Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 03, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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11 h 1
I Automobile N
Ford Owners
Equip your Ford with a set of AITCHANDEE SHOCK
ABSORBERS and enjoy the pleasure of as easy riding
as the high priced cars afford.
A complete set of H. & D. Shock Absorbers cost you
the small sum of $10 installed on your car, and are
guaranteed to give satisfaction in every way.
Call and see them at the
Great Western Garage
141 North Hifth St.
jmm , ,,,,, iBumii ai urn mi i m i nm iimiiiiiimiii m 111
We 1916
Harley Davidson Winners
"The Big "Silent Gray Fellow"
In the endurance contest from Portland to Rose
burg and return, and in the Decoration Day races at
Portland, the reliable old Harley Davidson won all
If a better Motorcycle could be made Harley
Davidson would make it.
Give us an opportunity to demonstrate the per
formance of the 1916 model.
1 f 1 T 1 ? 1- Jl 11
ii not a new iiariey-uaviason mis year lei us h
fix you up wtih a good second hand machine. We
will treat you right on the deal.
Scott & Piper
252 State Street.
Salem, Oregon
(Continued From I'ngo Ono.)
I'd of forty five vessels of nil classes.
In the British fleet there were only
4'leven cssels ul the start of the
J'ight. L.lter eight Ibilish warships of
the first line joined in toe battle,
members of the .vaesborg crew de
clared. The fact that Zeppelins par
ticipated iu the battle whs confirmed
liy tho N'aesborg crew. They reported
righting one Zeppelin.
With the arrival of ltiitih reinforce
ments, the liernian fleet retired south
waul. Heavy firing was heard far in
1o tho night,
Tho captain of the N.iesbnrg de
clared dial concussion from the firing
wiut so great that members of his ship's
Crew could not stand on deck, although
the Waesborg was several miles from
tho scene of action.
British Outnumbered at Start
Tho action opened, he said, with sev
rnl (lerman vessels in pursuit of small
r Knglish cr.U't. Withm n few min
utes, ltritish cruisers were sighted
leaded toward the Gerinans under full
team. The fleeing Hritisii craft then
turned, and under heavy fire, stenmed
into action against the enemy. The
warships were first sighted 120 miles
off llanstholin.
All accounts from Dutch sources
Bgrce, that the (lerman fleet wis pro
reeding an one unit when the first
Krilish ships were encountered. The
iennan fleet is estimated in different
reports to have consisted of from forty
to fifty vessels. The weather was
misty and tho sea smooiu. One Dutch
report fines the time of opening of the
tiuttle at 4:lo in the nficrnumi. All
reports apparently agree that the Brit
ish were outnumbered at the start nul
faced heavier vessels. Later, as dark
' aess approached, the British grand
J fleet appeared an, I the tienuaus began
. ! to ret i re.
Sapor Dreadnauslit Sunk
London. June ,'I.--The super-dread-naught,
llindenbiirg is reported to have
been sunk.
The lire.idnaught lliadenburg is tier
ninnvV. newest ilreadunnght. She wan
coinplcled since the opening of the war
and regardcif as the last word in (ler
man nnwi! construe lion.
The Ebling Scnttlcd
Ymuidcn, Holland, June 3. The (lev
man cruiser Killing was so badly dam
aged, in Ihe engagement with the Brit
ish tint she was scuttled by her com
mander, Captain Madluug, according
to reports brought here today.
English Spirit Undaunted.
(Tinted l'ress staff correspondent.
London, June 3. Hritish spirit is un
daunted and despite tho loss of such
ships im the Queen Mury and Invincible
i or wmcn all hngiumt was proud, to
! gether with a dozen other war craft, the
disaster of the North sea battle 1s view
; ed philosophically todny.
I Chief regret centers in the loss of
officers and men. The lost ships can be
replaced and at all events (Ireat Bri
tain's sea superiority is still two to one
lover the Hermans, Englishmen grimly
j declared.
j One of the chief reasons for the
i heavy losses is found in the fact point
led out by experts here that Herman
drendnnughts first line vessels of the
kaiser's navy were opposed by nothing
heavier than British cruiser until the
Tlic .Miixwi'll .Motor company closed
a contract lint week with the muni
cipal govei -anient u Kansas City tor
27 new motor cars. The order was
placed by William C. Weaver, purchas
ing agent for Kansas City, after he hail
made an investigation extending over
u field of cars of various makes. He
found the Maxwell best adapted to ihe
needs of the exacting municipal service,
because of its durability, its dependa
bility and its great economy in opera
tion. Another factor that entered into the
closing of the contract was the prompt
delivery guaranteed by the Maxwell
company. A promise- was made that
the cars would lie turned over in
three days and this promise was fill
filed to the letter.
