TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1916. , Study Food Values) Food provided for the family table de serves the careful thought of every house wife. Do you use thought when buying baking powder? The quality of cake, biscuits and all quickly raised flour foods depends largely upon the kind of baking powder used. Royal Baking Powder is made from 'cream of tartar derived from grapes. It is absolutely pure and has proved its excel lence for making food of finest quality and wholesomeness for generations. Royal Baking Powder contains no alum ' nor phosphate. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York SOCIETY AU2TB THOMPSON BRIDGE parties and luncheons in terspersed with a few informal gatherings hive eulivenod the opening days of this rather quiet week. The most attractive boing the- after noon affnir for which Mrs. William Krowo and Mis. William Kldridgo were hostesses tnis afternoon at the home 4f the former. Lovely blossoms of tlie Benson were used artistically about the room. A number of prominent matrons were cuests. Mr. '.tnd Mrs. Diner T.mldon had as their guests yesterday Miss Mildred Jtaglov and her fiance Havid (Iraliain if Kugcne. - 'Quite the most important even sched uled on the cnlemlnr for tomorrow ii iuli t in the final dance of the season to be given by the llooth string orches tra at tho armory. The Chen-inns in their white uni form! will be among thoso attending tho affair. A feature of the evening will bo several popular solos by "Topi Ordeman, one of .Salem's favorite sing Mis. Kunice Roberts of PortUml, is the guest of relatives. Mr. and Mis. ('. P. Bishop will leave tomorrow for Chicago, where the for mer will attend the national Republi can convention. Although Mr. and Mrs. Hishop's plans are imlef inite they expect to visit .New York and other K.tstern cities before their return. Tho Ueilig theatre in Portland will no doubt see a generous sprinkling of Halem society folk during the week as suvernl parties have planned to at tend tho "Passing Show of 1913," which is beiuir played there this week. "The Passing Show" which is the biggest, thing .that has been in Port land this season opened its week's en gagement MoinLiy night with niati- School for Mothers and Cooks F.Irs. Kate Brew Vaughn Will Speak in the Armory June 5 to 10- Inclusive Lectures and Cookery Lessons Free ' '" I' v t too; ;i' A little more than two years ago the Capital Join mil invited Mrs. K.ite Hrrw Vaughn, Bettor l'mds, Bettor J Ionics lecturer, who has won for her HcJf national fame, to hold a school hern for housewives and cooks. The welcome accorded Mrs. Vaughn and the 4'iithusinsm with which tins lidter Poo il Iietter Homes instruction was received by the best women of the city brought ulinut a deteriuinulion to' make this school an niinunl affair, ifi it would be possible to obtain Mis. Vaughn as teacher. Thn Capital Journal is happy to nnnoiinee that such as arrangement lias been made nod Mr. Vaughn will lecture and give 4'ookerjr lessons here tho week of June r.ih. Mm. Vaughn's success as a Better Foods Better Homes lecturer has not in I nay war spoiled her ami she is still the mine aweot, gracious, friendly woman who answered questions and solved dif ficult household problems for troubled housewives and mothers two years ago. Nhe still considers her family of three handsome sous and two charming daughters her greatest achievement mid is using her natural talent as a good Miutliorn cook, her acquired skill as a trained and scientific! cook and her euperb pi t as a honiemnking mitt hoi to Impress upon other women thn truth th-,i ..iili,.rli..,.l in il,.,ir ,v,ni joa.iflufiiou and that woniuu's biggest' business is hninciniiliing. Believes Work Valuable Being asked to impart to other moth ers and housekeepers thn knowledge that has meant much to her, Mrs. Vaughn very eagerly entered into this work and has during the past three years accomplished far more than she ever dreamed of doing. Mie has spok en before women's clubs, mothers' clubs, domestic science classes and high school o,iils and boys nil over the country. With these gills and boys she is always exceedingly popular. Mm al ways tells them she likes girls better than anything in the world, because of her own two daughters, and then that she likes boys just a little better, because she has three sons. In a uty where she recently addressed some five hundred high school boys, the mother reported the next day