THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 30. 1916. SEVEN I 1 r- i 1 ' i I i ' 1 - NEW TODAY - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES i Rate per word New Today: Fach. insertion, per word 1c One week (6 insertions), per word ...5c One month (28 insertions) per word 17e . The Capital Journal will not be re uponsible for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertisements. Koad your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately if it contains an error. Minimum charge, 15c. HAEBT Window cleaner, Phone 70S. Jnne4 PHONE 937 For wood saw. tf FRONT APABTMENTS Ground floor 491 N. Cottnga. tf LOT TO TRADE For team. Inquire 4G4 Court street. miyoO IlOrSKKKEPER WANTED Middle- nged. Phone 4H'l. niay.1l FOR RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap ital Journal office. tf FOR SALE " fine Jersey lioifcrs, one fresh. Phone 14l'l;l. may:',l I- FOR SALE Pouv. quiet to ride or. drive. Hx. 118, It. li. . juneo GOOD Furnished home to rent, close ;;, issvt, near Sheridan, Yamhill to., in. Phone Main 4 or 47. tf Oregon. i He moved with his parents to Pal- DRESSMAKiXG And plain sewing j lSi oreaon, in DUO, atter having lived for $l.""i a day. Phone (ids. uiuyoU t;u,r(. tlri.e years they moved to Lnkin, i Oregon, whiih was his home until May 25 STRAWriERRV PK'KERo -Wanted ,,,; wllt,n lie W1nt (o Bend, Ore 8 acres. Jack Bailey, R. t, box "'! j.0ii, where his spirit returned unto Dl!'.v:1 Uiod. who save it, on May 1.1. 1910. He loaves a lather, mother vnd thru? FOR RENT 4 room modern house, j i,r()tliers, William, Carl and David to furnished or unfurnished. :10JS. 14th jmmlrn ,js i0S11 0, may30j j, was a iin,l. loving, obedient ton ; land accepted Christ as his savior a $S00 TO LOAN On good real estate. f(,w montn!l before the end came, security. Ivan d. Martm. -MaoiMCj itms bce.i a sufferer for the past Temple. may30 f(nv i,10ntn!l( ,Ht was nlw.iys so pa tient in his suffering. And wa know FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping ll0 is 1U)W ratine;, fKf from all pain, appartments, rates reasonable, close in, 160 Court. FOR BENT Furnished and unfurnish ed Tooms in Hubbard building. W. H. Norris. Boom 304. tf WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral house work. Call at 270 X. 1.5th ,f Mrs. Harrv Clay. WAKif.u lu rsi',.M room um miodern bungalow or cettrrire with i I , garage. Pnone 511. UNDER WOOD T VP E WRITER (I ood : as new, two-color ribbon, baekspacer etc. $4i).u0. J '-70. may:'. I ! -. j FOR RENT Flat close in, furnished; or unfurnished. Phone 823-J, or call I at 252 North Cottage St. tf j iif i vmi.'n f ' o : . .1. i ....... i . r YA.Mr.l. I iHimnsnci room ...f. vnte noiiie for storing househunt goods..,,llscp,.;ls(.;lho,,e inq, FOR SALE-200 acres at Lyle, Wash., ! will consider some trade on clear property. August Ranch, Salem, Or. jurre'li FOB BENT Nice furnished room in ew house in private family, 3 blocki from P. O. Inquire G-10 care Journ al, tf FOR SALE IS acres, good terms, 18 in crops and fruit, fair buildings. ! best soil. W. W. Lander, Salem R. " 9 iunel5 ' FOR SALE 100 sheep, not sheared, i and about 75 limbs. Inquire at the; Capital Journal office. Salem Ore- ong. may31 ! ! i FOR SALE Good Jersev milk cow giving 3 1-2 gallons of' milk, a i gain. Phone 98 F2. Walter Pearmine, g. 8. tf I ' I FOR RENT Furnished room with out-! hide entrance, close in, modern con-1 vetnemcs. 2.".0 S. Cotiage. Phone ! 773-R. BRICK MAKING MACHINE and nhniit- fiftv thnnsin.l brick for sale at a bargain. United States National unnK. n 1 "" The board of trustees of the Christian TOR SALF 3'hilf truck Studebakei . church in their meeting last Wednes wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon,! day evening elected Rev. W. A. Elkias eordwood or stumpage. 