FTP, FT!' THE DAILY CAPITAL .TOT RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 191f Auction SSL6 o Or HIGH CLASS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT 755 NORTH TWEN- TY -FIRST STREET, CORNER CENTER STREET (TAKE CHEMEK- ETA STREET CAR). ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1910. COMMENCING. AT 1:30 THE FOLLOWING: P. M. 1 Fumed Oak Library Table. 2 Fumed Oak Rockers, Spanish Leather Seats and Backs. 1 Velor Lounge. 1 Axmlnster Rug, 9x12. lFumed Oak Round Dining Table. 6 Fumed Oak Diners to match. 1 Fumed Oak Buffet to match. 1 Ingrain Rug, 9x9. 1 White Enamel Drc3ser. 1 White Enamel Bed, Springs and Mattress. 1 Ingrain Rug, 9x12. TERMS CASH. ALL THE ABOVE FURNISHINGS IS AS GOOD AS NEW AND OF THE BEST QUALITY. ANYONE REQUIRING FURNITURE SHOULD ATTEND THIS SALE AS EVERYTHING WILL BE SOLD POSITIVELY WITHOUT RESERVE. PETER GRANT, ' F. N. WOODRY, Owner. Auctioneer. Phone 511. 1 Venum Marting Bed Spring and Mattress. 1 S. 0. Dresser. 1 Kitchen Linoleum. 1 Home Queen, 6-hole. Range, with Water Front, 18 in. Oven. 2 Kitchen Chairs. 1 Breakfast Table. 1 Oood Bicycle. Wash Tub, Boiler, Fruit Jarfl. Dishes, Kitchen Utensils, Cur tains and Poles, Electric Light Globes. COLLEGEJJBERAL ARTS Outline of Programs Begin ning Tomorrow, Ending Wednesday Night FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY Marion County Calls Attention to Present Dis grace to the Landscape, But Does It Nicely June 3, 1910. Southern Pari fie Company, Portland, Oregon. Attention of Mr. I). W. Campbell.. Assistant Oeiiornl Manager, t'lentleinen: , . It ban been tlin ennsensea of opinion in Knlem for several years now, that your company should have a passenger station building in this eity, appropri ate for the Capital City of the great stale of Oregou. We, the undersigned, believe that you realise that the present building 'fohV short of tlmt requirement many yearn ago, ami is extremely inadequate and unsuitable at thi stime. We also believe that you would have provided Salem with a proper building before this, if it were not for the de pressed financial condition of recent years and the heavy demands upon your treasury for funds for the neoessary im provements in roadbeds, trneks, etc., that you hnvo made. We will be glad to do anything with in nnr wer to co-operate with you in this mutter, nnd trust that we may hnvo a favorable reply wioa. Youre very truly, Salem Commercial, Kxeeutime (oui. (.Signed) W. M. Hamilton, president Jos If. Albert, vice presitont; l. W. I yre, secretary; Wm. . Walton, treasurer. a v.,,,i..au whs niiiHiiuted by Judge llushev in the probate court to ,',y lidininirtliuitor of the estate of Illdridge Wanless, who died May 1 t Drain in Douglas county while on his way to Salem. The estate consists of personal proerty valued at about K'.UW ami $10110 worth of real property y iimtwr1"''- 'l,L' Great Clubbing Offers by the Daily Capital Journal WE Have made arrangements bv which anv sub scriber of the CAPITAL JOURNAL, delivered by carrier in Salem, who will' pay for the paper six months in advance, at the regular rate, $2.50. will receive without extra charge, the following publica tions for one year: CLimMNCJ LIST NO. 1 The Northwest Farmstead, regular price, J? 1 .00 I Joys' Magazine, regular price $1.00 Tcdav's Magazine, regular price $ .HO The college of liberal arts commence ment begins tomorrow morning with trie baccalaureate sermou it t'ae First M. K. church by Dr. Douey. The senior class anil faculty will i'ppwir at church in caps find gowns, fiiieiiing from F.aton hull to the church. In the afternoon Prof, .lames T. Mat. thews will deliver the address at