Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 30, 1916, Image 4

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Editorial Page of "The Capita
I Journal
Mav :io, 1 ! 1 .
Editor, aud Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Vice President
Sue. and Trens.
Dully by carrier, per year $1.00 Pit month .'. 45c
Dily by mail, per year
3.00 Per month 35c
just; little neglected graves
York, Ward-LewU-Williuins Special Agency, Tribune Building
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Phone Main 81.
Today the people of the United Slates, east and west,
North and South, one and all, lay aside their usual occu
pations and devote the day to honoring the memory of
those who gave up their lives that the flag might wave
over our undivided land. Fifty-one years have passed
since the smoke f battle cleared away, and erstwhile foes
returned from the battle fields to build up their shattered
fortunes and rehabilitate their devastated homes.
It was a peculiar war, and one that from the very na
ture of things was sooner or later bound to come. As a
country we could not exist half free and half slave, and
it is a matter of thankfulness that it came when we were
a nation of forty, instead of an hundred millions.
Its cost in gallant lives was heavy enough as it was,
but nothing to what it would have been had it been put off
until the number engaged , was twice as large. It was
peculiar too in its results. There was no gathering of
diplomats to consider terms, no settlements of territory
to be made, no war indemnities to be paid, no treaties to
be framed, none of the usual formalities that follow the
termination of conflicts.
When the gallant remnant of General Lee's army
broken in strength but dauntless of spirit were drawn up
for the final surrender there was no prison yawning, but
they were told to go home and take care of their folks,
cultivate their farms, come back into the brotherhood of
'states and take their old place at the country's fireside.
There was bitterness, of course, for a while, but that
passed away long ago and we became a united and strong
er national family.
The Spanish war where North and South again fought
side by side in generous rivalry removed the last vestige
of the struggle and wiped Mason and Dixon's line off the
map. ''
And so today we gather to do them honor strewing
their graves with flowers, both Blue and Gray.
And here in Salem the beautiful cemetery is a wilder
ness of blossom, a field of flowers, for the day has become
one in which all those who have passed on are remembered
and the tenderness of these memories is typically repre
sented in beauty and fragrance.
May it be long before the last of those who were at the
front have passed away, and may the day be one the na
tion will always remember.
It would seem that our country has always been under
divine guidance for on every occasion the man for that
occasion has always been provided. Washington, Jackson,
Lincoln, and now when it requires high moral courage
and lofty ideals to guide us through the dangerous pit
falls that a world wide war has dug for the unwary, a
Wilson. May his wise counsels continue to prevail and
permit our great country to become the friend of all these
war torn nations now at each others throats, in bringing
peace and good will once more on earth, and to them.
All day yesterday there was a steady stream of Salem's
citizens flowing to the cemeteries, and before night there
were few, if any graves, that had not some blossoms at
least upon them. The Odd Fellows and City View were
veritable acres of blocm, a luxuriance of flowers that
only the coast can have, or understand. In the very
northeast corner of the Odd Fellows cemetery are a dozen
or more tiny graves, where little babies lie huddled to
gether, a nursery of the dead. These little mounds are
about all that tell the story that the little human shallops
had drifted to earth, wrecked on its harsh shores, and
passed out of it almost as soon as they arrived.
They made a pitiful group those lonesome, barren,
neglected little graves, marked some of them with a
little board, from which the weather and the rains had
erased the names, even as they had apparently been rub
bed out of the memory of the living. But these a great
hearted little woman singled out and on each arranged a
mass of snowy blossoms. "They looked so pitifully neg
lected, so lonesome that I just had to do it," she said to
another who watched her and wondered. It required no
great labor to do this simple kindly act; but in the big
book on the other side who knows but her name is written
today in letters of gold beside that of Abou Ben Adhem?
Poor little babies. It matters not to them whether or not
their graves are remembered, but it matters much to
humanity. The world is good. It seems harsh and cold
and forgetful, but it is so big, that it passes by and heeds
not the sorrows and the needs of individuals; but responds
quickly and generously when it knows. And so finding
these little graves, it dropped on them too a little handful
from its wealth of bloom.
