Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 03, 1916, Magazine Section, Image 14

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Copyright, 1912,
'Tomorrow W Disappear Into the Un
known." .
"rVUX nlit bore tliosp whom this
f'S II... ....... ........ I, I... n ....
count of our liiJiiirimis voynne
upon tint occui liner, nor will I
ut our nick's Hliiy at I'ma (.jhvo
(nut I should wish to ni'knou U'd-e t tit
jjrwit kindness of (lie company In Ui'lp
1iii us to get tOKOtlipr our eipilpiuent).
I will also ulliitle very briefly to our
rivrr journey up II With", slow moving,
-l;iy tinted sti'piini in a steamer which
w as til tie smaller than that which lutil
earrieil list across the Atluutie. Krentu
lly wo found ourselves tlironnh lh
ii'urows of Olililim anil readied the
liwn of Manuos. Hero we were res
ided from (lie limited attractions of
i lie local Inn by Mr. Sliortniaii, the rep
resentative of the British aud lliuail
j in Trudliir company. In his hospital
I anemia we spent our time until the
day when we were empowered to open
(lie letter of Instructions given to us
ly l'rofessor Challenger. , Before I
reach the surprising events of that duto
I should desire to Hive elearer sketch
-r my eomnules in this enterprise and
the ossoelates whom we had already
gathered together lit South America. I
Hpeak freely, and I leave the use of my
material to ymir own discretion, Mr.
MeArdle, since it Is through your hands
that this report must puss before It
'reaches the world.
The sclentllie attainments of rrofea
itor Siimmerlee are too well known for
me to trouble to recapitulate tliem. lie
Pi belter equipped for a rough expedi
tion of this sort than one would lui
unine at first sight. Ills tall, gaunt,
Hlringy figure Is Insensible to fatigue,
mill his dry, half sarcastic nnd often
wholly unsympathetic manner Is iiiiln
(luenced by any change in his sur
loiindings. Though In his sixty-sixth
year. I have never heard him express
iniy dissatisfaction nt the occasional
hardships which we have hail to en
counter. I had regarded his presence
or, an encumbrance to the expedition;
bill, as a matter of fact, 1 tun now well
convinced that his power of endurance
la as great as my own. In temper he
I I naturally acid and skeptical.
Urd John lloxtou has Home points
in common with l'rofessor Sumuierleu
and others In which they are the very
antithesis to each other, lie Is Iwen
Iv years younger, but bus something
of (he same spare, scraggy physique.
As lo Ids appearance. I have, as I rec
ollect, described It In that portion of
my narrative which 1 have left behind
mo In London, lie Is exceedingly neat
and prim In his ways, dresses always
villi great care In white drill suits
mid hUh brown mosquito boots and
niiaves at least once a day. Like most
men of action, be Is laconic In speech
mid sinks readily Into bis own
thoughts, but h Is always quick to
answer a question or Join In a con
versation, talking In a queer, Jerky,
Icilf humorous fashion. His knowl
edge of the world, and very especially
or South America, Is surprising, and
be lias a whole hearted belief in the
peclblllties of our Journey which Is
not be dashed by the sneers of l'rofes
nor Siiinineilee. lb; has a gentle voice
mid :t quiet milliner, but behind his
(Inkling blue eyes there lurks a oh
puclly for furious wrath nnd Implaca
ble resolution, the more dangerous be
cause they are held in leash.
