Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 31, 1916, Image 1

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PDTPP TWf r,T?XTrTC ON TRAIN3 and news-
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Supreme, Perhaps Final Effort Being Made to Overwhelm
; French-Has Been Practically a Continuous Battle For
100 Days-Before Week Ends- Germans Will Have
1,000,000 Men Hammering At Defenses Around Verdun
French Calm and Confident of Attack's Failure
By Henry Wood
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Paris, May 31. The hundredth day of terrific fight
ing at Verdun found Crown Prince Friederich Wilhelm
bringing fresh German legions into action amid the roar
of great guns west of the River Meuse. The Teuton of
fensive initiated Sunday was the final supreme effort de
signed to pierce the French lines, critics agreed today.
All the battles of history have been eclipsed by the
volume and violence of artillery firing and the frequency
and intensity of infantry attacks at Verdun. Every man
that could possibly be spared from Dther positions along
the lines has been sent into the fight. The kaiser is re
ported returning to Verdun to witness the final titanic
, For days German trains have been unloading fresh
divisions from Russia, and it is rumored that large forces
of Austrians are also en route to Verdun. Swiss accounts
declared Emperor Franz Josef had been asked to share
in the grand assault. Some observers believe the Austrian
smash against Italy was merely a blind to cover the shift
ing of Austrian armies to Verdun.
Before this week ends it is forecasted the crown prince
will be hammering at Verdun's defenses with 1,000,000
men. The French public is calm, scanning the war office
communiques with unequalled interest, but confident that
if General Nevielle retires upon the northwest forts he
will maintain them with the same tenacity that halted
Germans north and northeast of the citadel. '
French evacuated their first trenches south of Caur
ette wood and retired south of Cumieres toward Chattan
court under the most violent attacks the oldest veterans
had ever experienced, it was officially admitted. By
counter attacks at midnight, however, the Freneh re
gained loses south of Cumieres.
What is termed the most intense
lighting of the entire campaign raged
on the northwestern front throughout
yesterday. Ii grew more furious to
w.ird nightfall and was continuing
oarly today. Between the Meuse and
Dead Man's hill, Germans repeatedly
Attacked on n front of two and one
half miles. The doi(erate charges
were shattered again and again until
the trampled turf was littered with
mangled bodies.
ivlcnnwhile German batteries sent
f-cores of high explosive shells into the
l'Vench defenses, leveling first line
trenches which naturally were aban
doned. South of Cumieres the German as
saults were so violent that the firm:"
relinquished their works west of tho
river and retreated along tho railway to
nattaneotirt station, hilt a mile east
of the village. Taking shelter behind
tho embankment, they fought nlong
the railway all afternoon. At twi
light the French bugles sounded
"charge!"' and the defenders left
their shelters, meeting the Germans
bayonet to oayonet, sending them back
the way they had advanced. A Ger
man detachment which managed to
Mrs. Lnfe Bud savs sha'd leave her
lusband in a minute, but she h isn't
thing t' wenr. Many a filler
ivou II be up an' around t'Ja" if
lie'd written a note instead u' g mig
off half cocked.
. v
roach the Mouse was surrounded and
I annihilated.
Germans who penetrated trenches
enst of Seffers in Alsace were ousted
by counter att.icks.
French Forced Back.
Berlin, May 31. All French troops
have been cleared from the forests
south of Cumieres, the Germans taking
(tl prisoners, it was officially announced
"Knemy torpedo boats which ap
proached tho coast on the western front
were driven off by artillery," said
the statement. "Between T.a Bassee
canal and Arras there was lively fight
ing.." Thirty-eight British were captured'in
a successful German enterprise near
j Neuve Chapelle, together with 18 nia-
chine guns. A naval cannon and a
I quantity of mine throwers were taken
in the Cuurette woods Monday.
No Hops for Early Peace.
