Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 03, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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Drucker Trunks, .Lilly Suit Cases and Bags the kind of carriers you'll like to travel with on your vacation. Trunk Section, Second Floor
al June - White Sale
The Mid-Year Money Saving Event
Special Prices on all White Goods
Jane White Sale Prices on all Muslin Wear and Corsets. June White Sale Prices on all White Hosiery and White Shoes.
June White Sale Prices on all Table Linens Domestics etc. June White Sale Prices on Men's and Boys' White Wearables.
June White Sale Prices on Laces and Embroideries. June White Sale Prices on all White China Dishes, Etc.
Clearance Prices on All Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists, and Skirts
Sixteen Oakland Firms Yield
Tacoma and Seattle
Women's and
isses' Stylish
Bathing Suits
Such a riot of color
this new, big assort
ment of Bathing Suits
presents. The very
latest styles in blues,
greens, yellows, pur
ple, orange, old rose,
reds, etc., in plain
colors' and fancy ef
fects knitted and
mohair fabric models.
Prices range from
$2.50 to 55.00
No.. 798th Wednesday Surprise-(June the 7th)
"Formu" brand Brassieres at this price are very
unusual bargains. They serve as a dainty corset
cover and also mold the form and give a perfect,
smoothness to the outer garments. Neatly made of
the best material trimmed in laces and ribbon run.
A most unusual value for next Wednesday only ()c
Sale starts at 8 ::'(). See the window showing
White Shoes at June White Sale Prices
All Women's and Children's White Footwear in
cluded in this special sale event, including the new
white washable kid shoes in button and lace models,
also in a stylish colonial pump.
June White Sale Prices on
Summer Togs for Men and Boys
You fellows who enjoy comfort will certainly fall
for these nifty Sport Shirts made of good grade
materials in plain and stripe effects. Priced
$1.00 and $1.50
ling Suit Time
If you're looking for Bathing Suits of real class
don't overlook the assortment we have prepared
for this season; plain colors and in color com
binations' that are most pleasing, priced
$1.50 to $3.50
Straw Kats for Warm Weather
Straws and Panamas in the season's latest styles are here in
models that will suit your face, figure and pocket-book
Straws $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Panamas $5.00
- 4
4-M-4-4-4 4-4 44 M 44444444-4 44444444444 4-H
Shii Francisco, June .'I. Acting under
instructions from Toliio, tin1 Toyo Kiseii
Knisha Steamship lint- today si n
it was ready to nn't't the d'ina n ds of the
striking longshoremen.
" The fight is us good won," de
clared Secretary Foley of the unio i
when he heard this news. "The Toy
Kison Knishn was rho key line. OthciM
must follow suit.' '
Sixteen Oakland firms granted tlr'
sirigers' demands tndny. It was hi -lieved
that the trouble might-he over
and that work along tln waterfront
might lie resumed ly Monday.
Only a fen- independent lines an i
the Steamship Owners association ueic
cintion threatened to import Mexican
holding o"t this afternoon. The .
and Filipino striliobrealiers Monday un
less the stevedores ' and riggers re
sumed work and accepted 11 proforn-.1
II) )ier cent increase.
The task of iinlo"..!;ttg the i,0(lli.tii)i)
silk cargo brought here hy the Toy.
Kisen Kaislm liner Tenyo .Main wi!.
begin immediately.
James ITolland, first vice-president
the Riggers and .Stevedores I'liion, as
serted this afternoon that he expect".1
the Spreeliels intcwMs -would meet the
strikers' demands next. He believed
the principal fight would meet Hi.
strikers' demands next, lie believed
the principal fighv would be -with tlu
Pacific, Coast Steamship company and
the Northern Pacific Steamship com
pn ny.
Fight at Seattle
Seattle, Wash.. June i'ifty stri'
sympathizers battled with guards, slw.
one aon-iiiiiou worker and kidnapped
one of the guards in the first violence
of the longshoremen "a strike at "i'"
o'clock this morning, at the Milwaukee
railroad's ocean dock here.
T. O. Hughes, of I.os Angeles, wb
was shot, lies with a bullet in his bite!:
at th ecitp hospital. Me is expected to
After a hand to hand fight with tie
leaders of the mob, .lack YVaruicko,
guard was carried away.
