
yesterday. James F. Hobiuson. of Port
land, was re elected grand secretary for
the itith consecutive term, and David
P. Mason, of Albany, was chosen grand
treasurer 'for the L'fdh nupuul term. Roth
Mr. Hobinsou and Mr. Mason nre past
high priests.
The work of the convention was com
pleted yesterday mid the session nd-
jounied last night. No meeting place
was selected for the next annual con
vention, ns the grand chapter meets at
the same place as the grand lodge,
tleo. . Mayr, of l ei Whiting Street,
lliicngo. 111., a prominent druggist, has
published a guide to health, in which he
shows how he cured himself and
brought relief to tousands of other suf
ferers from constipation, biliousness, in
digestion and intestinal troubles by thc"rhomas
' "'"K ""e uum; grand orator, F. S. Dun, Ot hugene; welcome a chance to get some dental
usually convnices. The most chronic ,,iaiid chaplain, I.. A. Wright, of Union; "work done at cost and over lf,0 of the
cases rarely need over throe doses. This i grand principal, sojourner, Frank W. leuuvicts have m-ide application for
book will be mailed freo on request, j Settleniicr, of Woodbiim: grand royal ' service to be practiced u by the den
Mavr's Wonderful Remedy is sold by larch captain, Walter R. Bilyeu, of Al-'tists. Prominent among the 'applicants
iciioiug (irnggisis pvcrywuern wiiu ine.hany; grand master, third veil, r At.
positive understanding that ymir money
will be relunded without question or
quibble if ONE bottle fails to give you
absolute satisfaction.
For sale by .1. ('. Periy, diuggist.
(Ooatlnued from page one.)
gossip for months that the rebels were
seeking his death either in the open
fielj with his armies or in his palace
by other and more subtle means.
Say He Was Poisoned.
San Francisco, June 0. Japanese
newspapers recently received from
China unofficial rumors that the ill
ness of Yuan Shi Kai was caused by
poison. It was reported that the
revolutionists had many aBjsslns in
Pekin, unit that one of themtnight pos
sibly have gained nccess to the palace.
Observers of Chinese atfairs here
were of the opinion that his death, if
report is true, would result in new
uprisings iu southern China. The lack
of a strong man to take Yuan Shi
Kail's place, it was believed, would
cause the revolutionary situation to be
come even more serious.
Market Was Indifferent
Fluctuations Small
New York,
Kvening Sun
June li. The New York
financial review todav
Despite a little irregularity stocks
ruled generally strong in Wall Street
today, but there was no mistaking thu
highly professional character of the
trailing, and the market ns a whole
ui.ncu s,uiuu.i,-uy aim vigor, n iimiie f0I. approval. The question of Sunday
n rather indifferent early response, for entertainment was brought up bv the
instance, to the increased dividends de-j j,.v, James Klvin and Joseph Albert,
dared by the Nevada, ( hino and Ken- it developed that the Ministerial
necott Copper companies. Union of Salem, in case the program
The loss of Lord Kitchener, the Brit-I could' not be made sacred, felt that it
ish secretary of state to.- war who,P,i i -.,f i, ,,,, i e n.
with the members of his
Stall were
drowned bv the sinking of the cruiser
Hampshire off the const of Scotland
winch became known before the open-
j '"S t' exchange, had no effect
j upon prices.
First prices here were irregularly
1 changed, the feature being a rather
' oharp decline in the Mercantile Marine
I issues. United States Steel common
j was a shade better and pronounced
; strength developed early in Crucible
Steel, but the standard railway shares,
representative industrials and copper
stocks moved languidly within a nar-
row range for the most part,
There were but few remaining traces
; of the. auto intoxication which nftected
the market yesterday.
TJe.'ictiiuiarv tendencies were more
I pronounced in the late trading and
j early gains were cancelled wholly or
ju , ; manv jstances.
I m
1 n If HI 1
i LOmnanV M fflarKSmen
1 JL - ..
I Hit
the Bulls Eye
at Finzer Range
The Company M marksmen scored a
I The high score was made by Sergeant
Baiita, who scored 2;i., nnd Private flumes or modesty on their parts pre
Mitchell was second with "27, while vent them from voting too many at
Corporal Keiinon scored 225.