London, May .11. Imperial Chancel
lor Von Bctumnmi-Hollweg's last speech
held no hope for an early peace, Pre
mier Asqnith stated in the house of
commons today, in response to .queries
as to whether the allies were willing
to considor overtures at this time.
Kir Arthur Mnrkham, a laboritc mem
ber from Mansfield, put the peace
query having in mind President Wil
son's rumored intention of considering
making overtures for a cessation of
Asqnith, briefly, said Von Bcthmann
ITollwog's last address had not indicat
ed that Germany was ready to consider
peace on terms which would safeguard
tho allies' Interests. Ho said he had
nothing to add to Sir F.dward Grey's
reply to Hollweg.
Churchill Scores Kitchener.
London, uiay 31. Winston Churchill
in discussing a motion to reduce Karl
Kitchener's salary today made the hard
est criticism heard in the house of com
mons since the war began.
Churchill charged the British war of
fice with "grave mismanagement and
inefficiency." He called it a "defec
tive organization " and said "for every
six soldiers in the British army we have
only one rifle leveled at the enemy."
Austrians Capture Torts.
Vienna, May .11. Austrians under
Arch Duke Friederich have conquered
the fortified towns of Asiago nnd Arsi
ero, upon which rested the Italians'
main Alpine defenses, it wns officially
announced today.
The forts were stormed and captured
Other important positions, including
Monte B:ldo, have alo been taken, it
was declared.
"Since the Austrian offensive began
a fortnight ago we have captured 30,-
AH Trains Stop and Business
in St. Paul Halts-Dakota
Honors Him
St. Taiil, Minn., May . 31. Time
stood still for five minutes from St.
Paul to the Pacific today out of' def
erence to the memory of James J. Hill,
the "empire builder," who died May
following a surgieal operation.
The funeral services were conduct
ed with the utmost simplicity. There
were no flowers. At 1:59 p. in. just
before the rites commenced, every fac
tory whistle in St. Paul sounded for
sixty seconds. Then, as they ceased,
business all over the city halted. Audj
uu uverj jiiu luiiruuu me tills
. - -itm :i i
stopped. Tue engines of Hill liners at
sea quit their pounding. For five
minutes this silent tribute to the man
who did so much to build up the north
west continued.
Governor Hanna, in asking North
Dakota to stop its activities from 2
t 4 p. m., said: "North Dakota lost
its best best friend in James J. Hill."
St. 1 'a ul's schools and state capital
ire closed. In response to an official
order, flags throughout Minnesota flow
at half mast, tho most signal honor
ever paid to a private citizen.
Although the services were private,
all mourners had opportunity to view
the remains yesterday when they lay
in state in a plain black casket in the
dr Awing room of the Hill residence.
High railroad officials, section hands,
the poor and the rich walked silently
past the body for hours, many gray
haired men who knew the deceased as
"Jim" Hill weeping as they took thier
last farewells.
)fc jjc C )jt jc 5c 5j )jc 3)C fC fC 3C )C
j)C fc sj( jft l if( s(c )f jfc 3(t 3(C j(C 3(6 5(C S$( ft
First game-t-
New York
H. E.
10 f
G 1
Nttbors, Wykoff, Bush and 'Meyers;
Cullop, ; Keatjng, Bus(sell fond Jfuna
maker. Second game It. H. E.
Philadelphia 5 6 4
New York 9 10 3
Wvckoff and Meyers; Markle and
R. H. E.
Washington 1 (J (t
Boston 10 17 0
Gallia, Harper and Henry; Gregg and
Thomas, Agnew.
R. H. E.
Chicago 4 14 0
Detroit 7 9 0
Danforth, Wolfgang and Schalk;
Dnuss and Stanngo.
R. H. E
New York 4 9 2
Philadelphia 2 9 0
Benton and Rariden; Bender an"
Burns. McQuillan replaced Bender.
if. H. K.
Boston 2 7
Brooklyn '. 3 ft 2
Barnes and Gowdy; Pfeffcr and Mey
ers. R. H. E.
