Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 31, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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U ' ...... . mL0U11 u0bU00LO i
Special Sale On A I
During Meyer's Annual June White Sale
The Best Opportunity of The Year to Supply Needs of the Family and t
Household at a Distinct Saving of Money
June White Sale Prices on all Muslin Wear and Corsets. June White Sale Prices on all White Hosiery and White Shoes.
June White Sale Prices on all Table Linens-DomesHcs-etc. June White Sale Prices on Men's and Boys' White Wearables.
June White Sale Prices on Laces and Embroideries. JuneJYhite Sale Prices on all White China-Dishes, Etc.
Clearance Prices on all Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists and Skirts
June Offering of
Women's New Brassieres
Extra Value at 50c Ea.
These new Brassieres
are of the- newest Je
sign, well made and
trimmed with pretty
laces and embroidery.
Women who know good
value will appreciate
these. June White Sale
offering 5QC Each
June White Sale Silk Bargains
36 in. Taffeta Dress Silks, up to $2.00 grades, go at $1.19 yd.
In the wanted stripes, plaids and check effects the most popular fabric this sea
son for the making of stylish dresses. This is a very unusual offering of good
grade silks in view of the fact that silks are becoming harder to get every week.
June White Sale Price $1.19 a Yard
large variety to choose from White Sale Price $1.59 a Yard
in Every
You Can Save
During this Jnne event
on your purchases of
White Gloves, Handker
chiefs, White Parasols,
Underwear, Blankets,
Curtain Draperies, Ta
ble Padding You get
special sale prices on all
your purchases of white
goods no matter what
the article may be
Just so it's white.
May Campaign Heart of
Country Platform and
Campaign in His Hands
By Robert J. Bender
("United Press staff correspondent)
Washington, May 31. President j
Wilson today discussed jiolitii s w ith j
Senutor Kern, Represent itive Dure
nun, Jinrman Hnpgood, a member of
the Wilson independent league, and
others. It was learned that he may
cim.i.ii'gn in the heart of the country
following his nomination.
For. the most part, however, he will
conduct his fight from Washington and
Lone Beach, N. J. The democratic
nartv platform and campaign plans are
largely in the president's hands. Sen
ator Intone is assisting in drawing up
ho international relations plunk.
The platform is expected to contain
planks containing strict Americanism,
oristriictive proposals regarding domes
tic ami foreign commerce provision for
lor a merchant marine ami ror a com
mission to investigate railroads and
aid therfi.
Licensed Lady
Moderate Pricei
Perfect Service
Latest Methods Are '
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore.
AH Around T
)C 3C 8j( 3C jt 51 3fC 3t 3(l
May 31. "Robin Hood," comic
opera, at high school auditorium.
Juno 1. Closing oxoreiscs Stato
. School for tho Blind, Chris
tian church, 8 p. m.
June E. High school commence
ment exercises at Armory.
Juae 2. Kimball collo.go com
mencement, 2:30 p. m.
Juno I). Public speaking de
partment Willamette univer
sity, First ii. K church, 8
p. ui.
Jnue 7. Annual election offi
cers Commercial club.
June 7. Willamette University
June 0. Graduation exercises
Htote School for the Deaf.
June It. Flag day.
June 111. Sacred Heart Arnd
cmy commencement exorcises.
June 10. .School board election.
Juue 21. Moose day in Sulom.
June dance armory Tlnvrs. night.
Lieutenant L. H. Compton and Lieu
tenant Dana II. Allen were judges at
tho competitive drill this afteruooin
of the students at the Indian Training
school tit Chomnwa.
Ordemann in gong, June dance Thurs
day night lit armory.
The West Salem baseball team in
cludes a lot o't heavy batters when they
oppose the right kind of a pitcher, as
yesterday they won from the (leer play
ers with a score of 19 to 5.
Cherrians will be there in unlfonn
Thursday night at the armory.
Pictures of the fish hatchorios, wild
aniiucls, wild birds and scenery of Ore
gon will be shown at the First Con
gregational church Sunday evening by
William F. Finley, state biologist.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store tor trusses.
Work on the superstructure of the
Wexford building on Court street, own
ed by Judge P. H. D'.Vrcy, will begin
tomorrow by the contractor, C. Van Pat
ten. Within a few days, bids will be
taken on sub-contracts.
Dr. Stone makes no charge for con
sultation, examination or proscrip
tion, tf
Instead of the regular weekly busi
ness meeting, the faculty of the high
school will observe the closing of the
school year with a faculty breakfast
tomorrow morning at the high school, at
8:15, to be served in the domestic sci
ence rooms.
