itorial Page of "The Capita Tl'F.SDAY EVENING. Juno r.. Ilfl. CHARLES H FI.HEK, Editor and Manager. 1 Journal PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, ORKCOX, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. 8. BARN Ett, CHAS. II. FI.SITER, DORA C ANDRESES', President Yice-l'fesident Sec. and Tteas. EUliSCRITTIOX RATES Daily bv carrier, per year $1.00 Per month 4.1c Daily by mail, per year 3.UU IVr niunlh 3;C FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT E A ST ER X R E PR ES E NT AT I V KS New York, WardLewis-Williams Special Agency, Tribune RtiilJinar The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier due not do thin, misses you, or neglects gettitng the paper to vou on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, a this is the only way we can determine whether or not tho carriers are following instructions. Phone Main 81. WOULD BE THE WHOLE THING The Woman's party convention being new at the "Wanvicking" business started early, and began the first session at Chicago yesterday morning. They have noti fied the old parties as well as the progressives that they are ready to receive bids for their support. The best look ing man with the most dressy get up is liable to get away with the indorsement. The amusing feature of their pro gram is the attempt to hold the balance of power. Given enfranchisement in many states they propose to have a party of their own which while having no politics except votes for women, they expect to be really the whole thing. They do not seem to understand that from the very nature of things they cannot do this. It would put the politics of the country entirely in the hands of the women if the scheme could be carried out, for holding the balance of power they could make the nation republican, demo cratic or progressive, and be in fact the political boss. Every party would have to find out what the ladies wanted, and promise to grant it before they had a show for the political plums. Under these conditions, the coun try would change its tariff, and revenue laws as often as the ladies do their style in dress or hats. It would be in fact a big club in the hands of the women to force the politicians to do their bidding. It would be in this case a be-ribboned and be-flounced club, but none the less deadly. Oregon has given the ballot to its women, and finds no reason to regret it, but they should not overlook the fact that they are citizens and voters just like the male clement. A solid woman's party, if it could be perfected and held together, would ultimately result in a solid men's party, or else it would reverse the old order of things and placing the women in power would in effect disfranchise the men. THE COLOSSUS OF OYSTER BAY The forty eight states of the Union have sent dele gates to the national republican convention at Chicago, for the purpose of naming a standard bearer for the party in the coming presidential election. Those delegates are perfectly willing to do the work they were sent to do, but find that one man will not let them. That is a strange con dition for a great party in a free country. It reminds one of the complaint of the old Roman, which one, just now we cannot say, probably Cassius but Shakespeare puts in his mouth these words: "Now in the name of all the gods at once, upon what meat hath this our Caesar fed that he hath grown so great, that like a huge Colossus he doth bestride this nar row world, and we petty men must peep about and creep beneath his huge legs to find ourselves dishonorable. graves?" State Superintendent Announces Schedule. For Teachers Exams THE PECULIAR INNES CASE The case of the .Innes, of Eugene, recently tried in Georgia for the murder of the Nelms sisters, Mrs. Eloise Nelms Dennis and Beatrice Nelms, for which they were acquitted, is a peculiar one. In that case the acquittal was due to the fact that there was no proof the sisters were dead. It lacked the corpus delicti. On top of this the couple, Victor Innes and his wife, Ida May Innes, were indicted for larceny in stealing money from Mrs. Dennis. Innes admitted receiving money from Mrs. Dennis but claimed-it was given to him by the woman because she was in love with him, and consequently there was neither larceny or fraud of any kind about the transaction. The Nelms sisters in the meanwhile are reported to be alive and it is claimed not long ago were living near Seattle, and at present are in Alaska. This however, has not been proven but it seems the rumor cut no ice with the Georgia jury, for Saturday he was found guilty and sentenced to seven years in prison, the maximum sentence. The peculiarity of this case is that the party from whom he is alleged to' have stolen the money was not present and had nothing to do with the arrest or iruu 01 nines, wtb. Innes has not yet been tried and when receiving sentence Innes asked the court to deal leniently with her as she is suffering from tuberculosis and imprisonment would mean her death. , Under the Georgia law, being man and wife they could not be tried jointly. The British statement that IS German warships were destroyed in the great North sea battle is denied by the Germans, who ask the British