Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 01, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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June White Sale Prices on Men's and Boys' White Wearables.
June .White Sale Prices on all White China Dishes, Etc.
Clearance Prices on all Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists
Over 36 Years of
Successful M er
asing in Salem
All Around T
kc j(c sc s)e )(c 3( ft t ifc se
June 1. Closing exorcises Stuto
School for the Blind, Chris
tian church, 8 p. m.
June E. nigh scliooj commence
ment exercises at Armory.
Juo 2. Kimball college com
mencement, 2:30 p. m.
June 3. l'liblic speaking de
partment Willamette univer
sity, First M. K, church, 8
p. ni.
Juo 7. Annual election offi
cer Commercial club.
Juno 7 Willnmotte University
June 9. Graduation exercises
State School 'for the Deaf.
.Tnne 14. Flag day.
June 10. Sacred Heart Acad
emy commencement exorcises.
June 19. School board election.
June 24. Moose day in Salcra.
Dr, Mendelsohn, specialist, flu glasse-
ea correctly. U. 8. Bank. Blda'.
Dr. Stone's drag nor.
Our prices are right, no reduction
necessary. Gurdnor & Keene, jewolors
and opticians.
While others are reducing we are
increasing our stock. There's a ron
sont ask us, Oardaor & Kconc, jewel
ers and opticians.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses.
liubarb Free
Finest Fresh Rhubarb will be given away free
while our supply lasts. Come early, get all you can
Local Dried Crawfords, per pound 5c
Ward K. Richardson
2395 N. Front Street
ie White
Special Prices on all White Goods
June White Sale Prices on all Muslin Wear and Corsets.
June White Sale Prices on all Table Linens Domestics etc.
June White Sale Prices on Laces and Embroiieries.
June White Sale Prices on all White Hosiery and White Shoes.
I f
Dr. Stone makes no cliarge for con
sultation, examination or proscrip
tion, tf
The lire loss on the home of Soyinour
Wilson of Yamhill oountv was settled
today tiv the company represented in
the city' by .1. K. Scott.
Duplex Alcazar Range, demonstration
by Mrs. Darling, factory representative
liureu lL Mammon.
The Woodmen of the World and
Women of Woodcraft will hold memor
ill services next Sunday evening at
ine .net nri-icn nan. ine exercises me
ntmn I, li i.nlj; I .. ...I 1 '
:':,,, 1 .
Free 12;piece Aluminum sot value S9
with every Alcazar Duplex range sold
luring the demonstration this week lit
llureu & Hamilton
The local members of the Royal Ro-
sarians are in receipt of invitations to
l no royal hull to oo given in honor
of Queen Muriel fur the tenth animal
rortliad Hose Festival, to be uiven
rhursday evening, June H at Cotillion
With a Sonora Talking Machine you
will never lack entertainment. .Myrtle
Know! ind, 121 Court St,
The Oregon state school for the blind
will hold its il li u u ii I closing exercises
tonight, at the First Christian church,
beginning at X o'clock. Tho evening's
exercises will be in two pniis, begin
ning with a floral caiilitu, "The
llrownics Whisper'1 nnd selections from
'A Mid Summer Night's Dream." The
entertainment is free and the public is
il jJ
To still increase efficiency and to
make my service still more available to
all classes, I have decided to reduce
my ice to meet all cases. Hegiii'iing
June 1 Cards for adjustments will be
sold for $."1.01). Ordinary cases can be
correctly diagnosed by modern ap
proved methods; more difficult cases
can ubtniu n X-liny examination and
spinogruph for a nominal fee. livery
case will receive my personal attention.
Such examination made by an expert
Specimens 0f our high class Kloaoro
scopsic work open for inspection.
P. H. MAY, D. C.
P. a C. Chiropractor,
Hubbard Bldg., phone 072
Phone 491
03 0
i ii
Be a booster smoite Salem made ci
gars, La t'orona, Salem's best.
Word was received this morning
from Dr. 1!. L. Sleeves to the effect
that he ami Sirs. Stceves would spend
part of this week at Lake Oeorge,
York, ami Fort Tieonderoga ami soon
start on their homeward .journey, ex
pecting to arrive in Salem June 11.