The Hunt Bros, cannorv is now in
operation, canning gooseberries. JJext j Notice
week strawberries will be coming in! Beginning June 1st the Capital Meat
sufficient quantities to justify the put-j. Market will sell for cash onlv, with
ting on of a larger force. prices as follows. T bone, loin and
0 o i round steik 12 l-'.'c; beef roasts 10c;
Boom string orchestra dancing party j boiling beef 7 and So; other meats in
Thursday night. I proportion.
We can save you money on garden
hoso, Nelson Bros. & Fatten, plurubers,
355 Chomeketa St. Phone 19U0. tf
Articles of incorporation for the Jun
ior League of Portland were filed at
tho office of the corporation commis
sioner today. The purpose of the
league is to aid certain charitable or
ganizations. The Astoria (larage was
incorporated at $25,0(10.
Smoke Hygrade cigars and you will
always get the best smoke ever made
for 5 cents, Salem made.
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glasse
es correctly. U. 8. Bank. Bid,;.
The acrruon foi- the closing of the
school year of the Turner public schools
will be preached by the Hev, .lames I'd
vin on the evening of Juno 11,
Dr. Stone's drag store.
Delegates Who attended the state
meeting of the Odd Fellows at Hose
bure last week will make a report nt
the sesion of the lodge tonight. The
scmi'iinnunl election of officers will be
held nnd several candidates from
Turner and Siileni will be initiated.
When you think of building it would
pay you to pay us a visit. Fills t'ity
Snlon'i Lumber' Co., 31!) S. 12th. J'hone
Lieutenant L. H. Compton, of this
citv, went to Clieninwa today to act
as one of the judges in the military
ompetitions of tho caot companies nt
the Indian training school. Adjutant
(lenoral (leorge A. White w:ts requested
to detail two of ids officers from the
Third Uatnllioii to act as judges.
You can always have high class en
tertainment in your home if you have
a Honotti Talking .Maclfiue in your
home. Myrtle Knowland, 121 Court
Prof. M. O. Evans of the extension
department of the O. A. ('., is in the
citv taking up with those interested,
a plan for federal marketing. It i
possible that arnngemonts will be mad
tor a meeting next week when the plan
ol federal marketing will be tally ids
Robin Hood will be held at the high
school auditorium tonight in pi ice of
Grand opera house ns announced in
last evenings paper..
The Court of Legends and the Court
of Fairies, the juvenile organization of
the United Artisans, will go to Port
land with the Portland juvenile organ
ization in a minuet to be given in one
of tho citv parks. Thev will also
Druggists keep it within easy reach
to meet the daily demand for
A SlmtiJarJ Elhkal IWiTVic
Snd 2c stamp for f tntrous sampU of iihr Dr. Lyon's
Psrftct Dntsl Cream or Tooth Powdtr.
I W. Lyon & Son., !nc,8 W. 27lh St, N. Y. City
colored paper advertising the Cherry
fair, will undoubtedly prove effective
in arousing curiosity as well as interest
in what is going' to happen in Salem
about the third and fourth of July.
The Womans - Alliance of ha Uni
tarian church will meet with Mrs. W. I'rouaoiy continue, over into next wees.
M. Hamilton, corner of Lincoln and 0
John streets next Friday at 2:30 1 The music of Eobin Hood, composed
o'clock. All members and friends arc by Kegiuuld He Koven, may be said
United Brethern church. The Hev. 11.
B. Dorks, pnstor of the Salem United
Brethren church and Mrs.'C. H. Howe
are also in Portland to represent the
Salem church at the conference. The
Hev. Oliver will supply for Mr. Dorks
next Sunday, as the conference will
ordially invited.
The Salem members of the Al Eader
Shrine of Portland are in receipt of no
tices announcing a ceremonial session
to be held in Portland, Saturday, June
to be of the higher class of American
compositions a nil at the same time
universally popular. The solos, "Oh
Promise Me," and the "Armorer's
Song'' nre included among. the Kdisnn
ami victrola records, as well as tne
10 lw.li tt ,-1ls f i.niwi;,l!,l will l.n cn011IS "KrOWll OetOUtT Ale." A
initiated, followed by a banquet that I pleasing trio in the first act of the
reullv is a banquet. It is probable that opera, to be given tonight at the high
several of the members of the Shrine school auditorium, is "The Churning
who nre ulsnniiur to attend the Hose sK" sung If Mind JManon. the
Festival, will renmia over Sntordnv f, Sheriff jDf Nottingham Kd Sir Guy,
the sessions and banquet.
