Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 02, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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I (.it -'Mr J:
S r . Jill V .1 -
d n
HAPPINESS is bavin' jest a little
less than we want, an' th' health t'
hustle f'r that Uittle less'
Every now and then tome smoker tells us new Joy he hag
discovered in VEI If y" want a smoke that never
grows tiresome, siz!T ELVET.
I Sport News
12 to 13 E::tra Weight
UH.tIAL1H1.au ,fr J- A..
lJc.Mick.toi . f.. 'r "WHi
taluk Hirt
2 ftrt.Wr.
Strip. Htra
When you buy your next tire make this simple
test. Let us weigh a Michelin Universal Tire
in comparison with any other non-skid of the
lame size.
You will find the Mlehtlln 12
h I5','i htavlef thjn Ihe average,
ifie exact percentage JtpenJing on
the tixe of the litet wed In the tett.
This extra weight represents extra rubber
and fabric, which meant extra service.
342 Center St. Salem, Oregon
Slocks Take a Tumble
and Wheat Dropped
New York, June 2 Tho stock market
binke one to throe points on news of
the naviil fight between the British
and Gcrmnii fleets this Afternoon.
United Stntes steel sold off u point
at S.I 5 8, Murine preferred broke II 1 I
to 1'5 nnil Norfolk nnd Western was off
2 3 8. Anglo-French Ion lis sold lit 15 5-8,
off 14.
Naval Battle Hits Wheat,
"hicngo, June 2 duly wheat dropped
1 I and Septemlier i 5 8 this ui'ler
noon on receipt of news of the grout
Initio in the North sen. The com mar
ket whs only slightly affected.
Politics and politicians materially
increased the business of the Salem post
ol'tiee during the month of May. All
jlhe candidates were pretty busy with
letter writing nnd stamp buying, bring
iiug the sales on stamps alone up to
$7,000.98, compared to $.",9."i4..,4 of May
l.one year ago. All election pamphlets
mailed by the state camo under what ts
termed third class matter, on wilier,
postage is ostium ted: according to
weight and which can lie mailed with
out stamps being affixed on e.ioh pack
age. On this third class matter, the
receipts for May were 18l9.f9, com
pared 10 ir-u tor amy one year ago.
Ihe total receipts ot the Salem ost
oll'ice tor May were $9210. G.'i.
The students for the Oregon State
Xchuol for the 111 i ml, under the direc-
Sunday's Game Ushers la First
Real Baseball Weather
of the Season
Tornado Damages
Railroad $500,000
Dubuque, Iowa, June 2. Half a mil
lion dollars damage to the Milwaukee
railroad system and $30,000 damage
cstimnted - to merchandisestoek re
sulted from the terrific eleetrieal
storm and heavy rain at McGregor and
North McGregor last night.' No lives
wern lost. The water reached a
height of four feet in the stores. Loss
in livestock at the flooded stockyards
is estimated at $1.1,000. The storm
broke suddenly at 7:30 carrying down
telephone amltelegrapii wires. The
roundhouse of the Milwaukee was
washed away and railroad embank
ments caved in. The tracks wVre torn
up nnd eight bridges washed away be
tween McGregor and lteulah. Freight
cars are piled up here and there and
traffic was demoralized. Sewers were
A recital will be given by the public
speaking department, of Willamette
University, under the direction of J'rof,
Helen Miller Senn at the First Meth
odist church Saturday evening, June
II, beginning at 8:1.1 o'clock.
The program is as follows:
Violin solo, "Twilight" Henry
Mr. I'aul Poney
Anne of Greeu Gables
;. L. M. Montgomery
Mrs. Carle F. Williams
Violin solo, " P.accarolle" Atherton
Miss Edna Denison
Sergius to the Lions.Gen. Lew Wallace
Mr. Gustav A. Anderson
Piano solo, (a) "Ich I.iebe Dieh"....
- Grieg
(b) "Herceuse" Chopin
Miss Lucile E. Emmons
A Heal American Girl. ..('has. Barnard
Miss Fave lioliu
The first day of real baseball weath
er of the senson is promised for next
Sunday in Salem when the Baby Heav
ers and the Salem Lojus clash in the
Intercity league. When Salem took the
Bradfords into camp Memorial day the
local 'fans were convinced that the Sa
lem team was nut only in the running
for the pennant but held the lead in
the first division as the one most bets
for the rag.