He regained consciousness at li a. in .
where he had been left, bad
along Railroad avenue track:
All Around Town I
June 3. Public speaking de
partment Willamette univer
sity, First M. K. church, 8
p. m.
Juuo 7. Annual election offi
cers Commercial club.
June 7. Willamette University
June 0. Ornduntion xercieg
Ktatu School for the. Deaf.
Juno M. i'ug day.
June 15. Klks' annual lionie
eomiag; celebration at mm
ory. June 10. Sacred Heart Acnd
emy commencement exeroiHea.
June 17. Waldo Hills pioneer
picnic home of Airs. John H.
June 10. School board ejection,
Jun 20. Wisconsin day picnic.
June 24. Mootto day in .Salem.
July 3 All-Oregon (jrnugc ral
ly, Salem.
July U-4. Annual Cherry Pair.
I'. Rowland of PoIk county was npor
ed on for u mastoid by Or. M. '. Kind
ley at the Salem hospital yesterday.
Dr. R. T. Mclntlre, physician and
surgeon, 11 .Masonic bldg. Phone 4111.
Dr. L. O. Altmau, Homeopathic pliy
siciun, L'IMl N. Liberty, l'hoae 117.
We can aavs jou money on garden
hose NoIboii Hros. & 1'ntton, plumbers,
355 Chomeketa St. Phone 1906. tf
A meeting will be held at Donald
this evening to be addressed bv (
the First Congregational church. These
pictures of animal and vegetable life
m Oregon have been attracting lav
orable notice throughout Ine state.
oidney Drew and Francis X. Bush
man, Oregon Sunday and Monday.
The hemstitching and button nuking
shop of D. Adsett has been removed
from 352 N. IL'th St. to LMO Hubbaxd
llldg. june"
The pioneers of Waldo Hills will hold
their annual meeting at the farm id'
Mrs. John A. Hunt, tour nines north of
The public is invited to
Picnic parties and automobile parties i Of the total number reported. 2.1(1 were. U'rightmna.
and evervbodv timt feels like camping 1 subject to the compensation act, 31.be present.
out will find a hearty welcome at ihowere from public utility corporations, o
state f.iir grounds. The grounds are 1 41 were from linns and corporations i The following dentists will close
now- in condition, refreshment stands who have rejected the piovisions of the their offices at .12 o'clock noon on
are running for the accommodation of 'act, and 1 was from a firm which does ' Saturdays during the months of June,
Tacoma Is Seething.
Tacoma. Wash., dune War
finish between striking longshoremen
and incmbers of the Wnlcrfmnt Ivn-
plovers association waa declared tot1:iy .
following threats, ny ine, sinners i
destroy barricades and fences erect d
on Tacoma docks, to protect strikbreal--ers.
bines of fire hose were laid on .v
number of wharves , and will be used
to repel any attacks made by striker:',
clock officials said.
) Try Capital Journal want Ada.
Sublimity, June 17, HI Id. Judge J. C. I Cornack hall, Sunday, June 4, at H p.
ood not emplov labor ill hazardous occupa-
We desire to thank our kind friends
Myrtle for the many kindnesses ami assist
'ance rendered in our bereavement also
I I'nr the nmnv be inLif ul f low ers during
All members of SUverbell Circle No. I the sicKuess and death of our beloved
td,.W. of W., are urged to meet at lie-(wife and mother.
visitors anil everything is in
shape on the grounds, la mak
worth living.
Listen to the Sonora Talking Ma
chine it, sure has the tone.
Kuowhind, 121 Court St.
Morelaad will deliver the address. To
this pioneer picnic, everybody is in
vited. You can buy a regular $28.50 side
board, good as new for $11.50 at K. I..
Stiff & Son's.
Baseball Sunday, League grounds, 3
i. m
in., to attend unveiling exercises nr
Citv View Cemetery. Mrs. Kffie S.
Wright, Clerk.