i'o much for the moment for my two
white companions, whose characters
nnd liniiialions will he further ex
posed, as surely as my own, us this
n niativv proceeds, lint already we
have eprolled certain retainers who
may play no small part: In what Is to
(nine. Tile Ural Is a glganlle negro
niined umbo, who Is a black Her
cules, ns willing as any horse aiid
ali nit as Intelligent. 1 1 i ill we enlisted
nt IVirii on the ici ommcii'hitloii of the
oi.'iiiiishlp company, on whose vessels
ln li nt leiiineil to speak a hailing I'ng
I . . U
M was at t'aru also that we engaccil
i. imicz and Manuel, two half breeds
ii. nn up Hie rive, Just cmno down
Willi a cnr,'o of redwood. They were
." nnh.v lellows, bearded and tierce, as
aeiiie ami wiry as panthers, limb of
(loin had spent their lives in ilmse
iioiv waters of (lie Alua:'.oli which
we were about lo explore, and It wat
til la iveouiliieudutloii which iiad caused
Lord ,lohu to engage llicni One of
lli.-ui. i ioniej. -ha.l the I'mihcr advan
fa go that he could speak e client
I'milMi. These men were willing lo
: I as our personal servants, to conk,
lo lov. or to make themselves useful
in any way at a payment of M." a
in mill. I'.c ildes these, we had eiiLiig
isl three Mo.lo Indians from Itollvla.
h i are the most skillful at. Ilshlug
ami boat work of all the river tribes.
Tlio chief of Ihoise we called Mojo,
H iter tils tribe, and the others miv
known as Josn and I'oi.mixbi Three
"while men, then, two half breeds, one
uegiM .aii'l '.hi'ee Indians made lip the
p.-i soiiuel of tile little cxpeilil 1,M which
la waiting for lis InMriioUi'tis H'.
by A. Conan Doyle.
Miliums before stiirtlni upuu Its singu
lar quest.
At last, ufler a weary week, the duy
had come and the hour. I ask you to
picture the shaded silting room of the
1 a.enda St. Igmitlo, two miles inland
from the town of Manaos. Outside lay
the yellow, brassy glare of the sun
shine, v.il the shadows of the palm
trees as black und definite as the trees
themselves. The ulr was calm, full of
the elurmil hum of Insects, a tropical
chorus of many octaves, from the
deep drone of the bee to the high,
been pipe of the mosquito. Iieyond
Hie veranda was n small cleared gar
den, bounded' with cactus hedges and
adorned with clumps of flowering
shrubs, round which the great blue
butterflies und the tiny humming
birds tluttered and darted In crescents
of sparkling light. Within we were
seated round the cane table, ori which
lay a sealed envelope, inscribed upon
It In the Jagged handwriting of 1'ro
1'es.sor Challenger were the wwrds:
Instructions lo Lord John Iloxton anil
purtv. To he opened at Munuos upon July
li, at 12 o'clock precisely.
Lord John had placed his watch upon
the tabic beside him.
"Wo have seven more minutes," said
be. "The old dear Is very precise."
1'rofessor Siimmerlee gave an add
smile as he picked up the envelope In
Ids gaunt hand.
"What can It, possibly matter wheth
er we open It. now or In seven min
utes?" said he. "It is all part and
parcel of (ho sauie. system of quackery
and nonsense for which 1 regret to
say that the writer is notorious."
"Oh, come! We must play the game
nccordln' to rules," said Lord John
"It's old man Challenger's show, and
we are here by his good will, so it
would be quite bad form if we didn't
follow his Instructions to the letter."
"A pretty business it Is!" cried the
professor bitterly. "It struck me lis
preposterous In London, but I'm hound
lo say Unit it seems even more so upon
closer acquaintance. I don't know
what Is inside this envelope: but, un
less It. Is something pretty definite, 1
shall lie much templed to take the
next down river boat and catch the
liolivlii at 1'nii. After all, I lme
some more responsible work In the
world than lo run about disproving
the assertions of u lunatic. Now, ltox
ton, surely it Is lime."
"Time 11 Is," said Lord John. "You
can blow the whistle." He took up
the envelope and cut It with his pen
knife, l'l-om It he drew a folded sheet
of paper. This he carefully opened
nut and flattened on the table. 11 was
a blank sheet. He turned It over.
Again It. was blank. We looked al
each other In a bewildered silence,
which was broken by a discordant
burst of derisive laughter from l'ro
fessor Siimmerlee.