The Bradfords had been winning with
such startling regularity that they
could not nceept defeat grncefuly but
they were obliged to accept it, just the
same, and the victory served to instill
confidence both in the members of the
team and the fans. Mike Miller has
become ft real hitter and will duplicate
his performance of last Tuesday. Miller
U a fust fielder but has been light
with the willow in past games but now
that he has found out that he can hit
the ball ho will move up among the
Proctor, who started in Tuesday's
game both on the field and at the bat,
will be unable to piny again Sunday but
Wilson will be buck at the old position
at third. Proctor is a high school play
er who took Wilson's place at third in
the last game and would probably be
lidded to the regular line up if Wilson
should be lost to the Lojus.
Cole has shown himself to be a reli
able twirler and can be depended upon
to win his share of the games 'for the
remainder of the senson. Roy Keene,
the former Salem high school twirler,
now in the east, will return to this city
this month and with Cole nnd Keene on
the mound the Salem teaai is ussured of
stendy box men.
Adams, the Chemnwa hitting demon,
will again decorate the Salem uniform
in the middle garden nnd the remaindei
of the team will be about the sumo as
in Tuesdny's game. Hauser will do the
'ocoiving with Mickel, and Snymour as
the left and right fielders respectively.
The game will be called at II
o'clock. '
(Continued From Page One.)
Report Says Twelve
Killed In Train Wreck
Des Moines, Iowa, June 2 Telephone
reports from Packard, where a Hock Is
land train went through a bridge early
today, say the number of dead may
reach 12, although the Hock Island of
ficials assert the number is but nine.
In addition to the three reported dead
this morning, one report ndds the names
of Mrs. Mary Pruwell, limit City, aril
.Nils. Km in a Van Vliet, of Tracer, and
says, the body of an unknown boy has
been recovered.
Plunged Through Bridge.
Chicago, June 2. Five persons were
killed and eight injured iu the wreck
tion of superintendent E. T. Moores,
gave a very interesting and entertain
ing program last evening at the i'irst
Christi.in church, which was filled to
its lullest seating capacity. The pub
lic has always been interested ia Die
closing entertainment of the school and
last night they were well re-paid by
the care that was taken by the students
iu presenting the floral cantata, "The
Brownies Whisper," The second part
of the program im-ludcd selections
from "Mid Summer Night's Dream."
'VanuVjec, KituuiJ & Co., Cluthei
We Have Had Years of
In the making of Woolen Cloth and can select
for you the very best fabrics to give style and
That is why w offer you
$15.00 $20.00 $25.00
$20.00 $25.00 $30.00
For the very best Clothes you can buy. Our
tailoring department makes all alterations free
for you and thereby assures you a perfect fit.
of Rock Island passenger train No. 19
between Clarksville and Packard, Iowa,
early today, according to Rock Island
officials here. Two bodies have been
recovered, it was stated.
The train plunged through a weak
ened bridge. Tho conch, two sleepers,
locomotive ami baggage enr went into
the stream. The coach was entirelysub
Richard Smith, the eight year old
youngster who had the entire Salem
police department on the trot for a
sJiort time yesterday, was finally
brought back to the station last night
from the. State Girls Industrial school
whero he was captured. After he left
Salem with the horse and wagon of
Nelson r.ros. lie saw a top buggy
standing near the road which be
thought would be better for traveling
thai) the delivery wagon so he traded
rigs' and went, on to the Girls school
whore the matron notified the officers
that the boy could be found.
State engineer John H. Lewis left Sa
loin today l'or a few days trip to Doug
las countv to look over the Glendule
route where $25,000 is to be spent on
construction work on tjie Paeifie Highway.-
On 'this trip Wr. Lewis will .rlso
look over the survey of the proposed
road from Jledford to Crater Lake, lie
will return Moinlnv.