that these boys came homo full of enthusiasm about Mrs. Vaughn, Why she knows a lot about other things than cooking," they said, "i-die understands just what bovs like." This popular lecturer lias been en gaged by the Capital Journal to j.ive six talks on liiunctnnMiig and six lecturers on good cooking in the Armory, Jiiiio "ith tn lilih inclusive. These interesting lecturers and practi cal cookery lessons are free and every woman in Salem and tho surrounding community' is invited. nees on Wednesday, Friday and Satur day. According to the Sunday Oregonian "It is an onslaught of fun, a riot of tashiun, a whirl or. dancing, an evening full of song ami all other things that go to make up a musical burlesque with enough of the esthetic thrown in to balance things a bit." There are l--" in the company, among the artists are Willie and Kugcne How ard, lleorgo Joiiroo, Daphne Pollard, John T. Murr.iy, Manlynn Miller, dun sense, Kosloff and his Russian Imper ial ballet nnil many others. Considerable interest centers around Manlynn Miller, the London dancer, who created a sensation for her esthet ic dancing in New York. Mrs. J. M. Garrison and daughter, Miss Mildred Harrison, left Mondiy morning for Newport, where they will spend the sumnler. Mrs. Albert Feustnain went to Port land today -for a few days visit with friends arid to attend the United Brethren concert. . An amateur entertainment to which one may look with legitimate hope of enjoyment is "Robin Hood ' the comic opera to bo presented tonight by the Halem high school, under tho direction o- Miss Minnetta Mngers. The play sparkles with fun and fri volity, and the leading roles are to be taken by Miss Lura Minton, as "Maid Marion", and Max Alford, as "Robin Hood." The "music is to be played by the .Stegc-Mtoudenmeyer orchestra. Mrs. Oswald West of Portland is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ben Olcott. An eu lovable surprise nnrty was given Monday evening at tho Hunga low church in honor of Harold Simp son. The evening was spent with games and music. Later ref resnnients round ed out tho gaycties. Mr. and Mrs. Vir gil Downing chaperoned the young peo ple who wcro the Missus Gladys Pago, Hazel Long, Ruby Allen, Gladys Het tick, Ethel Davis, Marion Frye and Messrs. Walter Lebold, Cyril Hill, Har old Simpson .uul William Ruinke. PERSONALS Charles Honnold of McMinnvillo was in the city yesterday. W. Piper of Grants Pass was a Sa lorn visitor yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. James Richardson were in the city yesterday from Dayton. lurs. Lcona Peterson is visiting a tew days with Mrs. Anna Olmsted at Arlie. . Harry Hampton and T,eo H.insett observed memorial day by motorcycling to lortlamt. John Gavin of The Dalles is in the city. Ho is a member of tho board of education of The Dallos. Harry Scott and Ch.ules Piper mo- toreyclcd yesterday to Portland to at tend the motorcycle races. Thomas Bruco of Portland was in the city yesterday. lie was sergeant or arms to the last legislature. C. F. White and J. Rasmussen of San ta Ana, Calif., are in tho city looking over property with tho view of locat ing. Frank Neuuer, who had beon at tending Willamette University return ed iiore last evening for tho summer. Roseburg Review. Miss Fstellav Ness of Eugene is in tho city for a few diiys' visit, a guest at tho home of Mrs. Carrio Thnse on North Seventeenth street. Salem Portland visitors yesterday were A. F. I.ange, registered at the Perkins, P. Schuiuan .it tho Cornelius and 1. T. Howard at the Seward. Miss Kdua I'urdy of Orenco, asso ciatcd with the Oregon Nursery com puny is in tho city. Sho will be pUeed in temporary charge of the business of the company at Alban.-. Mrs. .icniiie Roberts of .r." Marion street, left this morning for a visit among relatives in Iowa. Sim was .ic- companiod as far as Portland by her son, t nomas A. liotierts. Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Hixon of Bo.1 linghiim, Wash., aro in the citv visit ing their daughter Mrs. Ilushuoll of West. Nilem. Mr. Bushuell was for merly a student of Kimball college. Mrs. George M. Post .uid son will leave tomorrow by wnv of tiio North ern Pontic and Milwaukee and St. Piiul for a three months' visit with rel atives in New York and Connecticut. Secretary Daniels Plans Indorsed Washington, May HI. Plans for leg islation favoring relief for California oil operators now oeeunylng land claim ed by the government, who have been iniitli: tlolomlnnts in a number of suits were sweepingly denounced today in a minority report submitted by Senator il ivti'ig and Thompson. The report assailed tho operators' aigiimeiit. ns legally l'atl icious and do ' 1 are d that Secretary Daniels pleas for legislation preserving tho land to add to the navy's efficiency was overwhelm ingly important. Daniels declares the tcrriUny is needed to provide fuel for oil i i.rniiig battleships. ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. Dutch Fear of England Caused Sudden Preparationand Mobilization t SHIPLEY'S Annual June White NOW IN PROGRESS Offers Remarkable Values in Every Imaginable White Good Item AVOID SPRING ILLS Purify and Build Up the Blood with Hood's Sartaparilla. Tn the spring your blood needs cleansing and enriching. You feel poorly, uiut there is more or less eruption on your fneo and body. Your appetite Is not Rood, your eleop Is broken, and you are tired all the time. You need Hood's Farsnparlllo. It Is tlie one snfo and effective tonic that m stood the test of forty years. It makes the pure red blood that will make you feel better, look better, out nod sleep better. It Is the old standard tried mid true a.11-the-yenr-rmuul medicine for tho blood and the whole system. Ask nny drunulst fur Hood's Bar apnrllln, nnd Insist on having U. NoihtiiK else nets like It, for nothing else luis i he same formula or Ingre dients, vid so there is no real sub stitute, dot It today. The Hague, Mav 2. (By Mail) Despite the statements of certain pro-' Knglish newspapers, it is now known I authoritatively that it was fear of the) Allies, and not of Germany, that prompted the Dutch government to take ware-like measures a month ago. Certain reports reaching the Dutch governmeot about steps taken by the Allies at the Paris economic conference caused grave concern here. The Minister of War informed news papermen that the government was ex pecting an economic crisis of great im portance, though he refused to go further in his statement. Evidently in anticipation of sharp measures by the Allies, the government chartered several steamers and snt them to America for wheat. Measures taken by the British gov ernment to enforce the blockade of Germany are steadily becoming more irritating to the Dutch. This does not mean, however, that (he anti-German feeling of the greater part of the people of Holland has been lessened. Hollanders are generally convinced that Germany has respected Dutch neutrality in this war only because she depends upon Holland for her food tup plies. The people blame high food prices up ou Germany because exportations to the kaiser's realm have lessened the supply here. The peoplo of Holland want to be let alone by both sides. Capital Journal Only t t Cosspjete Paper Sold The Capital Journal ia the only evening daily published in Salem that is a complete newspaper. The Portlaad papers peddled here are printed in the forenoon about 11 o'clock, are simply the regular edition, of the day before with some changes on the first page. They are only extras made up for Btreet sales and out of town circulation, making no pretense to being real newspapers. The Capital Journal on the other hand, contains the complete leased wire service up to 3:30 p. m., fc'hich is 6:30 p. m. in New York and past midnight in Europe, the seat of the great war. It also contains all the local news of Salem and sur rounding territory that ia worth while. It is a complete after noon newspaper and tho only one circulated in Salem. When ypa pay your money for a Port land evening paper here you are merely being "faked" into buy ing a cheap extra with big headlines on the first page and yesterday's news everywhere else. The Capital Journal tells on the street for 2 cents. Pay no more. Professor Thomas Crawford, ex-sn-perintendent- of the Portland schools, aged 75 years, passed away Inst night at St. Vincent's hospital. Ho died front the effects of an operation performed a few days ago from which ha failed to rally. He is survived by his widow and a 'daughter, Ruby Crawford. Professor Crawford was a prominent member of the Odd Fellows as well n of the Masons. He was formerly a professor in the Oregon Agricultural college and was long prominent in ed ucational circles in this state. Oregom ian. . JOHN MACNEIL GETS LIPS Dublin, via London, May 31. Pro fessor John MacNeill, president of the Sinn Fein volunteers, who Inst week was found guilty of complicity in the Irish