"It Is an open admission!" lie cried
"What more do you want ' The fellow
Is a self conl'essl humbug. We have
only to return home and report h 1 in ns
the biaxeii Impostor that be Is."
"May I come In?" boomed a voice
from the veranda.
The shadow of a squat figure had
stolen across the palih of sunlight.
That voice, that monstrous breadth
of shoulder! We sprung to our feet
wllh a gasp of astonishment as Chal
lenger, In a round, Isiylsh slraw hat
wllh a colored ribbon-Challenger, with
Ids hands In his Jacket pockets and his
canvas shoes daintily pointing as Io
wa Iked - appeared In the open space be
fore ns. lie threw back his head, and
there he stood in golden glow with all
r-i4 viUiv-sci-. ..."
"May I come In?" boomed a voice fron
the voranda.
bis old Assyrian luxurbiuce of lnap'
ail his n.Uhe Insolence of drooping ej e
IMs aud Intolerant eyes.
i ( , uc limn- i
1 v
t A I
ii 1A
"I fear," said he", taking out hU
watch, "that 1 am a few minutes too
late. When I gave you this envelope
I must confess that I had never Intend
ed that you should open It. for It had
been my fixed Intention to he with you
1 efore the hour. The unfortunate de
lay can be apportioned between a blun
dering pilot and an Intrusive sand
bank. I fear that it lias given my col
league, l'rofessor Siimmerlee, occasion
to blaspheme. You need no chart of di
rections now, since you will have the
Inestimable advantage of my own
guidance. From the first I had deter
mined that I would myself preside over
your Investigation. The most elaborate
charts would, as you will readily ad.
mil, be a poor substitute for my own
intelligence und advice. As to the f
small ruse which 1 played upon you In
the matter of the envelope. It Is clear
that had I told you all my intentions
I should have been forced to resist un
welcome pressure to travel out with
It was Aug. 2 when we snaped our
last link wllh the outer world by bid
ding farewell to the Esmeralda, a
si en in launch which Lord John Uox
ton chartered to take us up the river,
rinee then four days have passed, dur
lag which we have engaged two lurge
canoes from the Indians, made of so
light a material (skins over a bamboo
framework) that we should be able to
tarry them around any obstacle.
Yhese we loaded vllh all our effects
mid have engaged two additional In
dians to belli us In the navigation. 1
understand that they are the veiy two
Adieu and Ipelu by name who ac
conipanled l'rofessor Challenger upon
his previous journey. They appeared
to be lerrlllod at the prospect of re
penting It, but the chief has patri
archal powers in these countries, and
If the bargain Is good In his eyes the
clansman has little choice In the nutt
ier. So tomorrow we disappear Into the
unknown. This account I am trans
mitting down the river by canoe, anil
It may be our last word to I hose who
are Inlerested In our fate. I have, ac
cording to our arrangement, addressed
It to you, my dear Mr. McArdle, and I
leave It to your discretion to delete.
alter or do what you like with it
I'loin the assurance of Professor Chal
lenger's mu liner and In spite of the
continued skepticism of l'rofessor
Sumnierlee I have no doubt that our
leader will make good his stulcWnt
and that we are reully on the eve of
some most remarkable experiences.
When I wrote last we were about to
leave Hie Indian village where we bud
been deposited by the Ksinerahla. I
have to begin my report by bad news,
for the first serious personal trouble (i
pass over the incessant blckerltii'S be
tween the professors) occurred this
evening and might have had a tingle
ending. I have spoken of our Kngllsh
speaking half breed ininez-a Hue
worker and a willing fellow, but allllct-
ed, 1 fancy, with the vice of curiosity,
which Is common enough among such
men. On the last evening he seems to
have hid himself near the hut tu which
we were discussing our plans, and, be
ing observed by our huge negro .umbo,
who Is as fall hi Hi as a dog ami lias
the hatred which all his race bear to
the half breeds, lie was dragged out
and carried into our presence, (lonie.
whipped out his knife, however, and
but for the huge slrength of his captor,
which enabled lilin to disarm him with
one hand, he would certainly have
stabbed him. The matter has ended in
repi'liniiiids, the opponents have been
compelled to shake hands, and I here is
every hope that all will be well.