the farewell meeting of the YW. and V. -M. C. A. societies. In the evening Dr. J. O. Il.ill will preac h the anniversary sermon to the joint associations. .Monday. Juno ", the senior class will begin the day by eatins? their breakfast out in the country at the home of .Miss .Mabel St. Pierre, tiie entire class will leave town in aulnn ut (i:'IO a. in. 10 be (resent in time for breakfast. Tee crowd v-ill return mid the senior men will complete the arrangements for the presentation of th" senior gift on the lillcwiig day. In the even'ng the c ass will attend a reception at the hi :,ic. in' Prist, pmt and Mrs Carl (liegg I'oucy. At this till'-'1 all frit -ids, stu deals, alumni, faculty and trustees will be guests of the seniors. Tuesday, Juno (i, will be started off at 10:00 .i clock bv the board of trus tees holding their annual meeting. At 12:;il there will be a student lunch eon on the campus; 2:00 o'clock is the tinii; set lor the presentation cere monies of the senior gilt, to the Uni versity. Following a long established custom set by former senior classes, this year's class is presenting the uni versity with a gift at their farewell parting. The class elected David L. Ciok .is chairman of a eonunitteo to de cide upon a suitable gilt, nnd after mii' h consideration he decided upon n suuilial to which the class ii-greed. Si.i e then lie has been putting in a great deal of time securing materials aid supervising the work of installing it. The dial will be carved on tho top polished mirfnce of a beautiful granite rock and will be placed in an oval lurking that has been made in the sidewalk in front of Katoii ball. It well be four feet in height, and the on ly requisite for the innint.viiiiug of ac curate time in this timepiece- is sun shine. In the evening the senior class pa geant. "The Duvh of Jason I.ee" will 1n enacted in the natural amphitheater east of the gymnasium. This vafieant will be n pictnrizatjon of the days of tiie e.irly settlers, 1'roi. MncMnrtay, who is directing it, is putting every effort forth to make it a success. Wednesday, June 7, is commencement day proper, at W:II0 a. m. the senior class and faculty will begin their march from Futon hull to the First .M. I'., church where Rev. Luther I!. Dyott, 1). D., will deliver the commencement oration. Following this the conferring of degrees will take place. Those who will receive degrees tit this time are: Misses neneviev Avisou, Frances (Jit tins, .Nellie (lleiser, F.va llogue, Beryl Holt, V.ilcda lloxie, F.ilith I.ornsten, Kliuo Oiiling, Florence Page Stevens, Ada Itoss, l.auru Hons, Mabel St. Pierre Helen Wastell. Messrs. Herbert Illateh foul, .1. K. Pain, David Cook, John . liarv, Joe Cerhiirt, Walter (lleiser. Hay Grant, Arnold Hall, Franklin Jas per, liowiiil I . .lewett, .Miner .uci,n chiist, Fred McM.illia, Lester Shcely, William Hiilgewiy, Iloyd Siiisler, Paul Smith, Thomas Values and Arlie Walk er. In the afternoon at -::'0 Ihe alumni association will Imld a business meet ing and at :'M) a banquet at the Ho tel Marion will be given by the alumni association to old and new members. i f X& - i . i-: jx 1 GRANT CORBY Commenced Last Sunday Clos ing Friday with Appropri ' ate Ceremonies Bank Bldg., Salem, Ore. The events connected with the com mencement of Kimball college of the ology occurred this past week, begin ning with the baccalaureate sermon in tho First Methodist church, Sunday by President 11. J. Talbott and closing with the alumni banquet list evening. On Wednesday evening President Mrs. Talbott gave n reception at theii home at Kimball college in honor of the graduating class. Their rooms were full to overflowing