They will stop off a lew d.iys at the
flrand Canon.
The hemstitching and button making
shop of D. Adsett has been renin veil
from 35 N. 12th St. to 230 Hubbard
Wdg. jinioT
Dr. Hill, physician at the Coeur
d 'Alone Indian reservation in Idaho
arrived here last evening, making the
trip in a Ford auto, llis family has
resided in this city during the school
yc.ir, u daughter being a member of
this year's high school graduating class
Dr. mil and family will leave f'or their
home by auto Saturday.
J.ww puwctb uuiupicitj
Two perfect complete ranges in one.
Hurim eoiil, wood nnjl gas. Duplex Al
c.i.ar demonstration this week, linren
& Hamilton.
The Chorrians will met Friday even
ing with n committer from the state
fair board ami the horsemen who arc
interested in holding races on the
Fourth of July and discuss plans for
the second day of the Cherriun fair.
As yet, the slate fair boird lieonle
and the Cherrians have not been able i
to agree ns to wbut should be done on ;
the Fourth.
When you build no matter what, get
our prices on builders supplies. Falls
City-Salem Lumber Co., 31!) S. 12th St.
flume 813.
Following, the custom of years, seats
will be reserved for the families nnd j
iminediaie friends of 'the in initiates
.iim.I ilso those associated with the ing to the defendants has been attach
school at tho commencement exercises! ed in conuec'tion with tho controversy
to be held at the 'armory tomorrow o .
evening. Seats tfi the reserved section j The Artisans last night gave a sur
will bo by ticket, only. There will be; prise paitv to Mrs. A. C. Smilh and
no admission charge and the entire .Miss Florence Smith who will leave
armory will be tinowu open to the. soon lo live in Iowa. The program at
pin.i.c, excepting ine section reserved.
, , 0
The missionary society of the First;
Cnristian cuurch will meet at. the home!
of Mi s. D. Olmsted, 24. Cnioii
street, Friday afternoon June 2d.
' O
ine Kev. ueorge t. lion returned
today trom .Minneapolis where he nt-
tended -the noitlieia Haptist convention
lie will be prosent. at the prn.ver meet
ing this evening in the first linptist
church and fill his pulpit next Sunday.
Mr. Holt preached in two churches of
which he was. formerly p.udor, the
First Baptist church of Waterloo, Io
wa, and the fourth naptist cluirch of
M iuuonpolis.
I ns rn save yon money on garden
hoso, Nelson liros. & 1'ntton, plumbers,
1 3D5 Cheuieketa St. Tlione 1!)06. tf
Let's talk about the weather. Even
'the oldest inhabitant is saving some
thing about the 'unusual conditi.u s, ai.d
nee is what really happened diung
May. the wind was from the north 10
,lm.d f....t tl.n .1.... .... 1 ..
teh south 20 dnvs; eleven' davs were
..I.,..,. ..! .1... i .10 .i.:..
cloudy till the time; the warmest il.iv
was on t.iK 2d, when the mercury in the
thermometer climbed up to the 77 notch
and the coldest n'Rht was on the morn
ing of May 11, with n record of 33 de
grees above zero.
W. W. Stetwer has purchased the
Mm.le Crove dairy also the Knistiri.
Knew diirv and will run both under thai
name of Maple Orove dairv with theirl
j office at 1215 S. Com'l. ' tf!
The. following dentists will close
their offices at 12 o'clock noon on
Saturdays during the months of June,
July, August and September.
Kplev ami (Dinger,
W. O. Asseln,
Darby and Ibtrtnn,
O. A". ONon,
Smith and Fields,
.1. ('. Ciitfilh,
S. F.llis,
Mark Skiff,
l L. I'ttcr. junc3
and Skirts
The House of
Quality and
The Prospect school in district No. 69
held its closing exercises early this
week when an excellent program was
rendered to a house packed by parents
and patrons of the school. Miss Gladys
Jory was the teacher.
About a dozen pupils of the eighth
grade are taking tue state examinations
today at the office of tho county school
superintendent. Theso pupils are from
districts in which no examination is be
ing conducted at this time.