Kor two days we made our way up
a good sized river, some hundreds of
yards broad and dink In color, but
transparent, so that one could usually
see the bottom. The nllluents of I he
Ama.oii are, half of them, of this na
tine, while the other half are whitish
and opaque, the difference depending
upon l he class of cmintrythioughw hlch
they have flowed. The dark Indicate
vegetable decay, while the others point
to clayey soil, Twice we came across
rapids mid in each case made a port
age of half a mile or so to avoid them
The woods on ell her side were prime
val, which are more easily penetrated
than woods of the second growth, and
we iiad no great dltllculty In carrying
our canoes through them. How shall
1 ever forget the solemn mystery of It'
The height of the trees and the thick
ness of the holes exceeded anything
which I in my town bred bl'e could
have imagined, shooting upwind In
inagnlllcent columns until, nt an enor
mons distance above our heads. we
could dimly discern the spot where
ihey threw out their side branches Into
tlothlc upward curves which conies -ed
lo form one great matted roof of ver
dure, through which only an occasional
golden ray of sunshine sli it downward
lo trace a thin dazzling line of lUhl
amid the majestic obscurity. As wo
walked noiselessly anii'l fie thick, sot't
carpet of decaying vegetation the hush
fell upon our souls whl' h conies upon
us In the twilight of the abbey, und
even Professor ( 'hal'i'iiuer's full chest
ed uolcs sank Into a whisper Alone
I should have Im-oii Ignorant of the
lauics of these of giant growth, Put out
men of science pointed out the cedars
the great silk coiion trees and the red
wood trees, with all that profusion of
virion plants which has mai'.e this
continent the chief supplier to the hu
man race of those gifts of nature
which depend upon the vegetable
world, while It Is the most buck ward
hi those products which come from
inlin.il life.
Evidence! of Human Life,
T yet there were li.-ll, atlons
that even human life II sell
was not fur from us In those
mysterious recesses. On the
(Mrd day out we were aware of a sin
gu!ar deep throbbing in the air,
rhythmic aud solemn, coming ami go
ing fitfully throughout the morning.
1'he two boats were paddling within a
few yards of each other when first we
beard it, and our Indians remained mo
tionless, as If they had been turned to'
bronze, listening Intently with expres
sions of terror upon their faces.
"What Is It?" I asked.
"Irums," said Lord John carelessly,
"war drums. I have beard them be
fore." "Yes, sir, war drums," sa(d Gomez,
the half breed. "Wild Indians, bravos,
not inansos. They watch us every mile
of the way. Kill us If they can."
"How can they watch us?" I asked,
gazing into the (lurk, motionless void.
The half breed shrugged his tlmuA
"The India ns know. They have their
own way. They watch us. They talk
the drum talk to each other. Kill us if
they can."
All day the drums rumbled and whis
pered, w hile their menace reflected It
self in the faces of our colored com
panions. Even tlio hardy, swaggering
half breed sCcined cowed. I learned,
however, that day, once for all, that
both Sumnierlee and Challenger pos
sessed that highest type of bravery,
the bravery of the sclentllie mind.
Theirs was the spirit which upheld
Ilaruin among the gauchos of the Ar
gentine or Wallace among the bead
hunters of Malaya, it is decreed by a
merciful nature that the human brain
cannot think of two things simultane
ously, so that If it lie steeped In curi
osity ns lo Science it has no room for
merely pcfsonul considerations. All
day n in Id rhat Incessant and mysteri
ous menace our two professors watched
every bird upon the wing and every
shrub upon the bunk, with nun y a
sharp wordy contenllou, when theiuiarl
of .Suininerlee came quick upon the
deep growl of Challenger, but with no
more .sense of danger mid no more ref
erence to drum beating Indians than If
they were seated together In the suiok
ing room of the ltoyal society's club In
St. James' street. ''
That night we moored our canoes
with heavy stones for anchors In the
center of the stream and made every
preparation for a possible attncX
Nothing came, however, and with the
dawn we pushed upon our way, the
drum beating dying out behind us.
