Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 06, 1916, Image 1

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    f I " ' (1
?C j( jc 3C SC )t j( 5C
rl II ' V!r -i . - '"V' Tt, i-
Was Visiting Fleet North of Scotland and On Board Cruiser
Hampshire Which Went Down With All On Board
Searching Parties Find Only Bodies of Drowned Re
port Says Kitchener Was On
Very Rough When Tragedy
London, June 0 Lord ' Kitchener,
.minister of war, with his entire staff
was lost when the cruiser Hampshire
was sunk by ji torpedo or, mine north
i.e ,.i,t!.m,r ti;j .,.,,,,,,.,.,- .
officially made bv the admiralty todav. I 9 ,8""k t niBht about 8 o clock oft
The admiralty's statement indicated: 'fJrk"CV ""U" 8 bj' a "Uue 0r, a to,r"
that the Hampshire was sunk off the ! r'Pdo- lm bof9 "i".
,,.,. T.i.j. .servers on tlie Bhorc to leave tae ship.
The" admirall'v stated thnt. tW i 1
i.... u". . c .. . . I
"t--V, " 1 , " ! m'awn 01
repted as a fact that Kitchener him
bt'lf was drowned.
The main base of the British high
was fleet is supposed to be in the
neighborhood of the islands north of
(Scotland. For this reason, it is be
lieved I.ord Kitchener with his staff,
vent to the Orkney islands for the
I'urpose of reviewing the battle fleet
cfter the Jutland engagement. It is
Considered probable also that he was
engaged in conference with other high
officials regarding the program to be
followed to meet any move from Ger
many. As minister of war, Kitchener
was responsible, for the defense of
I'ngland in the event of an attempt
nt. invasion. ' -
The Hampshire wa& a British, cruis
er of the Argyll type. Her comple
ment of 055 officers and men. She was
4,i0 feet long anl displaced 10,850
tons. Her armament was four 7.5 inch
!;tms, six ti inch guns and two torpeuo
Story of His Life
-oratio Herbert Kitchener was Eng
land's foremost soldier, taking that
distinction when Lord lioberts "Lit
tle Bobs" died. He was born .it ( rot
ter House, ltally Long Ford, County
Kerry, June 2i, 1S50, son of the late
Lieutenant Colonel H. H. Kitchener of
'ossington, Leicestershire ami and
Miss Chevalir of Aspall Hall. Suffolk,
lie was educated at the royal ncade
luy on the Woolwich. He entered the
royal engineers in 1 S 7 1 . Hisprogress
thereafter was Palestine survey 1S7-I-70;
Gvpress survey 1S7S-S'.': command
ed Kgyptbn cavairy 1832-8-1: Nile ex-l-cdition
IS.S4-H5; governor of Stiak.m
1 8Sti-S-i; Dongola expedition lSWi; pro
moted to piajor general K. C. It.; com
Mended Khartoum . expedition 1HDS;
was given the thanks of parliament
Mid raised to the peerage with a grant
of :10,UU0 pounds; chief of staff of
forces of South Arica in IsM-lOOO;
commander in chief Iii3tl-0J; promoted
to Lieutenant and Gener.il, received
wicountry with a grant of 50,01)0
founds and thanks of parliament; com
Hauler in chief India in ltHi-'.O'.i; mem.
1 er of committee of imperial defease
in l!l HI.
England is Stunned
At the beginning of the present war
Kitchener was made minister of -war;
be held this posilbm at ihe time of
bis death.
' The news of Kngland's greatest per
sjjijI loss since the war, which has
stunned London, already hardened to
Women must be glad t' git home an'
C it ther shoe? off. A 'feller kin fail at
vcr'thing nn' still be a good pool
1 layer.
His Way to Russia-Sea was
shocks, was issued in the following
formal bulletin:
"The admiralty reports with deep
regret that the ship Hampshire, with
Lord Kitchener and his staif. on board.