Prof. G. B. Posoy, assistant pathol
ogist at the O. A. ., is making his
third spraying experiment tod ly in the
Kosediile prune district. The experi
ments are to determine. The experi
mixture of spray is most effective in
preventing brown rot.
At 2.30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon,
commencement exercises wi i be held
by Kimball college of Theology in the
assembly hull. The oration will be de
livered by the Kev. (J. K. Smilh ami
the charge to the cl iss by president.
Carl l-regg Doney. The president of
Kimball college, Kev:' II. ,. Talbott will
present the diplomas.
The Donald public schools held their
closing exercises last night as a fitting
end of a most successful school year
according to Supervisor Drilletto, who
attended the exercises nnd delivered an
address to the pupils and patrons of
the school. The teachers. Miss Mable
"0,.v and Miss Stella Orettic, have both
" uuiieu 101-nnoiner year nt a sun
stnntinl increase in salary.
The United States National bank of
Newberg today filed a suit in the cir
cuit court of this county ngainat L. J.
Bond and .Mrs. L. J. Bond to collect
300 nlleged duo on- a promissory note.
In addition to a iudi'ment in thin sum
the plaintiff seegs to recover costs and
430 attorneys fees. Some bind bnlnnrr.
the lodge last evening included a solo
l,v M'lul llrassfield. singing by
Mr. Campbell and several selections by
the orchestra U Ml,, smith i- n
j member of the La Area cltti), she was
presented with a silver thimble by her
lelllb HSSOi'illt.W T. .n-.uiin.r 'u ,'.i,t.,r.
tainment close
'd with refreshments and
1 will receive sealed bids for n stock
of merchandise, liriaciimllv groceries.
of the invoice value of ifi(i;!2.2ii with
i fixtures of 5S7.:i."i. located at 173 So.
: Commercial street, Snlem, Oregon, up
I to 12 o'clock noon of Monday, June
joth, lull!. Terms cash, nnd a ten per
i cent casii deposit, must accompany e.ich
, offer. Might reserved to reject any and
; all bids. Inventory may be seen nt
jury office and property nuiv be inspect
' oil nt Salem. K. U Subtu,' 740 Morgan
. Hldg.
Xated May ,11, 191(1. jnne2
Thomas H. Crawford, well known in
educational circles, and for manv reus
if. 'Vmh. ?hj of illamette
' niversity, died Wednesday night nt
St. Vincent's hospital, Portland, in his
""nil year. Funeral services were held
yesterday in Portland. The body ar
rived in Suleni this nt'ternjnn on the 1
o'clock Oregon Klectric and wis taken
to the Odd Fellows cemetery where
burial took place under the auspices
of the local Odd Fellows lodge. Mr.
rH" 11,1,1 "as im wrogon pioneer,
thc 1,i,""s 1,1 ,S''"
C. P. Bishop, delegate to the Repub
lican convention nt Chicago, neeompin
ied by Mis. Itisliop, left for Fort land
this morning, where they will be joiued
by the delegate from Oregon going to
the Republican convention, and also by
delegates to the 1'rogrossive conven
tion. Four years ago, the convention
continued all wek. but the general
impression in Salem is that the Kepubli
can candidate will be nominited the
second day" of the convention. Mr. and
Mrs. Itisliop will probably spend some
time in the east before letnrning. Mr.
liisliop goes as a Hughes delegate.
)(c sjc sfc jt j)g jfc jc sjc sfc ss )Jc c sjt sjc jc )jt
iNew York
Bush and Meyers; Caldwell and JJu-
Johnson and Ainsinith;
0 3 3
14 1
Buttt and
Faber and Schnlk: Cunnineham and
Stnnage, Baker.
- x H. H. K
Cleveland 3 U 0
St. Louis ..' 2 7 1
Morton and Billings, O'Neill; 1'arks
and Hartley,
H. E.
5 3
7 2
Xew York 2
i'hiladelphia 4
Stroud, Shauer and Raridenj
and Killifer.
First game ' R.
Boston q
Brooklyn ,. 1
Rngoa and Gowdy; Chenev,
and Meyers.
H. E.
0 1
4 3
Second game
Rudolph and dowdy;
Miller. J '
R. H. K.
..2 7
1 5 l.fieers
Coombs and i.Iulv
4 9 0
8 13 4
ncniieioer, jjale nnd Wingo;
and Schmidt.