About 3 o'clock In the afternoon we
came to a very steep rapid, more than
a mile long -the very one In which Pro
fessor Challenger had suffered disaster
upon his first journey. I confess that
the sight of it consoled uie, for it was
reullv the first direct corroboration.
It Was Really the First Direct Corrob
oration, Slight ai It Was.
slight !is It was, of the truth of bis sto
ry. The Indians carried first our ca
noes and then our stores through the
brushwood, which is very thick at this
point, while we four whites, our rifles
on our shoulders, walked between them
and any danger coming from the
woods. '.efore evening we had suc
cessfully passed the rapids and made
our way smye ten miles above them,
where we anchored for the night. Al
this point I reckoned that we had coinc
not less than a hundred miles up the
tributary l'""in tlu main stream.
It was In the early forenoon of the
next day that we made the great de
pai'lure. Since dawn Professor Chill
leager had been acuiely uneasy, con
thiuaily si mining each bank of the rlv
er. S;u! h nly he gaxe nu exclamation
of satisfaction and p.iinted'to a single
tree which rojc ted at a peculiar angle
out the side of I he stream.
"What do yo'i make of llrat?" he
"It Is surely an Assai palm." said
"L.xacliy. It was an Assal palm
which I l :ek tor iu.v landmark. Th
secret opening Is half a mile onward
upon the ether side of the I'iuT. There
is no break in III- trees. That Is til-'
minder and the luvsiery of it. There
w her" you see light given rushes In
stead of d irk green nn leigrew lb, there
lielween the great rolionwoods. that is
my private gate Into the unknown.
Push through and oii will under
It was. indeed a wonderful place.
Having reached the spot uiarftcd by a
Hue of light green rushes, we poled
out two canoes through" them for some
hundreds of yards and eventually
emerged into a placid aud. shallow
Hiivaiu, running char aud transparent
vver a snodv boitoni. It may have
been twenty yards across aud was
banked In on each side by most luxu
riant vegetation. No one who had not
observed that for a short distance
reeds had taken the place of shrubs
could possibly hare guessed the exist
ence of such a stream or dreamed of
the fairyland beyond.
Tor a fairyland it was, the fnost
wonderful that the imagination of man
could concelw. The thick vegetation
met overhead, Interlacing into a nat
ural pergola, and through this tunnel ,
at verdure In a efoldeu twilight flowed
the green, pellucid river, beautiful In
itself, but marvelous from the strange
tints thrown by the vivid light from
above, filtered and tempered In its fall.
Clear as crystal, motionless as a sheet
of glass, green ns tbo edge of an ice;
berg, it stretehol lu front of us under
Its leafy archway, every stroke of our
paddles sending a thousand ripples
across Its shining surfuce. It was a
lilting avenue to a land of wonders.
All signs of Hie- Indians had passed
away, but animal life was more fre
quent, and the tnmenoss ofbe crea
tures showed that they knew nothing
of the hunter. Fuzzy little black vel
vet monkeys with snow white teeth
and gleaming, mocking eyes chattered
t us ns wo passed. With a dull,
heavy splash an occasional cayman
plunged in from the bank. Once a
dark, clumsy tapir stared at us from
a gup In the bushes and then lumber
ed away through the forest. Once, too,
the yellow, sinuous form of a great
pinna whisked nmld the brushwood,
and Its green, baleful eyes glared ha
tred at us over its tawny shoulder.
