Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 29, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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Every item in While, "except a few contract goods,"
included in this Annual Sale event,
Beginning Wednesday, May 31st.
U. G. Shipley Co.
145 N. Liberty Street
Salem, Oregon
ixnna Thompson
ABIT of nofts that will be of
marked interest lo Salem V
younger set is the announcement
of the engagements of Miss Francis
Adorns daughter of Mr. L. J. Adams
of SMvertou to Charles Reynolds o
Kalem; and Miss I'alm Cowdon daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Cowden also
if Siir!-.-n to Irvin 0. brooks of
1'ortland. The engagements were made
Jtnotvn Sunday in Silvu.tun at a din
ner given i t thu home of Miss Ada.c.
The bridos-to-bo and their fi
ances are all former University of Ore
!$on students; the girls being members
.of the Kappa, Alpha Thota Sorority
and the latter prominent members of
Ihe Ileta Theta I'hi fraternity.
Both Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Brooks
formerly lived in Silverton, tho for
mer being the aon of Mr. and Mrs.
V. A. lteynolda of that city and the
latter the aon of Dr. and Mrs. Frank
Jirooks now of Portland.
Tonight the last and fourth recital
of the department of music of tho Wil
lamette University will be given in
the First Methodist Episcopal church
liy the students of Frank Wilbur
C'hae and Miss Joy Turner.
One of the delightful foatuics of
the eeremony will bo tho piano num
ber by Barry Quinn Mills, "Conccrts
liunk" in F minor, with orchestral
- parts on the organ by Dr. Chaco,
Th programme follows:
Part I
Piano, (a) Polonaise in C sharp min
or Chopin
(b) Dunce of tho Gnomes, No. 2
Miss Lucille E. Emmons
.Vocal, (a) "1 Hear You Calling
' Me" Marshall
(b) The Sword of Ftrrar....Bullard
i .
Relieved by Hood'a 8artaparilla,
Which Renovate the Blood.
That tired fecllnrf that cornel to
ou in the sprlnK, year after year, Is
a elpn that your blood lacks vitality,
jiint as pimples, tiolls and other erup
tions are signs that it la impure; and
it is also a lnn that your system Is
Jn ft low or run-down condition in--vitiiiR
diHoasa. It 1h a -warn I hi?,
-which It Is wine to heed.
AHk your druggist for Hood's Bar
aparilla. This old Rtumlurd tried
nil true blood medicine relieves
that tired feeling. It cleanses the
Mood, Rives new life, new cmirtsre,
utreiiKth and cheerfulness, "t makes.
the rich red blood that will make
you feel, look, eut and sleep linttnr.
lie sure to Ret Hood's, bocauae It
the best. There la no other com
bination of roots, barks and herbs
like it no real substitute for it no
"jiiMt-as-BOod" medicine.
"Ferrara, Ferrara made and fashion
ed mo in Cordova, Spain."
Mr. Archie H. Smith, baritone
Violin, "Then You'll Keinembor
Me" with variations Balfc
Miss Pearl Oeorgo
Piano, "Forest Numbers" Liszt
Miss Fnyo Janette Bolin
Violin, Barcarolle Atherton
Miss Edna Deuiaon
Vocal, (a) "Were My Sons" Huhn
.(b) "Songs My Mother Taught
Mai" Dvorak
Miss Louise Kuth Benson, soprnno
Piano, (a) Polonaise in A Chopin
(b) Erotik liriog
Miss Esther Cox
Vocal, (a) Sognai 8chira
(b) The j,ear b at tho Spring
- : Grieg
Miss Eugenia Belle Melnturff, soprano
Piano, (a) Kigoletto (Paraphrase)
(b) Sextetto from "Lucia Di
Lammcrmoor" Lcschotizky
(for left hand alone)
Amelia Melnturff Cossnlmnn
Vocal, "Krniuii Fly With Mo"
- Verdi
(from tho opora "Krnani")
Miss Lola Belle MeCaddam, sopTauo
Piano, "Concertstruck in F minor"
op. 19 Von Weber
Mr. Harry Quinn Mills
(Orchestral parts on tac organ by Dr
(No encores)
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Orooebck of
Portland, accompanied by Miss Mada
line lloall, motored to Hnlem Sunday.
Miss Beall is the guest of her father
li. L. Beall.
