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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1916)
"HEEZA - ,- , .. . . - . - . ,. - ."1jl-J4..l jki-i i .) i iii t,mmi i , , " Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per wovd for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion" CHIBOPBACTIC-SPINOLOGIST DE. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Held, Davenport, lawa. If you have tried everything and got no relief, try Chiroprac tic ipinal adjustments and get well. Office-406-7-8 U. 8. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main B28-R. CHINESE DOCT0E3 J. C.YUEN Well known Chinese doc tor has successfully treated all dis eases in the past yeir. See testimon ials on file at the Oriental Herb Co., 640 State St., Salem. Out of town patients treated by Symptomatic Di agnosis. Send for diagnosis blanks. ,iiyi CLEANERS AND DYEE8 APPAKEL SERVICE COMPANY 138 South High street. We clean press, repair, remodol and re-line clothing and furs. Careful attention given ill work. We call and deliver. Phone 728. DENTISTS. D3. 0. A. OLSON, Dentist Adminis ters nitrous ozid and oxygen gas. Room 214. Masonic Temple. Phone 440. Saieni, Orsson. FOR RENT TOR RENT Nicely famished house keenine rooms reasonable. 855 North Commercial street. tf FOR SALE FOR SALE a cash registers, 1 single and l uouoie drawers, i sec oi uu liard balls; 2 sets of pool balls; 1 sii foot cigar case; one roll top desk; one fire proof safe; one 5 room bun galow. CiH or write 1355 Ferry St POUR VALLEY FARMS For sale by owner on county road and railroad. 50 to 200 acres each, good buildings, goon boii, c!l under cultivation, close to scroot, prtrcs reasonxble, half cash, balance time at 6 per cent or modern income bearing city .property. P. O. Box 246. Salem. tf MISCELLANEOUS REDUCED FREIGHT RATES To and from all points east, on all household roods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car load service. Capital City Transfer Company, agents for Pacific Coast Forwarding company, nu oouin Vom mercial street. Phone Main 933. wis nVRMnnM tn loan. We also also have for Bale or tride 40 acres southern Oregon, 20 acres in crop, good buildings, fruit, well watered, on good road, near school, good teams, harness, farming implements, cows, calves, hogs, hens, H. H. goods etc., very cheap. Part cash, will ac rnt amnll amount Salem property. Balance long time. Square Deal Real ty Co., Phono 470. 203 u. a. nana lildg. OSTEOPATH DRS. B. II. WHITE and R. W. WA1. TON Osteopathic physicians jnd nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksville Mo. Post graduate and specialized i: nerve diseceos at Los Acgulej college Treat acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant Office oO3-n06 U. S. National Dank Building. Phone 859. Residence 3i'J North Capital street, I'hone w. UNDERTAKERS WEBB ft CLOt'OH CO C. B. Webb, A. M., Clouah morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern metjods known to the profession employed 499 Court St Main 120, Main 9S88. BIGDON-RICHARDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North High street. Dav and night phon m. BCAVANOEB BALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts t reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main S247. Residence M lin 2272. MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security. THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd Bush Bank. Salem. Oregon HONEY TO LOAN 7 ON GOOD HEAL ESTATE SECURITY HOMER H. SMITH ! McOORNACK BUILDING BOOB," as a Papcrhanger T THiiRAPuUTICS WELTMER SYSTEM Of suggestive Therapeutics practiced by Dr. W. T. TompKins, S. T. Most powerful, nat ural and successful treatment known to science for the relief and euro of headache, stomach, liver and kidney trouble; rheumatism, constipation, infantile paralysis and all female complaints, heart, lung and throat troubles; all diseases of the eye; can cer, goitre, epilepsia, asthma, nerv ousness or any chronic disease. Sug gestive therapeutics properly applied to a diseased body is positive, sure and permanent in its results. Hours 9 to 12 a. m, 1 to 5 p. ni., phone 891. Office rooms 1, 2 and 3 B.iyne Itlilg. 