with a largo num ber of appreciative guests. The rooms were tastefully ind appropriately dec orated for the occasion, the college li brary being decorated in junk, the hall in yellow, the parlor and dining room in the Kimball colors, purple and ! white. Thomas Acheson received the 'guests while .1. .S. Van Winkle an-j-, nuneed the mimes to the receiving line i Those in the line were President ami Mrs. Talbott, President Carl (!. Doney, of Willamette Pniversity, and Mrs. Doney, Dr. And Mrs. E. Sherwood, Dr. E. S. Hammond, Messrs. William Nichol and Dow Dcl.ong, members of the grad uating class, and Mrs. William Nichol and Mis. Dow Del.ong. Jicfreshnients were served in the din ing room, with Mrs. J. I), ('ultra and Mrs. If. S. Wallace presiding at the tables. Punch was served in the li brary, where. M isses Host ford and Mac lean presided at the punch bowl. Oth ers who assisted the hostess in serv ing and entertaining the guests were Professor and Mrs. U. Fbsen, Mrs. R. S. Wallace, Mrs. W. K. Kirk. Mix. O. 201-205 U. 8. To the People of Marion County: The principal function of the District Attorney's office is the preparation and trial of criminal cases. I am opposed to the painless method of prosecution of criminals and law breakers, (.(rafters, parasites and confidence crooks thrive on the fumes of fulsome aad pretentious prosecu tions; good citizens are often black mailed and libeled by the sporadic ef forts of the advertising crank who be gins his ease in the newspapers, and ends it in the wnste basket. Nothing is more destructive of orderly society than a pretentious spasm of law en forcement ' in which everyone is ceu sured and no one convicted. I have practiced law in this County ... rom.-u ..i u.nrui iui Allien, .Mrs. M. C. Findlev, 1SS years; have given my attention strict- julli(1 To.i.i. Mr. . Matthews. Mrs. ly to the practice of law. I feel 1 am qualifiad. If I am entrusted with the affairs of the office I will represent no interests but tho public interest, aud will enforce the law. Respectfully, OKANT COBBY. girls, shop girls, business men and fra ternal and military societies participat ed. All marchers except the 7,300 mem bers of military organizations carried American flags and the entire city was a muss of red, white and blue. One hundred and ninety bands were in line. With the- exceptiou of 2,000 cadets from tke University of Illinois, all of the marchers were Chicagoaas. Secretary of tho Interior Franklin K. Lane was here as aa unofficial rep resentative of the president. csi:?)!:::; CITY NEWS (Continued from page 10) . I I The heirs are five brothers, V. A. Wnn I less, of Saleiuj A. K. Wanless, of Van liouv'er. Wash,; O. li. Wanless, of Mia liiosota; A. IS. Wanless, of lturr Oak, ! Iowa, and I'. A. Wanless of ('rosco, ! Iowa. The appraisers are William Flcin ing, lieiiueth D.iv-ie and II. !S. Had-'cliff. J. O. Hall, lira. L. P Steele and the Misses Avison, llarrett, Maclean, Pots fonl, Holt, Wasltefl, Findley, Spoor, and Messrs, Bailey and Green On Thursday at 4 p. ni. occurred the anuual college conimirriion Service, which is an occasion of great inspira tion .ind spiritual protit to all connect ed with the- school. On Friday at 2:30 p, m. in the as sembly hall of the college were held the graduating exercises. The exercis es were witnessed by a large and appre ciative audience. Those having parts ou the program together with the members of the t'acultv and me grad uating clasa, gowned In Academic cos tume, maiciied into the rooms to the mutie of the processional played by Dr. Praali W. Chace, of the Willamette University s hool of music. A feature of the occasion