A FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES . CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY . TIIIRTY-NINTII YEAR SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS BZrn nil A ii f TfJrp! uUX l J I III : Lr . nOOSEVELT GIVEN GEflUiNE 611011 AT RHUS'" CITY i p Thirty Thousand g ectators Line Streets Frct Station toHott - COLONEL STANDS iii AUTO WAVING HIS SLOUCH HAT Made Short Talk to Beyy of Girls and Also Spoke from w Balcony Ey Perry Arnold. (United Press staff correspondent.) Kansas City, Mo., May 30. Full of cnorbj" and ifightf, Colonel Theodore Uoosevelt brought his keynote message to Kansas City today. Thirty thou sand spectators lined the streets from tho railway station to the hoel, and ldoosovelt 's march was a continuous ovation. The colonel stood in his au tomobile for tho entire distance, wav ing his famous black Blouch hat in re sponse to tho cheering. During tho parade a pocket knif. struck Roosevelt's car. Whether it was by accident or design was un known. There were no arrests and no excitement. , The knife was a small one and one lilade was open. ' i Intel Roosevelt was ignorant of t'.e incident until Secretary MeCirall: informed him several Hours afterward. The knife hit McGratn's arm as it Iini.g out of the colonel's tar. Tho pe. retary we angry over the sonsatiofi 111 report lint had been sent out at what he referred to as "triviul inr. dent." In tho Hotel Meulcmncb. lobby the- colonel stopped as he saw 40 little nchool girls massed in front of the clerk's desk, each dressed in the star9 and stripes, and each wearing tv Colum bia cap. The moment they sighted Roosovelt they burst out singing "The Star Bpangled Banner," their shrill voices pounding high above the roar of the Crowds outside. They repeatedly sang the anthem, then changed to "Amer ica, I I.ove Thee," while the colonel niood spellbound, his face suffused with emotion. "I simply must say a few words to these children," he cried. "You de lightful persons," he addressed them, "I would gladly have traveled all the vvay simply to see this. Nothing could lie finer or prottier." Talks on Preparedness. Roosevelt dwelt affectionately on t!ie "blue and the gray," laying stress on the fact that the . nation is now united.' He launched strongly into his theme of preparedness to avert war. "The Spanish-American war was mnnll," lie said, "but if we had not bad a navy well prepared there would bave been 10 times the bloodshed. On this day of all others I want to appeal to the patriotism of the great west and middle we.it which I know will stand right. Perhaps I am not tho one who pill awaken the west, but some one will some time." "I am not afraid in the least that the American people when an appeal monies won't have brave sons ready, but T- nm anxious that there be no useless Moodshed because we are not pre pared," said Roosevelt. "The surest way to a triumphant conclusion before (Continned on Paae Three.) H: J ABE MARTIN MfcZ ' fcgR ffyS 8yST "ti(r BY la fenre &RTlE I Wrs. Tipton Bud has returned from liloom Center, where she attended th' veddin' of a niece. She savs it wuz Mie o' th' gwellest affairs in th' his tory o' th' state, as only th' white o' tn'ejgs nn?. used in th' cake. A Mex ican must look like a toadstool to an aviator. VI V.W 111 I Wil Russian Dicna Has Its Tenth Birthday Br William Philip Slmms. (United Press staff correspondent.) Petrograd, May 30. Special cere monies this afternoon commemorated the tenth anniversary of the Duma's existence. American Ambassador Fran cis was seated in the diplomatic gallery at the opening session yesterday. The czar was not present. Laving been at the front for weeks. President Rodzianko was cheered when he referred to the czar as the "giver of representative government." From the press gallery, the duma floor wan a most 'picturesque spec tacle. Tall Cossacks, roles, robed priests, and bearded peasants took part in the proceedings. DOCK WORKERS STRIKE MAY RESULT IN TIE UP Ask 55 Cents An Hour and $1.00 Over Time Long shoremen May Quit Seattle, Wash., May SO. Pickets are patrolling the waterfront today in sup port of a strike called by members of the United Dock Workers' organiza tion which was formed here four months ago. The strike went into effect Inst night after employers had refused to recogn ize the workers, who