Arrangements have been made whereby Hughes will
be the first presented to the convention. Alabama will
yield the floor to Whitman of Ne wYork who will present
Hughes nanie'to the convention. With so many favorite
sons, it is not probable a choice will be made on the first
ballot, but it would not be surprising to see it go to
Hughes at any ballot after that, if the advance stuff sent
out from Chicago is anywhere near correct. It is a queer
situation. The old liners do not want Hughes, but they
want Roosevelt a great deal less, and it is possible that if
they see danger of his nomination in delaying to get on
the Hughes band wagon they will climb cm in a hurry.
Teddy sure has a hard game to play with the enemy hold
ing the top hand.
With the hereditary enmity between the Greeks and
Bulgarians that has existed for centuries, as fierce now
as it was before the reason for it had been almost forgot
ten, it does not seem possible that the invasion of Greece
by the Bulgars can result in anything but war. Venizelos'
party demands it and it is probable that if King Constan
tine does not accede to that party's wishes he will be de-
nosed. It is claimed Germany and Austria have promised
Ureece a slice 01 berbia and Albania tor remaining neu
tral, but it is not likely this will make the presence of the
Bulgars on Greek soil palatable to the populace. They
would individually get nothing by this gilt and are not n
terested so much in extending their kingdom as they are
m driving out their hereditary enemy. It Constantme can
pull through this trouble without a rebellion he will have
proven himself "every inch a king." i
t .
The ladies of the national convention of Women's
Clubs now in session in New York, are some politicians
The two principal candidates for the presidency are Mrs.
Josiah Evans Cowles of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Samuel B.
Sneath of Ohio. The campaign has waxed warm and
charges of wire tapping and little things like that are
made. The backers of Mrs. Samuel B. Sneath assert that
Mrs. Josiah Evans Cowles has not the money or social
standing the president of the association should have, but
Mrs. Cowles' boosters say she is one of the social elect,
even though "she was not invited to luncheon by Mrs.
John Hays Hammond." In the present mixup at Chicago
the republican convention might take a hunch from the
ladies and select a candidate for his money, social position
and character of his wardrobe.
Say we can't help but took
better and feel better
after an Inside bath.
If arrangements now underway at St. Louis are com
pleted, President Wilson will address the democratic con
vention by telephone, when he accepts the nomination.
How happy those favorite sons at Chicago would be if
they had as solid a cinch on the nomination as Wilson.
The only things the democrats have to quarrel over are the
platform and vice president.
Representative Farr evidently does not believe in
halfway measures. Debating the house naval appropria
tion bill yesterday, he advocated the building of 25 battle
ships, 250 submarines and 1,000 airships. He stated that
in case of war we would spend $25,000,000 a day, or more
if necessary, and insisted it was better to spend half bil
lion for construction to prevent war. Twenty days under
the expense England is now bearing would amount to
this sum.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1SGS
CAPITAL - - $300,000.00
Transact a General Banking: Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
England says "if President Wilson should undertake
any sort of peace meddling, he will provoke an unpre
cedented wave of resentment." That would be real sad.
but we would try to survive. It may be possible that all
To look one's best and feel one's best
is to enjoy an inside bath each morn
ing to flush from the system the pre
vious day's waste, sour fermentations
and poisonous toxins before it is ab
sorbed into the blood, .lust as eoal,
when it burns, leaves behind a cer
tain amount of incombustible material
in the form of ashes, so the food and
drink taken each day leave in the ali
mentary organs a certain amount of
indigestible .material, which if nut
eliminated, form toxins and poisons
which are then sucked into the blood
through the very ducts which are in
tended to suck in only nourishment to
sustain the body.