We wish to express our appreciation
to the kind friends and neighbors for
A chimney fire at Lausanne hall
called out the fire department at 5:10
yesterday afternoon and another ehim
nev fire at the same place was the
their assistance, extended us at the cause of another alarm an hour later.
death and burial of our beloved wife;('iiet 1 1 nt ton requests that parties
and mother. . ; turning in an alarm for a simple ihim-
Abram Craver, I sey tiro notify the department that if
CJntence Craver, lis n chimnev lire so that it will not be
.Mrs. Allen McCain. necesary to take both engines. The
o ndpartinent was called out again at
The Elk lodge will select Thursday as 8:40 when some packing eases in the
their special jjnv nt the state fair this I warehouse at the rear ot the liunisilorr
fall, and already arrangements are un-Uea. store .it 13" North Liberty caught
Icr way planning for the attendance ! -mi .lamage was .lone.
of nil the lodges in the state. A. L.
Wallace was in McMinnville vesterdnv
conferring with the lodge and reports
the officers enthusiastic for n big Klk
demonstration. At least McMinnville
promises to be on hand wirli the fa
mous McMinnville Klk baud.
The following dentists will close
their offices at 12 o'clock noon on
Saturdays during the months of June,
July, August and September.
Kplev and (dinger,
W. 6. Asseln,
Darby and Burton,
O. A'. Olson,
Smith nnd Fields.
.1. C. Griffith,
S. Kills.
M:irk Skiff, ,
P. L. Utter. june.'l
Judge Daniel Webster, in sveakintr of
the parade yesterday said that it was
probnblv appear on one of the floats iu ! P'olinlilv the largest and most represen-
tho parnde.
W. W. Stelwer has purchased the
Maple Grovo dairy also the Kaiser
View il iiry and will run both under the
name of Maple Grove dairy with their
office at 1215 S. Com'l. ti
The Orpheus Wale Chorus of 35
voices will appear in concert at Stsvton
on the evening of Wednesday, Juue 7,
under the management of the Star the
atre. This is the first concert the chorus
has given outside of Piilem, but ar
rangements are now under way for its
appearance nt Dallas, Independence,
Monmouth and other cities.
The Ladies of Jason Lee Aid Soci
ety will serve strawberries and cream
in the church basement Wednesday
There will also be;
evenisK it 7:30.
a short program.
F.verv one invited.
Cartoons drawn by Murray Wade
advertising the Cherry fair will be sub
mitted to the Cherry fair committees
at the meeting called for tomorrow
ranve Aiemonni day demonstration ever
held in the rity, showing the revived
patriotic feeling, Resides the interest in
those who fought for the union during
the Civil war. A few vefcrs neo. the
judge savl that the old soldiers gen
enuiy nuninereil close to L'liU in th
animal parade, but that yesterday, the
number was scarcely 100.
I will receive sealed bids for a stock
of merchandise, piincipslly groceries,
of the iinoice value of $ii32.2o with
fixtures of t.")7.3.). located at 173 So.
Commercial street, Snlem. Oregon, up
to 12 o'clock noon of Monday, June
."th, 111 I (I. Terms cash, and a ten per
cent cash deposit must accompany en h
offer. Hight reserved to reject any nnd
sll bids. Inventory mav be seen nt
my office and property may be inspect
ed at Salem. R. I Subin'-TtO Morgan
I'ateil Aiay ,u, win. junc2
The Rv. F. H. Ness and wife of Eu
gene were in the citv visiting friends.
Cars of any kind for any place
at any time.
Office, BUgh Hotel
PHONE 700 .
Salem Rebekahs
Have Annual Rally
The first annual rally of the Salem
Pebekah lodge was held Monday even
ing in tho Odd Fellows hall with an
attendance of ninety. Officers for the
following six months, to be installed
sometime in July, were elected as fol
lows: .Noble grand Mrs. Gertrude
Cummings; vice noble grand, Mrs. Faye
Wright; secretary, Mrs. Klsie B. Sim
eroi; treasurer, Mrs. ilattie B. Patter
son. Amonf' those who spoke of their ex
periences at the grand lodge meeting
?ast week in Iioseburg were William
Galloway, A. M. Clough, J. A. Patter
son and deputy grand master Frank
E. Chufchill. Among the Hebekahs
who spoke were Mrs. G Uloway, Mrs.
Anderson, Mrs. Tyrell, Mrs. Wright
and district deputy president Mrs. Liz
zie A. Waters.
The program of the evening was as
follows: Whistling solo, Mrs. La Moine
Clark; pantomime, the five wise and
the five foolish virgins; pantomine, the
attractive family; itaniumine, better
late than never.