asked for higher wages. Demands for 55 cents an hour, straight time, and 75 cents an hour overtime, were made a few weeks ago. The employers never even answered tho communications. Tho strikers now demand 55 cents an hour, straight time and $1 an hour for overtime. "With the members of tho Internation al Longshoremen 's association ready to walk out all along the Pacific coast Juno 1, if demands are not granted, shipping men hero fear a complete tie up of traffic. -. E For First Time In 42 Years This Body Will Meet Out side of Portland For the first time in 42 vcirs, the Masonic Grand Lodge of Oregon,' will meet outside of Portland when it con venes next week in Albanv for its Gt'tk annual session. The 50th annual session of the Orang Chapter of Kovui Arch Masons will also be held in Al bany, two days prior to that of the Grand Lodge sessions. 1 The annual convocation of the Grand Chapter will meet next Monday, June 5 and conclude its sessions the same day. The committee on credentials w'll meet u i o'clock that morning ai.d the Grand Chapter will open half an hour later. The forenoon session will include routine business and an address by the .presiding officer, Clyde Evans of Portland. Monday evening the de gree of high priesthood will be con ferred. Among those serving on committees are II. H. Thielsen of this city who is on the Grand High Priest 's' address, and also on the committee of foreign correspondence. On Tuesday, June 6, committees of the Grand Lodge will meet for wsrk f r p ,1-atory to the grand lodge session. The regular session will convene Wednesday, Juno 7, for three days. Frank J. Miller, grand master, will pre side and deliver the opening address, followed by William J. Kerr of Cor vallis, grand orator. The annual elec tion will be held Thursday and the lew officers installed Friday, Among those from Salem appointed by Grand Master Miller to serve on committees are Georgo G. Brown, on credentials, and George II. Burnett on grievance and appeals. The Oregon Klectric train arriving from the north at 8:5 3 will be run on to Albany Mon day and Wednesday mornings. Three Were Killed In Auto Accident Salt Lake City, Utah, May 30. Three persons wtie killed and tsvo dangerously injured today when A. l. I.'i i liiill's automubile turned over 3u in:lej south of here today while Rock hill ami his parly were en route from Salt Lake to the fjmlly grave? ard lor memorial services. The dead: A. Ii. Roekhill. Milton I.'ii khill. II; JM.ti Chirk ,( haul ftu-. Mrs. Kockhill and another woman, nlose identity has not been ascertain ed were probably fatally hurt. The accident 0"urred between Auer iciin Fork and Pleasant Grove. l.'oi!- hill wis a prondnent members of the Isalt Lake slock cxihange. ' Wonder whether the ?16 model po litical steam roller has pneumctie tires? ZA POLITICS CAUSED BORDER TROUBLES Says Americans Started Row To Get Material for Elec tion Purposes PERSfflNG FORBIDS SALE OF LIQUOR NEAR CAMPS Americans Begin Rebuilding Railroad Indicating Stay May Be Long Mexico City, Ma,y 30. Provisional President Carranza's latest message t Froident Wilson lias been geut lo Washington. Carranza continues to as sert the point blank oiinrge thU Amei icau politicians inspired recent border troubles to get material for use in the ci.kiiiig presidential campaign, it w is reliably reported today. it was rumored the. note would nu be presented for several days. " Anoth er report said tho Mexican embaas wci.ld hold the note fur the present triKing action only iu the event of a. teni led intervention. That Carrni.ja di sued to alten his communication af ter it had been dispatched arid tha. d.dnery had been postponed for tha rtaron, was tho substance of an unox- fiei.il report Sale of Liquor Forbidden N'iraiqnipa, Mex., May 30. General Pershing today ordered severe puuiih mtnl ineted out to those who attempt td to sell liquor in or near tho Ameri can camp. It is reported the Mexican authori ties offered to 'send flowers to Jie grave of Corporal MarkBbury, kille! when Caudelario Carvantes, bandit, was shot. Memorial day exercises were held a the grave of Sergeant Benjamin Mc Giie, who died 'If Wounds received in t' 6 Parrai fight. He was buried on i I ronijntory south of ar:ny headquarters lieie. Stay Will Be Lone Columbas. N. M., May 30. Arm)' men today foresaw fr the American expedition a lengthy stay in Mexico .ien Brigadier General J, J. Pershing ;ii'iilly ordered cngincors to boin woik on the abandoned Meliuion rai.