St. Louis 5 5 0
Chicago 1 10 4
Doak and Snyder; Lavender and
Fisher. Packard replaced Lavender.
Cincinnati nnd Pittsburg tied at end
of 15th inning. Toney and Wingo;
Miller and Wilson.
Market Opens Brisk
But Soon Stagnates
New York, Mav 31. The New York
Evening Sun's financial review today,
The extent to which politics influ
enced today's dull market wonld be dif
ficult to say, but traders were at a
loss for a more satisfactory explana
tion and fell back upon the theory
thnt the proximity of the republican
convention restrained trading.
The street resumed business in a
cheerful mind. First prices were gen
erally higher. Pool nnd clique activ
ities centered in Lehigh and Reading
Public interest nppenrcd lacking.
That the trading was highly profes
sional became more apparent as the day
progressed. Activity decreased after
the first hour, but the undertone waB
strong. The heaviness of the Inst hour
cancelled most of the' early improve
ment. 3SS Italians Including C94 officers,"
said the statement.
Russians Getting Busy.
Vienna, May 31. plunging through
the Posina mountain toarent west of
Arsicro, Austrian troops today are
threatening to surround Arsicro forest,
if was officially announced. Lively ar
tillery fighting wns reortcd on the
Russian front. The Bulkniaro calm.
Zeppelin Wrecked.
London, May .11. Descending near
los. e German ZepepHu "truck a
tree and wos destroyed, according to an
AmstcJMatn uisputi'ti Today.
Says He Is No More English
American Than German
To Express His Connection
with Old World Would
Take Seven Hyphens
By Perry Arnold!.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
ht Louis, Mo., May 31. Addressing
a gathering of 800 citizens at breakfast
in the Planters hotel today, preliminary
to his regular speech later, Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt served notice that
he was fighting for certain principles
whorever he found' them in any party
or any individual. These pnuciples
are preparedness and Americanism.
This declaration was but one sen
tence in a talk burning with vitriolic
condemnation of President Wilson's at
titude on preparedness and military
Roosevelt's auditors variously inter
preted his remarks as indicating a
readiness to amalgamate with repub
licansif they support his beliefs or
a determination to again herald those
principles through a third party.
. Not in months has Roosevelt been
so denunciatory as in his treatment of
the president '8 beliefs expressed in his
Arlington national cemeter speech yes
terday. Ho scored Wilson ' ' ' universal
voluntary service," declaring that the
word "voluntary",, was within the
scope of utterance Roosevelt had pre
viously characterized as "weasel
"Universal voluitary service would
have exactly the effect of acid on
alkali," cried Roosevelt. "The woTds
neutralize each other." President Wil
son's phrase "compulsion of the spirit
of Americanism" also angorod the col
onel. Ho compared this plan of military
service with a truant school child law
under' which children would have to
attend classes "if they wanted to."
"If we trust to compulsion of spir
it," he snid, ,-we are going to put a
double burden on thff sons who have
been raised to bo brave and diq for the
country if necessary, while other aons
stav at home." .
Roosevelt classified Bryan ,nd Ford
uu "nice, amiable men, who" I like to
ee in privato life." Ho vehemently
branded as an infamous falsehood the
charge that munitions makers were be
hind the preparedness movement.
Roosevelt assailed the president for
yesterday's reference to weak and smnll
nations as having equal rights with the
large and strong, holding that applica
tion of this principle should have im
pelled tho United Mates to intervene
for Belgium.
"Yon cannot take this position and
then when some concrete fact arises say
that our duty is to be neutral in word
and thought," said Roosevelt. " Uncle
Ham has just one friend, nnd that is
Undo Sam."
The colonel was wildly cheered
throughout. Crowds jammed the Plant
ers hotel, nnd he was forced to stop
and say a few words of greeting. He
expects to speak also nt the Mercantile
and City clubs.
Talks About Hyphens.
By Perry Arnold.
(United PreHS staff correspondent.)