Falls City Lumber
& Lodging Co. Formed
With $350,000 Capital
Till! Fllll Citv T.llllilior X- TniYtrln,,
.' -- - ""hh'"l.
company was incorporated today with
h ii u i ii 1 1 xii i mil or $,iau,uuu. rue com
pany proposes to operate a mill and a
store at Falls Citv and in other nlnnna
The heiid offices of the eompnny is to
oo in l-ortiniiil. The Marion l'ower
lainter company was incorporated to
day with a capi'lalization of $10,000 by
Henrv Weneer. 1. T (inorirn nml P ri
Stevens, tho head office of the company
will be in Salem. The Lane County
Fruit Growers' Co-operative Exchange,
or i-.ugeae, was organized with n capi
talization of l nun Tim n,: ,.i,n,t.
of the Alpha ( hi Omega, was incor-
I'oinii-ii iu vervains wun property
valued at $100. The Eugene Country
club decreased iN pnnilntivntirtn frn.l
1 1 11.000 to $5,000. The Coquille River
i miici men s in-operative tannery com
I'll ll v dissolved niwl tl,n i....L l'.,,l.l..,..
sold out the holdings of the company to
mi- .inicieay estate compnnv for $10
How Cherry Queen
Contestants Stasd
.Somebody has been telling tales out.
of school and what they have slid ia
that the candidates for queen of tho
Cherry fair have thousands of votes up
their fair sleeves, and that when the
time comes, these votes will be coming
in hup a cycione ana tlie counters and
those collecting the votes will be pret
ty busy men. Tuis is not official from
the Cherry fair queen committee, but
just one of those rumors that will not
down. And while tho gener.il public
may think there is but little voting go
ing; on, the rumor is that there will bo
a genuine rip-roaring contest for the
honor of being crowned queen of the
( uoiry 4air. Several lodges are
now interested and . is said that
certain lodge intends to choose the
queen, even if several of the meniWrs
have to. economize ou cigars and cigar
ettes. '.
The vote tod iv stands:
Kstella Wilson 14,100
Inez. Stege ; 12,100
Verna ' Cooder 10,70
Gertrude Corey , 7,420
Minnie I Hsrr l,2b0
Wedding Announcements, la-
viUUons, and Calling Cards
printed to your order at ta
Capital Journal Job office.
Pbon 81;
a large number of British battleships
suffered heavy damage from the fire of
our ships and the attacks of our torpedo
boat flotillas during an engagement
which lasted during the entire day and
all night.
One Hit hy Torpedo.
"Among others of the largo British
ships, the battleship Marlborough was
hit by a torpedo. This is confirmed by
"Several of our ships rescued pnrts
of the crew of the sunken British ships.
Among those rescued were oulv two
survivors of the Indefatigable.
"Among our loss, was the small
cruiser Wiesbaden, which was sunk by
British gunfire during the day's en
gagement and His Majesty's ship rom-
inern, which was sunk during the night
engagement by a British torpedo boat.
Ihe fate of his maiesty s ship
Frauenlojj, is as yet undetermined and
there is a possibility that this boat has
been lost together with number o'
torpedo boats which have not yet re
ported and whose fate is unknown.
"The high seas fleet returned to its
base today."
The Skagernk is a broad arm of the
North sea between Norway and Jut
land, It is 150 miles long and 80 wide.
With Cattegat, the sound, and the Great
and Little Belts it constitutes the chan
nel connecting the North and he Baltic
The Warspite was a dreadnaught of
27,500 tons, was 050 feet long, lit feet
beam and had a draught of 27 1-2 feet.
She 'carried eight 15-inch gilns, 10 six
inch guns, 12 anti-aircraft guns aud
four torpedo tubes. She was built in
1912 at a cost of 2,500,000 pounds. She
carried 1,500 officers and men.
The Queen Mary was a battle cruiser
of 27,500 tons, 725 feet long, 87 feet
beam. Her armament consisted of eight
l.'l-iuch guns, Hi four-inch guns, and
three torpedo tubes. She had a speed
of 27 knots. The (ueen Mary earried
1,000 officers nnd men.
The cruiser Indefatigable was 18,750
toas and was 580 feet long. Her arma
ment was eight 12-iach guns, 10 four
inch guns and three torpedo tubes. She
carried 800 officers and men. She was
built at a cost of 1,500,000 pounds.
Tho Achilles was a cruiser of 13,000
tons, 480 foot long. Her armament was
six nine-inch guns, Tour seven-inch
gnus, 21 three pounders, four maxims,
one 12 pounder and three torpedo tubes.
She carried 70-1 officers and men. She
was built in 1005 at a cost of 1,1SO,000
The Pommern (German) was a pre
dreadnaught of the Deutehland class.
She was of 13,200 tons and 4.10 feet
long. Her armament was four 11-inch
guns, 14 six-inch guns, 20 four pound
ers, four one pounders, four machine
guns nnd six torpedo tubes. She ear
ried ft crew of 729.