The other scores wore as follows:
Privates Sundberg, 20."; Andrew Vin-
! cent, Itfll; Oeorge Hernhart, 19.!: Musi -
Cian Huddleson, lsl ; Privates Rowland,
; iro. Wihlers. 1.".;!: Irn Mitchel. 124:,
Archie Lee, l.ri2;.Panl Bums,
Royal Nadon, lo'i; Krvin Hayes,
Paul Maner, lli;i; George Lewis,
Oscar Otto, 121.
San Francisco, June 0 Incorporation
pa)ers of the reorganized Western Pa-
c.ifie railroad were filed in the superior
court todav. They show the system is
capitalized for $7,000,OOG. 8' " Fran
cisco is named as the home office a".l
ulcus for the bull .ing of 334 mile,? of
branch lines in California are revealed
.which will select the convention seat .
at its meeting here later this week. j
Other officers for the ensuing year!
were elected as follows: Deputy gran. K are talcing the state examinations be
high priest, Silas M. Yoran, of Kugcne; i fore the state dental board will coin
grand king, Max Bollnck, of Oregon plete their written work this evening
City; grand sc ribe, James H. Richmond, ' and will take their examinations in
of Portland; grand captain of host, practical work Rt the r.enitcntiurv to-
M. Baldwin, of Pi ineville ;'
Patterson, ut 1'urtlniHl: grand master,
second veil. Oeorge O. Brown, of Salem;
grand master ,fiist veil, ('. 11. Marsh,
of Marsh field; grand senliuel. i). O.
Tomasini, of Portland.
1 1 Chas. Chaplin ft f
In his
new $100,0000
conractt in
One of the Biggest Pictures of
Committees Appointed and
, Their Work Laid Out at
Meeting Today
J. P.. Herbsman, advance manager of
the Kllison-White Chautaniiua system
met the directors of the Salem Chau
tauqua at a luncheon given today noon
nt the Spa. According to Mr. Herds
man, the Ellison-White people will of
fer attractions much better than those
of former years, one of these being the
New York Marine band, making its
first tour of the west.
I At the suggestion of Mr. Herbsman
j committees will be appointed, to he
ight at once the special work assigned.
I One committee will decide on grounds.
I A sub-committee of Indies take charge
.of stake decorations.
An auto parade committee will call
,ou auto owners to take part iu the
j annual cliuuUupua parade. Other
i committees to be appointed by Dr. H.
C. Kpley will have charge of the ad
vertising nnd sale of tickets.
I A motion was carried to the effect
jthat the Kllison-Whitc people be re
quested to furnish a sacred program
'for Sunday evcniii':, July Hi, and sub-
i tn it the saine t the. Salem chntitnuuua
Mmrclipa in en.nncrnf, w-tlli ihu 1'linit.
tiuiqna. -Mr, Herbsman thought a sat-
lslaetory program could bo ar
ranged. A committee will be appointed to
act with the Commercial Club whereby
the artists who come lo Salem to take
part in the Chautauqua may be enter
tained. Those attending the lunchegn were:
J. II. Albert, Key. James Klvin, Dr. H.
C. Kpley, Mrs. H. C. Epley, C. F..
Kiiowlnnd, W. 11. Hamilton, Prof. Flor
in n Von Ksehen,' Mrs. Florin n Von
Eschen, Paul Wallace, Carle Abrams,
W. I. Staley, IT. V. Compton, h. II.
Compton, Mrs. L. K. Page.
How Cherry Queen
Contestants Stand
Miss Estclln Wilson, the endorsed
candidate of the United Artisan aud
Moose lodges is now In the lead in
the contest for queen of Ihe Cherry
fair, with a total of 27.SS0 votes, al
though Miss Verna Cooder, endorsed
by the Elks is a close second. There
is suspicion that all of the leading
contestants have several bunches of
votes up eacn sleeve nnd that bash-
lone time. However, the fact is that
the contest is just now- really getting
i under "headway, as the Woolworth store
'iolks do not intend their candidate
Miss Inez Siege sha'u fall very far
from the lead, and when the Flks nnd
.toose find their candidate in danger
jo, being snowed under, there is a fine
prospect of avalanches of votes be
; ing turned loose.
