Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 30, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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if lr rj
14 I
The New Whole Wheat
Food with iheDpicois
Flavor originated by the
KelloggToasied CornFlakoCb.
All Wheat
Ready to Eat
most popular of
whole, wheat foods,
tastes specially good
to folks who want a change
of breakfast foods.
Whole Wheat all the
wheat, including the phos
phates, mineral salts, and
the bran that are so bene
ficial to the system, so
doctors say prepared by
the exclusive Krumbles
Notice how the sweetness and
flavor of Krumbles come out more
and more as you chew it.
In the WAXTITE package lOc
Look for this signature.
Princeton, X. J., May 30. Alfred
Noyea, British poet and professor of
English at Princeton, saila for Kurope
tnis week to enlist with the British
army. He probably will join the. am
bulance corps.
Chicago, May HO. Hilly Kossman,; Js'ew York, May 30. William Ou.
aged 0, "stole home" but was struck . , sai ,vas (w,,ei t barefoot
(I no it O a J-i rk n rnuuni Iha n n(a ivhnu uu i ' n
brother Dedrieh, .(Red ll', trying !-or j to u coll here when he w-ns stripped of
a home run, hit Billy with his Oat ik'olcn shoes in court.. The owner was
just above' the heart. on hand to gel them.
Lecturer Has Vital Message For Women
Will Emphasize Value of Home Happiness
-"Mrs. Vaughn Talhs on Cost of Foods
Institute Will Begin July 31
and End August 13 H. B.
Peairs in Charge
Duplex Alcazar Mao
Mrs. Knte Brew; Vaughn, . talented
Bettor Foods Better Homes lecture,
who has been secured for the second
time to give a series of lectures and
tookery lessons in the Armory baa a
vital message for homemaking and
home loving women. This message ij
not so much that of lecturer to audience
s it is that of one wife, one mother to
another. To further encourage the
work along Better Foods Better Homes
lines already accomplished by the pro
gressive housewives of Salem and to
onvince any housekeeper who still en
tertain! a doubt as to the worth of
food wholesome home cooking, the Cap
ital Journal has again arranged for a
hort course in Better Foods Better
Homes teachings to be held in the Ann
ery every afternoon next week.
Mrs. Kate Brew. Vaughn, who has
been secured to have charge of this
second Better Foods Better Homes
t hool, needs no introduction or recom
mendation to Salem housewives. They
all remember her as a famous cook and
have delightful recollections of the
treat of good thing provided for them
during her previous visit to this city.
.Similar treats are in etore for those who
attend her lectures here next week;
New kinds of cakes and pies and salads
are contained in .her program for this
season and these will be demonstrated
and served at her school here.
Saw Possibilities.
When a few years ago Mrs. Vaughn's
attention was attracted by the national
Better Foods Better Homes movement;
she saw in it wide possibilities for bet
ter home making. When she was asked
to become a lecturer in tho interest of
this work, she welcomed the opportunity
it offered to carry to thousands of dis-'
couraged housekeepers a message, of
cheer and inspiration and to nay to in
competent eooks that theirs is a worth
while job and that tne efficiency of
every worker going o'.it from the home
depends upon their food. She has been
able to lead mnuy discontented moth
ers to see thst theirs is a wondrous op
portunity, fshe criticises and con
demns the woman who would rather pet
and care for a poodle dog than to have
It is the aim of her work to teach all
women that through their knowledge of
food and its influeuce and their -ah ill in
choosing and preparing foods for their
family, they may build up a splendid
race- of womankind and manhood with
all objectionable traits eliminated. The
tactful way in which Mrs. Vaughn pre
sents her ideas about good food and
good cooking wins nil hearts and the
many friends she made during her pre
vious visit to rinlem are pleased with
the announcement that she will again
lecture aitd give cookery lesson here.
All such women and others who did not
have the privelege of hearing Mrs.
Vaug&n at tiat time nre invited to
hear her in the Armory neatt Week.
The summer institute Indian serviio
of Chemawa will beain July III and
eoutiuue until August 1J, under the
supervision of 11. B. Peatrs, supervisor
of Indian schools, W. W. Coon, assist
ant supervisor of Indian schools and
H. K. Wadsworth, superintendent of
Chemawa Indian school.
The following is a list of the sub
jects that will be taught, and instruc
tors: Agronomy, by Prof. J. E. Larson of
the Oregon Agricultural College.
Animal h sbnndry, by Prof. K. K.
iieynolds bf the O. A. 0.
Arithmetic, by ('. E. Birch, of the
Haskell institute.
Farm blacksmithing, by H. K. Mann
of the blacksmithing department of
Chemawa Indian school.
Canning demonstrations, by Luther J.
Kami carpentry, by Charles 11.