was the singing of the Divinity livimi by Miss Harton. Tiie diploma of the college was given to Messm. William Nichol and Dow Del.ong who graduated in the Knglish philosophical course, while while Messrs. Thomas D.ivid Yarnes and Franklin Merrill Jasper received the degree of bachelor of divinity. The annual banquet was held lit 7 olV.oi-k last evening at the Dilly house. The tables were tastefully dec orated with ilowers in the Kimball colors, an individual bouquet veai's. This menus that a books may be taken out and tiken away, but if; it hupens to be o ie of toe papular ', ones, the patron will be as-ed to re-j turn it l.y man. I aereiore, tne norar.v. f WIS lt en(lll ,..,, ,,ttc0 wants the u.Wrcss of those going away ,inJ liiiitf(, wi(ll )fln3l(B wer0 y ... .. . ; provided through the kin.lness ot Mrs. Hooks wmt taeiu. i.tiis pnvi ege is u ,)b(tt nn(, Mr8. K Sherwood, not allowed for Ihe most popular lie-. wfI miJ fnr 2S persons, to tlOU. ! ...I.,,,,, .....a n ulilomli.l si V POlirse menu. liev. D. 1). Field 'acted as toastiuaster, and the following persons responded to toasts Mrs. Halliday Haight, vocal teacher, j exponent of the "liel Canto" Italian I method of singing, voice production, tone placement, deep breathing a speci-1 alty. Voice tested free. Wednesday and Fridays, 11 to 4. Mrs. Haight has studied vocal culture with Mine. Mar- chese, Paris; Mandcgce London; Geo.i Sweet and Oscar Saenge.',Xew York,, and hns"bccii a successful teacher fori several years. A number of Mrs. I llaight's pupils are occupying prom-; inent positions in the musicnl profes- ! siiui. Studio, Opera House building. ! limiin 4. (1. 0. Oliver. "Our New Alumni;' Wm. Nichol, "(hit- Ideals;" T. 1. Y u rues. "The Student Pastor;" MrH, .1. M. dnswr. "The Student Pistor's Wile:" Dow Dcl.onif, "Our Kimball i'.iotherliooil; " -I. M. Hensoii, " Look iiiL' liacliward and Forward;" T. M, .lasper, "Kimball College and her Afcuuui;" Dr. II- .1. Talbott gave the -.losing address. Mrs. T. M. Jasper reiulered a solo duiiuir the program, At New and Second Hand Furniture At Special Low Prices all next Week. We are over loaded with goods of all kind and must move a part of it at once. We list a few items below from our wonderful stock of bargains: One $12.50 complete Kitchen Cabinet, nearly new, used price .- $6.50 Several $5 and-$6 Kitchen Treasures . .$1.50 to $2.00 Several Kitchen Tables, used price ... .75c and $1.00 Several Drop-leaf Tables, used price $1.50 One $28.50 Sideboard, good as new, used price $9.50 One $35.00 guaranteed full quartered oak Buffet, used price $16.50 One $28 Early English solid oak Buffet, used price $9.00 One $25 Early English 6-ft. 45-in. solid oak Table, used price $9.00 One $12.50 round 6-ft. Royal Oak extension Table, used price : $6.50 Six $2.50 Diners can't be.told from new, used price $6.00 Dozens of $1.50 Diners, used price 50c each Rockers, used price .-. 75c up One $17.50 full quartered oak iLbrary Table, used price $10.00 With magazine pockets, can't be told from new. One $9.50 glass front Kitchen Cupboard, good as new, used price '. . . $5.00 One $30 9x12 Axminister Rug, used price $12.50 Rugs of all sizes and kinds, used price 50c up Iron Beds, used price $1.00 up Used Linoleum, used price .25c to 40c Springs, used price 50c up One $85 Monarch Malleable Range, polished to, used price $45i00 Can hardly be told from new. One $85 Monarch Malleable Range, polished t;op, used price $35.00 Good Steel Rangesused price $10.00 up Good Cook Stoves, used price $3.00 up We carry everything in tents, awnings, wagon covers, camp supplies, garden tools and wood cut ting tools, and general supplies. ... It