Of interest to University of Oronon
students will be tho announcement of
tho engagement of Miss l.ela Sengstako
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cord Song
stako of Portland, and Frederick Har
old Young of Kugene. Both Miss Hong
stako and Mr. Young are well known
here in college and fraternity circles,
tho bride-elect being a member of tho
KnppaAlpha Theta Sorority in Kugene,
and a graduate of the University of
Oregon. Mr. Young who is at present
in business in Seattle is the son of
Dr. ami Mrs. F. 0. Young of Eugene,
tho former being head of tho economics
and sociology department of tho Uni
versity of Oregon, and dean of the
graduate school. The wedding will
tako place in Portl.mil August 10,
frs. Hubert Berger and her daugh
ter, Miss Delia Berger, were hostesses
fur a ehurniing bridge luncheon Tues
day, honoring Mrs. John Huberts, of
Salem, and Mrs. Ivlgur Anderson, of
Portland. The rooms and sun parlor
were artistically decked with Scotch
broom and ferns. Mrs. Berger wore
lurnm to blue uul mint and white lii.e.
Mrs. Roberts a lovely gown of Georg
ette crepe with silver trimmings. Mrs.
Anderson yellow taffeta, and Miss Ber
ger an imported gown of pink chiffon.
Assisting about the rooms were Mrs.
Artrur Downs, Mrs. F. O. Miller, Mrs.
Louis Metzger, Miss Anna Lee Miller,
and Mrs. O'Brien. Tne guests were:
Mesdames John Roberts, Alva Benson,
Charles Boss, lieorge Parrisii, Allen
Deals, Nancy Deals, J. M. Morris, Theo
dore Xicolai, K. Ourney, Hnynes, J. C.
Hare, W. 11. Hare, McCallum, K. Ander
son, Charles Kunvon, C. F. Jones, .Nina
Larowe, J. E. Wright, W. Witzel, H.
Atwater, Fred Kribs, W. E. Wheat,
Dudley Clarke, C. F. Alexander, S. C.
Spencer, F. P. Waring, R. Alilrich, J. A.
Anthony, George Cellars, E. M. Baker,
0. Rudd, J. C. Mann, Frank Johnson,
Elof Bedlund, Frank Deuster, 0. J.
Frankel, K. D. Inman, Edgar Anderson,
Arnold Lindsay and Misses Vella Win
ner and Nona Lawler.
Prizes were won by Miss Lawler and
Mrs. Nicolai. Vocal selections by Mrs.
D.. Clarke and Miss Lawler delighted
the guests. Sunday Oregonian.
Mrs. W. T. Oricr went to Portland
Saturday for a few days visit.
Miss Mary Tischer, who is attend
ing the University of Oregon was the
week end guest of her parents liev.
and Mrs. Kicliard Tischer.
The matrons of the Golden Hour club
were He liuhtfiillv entertained Thurs
day at the residence of Mrs. Herman
Schellberg on Fir street. The rooms
were prettily decked with fragrant
roses and the afternoon was devoted
to needle work.
Pa elnh members include Mrs. W.
T. drier, Mrs. A. B. Toole, Mrs. J. B.
Pemhertnn. Mrs. .1. O. U rich. Mrs.
Carle Abrams, Mrs. .1. A. White, Mrs.
Mirk McCallister, Mrs. Lee Canfiold,
Mrs. Fred Ellis, Mrs. Clare VibDcrl,
Mrs. A. A. Siewert, Mrs. Mason Bish
op and the iiostcss.
As additional guests the hostess ask
ed Mrs. C. A. Arpke, Mrs. Otto Sehell-l-iiu
and Mrs. l lleise.
Tho beautiful home of ex-governor
West near Ecola, Cannon Beach, was
the center of attraction Saturday night,
n-l.. lwiit .10 tieiirtihnra nnrt friends
surprised Mrs. West's father and moth
er, Mr. and Mrs. Owen HuttoH, who
arc at present residing in the West
home. The guests, laden with baskets
and packages, filed up the broatl stone
steps leading from the beach. Music
dancing, cards und games made up the
programme or tne evening, nomu verj
unique characters were represented by
the womn, and Mrs. W. . Dukin won
the prize for her impersonation of
"Phoebe." Other pri cs were won by
B. McKay, J. Braillier and Master (lien
Steven A delicious supper was
served. Oregonian.