-. way road bed to Publan. It will be icaired so motor trucks may be used luring tho coming rains. Many road machines have been unloaded from freight trains here recently, to bo put in the Columbus-Dublan run carrying snpilies to "the boys tn Mexico." An Absurd Rumor Co.cxico, Cub, May 30. Reports that iroois stationed here had been dis- uvised as civili.ins and rushed lo scat tei bordered border points were flail; denied today by Major .1. T. Doun, com manding the garrison here. "The garri.on at Calexico has not been increase 1," said Major Dean "The United Ht.ite would not in any case mobilise soldiers in such mnunc.'' To Cmfer With Persuing El Paso, Texas, May 30. Genera. Givari announced today that he is leaving tonight i'or Cnsits Orandes with his taff for conferences with Geneial Pending, which opens Thursday, Pablo liOptz. bandit, who is to io executed at Chihauliau City June 7, a .- cordiag to reports, has recovered from h wounds. I ndc r the Mexican law ae could not be executed while woi'ud- ed. Attendance at School Shows Small Increase The attendance in the public schools of the city is only eight more than one year ngo. Tho May 2S, 1915, report of Superintendent O. M. Klliott, gives the total attendance. at 3371, while the rei port for May of this year, totals the attendance at 3379. The attendance of pupils between the ages of 14 and 20 years is nine larger than one year ago. While the higher grades show in in creased attendnuce, there is a slight falling off in the primary grades. Ita tween the ages of six and nine years, the attendance now totals 750, com pared to 8".'i for May of one year ago. Itetween the ages of nine and twelve years, the Bttendimce this month is 7.3, compared to 78 one year ago. And between the ages of 12 and I t, the at tendance at the close of school this year is fi49, compared to 519 one year ago. The average attendance is much better than one year ago, as the month ly statement shows 1150 pupils neither absent nor late for May, 1915, coin pared to 1403 neither late nor absent this mouth. Somebody M per cent efficient in minding his p's and q' volunteers: "Preparedness parade preparations presnge popular patriotic pedestiUn- ism." l TODAY'S BALL SCORES I - WINNING STREAK ENDS ' ' Philadelphia, May 30. The long winning streak of the Now York Giants was broken today When Al Demaree, Giant cast- off, held McGraw'g men to ono run while the Phillies were tal- lying five. The game was scoreless until V the eighth when the Phillies landed on Pcrritt and put five runs across. Tho Giants at- tempted a batting rally in the ninth, but it proved abortive. AMERICAN Morning Games. R. H. E. Philadelphia 2 7 3 New York 7 5 2 Crowell, Meyers and Murnhv: Fisher and Nunamaker, R. H. E. Washington 3 14 1 Boston 4 11 o Naper, Dumont and Henry; Shore and Cady. Avers replaced Dumont: Shau replaced Aycrs; Ainsmith re placed Henry; Thomas replaced Cady; Foster replaced Shore. R. IT. E Chicago 3 8 I Uetroit 1 3 2 Williams and Schalk: Hamilton nnd Stanage. , Russell replaced Willinms: Scott replaced Russell. Afternoon games - E. IT. E. A'ashinerton 2 7 Poston 8 9 J lioehlinfc and Henry; Leonard and Cadv. Dumnnt renWn.l TtMM rt-j replaced Dumont. b. ir. i;. Philadelphia 15 0 ..ew lorn n J 3 Mvers and Mevers: Kli.iwkrtv nn.t Walters. T? TT V. rii:.ago 8 15 2 L-etroit 9 15 4 '.vofiuMK, iiuoovii uuu oi:uum; voa toil; Dausand Baker- ttery for De- u.li :n in.l.. . 1n J : villi, iu illU'Uglf. Cleveland and St. -Louis were tied in tho I2th, 4 to 4. - . Covaleskl and O'Neill; Davenport and Hartley. Klepfer replaced Covaleski; l1a.l. i rv . rnun. it-lIUCfU JJUVUIipori. NATIONAL Morning Games. R. H. E. New York 1 6 1 Philadelphia 5 7 1 Perritt and Raridon; Dcmareo and Burns. Killifer replaced Burns. R. H. E Boston S 8 0 Brooklyn 3 6 3 lyler and Gowdy; Dell and Meyers. Marquard replaced Dell. R. H. E. St. Louis 3 8 0 I hicago o 6 0 Sallee and Snvder: Mi'Cnnnoll nnl Archer. Ciiiciaiiati Pittsburg, postponed, rain. Afternoon games Ti Mr v New York in It I'ni'adelphiu .. 