F. .M. Humane and children.
July. August and September.
v Kplev and Olinger,
W. 6. Aiwclnj
la;by nnd Burton,
O. A'. Olson,
Smith and Fields,
J. ('. 'Griffith,
S. Kllis,
Aiark Skiff,
v V. ,L. t'ttcr. jimeS
0 i Word Was received tills morning
New Southern Pacific train. Leaves , from t, rorvais .roose that fullv
Portland " a. in., arrives Salem 10.01 a. i i,-(U lmlI, ne (,xpeeted1o attend Moose
ll 'd Kngene at noon. Hetmning, ,av Salem Satuidj.v June 21 ami
Invitations have been sent to all la-j leaves Kugene 1 p. in., arrives Salem j ,imt n10ady arungenieiits have been
bor organizations inviting them to take, 3:02 p. m., nud Portland 5 p. m. This i mRlr wltl ',),,, Southern Pacific ltor a
pirt in the parade of the (berry fair is a limited daily train, stopping only j car. On their wav the Corvallic
-Mcmdav afternoon, .1 til v 3. The plans! at viregon 1 Ity, voooouin, .-Miieni ami 0vs exjiec. to brings ahout 100 troin
' I .... c 1.'
II. ........ ...11 I t.. i.nll. ..... 1. 1 1 el lot- lainous iMlloia mt'inurmi
nn -;:,, ., .L',,i li,..':,. ...u im.... : 10 - have won the Inst tinee
for the afternoon of the first dav of i Albany.
Hnby Delivers vs. l.o.tu. Heavers j the fair include a parade to be led by
lay .'(lie ( heri'iaii tuiud and hernans, to ne
followed bv the granges of M.irion
will also he discussed for the holding
of u corn show this fall at Donald.
We pay the highest prices for used
furniture. K. 1.. Stiff i Son.
Our prices an right, no reduction
necessnry. Gurduer & Kceno, jewelers
and opUciana.
The -pauluing Logging company is
nianufacturiiig the fixtures tor the new
automobile supply house soon to be
floats opened by tne t hancellor l.yon com-
panv in I'oruaiKi. i aey are niso su
games. june3 rliuntv, labor oigaiii.ations nml the
o mo re hauls ami inauut'actui'ers
A fiftv five m-TB tract of land tn : i .i:u..i....
the l.uke l.abish district has recently; o - 'nlvinir the mill wrk for the lour room
been purchased by Mrs. Kdiiu (larfieldl If Its building materials come to us. i addition to the school house at Dalla"
court reporter, mid her brother II. M.jAVe would like to figure on your next, and will furnish .ill the material for
Hilibv. The tract will be utilized fori bill of lumber nnd bull, lers hardware, i the ll.0ii(l Woodman of the itorld
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glasse
es correctly. U. 8. Bank. Uld0'.
meeting yesleiday at .Mill Citv of the 1 ' Jhjre'i a rea-
Wilbunette alley' Lumbermen ', associ- " k."- ",,r-er &
,.i on ,u" pi"--"".
Goorge O. Brown, E. F. Carleton and
U. F. Hich irdson will attend the an
nual meeting of the Royal Arch Masons
of Oregon, representing Multnomah
dim, fin' nF Niiil.iin t.i iiuu.n.il.l.. ,.t .i.
: I - ' ... ,,n.v v ,., .11
I banc nevt Mniwliiv
Francls X. Buslun.m at the Oregon
tomorrow and -Monday.
. o
While others are reducing we are
Miu Sarah
Stato Biologist Fluloy will nhow
daughted of I moving pictures tomorrow evening at
To still increase efficiency and to
make my service still more available to
all clauses, I have decided to. reduce
my tif to meet all eusea, Heginning
June 1 Cards for 6 adjustments will bv
sold for $5.00. Ordinary cases can be
correctly diagnosed by modern ap
proved methods; more difficult eases
can obtain a X-liny examination and
spiuograph for a nominal fee. Kvery
case will receive my personal attention.
Such i lamination made by u export
Specimens 0f our high class Flouoro
scopsic work open for inspection.
P. a O. Chiropractor,
Hubbard Bldg., Phono 672
A regular Sl'2.50 roiuid 6 ft. exten
sion tabic Hoyal oak, for $ti.50 at F
1.. Stiff i Son's.
W. W. Steiwer has purchased t'ao
Maple tlrove dairy also Die Kaiser
View d ifry and will ruu both under the
name of Maple QroTO dairy with their
office at 1215 S. C'om'l. tf
Henry 1). St. llenel has filed suit in
the circuit court ngniust 1.. A. (icier
to collect S0 alleged due on an .is
signed promissory note. Ill addition to
the above sum and interest the plain
tiff asks to recover the costs of the
action and $25 attorney's fees.