Mrs. Will Skiff and dnughter, Miss
Alice Skiff, left today for a several
days visit with friends and relatives in
(limnring Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cole
man Cottic of BtSiton, Mass., who arc
tho house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ger
ald Volk, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. East were
hosts Saturday evening for a pretty
dinner party.
The table was centered with an ar
ray of frngr.int roses, covers being
placed for Mr. and Mrs. Cottic, Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Volk, Frank i-ovcll ami
Mr. and Mrs. Estca' guests were all
Rnstnniaus and the evening was de
lightfully spent in chatting over old
times the principal topic of conver
sation being "Do von remember."
Mrs. Ceorgo Fox extends an invifa-t'-,n
to tho guardians of the campfire
L'irls of tho city to gather at her res
idence 2110 North IS Street Friday af
ternoon for tea and an informal chat
over the work accomplished by the
campfires during tho past months and
arrange plans for the coming season.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Louis Lachmund is iu Portland.
Mrs. 0. Steen of Independence is
in the city.
M. C. Williams of Independence is
in the city.
K. C. Rogers was in Salem Sunday,
from Da ll.is.
H. O. Clancey was a visitor at Cam
by yesterday.
Donald W. Miles was a Sunday vis
itor in Portland.
Mrs. V. A. Ballantyne is in the city
from Independence.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Hickman of Oregon
City are Salem visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jacobson are in
the city from Independence.
Jiel Friend of Philomath is in the
city attending to business affairs
Charles M. Kunyan and Ferris Ab
bott of Kugene were Salem visitors ym-
Dr. and Mrs. H. II. Scovillc and
small sons w',ill leave tomorrow for
Mndison, Wiscnnsin, to be absent all
0. T. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. D. D.
Miller and Mrs. S. 0. Mills of Wood
burn, were in the city yesterday, the
guests of Miss Cora Gilbert.
Mrs. F. II. Thompson returned yes
terday from a three week's visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Em
mef, near Hillsboro.
The following Saieni people were in
Portland yesterday: G. A. Smith, at
the Imperial; Neal Van Meer, Perkins;
Thomas A. Roberts, at the Seward; E.
M. Pake, Perkins, and Mr. and Mrs
Bryan at the Cornelius hotel.
Frank Marshall was given a pre
liminary hearing in Justice Webster's
court Saturday afternoon on a statu
tory charge. He was bound over to the
grand juiy under $200 bonds which he
made no attempt to furnish. He- was
taken back to the county jail where
ho will bo held until the grand jury
meets to pass upon his ease.
Will Be Held Thursday Even
ing, June 1, at First
Christian Church
The office of county school super
intendent W. M. Smith was sending out
the examination questions today to the
schools of the county for the coming
state eighth grade exams which will
be held Thursday and Friday of this
week. The Silverton schools will take
the state examination at this time.
The pupils of the SnJ, m schools are not
obliged to tako tie state examination
as Salem is a district of the first
class and the examinations are con
ducted by the teachers;
DKVOH To Mr. and Mrs. A. C. De
Voe, 11M4 Ciiemeketa street, Sunday
May 28, 1910, a son, to bo named
Alhmann Clarence, Jr.
T)on't forget to rood the New Today
Headquarters for Sport Stripes
There has probably never been a time when any particular pattern has been so
strongly featured as the Sport Stripes of today. Not only the Athletic Girl on the Golf
links and Tennis Court but the Motor Girl, the Matinee Girl, those on the street in
the city and in the country wear Sport Stripes. We feature Sport Stripes in all,
classes of materials at prices that help to popularize them.
In Sport Stripes of green and white,
navy and white, black and white and
other combinations.
Taffetas in Sport Stripes.
Pongees with Copenhagen, green,
rose and lavender Sport Stripes.
A wonderful assortment of these
stripes in Pongee Tub Silks.
And among all these stripes we have
the Pongee Silks with the new Sport
Polka Dot in colors of rose, Copenhagen
and emerald.
Large numbers of elegant Worsteds
in blue and white, green and white, also
black and white stripes.
Genuine Awning Stripes for Outing
Suits and Skirts. These are very popular.
Motor Suiting, Galatea Cloth and
Percales in Sport Stripes.
These stripes are also shown in the
sheer materials such as Voiles, Flaxons,
Lawns, Organdies, etc.