27S0 Lee. of Lebanon, to the ministery in the Phone 1322-J. tf ; place soon to be vac ated by Rev. ; George C. Ritchey. Rev. Elkins is a FOR RENT Business block room, size son-in-law of Mr. W. A. Wood, who was tSx80 feet. ' 407 State street. In-! previously a minister of the local Chris quire at 463 State Fiona, 1009. Itian church. He was bora in Polk Maurice Klinger. ' tf county and was educated at the I'niver- sity of Oregon and in the divinity FOR Rc.NT fi room modern cottage, scliool in Eugene. He served a term in 4 blocks from st,.te house, 12 per the army in the Philippine islands and month, ive Mr. Lynch at Unnk of has been Chaplin of the Oregon Na Oommerce or Phone 1' 44. j'ine3' tional Guard for the past -seven years I niul has lived in Lebanon for the past J AM Taking orders for summer and five years. Rev. Elkins will receive a fall delivery of wood. I will give 8 1 very hearty welcome by the members lower price now than I will late in 'and friends in the local Christian the season. John II. Scott, phone l.'SS i appears for his first sermon Sunday aft After office hours, G22. june20ier next. I The .Monmouth high scliool baseball FOR SALE At bargain prices, one 'team made a trip to Buena Vista last Troy lnnndrv mangle 90 inches, store: Saturday afternoon where they played shelving, two teams and Shetland the Buena Vista team. The hitter place pony, 2 double buggies, one single I won the game w ith a score of 1." to 7. buggy. H. Steinbock, 302 N. Com1Tlie victory would very likely have Phut tf,been for Moumouth had the Monmouth LOGANBERRY FAKERS Wanted to register to pick 4.1 acres of ripe ber - ries. No green fruit this season. Free wood nml rotato patch, fine camp ground, half mile to street car of Salem Heights. Phone 21 K2. ' tf THREE MEN' WANTED To fill posi tions ..t salaries ranging from $.'." to $123 Expanding business of Sv' Irm firm creates above openings. Give age, business experience, refer ences and .iddres. Commjinicltion confidential. Sin .ill investment re quired. Address P. O; Ho 27.'i. m30 CATARKH of the BLADDER rliv"! in 24 HOURS Frh Tap- tiOl'SKKKKPJXU ROOMS For m.t I'houe 47 or 4. O..W. Jidiiison. tt I-"JR SAI.K -Voirim An-ora lii!;. goat. 11. II. Kiss, -IC.") Laurel Ave. ma v.s 1 I OK SAI.K One solid ipmrter sawed iiuk iliumo table and Iilnary tame, tall !il."i X. Church. iiOOM TO KF.NT To yoiiiiu man, privilege of!. (.'all -0J S. Cottage. Phone 773-li. m.y3i W'OI.K UANTKD By younij man, farm work preferred, experienced man. ,T-1.S. ctre .lournal. mayo. .''0 UX'.AXBKRKY PICKERS Want ed, good camp grounds and nccoi. mudntioiH. Phone 3"F;i. (. L. Denier, ii. 4. junfli M A HELP WANTKD oun. man to introduce new summer nov elty. Making a big hit with house owuers. Students if luistlers. .;. tu' daily if capable. Experienced prei'-r-li'M. If sleadv work or spending nun ev sound good, write qnn ii. .Miutae waies Company, Tacmin." BERLE RAYMOND GREEN Tlerle fiavmond Green was born Juno while we weep, we do not weep as those who have no iiope, for he sweetly trusted him who is the resurrection and the life. What a happy meeting that will be when we can meet iiirn where no pa't ing comes and no good byes are spoken. Funeral services were conducted by the pastor ol the Baptist church, Rev. il.aree, and the renulus were laid to I root hi tke Pilot Butte cemetery. ... , ,,, ... ,, ,:, "-riv : With te ovod onM Ront? i,elorei And again with jty we'll greet him There, where parting is no more, -A Friend. Monmouth News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Monmouth. Ore., Mav Sit. The last meeting of the Normal school Literary . Vr, ,.; ; . a a iV.i vil;nl1';L8Dei;;!8; tether for Sj"t eetinB and nn onen session. The fine urogram which consisted of various kinds of numbers was thoroughly appreciated by all of the students and visitors. Some of the most interesting features of the evening were the cantata "Little Boy Blue," "The Human Flag," "The History of Our Flag." orchestral numbers, stunts, piano duets and readings. The