If you want to see the glow of
healthy bloom in your cheeks, to see
your skin get clearer and j harer, you
are told to drink even- iiiTiiiiing upon
arising, a glass of hot wntir with a
teaspoonful of limestone phosphat" in
it, which is a harmless mean? of wash
ings tho waste material and toxins
from the stomach, liver, kidneys and
bowels, thus cleansing, sweetening and
purifying the entire alimentary tnct,
before putting more food into the stom
Men and women with sallow- skins.
liver shots, pimples or pallid comnlex-
ion, also those who wake up with
a coated tongue, bad taste, nasty
breath, others who are bothered with
headaches, bilious spells, acid stoniich
or constipation should begin this phos-
ated hot water drinking and are as
sured of verv pronounced results in one
or two weeks. "
A quarter pound of limestone phos
phate costs very little at the drug
store but is sulticieut to demonstrate
that just as soap and hot water
cleanses, purifies and freshens the
kin on the outside, so hot water anil
limestone phosphate act on the inside
organs. We must always consider tnat
internal sanitation is vastly more im
portant than outside eleanliiKss, be
cause the skin pores do not absorb im
purities into the blood, while the lwwel
pores do.
(By George II. Boker)
( lose his eyes: his work is done!
What to him is friend or l'oemau,
lti.se of moon, or set of sun,
lliind of man, or kiss of woman?
Lay him low, lay him low.
In the ilovir or the si'.mv!
What cares he .' lie cannot know.
Lay hint low!
As man may, he fought 11 is fight,
Proved his truth by his endcuxor.
Let him sleep in solemn night,
ohep forever and forever.
I,ny him ioW, lay him low,
in the clover or the snow! '
h.it e.-ios he.' He cannot know.
Lay him low!
I'VM him in his country's stars,
lioll the drum and fire the vollev 1
V. Ii.it to him ate ad our wars?
li.it but death bemocknig folly J
Lay him' low, lay mm low,
In the clover or the snow!
Wh.it lares he.' He cannot know.
Lay him low!
I avo him to (h.d'-s watching eye;
Trust him to the hand that made
hi. n.
Mortal love weeps idly by;
Hod alone has power to lid him.
Lay him low, lay him low.
In the clover or the snow!
Whit cares he,' lie ciuuot know.
Lav him iow!
Stiff WW S
I I ml rr ' ftiiCuiynhted Wlo by Ths l iclura Ad
Picture Tells
The Story
Home, nnd some tired, T'll allow
Sort of a buz iu my he.d!
I've got tiie old aimy grit.
Neighbor, or el-e I 'd be dead!
.1 list
With the best of them, ve
I .,1.1 fit k .... r.,i-o
parties may yet ask President Wilson or whoever is at the!Sa.v- whr 1 thi,ik "'; '
hanr F thti iY,.coi.nmiml f ,ndJIll u 1 J :J j, morniii ngiu Here Kind o cBokcs!
ivuvi v. mi. f,uinuuiiiii iu iiii.miu. auu UC gUlU IIIULXU
xvnen lie does so.
Xew Edison Disk
' Grafanolas
Each in every
style and all
records for racb.
432 State Street
and Driving
170 S. Commercial
Phone 411
Phone 529
Old Shoes Made
The quality of our
work is as high
as the price is low
Ye Boot Shop
' 3.'5 State St.
Opp. I.nild & Bush
Glasses our
Lenses duplicated
on short notice.
Dr. Herman Barr,
Hartman Bros Co
Larmer Transfer
rhone, Office 930
or Residence 1S0S.
Storage, Packing,
Shipping, Moving,
foal and Wood.
Quick. Reliable
Dr. Nelson re
moves corns, bun
ions, ingrowing
nails, without
pain; also warts
and moles.
Room 4, Brey
ninn Bldg.
Restaurant for
Refined Tastes
also Flowers for
All Occasions.
Candy & Cigars
Phone' 412
233 State Street
Furniture Repair
ing and Refimsh
Jng. A. F. Tingstrom
llofi 8,. 13th St.
Mattresses mado
over, carpet clean
ing and laying.
Phone 230
vertisere. Box 17. Orczon City, Ore.
Pianos I sell, the
Best and Cheapest
Pianos rented.
432 State Street
Phone Viit
Capital Drug Store
Z. J. Riggs, ph. G.
New location
State and Liberty
upon completion
of the MoGilchrist
Auto and Car
riage Painting
Tops and Cush
ions repaired and
304 S. Com'l.
We make your
linen wear longer
nnd look better
by our auto-dry
room and press
machine work.
Salem Laundry Co.
13li S. Liberty St.