P.lrd life was abundant, especially the
wndiug birds, stork, heron and Ibis
gathering In little groups, blue, scar
let and white, upon every log which
jutted from the bank, while beneath
us the crystal wnter was alive with
fl.sli of every shape and color.-
1'or three days we made our way
up this tunnel of hazy green sunshine.
On the longer stretches one could hard
ly tell as one looked ahead "where the
distant greeu .water ended and tlio
distant green archway began. The
deep pence of tills strange waterway
was unbroken by any sign of man.
"No Indian here. Too much afraid
Curupui l." said Gomez.
"Curupurl Is the spirit of the woods,"
Lord John explained. "It's a name
for any kind of devil. The poor beg
gars thinks that there Is something
fearsome In this direction, and there
fore they avoid it."
On the third day It became evident
I lint our journey in the canoes could
not last much longer, for the stream
was rapidly growing more shallow.
Twice in ns many hours we,stuck upon
the bottom. Finally we pulled the
boats up among the brushwood and
spent, the night on the bank of the
river. In the morning Lord John and
I made our way for a couple of miles
through the forest, keeping parallel
with the stream, but ns It grew ever
shallower we returned and reported,
what Professor Challenger had already
suspected, tlint we hnd reached the
highest point to which the canoes could
be brought. We drew them up, there
fore, nnd concealed them among the
bushes, blazing rt tree with our axes
so thut we should find them again.
Then we distributed the various bur
dens among us guns, ammunition,
food, a tent, blankets and the rest
and. shouldering our packages, we set
forth upon the more laborious stage of
our Journey.
Advancing In single file along the bank
of the stream, we soon found that it
narrowed down to a mere brook, and
finally that it lost itself in a great
green morass of spongelikc mosses.
Into which we sunk up to our knees.
The place was horribly haunted by
clouds of mosquitoes nnd every form
of flying pest, so we were glad to And
solid ground again and to make n cir
cuit among the trees, which enabled
us to outflank (his pestilent morass,
which droned like an organ in the dis
lance, so loud was It with Insect life.
On the ninth day after leaving the
canoes, having done, as I reckon, about
I'-'O miles, we begun to emerge from
the trees, which had grown smuller un
til they were mere shrubs. Their plnce
was taken by an immense wilderness
of bauiboo, which grew so thickly tlint
we could only penetrate It by cutting
a pathway with the machetes and bill
hooks of the Indians. It took us a long
day, traveling from 7 In the morning
till 8 at night, with only two breaks
of one hour each, to get, through this
obstacle. Anything more monotonous
and wearying could not be imagined,
for, even at the most open places. 1
could not see more than ten or twelve
yards, while usually my vision was
limited to the buck of Lord John's cot
ton jacket in front of me nnd to the
yellow wall within a foot of me on
ell her side. 1'roin above came one
I thin knife edge of sunshine, and lifted!
feet over our heads one saw the tops
i i f the reeds sw aying against the deep
; blue sky. I do not know what kind of
creatures inhabit such a thicket, but
j several times we heard the plunging of
large, heavy animals quite close to us
i I'rein their sounds Lord John judged
I them lo be some form of wild cattle
I Just as night fell we cleared the licit
j of bamboos and at once formed our
camp, exhausted by the Interminable
" day.
j Larlv next morning we were again
afoot and found that the character of
j the lountry bad changed once again
j I'.ehlnd us was the wall of bamboo, as
: definite us if It marked the course of
j a river. In front, was ifn open p'aln.
sloping slightly upward ami dotted
I Willi umps of tree ferns, the whole
i curving before us until it ended In a
long, whale backed ridge. Tills we
reached about midday, only to And a
shallow valley Iieyond, rising once
Hgabi Into a gentle Incline which led
to a low, rounded sky line.
And now, my readers, If ever I have
any, 1 have brought you up the broad
liver, and through the screen of
rushes, and down" the green tunnel,
and up the long slope of palm trees,
and through the bamboo brake, and
across the plain of tree ferns. At last
our destination lay In full sight of us.