cantata "Little JHoy mue" was piayea in suci a manner that everyone fe t as though they themselves were really livmg in fie bind of Little Boy Blue. Even the drill"1" of Little Boy Blue were shown. Fireflies and fairies came and danced around the hay shock. The American flag was represented in a new and very pretty way by girls dressed in red, white and bine and arranged on the stage so as to represent the stars and stripes. The swaying of the girls' bodies appeared as though a gentle breeze was blowing and waving the fluff which tliey represented. The " History of Our Flag" was given by different girls who each carried a flag representing a different period of his- torv. The baccalaureate sermon for Mon mouth high school graduates preached next Sunday. June 4, by tiev. Fisher in the Evangelical church at 11 t.r.vs not lieen so verv nusv mis season racticitig oth.ijr! athletic pporti for i track work leaving very little time for baseball practice, . Warren Brothers Not Concerned In Injunction The following letter from Warren Brothers company is self explana tory r Portland. Ore., Mav 2!, li'lfi. Mr. B. W. Maey. City Attorney, Salem, Oregon. Dear'sir: Our attention lias jiHt been called to a recent newspaper article which ap peared in the r-ulom dailies under the caption "Injunction Suit Stirs Salem I', ill:." containing statement pnrpoit ing to rome from you to the effect that we had shown your committee when in Portland an old, worn out paving plant and tried to soil this to tiieni, that if Stock and Dairymen Meet at Monmouth (Capital Journal" Special Service) Monmouth, Or.. May 3D. The jiient hers of he l-'olk County Jersey Cut tle club, cow testing association, stock holders of the Momnoutii Co-operative Creamery and tho Monmouth (iraajc met Sntu.rd.iv at Professor Gentles' farm.nnrlh nf Mrtnmouth in get-tO- gether' picnic. A fine picnic dinner was spread on tho lawn of which eveiy one present partook with great satis faction. In the afternoon Frank Loughary called the meeting to order ami introduced the speakers. The first speaker was John I). Mickle, state dairy .lad food commissioner, who reviewed the work dime to establish a market ing agency for the co-operative cream eries and its apparent successful con summation soon. He said that co opor ation in standardizing no. I raisinc; the qimlitv nf d:iry products would win the fight for the dairyru.ui and would secure him profitable returns for his labor. Mr. Mickle was followed by Prof. Fitts, of the O. A. C, who con gratulated the people on having an of ficer who took the side of the people. He spoke of the advantages to be de rived from the cow testing association, of which Oregon has more than any other state according to the number of cows kepi. He urged the members of the co operative creamery to use their oest effort to promote its success by furnishing only a superior product. Mr. Dixon, of Shedds, introduced as the grandfather of Oregon's dairy in dustry, spoke briefly of co-operation. He said its success assured if we were not too selfish. We must have not only our own interest, but the oth er fellows' at heart. Mr. Elliott of Dallas, invited the Jer sey breeders to bring their stock to the Polk county fair in tiie full, and assured then, good accommodations With more registered c.ittle in Polk county than any other county west of the Mississippi, a good exhibit shruM be the result. Henry West also addressed the meet ing. All of the speakers were listened to with attention and received frequent applause. After the speaking vva-s concluded, the crowd went to t lie barn where a boys' cow judging contest was pulled off, Frank MelMdowney was the win ner in this. Everyone of tne crowd present seemed to thoroughly enjoy the .lav. CARBOLIC ACID AND SOAP FOR SHOT HOLE BORER The fruit bark beetle or shot hole borer is doing more ' than the usual amount of injury to orchards in Ore gon this