to name the vessels, and smilingly say they cannot. At the same time they say the story was told by the English for home consumption, in order to let the people get familiar with tho Gorman victory by degrees. Thirty-three women delegates will have seats in the National Progressive convention, a dozen of them being from the state of Washington. Women are surely taking their place in the political world, and if the womens party has its way, they will before long take the men's places also. The council might as well wipe all ordinances pertain ing to automobiles off the books for they are neither ob served or enforced. The habit some autoists have of passing street cars while they are at a crossing, is sooner or later going to result in a serious accident. At the risk of becoming tiresome, attention is again called to the fact that a person who accidentally causes death while doing something unlawful is liable formanslaughter. Under the law a person who by pure accident causes another's death while exceeding the speed limits in his auto, or while doing any other act forbidden by the statutes or ordinances, takes the chance of spending a few years in the penitentiary. It is not probable this fact would deter speed maniacs, since the risk of their lives will not do it. Henry Ford's name may not be formally presented to J the convention as he has so far failed to ask any one to speak for him. He will however get Michigan's :'0Totesj on the initial ballot even though not formally presented. Henry is a good gentlemanly "also ran." Lord Kitchener's death will prove the heaviest loss England has yet sustained. In spite of the criticism leveled against him he was no doubt the empire's most experienced soldier, and an executive of great ability in the direction of military matters. Mate school superintendent .7. A. Churchill has announced the schedule for the coming state teachers exainina tions as follow: Commencing Wednesday, .Tune 2. I!tlii, j;t o'clock a. m., and contin uing until .Saturday. July I, liMii. at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday forenoon, vViiting (penn nianship). music, ('. S. history, draw ing. Wednesday afternoon, Mending, phys iology, "manual training, composition, domestic science, methods in reading, course of study for drawing, methods in arithmetic. Thursday forenoon, Arithmetic, his tory of education, psychology, meth- oiis in geography, mechanical drawing', domestic ait, course of study for do mestic art. Thursday afternoon, Orammar, geo graphy, stenography, American liter ature, physics, typewriting, methods iiL language, thesis for primary certifi cate, education science of. Friday forenoon, Theorv and prac tice, orthography, nhvsical tcngrnidiv. English literature, chemistry, cduc.v j tion history of, physical culture. j Friday afternoon, School law, geol-i ogy, algebra, civil gover nment, educa tion childhood and adolescence. j Saturday forenoon, Geometry, bot-j any, education sciiool administration. Saturday afternoon, General history, bookkeeping, education methods f- The Picture Tells TheSior . TV. CoiyribAxl iJib uy Tin ttaunj Adver Users. Box 17. Oregon City, Ore. How You May Change Your Face Completely :f: ; : : (; 4: ; Salem boys carried off both the Beekman and Failing prizes at the state university oratorical contest Monday night. That's better than even winning football or base ball honors. Pioosevelt is proving himself a true friend of President Wilson, and a real Pied Cross hero in rendering first aid to the democracy. Rip JUNE DAYS If,-. I 1 h :v LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 18G3 CAPITAL $300,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT "O, what is so smooth as a day in June? Then, if ever, are flossy days!" So the Poet sang, with his lyre in tune, and the subject deserved his praise. For a day in June is the slickest thing that ever the gods de signed, and the man who doesn't then smile and sing has barnacles on his mind. Then the coltkins play and the calf kins romp, and : gamboling are the lambs, and the bullfrogs i toot in the lonely swamp, all happy as J pickled clams. Then the grass is green andj the skies are blue, as blue as the laws allow, , J ll.. I I 1 - jl 1 I V- . i anu uie oiossoms gieam in tne morning aew jn ,V ke gems on a damsel's brow. Man's bosom ' USJLJ$ throbs with abounding life, he ceases tojl iear and iret, and he remarks to h:s smiling wife, "This world is the one best bet." It is the time of the blushing bride, the time of the graduate; and Man, he tosses his grouch aside, and sees that his smile's on straight. Any woman not satisfied wita her complexion can easily remove it and have a new one. The thin veil of stifling half-dead cuticle is an encumbrance- and should be removed - give the fresh, vigorous, young skin under neath a chance to show itself and to breathe, There's a simple, old-fashioned remedy which will ahvavs do the work. Get an mince of pure mercoli.ed wax from your ilnmn'ist and apply it at night like cold cream, washing it off in t'.ie morning. The wax will gent ly absorb all the lifeless skin and leave a healthy and beautiful complex ion, as fresh as a child's. Naturally it takes