341 State St., Salem, Oregon. INSURANCE For all kinds of Insurance in Stand ard Companies, call on P. J. K u n t z Room 309, Bank of Commerce. LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge, No. 2, Meets every Monday evening at 8 In the McCornack hall, corner Court and Liberty streets. K. U. Donaldson, M. V. ; 8. A, McKadden, recorder; A. L. Brown, financier. SALEM LODGE No. 4, A. F. It A. M. Stated communications first Friday In each month at 7 :30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Chas. McCarter, W. M. ; S. Z, Culver, secretary, SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mm. Lou TUIsou, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb ani mals should be reported to the secretary for Investigation. CENTRAL LODGE, No. 18, K. of P. Mc Cornack building. Tuesday evening of each week at 7 :.'J0. J. U. lleluel, C. C. ; W. B. GUson, K. of R. and S. S. N. OP A. "Oregon Grape Camp," No. 1360, meets every Thursday evening la McCornack building. Court and Liberty streets ; elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Schaupp, 1701 Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Per sons, recorder, 1290 North Commercial. Phone 143(i M. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Ore gon Cedar CamD. No. B248. meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Mc Cornack nan, corner court ana liberty streets. Elevntor service. Geo. Iteinohl, V. C; J. A. Wright, clerk. CHADWICK CHAPTER, No. 87, O. E. 8. Regular meeting every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m. In the Masonic Tem ple. Minnie Mueller, W. M. ; Ida M. liabcock, secretnry. WOODMEN OP THE WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock In McCornack block, B. w. uacey, c. iv; u h. ueer, clerk, 507 Court street. Phone DD3. DE MOLAY COMMANDERY, No. 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Friday In each month at 8 o'clock, p m., in Masonic Tem ple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courte ously Invited to meet with us Lot L. Pearce, E. C, Frank Turner, recorder. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly, No. 84, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m. In Moose hall. C. O. Matlink, M. A.; C. Z. Knndull, secretary, Salem Bank of Commerce. HODSON COUNCIL. No. 1, R. & 8. M. Staled aKsembly first Monday In each month. Masonic Temple. N. V. Itasmus Ben, Thrice Illustrious Muster ; Glenn C. Nlles, recorder. SALEM COUNCIL NO. 202a Knights and Ladles of Security Meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month at Hurst Hull. Visiting members are invited to attend. E. F. Walton, financier, 480 S. 14th St. PACIFIC LODGE No. 80, A. F. k A. M. Stated communications third Friday In each month at 7 :30 p. m. In the Masonic Temple. Hal V. BoLam, W. M. ; Frnt H. rhnate. secretary. Commercial Printing at Ithe Capital-Journal Office ? 81 82 id THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE 3. 