Falls City-Salein Lumber Co.,
12th St. i'hone M3.
Albany. Officers of the Salem lodge
wilt go to Astoria next week to induce
th.it lodge to come along with the
Portland special and help the Salem
Moose celebrate.
The Cherrinns and the marching club
of the Moose lodge and all who wish
to join them on the morning of Friday
.nine 0 for a day's pleasure at the
Portland Rose. Festival", will leave Sa
lem promptly at 8 o clock in the morn
ing of tli.it day. The special will be
touud on the S. P. track at (oiumercial
Licensed Lady
Moderate Pricei
Perfect Service .
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
j Phone 724. Salem. Ore. J
Boat out-of-towu dance at Aumsville
tonight. Fine floor, Salem Orchestra.
Loju cow tie for league leadership
Colo pitched superbly ami hud Rrcat
support. Itaby Kca vers aro coming
strong but Salem his a hard bunch to
beat. League grounds, Sunday 3 p. m.
The ladies' octotu of Woodburn will
sin" in Portland at the Hose Festival
and they have selected as one of their
songs, it coniH.!sitioii by Ivtn U. Mar
tin, entitled "June Time in Old Ore
gon." The song has been published
and has for a title page, a colored il
lustration of the kiiut of roses that
grow in the Willamette valley,
Special sale of 6 regular $2.50 diners
can't be told from new for ifli.00 it F.
U Stiff & Son's.
Three vaudeville acts and Francis X.
riu-diiitati will be sonic big show at
Oregon tomorrow-.
340 P. building soon to be erected at 4jcMinn
A. J. Fleener and Fred B. Roberts' Koyal Neighbors and Modern ..ood-ail,l Trade streets. Tickets will he good
have been trading real estate, through i men attention. All members .ire re-1 until ..lOiidav evening the 12th audi
the agency of W. H. Crubeiihorst & quested to report at our hall at 1 p,the price for the return pasteboard is
Co., Mr. Fleener comes into possession , m. Sunday, June 4, to take part in '$2.
of h Hi ncre tract five miles south of memorial exercises nppropruue or the o
Salem .ind Mr. Hubert taiies house; day. This will be our annual memorial
and lo. on south '.rwe.ub' street. Iday. Do your duty nnd come ami
iv-. I bring a few flowers if iiossible. The
May Wing Tye, noodle house, 420 jCiieirybnd baud will furnish music. Jm
Ferry St., best kind noodle served at ' portaiit. He there and bring your
all hours, all kinds American nud ori- friend lfy- order of committee. j3
entnl dishes to order, at reasonable j o
price. .Meals bv up. pie and coffee The annual memorial services of the
5c, Hamburg steak with dressing 5c. Woodmen of the 'orld, assisted ivy
Open at li o'clock, closed at 1 o'clock the Mlver Itcll Circle of the Women of
night. 'Woodcraft, will be held Sunday even-
u ling, beginning at S o'clock at the Mc-
Durlng the past week. May 20th to'ovnack hall. An appropriate program
Juno 1st, there writ reported to the has been arranged, including musical
sjtute induMrteil accidnnt. A-ominissJoil I numbers an. I adiUesses by F. P. M.ir
Just accidents, of which one iis .ntal. ! tin, deputy head consul and F. T.
Cars of any kind for any place
at ay'ty time.
Office, Eligh Hotel
now that the vacation period Js on, j
the i.ilem public libra wishes to I
announce that the vacation privileges !
will be given its patrons as" in former
(Continued on Page Eight.)
Tuesday and Wednesday
In His First New Picture
Under the 8100,000
Not Gray Hairs But Tired Eyes
Suggest Age,
Y()l"l.L 1!K Sl'KrUlSKD AT TKH IfFSFI.T.
MISS A. UcCULLCCH, Optometrist,
208-9 Hubbard Bid?., Phone 100.
..lUllllfl. .
M Vcv' 1 ' 'a
1 ?o-
Its superiority is daily demonstrated in the happy
homes of this community. Remember
the name
Manufactured by