year. The pest injures the tree by burrowing the bark, particu l.irly at the base of the buds full of small holes about the si e of ordinary shot. These tuneels extend through jliC bark and well into th'- wood. Tre's at all heavily infested quickly show the effect of this drain on the vitality. After a careful study of this insect over a period of about three years, it has been practically proven that the pest never Attacks u perfectly healthy tree. There must be some initial cause for the devitalized condition of the tree before this pest will attack it. Poor drainage, unfavorable soil i condition, tool injury, -etc., arc com mon causes that serve rrs the initial factor in devitalizing the trees in the ordinary season. Due to our thaw ahd p.irticnliiriy unfavorable conditions generally this spring, many orchards have had a poor start ami such has given rise to a sour sap con dition which is ideal, for the entrance and work of this pest. It hi of primo importance, therefore, it liossihlc to discover the initial cause of the poor condition of the trees. For trees slightly infested by the I fruit b.irk beetle, the following wash has given very good success in Uritisn Columbia and in other localities where it has been given a thorough trial. Water gallons Soft soap 1 gallon Crude carbolic acid 1-2 pint Mix these materials thoroughly and paint over the infested portions of the tree at ten dav intervals until three (applications have been given, j For trees heavily infested by this ; insect or for limbs which are badly shot, the only thing to do is to remove land burn. A. L. I.ovett, O. A. C, Fx jperiment Station. we had fluid it to your city there would ! have been no injunction, and think this j statement is false as far as we are con cerned. I When your committee did not look 'with favor on our proposition we gave 'the matter about plant sale to your city no further thought, treating your committee courteously when here and ' a .sne.d tiieni they were under no jgations to us whatever for bearing tho j expense of the trip. We have always I taken a local interest in Salem owing to the largo amount of paving we have there, and most certainly deny having 'anything to do with the injunction suit jiasiituted nor have we talked with anyone in Salem since your committee were last in Portland, and furthermore j wo have never employed counsel or any one else to represent ns w hatever in the litigation to enioin the city from pur chasing a plant. We therefore trust the foregoing statement will clear from your mind the impreyiun you have that we are connected with the law suit. . . . As a mutter of fact the plant your committee saw had just finished a hard season's work and only required a coat of paint, the working parts being new and the plant capacity rensiderably larger than the one that has been pur chased by the city council;-we. believe the proposition made your city was a good one. mid that the results from the use of our plant would have been more economical than the one you have or dered, but as stated above , w lrat your committee has done is none of our I n it -ni-s. and now- that you have bought an other type we have no further interest in the transaction, although we will be glad at all films to sssist in any wny we can with expert advice or skilled men in order to I dp you out. Very truly yours, WAR KEN BROTHERS CO. Coin the wastt ll;lv ad. fluff with a New To- l THE MARKETS i - The following prices for fruits and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, and not what is paid to the producer. All other prices' are those paid the producer. Corrections are made daily. With Decoration day as a national holiday, there .is naturally but few changes in the markets. Valencia orunges are now on the market, quoted at $:!.50 to $3.50 a. box. Pork on foot is somewhat weaker, with 8 1-4 cent as the price for tups. The wheat market was juggled yester day in Portland with an advance and decline of a cent, but of course these speculative prices have no effect on the local market. ' Crrains. Wheat , Oats Rolled barley Corn . 