1916 Leaders of Austrian and Italian Annies - V( High among tlic men prominent in the development (of 'the newly hsBamed Austro-Hungarian offensive on the It-alo-Austrinn front and the Italian op position aro General Cudorna, com mander in chief of the Italian army, and Field Marshal von Hoetzendorff, chief of staff of the Austro-Hungar ian army. The heudqunrters of the Austro-llungarians is at Trent. MARION NEWS NOTES (Capital Journal Special Service.) Ma'fion, Ore., June 3. The Friends have completed repairing their church and expect to repaint soon. This was a ( much needed improvement and will help Doost tnc town. Prof. Godward has beeu hired again as principal of the school here. This will muke his third year in Marion. Rev. Chas. Scott, of Salem, was in Marion yesterday and attended the friends mid-week prayer meeting. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Rankin and son, Archie, left today for an extended visit with relatives and friends in the eat. Marion will mi;s them, but wishes them a pleasant time. Tho children of the Tresbyterian Sun day school are busy preparing for their Children's day program. The porch in front of Mr. Dunbar's store has been repaired so we can now enter in safety. Many people here are wishing for pleasant weather. Especially the straw berry growers. ' i General Feed u .JvTmn-- Small Livery BUbl i'f O. W. TRAIN , , i 254 Ferry. Phone !8 WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets. For water servico apply at office. Bills payable monthly in advnnco. L HI HUM Care of YICKSOTONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283 i i f -r-.-?4' 7 ' t ypllliii. DAINTY COLD DESSERTS THAT wCST HOT PIES. The pies and hot puddings of our ffrnnil mothers eonlil nnt utumh tlta test of the fond inve-Ktiirntnr nml nave been condemned, and in their place we have the myriad forms of dainty cold of frozen desserts. One of the chief ingredients of so mnnv of thou? attractive and palatable dishes is genuine. Ixclahne preparations may be di vided into three classes: those maite by adding to the dissolved gelatine a iruit juice ur cumaru; loose matte uy the addition of beaten egg whites, and known as sponges; and those to which whipped cream is added. These latter dishes are often called Bavar ians or chocolates or just simply creams. In some cases where the gelatine ua ween ueiuuiuieu, sucn as me i nos phated gelatine, a tiny bit of soda i must be added to those that have I cream in their preparation to prevent ' the cream from curdling. I Where ice is nnt. nvnilnblo thu ..!- atino dishes are uonular mihutit ii tea I for the ice creams and sherbets. The following are a few good receipts from anion? the hundredM nf imn,t na that are kuown to be reliable. Jellied Prunes. j 2 tablespoons granulated gelatine. ! 1-2 prunes, 2 1-2 cups cold water, 1 cup sugar, 1-4 cup lemon juice, Pick over, wash and soak tinmen for several hours and cook until soft. Re move prunes, stone and cut into quar ters To the water in which the prunes were soaked add enough hot water to make 2 1-2 cups and to it add the gelatine that has previously been soak ed in 1-4 cup cold water. Add sugar and lemon juice. Set away to eool mm wnen it Degins to stiffen add the prunes, aur twice while it is harden ing t.n nrpvmit tlia rtv.mne to the bottom. Caramel Bavarian Cream. 2 tablesspoons granulated gelatine, 1 cup cold water, 1 cup sugar, 1-2 cup boiling water, 1 cup scalded milk, 1 cup whipped cream, 1-2 teaspoon vanilla, Yolks of 2 eggs. Soak gelatine in the cold water. Place the sugar in an iron frying pan and let it melt, and to it add the boil ing water and cook to a thin syrup. Bring the milk to the scalding point over hot water and pour it slowly over ,he egg yollts. Return to the original dish and cook over hot water until it coats a spooa. To this add the dis solved gelatine and the slightly cooled syrup and flavoring and let partially harden. When stiffened a trifle, all the whipped cream and bat. Serve with a teaspoon of whipped cream to each serving. Chocolate Plum Pudding. 