revolt, has been sentenced to life imprisonment. The sentence has been confirmed. CARS DEE AILED, EIGHT HURT. Grand Junction, Colo., May 31. Five cars of Rio Grande train number two wore derailed near here early yesterday, it was learned today. Kight -perilous were injured, a few severely. The ac cident was supposedly due to spreading rails. REGISTRAR AT VANCOUVER Washington, May 31. President Wilson today nominated lenry A. Por ter of Kverett, Wash., as registrar of tho Vancouver land office. Ton can make money by reading ths Journal New Today column. Let people know what you have to sell through the New Today columns they will meet you with real money. Sale Richardson's Linens in matched sets and linen by the yard. Handkerchiefs and Art Linens Towels and Toweling Bleached and Brown Sheeting.. White Wash Dress GoodsCambrics Batiste Long Cloth Satin Bed Spreads Crochet Bed Spreads Bedding and Blankets White and Colored Outing Flannels Cotton Batts Wool Batts Table Padding Novelty Neckwear Write Ribbons Lingerie Waists Silk Waists White Hosiery Knitted Underwear Infants' and Children's Wear Muslin Underwear Women's Lingerie Dresses Women's Silk Dresses Children's, Tub Dresses Porch and House Dresses Middie Blouses Every item, except a few contract and consigned items, included Extraordinary Low Prices, Quality Considered Warners and Modart Corsets it iO ri u. y. mi 145 N Liberty Street plev Co. Salem, Oregon Agents Pictorial Review Patterns Business Is Slowing Down But Prosperity Prevails tive changes, and the munition or "war shares iu some instances are already' discounting peace. American railroads hnvn fumnrttrtrl liitlA In, tl.n can consequently loso little by peace. The pressure of foreign holdings woultt probably cease however before peaco arrived, nnd in this respect American I railroad shaves would be strengthened, by peace developments. An enormous t.... it i. f.. ott ,.in,,0 ,ti. nn ,reei-n1 weakness of iirices quantity of foreign holdings has beou regions then are svmptoms of slowing nnd no general unsettlemeut. In these borbed i by An,eican investors, somo : v...:..- i, .iWw.n,,Ji;. nt trode them is a snirit of confi- estimates being over a billion; and the " . .A-.?": T; "b . i 1 .1.,., ,i !. w.ii,rai,il. I British government through its agents incentive to caution hns been the lato rise in commodities ami wages, which has so increased the cost of doing busi ness a to impose a widespread check upon new enterprise. In brief the rise seems to have beeu overdone for the timo being at least, and reactionary tendencies are already at work. This is noticeable even in the Iron trade, which though holding orders extending into 1917. finds now demands less urgent and prices in some instances decidedly 0iv excentiou. Cotton is about two softer when compared with conditions n weeks backward, but condition is good monm ago. w mumuu, u.aa, .., ,, acreage, according to me .Mmona. yor tho n0JJt fw rresid(1. of course coming less freely, and h.gli (Hnners' association estimate, .a nearly ,ial owUvn ,;,, to costs are impeding new const uct.on ,;1 p eCnt rger than a yeai 'ago. A I a,e wi llttplltio trm-b win In Hip rnilrniUiM nrft innr minor t m.. .lnu ill anmiionaiifu tnr nil 1 . . ' . ' A, . 1,.- i ".VIf,M nothing serious onouc i to over of war influences the. crop fhc MMrivaa ma'rkct of ,Rt ,,, situation is the most unsatistaetoryfea-ibeeil comi frt,c, fr(jm tU Bak o-. ture. So serious damage is reported in ; E r,alld dcposita in Canada, in unit set any sect.on but the spring has been t,ement of'our forci tra(le ilI.nlce) cold and wet, consequently most of the and more ia expet.tedht) arrive. Great cereal crops are backward and less Britain continues )o finnnce tho wai. promising than a year ago. On the oth- with rcativc ea9e consi(iorillfr the stu er hand all iruit crops are far above ,)Clldous eharaeter of the undertaking, the average iu condition; peaches. ,-. 11(lt-.llnl,0 ,,,... nvor,,i -' which promise a poor yield, being the T,ro,10W8 1(, issue lr(,0 nnd five Kxchequer bonds instead of a new war loan. shadow it occurs in tho European wac both conventions occur in June, their outlays to necessary replenish- ,, resent drawbacks. Bank etearings, mnnt Tn nn dirpelion is there nilV ,1 K ot;n ,i..nliwv nrdi Aft T-.fii. o.tiil- . ... ...... ..., , pneau or tasr year, are noi sn mg such anJ , cmintry wiu scon be rcHCvoi L-uuBiru.:!....., .. ia.... ........ ..- .......