with it all such racial blem ishes as freckles, moth patches, sal lowness, liver spots, pimples. The face so treated soon looks years younger. To kee- the skin fiee from wrinkles there's nothing quite so good as the old reliable saxolite lotion. It is only necessary to dissolve an ounce of pow dered saxolite in a half pint of witch hazel and bathe the fneein this as required. Winslow Elected to Head Alumni I'nivcrsity of Oregon, Eugene, Or.. June li. Oregon's commencement had an auspicious opening Friday night with the presentation of the com mencement play, with an added tuch todatv, when, with glorious sunshine prevailing, the seniors made their ap pearance in their caps and gowns. Ue coptions, luncheons, business meetings and a ball game occupied the time of alnmiii and students. Saturday was designated alumni day, ami special arrangements made for en tertainment by the Alma Mater. At the business meeting Friday mo ruing the alumni effected a reorganization, which, in effect, is to delegate all alumni business to a council of 12 mem bers,' these members to be chosen by postal ballot. Officers elected for the coining year were: Walter ('. Winslow. of Salem, president; Mrs. L. T. Harris, of Salem, vice president; lien Williams, of Eu gene, secretary; l.eon Ray, of Kugene. member of the debate council; Eberle Kuvkendiill, John C. Ventch, Ray Good rich, of Kugene, members of the ath letic council. At a .joint meeting of the nthletic council of the university and the ex ecutive committee Saturday, A. R. Tiffany was reelected graduate man ager. His election is conditional, and Dean Walker, of independence, was elected alternate. Following the meeting of the board IS GEO. C. WILL Xew Edison Disk Vietrolaa. Grafanolas Each in every style and all records for each. 4.1i State Street AUTO-WORK and Driving Gloves F. E. SHAFER 170 S. Commercial Phone 411 WOOD - COAL SALEM FUEL YARDS Phone 529 Old Shoes Made New ' The quality of our work is as high as the price is low Ye Boot Shop 3-'o State St. Opp. I.ndd & Bush Glasses our Specialty. Lenses duplicated on short notice. Dr. Herman Barr, Optometrist Hartman Bros Co Jewelers Larmer Transfer I'hone, Office P30 or Residence 18!i8. Storage, Packing. Shipping, Moving, Coal and Wood. Quick, Reliable Service. The Emporimam Pool and Billiard Hall Weinhard's Vector on draught, cigars, and soft drinks, E. XI. Klinger, Prop. GEO. C. WILL Pianos I sell, the Best and Cheapest ones. Pianos rented. 432 State Street Phone IjO Capital Drug Store Z. J. Riggs, Ph. G. Proprietor. New location State and Liberty upon completion of the McGilchrist building. Auto and Car riage Painting Enamel. Tops and Cush ions repaired and trimmed. F. W. BLISS, 301 S. Com'l. We make your linen wear longer and look better by our auto-dry room and pres3 machine work. Salem Laundry Co. l-'TS S. Liberty St. Up-to-the-Minute Jewelers and Optometrist Hartman Bros Co Jewelers State and Liberty The Handy Man Aroftnd the House PORTLAND R.R. LIGHT & POWER CO. Pure Milk and Cream Oak Park Dairy Auto Delivery. Phone 6ti9 ' W. F. Looney Mgr. ' i. I D" m Mi i A SMOOTH, HAIRLESS SKIN FOR EVERY WOMAN i (The Xlodcrn lleanty) Wilii the aid of a plain ilclatnuc paste it is an easy matter to rid the skin of unsightly hairy growths. Thei paste is made by mixing some water witti powdered tielatoiie, this is np plied to the hairs not wanted and afte or ', minutes rubbed off and the skin washed, when every trace of hair willj hae vani.hed. When you go to your druggist for delatone, be sure you get the genuine article. GRANT BILL READY W'ashiniTton, June (. Onlv the signa ture of l'resident W ilsojt is now lacking! to complete the final enactment of the' Oregon and California land-grant law ' the house today having ratified the con ference report. The measure is expected to reach the White House within the next few days. The conference report 1 docs not change the original Hughes j bill ns to the administration of the law.; The law say that " the secretary of ' the interior, in cooperation with the secretary tf agriculture, or otherwise, i authorized and directed," etc. In the opinion of Representative Sin nott, who has given much time to the legislation, the secretary of interior is alone empowered to administer the law should he so desire. It is expected however, that the interior department will utilize the services of the forestry department, particularly in the valu ation of timber. Special agents of the general land office and the geological survey, both under the interior department, will be used to classify the lands. LAMAR TOOZE WINNER Eugene, Ore,, Jane (I. Py au oration entitled, "America the Hope of Na tionsv" I.nnmr Too.e, of Salem, presi dent of the student body and delegare on the Ford peace exepdition, last night won the Failing oratorical prize of $150. Cleveland Simpkins, of Salem, was awarded the Heekmaii prize of $100 for the second best oration. His sub ject was "Xluu's Place in the Scheme of Things." Mr. Tooze pictured Amer ica as an aid to international nence. Xlr. Simpkins traced the evolution of man and speculated on future evolu tion. Louise Bailey, of Eugene, one of the six contestants, told of developing child