2 tablespoons granulated gelutine, 3-4 cup cold water, 1 eup sugar, 1 cup seeded raisins, Soak gelatine in cold water. Put 1-2 cup each dates cut, nuts, cur rents, 1 1-2 squares chocolate, 2 cups milk. milk in double boiler, add melted chocolate and when scalded add suitar, pinch of salt, and soaked gelatine. Remove from fire and when mixture has thickened slightly, add 1-2 tea spoon vanilla and the prepare'd fruits and nuts. Stir seveinl times then when well hardened turn into a wetted mold. Serve with whipped cream. Marsh mallow Cream. 1 tableeioon granulated gelatine, 1-2 cup cold water, 1-2 cup boiling water, Whites of 4 eggs, 1 tea.'ipoon vanilla, 1 teaspoon lemon extract, 1 1-2 squares chocolate. Sunk cclntine ilk cold water five minutes, Add boiling water and jiluee over hot water until dissolved. ( ool but do not chill. Add sugar gradually beating continually. Divide quickly into three parts. To the first, add a little pink coloring paste and the i vanilla; to the second add melted j chocolate and vanilla, and flavor the third with lemon. Have ready a wet ted mold or bowl with Mrni;ht tides. I Put into it the chocolute mixture. I When this is set, put in the white and I then after that sets, the pink, ('sndied i cherries may be added to the white ond nuts to the pink. Serve with j whipped cream. The march of progress is blnied by 'advertising get into line with a New Today add. 'Uliss Wilson In Receiving Line at Big Garden Party to Clubwomen Great Neck, L. I., June 3. Misi Margaret Woodrow Wilson, daughter of the president will help receive the 5, 000 women guests at the garden par ty to be given at the du Pont mansion here today by the congressional union in honor of delegates attending bien nial conference of the General Federa tion of Women's clubs in New York. Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, chairman of the reception committee, will be assist ed by this group of prominent, club women and suffragists: Mrs. Phoebe Hearst of rieasanton, Cat.; Mrs. Charles S. Whitman, wife of the governor. of New York; Mrs. Wil liam Kent of Washington, D. C; Mrs. Mary B. Beard, Mrs. John Winters Branuan, Mrs. William Grant Brown, Mrs. Harriot Stanton Blatch, Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Oilman, Mrs. J. Bor den Harriman, Mrs. Theodore Heve meyer, Mrs. 1'rederick C. Howe, Mrs. William Todd Halmuth, Mrs. Florence Kelley, Mrs. William Prendergast, Mi's. Preston Snttcrwhite Mrs. Leonard Thomas and Miss Helen Todd. At a large open air theatre, leading actors of New York will present a parody on Shakespeare. A sail ou the sound will be one of the unique fea tures ol tne party. Many of tho womnr. attending the New Yn,k bienninl will return to their homes by way cf Cliicug'i ia order to 'it tend ll. vTmi-n 't arty convention to be held is that iti'.y, Jure S h, and 7. Story Hour Discontinued But More Books Arrive Although the summer vacation is now on and the Saturday children's hour at the library has been discon tinued, new books aro coming in and Miss Flora Chase, the school librarian, will be on duty Saturday mornings to help the children. Among the interest ing books lately received are the "Mother West Wind's Animal Friends. " Children may get their books Satur day mornings tit 10 o'clock. The fol lowing arc the new books: Inrgess Adventures of Jerry Musk rat. Burgess Adventures of Johnny Chuck. lilirgess Adventures of Mr. Mocker. Burgess Adventures of I'eter Cot tontail. Burgess Adventures of Hcddy Fox. Burgess Adventures of Cnc ' Hilly Possum. Blaisdell Polly and Dolly. Chisholm The Golden Staircase; poem and verses for children. Darton Wonder-book of Old Eo