F.TCHi THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31. 1916 mmmm 111 ma n mm i. i u.imipi . .inij n nui iii.i.hb.i. j J- ii.npm mi iiiuimiim ii ii i 1 1 i. i-.i.wh.h iiiiiiiii i mi ai.in i in i.ii.m.i i i jpainin i mi Mill fi inniimi- mm nnuiiii ""l n u".i mil n . nil n i urn in n I ii ii-u i itimi j i, I y urn ,'i ' ' i ijqwww wmmmri mmrmmmmjm gjip It'.. - - .'. u: -.. - - - - ' - ----- -.-- - - S m .11 .- .... ii I Ii I Ill mn -n ...i... . .mmm,fm. "'"Ifi .yiftw., . fc..,-.,,.- 'wmmkiii,1tli -Y-jr-r- -- Ii ilfihiiH mr'i(rtr"rm ttiwHi r"-1ni itiMi iWmlf J''"-'TW'iMlf1r1i;,i im r. ilim' iwii i - ' - 1 - 'r t 'h "nif "r immfr- " r ' -- --j raifc I?- H-' r if r - -"' "L- "- t-..itLi. ... ... . i .' lL.....yJ.-lV:L...'WJ v -i :t 1ft -.'l' - ' - yj - t-- fn"-' -Trtayr tf t I'll III! til I lililiiiWl iliti jatllfM 111 Vital. iiilHill HU 'in lit -irtMl V-T " ft'-T 'jillMl t li'-1 fu- fr'V V--'i-l j irt4nAfcii.Af ir-rf-i - -r -i.lnrtia lrf -"' ' : 4 v-;1f .'f J '-t''' """'-Ii 'JVtfVt?t- -lF-,-,'L -- '-S i-'SJj" ---.y-''--'-' ....lAHi.ji.WA:M-jiW.)rt, .J-lr .M,.fc..ija.A.'.ifiJl . A A seie oi nign.ijraae snozs causea oy a srsorc seiiang seasoo. tvery snoe in our stodus. included. in this sale New Spring and Summer Styles for Men Women and Children. We are closing out every pair of Men's Shoes in our store. We need the room for women's and children's shoes. This stock contains the highest grades of Nationally known brands. SALE STA1RT t o o Come early while stock is complete. Read prices and act at once. Don't overlook anything it means money to you. Read every item. The Greatest Bargains ever offered in shoes. We Have Listed a Few Bargains for the Convenience of Busy Shoppers Men's Tan and Black English Blind Eveki Goodvcar Welt Shoes, re?. $5. Mow $4.35 Ladies' Patent and Gunmetal Button Boots, in cloth and kid tops, Goodyear. Welts, 9-inch Tops, regular $5.59 Now $4.85 ( J3T-i Ladies' all black kid Boots in kid top and cloth top, in both bright and dull finish, regular $5.00 Now $4.35 Ladies' Patent Button, cloth and kid top, in the short yanip, stage last in a genuine Goodyear Welt, Now $3.35 i. 11 We have a big line of Ladies' Comfort Shoes in Kid with turn soles in both lace and button. Prices ranging from $1.95 to $2.95 Mr. Farmer and Working Man, here is a chance to supply your wants now as we have a large line of men's Work Shoes on sale at a very low figure You will find in bins a large assortment of Ladies'. Misses and Chil dren's Shoes and Low Shoes in prices from 95c to $2.35, all good Shoes, but broken sizes. We have the largest line of Ladies' low Shoes and Pumps in the city; Patent, Gun Metal. Brown Kid, Black Kid, White and Jans ia high heels and low heels, strap and plain Pumps; also a big line of Mary Jane Pumps in Patent and Dull leather. All prices greatly reduced Big line Ladies' Patent and Gun Metal Shoes, lace and button at $2.95. A all white 9-inch genuine Egyptian Reign skin cloth with Vaughn's white ivory sole and heel.. As cut, Now $4.85 I A genuine black kid Boot, 9-inch top, Louis heel and lace, regular$6.00 Now $4.85 The new Sport Oxfords in white, with tan and white nubuck trimmed, with rubber soles and heels, regular $4.00 Now $3.35 Ladies' Patent Colt, Goodyear welt, cloth top, button, Louie heels, regular $5.00 Now $3.95 FT Buy Your Summer Shoes and Make a Do Not Fail to Attend This Great Money Saving Event. High Grade Footwear will be sold at less than cost to retail Mr nsur k c r& k kfKifv Nlr nTP fh j You will lose money 1 52 N. Commercial Street Opposite Weller Bros. Grocery Large Saving if you miss this Sale W w ' lirl