St. Louis, Mo., May 31. Colonel
Thefldore Roosevelt came to St. Louis
today the city with the second largest
German-American populntion in the
country for the purpose of urging the
elimination of the hyphen.
Despite his sweltering experience in
Kansas City, ho was in fine fettle.
Massed crowds at the railroad station
here yelled a greeting.
He was tnken to the Planters hotel
where 800 had astemblcd for a form
al "breakfast." Roosevelt received
a rousing welcome,
"I've come because I wish to spesk
on two cardinal points for the peo
ples' decision," said the colonel in re
sponse to insistent demands for a
speech. "Those points nre American
ism and preparedness.- What I say this
morning on preparedness won't touch
politics, least of all with anvtliing con
nected with myself. I am fighting for
principles and I will fight for them
wherever ther are found in any party
or anv individuals.
"When I my t am against hvnhcnism
T mean it. I am no more English-American
than German-American. I would
be just as much ngninst an English
American alliance as against a Crerninn
Americnn alliance. They are both nnti
Americnn. Whatever defects I mav
have, I don't pussyfoot. If vou wanted
to express my connection with any old
world bind, you would have to use sev
en hvphens.
"The chairman, in introducing me.
spoke of the declaration of Independ
ence. Thnt declaration lasts because
the wen who signed it executed it at
Hitchcock's Activities for
Hughes Stirs Teddy's
Managers' Wrath
By H. L. Rennlck.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Chicago, May 31. With presidential
politics hourly becoming more intense
tho camp of Justice Charles Evans
Hughes came in for a general bombard
ment today. George Von L. Meyer,
former secretary of tho navy, now
chairman of the Roosevelt republican
league, fired some the heaviest
"I understand thnt Frank II. Hitch
cock visited Hughes a week ago or so,
then saw Governor Whitman, came here
and launched a Hughes boom," declar
ed Meyer.
"Tho country is facing a crisis. Pig
business is for Roosevelt. He is tho
konly man who can meet tho situation.
Our organization is perfected in almost
every Btatc, and our chances arc
Supporters of Elihn Root nnd Roose
velt alleged that. Hitchcock, former
postmaster general, had mado inroads
on the southern delegations for Hughes,
and had stated ho would distributo pa
tronage if Hughes wero elected.
To this Hitchcock made reply: "The
concerted attack which managers and
publicity agents are making on Hughes
advocates shows how formidable they
consider the Hughes movement. It is
helping, not hurting that movement. I
have been without direct communica
tion with Hughes for months. I came
here on my own responsibility for whnt
I ' consider the best interests of the
republican party and the country. No
man could refuse the nomination in
times like theso if the party felt he
could unite it and lend it to victory."
"Senator Weeks arrived hero today
and conferred with Victor Rosewntcr,
Omaha .newspaper man, former vice
chairman of tho republican national
The hearing of delegates' contests
for seats in the hall begins tomorrow.
Can Sprout Rockv's Hair
For Half a Million
Ran Francisco, May 31. For the
trifling sum of $500,000, John D.
Rockefeller can cover his nudo poll
with a crop of magnificent hair, accord
ing to Harold C. RaveiAoldt of San
Francisco. Ravcnholdt says ho has
discovered a preparation that will cause
hair to bloom on any sconce, and as
serts ho is in communication with a
number of bald millionaires. Ho can
also make people livo to bo 1,000 years
old, he admits.
House Committee to Soon Be
gin Work-McAdoo Admits
Wholesale Tax Dodging
. Washington, May 31. Chairman Lo
beck of the house commit tee on treas
ury department expenditures indicnted
today that x congressional inquiry to
ascertain whether the income tax can
be colected without publicity will be
gin shortly.