! The vote today stands:
! Kstclla Wilson 27,Stu
jVerna Cooder 2u,2.'i0
j Inez Stege 17,070
(lertrude Corey " 7,S70
Minnie Hair 1,'JtiO
; - 1
Tooth Mechanics Will
Work On Convicts at
Penitentiary Tomorrow
Die CO young tooth machinists who
morrow and Thursday. The convicts
j is " Painless" Parker, who secured
: about $10.(100 worth of publicity out of
the fact that he failed to pass the Inst
j examination. However, Dr. Parker has
; a license to practice .in other states
land the success of liis system indicates
first new
The Floorwalker
under his
the Year j ti i
Yes, A Good Keystone, Too Mil 1 IllirSliay
Rostein & Greenbaum
Dry Goods, Millinery, Shoes
Ladies' Underwear
Union Suits
35c, $1.00, 75c and 50c
Sleeveless Vests. . . 10c
Extra size Vests
......... 25c and 15c
Canvas Shoes, Rubber Soles
Bargain lot of Ladies' low Shoes, values up. to $4.00
thePah----- $1.75. Pair
"Visit this popular de
partment in rear store
room. Good selection.
Hats neatly trimmed,
nice materials.
Low Prices
Kaiser's Silk Gloves
240-246 Commercial Street
that he does not hod; iu dental attain
ments. The dental examiners meet twice
yearly. The members of the board are
Dr. H. H. Schmit', Portland, president;
Dr. H. H. Olinge-, Salem, secretary;
Dr. W. S. Kennedy, The Dalles; Dr. W.
J. Larson, Portland, nnd Dr. Alexander
McDotignl, Baker.
The 50 applicants in the present ex
amination are:
C. Ammeker, K. R. Abbett, D. X.
Beechler, I.. H. Brown, L. E. Barriek,
O. A. Burch, K. P. Borden, S. A. Bow
man, William K. Buchanan, Joseph L.
Barber, A. I). Cage, I. W. Chandler, I.
Cronk, R. P. Chusb-e, C. I. Chapin, S. P.
Douglas, H. II. HeVitt, R. K. Hall, C. R.
Hellier, F. Henshalv, S. B. Hoskins. Ire
Knight, R. F. Murphy, H. K. Morgan,
0. A. Miller. S. B. Massey, William
Maeeil, H. W. Moore, J. A. Millan, F.
O. Milmos, A. W. Osterman, J. H.
Powell, K. S. Peterson,- Mabel P. per
sons, R. W. Querrinberry, W. C. Schaef
er, J. W. Shelton, Morris Sykes. C. E.
Templeton, K. R. Pniker, R. M. Parker,
A. R. Roberts, W. F. Sherman, Fred
crick Snsman, P.. (I. Vinson, A. E.
Veatehi, R. W. Vnlin, Oeorge B. Taylor,
George C. Watson, Oeorge I. Wilkinson.
Equal Suffrage Probably
Has Carried In Iowa
Pes Moines, Iowa, June (i. U will
f...JLJ .....
Children's Union Suits
. 25c
Boys' Union Suits 35c
Poros Knit Union
Suits 5QC
Children's Overalls 35c
Boys' Shirts 25c
Staple Dry Goods
Big assortment Ging
hams, Percales, Gala
teas, Denim's Table Lin
ens, Napkins, Bed
Spreads, Towels
Lowest Prices
R. & G. Corsets
probably take the official vot to set
tle the question whether suffrage has
carried in Iowa at Monday's election
but nt one o'clock today the Daily
.Vews says that 7IS precincts out of
over 2,000 in the state Rivo suffrage
1)2.4 IS,' against suffrage 00,227. These
added to majority reports ffom other
counties give tho suffrage cause, ac
cording to the News, a majority of
3,419 in 83 S precincts in th state.
Full returns will not be received before
tomorrow. ,
I i i
You read the news we get it.
Will be better rewarded if you pay
strict attention to the Stomach and
keep the Liver active. . You will find
splendid assistance in
Stomach Bitters
In a Powerful Drama of
the Game
Sixth Chapters
The Iron Claw
Sixth Chapters
Today and
r!Tanm7ww"nnn""",v',r"'wT','fii ,
ri mii td .i J a U A iuJ M a