85c 40c $35.00 435.50 Cracked corn $37.00 Bran $27.00 Shorts, per ton $29.50 Alfalfa, California, ton ........ .$20.00 Butter. Butterfat 27c Creamery butter, per pound 29c Country butter 20c22e Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, case count, cash 20c Eggs, trade 21c Ijins, pound 1314c Roosters, old, per pound yicSlOc Broilers, under 2 pounds 25c Pork, Veal and Mutton. Veat, dressed 8(g9c Pork, dressed 1010 l-2c Pork, on foot 8 l-4c Spring lambs, 1916 8o Steers 67e Cows 45 l-2c Bulla 3 l-24c Ewes . ........ So AVethers 6c Vegetables. Cabbage .. $3.50 Cucumbers 90c Tomatoes, Florida $4.50 String garlic 15c Potatoes, cwt $1.25(3)1.50 Potatoes, new Beets 4 l-2c $1.00 Asparagus 40c Radishes 40e Qreen onions 4Qc Green peppers .'.. Green peas Egg plant Carrots, sack Carrots, dozen Onions, Bermuda .. 25c ... 7c .. 18c $1.00 . . 45c $1.75(52.00 Onions. Oregon , $2.50 Rhubarb ... 40c Florida celery . Fruits. Oranges, navels Oranges, Valencies Lemons, per box Bananas, pound Apples Califernia. grape fruit Florida grape fruit Pineapples Honey ..v.. Strawberries Cherries, box ..... $4 00 ... $2.503.50 ... $2.50ff3.50 ... $4.004.50 5e $2.00 $3.00 . $5.00$6.00 7 l-2c $3.50 . .. $1.75(i2.00 $1.50 Retail Prices. Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch '. 2.1c There Is mor Catarrh In this section the country Iran all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be Incurable. For a great many years doctors prenounced It a local disease and prescribed local reme dies, and by constantly (allinu to cum WIUj local treatment, pronounced it incur able. Science lias proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore re- quires, constitutional treatment. Hall s ., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only .iiuiiui vu.e uii uio uimnei. 11 is Internally. It acts directly on tb blfv) and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for nn case It falls to cure. Send for circular and testimonials. . Addrm:F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, gold by Drugirltti. 76c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation " ttHDIUlKHtmtmHHl TRAVELERS' GUIDE 1 BOt rUKRN PACIFIC. NC'IITII BOUND HI Oregon Impress B :OI a. m r,4 Hound Speclnl 0.114 a. ui. i!H Wilhiuiftte Limited... U :'J a. m. 1 Shasta Limited Uift'ia. m. IN l1orihind l'apii(;i-r. . . 1 :UH p. m. lin Portland I'mHonKer. . . r :00 p. ni. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. II- i-ori uinri i-.xprcss H :oo p. m. ro. i in -w.-iBfi nine Freight l(:.i p. m. No. ii'Jij Local way Freight. ... 10 :33 u. ui. Boirrit hound No. l!i California Express. .. , 3:32 a.m. No. 17 KoHelmrir I'asHcnKer . .11 ::!i n. in. No. t:i Kiponltion Kpeclnl . , . 10 a. in. No. Ill Cot luxe (irove I'ass. ..4:17 p. id. Makes connection with No. 71 (iecr nranch. No. 11 Simula Limited fi :-irt p. m. No. 'J7 Wlllmnetle Limited. , . :lnp. in. No. Kl Han Francisco FJkrness 10 ;.'IO p. ni. N. JSiiu Francisco Fust lrrclKht No. yjO Lociil wHy Freipht . . . . Link. No. 7.1 Arrives at Htilem. . .', . Io. 71 Leave Halem Nn 7"i Ar. Hulem (uilxedl . . , . No. 74 I.Pnve Halem No connexion soutb of (Jeer. 12:01 o. m. o a. ni. .0 :1." a. m. .0 h. m. .2 :iio p. ni. .4 :'JO p. m. fUu:)r, Fai.i.h City a.nd Wkstkhn. No. 101 Lv. Hulem,-motor .. No. lo.'t Lr Hulem, moiora... No. 111.", Lv. Hnleni. motor .. No. 107 Lv. Hulem, motor .. No. Itlti Lv. Hrilem, motor ... No. 2.III Wny Fr t lv. Hulem.. No. 11J Ar. Hulem No. ltt-l Ar. Hulem No. lit Ar. Hulem No. KIM Ar. Hulem No. 170 Ar. Halem No. 240 Vy Fr t sr. Hnleni, . .7 :O0 s. m. . 9 :4., s. in. . 1 :1' p. m. . 4 :oo p. m. . :ir p. m . 6 :IKi a. m. . 8 :40 . ni. . 1 1 :25 R. in. . 3:15 p.m. . 0 :'0 p. in. 7 :45 p. a. . 