-,,, ,,, a8 , Ine Ilrsi mree or teur : ofc aI1 ,im,i.,s , . wu , :u. sues of the coming campaign. Fortun what remarkable in view of tho much ( months of the current vear. Hailroad improved stato of affnirs ia tho. rail-1 earnings show excellent results; gross road world. In tho drug and chemical : vesnlts reported in April thus far being trade there is also a decided reaction, j n,me thall 20 per cent ahead of last This large, but often forgotten, indus-! y-ar. April net returns are also very try profited much by tho war; the de- j Satisfactory if the latest reports of Uii maud for explosives and medical sup- j j0rt Pacific end Atchison are any cri plies causing prices for many articles i tprii.ii. Traffic on some of the western to soar several hundred per cent. Now lin.a .n9 been remarkably heavy, which that the reaction is on, precipitins do-, j doublicss will be a factor favorable to clines have occurred, causing more or an easier adjustment of the railroad less unsettle ment in the entire industry. ! labor problem. The t earnings of In the dry gondii and grocery trndes ' American railroads for the nine mouths there is also a slackening of demand, j en led ilarch 31. vera ifS:19.000,000, com- 1 pared v.ith $(i"0,000,000 the same time last year, an increase of nearly .2uU,000, lliin. Prosperity such as this, if sustain ed, should menu not only better wages to rsilrcad labor but better returns to stockholders. The noticeable public hos tility to railroads is also disappearing, and theso favorable developments would undoubtedly have been reflected in a more general advance in the stock mar ket had it not been for the pressure of foreign holdings of American stocks. The proposal of the British gwvernment for an additional tax of 10 per cent upon American stocks will stimulate foreign sales and tend to weaken this market. The war has been a less potent factor in business and finance than for many weeks, l'ence rumors persist, the allies however still maintain unwillingness to consider nny proposals at this time. I'enne is of courre drawing nearer, but is not yet in sight.. Meanwhile, many of the industries on this side are begin ning to ndjmt themselves to AFTER SIX YEARS OF SUFFERING Woman Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. Columbus,Ohio. "I had almost given lip. I had been sick for six years with femule troubles and nervousness. I had a pain in my right side and could not eat anything with out hurting my stomach. 1 1 could not drink cold water at all nor eat any kind of raw fruit, nor fresh meat nor chicken. From 178 pounds . I went to 118 and would get so weak at times that I fell over. I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetahle Compound, and ten days later I could eat and it did not hurt my stomach. I have taken the medicine ever since and I feel lijce a new woman. 1 now weigh 127 pounds so you can see what it has done for ma already. My husband says he knows your medicine has saved my life." Mrs. J. S. Barlow, 1G24 South 4th St, Columbus, Ohio. Lydia E. Piiiltham's Vegetable Com pound contains just the virtues of roots and herbs needed to restore health and strength to Uie weakened organs of the body. That is why Mrs. Barlow, a chronic invalid.recovered so completely. It pays for women suffering from any female ailments to insist upon having I.yilia E. riiikham'i Vegetable Compound, ately there are no domestic issues n't' au unusually exciting nature, unless it be that of preparedness, concerning which the country seems to be settling down to sane and sober views. At the moment there is nothing on which to base any vigorous, large buy ing movements. Our present prosperity hns been considerably discounted, th advance in the stock market last week was conspicuously met by profit taking. In trade reactionary movements aro gaining in force, and these niut to some extent affect' the security mar kets. The war, tho presidential cam paign, trade and crop conditions com bined have created a scries of cross cur rents on which it is impossible to ex pect any continued upward movement. They may induce activity and frequent fluctuations, but no general maintained advance until the ar and home politi cal conditions become more satisfac tory. The market really has been strong onlv in spots. JIENTtY CLEWS. Try Capital journal Want Ads ASK FOR and GET HORLICEPS THE ORIGINAL HALTED LI ILK Cheap substitutes cost YOU sama price. SALEM ICE CO Tare Distilled Water Ice Phone 41a WW I (i f ; 71 II