I,e'lv. B01,S -Were r"nnin but Patro1!
vessels nnd destroyers at once proceed-
ed to the scene. The whole shore has
been sparchd from Seaward but it is
greatly feared there is little hope for
any survivors. No report has yet been
received from the searching party on
shore. ' '
The Hampshire was in command of
Cnptain Herlicrt J. Savill. Tho re
port of the loss the ship was tele
graphed to the admiralty by Admiral
Sir John Jellico, commander of the
British home fleet.
Uncertainty As to Staff Mant
New York, June 6. The list of per
sons who accompnuied jvncheaer on
'looruiser Hampshire has not yet beer
announced by the British government
His stuff, as given in the monthly
army list follows;
1'rivate secretaries H. J. Creedy and
Captain Kir C. O. A. Arthur.
Personal military secretary Colonel
A. O. G. i'it.gerald.
Attached: Lieutenant Colonel Sir A.
G. Leethnin, Major C. L. Storr; military
swretary to the secretary of war and
secretary of the saieetiou board Major
General V. S. Robb, assistant military
secretary Colonel K. W. Norie; civ.
il assistant to the military secretary
H. H. Moore.
The above list comprises the execu
tive staff of the secretary of state for
wall and is, in effect his official organ
ization. There is strong doubt wheth
er the admiraltv reeretue to the staff
applied to this organization.
Was on Way to Riuaia
One cable report was that Kitche
ner and his staff were en route to
Kussia. when tiie Hampshire was sunk.
If this bo true, it has special signifi
cance in view of the general Russian
offensive which is now practically un
der way along the 200 mile front from
Pruth to Kolki. His trip, too, mav
have had a bearing on the advance Of
the liussinns into Asia Minor.
A later announcement from the ad
miralty said that the searching parties,
sent out in boats along the coast had
found only bodies of the drowned and
capsized boat. There was still the
faint hope that possibly some might
have reached shore and proceeded in
land in search of aid. (Hi account of
the high sea, however, this was not con
sidered likelv and the admiraltv did
(Continued on Pago Fv.
Says Mist Saved German
Fleet From Destruction
By Hal O' Flaherty. chase them through the night. When
(United Press staff correspondent.) daylight broke, they had disnpepnred.
London, June ti. "Only a phenom-1 " Our men entered the battle fearless
enal piece of luck saved the German ly and fought with wonderful coolness
high sens fleet from utter destruction throughout. One shell after another
in the North sea fight, a senior officer,
commanding one oi the British cruisers
that played an important role iu the
engagement, told the Vnited Press to
day. "The Germans had all the advant
ages they could have wanted," said
the British commander. "It was blow
ing hard in their direction. The sun
vtas at our back silhoutting ull our ships
and making splendid targets for the
German gunners.
"The firing began at 20,000 yards.
We engaged five German battle cruis
ers whose names w could not make
out. It was hot fighting from the start
with the water full of bursting shells,
I could see our shells hitting tne Ger -
mans amt plainly doing great damage.
"Our strategic plan was to cut the
Germans off from their base. We hnd
accomplished this when the mist began
settling, finally giving the Germans a
chance to escape. Our fire was so
heavy they were more than anxious to
quit. Only two of their battle cruisers
were still filing when the mist settled.
AH that was left for us then was to
End of Chinese President Who
Tried to Overthrow
,Li Yuan Hang Succeeds Him
Chinese In Tliis Country
Washington, June 0. The state de
partment today received an official he
port that Yuan Shi Kai is dead.
Tho cable which contained the noti
fication was sent in code ty the Amer
ican minister at Pekin.
Minister Reinsch cabled Yuan ffhi
Kai died last night. The message-' was
dated 11 o'clock today, Pekin time, and
was a bare announcement of Yuans
death and a statement that Premier
Buoji Chi Jui hail pledged his full sup
port to Vice President Li Yuan Hung,
who succeeds Yuan.
Japan Confirms Beport,
Tokyo, June 0. Yuan Shi Kai, presi
dent of China, is dead, according to
unofficial but apparently authentic re
ports received here today.