1 This stnrn will liA rlncprl all Anv Tiiocrlnv-Mnmnrinl Tnv
Mnrragc licenses have been issued at
tho office.of the county clerk to Ozus
C. Stevens, a rancher of Hood River,
and Henrietta Baker, of Broadacres.
Tho wedding will take place June 4.
Samuel Benson, a farmor of Me. Aiigcl,
and Alice Latchey, of Woodburn also
secured a license and Harry Seward
O'Hnra, a Salem teacher nnd Lillian
Page, also a teacher of Salem, likewise
took out a matrimonial ticket,
Louisa Johnson today filed a suit in
the circuit court asking ror an order
nf re i i-nnrt. tn reKtrfiiu mill eniiti-l Rob
ert Johnson from killin? her. She al
leges mat sue is tne owner or j.i acres
of land in Ihis county and also consid-
ernhle Itersnmtl lirnnPTtv nn,i that the
defendant is wrongfully withhololding
tho same from her possesion and keeps
tier away irom tne property Dy tnreai
ening to kill her and to do her other
bodily harm. Smith ii Shields rep
resent tho plaintiff.
A transcript of appeal from the jus
tico court at Woodburn was filed in the
circuit court of this county today by
N. J. Yoder against E. G. Hnwiuan.
The defendant sold a horse to Yodor
tor $lti"i and the plaintiff paid $1")0
down at the time of the purchase.
Later Voder claimed that the horse had
eye trouble and also spinal afflictions
and ho brought suit to return the
horse and get his $l."0 back. The de
fendant claimed that tho hor.se was
sound nt the time of the sale and that
he should hau' the $l.r due on the sale.
The jury returned a verdict in favor
of I lawman in the sum of $l. and
$.!I.O"i costs from which verdict the
pluintiff appealed to the circuit couit
An inventory and apprisement filed
in the probate coart in the matter of
the estate of Clara Hansen, deceased,
shows the estate to consist ot real prop
erty valued at .floTIl.T.I. The apprais
ers were D. V, F.yro, L. A. Westacott
and E. L. Lapphahn.
The appraisement of the estate of
Frances D. Murphy Tiled iu probate
court shows the personal property of
the deceased In be valued nt $1000 and
the personal property of the estate to
be valued at --."S0. T'.ie appraisers
were George Griffith, J. U. rontaine
and W. Ij. Jones.
Wiilnincito students Are being ev
. oe.i to tni final charge in the jam
paign this week; the faculty are tak
ing liie offensive ar.d the shelling t.ie
defenders with their heaviest weapon?,
the latest products of ingenuitave
minds, iiiuiI exams.
T' e i c, f n e neeH wid tell wheth
er the defenders will return for pnni
ipation in next year s work. As nas
been said of war bv a noted northern
Kcuoiul dining che civil war, a some
what similar comparison may be drawn
in reKurJ to t;nul exams.
Roger Lyons, a suphmiuue, left for
Hoise, Idaho, this morning. He will
work on the government survey during
the summer, returning next fall. He
Mas icceutly ttlected by the executive
The exercises for the closing of the
srhool year of the Oregon State school
for the Blind will be held Thursday
evening, June 1, at the First Christian
ehnrcb, under the direction of E. T.
Moores, superintendent. The program
is divided into two parts, the first, a
floral cantata, "The Brownies' Whis
pers," and the second scenes from
"Mid Summer Night's Dream." The
following gives a general idea of the
evening's entertainment:
First part The Krownies' Whispers,
i Floral Cantata Characters of the
The Brownies.
The Flowers.
The Raindrops.
Th Sunbeams.
The Gardner.
His Daughter.
Synopsis The gardner has received
an order to decorate a fine mansion
near by with fl&wers from his beautiful
garden but is sorely troubled nnd per
plexed because he has not been told
the nature of the festive occasion jmd
fears that he cannot do himself credit,
whilo working at so great a disad
vantage. His daughter comes to his
aid by assuring him that she will try to
solve the mystery, Bnd in the meantime
she tries to help her father by calling
before him the flowers of his garden.
This plan only adds to his perplexity,
for all of the flowers are lovely.