It will bo thorough, he intimated. It
is to be based on Basil M. Manly 's
charges that tho government loses $i0,
000,000 annually In income tax frauds,
and Secretary of tho Treasury Mc
Adoo's reply, Diocuiing the f;aif,
Manly snid:
"McAdoo admitted wholesale tax
evasions. On a baseless estimate his
actuary denied that they amounted to
320,0(IO,000. Tho actuary estimated
tho American income nt $20,000,000,
000, whereis even in 1910 responsible
stntistirlans estimated it at $30,000,
Hxn Francisco, May 31. F.nroute to
I.os Angeles, where she proposes to
enter the motion picture field, Mrs.
Willie lloppc, wife of the billiard
champion, was in San Francisco with
her husband today. They arived from
Honolulu on the liner Manoa.
Los Angeles, Cal., May .11. Jerry
Craig, captain-elect of the 19111, V. S. C.
football team, today tendered his
formal resignation to Graduate Man
ager Warren liovanl. It wns accepter".
risk of thoir lives. If it had been
merely a collection of 'fino words mag
nificently elecutionany effort, nobody
would remember that it ever had been
"Let us remember that our duly Is
not to uso a word unless we mean it.
Don't use nn abstract word unless, you
aro ready to apply it to concrete uV
Rivalry Is Intense and Fight
Bitter-Other Offices Hot
ly Contested
. New York, May 31. West wns pit
ted against east today at the Federa
tion, of Women dubs convention when
the hour for electing a president ar
rived. It was the day of days for the
great American club women. Singly
and in bunches, some chattering gaily
some manifesting grim determination,
they cast thoir ballots in the Seventh
reginont armory.
Mrs. Josiah Evans Cowles of Los An
geles was tho west's stalwart hope.
Mrs. Samuel B. Sneath of Tiffin, Ohio,
the ot'ier candidate. Rivalry waxed
intense between supporters of these
In tho race for the office of auditor,
Mrs. W. ii. P. Hnrper of Seattle had
to beat Mrs. W. K. James of Missouri,
and tho electioneering in that division
was ulso execediuly brisk.
Tho club women, among other things,
hivo undertaken the task of reforming
motion pictures. Khch local club will
be asked to censor films in their dis
tricts. Tho General FHenutpon ap
pointed a committee to consult movie
manufacturers in an n: tempt to get
more appropriate pictures for the
Also Wants Definite Explana
tion of Reasons for Keep-'
ing Troops in Mexico
Washington, May 31. Withdrawal of
American' troops from Mexico ns an
"evidence of good faith ou behalf of
the United States," was requested in
Provisional President Cnrranza'g lat
est ncto, delivered today at the state
Pending withdrawal, Carranza asks
a definite explanation of reasons for
keeping the expedition in Mexico, and
wantB to bo informed of its present pur
pose there. He declared the American
force was "remaining idle."
If tho troops do not withdraw and
thcro is no explanation, Mexico, the
communication asserted, would be ob
liged to consider the presence of Uni
ted States soldiers an unfriendly in
vasion. The nolo is lengthy, detailing the
whole situation beginning with the Vil
listas mid on Columlms. Tt is now
admitted thnt Special Agent Mende of
the cnnstitntionulist government
brought the note.
Are Army of "Rookies."
Columbus, N. M., May 31 A fort
night's recruiting conducted by bandits
nt Bntopilns with the promise that
Francisco Villa himself would lend the
organization resulted in two hundred
"rookie" Villistns mnrching northward
from the Sinaloa border, it was reported
today. Julio Acosta heads the band,
but there are no new advices concerning
Villa's whereabouts. Therefore strong
er guards than usual havo been placed
on duty. The roads are patrolled by
numerous cavalry squndtf
Heretofore the guards have stacked
rifles and aided the engineers in re
pairing the highways, but now thev
only watch for the enemy. Fifty wells
nre being sunk nlong the American linos
of communication.
To Confer With Gavira.
Columbus, N. M., May 31. Genera
J. J. Pershing started for Dublan by
automobilo today for his conference
with Giyiernl Gavira. He expects to ar
rive in Ihiblan tonight.