Yuan Shi Kai woa reported seriously
ill several days ago. When he an
nounced last full that he would a-icetid
to the throne as emperor of China, a
revolt broke out. His coronation was
then set for early spring, but post
poned indefinitely because of the na
tion 's turmoil.
Yuan was born iu 1858.
Chinese Eejoice Over It. -San
Froucisco, June G. San Fran
cisco's Chinatown rejoiced todny over
news of tlk- death of Yuan Shi Kai.
Tea parties were held nnd flags hung
out from the homes nnd stores of re
publicans. '
The officers of the Chinese Republic
association, which has beeu financing
to a large extent to the revolutionary
activities against Yuan declare that hia
death would end the present revolu
tion in China.
Li Yuan Hung, vice-presidcntf was
declared to be a good republican nnd
acceptable to tho rebels as Yuan's
Robert Park, editor of the China
World, said:
"Yuan's death means the end of the
revolution in China. The country will
again be reunited. Us government will
return to the liberal republican form.
Yuan's administration was regarded
more or less as a dictatorship like that
of Huerta in Mexico."
The general impression prevails in
Chinatown that Yuan did not die n
uatuial death. It has beeu common
(Continued on Paga Eight.)
struck our vessels, but failed to break
tne spirit of the men. A bursting shell
hit a funnel of one of our first line
vessels. Men rushed to remove the do
bris and found still another shell ns
yet unexploded. .They dumped it into
the sea.
"The big super-dreadnnught War
spite, which the Germans claim they
sank, rushed into the engagement dis
abled, with a broken propeller. She
circled around helplessly under a hor
rible enemy fire. The other British
ships came to her aid and engaged the
Germans shelling her. She finally es
capl under their protective fire. Her
i loss in men wns smnll and her damage
' easily reparable
The Germans rertainlv enjoyed
irreat luck in getting away after the
British had tmid for their victory with
lives oud ships. We - are more than
anxious to repeat the engagement tin
der similar circumstances, trusting that
the luck will not nil go one way the
next time. I am certain, however, that
the neuiy's losses were heavier than
ours. ' '
Chicago, June 6. William
Jennings Bryan went the rounds
of Cundidato's Row today. Sonio
of his friends said he ought to
be in the line-up.
"In view of the chances the
party will have for election,"
he replied, "I think I'd rather
not bo among them."
Pittsburg 3
New York 2
Mammaux nnd Gibson; Benton,
Schauer and Rariden.
R. II. I
Cincinnati 4 11 1
Brooklyn 7 12 O
Mitchell, Moseley, Schneider and
Wingo; Pfe'ffer and" Meyers.
R. H. K.
Chicago H U 0
Philadelphia 2 9 1
Vaughn nnd Archer, Fischer; Eixey,
Mayer, Oeschger and Killifer, Burns.
R. H. K.
St Louis 2 C
Boston I 4
Sallee and Hiiydrj Rudolph nnd Tra
K. II. E.
Boston 0 3 2
Detroit 3 0 0
Gregg and Thomas; Dausa and Sta
age. All othors. postponed on nccount of
Eighty Dead and 1000 Injured
-80 Dead and 200 Homes
Wrecked at Jackson
Little Rock, ArV, June 0 Nearly 100
persons were killed in a cyclone which
swept through enstorn and northern
Arkansas late yesterday nnd more than
liUO injured is confirmed todny by re
ports from stricken areas.
Tim property loss is estimnted at
more than 500,000.
About 1100 houses were destroyed. Th"
cyclone devastated an nrea nearly one
mile wide and 150 miles long, sweeping
the southwestern part of the state to
the northern part between Missouri nnd
Arknusns. Not a house was left 'itniul
ing in the storm's path. Fight were
killed and (10 injured in Jackson, Miss.,
nnd vicinity.
The dead:
Heber Springs, 21 dead and l!0 in
iured. .ludsouia. 4 'Jean, injuren.