Wheu we had crossed the second
ridge we saw before us an irregular,
palm studded plaiu and then the lino
of high red cliffs which J. have seen
in the picture. There it lies, even as
1 write, nnd there can be no question
that It is the same. At the nearest
pojnt It is about seven miles from our
present camp, and it curves away,
stretching as far as I can see. Chal
lenger struts about like a prize pea
cock, and Siimmerlee is silent, but
still skeptical. Another day should
bring some of our doubts to an end.
Meanwhile, as Jose, whose arm was
pierced by a broken bamboo, Insists
upon returning, I send this letter back
In ids charge and only hope that It
may eventually come to hand. I will
write agnin as the occasion serves. I
have inclosed with this a tough chart
of our Journey, which may have the
effect of making the account rather
easier to understand.
(Continued next Saturday)
Your Liver Must
Be Active
if. you would be healthful. A lazy
liver soon upsets the entire digestive
system but you can avoid this condition
with the assistance of
Stomach Bitters
Behold this ruin. 'Tis a skull,
Ouce of ethereal spirit full;
This narrow cell was life's retreat.
This spuce was thought's mysterious
What beauteous visions filled this spot,
What dreams of pleasure long forgot,
Nor joy, nor grief, nor hope, nor fear,
Has iet't one trace on record here.
Beneath this niohlering canopy
Once shone the bright and busy eye;
Yet rftart not nt the dismal void,
If ho.y love that eye employed,
If wiili no lawless fire it gleaned,
But through the dens of kindness
That ive shall lie forever blight.
When stars and sun are .sunk in night.
Within this hollow cavern hung
The reioiy, swift and tuneful tongue;
If falsehood's honey is disdained,
Aiiti when it could not praise, was
!,:. ineil:
If bold in viitne's cause it spoke,
Yet gentle concord never broke,
That silent tongue may plead for thee.
When Time unveils Kteniity.
Say, did these fingers delve the mine
Or with its envied rubies shine.
To hew the rock or wear the gem
Can little now avail to tliem;
But if the page of truth it sought.
Or comfort to the mourner brought,
These hands a richer meed slinll claim
Than all that waits on wealth or fame.
Avails it whether bare or shod.
These feet the paths of duty trod!
If from the bowers of ease they fled
To seek affection's humble shed'
If grandeur's builty bribe they spurned
And home to virtue's cut returned,
These feet with angel's wings shall vie
And tread the palace of the sky.
If yoii' are on the the Gloomy line,
Get a transfer.
If you lire inclined to fret and pine,
Get a transfer.
Get off the track of doubt nnd gloom,
Get on the sunshine train; there's
If you are in the worry train,
Get a transfer.
You must not stay there and complain,
Get a transfer.
The cheerful cars are passing
And there's lots of room for you.
(Jet a transfer.
If you are on the grouchy track.
Get a transfer.
Just take a happy special back.
Get a transfer.
.Tump on the train ami pull the rope.
That lands you nt the station Hupe,
Get a transfer.
Clarence A. Bloom and llael llous
er; Krnest Houulas and Susie K. Kam
sey; Irvia A. Jnlin and Grnce M. Ben
nett; Wilbert Flood and Maude M. Mc
Kinsev. -I'ulk County Itemier.
Best Chinese
Noodles 10c
Chop Suey 25c j
Rice and Pork 10c j
Thess tfny CAPSULES
are iu lienor to Bilsam
of GoDJiba, Cubvbs or
24 Huoni Ihi V-V
tarns diM-ces" it
cut inconvtieoce.
Digestive ,.
cause headache, biliousness,
constipation, impure blood
and other unpleasant symp
toms. If these troubles are
neglected they weaken the
body and open the way for
serious illness. Many chronic
diseases may be traced back
to indigestion that could,
have been immediately
relieved by
Beecham's Pills. This well
known home remedy has
proven itself dependable, safe
and speedy during sixty years'
use. The fame of having a
larger sale than any other med
icine in the world proves the'
dependable, remedial value of
Largatt Sale of Any Medicine in tha World.