In the second part, the Brownies talk
over the matter among themselves and
fmd that one of their number already
knows the secret. Soon they all have
discovered the cause of the mysterious
order. The daughter's efforts in that
direction proving vain, she falls asleep
in utter weariness. Tho flowers find
her asleep and sing to her a lullaby.
The Brownies join them and sir.;; to
her softly the secret she would know.
Awaking suddenly, she finds hoisclf
alone and remembers the dream. She
tells her father that the occasion for
his mysterious order, is the birthday of
a little child. So, with pleasure lie
takes all his flowers to the mansion to
graee the festive occasion.
1. Piano duet II Trovatore Verdi
Kllen Fuston, Frieda Mauer
2. Song Hark! Hark The Lark,....
Mildred Searlcs
3. Duet (piano and organ) Andante
Cantabile Tschaikowiky
Wendell Helm, T. S. Roberts
Second Part.
Mklsummer Night's Dream, taken
from Acts I, II, III, IV. Character:
Oberon, King of the fanes.
Titania, Queen of the faries.
Tuck, or Robin (ioodfollow.
Feaseblossom, Cobweb, Moth, Mus
tarsced fairies.
Bottom, the weaver.
Flute, a bellows-mender.
Quince, a carpenter.
Snng, a joiner.
Snout, a tinker.
Starveling, a tailor.
Synopsis The play opens with a
scene between Nick Bottom, the clown,
and his friends, who are to prepare a
comedy to be acted at the wedding of
the Duke, which is to take place in a
day or two.
the scone then shifts to the fairies
in the woods. A disagreement takes
place between the fairy king and the
fairy queen for the possession of the
little changeling-boy, whose mother had
been Titanift's friend.
Oberon sends for Pnck, his chief
counsellor, to come to his aid. He has
Puck fetch him the flower which maids
call "Love in Idleness;" the juice of
which, will make one dote upon the
first live thing he sees upon awaking.
Oberon then softly steals near Tit.inia
and drops some of the Love-juice on her
eyelids. In the meantime, he has
transformed Bottom into an Ass.
Titania, rousing up, sees Bottom and
straightway falls in love with him.
Oberon, having his wish granted,
takes pity on Titauiu's dotage and by
the use of another flower restores her
to her natural senses.
committee as official yell leader of the
student uoity tr next year, ami n,s
work as assistant this year has given
nim considerable experience.
Paul 'Todd formerly a vtiiiamcue
student but now principal of sc.ieois
at Hoballa, Wash., is a campus Visitor
this week, statina he is jzlad to be back
on the campus once more.
John M. ilixon, 'Ij. and wite are
back to see the commencement exer
cises. He :s now a pastor in i,:o I'irst
M. K. church at Bellinghain, Wash.
Arlie alker was elected student
athletic manager by the executive com
mittee last Friday. This new office
recently created is one that places the
student manager in control of all ath
letic events iu connection with t.ic
athletic coach. It pays a salury of
The Websterians and Adelnntes held
their annual picnic on the Willamette
river. It was iu the nature of a leap
year party; the ladies furnished the
launches and the gentlement the eats,
a mod time was eninyed by all.
Infants a Invalids
Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form.
For infants, invalids idgrowing children.
Pur nutrition, upbuilding tk w hole body.
Invigorates nursing mother ui th aged.
Mar nutritious than tea, codec, etc.
Instantly prepared. Requires no cooking.
Substitute Cost YOU Same Pric
An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trade
Men's Goods
We are offering you the greatest values of the
season. Clean, new, up to date goods at prices that
are extremely low.
Suitable for Middies and Middy Suits, 36 inches widew
special 25c
Marquisette, 36 inches wide 25c and 50c
Embroidered Vc3e, 36 inches wide 50c
Cotton Gabardine, Flaxon, Piques, yard ... 15c to 50c
White Velvet Corduroy 98c
Kafoury Bro
Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention.
We Pay Postage on Mail Orders
Pure Distilled Water Ice.
Phone 415
Queen Quality Shoes
Our store is an exclusive Ladies' Shoe
store. We handle the famous Queen Quality
Shoe. We take pride in fitting your feet
with these famous shoes, because our aim
is to give you satisfaction.
Visit our store and see the many crea
tions in women's footwear.
New McGilchrist Bldg.
415 State 114 Liberty
Our store will be closed tomorrow.
innmnnmmi niiT njinTi otith rniTiniiLun l l nTirirm mi nmii n nirrmi