Forest City, 1 (lead, 35 injured,
('abbot, 5 "dead, 24 injured.
Morrilltown, 2 dead, S injured.
F-iyetteville, 3 dead, 22 injured.
Little Rock, 1 dead, 45 injured.
Greenland, 3 dead, U injured.
Red Fork, 9 dead, 17 injured.
Fordyce, 5 dead, 20 injured.
Gerninntown. 1 dead, 10 injured.
Blackvilli-, 1 U.-nd, 10 injured.
Bnueon, 1 dead. 15 injured.
Ken sett, 2 den. 12 injured.
Meruphi". Tern.. June 6. Forty-nine
nersons were 'til cd in a tornado that
swept through Arkansas and Mississippi
Inst night, according to dispatches here
todav. Thousand of dollars property
....... .in,,,, ,.,! r,l (,f MPT -
sns were in iured.
Rescue parties snt to interior points
have been unablj to report because of
. , . ,; ,
wires being down, nnd indications to -
day are that the list will bo increased.
Twentv-five nersons arc dead at Jud-
sonville. White county, Arkansas; six
in Bedford, Ark.fihree in Hot Sptings;
eiiht near Ntitohe. Miss.: two near
Jackson. Miss., according to word re
ceived here.
A crew of five drowned when n boat
sank iu White river, near Augusta,
A I k.
Wynne Reports SO Dead.
Wynne. Ark., .Tore 0. Reports re
ceived here today from sections within
50 miles indicate more than HO persons
are dead, fully a thousand injured and
property valued nt 1,500,000 destroyed
by a tornado that swept part of Arkan
sas near here .traveling from the south
east toward the northeast.
Mississippi Town Hit.
Jackson, .Miss., ,'iune 0. Fight are
known dciid and TO injured, ninny se
riously as the result of n cyclone thnt
cut a '-snath from 50 to 100 yards wide
through Jackson early today. Xently
250 homes were dr.ninged.
Of the eight-known dead, two are
JUNE 6, 1916
n TV Tin IT TTh TP
That Is the Way Repuhlicans
Who Want Him to Accept
View It
Democrats Also Think It
Means the Justice Like
Barkis Is Willin'
Washington, Juno 0. Stay P.t home
politicians nnd congressmen today iu-j
xerpreieu me ori-u auuress oi ju-auce
Hughes before the graduating class of
the National Cathedral school yester
day to Buit their owu hopes and be
liefs. Some declared the justice showed
plainly that if the republican conven
tion nominated him on the first few
ballots and without any hurly burly
free for nil, he would accept. They
said his address, brief as it was, was
devoid of verbal pyrothenics, will serve
to hush Roosevelt rooters who have
been declaring no one knows where
Hughes stands, "even on the big is
sue of Americanism."
Others pointed out that Hughes
agreed to speak wt Hie exercises last
fall to plcnso his daughter, who is a
member of the graduating class, that
what he said would have been suid by
any other Americnn, especially at this
time. They argiu d that if Justice
Hughes had the remotest idea of ac
cepting a platter-delivered presiden
tial nomination, he purposely overlook
ed an opportunity tc deliver a "spread
eagle" speech iu presenting the United
States flag to the graduate who stood
highest in her cIubs.
Frequently importuned during tho
day for a statement, Hughes' secre
tary, Lawrence Green, this afternoon
pointed out that tho justice hud agreed
to speak at the exercises Inst full and
that ho "was not spueaking for politi
cal purposed."
Senator Jones, republican of Wash
ington, although a strong Hughes sup
porter, said he didn't believe the
speech hud any political significance.
"It was just the speech of any pa
triotic American- would have made on
such an occasion, It won't affect the
outcome nt ull. Justice Hughes will be
nominated at Chisago."