Woods, of the earnentrv department of
the Chemawa. Indi.m school.
Club work, by Prof. 11. C. Seymour,
of the Oregon Agricultural College.
' Farm concrete work, bv Jos. II. Coop
er of Portland, of the school carpentry
Dairying, by Prof. E. B. Fitts, of the
Oregon Agricultural College.
Domestic art, by Miss June II.
ley, of the (). A. C. domestic science
Domestic science, by Miss Bertha
Davis of the O. A. ('. domestic science
Drafting, by John II. Fast inn n of the
drafting department of the Chcmaw l
Indian school.
Embroidery, by Mrs. Eva B. Loos,
of the domestic science department of
the Chemawa school.
Harness repairing, by Jas. W. Swo
bodn, of the harness department of the
Chemawa school.
Horticulture, by Prof. W. 8. Brown,
of Y.ie O. A. C.
t I : .. 1 Hf-.. T - . .
the Hoboba Indiin school sewing do-jll
pnrtment. jl
Farm masonry, by J H. Cooper of
the carpentry department. Bit
ti i ..,;.. v.., r a t ..no f i
Chemawa school.
Piano music, by Miss Gertrude Brew
er, of the Chemawa Indian school.
Poultry, by Prof. C. C. Lamb of the
Oregon Agricultural onege. gi
Shoe repairing, by (has. W. Swo-j
boda, of the shoe aud harness depirt- II
nicni ol i..e Cnen-.n ....oid lJ
The Chemawa Indian string qnnrtetlKJ
will give u concerr. in lue auuiioiiuin
August 7, motion pictures will be
show August fl, and general confer
ences will be held at various dales dm
ing the institute.
n hiiiMiiiiiiiiir ,,.;,. .
M t'( " 'Bf:::::1
Factory Representative.
Just What
You Want I
Two ranges in one. Burns
coal, wood and gas. Can
be operated with either
fuel jointly or separately.
A light coal or wood fire
will kill the chill in your W
home these days, in fact,
The method of removing bad comdei
ions by absorption seems to have come
into general use in this country. Ordi
nary mercoliezd wax, applied nightly
like cold cream and erased mornings
with warm water, gradually absorbs
the coarse, faded or discolored outer
film skin in almost invisible particles.
Soon there's a brand new complexion,
formed by the younger, healthier un-der-skin.
No cosmetic or artificial
treatment can possibly produce a com
plexion of such radiant, youthful loveli
ness. Druggists all have niercoli.ed
wax; it is seldom that more than one
ounce is necessary.
Thousands have also reported great
success with tho famous saxolite
wrinkle-removing formula. nc ounce
of pure powdered saxolite is dissolved
in a half-pint witch har.el and the solu
tion used as a faco wash. The effect
is almost magical. The deepest wrink
les and crow's feet, as well as the fin
est lines whether due to age, illness,
weather or worry are immediately af
fected. jNo one need hesitate to try
this simple lotion, as it won't harm any
you need the range fire
for about eight or nine
months of the year, and
the cooking can be done
quickly and pleasantly
with the gas or both fuels 1
at once if you so desire, p
The day .of .experiments
has passed. .The Duplex ti
Alcazar Range is a proven Jpj
success, indispensable in sa
' thousands of homes,
We absoultely guarantee this range to be entirely
satisfactory in every particular.
Come to the store Wednesday or any other day this week, and let Mrs. Dar
ling, the factory representative, sIioav you this simple, perfect coal, wood and
gas range. The same ovn used for cither fuel, or both at the same time, with
out removing or replacing a single part. Simply "PULL OR PUSH A LEVER"
and the oven is ready for use. A USEFUL SOUVENIR FREE.
A. R. Organized with
20 Charter Members
(Continued from page one.)
war is declared, mid without war at nil,
in preparedness."
Then he shook the children's luinds
and fought his way through the throng
to his room. In the streets outside five
thousand citizens set up n clamor that
was not. to be denied. "Teddy! Ted
dy!" they demanded.
The colonel clambered to a window
and stood on top of the porte cochet'e,
where ho waved his hat.
"Speech! " went up in a mighty ronr
from the crowd. There was a moment
of silence while Iioosevelt gave a brief
appeal on " Americanism. " He bitterly
denounced those who "put a pigtail on
L'nclo Sam." This was greeted with
a thunder o'f applause.
Excerpts From Colonel's Speech.
"When this war is over it is possible
that some one of the combatants being
fully armed, will assail us because we
offer ourselves as a rich und helpless
"I believe in International Duty. I
hold that we cannot assert that we nre
entirely guiltless of responsibility for
the outrages committed on well behaved
nations, particularly on Belgium, and on
iion-combntants, particularly on women
and children, in the present war. Prior
to the war we had become parties to
the various conventions and treaties
designed to mitigate the horrors of war,
and to limit the offenses thai can, with
impunity, be committed by belliger
ents either on neutrals or non-combatants.