The Lowestoff type of cruiser, pos
sibly the type of the small cruiser sunk
is 5,500 tons and 450 feet long. The
armament is nine six inch guns, 'four
three pounders and two torpedo tubes.
The Marlborough, reported hit by a
torpedo, is a dreadnaught of 26,400 tons.
Her armament is 10 13-inch guns, 12 -six-inehers,
four three pounders nnd four
torpedo tubes. She carried 1,000 of
ficers and men and was built at a cost
of 2,000,000 pounds.
The Frauenlob (German) wns a cruis
er 2,715 tons and 328 feet long. Her
armament wns 10 four-inch guns, 10 one
pounders, four machine guns and two
torpedo tubes. She carried 204 officers
and men. The FTanenlob was built in
1902 and cost1i00,000 pounds.
The Wiesbaden (German) is not reg
istered in available naval lists. She is
probably of recent construction.
The British battle cruiser Invincible
was of 17,250 tons and 502 feet long.
Her armnment was eight 12-inch guns,
10 four-inch guns and three torpedo
The Invincible carried 750 officers
and men nnd cost to build 1,750,000
The Fortune was a British destroyer
of the K clasp, of 1)50 tons. She was
2(iii feet long. Her armament was three
four-inch guns and four torpedo tubes.
She curried 100 officers and men.
The Sparrow-hawk and the Ardent
were of tho same specifications as the
Fortune. Tho destroyers Tippcrary and
Turbulent are not registered.
The Warrior was a British cruiser Af
13,550 tons nnd was 480 feet long. IlFr
armament was six nine-inch guns, fojir
seven-inch guns, 24 three poundrtrs, four
maxims, one 12 pound field gun nnd
three torpedo tubes. She earried 701
officers and men and was built at ft
cost of 1,180,000 pounds.
The Black Prince was a BriHsh
cruiser of 13.550 tons, length 480 feet.
Her armament was six nine-inch guns,
10 sb:-ineli guns, 20 three pounders nnd
four torpedo tubes. She enrried 70
men and was built at a cost of 1,250,000
Rate per word Now Today:
Each insertion, per word , lc PHONE 937 For wood saw. tf
One week (6 insertions), per word 5e
0T9h7c.pi&3 'jZrrll M-'hUnncy op. Phone M.
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertisements.
Bead your advertisement the first day BALE Shoo repairing outfit. 26
it appears and notSfy us immediately Center St. jnncJ
ii it conUins an ertor.
Minimum charge, 15c. READ Dr. May 's announcement ia to-
, days' paper. janeo
FOR SALE Gold voin seed potitotes.
Call 97F11 at meal times juneS FRONT APARTMENTS Ground floor
491 N. Cottage. tf
FOR SALE Household goods, type-
writer, roll top desk. .118 Union. ju3 FOB BENT SIGNS For sale at Cnp-
' ital Journal office. tf
TWO oETS Of furnished housekeep-
ing rooms for rent, 730 X. Front. ju8 FOB SALE Good Jersey cow. Box til,
" R. 2., Salem, Or. juue:l
FOR SALE Brown reed reversable - . .
baby buggy, $12.00, cost $35. 1485 SMALL TEAM To trade, for milk:
S. Liberty. juue3 cows. Phone 30F23. june3
FOR S..LE Cheap, a 1100 lb. all pur FOR SALE Pony, quiet to ride or
pose horse. J. A. Remington, 3H2 N. drive. Bx. 118, R. 0. uae3
Church street. jtineo
FOR SALK IS Huff Leghorns hensr,
UMBRELLA FOUND Thursday on SOe each. Phone 09F21. jime.'t
tbe Wallace road. Owner can have .
same by paying for adv. E. Van San- GOOD Furnished house to rent, close
ten, Salem Kt. 1.
er, bench and stool for sale very
reasonable, cost $900. Phone 2354-.I
or address 11. F. Kuek, Salem. jun3
FOK RENT For summer, large single
room, suite for light housekeeping, or
0 room flat, all modem and well fur
nished. Chemeketa street, close in.
Phone 417-H. juueli
I HAVE Some loganberries for silo,
would prefer contracting, also have
2 year old thoroughbred Holstein
bull and saddle horse, will ride or
drive, for sale. Phone 84F2. juneS
south of Caurettes wood, the official
communiqnue announced today. A Ger
man attack between Caurettes wood and
Cumieres was checked by curtain fire.