Some Commercial Bodies.
In the consignment are 21 runabouts
and a touring car, the remainder being
chassis for special conimcrpiul bodies.
The growing popularity of the Max
well (diassis in the commercial field!
was another element that entered into j
the transaction. These chassis are de- 1
livered all ready for the tops to lie
fitted on. There is no extra wiring or j
adjusting to be dime. The tops may
be made according to the specifications
and requirements of the owner. Many
merchants are finding this a most con
venient method of purchasing cars for
delivery purposes.
Knows Maxwell Economy.
Last year, Kansas City used a num
ber of motorcars of a make other than
Maxwell in its municipal service. For
several months, Mr Weaver, the city's
purchasing agent, has been keeping n
(dose tub on gasoline consumption and
he knows a good deal, of what the
Maxcwll can accomplish along this
very important line. He wisely con
cluded that the use of Maxwell earn ,
for the city service would cut down
the municipal gasoline bill to sui ap
preciable degree.
Gldsmobile Production
Will Double Next Year
The production of Oldsmobilcs, al
ready well beyond the 10,000 mark per
annum, is to be raised to 20,000 cars
next year.
This decision was arrived ut by fact
ory officials, after a thorough analysis
of business conditions throughout the
United .States.
The Olds Motor Works has been a
quantity producer of automobiles com
paratively a short time. For the ma
jor portion of its career it manufact
ured only the most expensive curs, and
in limited numbers.
In 11)15, however, it began to pro
duce a light car, the success of which
was instantaneous. Mince then it has
developed two imprived models, a four
and an eight, with rapidly increased
The basis of recent Olds success is
held to be founded on the incorporation
in a light car of the features of lux
ury and refinement formerly identi
fied with the heavy Olds product.
In the opinion of heads of the concern
the appeal of this class of car is con
stantly increasing. To quote .lay V.
Hull, associate executive of the Olds,
"With millions of automobiles in use
it. is only natural that there should ex
ist a large class of buyers who are ex
tremely well versed in the detail of
motor ear construction and niceties of
finish and performance
"In the selecting of a car, it is no
longer the discriminating few, but the
discriminating ninny who judge,
"It is for this class of buyers that
the Oldsniobile has been especially de
signed Our product offers a smooth
ness and flexibility in action, and a re
finement in detail nnd appointment,
that is extremely gratifying to tthe mo
tor connoisseur.
"Olds production plans for next year
are gauged on the sound assumption
that care in the selection of a car will
increase rather than diminish as time
goes by. Our present data is to the of-
. feet that we shall move
20,000 cars
Without difficulty."
i Knglish dreadnaughts appeared.
British Fleet Outnumbered.
In response to wireless calls and hur-
ried signals from torpedo bonts and de
jslrovers seat back to bring up aid to
the assailed cruiser sipiadrou, tho great I
tirst line ships ol Britain swung tor
I ward to the scene of battle. When they
.appeared, however, the Hermans tied
land the British still maintain todav
that (leraiany has yet to feel the full!
: force of Knglish sea power,
j Kfficient Zeppelin scouting enabled I
I the (lernians at all times to locate ap- i
' pumching warships. Hovering above
j the (lerman high sea fleet as it pounded
the British cruisers and destroyers to
! pieces, the Zeppelins were able to give
i warning of the approach of the dread
', naughts hastening to the aid of the out-
numbered squadron. Then came w ith
;drawal. successful retreat to the Her
man naval base, and the super fighting
machines of (neat Britain could only
return to their home waters.
As a result of the assistance render
ed by the Zeppelins, a general belief is
being voiced today tint the navy be
equipped w ith scouting air forces. In
J some quarters the suggestoon is made
i that Wr John Fisher be returned to ac
tual control of the navy. .
Hollander Saw Battle.
Ymuidcn, Holland, June It. Captain
Hunt of the Dutch trawler John Brown,
who witnessed the big battle in the
j North sea, gave tho following descrip
tion of the engagement today:
"The Hermans had at least fit) ships
including dreadnaughts which I first
saw heading north liy north went when
the British approached from the north
least. They were greatly nut numbered,
j "The engagement started at 4:15,
,The smaller British forces pluckily en
deavored to cut in behind the Gerinans
t t t--"-t-M
Recent Performances of Touring Cars
Show a Minimized After-Cost
In All Respects
In South Africa- 111..'! miles
on two ounces less than a gallon
of pet l id.