Daily Between
Salem, Stayton, Mill City and all way
Points. Leaves Mill City 6:15 a, m.;
Stayton 7 : 15, Salem, 9:15.
Return, leaves Salem 4:30 p. m.;
Stayton 5:45; Mill City 7:20.
Phone 13
When In SALEM, OREGON, stoi at
Strictly Modern
Free and Private Baths
RATES: 75c, $1.00, $1.50 PES DA?
The only hotel in the business district.
Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and
apnoi xjuiiuings.
A Home Away From Horns.
T. O. BLIGH, Prop.
Botb Phones. Free Auto Bus.
Kugene, Or., May 31. Attorney Gen
eral Brown, in a memoiinl day address
here yesterday, declared there can bo
no dual citizenship in America.
"We welcome Gernnn and Kussian,
Englishman and Frenchman, to our
shores,'' he said. "We would not blot
entirely from their memories the flag
of their mother country, but we do ask
that their first duty shall be to the
Stars and Stripes, that there shall be
no double standard or allegiance."
Between 700 and S00 persons, includ
ing school children, took part in the
memorial day parade ami preparedness
demonstration. The Eugene women 's
band made its first public appearance.
eifj 'pniv0l 'sMpsoja V pj8
oo'SjJl ot'bJ noqisfj ;qnrnioo
noil p9)uBauno saidoj 001
uo?mo at epvif
lsaoqo illivnt) ja.nin.I)
esn 10$. Uj&
Wills, band committee; Rev. R. F
Tischer on decorations; William Mc
Gilchrist, on concessions; Mrs. William
H. Dunev, on baby parade, and William
H. Guhlsdorf, chairman of the gen-1 states where manual labor is in
California Sends
Laborers to Eugene
San T rnncisco, M.iy 31. More tiinn
100 labours recruited by the public
employment bureau of the. state of Cnt
ifoii.in "his afternoon were sent to Ku
gene, Or., wheie the men will be cm
ployed by the Southern Pacific. Thii
is the first time the bureau has shif
pet'i men out of the state. Other con
tingents will be sent later to various
eral parade committee.
nin iid.
nitrlit. The two submitted are uniuue'This nWning thev left lor Portlind to
and attractive and when printed oujattel the annual conference of UoD. Thiebeu, dance committee; Lowell
Robin Hood, a condc opera, which
nuu- be said to be the best comic
opera ever written by an American,
will be given tins evening nt tho high
sc hool aiidjtorium by the students ' of
thi iiu'h school, under trie direction ot
Miss Xiinnetta Magers, Final dressj
rehearsals were held last night and it I
is the opinion of those who have heard
the rehearsals that tile talent shown
by the soloists and the spirit shown by
the chorus will be something of a sur
prise to the average citizen. From the
opening of the first Act. to the close,
there is something of interest going
on. The music has the swing ..that at
tracts. 0
Company M of the Oregon National
Guard can use abSut 20 more young
men before going to the annual encamp
ment. The military preparedness bill
recently passed, into, which will beconn
effective Jul' 1, provides pay for
privates as well as officers, amounting
to ouefourth of tt received by men
in the regular army. This figures out
for privates about ene dollar for every
hour actually spent in drilling. The
encampment of the state militia t!
year is nlso attractive to young men
from the fact that an opportunity is
given for a 10 days' vacation at the ex
pense of the state and federal govern
ment besides the 41.25 a day cash al
lowed privates.
The committees appointed by Ben
jamin Brick, director of the publicity
department of the Commercial club,
will "Tweet Thursday evening at the
Coniemniul club nnd report progress
made. Twelve committees have been
appointed and from the chairman of
each, a report will be made, and from
these reports, plans outlined. George
Kodgers is chairman of the speakers
com in it tee; Kev. James F.lviu of the
(pieeu contest; Lloyd Reynolds for the
cherry exhibit; John Eoberts for tli
auto parade; Judge P. H. D'Arcy for
fraternnl, military and civic parades;
L. II. Compton on street sports; Fred
F ir C M
Why Not Know for Certain
Whether or NotTou Need
Glasses ?
No person is ever advised by me to use glasses unless they are
necessary. If they are needed, I will furnish the right kind at the
lowest price consistent with the best grade of work.
MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist, .
208-9 Hubbard Bldg., Phone 109.
BThe Store That Saves You Money,
Don't Miss Our
W e can save you money on Furniture.
Watch for Special Prices cn Furniture in Tomorrow's
Successors toCalef Bros.0138
v 3