When we declined to take any
action under these conventions and
treaties we ourselves treated them
"scraps o'f paper.
"But. the navy and the regiilnr
are not eunuch. Kxnetlv as back of the
navy should stund the regular uriny.
so buck of the regular army .should
stand the nation.
"Universal training and universal
service represent tho only service ami
training a democracy should accept.
"The thousands of rionconibiitaiits,
men, women and children, including
many hundreds of American men, wo
men and children, who have been kill
ed ou the high seas, owe the lo.'-s of
their lives primnrily to the supino in
action of this nation; to our failure to
prepare, and uur failure in instant in
sistence ou our own rights and on those
rights of others which n had guaran
teed to protect.
"Our people of todny must apply
your spirit to the changed circumstan
ces of today. It is never possible to
treat the past as giving the exact pre
cedent for given action in the present.
"In order to make this country worth
living in we must develop n ion 1 n:
tinnnl purpose controlled not only by
moral motives but by cool iiitei
ligeulce. "
Iioosevelt, speaking at the Comnievci-,
club, warned Henry Kord and Andrew
I'nruegin that the enemy was i.o
Inspector of persons, and that tlu-y
army might somo day be held hostages if
the country was invaded.
Company baud and the Wnndliurn
bill club have joined hands for th'i
purpose of giving Woodliiirn u lousing
Fourth of duly celebration. The fol
lowing committee has been selected, in
whose hands the entire lsaniigemeui.
lias been placed; 11. M. Austin, 1'res.;
I'. A. I.ivesley, Sec; T. ('. I'norniii.i,
I). ('. t'nwlcs mid John P. Hunt, Seven i
special features are already being line I
up and, undocr the above nianayenicn'',
W'ooilburii should hue a banner cele
bration. Independent.
The Hons of the American Devolution
now have a fully established chapter in
Salem, with 20 charter members. At
the meeting hedd last evening at the j
Commercial club, by-laws and a consti- j
tution were adopted and n'reeess taken
or two weeks in order that several i
who have not completed their papers, j
may have the honor as joining as char
ter members.
Plans were discussed regarding the
publishing of a booklet containing the j
genealogy of the charter membors of
the Sons of the American Revolution !
and information telling of the services:
of the ancestors of each during the Rev- j
olutionary wnr. This can be easily
done as in the state archives of the !
13 original colonies and in the Smith
sonian Institute at Washington are to I
be found the record of every volunteer !
from the day of the Battle of Bunker
Hill until the discharge of the state
troops after the signing of peace.
T" Mill I I l I 111 ,1111 1 I I B TywTTnrrlT)l P IVfV III mil MM V I ijn Ml 1. Ill J..-., j 1 1 1 JL J U ,..,JH lip lilies iw l.wjmfmin hh tmU .JL HI- ., t iiw m.un -,1
1 . -J..--.a.t......,..-v.-vrrrimg1 rt, f,. ..1(r1lr...:. ,...... rni .r .. .. ... TrY-f - mini la, ) . rf. n r mim ii ill'
Salem's Handy Repair Guide j
Portland, Orp., May 30. A survey of
mines in the Santiam district will be
made by the Oregon Bureau of Mines
and Geology at . once. This was de
termined on following reports made by
publicity bureaus of the chamber of
Portland, Ore., May 30. A strike of
1,200 men employed on an O. W. R. 4
N. railroad tunnel under construction
at Ht. Johns was threatened today.
They demand a general flat increase of
50 rents a day. I. W. W. organizers
(have been at work among the men for
several days.
A Stitch in Time Salves Nine
The Capital Journal Guarantees the Following Firms Reliability
Save the pieces of your broken
eastings or machinery parts and
we will save you money.
And we'll save you the time
you might waste waiting for a
new part
Oiy-acetj'le.ne welding makes
the broken part good as new.
Estimate! cheerfully furnished.
260 N. High Salem, Oregon
Springs Made and
Welding and brazing of all kind
all kinds of Auto Repairing
and painting all work guaran
teed. R. J. Herschbacb
229 BUte st Salem, Ore,
Shoe Repairing while
: You wait
Capital Journal Advertising
will repair, buy or sell any
thing.. Recover the lott or
restore found article.
Excelsior Motorcycles
Iver Johnson and Eicelsior
Bicycles; Repairing; Accessories;
Tires; Oils; Motor Overhauling
our specialty.
Morse & Ramsden
Phone 1687 221 a High St.
Modern Shoe Repair Co.
Under New Management
474 Court Street
fine Shoe Repairisg
J. w.