Sold Erarjrwbcra. In boxei, 10c, 25c
The case of N. C Swanson against
the Southern Pacific railroad com
pany, in which the plaintiff seeks to
recover dnmnges for the killing of a
horse and calf by one of the defend
ant company's locomotives on the Sa
lem & Falls City branch, will be heard
before Justice Hardy Holman within
the next few days. The railroad passes
through Mr. .Swansea's farm, east
of Dallas, and the right of way is not
fenced nt this point. The claim is
set up by the defendant that the pub
lic service commission granted per
mision to lenve the track there with
out this sn'feguard, and hence that it
is not linble for damages. Air. "swan
son asks that he be givcu a verdict
for $100 for the killing of the horse
and !H2..)0 for the calf. Dallas Ob
For the use of the convention of
the West Willamette Association of
Baptist churches which will be held
in Newherg, June 12, lil and 14, Kdw.
Himes lins reported a map of 1'olk
county showing its school districts,
the exact locution of st-.hnn) houses,
the number of school fhildren, and
the school districts in which religious
services nro held. Mr. Himes has
about completed the map which gives
nil this data for the 74 suliool dis
tricts of Polk county. . Among the
Dullas people who are expected to at
tend the convention are: Itev. and
Mrs. W. T. Tapscott, llr. and Mrs. S.
M. Nelson, Miss Amy Hiblmrd, Henry
Johnson and William Jnrkaiuu. Dallas
With the revival of the wooden
ship building industry on the Pacifie
coast comes a renewed demnnd for fir
ship knees, ns evidenced from the or
der given Pnrker Brothers, of l'edee.
for LI cars of fir knee to be deliveerd
to Aberdeen, Wash. Four ours have ul
rend.v gone through Dallas and about 10
empties awiit loading by Parker Broth
els at l'edee. Otto T. Brandt, traveling
freight agent of the I'nion Pacific, was
in Dallas recently investigating the ship
knee possibilities of this section. Ship
knees are made from the gnnrlcd and
twisted grain stumps of tree stumps.
The natural curve of the stump makes
an ideal curve for the ship hull. Dal
las Observer.
Four Dallas contractors, Arthur P.
Starr. Lou Mnscott, James V. Chitty
and Joe Tito, who were given the
contract by the Tillamook nnd Yam
hill county courts in a recent meeting
for rocking the Sour Grnss road, a
1 5,000 job, will start work about the
first of the month. In all about 0,000
yards of crushed rock will be put on
the 10 mile piece and the longest haul
is seven miles. The improvement is a
cut-off around Dolph hill. The road
work commences at the Bee ranch. The
Dallas contractors will use two auto
trucks and some teams in doing the
work. Dallas Observer.
la n letter to the export department
of the Maxwell Motor company nt
Detroit. X. K. O'Connor, special repre
sentative in Paris. France, says that
Maxwell cars are giving excellent sat
isfaction in France. lie writes that
in spite of keen competition, the de
mand for Maxwells is increasing ihiilv.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
fiinnot reach the seat of the 'lisoasp. Ca
tarrh U a blood or constitutional disease,
nnd in or'K-r to cure it ynu must take in
ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cum 13
taken internally, and acta directly upon
the blood and mucous surface. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It
was prscrllwd by one of the best phy
nirians in this country for years and Is
a ivgiilar prescription. It is composed of
the best tonics known, combined with the
Iw-it blood purifiers, netinur directly on the
mucous Rurfitcps. Th perfect combina
tion of the two ingredients Is what pro
duces Hilt h wonderful results In curing
rntarr!i c snd for testimonials, free.
R J. CH i:X lY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
Holt. ly Dnitfiitsta. priei T.V. C
Take Hall Faintly Tills for conttlpatloa.
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