instincts, in her oration, "Education in Play." I.lovd Dawson, of Tillamook, spoke on " I'ncoiiditioiial Sovereignty and Vital Interests." The life of Christ was reviewed by Harold Huinber. of Eugene. Chester Fee, of Pendleton, de livered " Insurance Against War." The Failing pri?e is the income from a donation of i.r0n bv Henry Failing, of Portland. The Heekmnn prire is de rived from the interest on n fund do nated by l C. Beeknian, of Jacksonville. INDOOR LIFEJIAKES FAT TRY OIL OF KOREIN TO KEEP WEIGHT DOWN, OR TO RE DUCE SUPERFLUOUS FAT. People who are confined within doors and who are deprived of fresh, invigor ating air and exercise must take pre caution to guard against over-stoutness, as fat acquired by indoor life is unhealthy and a danger to the vital organs, of the body. Lack of exercise i in the' fresh air is said to weaken the oxygen carrying power of the blood, so that it is unable to produce strong mus cles and vitality and the formation of unsightly and unhealthy fat is the re sult. 1 If you aro 13 or SO pounds abeve nor mnl weight you aro daily drawing on your reserve strength and are constant ly lowering your vitality by carrying j this excess burden. Any persons who are satisfied in their own mind that j the are too stout are advised to go to I Central Pharmacy or a Rood druggist land get a box of "oil of korein capsule, and take one after each meal and one .just before retiring at night. Even a few days treatment has been reported to show a noticeable reduction in weight, improved digestion and a re turn of the old energv; footsteps be come lighter and the skin less flabby in appearance as superfluous fat dis appears. Oil o' korein is inexpensive, cannot injure, and helps the digestion. Any person who wants to reduce 13 or 20 pounds is ndvised to crivn thi lgt. luieut a trial. of regents Friday, the following stu deuts were announced to have won honors: Chemistry: Lewis Pond, of Kugene; economics, Roscoe Hurd, of Florence; Xlax H. Somnier, of rortinml; LcJie Tooze and Lamar Tooze, of SnleTii. i-.nglish, (.race hdgingtnn, of Hood River; mathematics, Elizabeth Xlia- turn, ot Eugene; rhetoric, Henry V, Howe, of Kugene; Magna Cum l.aude Grace Kilginton, who was the only stu dent to make more than one honor, and .Mtna Ferguson, of 1'nrtland. Examina tions in honors were exeat. tinnlilk- strict ami but "o per cent were able to pass. "FAKE REMEDIES" ADVERTISED No doubt some of the medicines ad vertised are fakes, but these never have any lasting success. They stand in striking contrast to the g'ood old standard, dependable remedies, like l.ydia K. l'iukhain's Vegetable Com pound, which has stood the test of time and for more than forty years has been alleviatm- the guttering of wom ankind. Mich medicines arc a blessing to the communitv anil will continue their good work from one generation to another. C. H. Taylor, of Turner, Backs Into Window C. H. Taylor, of Turner, forgot that his E. M. F. was in reverse as he back ed it to the curb and when he crank ed it to start down the street the ma chine started backing and before it WILLAMETTE NOTES The senior class of Willamette pre sented their gift to the university at 2:'M o'clock this afternoon. The gift is a beautiful granite sun-dial, is one that is a handsome ornament, as well a a useful article. Whenever the sun is j shining which in Salem is all of the time, passersby may ascertaiu the cor- l reet sun-time by looking at tho face oi rue uiai. it snows a difference of . minutes with Western I'nion time, but this is because of the variance between that time and sun time. In setting the dial it was neccssarv to secure a perfect north mid south line, this was found to be In degrees and :W minutes different from the line on which Eaton hall is located, the dial, however, is perfectly square with the world and can be relied upon td give the correct sun time at all times. In presenting the gift. Walter tile'iRer president of the class of 'Hi, stilted that this dial was to be known as the "James T. Xfuthen-s dint " Tt,n,i. j as he has been a good friend and ad- ' visor ot tne class during the past four years. On the dial are chisseled four choice words which he asked every member of the class to always retain foremost in their memory. These words are: "Audacity, sagacity, charitv and holiness." could be stopped it punched out one of Watt Sllilln's new idilte trivia v.i,.,. The accident happened about 1:30 this n,'(.... .. 1 ll ry . . uiiriuuoii auu Mr. lavior settled all damages caused l.v the whims of hi E. XI. F. Our Safe Is Open Just the way the robbers left it Saturday morning. Tou are welcome to call between 9 and 5 on Monday or Tuesday and see the effects of the safe blowing. Capital City Steam Laundry 1204 Broadwav Always Watch This Ad" Changes Often mmmo Btnctly correct weignt, qur deal and iigheat price for all kind of ' jnnk, metal, nibW, hidet and furs. I pay 2e per pound for old ', '. Big itock of all size iecond iand incubators. All kind eorrmgate ' ' Iron for both rooli and buildings. Boofing paper aad aeeoad aand : linoleum. 4 '.V..Oj !.. H. Steinback Junk Co, The Hons of Half a Villiom Bargain, f 803 North. Commercial Bt p-,. ... ? 5 4 A ;