Xo others.
It is the desire of the senior class
ui me nign scnool tnnt no flowers be
presented .it the graduating exercises
tomorrow evening at the nrmnrv unit
that there be no applauding during tiie
presentation of diplomas.
At the competitive drill yesterday
afternoon of the students of the In
dian training school, company IS was
given firs, prize, company A second,
company C third and eoniny I) fourth
The judge, were adjutant, gener.il
White, lieutenant Compton ami lieu
tenant Allen.
According" to affidavits at the two
express, offices, 482 persons received
shipments of liquor during the month
of May. Whiskey seems to be in the
lend as only a 'dozen of these affida
vits were made for the kind of drink
that contains malt cxtr.tcts. During
tho first, three months of the year,
llonibrook, California, got about all
the business of this nature from Salem,'
bui. the May shipments indicate that!
the old regulars prefer the kind that
is sent from San Francisco. I
J. H. Herbsman, advance manager!
for the Ellison-White Chautauqua, will!
be in Salem Tuesday, June 0, to confer!
with the officers and directors of fuel
local association. A luncheon will be
given Tuesday noon at the Spn, when
committees will be appointed to tnke
up the active work of preparing fot the
annual chautauqua. The dates for Sa
lem have been arranged for the week
beginning Wednesday, July 12. The
local officers are, Dr. H. C. Epley,
president; A. A. Lee, vice president;
O. E. Knowland, secretary; Henry
Compton, treasurer.
"Jim" Linn left today for Chicago,
he says on "private business." Jim
is not a delegate to either the Repub
lican or Progressive conventions, but
he sported a brand new tie, wore i
gay little boutinere, his sweetest smile,
and of course, some other togs; and
his friends have a pretty good hunch
tTiat he thinks he can get in as an
nlternate, or something with tho
women's parly convention. With his
experience he should be able to direct
any social functions, "hops' especial
ly; and it. will not be surprising if his
picture shows up on the front ptge of
the Chicago papers as the grand major
doino, " iii ink a-ilink " or whatever
the women folks call that sort ot of
ficial. Whatever it Is Jim will make
goo. I.
Only home grown food and drinks
ill be served at a dinner to be given
at the ltose Icsuval ot (Irants I'ass,
emovaS Sale
We are opening our Removal Sale with a few specials. This sale will be the
largest in the history of Salem. Buy your Furniture now as you will never again
get the high grade Furniture at such slaughtered prices.
Solid Oak Rocker, genuine
leather seat, large and
roomy, worth double,
now $3.80
9x12 Velvet seamless, rich
colors, small figure Rug,
special JQ
Mission Buffet weathered
oak finish, French plate
double mirrors $8.55
Buy Now and
Save Money
June 10. With this in view, those in
charge of the all-Oregon dinner have
written the Commercial club in regard
to securing logan berry juice.
The Cherrians decided last evening
not to support a cpieen for the Cherry
fair, as it would not be exactly ap-
Ipropriate for the organization having
j in charge to a great extent the many
0 activities ol me tair, to use its mini-
ence for any one queen.
The Turner Rebekah lodge will come
to Salem next Monday evening ami
spend x few hours as the guest of the
Salem Rebekahs. A program will be
arranged lor the evening, to be ntol-
lowed by a luncheon. About 2." visitors
from the Turner lodge are expected.
Word was received today by E. N.
I'eetz. from his son Judge I'eetz. who
enlisted about a year .vgo in the ma
rines. For fhe past five months the
voting man has been stationed at Pekin
China, and is well pleased with his
work in the marines and the jipportuui
ty of seeing life in loreign countries'.
The annual conference of the United
Brethren church of Oregon is now in
sessiou in Portland. In making a re
Port from this district, the Rev. II. B.
Dorks, pastor of the United Brethren
church of this city said that good jvro
gress hud been made at. Hopewell and
H.uleton and that at Salem all debts
had been discharged.