will pay you to figure with us. E. L. STIFF & SON THE BUSY STORE We guarantee to save you money. We usually get the business if you figure with us. FRENCH FRONT IS AN II World's Most Dreadful Battle Reaches Climax of Dread ful Slaughter Newport citizens wish to thank the people of the northwest for the interest shown in the efforts ' id' Newport in their efforts to secure a governmental survey of Yncminn bar and harbor. An nouncement has been made that the board of engineers for rivers and har bors, sittintt in Washington has (.'ralli ed the reiiuest for the survey and Hie New port 'folks fed that this was i made nossible tlnoiiiiii the united forts of t'liends in the Willamette val ley, us wi ll :is the entiie noithwcst. The eo'mmittee at Newport wtiies ci.nve inir Steam i, ,!,.,,,!,. ,,.l ,,r,,.,. that I'lewu j Yaiiiina bay will from now on beyin - ;n"' I to tahc a place in the world 's nmcree to w hich it s friends aspire. close all collcae joined in siiiK'uij,' thp Kim snni. Mrs .it v. f. roi a Stavtoii Household Magazine, regular price Tolal of regular price $'2.75 UKMEMnEIi these cost you nothing if von pav six months in advance for the DAilY CAPITAL JOUUNAIj by carrier ia Salem. Or you may have the following combination on the same lines if you prefer it: CLimiJINU LIST NO. 2 Today's Magazine, one year, and MeCall Magazine, one year, with two McCall pat terns of your own selection, free. Today's. Magazine is a splendid publication bigger and hotter than ever before. McCalt's Magazine is loo well-known to need further introduction it is growing bigger and better all the time. M AIL SUnSCRlP.LRS to the CAPITAL JOURNAL may secure either of these clubbing bargains by paying tne year's subscription at the regular rate of $3.00 per year. Call at the business ollice, or address. CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON Irs. K. A. uc in the -ity. lieorjje A. Sa ";e of the i-itv vest Miss A. M.-('ullo,h I week ead in nl'trland. Miys N. I '. Sli.jolv er o iii the rit yesterdav. Miss Ai'i.i-iola Mm i In spi'i.t Sat in. try It.-i-t f. bv tne m in the of Au- Paris, June X Vort Vaux aad the lines on each side to Fort Douuuniunt west, nnd Dnmloup. east, is now an in ferno o'f nrtilleiv fire, with nlternat- ti... i: i.. BULL CITY AUTO STAGE Daily Between Salem, Stayton, Mill City nnd all Points. Leaves Mill City 6:15 a Stayton 7:45, Salem, 0:15. Return, leaves Salem 4:30 p, Stayton 5:45; Mill City 7:20. way m.; Phone 13 Newport was in peudiiij; thej I ilvt'rtou was inc. Kenneth U.ivae and II. S. Had- show u m the ct I oris ot ewpnu n DCDSJIlW Al I nonnccment has been made that uie fc ROBBER CRACKS SAFE : AT LAUNDRY OFFICE 3 Tiie -:uV of the t ai ilal 'ii B ' l..-:ii!;ili y iit lii'i lirnadnay was 3 open :i 1 1- 1 1 1 o'llorl. this miirnin 8y:- or Sou in casa ami aimui tne same I..I..H.H .-t k w, 'iv lakoM l,v the & ,,,1,1,', e.lu, a,:l,, 1,U ,,: will,,,,,! . ... ... . , ..... -f'M S:lt,i,.t;ry II, I-alen, H ,. , you neen i',iii -si.i oi vuu u.iu u mv . i.- . , ia t'.iitlaiuti 2,!,.ain,: tiiiylra,'.. Ine wit.' cra.-ler j y , , , ,i!)!, m:1..,- !lt iv,, .'not'i.ri...' 'rniif. I I U" ,"",;'h '"" ''"'linn.v ... !,-s,l,a i:li.l-: I. eve C xi'..'.'..r' ;,--.,.li,v from Kallas. f "Tlio lol.'-er drilled Tar holes .ui"-"" ' ' 's v"". '" '-.y :.-:. -1 '"'r ilwl, , o,, t -AnvbcrR was in B , " ' , ' I . iu iis,.,m-,-. m it mo oi hook allei - .. , , to io.i-incss B ,he l.olton, t tl," -aio an-l I -'no I I,,,',,,,, v , si , ., . ,- v.. av. ;' . ! ""' 1' X 's.call-. ,:y . ,.. ,-. i-.m-s t i re ""A' r.,K(. ,.