muuee. Lucia Peter and Polly in Winter. Wix Mighty Animals. Tomlinson Washington's Young Aids. Chicago Duplicates New York Preparedness Parade " i Chicago Jiiiw! iii. A j)irejareilness demonstration equal to New York's gripped Chicago to'lny. It was the prelude to a series of big events which throw this city in the world's spot light of news, for the next ten days. Nearly a quarter of a million Chicago men, women and children, it is estiraat eed, marched today in a parade to a rouse the nation to preparedness. Sober minded men and women bankers, poli tician, society 'women, clerks, shop girls from all walks of life who want peace but not "at any price" march ed. There wore 50,001) marchers from the United Young Men's clubs alone. One feature of the parade wus the suffragist section. Another was the motorcycle section, ia which several thousand motorcyclists rodo their ma chines. One hundred and eighty union chau ffeurs offered their curs without charge to anyone desiring to take part in the parade. The steel mills in Houth Chi cago and Oary, Ind., sent five thous and men. Illinois National Ouard regiments marched by special permission of Gov. K. . Dunne. It was estimated that Mayor 'Willinm ilnle Thompson will have to sit in the reviewing stand twelve hours if he plans to see the parade from start to finish. Majnr fieneriil Young kendcil the pa rade. His chief aid was Colonel Milton Foreman, of the First Illinois Cnl ary regiment, one nf the best equipped envalry regiments in the Nutionul lluard. By Mort. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Telepkor- EVEHYTHINQ ELECTRICAL Salem Electrie Co., Maaonie Temple, 127 North High iliia 120r' PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street litis 19ft TRANSTEE AND DRAYAGB Salem Truck ft Dray Co., corner State and Front atrccte Mala 7 Try This on Your Eczema If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry Zensal. For that watery eruption, or Weeping Skin, use Moist Zensal, 50c the jar. CENTRAL PHARMACY, formerly Poole's Dreg Store TRAVELERS' GUIDE SOUTHERN PACIFIC. NORTH BOUND No. 16 Oregon Express 5:00 a. m, No. .14 Pound Kpeclal 0. 12 a. m. No. L'H Willamette Limited... 0:22a.m. No. U' Shasta Limited . . . ., .11 :55 a. m. No. IS l'ortliiml 1'aHsenger. . . 1 :'2H p. m. No. 110 Portland Passenger. - B:00p.ra. No. 14 Portland Kxpress 8:00 p.m. No. 2L2 1'orMund fnsl Freight 10 :30 p. la. No. UuMi way KrelgUt. . . .10 ;Uo a. m. SOUTH BOUND No. 1.1 California Kxpress..,. 8 :S2 a. m. No. 17 HoHcburg Passenger . .11 :20 a. in. No. 8.1 Exposition Hpeciul . . ,10 :22 a. in. No. 10 Collage tJrove l'ass. ..4:17p.m. Makes connection with No. 74 Ueer Urancb. No. 11 Shasta Limited 8:4.1p.m. No. 27 Willamette Limited... 6:10 p.m. No. l.'l San FrnnclBco lfepress 10 :30 p. m. No. 221 Han Francisco Fust Freight 12:01 a.m. No. 220 Local way Freight.... 8 :10 a. in. 8albu-(Ikks LlND. No. 73 Arrives at Kalem 0:15 a.m. lo. 7tV Leaves Halem 0 :50 a. in. No. 7.T Ar. Salem (mixed) 2:00 p.m. No. 74 Leave Salem 4:20 p.m. 'No connection south of (Jeer. 9i.EM, Falls I'itx Ann Wi 11 Lv. Salem, motor ... 11.1 Lr Sulem, motor .... 10.1 Lv. Snlein, motor .i. 107 Lv. Salem, motor ... ItiO I.v. Salem, motor . . . . ?.'!!! Way Fr'tlv. Halem... 102 Ar. Salem 1H4 Ar. Salem Kit) Ar. Salem HIH Ar. Salem 170 Ar. Salem 240 Way Fr't ar. Hulein.. ..7:00 1. m. . 0 :4(l a. ni. . 1 :40 p. m. . 4 MD p. in. . 6 :ir p. in. . S :0O a. m. . 8 :40 a. m. .11 :2R a. in. . H : I r p, m. . 0 :00 p. m. 7 :4.r p. m. , 1 M p. m. OREGON ELECTII1C RAILWAY CO. HIWT1I BOONO Train No. 2 Owl . . . 8 . .10 Limited . 12 Lv. Solera Ar. Vnrtlanil . . 0 :f,r, a. in. . . 0 :2.1 a. m. . ,11 :;iCi a. m. .11 :.'I5 p. m. ,. 4 IK) p. m. . . 8 :.r0 p. m. . . 