1 Mo p. in. Olli:O.N KLKCTItlC flAILWA Y CO. HoHTH Sol vd 'I'rula No. . ... 2 Owl ... (I . . 10 Limited . 13 14 . . . 10 Limited UK I. v. Hulem 4 ::i." n. in. 7 l.'i a. in. 11 :45 a. m. 1 1 :i) . ro. 1 :4" p. m. 4 :00 p. iu. Ti :.'I7 p. ui. Ar. 1'orllunil , , 0 ."."j n m , . I .T, a. m. ..II :.i.-, a. m. . 1 1 :.'l." p. m. . . 4 :0O p. m. . , r :."o p. ni. . . 7 ' p. ro. , .10 :U0 p. to. 7 :0.i p. m. soi:th ruiiisu I'OIIllJl.lU TO SAUtU Lr I'ortlnnd. Ar. Hnlein li :4."i a. m R :r.."i (Kuli-m oulyi S .mo a. ui. ... 0 Limited .... 10:11 a. . Got Rid of My Corns , With. Magic "Gets-It" Simplest Corn Cure in the World No' Pain, No Fuss. New, Sure Way. Whan corns make you almost ,"die with your boots on,', when you've soaked1 them and picked them and sliced them, when corn-swelling salves, Why Hot Corns At All Whn "Gots-It" KemoTetTheiu the New.Uead.Snre Wjrf and tapes, bandages, and plasters that make corns pop-eyed have only made your corns grow faster, just hold your heart a moment and figure, thisi Put two drops of "Gets-It" on the corn. It dries at. once. You can put your shoe and stocking on right ovcr it. ' Tho corn is doomed. It makes the corn come off clear and clean. It's the new, easy way. Nothing to stick or press on the corn. You can ' wear smaller shoes. You'll be a joy-walker. No pain, no trouble. Accept no substitutes. "Uots-It" is sold by druggists every where, 25c a buttle, or sent direct by js. Lawrence &' Co., Chicago, 111. Sugar, cane. , Sugar, beet Creamery butter .4. Flour, hard wheat Flour, valley . . . ; , $8.75 $8.55 ii.6Mh.70 . . $1.301.25 Rev. G. Schunke Quits Pastorate German Church The resignation of . the Rev:' O Schunke, , astor of the Gcf'man Baptist, church, D and- Cottage'-'' streets, was read at the close of the services last Sundiy, to take effect July 1. ile has served- ns paMor 'of the church ip Salem for 11 1-2 vears. IDs first, charge was with the church from 1!;S to UKKI. From hero he went to Alberta, Cinada, until l4 and in ."h:i riant isco from litOl until 1006, return ing to take charge of tne Salcn; church in December of 1000. . .'.Ir. Schunke has accepted a call from the (lerman Baptist church at, Calif., taking up the work in his new field July 1. Ins tnanv friends here will learn with, regret of his decision io leave the city. And their best wishes will go with mm. OSTEOPATH UlfS. p. IT. WlIITK and K. W. WAL TON' Osteopathic physicians Mild nerve specialists, tlrnduates of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirhsville Mo. Post graduate and specialized i: nerve .it I.os AnjjoliM college. Treat acute and chronic . disease a. Consultation free, Ladv attendant. Office oO.vnOli U.-H. National Hank Building. Phone K."!l, Residence Bl'j , .orth ( sijiital sheet. Phono AW. 4.Q ' 1 .10:40 . m T 12-Mn m 10:40 n. m. . li :"o p. in. . 4 :4i p. m. , :o." p. in. . ft :-JO p. m. . 11 :4o p. in. , f,v. Coivnllls 4 ill! p. in. . I;t. Kngcne. 7 :': a. ni. , 1 :o! p. ni. . fi :-" p. in. . 12 :t'S p. ui. . Lv. Knlcm 2 :0(l a. in. . 7:10 ii. in. . 10:15 . in. . Lv. Hulem 1 - p. ui. , 7 (I . I.'! Limited . .... 17 Local . 10 21 Owl ... Noam uot.ND .....'i'O . . 10 Limited . ...10 Limited . . . . . 2 Owl SOUTH BOUND , p. in. . U : I0 p. 01. . 8:10 p. m, . 1 1 p. iu. . 1 :55 p. m Ar. Union) . 0 :.'17 p. in Ac Noh-ra . 0 :4." a. in. . 3 :tir, p. m. . 7 :0."i p. m. . 8:10 a. m. Ar. Euiicnt . 6:00 a. m. . 9:30 a. m. .12:2:p. m. 21 Owl . . ... ).- . .. 5 Limited Ar. A limn y 1 :!U p. in. Htops at iHorviilIlt Ar. All'tiny B :20 p. m. Ar. Athnny .0 4.'. p. m. Ar. Kugcnc ! Lr. Snlein. i 4 p. in. , Lv. Hulem 11:10 p. in 13 8 :rii) p. m. WlHlDHOBN Lord, IIAII.r ElCBPT HtlSIlATl No. lit Leu vex Hulem 8:40 p. m. No. 03 Arrives In Hulcni. ...... 8 :2o p. m. COIIVALI.IH CONNECTION i.y. Corvallls 8 :'J;"i n'. m. , 12:12 p. m. '2 :.'t'J p. m. . 4:10 p. in. 0:18 p. m. Lv. Hulem " 10 :!." n. in. 4 :1!." p. si. , I'J ;rr, p. m. . U :40 p. m. . MI'.TII SOUND Ar. Bairn . . 