Democratic congressmen, while rcfus-
ing to comment ptwi.ciy today on the
speech of Justice Hughes,
claimed to resent the action. One mem
ber of the lower house snid the lenst
that could be said of it was that the in
cident set a precedent for supreme court
Democrats generally condemned the
justice for making the speech "at this
time." These declared t but , however,
the speech was nieiint it could not help
but seem to mini V rrrsous to be "ns out
nnd out a declaration of candidacy ns
Sawing Out the Planks to
Construct the Platform
1 ClnciiKO. June 0. Japan's demands
on China, declared to endanior the
,,01 joor Btlli American prestige
... . . .
in the Orient mny be given again in a
, '
I pianK in tne republican piauorm.
Senators Lodge and Itorali
who will
dominate the resolutions committee will
'draft a declaration denouncing tho dem
ocrntic party for allowing Americnn
prestige in China to wane without pro
test and for alleged encouragement to
Jnpnn in suspected ambitions to domi -
nate the east by n proposal to weaken
Americnn bower over the Philinnines.
It was learned today that u strong ef
fort will fie made to have such a plank
included in the final declaration (if
! principles.
When ihe platform committee is for
mally named, it Is regarded as certain
there will be fights on plunks dealing
with woman suffrage, universal mili
tary training, and with the democratic
handling of foreign uffuirs as a phnse
of Americanism.
Both ; Borah aiul Lodge favor uni
versal service. But they tire prepared
to compromise on "un opportunity for
universay service." It is exnected the
fiirht over the suffrage plank wil. re
sult iu a declaration, promising support
to the movement, but outlining no
definite plan for ultimate acquirement
of the vote by women.
in i
Marathon, Texas, June 0.
Ten American soldiers were kill
ed and nine wounded in n bntt
tie with Mexican raiders near
Glenn bprings iu the Big Bend
of Texas, according to n courier
reaching Marathon late today.
Officers in charge of the local
baso are trying to get in touch
with Glenn Springs.
CzarPlans lo Hit Austrians
With Great Force Along
200 Mile Front
London, June 6. The great drivo of
the czar against the Austrian lines
along the 200 mile front from Pruth to
Kolki is believed under way. The czar's
plan is designed, it is believed, to hit
the Austrian froces with equal vigor all
along the line.
The attack has been in preliminary
preparntion nil through tho winter
months in the gathering of great quan
tities of munitions and in actual prepar
ation in the last several days by gen
eral artillery activities. These are an
nounced by the Russians and admitted
by tho Austrians.
In the several heavy infantry rashes
already made in the Tarnopol region,
the Russians have taken many prisoners
and some Austrian supplies.
Italians Admltt Losses.
Borne, June 6, The loss of territory
nronnd Cegnio in the violent Austrian
offensive of, Juno 3 is admitted by" the
Italian war office in nn official state
ment. At all other points along the
line the attacks were repulsed.
(The Austrian official statement
Juno 3 claimed the large territorial
gains in Cegnio claimed capture of more
than 5,000 prisoners.)
No Charge on Verdun Pront.
rnris, June fl. German artillery is
bombarding Fort Ynux with unprece
dented violence, according to the of
ficial French communique today.
Tho shelling was undertaken Inst
night following the 'failure of two vio
lent Gormnn infantry attacks along
the Vaux-Dnmloup line.
The positions liong the line are un
changed. The Gerninn infantry attnks
were broken up by machine gun nnd
rifle fire.
Portland, Ore., June (i. Willie
Ritchie, .nncr I'ghlweight rhampion
will box six round'i with Knlph Gin
man, of Portland, here tonight. Ritchie
declared today that his weight was
about MO pounds. Gruninn weighed 13(1
pounds last night
Th Ritehie-Gnmnn bout is the big-
gest affair staged in Portland for sev
eral -.oirs.
a supreme court jerticte could make,"
Scvernl members said that us soon ns
the two big conventions are over, they
will consult with democratic, lenders re
garding introduction of a bill which
would prohibit by law any supreme
court justice ever becoming a presideu-
tial cundidute.