2 u C Anderson and liariden; Alexander and Killifer. llyrne replaced Killifer I'ooin renineed H.iridcu. n it. v. Boston 0 5 3 Brooklyn 17 2 Hughes and Gowdy; Smith and Mey er. Nehf replaced Hughes. R. H. E. Cincinnati 8 10 2 Pittsburg 9 10 2 -doseley and Wingo;' Mammnux .uui Gjbsiu. Cooper replaced Mainmaux; mm er repiiu eii .woseiy. ocnneiiler and Clarke bnttciy for Cincinnati in Oil. M, !-.... 1 u.i :...- .... .."Utile llgliailll t.7lll lll-MU'l , R. H. E. St Louis 1 7 I Chi , g0 ; 5 10 1 S'cle and Hi v ler; Vaughn and A-.ch-e.. Jasper repkiced Steele. RANCH HAND ADMITS Wenatchee, Wash., May 30. John .Stewart, aged 20, a ranch hand, broke ilown hero todny and confessed to the murder a week ago of Mrs. Erma J. Smith, an aged homesteader on Badger mountuin. "I don't know why I did it," he sibbed. ' I must have been crazy. All I gt was ten cents." fter Stewart's confession, Dcpuly Hi;riff Wiiiiaia Aloyncaux went to the spot where, the young man said he had ihrown the 22 caliber revolver with vhich Mrs Smith waB shot and found Ihe weapon. Mrs. Smith was first shot and then beaten over the head until she was iead, in tho tent in which she and iun were eaniping"on their homestea I. Stewart was picked up by Deputy Sheriff H. i,. Del amp as a suipevt in connection itli the theft of some 'lothinz it Bridgeport yesterday. Do Camp found i- caliber tartridges in bis pockets and a thorough question ng resulted in the confession. SALEM OBSERVES 111 FinmyiAiiiiER Sedgwick Post G. A. R. Opens Day With Services at Soldiers' Monument ACRES OF FLOWERS TELL OF NATION'S GRATITUDE Greatest Parade In Salem's History Feature of After noon Program With a program of events that filled the entire day thousands of Salem's citizens paid tribute to tho soldier dead of the Grand Array of tho Republic in the grentcBt Memorial day servico ever held in this city. The feature of the day was the parade which got under vuy shortly after t o'clock this aft ernoon and wound through the streets to Willson pnrk whore the prinoipnl exercises were hold. From the point of numbers taking part in today's pa rado was the greatest ever attempted in Salem, and brought universal com mendation to tho genernl committee in charge of tho affair. The timo honored "thin blue line" which grows painfully thinner with each succeeding Memorial day, con cluded this year to leave the brunt of the management of tho Memorial day exercises to a general committee. Here tofore the veterans of the great strug gle for the integrity of the Union have shouldered the responsibility of honor ing their dead comrades but this year the matter was left to the younger or ganizations by tho members of Sedg wick Post, No. 10. The result more thtin. fulfilled tho expectations of the post. Not only were the dead honor od, but a rare tribute to the few sur vivors of the nationul conflict was shown when tho non-military organiza tions as well as the military, tho fra ternal societies, the churches, tho Bchools and the patriotic public in gen eral, hastened to lend all possible aid in making tho 1916 Memorial day in Halem one that will remain as a prece dent for the succeeding years. Services at Cemetery, The hopes o'f the Grand Army of the Republic that the day might be perpetu ated long after they have answered their last roll call wcro assured of fulfillment by the interest shown by (ho children and younger men of tho 'dty, whose only recollections of the Civil war are the pictures of tho cop flic.t in their school histories. Now when nil traces of the struggle which threatened to divide the nation have been erased and when time has obliterated the marks which scarred the fair name of our republic, it is fitting that only the memory of tho principle, which triumphed through -the loyalty and bravery of tho men who worn hon ored today, should bo upheld as the standard of patriotism for future gene rations. The regular Memorial services con ducted by Sedgwick post, No. 10, at the base of the Soldiers' Monument in the cemetery this morning, opened with the reading of Genernl Logan's or der No. 7 by Comrade Good setting one day apart upon which the graves of the dead might Do decorated. Commander W. C. Faulkner then delivered the Me morial address which was followed by the placing of flowers at tho base of the monument in memory of tho dead who rest in other spots. Each member of the G. A. R. deposited his floral tributo in memory of tho deceased mem bers of his own compnny as each