9 ;4o a. in. . . I .Hi p. m. . . . 4 :00 p. ra. ... ti :.'17 p. m. . . . 7 ;S5 p. ra Ar. Cnrviitlli ...II :::i a. m . . . 6 47 p. m. . . . 'i :'-" p. m, . . . 8 :O0 p. m. 10 14 Ill . .... L'd HOI.'TII noiixo n '. 0 7 13 WILLAlIKT'tl-; ItlVEO ItOLTK Oregon City Transportation Company Lenvo 1'ortlund for Oregon City. Hoitevllle, Newbeig. MNslon (St. I'uiili, Wheatland, Hulem olally except Snnduyi ,.0:4., a. m . Leave I'ortland for Independence. Albany ( orvullls, ('i'uea., Thiirs., Kat.l , 6 :43 a. m. Returning Leav Corvullia . . . . AHiuny , Illdepeuilenca. Hutem , . . r. , , Kulein ....'... . , ft a. m Mnn., Wed., Frl. ...7 a. in. Mon., Wed., Frl. . . 0 a., ui Mon., Wad., Frt Io ii. in - Mon.. Wed., Frl. 0 a. m. Toes., Tbura., Hat, THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people feCcliaM.k.ii TelepfcOM EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Elect r is Co., Maaonie Temple, 127 North High Uiia ISO PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street H&la 191 TRANSFER AND DRAYAGB Salem Track ft Cray Co., corner State and Front streets Hsln 74 Try This on Your Eczema If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry Zensal. For that watery eruption, or Weeping Skin, use Moist Zensal, 50c the jar. CENTRAL PHARMACY, formerly Poole's Drug Store CHTfiOfBACnC-SPINOLOGIST DK. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Held, Davenport, Iowa. ' If you have tried everything and got no reliof, try Chiropraa tio spinal adjustments and get well Offico 406-7-8 U. 9. National Bank . Building. Phono Main 87. Residence Main 82S-R. CLEANERS AND DYERS APPAREL SERVICE COMPANY 138 South High street. We clean press, repair, remodel and re-lino . clothing and furs. Careful attention given M work. We call and deliver. ' Phone 728. DENTISTS. DR. O. A. OLSON, Dcntist-rAdminis-ters nitrous ozid and oxygen gas. Room 214. Masonic Temple. Phone 410. Satem, Orejon REDUCED FREIGHT RATES To and from all points east, on all household goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated ear- . loid service. Capital City Transfer Company, agents for Pacific Coast Forwarding company, 161 South Com mercial street. Phone Main 933. WE HAVE Money to loan. We also also have for sale or tr.ido 40 acres ,in southern Oregon, 20 acres in crop, good buildings, fruit, well watered, on good road, near scliool. good teams, harness, farming implements, cows, calves, hogs, hens, II. H. goods etc., very cheap. Part cash, will ac cept small amount Halem property. Bnlanee long time. Squire Beal Real tv Co., Phone 470. 202 U. S. Bank "Bldg. 8CAVANGER 3ALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all ' kinds rcmoyed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools' cleaned. Office phone Main 2247. Resilience M iin 2272. INSURANCE . For nil kinds of Insurance iu Stand ard Companies, cull on P. J. Kuntz ' Room 309, Bank of Commerce. LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. U. W. Protection LodRC. No. 2. Meets every Mondny evenliiK at 8 in the McCornack hall, coiner Court and Liberty streets. It. O. Iloniilllsoll, JI. W.J H. A, Mcl udden, recorder J A. L. Browu, II nnncler. SALEM LOIKiF. No. 4: A. V. 4 A. M. Stated communications flrst Friday In each month at 7 ::n p. m. In the .Masonic Temple. Chun. McCiirter, W. JI. J H. , Culver, secretary, 8ALE1I I1IIMANK SOCILTY-'D. T). Koelcr, president ; Sirs. Lou Tlllson, secretory. All -ruses of cruelty or neglect of dumb anl- main should be reported to the secretary for Investigation. CENTRAL LOIUJE, No. 18, K. of l Mc Cornack bulldliiK. Tucsdny evening of each week at 7 :.'IO. 3. f. llelt.el, C. C.J ' W. II. .llaun. K. of It. and H. II. N. OF A. "Oregon lirupe, Cnmp." No. Klllo, meets every Thursduy evening In ' McCornack bnllillng. Court and Liberty streets; elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Hcbnnpp, 17H1 Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa 1'er sons, recorder, 1200 North Commercial. ' I'houe l i:iO M. MODERN WOOI1MEN OK AMERICA Ore- koii Cedar Cunip. No. rrj-10, meets every 'riimmliiy evening lit 8 o'clock In Mc Cornuck hull, -oruer Court ami Liberty streets. Klecutor MtM-vlce. Geo. Keiuolil, V, '..;. J. .A Wright, clerk. CIIAHWICK CIIAfTEtt, No. JI7, O. E. H Hegiilar meeting every first nnrt third 'Tuesduv ut 8 p in. Ill the Masonic Tem 'ple. Mluuln Mueller, W. M. ; Ida M. ttiiljcock, secretary. WOOIi.MEN OF THE WlHII.U-rMeet every Friday night iMI o'clock in' McCornack block, H W. Mucey. ('. C. ; L. H. Ocer, clerk, 507 Court street.. Plume B!3, HE MOLAY COMMANIlEllY, No. 5, K. T. llegolur conclove fomtli Frlduy Iu each nionih ut 8 o'clock, p A-, in Mimonlc Tern ' pie. Sojourning Kir Knights lire coiirte. oiisly Invited to meet with us Lot L. Pearce, E. C, Flunk Turner, recorder. UNIT EI) AI1TIHANH -Caiillul Asuemlily, Jso. Ml. meets every Wcdiiesday at 8 p. ui . In Mcsisa hull. C. o. Matlock, M. A.; C. Z. Kundall, secretary, Mulem Iluuk of Commerce. tii.l.u.kV Vit'Vl-ir Vn 1 lr H M Hinted assembly hist Monday In iiuh niouOi. Musoule Temple. N. V. Ilnsmua sen. Tlnlce Illustrious Muster; Glenn C. Mliii, recorder. H.U.t;M Ciit'Nrll, Ml. la i'-i'-'-Knlglits and I.iidles of Security Meen every ml and 4tli Wedaewhiy each month ut Hurst Hull. Vixltlns meiiii'i- are Invited to attend. E. F. Walton, financier. 4S0 H. Mill t. I'ACII'H' LOIHiK No. 50, A. F. k A. M. Muted coiiiiniiulciitlouH third Friday In e.-ieli in, mill at 7:30 p. ni In the MiK.mle 'l emnle. Hal V. Ilolniu, W. M. ; truest: 11. CUvatt. tecreuty. SCOTTS RESTAURANT MEALS ' I5c and up. Hotcakea or mush and milk free with all break fast orders. Soup, broad and butter 2 vegetables and pie, tea, coffee or milk and 1 kind of meat for 15e; kinds of meat for 23c. Short order any time of day. Scotts 179 S. Com mercial St. FOB RENT FOR RENT -Furnished house keeping rooms. 60 1 N. Com'l St. Phono 24o4 W. may30 FOR RENT Kicely furnished house keeping rooms reasonaoie. two itorin Commercial street. tf TOR 8 ALE FOR SALE Good gentle family cow, all year round milker, now giving 4 gal." per day. J. F. Weber, cor. Com mercial anil Pine. may30 FOR SALE 2 cash registers, 1 singlo and 1 double drawers, 1 set of bil liard balls; 2 sets of pool balls; 1 six foot cigar case; ono roll top desk; . one fire proof safe; one 5 room bun galow. C'lll or write 1333 Ferry St. tf FOUR VALLEY FARMS For sale by, owner on county road and railroad. fiO to 200 acres each, Rood buildinffs, j?ooa aoil, i.11 tinder cultivation, close, to scrooT, pvvpes reason i'ole, half cash, balance time at 6 per cent or modern income bearing city propenv. P. O. Box 240, Salem. tf WEBB & CLOCGH CO C. B. Webb, A. JI., Clouj-n morticians ana lunemi directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed 409 Court St. Main 120, Main 988. RIGDON-RICHARDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 232 North High street. Day and night phono 183. WATER COMJ-ANY enrxt watt-r rmrPANY Office 0WJs. ' corner Commercial and Traae sxrccia. For water service apply at office. Bills pavable monthly in advance. i General Feed an Small Livery Btabls, C. W. TRAIN 854 Ferry. Phon MS MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security. THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd k Bush Bank, Salem, OreKQB MONEY TO LOAN 7 ON GOOD REAL ESTATE SECURITY HOMER H. SMITH McCORNACK BUILDING SALEM FENCE and 1 STOVE WORKS R. B. FLEMING, Prop. Depot American Fence Gates, Plain and Barbed Wire. Paints. Oils and Varnishes. Hoofing, Posts, llop Hooks 40 Years Making Stoves Stoves rebuilt and repaired. Stoves bought and sold. 250 Court Btreet. Phone 124 Back of Chicago Store LM.HUM Care of YICKSOTONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 133 South Hijfh Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 233 T