On the right bank of the Meusc an
extremely violent . battle went on all
day from Thiaumont farm to Vaux.
Southeast of Douaumont fort, the Ger
man penetrated into the southern pnrt
of Caillette wood and also made pro
gress on the shore of Vaux pond, it was
At all other points along the line
Germany was repulsed with heavy
losses. Douaumont, already subjected
to the explosions of thousands of shells
was again under 'fierce artillery fire.
Bulgaria and Greece Next.
Rome, June 2. A declaration of war
between Bulgaria and Greece is be
lieved imminent in Athens.
Dispatches from the Greek capital to
day declare that the Biparinn minister
protests to King C'onstautine 's govern
ment against the firing upon Bulgarian
troops by Greeks on the frontier. Pre
mier Skouloudis refused to receive the
protest. The curt refusal of the Greek
premier to entertain the Bulgarian pro
test has resulted in a tense situation.
Turks Halt Russians.
Petrograd, June 2. A series of sharp
attacks by the Turks against the maia
Russian lines in the advance into Asia
Minor has resulted in a temporary
chock to the advance, according to un
official reports here. The Turkish of
fensive have been made in the region
of Baiburt, Ersigan and Rivantouza.
Germans Shell Douaumont
Loudon, June 2. Fort Douaumont,
early in the struggle for Verdun, the
seeue of some of tho fiercest fighting,
is again under a hail of shells, due to
the shift of tho German attack from the
west to the oast bank of the Mouse.
With the shifting attack came word
from Pnris today that the desperate en
ergy shown by the Germans and their
apparent disregard for theij- own lives
is engendered by the fear of British
Though Douaumont is tho chief ob
jective of the new Gormau attack, the
entire line from Thiaumont farm nnd
Vaux is under heavy artillery fire, fol
lowed here nnd there )by infantry
rushes. All Thursday afternoon the
French and Gorman infantry struggled
over the Douaumont hillsides with aw
ful losses. I. Ate last night, it was re
ported, that the Germans had recovered
some of the ground taken from them
in a . surprise attack by tho French
earlier in tlie battle.
Reports of the proposed British of
fensive being near has aroused new en
thusiasm and are given added weight
bv reiteration of tho doniiii from Taris
that 'there is lack of harmony between
the French and English forces. It is de
clared that the only difficulty is to re
strain the British from rushing into
action until the arrival of the strategic
As English Tell Story.
London, Jane 2. The British admir
alty this afternoon admitted the loss of
three battlo cruisers, three light cruis
ers and five destroyers in an engage
ment with the German fleet in the
-fkngerak, on Wednesday nnd Wednes
day night.
The list of admitted British losses in
clude: Cruisers Defence, Black Prince nnd
Destroyers Tippcrary, Turbulent,
Fortune, Sparrow-hawk and Ardent,
with six unnamed, missing.
According to the admiralty state
ment, the German losses were serious,
consisting of one battleship reported
sunk and two light cruisers known to
have been disabled and probably sunk.
"Tho exact number of enemy de
stroyers sunk," says the'admiralty re
port, "was unnscertainable but was un
doubtedly large."
The British admiralty admits that
six other destroyers in addition to the
list announced as last, are unaccount
ed for.
"The German fleet was greatly aid
ed," the admiralty statement said, "by
its low visibility. ' It avoided a prolong
ed action and accomplished its results
by a quick thrust and withdrawal.
"The main British forces have re
turned to port."
Tho admiralty statement ndds that
the Warrior, a 13,550 ton cruiser, carry
ing 704 men, wns disabled and later
abandoned. An attempt was made to
tow her back to British waters, bnt the
vessel was too badly damaged. No
mention is nude of the fate of the
The Warrior is the same cruiser that
was reported aground in the Mediter
ranean in September, 1915, after an en
gagement with the Goben.
According to the admiralty, the Bri
tish fleet consisted of the cruiser fleet,
consisting of battle eruisfrs and light
cruisers, supported hy four battleships
and a flotilla of destroyers, torpedo
voats and submarines,
(Note. It is by low visibility tactics
that Admiral Von Spee's squadron an
nihilated the British fleet under com
mand of Admiral Craddoek off the
Chilean coast in November, 1914.)
Fred Fitzwater and "Doc" Daniels
left Salem todav for a mouths, fish i n t
trip on the upper wnters of the Des
chutes. They intend to climb mount
noon also if conditions are favorable.