other surviving eomrndo is doing today. Bugle Bounded "Taps." Rev. F. T. Porter, of tho Sons of Veterans, read Lincoln's Gettysburg ad dress and the Boy Scouts laid their flowers nt the foot of the monument. The Woman's Relief Corps held their regular services after which the firiag squad from Company M, O. N. G., fired three volleys over tho grave and tho bugle sounded "Taps." licv. Porter pronounced tho benediction and tho crowd dispersed to decorate the graves in other parts of the cemetery. The Hoy Scouts and the school children spread out a truck lwad of flowers which was contributed by the Boys' Training school. Prominent among those who took part in the exercises was Comrado Mitchell, of tho Salem Sons of Veterans, who is 8(1 years old and tho oldest son of a veteran in tho United States belonging to a regular organization. Basket luncheons were held by the families of the Woman's Relief Corps nt the Moose hall, the families of tho I. allies of the G. A. It. participated in a basket luncheon at Ryan hall, am the families of tho ladies' auxiliary of the Spanish-American War Veterans held their basket luncheon in Marion Square. The parade which was formed on the etrecls near the armory in three divi sions, marched north on Commercial street to Court, east on Court to Liber ty and south on Liberty to State, then i (Continued on Page Five.) MEMORIAL .Ministers Refused to Take Part In Parade TortlBnd, Ore., May 30. Ministers of at least three denominations will liavc nothing to do with the preparedness parade in Portland next Saturday. Rep resentatives of tho parade committee put the question squarely before the ministerial associations of the Metho dist, Presbyterian and Baptist churches. The Presbyterian ministers sharply cross-examined the preparedness advo cates. They openly insinuated that the movement was backed by the munitions manufacturers who would benefit from a preparedness program. Tho Metho dists and Baptists were lukewarm and refused to prouiiso to participate in the parade. HILL FUNERAL TO BE Takes Place Tomorrow After noon, All Trains and Steam ers of Hill Lines to Stop St. Paul, Minn., May 30. Simplic ity will mark the funeral tomorrow afternoon of James J. Hill, the "Em pire Builder," who died at his home hero following an operation. Rev. Thomus J. (flibbons. vicar cen- oral of the Catholic diocese of St. Paul, is to officiate. Tho services are to be private at tho Summit Avenue mansion, starting at 2 p. m. ' Hill's associates and employes will be permitted to view the bodv before the coremonica begin. The body will be placed in a tomb at North Oaks, tho railroad builder's for mer summer home. At 2 p. m. every Hill railroad train in the country, and every Hill liner at- sea, will stop for five minutes, out of deference to the memory of James J. Hill. Commanded Mosby's Guerillas Frank Coffin Veteran of Sioux War Passes Washington fnv rtn fVl,i.,l T..I... Muoby, age S3, daring confederate lead er in tho civil war, died today at Gar field hoBpilal. He had been critically il". since Sunday. As leader of Mosby i III ,L. . 1 . . . . . KuvruiuH, i no coionoi mane a puce lor himself in hintorv diirimr thn i.nnfl'i;.. bclweeu North and South. Mosby suffered irom a complication of diseases, unrtiv inciirroil tlirmiuh exposures suffered in his picturesque i. nun utuii uiu i moil army nnu lari r, when he wus n federal urixnnur Hn received a government j onion. i am jus Indian Scout Dead Seitlle. Wash.. Mnv .'in KVnnli Sim. ncl Coffin, veteran of the Sioux Indian war and the civil war is dead here to dny of lieart disease with which ho was Mricken while addressing an audience of childrei. at the Duwamish school here during memorial day exercises jesterdny aftcrnoua. Coffin was .I ye.irs old. Will, tlm Kiblnv ivnn,lilif,n fli-uf o,..l l iter with Colonel William rooks, (!of- i in (iistingiiiHlicd himself for bravery ifl thn rti tn mi i uii ncrnitiut tlio irtnv- Al the beginning of the (nil war he ca nned in company j, wixtn Minnesota infantry, serving to the end of the struggle. Ho leaves a wife ned three sons Tornado Does Much Damage Near Memphis Memphis, Tenn., May 30. Three were reported killed and fifty th'ee injured today fhen a tornado swept HO miles of territory around Mem phis. Thousands of dollars worth of property was destroyed, M.mv Memphis homes