"he democrats will be flayed for
I competence" for filling "depleted
treasury by u war tux in time ot
peace" ami for breaking Baltinpirc
pledges as to one term for president,
free sugar, and Panama canal tolls.
"Watchful waiting" in Mexico will
be assailed unreservedly und protection
under a republican administration will
j be promised to Americans in Mexico or
any other part of the world.
I he plattorm Will further declare
i favor of making the American navy the
. second in mo world, tnus approving uie
I recommendations of the naval board.
Jimcriciin nnH'i 1 1 y Bim im- m n . -m j
of the treasury will be declared to have
been saved only because the Kuropean
war arrested the effects of the Under
wood tariff.
Full protection to American industry
and labor will be promised.
The trust declaration will be the
nil me ss that of li 1 2.
Tho trust declaration will be the
same ns that of Y.iVi.
The democratic, proposal to build a
government armor plate plant will be
denounced ns unfair to American busi-
The I.aFollette seamen's bill and the
proposal for a government ship line will
be denounced and the upbuilding of the
merchant marine by a subsidy will be
Radical Progressives .Agree
On Program and Defy fee
Will Split Party If It Comes to
That, For It Is "Roose
velt or Nothing"
By HL. Rennick
(I'nited Press staff correspondent)
Chicago, Juno (I. George W. Per
kins, in a statement to progressive del
egates today issued a flat ultimatum
tli m it is Roosevelt or no one lor the
presidential nomination, so far as the
progressives are concerned.
"We have no second choice."
"Go to it," Perkin's statement con
cluded. Coming on the heels of the meeting
of the progressive insurgents, called
iy the Mississippi delegation bust
night, the statement of Perkins areated
a distinct stir,
Perkin's statement fallows:
"Let me remind you that wo are not
here for the avowed purpose of beiu
against somebitdy. We are hero lor
somebody and that somebody is Theo
dore Roosevelt. ,
"I urge you to bear in mind in all
your conversations, with whomsoever
you tulk while iu ( hicugo. The pu
cess of tearing down men and things
in this country and in the world should
stop. It is time to be for somebody,
for some thing and to build up. We
have not got it iu for anybody or any
thing. We are out lor a mntchless man
and un incompaiable enin'o.
Have No Snoinil Choice
"You know that no one cIbb has
such u man nnd that he is tho cause.
Therefore, wo have no second choice.
"Go to it."
Perkins was asked if he means ho
had no second choice "now or from
now on.
"Now, or any lime," was the re
Added significance was seen in tne
statement, coiuu-g ns it did after the
progression and detiinind to .oiwader
the address made by .justice Charles
E. Hughes yesterday as no announce
ment at all.
"I am amazed nt tho construction
placed upon Hughes' address to school
girls," nu'hl Perkins. "It is, of course,
an attempt to place linn in a perfectiy
insincere position.''
Perkins agreed with Oscar Strauss,
former ambassador to Turkey that the
the nddrcM was merely a talk that any
one would miIKe in presenting oii
mill diil not partake iu tho least of u
platform. The Hughes' swech was
generally branded us "too much like,
Wilso I."
Eagle Spread Hlnisolf
Floods of spread eagle Roosevelt
oratory will be turned looso tfain af
ternoon in the Florentine room of the
auditorium hended by leaders of the
belligerent factions.
This meeting, expected to lie led by
Governor llirnni Johnson of California,
vull be attended by all delegate who
are standing pat on no compromise
with the republicans.
"It is going to be hind to control
our convention,'' said Victor Mur
doch of Kansas, chairman of the pro
gressive national committee admitted,
"it is iust U question of how long wo
enti kei'b the bunch from nominating
h'oosevelt. regardless of what the re
publicans inn,, do. I am not a republi
can and do not intend to bo. 1 think
that is the sentiment ot most or our
Murdock said all he could f'gure
(Continued on Psge Hit.)
Oregon: Fair
tonight, warmer
southwest l)or"
tiou; light frewt
northeast por
tion; Wednesday
fair nnd warm
er; winds mostly