Jewelers and
4 Hartman Bros Co
State and Liberty
Ask your Grocer
Royal Baltery
Mado clean, gold
Phone 3S7
The Handy Man
Around the House
Pure Milk
and Cream
Oak Park Dairy
Auto Delivery.
Fhone G09
W. F. Looney
The Emporiinam
Tool nnd Billiard
Weinliaid 's
on draught,
cigars, and soft
E. M. Klinger,
' ' ' '
Wu Ripp!
Mrs. Emeline Pankhurst, speaking at a luncheon given
in her honor at San Francisco, Saturday, which was
attended by some 400 women, said among other things,
"Men think that when women are given the ballot, they
are not women any longer. This is false." Mrs. Pank
hurst came a long ways to state a self evident fact.
Portland folks are scared about the supply of roses for
the carnival being shy. They may quit worrying, for
Salem can furnish them several train loads every day and
not miss them
"In Salem grows the fairest rose,"
Pronounced so by both eyes and nose.
Coleman Dupont, Maryland's favorite son, . was the
first candidate to arrive on the grounds at Chicago. As
a matter of preparedness he should have plenty of powder,
but he is probably short of heavy metal.
Portland flags were at half mast yesterday as a tribute
to the dead railroad magnate, James J. Hill, to whom the
coast's debt is great. It was a fitting tribute thoroughly
The rightful duke of Portland has turned up in Oak
land which reminds one that "it is a long way to Tipper-ary."
Me! Keepin' step through tliem streets
After th' years that's gone by.
Mr! Once in army blue brave.
lmd shouldered, quick, keen
Seemed like the ghost of myself
lnnrehiii' vith more Shudders there!
.Iu. I sort o' comr.ulin' on
Nit inindin' how long or where!
Thee e.iinp the word an' we knew
Alison was wiUihin' our line.
If we wuz feeble or stiff
None of us gae any sign.
We just brickened up like voting
Walked rigkt along with new vim,
I'Vlt that our swing an ' our style
V at seen; etmsoliu' (o him.
He an' this nation welt know
Though some wild ta'k has been
IC he but nee.Uii to call.
Others would march where we led!
- K1I.I A. Fanning, in New York Tunis.
Oakland. Cab, May 30. While walk
ing along the Southern Pacific tracks
nenr Slinol tliw ninpiiSnir tl.irrn lcl,.
" " "."...fl. .'"gV .uvi,
Nan Francisco attorney, was probably
laumy injured ami his companion, Au-
tOllC LeillirdiV Wi!llr),- Alnma.lu ni.nl.
rancher was killed. Lenardo was ground
to pieces by the (rain and Adier re
ceived internal injuries when thrown
from the tracVs. The details of the
Accident have not been received. Attor
ney Asher is at a local hospital.
All living creatures seem to throng the road that I
would tour along in my tin chugmobile; they'll leave their
homes and travel far, to throw themselves beneath mv
anu uusi it cusuy wneei. ah thorough
fares, with mules and goats, and sheep and
hens and calves and shoats, f orevermore are
packed; I just collided with a cow against
her adamantine brow, my radiator cracked.
The cows will leave the tender grass to
block the road where I must pass, upon mv
road to town; the hogs will leave their
sparkling. swill to make a stand on yonder
hill, and turn me upside down. Anon I
squash a farmer's hen, that surely wasn't
o ven, wiicii u was in us prime: but
now I hear the owner howl "You killed my rare imported
fowl, of pedigree sublime!'' I jog along and break the
slats of dogs and ducks and geese and cats, and always
when they die, the price goes up to beat the band; "Thev
were the finest in the land," I hear the owners cry The
way the farmers beasts run loose is certainly a' great
abuse, it is no more a joke; and if I travel west or east
at every corner there's a beast that's suffering to croak. '
The Oregonian cannot contend longer that the demo
crats have this non-partisan idea in politics cornered The
Roosevelt non-partisan league" is just now filling rhe
mails with literature and appealing for support from the
followers of all political parties.
Matty pitched the Giants to another victory yesterday
score 3 to 0. This makes seventeen straight victories for
New ork, only two shy of the Chicago White Sox record
Matty seems to be a long way from the retiring point in
baseballdom. r