were damaged by falling trees, and some were un roofed. Tho towboft Finley was blown friuu one side xtt tho river to the other. Sixteen loaded coal barges, crushed oy the gale, are sinking. Otner cities reported heavy damage to iiouscB, stock and crops. The winl at its greatest velocity Mew PM miles an hour. It rivaled tho city for twenty minutes. HURT IN RUNAWAY ..fortland, Or., May 30. Three per ons were seriously injured this nft-r-noon when ft horse became frightened nt tho memorial day display of flow ers at Mount Calvary cemetery and ran awiy, throwing the occupants from a buggy. T. J. Harrington received i- ternul injuries whi--ti may result si' H'Vi'y. Mrs Harrington and Margaret Smith, ag"d 0, were badly hurt. TLAO DAT PROCLAMATION Washington! May 30. Asking that special significance be given the ob servance of Flag day, June 14, Presi dent Wilson iiMiied a proclamation today. GERMANS fill FIERCE ATTACKS Following Day of Intense Shelling New Division Is Hurled at French 1 VU1IV, liU FORCED FRENCH BACK Violent Cannonading Was Kept Up All Night East of the Meuse Paris, May 30.' By a most powerful assault German troops have driven t he French across the Betbiiicourt-Cumieres. highway and into defenses south of it during the night, it. was officially ad mitted today. , The German gains, how ever, were not more than 120 yards. . Attacks between Dead Man's hill and Cinniorcs resulted in this advance. KIs where, said the communique, all Teuton charges wore defented. In Cum ic res wood, where Germans captured 300 yards of terrain yesterday, the crown prince is striking southward against Cumiores-Esnes highway at tempting to squeeze the French "from the whole region between Dead Man's hill and the River Mouso. forcing a re tirement upon Charnny ridge where the French would be forced to battle in s. decisive action with the fato of Verdun hanging in the balance. Following a whole day of intenso shelling west of Cumiores, tho crown prince hurled into the frny a new divi sion which had just arrived. On the eastern slopos of Dead Man's hill the Teutons wild charges eollapd i undor a withering f iro from French bat teries. Around Lauretta woorts tan German detachments lost heavily, but in soito of this thev came on again am? again, rushing hendlong ovor trampled ground littered with their own dead and dying, until tho incessant ponndinjf forced the French to retire behind the Cumiercs-Bethincourt road. Without rest, the Germans immedi ately emerged from the scanty shelter of tho wood and the ruins of Cumierea nnd repeatedly charged, attempting to forco the French further southward along the Clinttancnurt highway. All these nttneks were met with equally fierce resistance and finally! they ceased. East of tho River Mouse a violent cannonade shook the ground all niqht. It was especially severe west of Doo anmont. Italians Still Give Way. Viema, May 30. Italian troops are preparing today to evacuate Asiago, the largest Italian town the Austrians have threatened since their offensive began. Austrian troops have crossed Assa valley near Ronnn, five miles west of Asiago. They threaten to surround the Italians, it was )fficio(l annniiarcd. Italians near Cnnova vainly attempt ed to stem tho advance. "We possess Monte Cebio," said the statement, "Mont Sieglarella nnd Corno l)i Campo Bianco. In miner Posina val ley we drove Itnlinns from noBitiona west and southwest of Bnlen." Aaiago is 22 miles north of Viecnza, the Austrian goal. Germans Make Gains. Berlin, May 30. Fresh victories hav been won bv Fermnns on both sidee of tho River Meuse, it wns officially an nounced today. On the west hank French positions were seized in Cnra- ores and Corhcnux woods, 1,384 prison ers being taken. On the enstern sidev i German troops advanced in Thinnmont forest. !; The communique declared two Vrenib .'Oiintc.r altaiks at Cumieres were re- . ' ulped. Wear Ostein! German aviitors. bombarded and destroyed an enemy squadron. VISITS AT EUGENE W. Hyett, vice president of the Tro pin's bank at SiKcrTon. accompanied by his wife and two children, .ind Mrs. M. K. McGiiire and son, Klhert, tno ored from Silve-ton to Kugene ant! spent last Rundav nt the homo of ilr. and Mrs. Ji. Ij, Unki'r, returning home Monday. r.ngene Register. THE WEATHER Weather clerk not working to day. It's up to Jupe to bt good.