(lU,.n is ia W I- l; , ' '-v "' ;"T ief f s,:,, li"o a-,,1 Imriiin,. '-: ;, . i j, . .. - Lo,- - ,r,:,; .roioriir; 9 i:o ,l,e ,,a,U ,.M,;ia.l ! ,l,...r mi ,, if , ,,, ,,,,,,0, ou v,,,., " ' ,;.',;;;; . ' 9 , ,-l,a,p. ..-1 oil. in,; .1 m,n(, 1 1 1 :t . I : i -.es. All of ' ,7 V I V loa l,.,t tl.i ..irni..:; U down I.M lett mi t ie I , Mr .,., v ,,,, :l, . ' -III in . Iii.-nw will. I o , was , o 1 o e i", no ii,,,,,i n.Ki . . . ... , " , 1 , , , , , Mention. Ii -alter manm; ia : , , , - s on v to so,..,' t he i-asa box ami n.ai." a , . . . i ,.:ii n 11 ' " ' ... , , . i ii -, ,, i-i "ni von ,lo not i:,'o-l l.i-"' I uim , Wi'io are in ,a- v ex, win, h ic eiideiitlv did. .. ,,,, , ,, ,,.,., .... ' , , , M , Irankly tell yon. I u,i 1 1 antce -.ins .n (,,,.,j',f ., ; , ,,.n-; ilie ni.m-al i.'aiinin; ion in eii'iy re-.,.-i. I do i'"t "-' ,i( , , .,':i'.?ii I 200,000 MARCH IN 1 ntunAnn mmnv - - T- m mc infantry attacks. The tlerinaus the main are the aggressors in one of their greatest efforts to take Fort Vaux, the "key to Verdun." according to the Frencli official statement. The 10:1 "days of the fiohtinj; in Ihe world's Kreatest battle reached its climax of violence in the infantry at tacks on the north slopes of the hill on which Fort Vans, stands. Column after column of (Icrman troops rolled up the hillside only to melt aiay in the l,i,t fin" of French machine yuns. The at tacking Germans, according )() tho state ment, were coi.-tantly lvinl'orci'd by fresh soldiers from the iar. O'l the west hank of the Meusc. along 'Dead Man's Mil to Cuniieii's, heavy ar i tillerv uctiuiis were renotled will, but l,.lw few infnutry attacks and piacirally no cliange hi positions. Germfns AttarU Fierce. Varis. .Tune The Germans made several of the most violent attacks of :the entire baft!.' of Verdun on Fort Vaux daring last night nnd early to day, but each time were driven bai-k with heavy losses, the rreiieli romni'in iqne stated tmlav. The 1,,-tiint i con tinuing iii'li the oreafi't fury all along I Ihe line froin Fort Iliiiiaiinioat to a point souHi of A'anx. The Heremns bombarded Hill I Beiijarniri Brick, director of th pub licity, tourist and convention depart ment of the Commercial club, which is in cliargo of the Cherry fair, haa sent an invit.itious to the ( 'iie'rrians, through their secretary, A. H. Wilson, inviting; them to lead all parade for both days. This lets the Cherriaas in on the baby parade on the morning of Moiiibr,' .lulv 3 and also taking part in the crow ning of the queen nnd king on that day. They will lend the f.irmcrs' aud merchants' parade on the al'iernoon of .Monday and the great civic and mili tary parade on the morning of the Fourth. According to the prescm plans of Mr. llrick. the hcrrians will lie very mui'h in evidence from the crowning o the queen the morning of the first, day of the fair to the last farewells at the fair grounds igi the night of the Fourth. (Continued from piigo one.; that anybody the republicans nomi nated could w in in November-- has been altered considerably in the thresh-in"-out of opinions by "men from all over the country now assembling here. Tho old guard has been three years on the side lines now; some time within the next tour w-i'.rs the Kuropi'an war will No a nd then will , business opp ,!! guard v ants s II, oM'velt ; mi i.' of his a ui i-or. y, and iHuiei? the Free,"! ivcat said, all times f man bombardment. "Two violent (I, of Fille Mortc fail. ilcl a I-i!-,-n.ain po--"The F, idii'd igo Ire tion. ,-le-h o'l-l- ;l"h a, " the l.ut'e to tl Mill , slat I, Ha "I I beille T-nan attae';s il." I hi . ago, June :l. - More than L'ilO.i till paradi'is swung throu;;h the Chieago loop toditx- in a gloat demonst rat ion for pi eparedui'ss. iMspali-hed with mili tary regularity, the Hinders passed t'ae reviewers Mtand at the rate of slightly nun,, than LM.'UHi an hour. In tho first hour n,i,l a half, by of filial count. III. full had passed the stand. The parade is to continue until i to tuniuht. 