French Claim Gains.
Taris, June 2. By a violent infantry
attack, the French troops progressed
100 meters into the German trenches
1 On M a. lurcn a. . r ........
t BewVwe pF IMITATIOWlt-.
in. Phone Main 4 or 47.
WANTED Girl to do general house
work. Inquire 274 N. Summer. t
Phone 47 or 4. G. W. Johnson. tf
AGENT WANTED For fash selling
article. Address box444, Salem, Or.
PURE Whale oil soap for hop spray
for sale at tho Capital Soap. Work..
' tf.
FOR SALE Cheap, 1100 lb. mare;
light single wagon. 1395 N. Liberty
St. j-ino
II. II, Egan, Gervais, Route 2. Phone
3F11. June3
v.NTED Girl for general house
work. G. C. Jones, R. 8,B. 74. Phone.
29F2. jUM2
WILL EXCHANGE Lot in good Colo
rado town for Salem lot. 1395 N. Lib
erty St, june;i
FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping
appartments, rates reasonable, close
in, 180 Court. it
WANTED Experienced girl for gen
eral house work. Call at 270 N. 13tli
Mrs. Harry Clay. tlft
WANTED TO RENT 5 room fully
modern bungalow or cottage withr
garage. Phone 511. tf
aged preferred. Phone 403-M or ad
dress 1290 N. 18 St. tf
FOR GOOD Meals and comfortable
rooms, reasonable, in modern home
close in, phono 1013. joneS
SEED POTATOES Choice Bnrbank
and Golden Coin seed for s.ile. Man
gis Bros., 540 State St. jime.'t
FOB RENT Flat close in, furnished
f or unfurnished. Phone 823-J. or call
at 253 North Cottage St. tf
WANT ED Second hind baby walker
and high chair in good condition. ('.
C. Jones, R. 8, b. 74. I'hone 29F2. j2
FOB SALE 200 acres at Lyle, Wash,
will consider some trade on clear
property. August Rauch, Salem, Oi.
June ij
FOB SALE 18 acres, good terms, 18
iu crops ana rruit, tair buildings,
best soil W. W. Lander, Salem R.
9- jnnelS
FOB SALE Good Jersey milk eow
giving 3 1-2 gallons of milk, a bar
gain. Phone 98F2. Walter Pearmine,
ed, good camp grounds anil accom
modations. Phone 37F3. O. L. Dancer,
R. 4. juaeG
FOB SALE 3 hilf truck Stndebsker
wagon, wm trade for Heavier wagon,
cordwood or atumpage. 2788 Lee.
Phone 1322-J. tf
FOB BENT Business block room, size-
-10. on a . '
aoaou icuu o orate street. In
quire at 463 State. Thone. 1009.
Maurice KUnger. tf
FOR RNT 6 room modern cottage,
4 blocks from state house, $12 per
nionth. Soc Mr. Lynck at bank .f
Commerce or Piione 1'44. - juneS
I AM Taking orders for summer and
raa aeavery of wood. I will give a
lower price now than I will late ia
the soason. John H. Scottjhone 1553
After office hours, 622. june29
FOR SALE At bargain prices, on
Trnv lai,n.1r. on f , '
helving, two teams and Shetland
pony, 2 dqnble buggies, one single
""KKJ- oieiuooea, Mi jn. load
Phtir 8P8.
FOR SALE 10 acres Paradise Valley,
cwuiuern uiiuornia,- oringes. lem
ons, apricots, olives, figs, giiavas,
etc. Crop last year ran 20 tons or
anges, 30 tons apricots, etc. Thia
siirburban acreage is Ioeated 13 min
utes from heart of San Diego, 20
minutes froni Imperial Beaeb 25
from Hotel del Coronada. Has 'mod
ern chalet designed in good archi
tect taste, every known convenience
inside, and out, including city water,
electric light, gas, tiled bath. Out
buildings include packing house,
garage, etc,, with private water sys- -tem.
Hard surfaced electric lighted
boulevard to Sin Diego; oeean view.
Exclusive neighborhood and is the
In1""" '" ia laraaise. Valley.
Personal reasons compel the - sale.
....I o.i mr ji.i.fiio, ana would con
sider Willamette Valley farm prop
erty of equal merit for the larger
imount, with some cash or good pa
per down. J. L. Bell, Mill City, Ore.
-'u' . y jtine3