In London. Knglnnd liii.ti
miles on a new mixture of oil
and petrol.
In Seattle, Washington 1.'!
miles on a gallon of gasoline.
In Detroit. Michigan 44
miles on a gallon of gasoline.
In Oakland. California 4.1. (i
miles on a gallon of gasoline.
Tho attention of the automobile
public has been drawn at various
times this spring to notable mileage
performances of Maxwell cars. In
view of the upward trend in the price
of gasoline, a great deal of importance
is attached to the after-cost of auto
mobiles and the officials of the Mux
well Motor Company take great pride
in the records tnnr nave neeu ui.iuc
by their product.
Above are listed some of the more
remarkable of I lie series of economy
marks registered by Maxwells. These
are taken from a greater list of econ
omy records. I'lisolicited testimonials
to the high mileage records made by
Maxwell cars are constantly coining to
the Maxwell offices at Detroit.
Oakland Run Largest.
The most encouraging feature of the
economy runs is that the highest
mileage" was obtained in the more re
cent tests. The California run was
made on Mav :!rd. On that, day, Hf.y
MeXamarn drove a stock Maxwell
touriiif; car from Oakland, California,
to San .lose. rue mileage oihiuih-.i
was 4-').t miles on a gallon of gasoline.
This run was observed by newspaper
men and bv officials of the Lincoln
Highway Association and the San Diego
This run was a little better than the
mark made by the same driver in
Michigan early in April, when he
drove a stock car and made an even 44
miles on a gallon. Oa that day, the
weather conditions were unfavorable,
the temperature being close to freez
ing and a strong head wind pt'veail
ing most of the distance,
in Toreign Fields.
Most of the economy teats abroad
have been staged in mountains coun
try nnd have proved the endurance as
well as the economv of Maxwell cars.
The South African test was made
nrmind Talde Mountain, which has two
fairly steep gradients,
to prevent their retreat to Heligoland.
"Suddenly n fast British cruiser was
detnehed aiid headed full speed west
ward, evidently for reinforcements.
"Meantime "the Hermans had altered
their course westward, but by 7 p. m.
the British squndroa had been re
inforced and the Hermans began to
withdraw. A running fight then con
tinued until 11 p. m.
"Dense smoke overhung the water.
Shells repeatedly flew over my trawler.
"I believe the attempt of the British
to cut off the German retreat was only
prevented by the timely flight of the
Details of the sinking of the Killing
were brought here by members of her
crew- who were rescued. Three officers
nnd 1.1 men were picked up by a trawler
and landed today.
85 of Shark's Crew Perished.
Hull, Juno 3. Kighty-five members
of the crew of the destroyer Shark are
believed to have perished when the ves
sel was sunk.
The Danish steamer Vider lias arrived
hero with seven survivors. They are
believed to be the only men of the
Shark's complement of 02 who were
saved. .
The survivors said the Shark was
used as a decoy for the British fleet.
They were in the water six nnd a half
hours before being picked up.
" How did that story pan out about
the man up in Kvanston who found the
big hailstone on his back stoop this
morning! " asked the city editor one
dav last summer.
"Nothing in it," replied the report
er. "He discovered it wasn't a hail
stone, after all. The iceman left it
there. ' ' Kx.
With a $4.50 Gasoline Iron
Call and See Them
216 N. Com'l St. Salem, Ore.
16 N. Commercial 8t,
il .
The Car
THERE has been to date, but one real full five passenger automobile with electric
starter, electric lights, sliding gear transmission, high tension magneto, demount
able rims, elliptic type springs, "One-Man" mohair top and every other feature
found in high priced cars to sell at $745.00. That car is the Maxwell.
The Car of Lowest "After-Cost"
It is fitting that the car of lowest "First-Cost" should also be the car of lowest
The Maxwell is lowering all economy records for:
1st Miles per set of tires. :5rd Miles per quart of lubricating ofl..,
2nd-Miles per gallon of gasoline. ' J8 year"in-and-year 0llt
(Continued From Page One.)
pedo boats several times came into ac
tion successfully, one of them three
times. The fight kept on until 0 o'clock
in the evening.
Some of the Losses.
"During the day battle the Knglish
lost, the drendnaught Warspite, the bat
tle cruiser Queen Mary, one armored
cruiser, apparently of the Achilles type
and -several destroyers.