1'i'terinined to surpass the rei cut New York parade, in which loiMloO oi 'o.w marched, ( li'.ea ;u vl. m'i II t ,op for ihe ileauiustratioti. l-'actoiy The Nohnvka held Thur,lay , gioun.is. :,ci iMiminiltce lluit met Cot ice and fruit jut, and the committee s, annual picnic will be lane I i at the fair ii; to the action of the lew days ago. will oe m'iv,' 1 vtn that every tollowiiig ted- Uefivsh- in oi i ill, eli-i.i man ; l':o. Heeler, Mis. New, never and r. ciiH'iit icmmittee l'ettvcreiv"cl, air- nip, apl oi meuibei' l,r, comiuittees were inent', Mis, W'il Wiiliam Son-ill. 1,'icl.i-v. Mrs. .1. Ilingrev. The arrin is eomi'oied of .1, F. man; il. V. tides and .1. A. Stitcr. Fiank White is the chairman of the nuiimit tee on siNirti. The receoiion ro'in!,,'1 irc T. I' i ,'!, s, v, ,-!-.. r i man : Ii v'-. t.i'cs. II. Schott, Miss Snter, . 'ss l.el'.i c ae.l C. i. Smith left: MUitl.c, n California to, -toioing o,f a few days; ktoti. M,s Nyipiist left this mennng to s' end the suuimcr vacation visiting- at St. I mil, Minn., and her foimer hoinr, Mankalo. M Min. Will, an, I '.alia id and wife of F.I no li., lo. Kansas, will arrive in the city iiithiu a few davs to visit at the home of Fred UiVnr.l'. Johnson and Miss b'nlh Schott. The entertaining of the memners and visit Ms will be taken care of i ,y n commit tee composed of Mr. . Johnson. , In, in ii.in; . .r. J. K. I'eltycrew, K. K. King, i. F. U. Iais .ind Mr. Ileviur French Beaten Rack. Berlin. Jut.e K"P"at-',l l'r, tcni)ils to storm trenche soi,tliM.-t 'anx failed, the atta, king forces : 'ering heavy looses, the Herlin ofli statement said this afternoon. On the ridges .o.ti of Zilleb.-k,-. tne Fngli.-di positions In yutid. ",."0 pvis oi era were taken, the s.it"ment sa!d. 'Southwest i,t' Caillt'ttti wood, a French attack vas repulsed," said the stiilement. "Southeast of Vaux fight- :rg favoratile to our it oops is proeor-,1 I lie tie nn an hat to omo Ann ilea s lug- rt'.iuity therefore, to win. It frankly triists . Hughes be aniyntii u iccoi-d in likes Hoot, but i-n 't sure he via ia the vest; nnd with more. i favor regards Fairbanks, Weeks, ii and the ot her f -n orit e sous. A;e Poiito But N'jE Vicious. The adage about politics and straniMi llov s was never more st rikinirlv il- b'stratcd than the snpcr-,i'acef ulnes.-i of the greeting, the Chcdeifit Idian eor-rectm-ss of manners in sintements and the entire good f,-ll,,vsl,i. now imbu ing such individiinis :.s four years ago. at this time, were growling 'with ','urv at each others threats vollin.r n,'..,i- ,j' robber and other ei,ithets. Penrose, of" , l'eiinsylvania, whom Koosevelt Ihreut- ened during the campaign of (M2, is us near smilingly ingratiating us he can be; nobody has yet 1,,-nid a harsh word from George V. l'eikins; even "Jim" Wnlsoa. sub-fireman on the l!H2 model steam roller, isn't using the line of itui'i-tive that made him famous nn Vnux u,,ip f 'I'C I'l.ited States house of rep- !i at st of S,,f- ,l.ll ng. I tie lierman liattenes on Heights shelled Oainloiip with good f- rcsentatives. illii.m Harne-.. of NV feet during the day. 1 e the e..Hre of "-k: i the exception. 1' isn't ;.atV infantrv a, ;i,,n aroun 1 Vans the ':.r ""'ntion the name of T. I!. in t,.. j,r,,. mans t ook a-:n Freio-l, pris. rs a ad '''" e "f 1 1," New Yoi I; jead. -. It. -i 'e a'so i.ipt-.irrd seveial machine guns."!'' is ill with i.niige; ion.