7 :IiO p. m. ..10:00 p. m 4 :.l.1 a. m. 7:15 a. m. 0 :4,1 a. m. 11 :20 a. m. 1 :4ft p. m. 14 4 n 7 on n. m 16 Limited :7 .53 p. m 20 m 22 .... BortH BOUND 1'OHTI.ANU TO Hl. Lv. Portland. 0:4.r h. m 8:.'5.... 8:23 a. m. ... 5 Limited ., .111 Ar. Snlem . (Salem only) ,. .10:11 a. Hi. H. L. VanWuck, who organized the huge iircpnredueHB parade held in New York City recently cooperated with August Hibbard of Chicago, in organ ising today's demonstration. It wns estimated there) were mure than a million spectators. WHAT IS THE LONGEST WOKD7 What is the longest English word? Some time ago the London Aotulomy published a list of words of (largiintuna dimensions, with their authorities mid instances of actual usage. Among other words which figured in Uie list are vol (H'ilM'distriiiiiisticaliKtiiiariiiiiologist, ill trnilisestublixhmenlariasts, antidisestnh lishnientarian, tilt rant iiliwstnbllshincn tarintmts, antitrnnsHubstniitiatiouihli cilly, f lncipiiiiciiiihilipilification (ut'd by Sir Waller Scott in his joutunl), and hnnorificaliilitudiiiitutibiia (used by Shnkespearo and several others.) Certain trifles such as iucircuiuscrib- M. Burger. e-fr 10:40 a. m T 12:55 p. ni 2 :03 p. m 0 4 :25 p. i. 4 :40 p. ro. ... 13 Limited .... 6 :40 p. l 1:03 P- m 17 local .... 8:10p.m. 0 :20 p. m 10 11 :23 p. I 11:45 p. m 21 Owl 1 ;6J p. n. NOIU'll HOUND Lv. Corvallls Ar. Salon 4:10 p. m 20 0:37 p. in Lv. Kugcne. Ar. Salew 7 :35 a. m 10 Limited . . . . 0 :4 a. . 1 p. m IS Limited .... 8 :t.p p. m. B:-'5 p. m 22 7 :5ft p. m. 12:05 p. m. 2 Owl 8:10 a. bl sou r ft iioumd Lv. Salem Ar. EustDe 2 :(H) a. m 21 Owl :50 a. en. 7:10 a. m 05 8:30 a. w 10:15 a. m 0 Limited . .. .12 :25 p. nv. Lv. Sulem Ar. Albany 12:55 p. m 7 ,.. 1:50 p. in.' Stops at CorviilM Lv. Sulem. Ar. Alliony 4 :25 p. m I 5 :20 p. u. Ar. A I Ins ii y 8 :45 p. li. Lv. Salent Ar. Kiigenn 0:40 p. in. ...... 13 8 :60 p. oi. Woodiiuhn Local. Daily Except Punoai No. 04 Leaves Salem ft .40 p. nv. No. 03 Arrives in bn'.'-U 8 :23 p. ni. COlIVALLia CONNECTION Monxu iioiwu 10 14 .... 16 20 22 sorru bound Lv. Corvallls 8 :23 a. in. . . 12:12 p. ra. . 2 :32 p. in. , . 4 :I0 p. m. . 6:18 p. m. . Lv. Salem Ar. Sulem ... 9 .43 a. ia. . . . 1 :43 p. n). . . . 4 :0O p. ni. . . . 5 :S7 p. m. . . . 7 .55 p. Ui. Ar. Corvalll ...11:33 a.m. . , . 5 :47 p. m. ... 2:20p.m. ... 8 ;00 p. at. 10:13 a. m. 4 :23 p. m. 12 :55 p. m. 0 :40 p. m. 8 . 0 . 7 13 WILLAMETTE 111VEK rtOCTB Oregon City Transportation Company Leave l'urlland for Oregon City, Itiittevllle. Newherg. Mission (St. l'aiil), Whratlaml, Salem (dully except Sunday) ..6:45 a. w. I,cnve l'urlland for Independence. Albany Corvallls, d ues., Thuri., Sat.) t :43 a, 10. Ileturuuig Leave. Corvnllffi 6 a. m. Mnn., wd., Frl. Allinny 7 a. m. Mud., Wed., Tr). Inihiendonce. ... 0 a.. i Mob., Wed., Fit Salem 10 . m. Moo.. Wed., Frl. Halem 6 a. m. Tues., Thurs., Snt. tiblencss do not count, and the big woril of Hulicliiis, nntiiicricnmetaiiarbeugfl iliunphicribiitionis is apparently ruK out, for the Academy says: "Tho L'nglishinnn'a real jaw-breaker-is a Wcl.'-h word over which Mr. Jus tice Lawrence once, at the Anglesey Assiy.cs, atkej an explanation from Mr. Uryn Roberts, M.P., 'What is the meun in gof the letters "p g" after the namo iLliiiifnirl' The auswci- was, It is an i abbreviation for tho village cf Lliinfair owl!wyi!gyllgi)gi,rfhw.tfnnlrflbwlJndy sillogogoch. ilow is this pronounced It will take some beating. This wor.l of 51 letters, if repealed often enough, is suid to be a cine for the toothache." Excited Why don't you inter fere to stop thut dog fight J Uystunder I was just n gvin' to, mum; but you kin culm y'r fears now My doe is on top at lust, mum. Hind ery Talk.