San Francisco, May 31 Police be
lieved today a trained monkey had
been used as a tool by thieves who took
jewelry worth from $.r.OO, to $1,000
from a gem store on Market street dur
ing the night. A small round hole was
cut in the glass door, and the robbers
operated through it. Another theory is
thnt a child wus sent in through the
hole to do the stealing.
Washington, May 31. Tho house
committee of the whole today passed
the Tillman armor plute bill as an
amendment to tho navel appropriation
Representatives Elston nnd Nolnn,
of California, wero among the 2-1 repub
licans who votd for the Tillman bill.
Santa Monica, Cal., May 37. Hurry
Miller, ago 52, celebrated memorial
day by walking through the window of
a local winery unobserved. Today he
Wis discovered, amid casks, uncon
scious but apparently very happy, dc
spite a score of cuts sustained in mak
ing his entrance.
This In Every City on Pacific
Coast, Unless Demands
Are Granted
Employers Refuse to Consider
DemandsWill Paralyzs
Seattle, Wash., May 31. Members f .
the International Longshoremen's as
sociation will strike iu every Pacifiu
coast eity, from Skngway, Alaska, t
San Diego, Cal., at 6 o'clock tomorrow
morning unless demands for higher
wages are granted before then.
Waterfront shipping, it is predicted,
will be paralyzed if the strike is called. .
Because Seattle and San Francisco .
employers havo already declared them
selves against the wage increase to 5(1
cents an hour straight time, and $1 -hour
overtime, there is littlo hope beer
that a walkout can bo averted.
Coast Secretary J. A. Madsen, of th
I. L. A., would make no predictions this
morning. Failure to agreo in any on
port means a strike along the entire)
Approximately 12,000 members of th
association aro said to be ready t
walk out. About 1,000 of them are era
ployed in Seattle.
"Wo have made our demands for a
share in the increased shipping prof
its," explained Secretary Madsen. -"The
employers have had time to eon-
isidcr the situation. Whether the strika
will go into effect hinges on today Si
developments. Employers will nave to.
give us notice that they will pay tun
new scale. They havo all day today
and tonight to act."
Tho formal demands of the long
shoremen were agreed upon at the I. L-
A. convention Held Here recently. Jutp
rescntative tioin every port on the
const attended. '
The Unitod Dock Workers' onion.
claiming a membership of 1,200 track
ers and freight handlers here, has al
ready declared a strike and demanded
the same increase as the I. L. A. work
ers. The United Dock Workers organixect
here a few months ago, and althougb
they formally applied for a charter
troiu tho international Longshoremen s
association, and recognition by the Am
erican Federation of Labor, they utta
turned down.
In a statement issued today the dock
workers justify their right to organiz
and for better conditions.
"No other cIiisb of workers upoo t
Pacific coast have occupied the de
graded and miserable position that tho
Senttlo dock workers havo occupied,"
says tho statement.
Because tho United Dock Workers)
are at outs with tho International
Longshoremen, and both organizations)
are at outs with employers, the fij;ht ir
Seattle is three sided.
tones On Trial Aeain
This Time for Larceny
Atlanta, C-a., May 31. Trial of Vic
tor K. Times ami his wife on a grn
larceny charge today brought the inaa
face to faco with his divorced wife for
the first timo in eight years. Ho ia
accused of stealing several thousand
dollars from Mrs. Ileatrico Nelms Den
nis, who later disappeared. Innes an
his wife wero acquitted of a murder
chnrgo in connection with the vanish
ing of Mrs. Dennis and her sister.
Tho divorced wife testifies that lane
deserted her nnd stole their son, ng!
four years. Witnesses were cnlled to
tell about money orders which it is at
leged Mrs. Dennis sent Innes. U 1.
Weathers, a realty operator, testified
regarding letters which lnnes sent Mrs.
Dennis. They were affectionate, th
witness said, but always asked for
this ceAsv)
lMPCr; .
Oregon: To
night and Thurs
day generally
fair; winds most
ly westerly.