At the meeting held last evening of
Cheniekota lodge No. 1, I. O. O. F., the
following officers for the coming six
months were elected: .Noble grand',
I Fra n k
L. Keister; vtce grand, C. ti
1 I .. LM.. .. T..1...
I .llit.llO , E-t I I .1 1 , .1 Ullll
Jl. Petit;
( . treasurer, L. C. Zimmerman
These of
will be installed Wednesday,
. Hcsidcs the election of offi
cers anil regular niisiness tlie nrst ami
second degrees were given candidate
from Turner and Salem. ,
While the weather for the mouth of
May has been regarded as quite unus
ual, even for the oldest, inhabitant,
there has been only 2."X inches rain
fall. Since the first of the year, the
ainfsiU for Salem Ins been as follows:
.January, r.12
I inches;' March
inrhes; February, 0.31
10.00 inches; April, 2.!il
inches. The average gunge of the riv
er for May was 5.") feet, with 4 feet
lowest above low water on the last
day of the month.
In response to an inciyiiry from Gov
ernor With.vcombe attorney general
lirown today gave out. the opinion that
the governor was vested with the pow
er by the legishture to appoint a pub
lic service commissioner to fill the va
cancy caused by the resignation of
Civde B. Aitchison. Mr. Aitciiison's
Of High Class Household Furniture at 1215 N.
Commercial Street, on Friday, June 2, 1916, Com
mencing at 1:30
One Arcadian Malleable
6-hole Range with water
front and polished top,
as good as new.
One Hot Blast Heater.
Two 1-4 Cut Oak Lib
rary Tables.
One Fumed Oak Din
ning Table (round).
Three Fumed Oak Din
ners to match.
Six Quarter Cut Golden
Oak Dinners.
Two Fumed Oak Span
ish Leather Seated
Two Fumed Oak Rock
ers. Two Fumed Oak Sewing
One Oak Secretary.
Note The above Furniture is all High Class and
as good as new and will be sold without reserve.
F. N. WOODRY, Auctioneer.
Phone 511
Solid Oak Library Table,
size .26x42-in., straight
line, mission waxed fin
ished, the kind everybody
like, special $5.85
Sanitary R e f r igerator,
perfect circulation,
special $4.80
Licensed Lady
Moderate Pricei
Perfect Service
Latest Methods Are .
Found Only
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore.
Cars of, any kind for any place
at any time.
Office, Bligh Hotel
Daily Between
Salem, Stayton, Mill City and all way
Points. Leaves Mill City 6:15 a. m.;
Stayton 7:45, Salem, 9:15.
fieturn, leaves Salem 4:30 p. m.;
titayton 5:45; Mill City 7:20.
Phone 13
resignation lias been in the liuiids
the governor for several days but n;t
not yet been accepted. II. II. On'),
the republican nominee for the plao
from Fasteru Oregon, who is now serv
ing as sev rotary of the commission will '
be appointed to .Mi. Aitciiison's place.
An advertising man. is supposed if)
be a live wire and for this reason, live
ly times may be expected in Salem from
seven o'clock until nine o'clock of the
morning of June 12. The advertising
club of Oakland, California, will bo
on its way to attend the annual adver
tising men's meet at Spokane from'
June 7 to 9, nnd have written the Cont
merei.il club that, they will be pleased
to stop over in Salem two hours, visit
the governor and state institutions and
become actpiniutcd with the city thai,
claims to have the finest, civic center
in the west. It. is understood thai,
the ad men will also do n few funny
stunts on the streets, just, to prove how
live they can really be on suitable oc
casions. p. m., consisting of
One Solid Oak Princess
Two Birdseye Mp.ple
One full sized- white
Enameled Bedstead,.
Spring and Silk Floss
Two 1-4 size White En
ameled Bedsteads and
Springs with felt and
silk floss Mattresses.
One Kitchen Table.
Two Kitchen Linoleums
One pair Portiers.
One Couch Cover and
Window Curtains.
Kitchen Utensils, Boil
er, Wash Tubs, Axe,
Rake, Spade and Fork.
One Singing Canary.
42-inch top solid oak 6-ft.
extension Dining Table,
sPecial $9.85
Chairs to match above,
leather seat, solid oak,
special, each $J5Q
$27.00 Reed Perambulator
now "$9.50
All High Grade
Furniture in our