"During the night, both sides made
violent attacks by torpedo boats and
cruisers, fights of which other hostile
losses were victims.
"Among others, the German leading
ship annihilated six modem Knglish
"All Herman reports emphasize the
bravery shown by the British during
the fight which continued almost unin
terrupted for 12 hours.
"His majesty's ship Franenlob must
be definitely considered lost. The ship
sank, apparently during the night of
May 31 or June 1 during a partial en
gagement. ' '
I "Of the German torpedo boats, five
have not returned, but a large part of
the crews were rescued.
"Although the weather was unfavor
able for oirreconnoitoring dining both
days of the engagement, naval airships
and flyers contributed considerably, liy
reconnoitering and quick action, to the
success of the high sens forces."
Masteiy of Sea is Gone.
Berlin, June 3. Kngland's claim to
Sir Douglas Mawson and Companions Brave
Antarctic Blizzards to Secure Moving Pictures
Expedition Sent Out by British Government to Adelie Land Secures Won
derful Movintf Pictures of the Antarctic-Pictures Cost $300,000
and Are Said to Be Most Expensive Films Ever Taken
. : ; . : rET3S:u
Copyright, 1915, by Sir Douglas Ma wson. j
SINCK tlte year ISIO no sail had Ihh'd. wlthm the antarctic circle over the .',0 degrees of longtitude until
.Mawson expedition arrived in mil, and before the year 1SHI no evidence bad been found that an,
, rl'.h TM, "f 0.X'S,d thiH "tWly dis,"0T,reJ lort!" ot the world, animal life ,lK,unds there, ai
The "trangest of all these .antarctic inhabitants Is the pengt.ln, and the motion pictures secured by kJ
Mawson .how th s half bird, half fish. In a most utnnsln dud at the same time highly l,,str ZtlZ uuiuer lit
no exporleme with man. they were found to be remarkably tame, and exceptionally" Intimate rlZ Z
XrW" Chautau.ua t great expense and are said to be be met costly ulm evcT
of Lowest "First-Cost"
the mastery of the sea is broken. This
is the Herman view resulting from the
Victory of the fleet of Viee-Adiniral
Scheer, which has given the kaiser's
navy as brilliant a tradition as has been
written on the pages of any naval pow
er. Flags were displayed everywhere to
day in celebration of the clash with the
British high seas 'fleet and the Herman
success. .Schools were dismissed, special
services of celebration and thanksgiv
ing were called and Herman enthusiasm
was aroused as at no time since tjie
kaiser'S army was drawing near Taris
early in the war.
Although no official expression wan
obtainable, it was evident that the sea
victory is regarded here as another step
toward a possible early peace. De
feat of the British fleet the first time
it felt Germany's naval power; the
fact that Herman territory is free of
the enemy; that Belgium and northern
France are successfully held, while the
F.vncli and British lines have remained
stationary for the past year, and the
crown prince is hammering at the gates
of Verdun these points were cited as
answers to the allied demands that Ger
many be crushed.
Ait liermauy Rejoices.
The l.nisr is expected to hurry di
ri't to V:i'ielinshaven where he will
inspect the returning victorious fleet,
personally congratulate and decorate
Admiral Scheer and his men.
Av'ild scenes of exultation marked the
session of the reichstng in which the
German was announced. Immediately
the news became generally kn, wit.
flags appeared from every window.
Reports of the successful engagement
were flashed to the front over the mili
tary lines to the men in the trend.
Today messages of congratulation
the navy from commanders of the ki
er's land forces were being relayed r
idly through the war office nnd the
All naval writers of Berlin ncwi
pers acclaim the fleet. The offi
statement furnished tho only in for,
Hon to date. The statement of V
ston Churchill that the British '
would drag the Germans out "like
trom a hole js again commented
'and the result of the first encom
I of tho high seas fleets given as t
'ninny's answer to England's stare
and claim of mastery of tho seas.
iNcwspapers emphasize-today that
large British units lost lOO.OOO t
whereas the Hermans lost only 1.1
tons and a similar proportion of sit
er vessels.
The voters of the Lyons school
trict have decided to erect a new sc
The new building will be a one 8
structure with basement and contnr
two large rooms. The plans pro
for a modern ventilation and ligb
systems and all the latest school
uipment. The change is in line
changes being made all over the eou
in the construction of school build'
Stayton Mail. .
Phone 81 for better carrier